Veep Season 1 Episode 7 Full Disclosure

  • 2 days ago
Veep Season 1 Episode 7 Full Disclosure


00:00So, Vice President Meyer is under pressure today, Rod.
00:04That's right, Vic. She fired one of her secret servicemen because he smiled.
00:08He wasn't fired. He was reassigned.
00:10This doesn't look good for the VP's Chief of Staff, Amy Bruckheimer.
00:13Amy? You listening to Croc-FM right now?
00:17Yeah, that's exactly what I'm doing.
00:19Ah, well, don't sweat it. I can still bust some moves in this town.
00:22Bust some moves? Really, Mike?
00:25I have a black belt in Mike Rondeau.
00:28All right.
00:29Okay, okay, hey, hey, easy, dough boy. Hands off the suit.
00:33Uh-oh, blame me, Bruckheimer.
00:36Don't stop laughing there, Vic. That's treason.
00:40Dan, you must have a huge schadenwohner over this Amy flack.
00:45Oh, I take no pleasure. My colleague's very public, brutal.
00:48I'm trying to watch TV. Would you please move?
00:51And probably career-ending humiliation, Jonah.
00:54Gosh, she is gonna go apeshit menstrual over this.
00:57Hey, I'm on the phone with AT&T. Can you stop shouting menstrual?
01:00Yeah, you know, she'll probably go a little menstrual.
01:03Yeah, she probably will.
01:05Although, when you think about it, it's actually kind of worse for you.
01:08Is that right?
01:09Well, the VP's office is a cataclysm on spin cycle,
01:13and then you got that pregnancy rumor flying around like the contents of a broken fucking condom.
01:17It's gonna be last in, first out, and you're a dead Dan. What the fuck?
01:22This is going with dirty dishes, man.
01:24Oh, for fuck's sake.
01:27If this is broken, I'm adding it to your fucking rent.
01:30Please call in on this one. Should Amy Brookheimer go?
01:47But the bottom line is, you keep the streets safe, I'll keep your budget safe.
01:52Well, I was gonna say that brings a smile to my face,
01:55but that would be safe, wouldn't it, ma'am?
01:57That's very funny, Bill. You're fired.
02:00I'm kidding. I'm kidding, I'm kidding.
02:03Hey, ma'am, it's a leave of absence.
02:05Okay, yes, I'm afraid I have to go, gentlemen. Thank you so much.
02:10Let's be cheerful out there.
02:13Mike, this is not a story. Collins made a bunch of faces.
02:17He was reassigned. That shouldn't be news.
02:20How in the hell did this happen?
02:22It's a secret service for Christ's sake.
02:24Secret as in shut the fuck up.
02:26And service as in you work for me, okay?
02:29So why don't you shut the fuck up?
02:31We have an enemy, and I want a name,
02:33and a severed head that answers to that name,
02:35or would if it could still talk.
02:37All right, I'm gonna be in my office.
02:42Oh, Gary.
02:44Did the Veep just bitch slap you with a door?
02:47She didn't mean that. She's got a lot on her mind today.
02:50Oh, yeah, you mean like firing Amy?
02:52Or someone who's undermining the president by back-channeling Macaulay.
02:57Okay, I need to tell you guys something.
02:59Oh, what, has she had a hand sanitizer again?
03:01I can't say this. I can't say this.
03:03Gary, Gary, why are you talking in cliffhangers?
03:05Selina's had a miscarriage.
03:11Well, this is good for us, right?
03:13Nicely done, dandroid.
03:14How is she?
03:15Free from a major fucking political headache, I'd say.
03:18Steve's face cold, Dan.
03:20Explains why you pissed liquid nitrogen.
03:22Well, okay, Dan. Well, I'll call you back then.
03:24So that's...
03:26What? What's going on?
03:28Uh, I was telling the guys about my riding mower I got.
03:34Wow, Gary.
03:36That was quick.
