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Veep Season 4 Episode 10 Election Night


00:00East Coast polls are closing them.
00:11Ma'am, history is calling and it won't go to voicemail.
00:25Hey. You okay, ma'am?
00:30Oh, I'd love one, Gary. Thank you.
00:33Okay, I'll get you one.
00:35Well, I've asked America if she wants me to be her president.
00:41Now she's gonna give us her answer.
00:45America doesn't just love you, ma'am. She is in love with you.
00:50We've lost Kentucky.
00:53So I assume you reached out to the O'Brien camp.
01:11Taking a meeting with Charlotte or with Kim?
01:14No, I haven't contacted the O'Brien team.
01:17Amy, if he wins, our lobbying stock is gonna droop like a chimp's tits.
01:21We're not gonna be the Golden Kids anymore. We gotta stay on his radar.
01:24But we need to be in with her, too. She might win.
01:27On air, I'm gonna keep in with her.
01:30Off air, I'm telling the Nazis that she's hiding in the attic.
01:33Hey. Hey. Hi.
01:35So, we have Sally Davenport with us, of course.
01:38We've also got Mattie Curtis.
01:40Wow. Love that guy.
01:41The online statistics savant.
01:43Yeah. In the midterms, he predicted the margin in every Senate seat, so suck it, Fox.
01:51So are we doing this or what?
01:53Hey, well, thank God you're here.
01:55No one else here knows how tonight will go. Have fun.
01:58Yeah, we'll see you out there.
02:00So, close election and living memory.
02:03Hope you guys are prepared.
02:04We will do our best.
02:06Or we're gonna need better than that.
02:08I'm kidding. I'm just kidding.
02:09But you better be good.
02:12Sorry, guys. We need this area to be clear.
02:14Hey, wait. It's the testicle man.
02:16Guilty as charged. Check him. Don't neglect him.
02:19This whole scrotum situation is really working out for you, sir.
02:22That hearing was terrible, but it really got my face out there, you know?
02:25You're the face of workplace bullying and genital health.
02:30Look at this. Mike wants me up in the presidential suite to get a one-on-one thank you from the president.
02:36How do I look?
02:39Oh, no, no, no. One-on-one.
02:40Oh, yeah. Okay.
02:42Mattie, this is...
02:43Oh, man. Election nights are my cocaine.
02:45It used to be election nights and cocaine were my cocaine, but...
02:48Fox says it's close, then it must be.
02:50Then again, he said the rapture was close.
02:52Anything yet?
02:53Indiana and South Carolina. He just called for O'Brien.
02:56Yeah, Vermont and Connecticut. Yep, they're for us.
03:00Yeah, Vermont. Yeah, Connecticut.
03:03Okay, settle down. A bowl of hair could win those states.
03:08Do you have a moment for Jonah?
03:09Oh, Jonah. Oh, yeah.
03:10I want to thank you for your work on men's health and talking about that bullying that you had to endure.
03:16Thank you, ma'am. It was my honor.
03:17You know what? I need to thank Vermont.
03:19Yeah, that's it, Jonah. It's been a busy night.
03:21What was that? I got like four seconds.
03:22Well, most people get just two.
03:23Rejections for Wisconsin, ma'am.
03:26I haven't read them yet. I'm saving that for when I go to prison.
03:29Even money, they give you the chair.
03:30No one came out of the hearings unscathed, Bill. I had to ditch my fiancé.
03:34I'll be thinking about that while I'm with whichever guy makes me his prison fiancé.
03:38Oh, Gary. I asked a friend to come and be with me tonight.
03:42How nice.
03:43Yeah, Karen.
03:47Senator O'Brien has 33 electoral votes based on our projection.
03:51President Meyer has 10. Is this significant, Dan?
03:54Oh, I think it's far, far too early to tell at this point.
03:57I mean, the election really is in its infancy.
03:59Very significant.
04:00Uncertainty in battleground states is bleeding into other areas.
04:03It's the suburbs that are going to decide this contest.
04:05Well, Amy, Dan, who do you feel will win tonight?
04:08It's so close.
04:09So close.
04:10It's a tough call to make at this point.
04:12And not just for us, Greg, but for America.
04:15That was transcendent bullshitting.
04:17Well, I'll tell you one thing. If I do lose, I'm going to lose like a winner.
04:21You're not going to lose, okay?
04:22Right, right.
04:23You're going to win in a slide, you know, marginally.
04:30Oh, my God. Look who's here.
04:32Hi, it's Karen.
04:36Hi, everybody, Karen.