03:38Look at that.
03:40Okay, everybody.
03:42Please come into my office.
03:43The White House is in the house.
03:45Everybody say way-o.
03:47The skyscraper of shit has arrived.
03:49Madam Vice President,
03:51top story today is that viral sensation
03:53that's sweeping the nation.
03:55What are you talking about?
03:56Uh, may I?
03:57No, you may not.
04:02It's tagged Selina Sellouta.
04:06Selina Meyer, has this bleep lost control?
04:10Our, our, our...
04:11She says she's an environmentalist,
04:13but she vetoes environmental protection.
04:15She sets up a clean jobs task force
04:18that includes not one, but two oil men.
04:21I'm gonna tell you the truth.
04:22What is the mental state of a beep
04:24that fires a man for smiling?
04:29I love this part.
04:30Could you...
04:31I am Selina Meyer,
04:33and I don't have any idea
04:35what's going on in my office.
04:39All right, all right, pack up your limbs
04:40and get the fuck out, Jonah.
04:42Go, go.
04:43Don't shoot the messenger.
04:44Is punching allowed?
04:45Oh, you wouldn't stand a chance.
04:46I have a much longer reach than...
04:49Hey, did everybody get a chance to see this?
04:52I mean, how are we gonna
04:53shut this negativity down, Andy?
04:55What are we gonna do?
04:56Yeah, well, it's inaccurate.
04:57Technically, the Secret Service guy was reassigned.
05:01Yeah, and technically,
05:02we didn't put two oil guys
05:04on a clean jobs task force.
05:05Oh, yeah, I see.
05:06And technically, this is
05:08a fully functioning office, too.
05:10Well, that Secret Service clown
05:11has obviously leaked this.
05:13That's right, Mike, good.
05:14You know what?
05:15You're gonna have to go talk to him, okay?
05:16You are the closest to normal
05:17we got going in this office right now.
05:19Thanks, I think.
05:21Okay, there's a White House request
05:22to publish all the Secret Service
05:23office personnel records.
05:25Are you kidding me?
05:26They want our records now?
05:28What are we gonna do?
05:31Well, we have to release those,
05:32and that has got me thinking,
05:33why not release all of our fucking records?
05:36Full disclosure.
05:38Are you serious?
05:39Yeah, publish everything.
05:41All of our e-mails
05:42and all of our phone records.
05:43Right, right,
05:44because they won't have time
05:45to read everything.
05:46I mean, you can't read everything.
05:47I don't read half the stuff I'm supposed to.
05:48So by showing that we have nothing to hide,
05:51then we can actually hide some stuff.
05:54Dan, what are you thinking about this?
05:55I just think that this could blow up
05:57in all of our faces.
05:58Just because this isn't your baby,
06:00you don't care?
06:01God, I'm so sorry.
06:03Oh, it's fine, it's fine.
06:04I mean, it was like a heavy period.
06:06Don't worry about it.
06:07All right, you know what, guys?
06:08We're doing this.
06:09I've made the decision
06:10that we are going to release
06:12all of our correspondence.
06:14Full disclosure
06:15is now the name of the game.
06:17Mike will fill you in
06:18on the rest of it, right?
06:21Yes, ma'am.
06:26All right, obviously,
06:27it is not going to be full disclosure, okay?
06:30It's going to be partial disclosure, light.
06:34We don't want to have
06:35a paper trail on clean jobs.
06:38There can be no...
06:39Are you writing that down?
06:41Why would you be writing that down?
06:44Nothing about Sidney Purcell
06:46having access to clean jobs, all right?
06:49We have to check Sue's calendar,
06:50make sure there are no meetings there
06:52that I didn't have.
06:55Uh, the accidentally racist brochure
06:57that we had to shred?
06:58Oh, we're going to redact that, for sure.
07:00But the thing is, is that
07:01I still think there needs to be
07:03something embarrassing in there.