04:38Oh, hi, Tom, Karen.
04:40Yeah, we met at the convention, okay?
04:43Tell me how you're doing.
04:45Well, I'm trying to stay positive.
04:47We lost Oklahoma.
04:49Which we were expected to, so it's only seven votes.
04:53Ah, these damn hotel carpets.
04:55I keep getting that static electric shock.
04:57You need one of those ionic bracelets that grounds you.
05:00Good call.
05:01It's the prison toilet situation which preys on one's mind.
05:04Defecating in full view of another man is unthinkable.
05:08Forgive me, Bill, but I don't wish to ever discuss this.
05:12Yeah, Bill, put a cork in it, will you?
05:14You know, that actually may help.
05:16Hey, listen, how much did you pay your lawyers?
05:19Because I lawyered up for the hearings, and they charged me 15 grand.
05:23And they only said words.
05:26Shh, there's a call coming.
05:28It's like a Native American tracker.
05:30You can hear it in the wind.
05:32Senator O'Brien is the predicted victor in the great state of Minnesota.
05:35Oh, fuck.
05:37Ten electoral votes.
05:38I thought that was ours.
05:39I thought we had it.
05:40I wasn't entirely sure.
05:44Bill, excuse me for one second.
05:46I'm not saying we will, because we won't, but if we do lose,
05:49and you're an outgoing president, you could...
05:51I could pardon you?
05:53That wouldn't look good.
05:55You'd be the first person to say that.
05:57I'm not entirely sure I would in this circumstance.
06:01If there's any way...
06:02Hey, Bill, I got a lot on the line with my presidency right now,
06:06so I don't really have time to be thinking about your whatever the fuck it is.
06:10Probable imprisonment.
06:12Thank you, ma'am.
06:13You're welcome.
06:14What will you do if O'Brien wins?
06:16Set up an office with Selena at the Betty Ford Clinic?
06:20I've applied for a job outside.
06:22Politics bores me.
06:24God, it's boring.
06:26Amy looks off her game.
06:30I only really know Amy as the woman who rushed everywhere,
06:33clutching her phone like it contained her frozen embryos.
06:36She's a workaholic.
06:38Works frantically to avoid dealing with her weird mix
06:41of lack of self-worth and narcissism.
06:44I really like her.
06:48I don't know.
06:50I really like her.
06:53Uh, ma'am, I don't mean to be the bearer of bad news, but...
06:56Call Wisconsin.
06:58Projected as an O'Brien win.
07:00That was the bad news, which in the end I didn't bear.
07:03Well, this is certainly something not many people saw coming.
07:06For me, it's the domino that signals an O'Brien victory tonight.
07:10This is a big, big win for O'Brien,
07:14and I think the Meyer team is gonna be feeling that.
07:17The... the bigness.
07:20Amy, is the race already slipping away from your former boss?
07:24No. No.
07:28A lot of the polls have not closed yet.
07:32So, no. No, you know, it's no.
07:35I think O'Brien's gonna win this election.
07:39O'Brien can't be president.
07:41He's still contracted to be the KFC logo.
07:45You're gonna win this, ma'am.
07:46I don't know.
07:47Maybe you are.
07:48You think you would've won?
07:49What do you mean?
07:51If you'd been the candidate, you think you would've won?
07:54Because that's a speculation, you know?
07:56What do you think, Karen?
07:58About something specific, or...
08:01Should the president and I have swapped roles?
08:06For the election. This election.
08:09There's an election going on.
08:12Well, you're asking me a hypothetical question,
08:14and I need to answer it as best I can.
08:17Okay, well, you just did.
08:23Amy, I saw your instability on TV.
08:26Call me when you get this.
08:27Get someone else to dial if you're in a straitjacket.
08:31Hey, I'm sending some of our data to O'Brien.
08:33If he wins this thing, I need to kiss his ass.
08:35Mm-hmm. I'm going. I have to go.
08:38You can't do that.
08:39Yeah, no, I have to see this play out with Selena.
08:41I've spent a third of my life leading up to this night, so...
08:49I have to go.
08:50You have to go?
08:52What does that mean? This is not summer camp.
08:53Well, I just... I feel that I'm needed elsewhere.
08:56Oh. Well, then, please, go.
08:59Some of our viewers were complaining that you're shrill anyway, so...
09:03Oh, shrill? No, no, I'm never shrill.
09:05And that's... Oh, and you're acting as though I'm sounding shrill right now?
09:09Yeah, yeah, keep making that face, implying that I'm shrill.
09:12Hey, could someone check the parking lot? I think all the alarms are going off.
09:16Sorry for your loss, ma'am.
09:18I mean about Wisconsin, not a person.
09:22I forgot. I have incompatible shoes with the rug.
09:26I'm so sorry.
09:27...a lot of good news for President Meyer.
09:29Screw this whole sloppy, backseat blowjob of a night anyway.
09:34I don't give a shit.
09:35Hang on.
09:36Hang on what?
09:37The Wisconsin call has been rescinded.
09:39You mean they went back on the call?
09:41Yes, hence my saying that they had.
09:43Rescinded is actually not a word that's immediately clear.
09:46This is a 360-degree turn.
09:49It's 180.
09:50Rescinded is my new favorite word!
09:53We are back in the game, back from the dead.
09:56Zombies, bottom of the ninth.
09:58Ma'am, listen to this.
10:00Fox just called Colorado for you.
10:06Stand back. My eye is on fire!
10:09Look, look, mom. CNN has it, too.
10:11Oh, well.
10:12It appears that Maddie's domino is standing up straight again.
10:15Obviously, this is a shock and needs some unpacking.
10:19Oh, yeah, you better unpack it.
10:21Let's see if we can unpack this.
10:23Oh, I got pubic hair on my head.
10:26The models are only as good as the data that you put into them.
10:29And the data comes from the polling company,
10:32so maybe we should talk to them about what went wrong.
10:34Your website is shit.
10:37It's shit!
10:38You go back to the shower, you fucking moon-faced hobbit.
10:43You know, ma'am, can we talk privately?
10:46Oh, sure, yeah.
10:48I'd like to think that I have been some use to the campaign.
10:54You've been great.
10:55I mean, you know, everyone's like,
10:58Oh, Tom James.
10:59Oh, it's Tom James.
11:00He's so dreamy.
11:02Sign my tits, Tom James.
11:09But anyway, so, but you were saying...
11:11Madam President, I don't want to be impotent.
11:16I don't really...
11:18In your administration.
11:19Oh, right.
11:21I have had this very conversation.
11:25You want to be first in, last out of cabinet meetings?
11:29I want to be treasury secretary.
11:34As well as Veep.
11:35You want to run my economy.
11:39Bank of Tom James.
11:41I am bitterly disappointed...
11:43With respect.
11:44That you...
11:45With respect.
11:46This administration was coming apart at the seams during those hearings.
11:50I used six rolls of magic tape to stick it back together.
11:55Anything else you want to ask for?
11:58Want your face on money or something?
12:01Want that TV?
12:02Take it.
12:06Coming in of low voter turnout in Broward County.
12:09It's a low turnout in Broward County tonight.
12:17Low turnout in Broward County tonight.
12:21Sing with me.
12:23What's this job you've applied for?
12:26It's a big food corporation.
12:28United Seasonings.
12:29They supply 90% of the country's paprika.
12:31Yep, we lobby for them.
12:33So, my hands are dirty with paprika money.
12:36I'll mention how good you are to them.
12:39No need.
12:40They already know.
12:41That's right.
12:42Too close to call.
12:43Too close to call.
12:45Too close to call.
12:47It's too close, baby, yeah.
12:49Too close...
12:50It's unbelievable.
12:51It's still impossible to call.
12:53I've known sailors less likely to go either way than this.
12:57Pardon my...
12:59Hey, Illinois is still ours, isn't it?
13:02But Iowa called for O'Brien.
13:03Fuck Iowa.
13:04I'd say nuke it, but I think someone already did.
13:07Pennsylvania's too close to call.
13:09Florida's too close to call.
13:10You might gather the general trend is that it's too close to call.
13:15The congressional results are similarly tight.
13:19Kay, you don't need to shake that bag, all right?
13:22Try chewing with your mouth closed.
13:23See if that works.
13:24All right, they're saying we're going to get a clearer picture of this whole thing in about an hour.
13:28God, I'm so tense.
13:30I could crack a walnut in my ass.
13:33Mom, come with me.
13:35Just get out of here until this picture becomes clear.
13:37Maybe have some mother-daughter time.
13:45Everybody give it up for Band of the Horses.
13:50Wait, what?
13:52Oh, band.
13:53Oh, I'm sorry.
13:54I'm sorry.
13:55Give it up for Band of Horses.
13:56Band of Horses.
13:58I just want to say thank you for supporting the men's health campaign
14:04and letting me tell guys that they should feel themselves up.
14:10Easiest job I ever had.
14:14You guys remember my catchphrase, right?
14:17Remember it?
14:18Just to jog your memories, remember.
14:20Check them.
14:21Don't neglect them.
14:23Check them.
14:24Don't neglect them.
14:27You guys remember the A-team, right?
14:31I'm the A-team.
14:33Mr. T.
14:36They were supposed to be on the run, but they were in a really distinctive van.
14:44Yeah, what was up with that?
14:47Feeling kind of zen-ish, you know?
14:50I realize that there's nothing more I can do.
14:53Things are out of my control, and I just have to let the tension go.
14:59Get the fuck out of here, Kent!
15:05Sorry about you and Jason.
15:07I know that my job can be hard on you, and that was a bit of a bummer, huh?
15:13Yeah, just a little bit.
15:15But like you said, I can't be married to a lobbyist, so...
15:19Yeah, and he was like 60.
15:21He was 35.
15:23How did he take it?
15:24It's hard to tell. He's not really big on emotions.
15:30You know, Catherine, men are horrible.
15:39I mean, I have to just tell it to you like it is, honey.
15:43But all men are awful, really.
15:50And the key is to just find a man who's the least horrible.
15:57Okay, well...
15:59Oh! Look at that photo of you and me!
16:03You look like me in that picture.
16:05No. No. Uh-uh. Not at all.
16:08Yeah, a little bit.
16:09No. Uh-uh.
16:11Oh, there's Daddy.
16:19Okay, I'm back. How long was I gone?
16:21About 20 minutes.
16:22Is that it? God, I know it seems longer with Catherine.
16:26All right, so, what's my destiny here?
16:28Still unfathomable.
16:30Why can't the American people make up their minds?
16:33I mean, how hard is it to decide between two candidates?
16:37Oh, for fuck's sake, Amy.
16:39Hey, Sue. Amy. Nice to see you.
16:42I gotta get a little space between Karen's mouth and my ears.
16:46I'm gonna hit the soda machine. Anybody want anything?
16:48Just something with real sugar.
16:50You know, sweeteners. I'll shit my pants.
16:52Welcome back.
16:58Hello, ma'am.
17:00Oh, wow.
17:02TV's Amy Bruckheimer.
17:04I felt that I needed to be here, ma'am.
17:08We went through so much together getting you here.
17:10Pennsylvania results are about to come in.
17:12They're about to call this.
17:14So, how is it?
17:15Pennsylvania called for O'Brien.
17:17Oh, no way.
17:20Somebody should have gone back there.
17:22And you were right.
17:23Why did you have her resign?
17:25It's hard to understand.
17:27Pennsylvania is the real significant call tonight.
17:29Pennsylvania, you had that as a Meyer win.
17:32Is that right, Matty?
17:33Yeah, uh, yes, that's, um...
17:36Yes, we did.
17:38Can't predict everything all the time, can you?
17:40Even though that is your job.
17:42Is this the end for President Meyer, Dan?
17:44Well, I would not be surprised
17:46if the president were thinking about calling Senator O'Brien
17:49very soon to concede this election.
17:51What do experts know?
17:52You know, O'Brien, 267. Us, 207.
17:56Those are right.
17:57It looks like he's got the election.
17:59These are projections. These are not real results.
18:02They're ghosts.
18:05You're kidding me.
18:07You can't concede.
18:09I know you want to, but you really, really shouldn't.
18:18I'm gonna concede.
18:21I, uh...
18:23I don't see any point in dragging this on.
18:26And I'd like to have a little bit of dignity in defeat.
18:31So, um...
18:34I'm gonna call O'Brien.
18:37This fucking job sucks anyway.
18:41Please don't electrocute me.
19:00The next voice you hear will be the president.
19:06A fascinating night, ma'am.
19:08Were you calling me for a particular reason, Madam President?
19:12I wanted to just start by thanking you for...
19:16conducting a very dignified...
19:20Mike, uh, Selina's conceding, so forget about the soda
19:24and just grab a crate of whiskey.
19:36I know.
19:37Time to turn that news back into a necktie, buddy.
19:39I got something you're gonna want to hear.
19:41There's nothing useful you can tell me.
19:43Pennsylvania was the wrong call.
19:45We think it's gonna go Selina.
19:46Look, I have no idea how it...
19:48No, no, don't stop the concession!
19:51So, Bill, I feel now is the time to call you and...
19:55Don't, don't, no, no, no, no.
19:57Um, also, another thing I'd like to just mention...
20:02Uh, how's it going?
20:04How's it going?
20:05You and I are the only ones sort of going through the same thing
20:08and I just...
20:11Ma'am, uh, forgive me for being direct,
20:13but you're not conceding?
20:15Um, no.
20:17I don't know why you would, um, even imagine
20:19that I would be doing that, Bill.
20:21...of Pennsylvania go to Selina Meyer.
20:24Oh, yeah.
20:25Yeah, I don't know if you've seen this, Bill,
20:27but they seem to have called Pennsylvania for me.
20:30Yes, I heard that.
20:32I wonder if there's anything that you would like to say to me right now.
20:37I'm taking the White House.
20:39Please leave the hot tub on.
20:41I don't think so, my friends.
20:50Sir, the crowd is getting restless.
20:52The band is not playing.
20:54I've given them my best material and we don't know what to do.
20:56We need to give them a hit of political meth.
20:58I think we should send out Tom James.
21:00Ma'am, would you consider allowing Tom to go out on the rally stage?
21:04Uh, well, let's see.
21:06First of all...
21:08And then the other thing I really wanted to say was, uh, no.
21:13I'm hearing a no.
21:15Uh, Joan, I'm sorry. The answer is...
21:17Oh, hello.
21:20Holy mother of moly.
21:23Ma'am, Fox is calling Washington State for us.
21:27Oh, no!
21:29They called Ohio.
21:30Oh, my God, that's amazing!
21:33No, for O'Brien. I should have said...
21:35Casey's saying it's still too close to call.
21:39No, they're calling it now, O'Brien.
21:42Fox again and Politico. New Hampshire to O'Brien and Ohio.
21:46Yes! We took Florida!
21:49That is extraordinary!
21:52What is my number now, Kent?
21:53Okay, one second.
21:54You're two, uh, you're...
21:56Yeah, you're 256.
21:57Kent, where does that leave us?
21:58Okay, it all comes down to Virginia.
22:00If O'Brien gets Virginia, he wins.
22:03However, if we get Virginia...
22:06We win!
22:07No, actually, Gary, if we get it, we tie.
22:11I don't follow these things that closely, but that's right, isn't it, Mr. Davison?
22:16Tie? Like it's a tie?
22:18You mean we tie?
22:19You do.
22:20Now, the real shock, Greg, is where this leaves us.
22:22Neck and neck, if the president takes Virginia.
22:25Matty, you'll forgive me if I sideline you here.
22:29You know the president well.
22:30What is going on in that Meyer Hotel suite right this second?
22:34The president has a lot of top minds working on her campaign.
22:37They're gonna be all over this.
22:38What happens when there's a tie?
22:41Everybody goes online to try to find out what happens if we get a tie.
22:45Way ahead of you.
22:46Shit, I'm just getting how to tie a tie.
22:48Is there a book, like an old-fashioned, like a paper book?
22:52Jesus Christ, you know?
22:54You do your best, you try to serve the people, and then they just fuck you over.
22:59And you know why?
23:00Because they're ignorant, and they're dumb as shit,
23:04and that, ladies and gentlemen, is democracy.
23:07God damn it.
23:08It's the 12th Amendment.
23:09I have 20th Amendment.
23:10Why are there so many amendments?
23:12Get it right the first time, people.
23:14It's actually both.
23:1512th is superseded by the 20th.
23:17They give the House until January 20th to elect the president.
23:22Each state gets one vote.
23:24First candidate to 26 is the new president, and the Senate chooses the VP.
23:28It's a close election with a ton of House races too close to call.
23:32What happens if it's a tie in the House?
23:35Is it a dance-off?
23:36Well, vice president elects becomes president.
23:38Whoever the Senate has picked for VP will be president.
23:41Wait, that means...
23:42That Tom...
23:44Could be the president.
23:49I had literally no idea.
23:54It's good to be prepared.
24:00Wait, so you mean that I might lose this election to my fucking vice president?
24:07At least be somebody from our team, ma'am.
24:10That's good, right?
24:14I didn't mean to make her cry.
24:22There, there.
24:24Oh, it's gonna be okay.
24:32Don't touch her.
24:39Sir, I'm sorry to contact you directly, but the crowd is drooling for you.
24:43Yep, floor is wet out here.
24:45Okay, great, thank you.
24:49I'm gonna go rally the rally.
24:51With all due respect, you need to get your shit together now, lady.
24:57Ma'am up.
24:58You're still the leader of the free world.
25:05Where's Tom?
25:06Oh, he's gone to talk to the crowd at the rally.
25:11The fuck he has.
25:12Why would you let him do that?
25:14Well, you don't work here.
25:16Well, neither do you.
25:17All right, fuck all of you.
25:18I'm going to the rally.
25:19Well, ma'am, ma'am, that would be unprecedented.
25:22No, I'll tell you what's unprecedented, Kent.
25:24A tie is unprecedented.
25:27So is becoming the first lady president.
25:30So is that jack-off becoming president through the back door.
25:35Okay, the rule book's been torn up now, and America is wiping its nasty ass with it.
25:43Get the fuck out of my way.
25:45Ma'am, ma'am.
25:47Let's go.
25:51Tom Tate! Tom Tate! Tom Tate!
26:03Okay, I admit, this isn't boring.
26:06Why make the total of electoral votes an even number?
26:10Listen, I know this is a long night.
26:13You're tired, you're cold, your legs ache, and you need the bathroom.
26:18Boy, do you need the bathroom.
26:21That fucking guy.
26:24With his fucking charm and his fucking son
26:27and his fucking wheelchair with his spine all fucked up.
26:31My grandmother survived the Dust Bowl.
26:35And before she died, at the age of 89,
26:38she told me a secret that she kept for almost 50 years.
26:44The story concerned her role...
26:46Ladies and gentlemen, Tom James!
26:49How about it?
26:59Do I know how to pick him?
27:03Well, thank you so much for being here.
27:06I know it's been a wait.
27:08And we really do appreciate your presence.
27:12What a night.
27:15It's the night of nights.
27:21You know what I want to do?
27:23I want to introduce you to the first daughter of the United States.
27:29My daughter, Catherine Selena Meyer.
27:37Always a delight.
27:39She is such a beautiful girl. I'm so proud of her.
27:43Well, we have another minute or so before we're prepared to call Virginia.
27:46Just checking a couple of precincts.
27:48We've made some premature calls this evening,
27:51so we're anxious to be absolutely certain this time.
27:55Why don't we meet some of the people who lift me up?
28:01I'd like you to meet them.
28:03Guys, come on out.
28:04How about these great faces?
28:06Incredible scenes. Never happened before.
28:09Very emotional moment.
28:10Dan, do you wish you were there?
28:12I'm sure it's a very exciting place to be at.
28:14There's never been an election like this.
28:17You must want to be there.
28:20Folks, you don't know her, but this is Karen Collins,
28:23and she has been a friend of mine for a while.
28:28And Amy Bruckheimer's here.
28:31Amy Bruckheimer, who so successfully ran my campaign until she became unwell.
28:38I'll tell you somebody else that is not here tonight,
28:43who was with the campaign for quite a while.
28:46Sounds like it could be you, Dan.
28:47Well, I would be incredibly touched.
28:49And that is, of course, Leslie Kerr.
28:51I'm sure Leslie is thanking you, too.
28:55And I'm hearing we can now project a Virginia result.
28:58Dan, what is that projection?
29:00Thank you, Greg.
29:01CNN is prepared to make the following projection,
29:04that Virginia, with its 13 electoral votes,
29:08is a win for President Meyer.
29:12This election is a tie.
29:19We did it!
29:22We have one more hurdle to overcome,
29:27and we shall overcome.
29:30One more river to cross,
29:33one more mountain to climb,
29:37but I have been to the mountaintop.
29:53I don't know what to do.
29:54We don't do anything.
29:56You do what you have to do.
29:57I'm getting drunk.
29:59Hey, Dan, when you get this,
30:01can you put in a good word for me with Greg?
30:04I think that I need to keep my TV work going.
30:07Okay, you're going to win.
30:09And if you don't, I'll kill myself.
30:11Kent, what happens next? You've got to know.
30:13No, I'm afraid not.
30:14Some of these house races, they're still too close to call.
30:17What does that mean?
30:18Presently, we cannot predict the result of the vote in Congress on January 20th.
30:22We're in a kind of purgatory.
30:24Welcome to my world.
30:25Can you stop thinking about yourself for one second?
30:28No, because I'm going to prison.
30:31Have I mentioned that?
30:32So what are we going to do here?
30:33Should we drop the balloons?
30:34No, no balloons.
30:36Maybe just drop half of them.
30:38Why do we even have balloons?
30:39Ma'am, I seriously overstepped the mark.
30:43I'm not going out on stage. That was a fuck-up.
30:46Yeah, I'll say.
30:48You might want to watch that if you become president.
30:51That does happen.
30:54Want to be my VIP?
30:59I need to help him with the balloons.
31:03Copy that.