07:04You know what I mean?
07:06So it doesn't look as if we just
07:07airbrushed the nipples
07:08out of this fucking thing.
07:09No, that's really good.
07:10That's really good, and it makes...
07:11Yeah, um...
07:12Massages at the residence.
07:14The press will obsess about those.
07:16That's good.
07:17Massages? What massages?
07:18No, your back facials.
07:21Back facials? What?
07:22Yeah, I get back acne.
07:24Back knees.
07:25Yeah, okay, okay,
07:26I think we can live with that.
07:27Uh, shall we release the logs
07:28from the residence?
07:29Uh, yeah, sure.
07:31We can do that.
07:34Got a plan.
07:35Oh, uh, Dan?
07:37Can I talk to you
07:38just for a quick sec?
07:39Uh, you want me to stay?
07:41Did I ask you to stay?
07:48Um, Dan?
07:50Listen, do I have anything
07:51that I need to be worried about?
07:54Just a random example might be...
07:57Anything about the
07:58Macaulay Amendment you need?
08:00No, nothing.
08:02If anyone thought this office
08:06had anything to do
08:07with that amendment,
08:09which went against
08:10the president's wishes and policy,
08:13that would be completely wrong,
08:15and, uh, it would be
08:16curtains for everyone.
08:19Yes, ma'am.
08:21I mean, I don't know
08:22what you did or didn't do,
08:24but I do know that I can't know
08:27what you know or you don't know.
08:29You know?
08:31I know.
08:32Okay, good.
08:36Oh, fuck.
08:40Uh, you okay, ma'am?
08:42Yeah, I'm...
08:43Listen, um, I'm sorry
08:45I snapped at you there.
08:48I thought you were about to fire me.
08:53So, I'm sorry to hear
08:56that you lost...
08:58that you're no longer pregnant.
09:00Oh, yeah, thanks.
09:03Um, here's the deal, though.
09:05On top of everything else,
09:07I think that Ted
09:09is getting ready to dump me.
09:13What is that...
09:16nodding thing supposed to mean?
09:18No, no, my, uh,
09:20processing information,
09:22the nod of my head,
09:23is like I'm buffering.
09:25Oh, well, uh,
09:27once you're done buffering,
09:29uh, what is it that you're...
09:31you're thinking?
09:33I don't know, maybe the thrill is gone?
09:36What do you mean?
09:38Like the thrill of the whole power thing wore off,
09:41and now he, uh,
09:43just doesn't like what's on...
09:45Doesn't like what?
09:46Maybe he just doesn't...
09:47doesn't really...
09:50I think you better get out of my office.
09:56I didn't mean that...
09:57It's okay, okay.
09:58It's... I'm fine.
10:08Let me see this.
10:10Look, I can still read the names, okay?
10:12You gotta put black marker over all the words.
10:15Abby, you may have to pull an all-nighter
10:17with the IDGN number redacting
10:19if you're behind on the IDGN number redacting.
10:22Okay, folks, 12 hours. Let's make it happen.
10:24We can do this.
10:34I'll get it.
10:36Thank you all for coming on such short notice.
10:40I know, who'd have thought transparent government
10:42would take up so much of your field of vision?
10:46How about it?
10:47Get it while it's hot.
10:48Told her you got that.
10:50You good?
10:53A cup of joe for the guys.
10:55Man, I need it.
10:56I could pass out right now.
11:00You said this was a homeland security issue.
11:03It's exactly that.
11:04It's a very, uh, homeland security angle issue.
11:07It's imperative to me, uh, being here.
11:09You ever been in the line of fire, Mike?
11:11Yes, sir.
11:12Went to Iraq with the VIP.
11:14Presented a Thanksgiving turkey.
11:16I was there.
11:17No fire, as I recall.
11:19I was there.
11:20No fire, as I recall.
11:22No, but the line was there.
11:26Uh, so how's, uh, how's the placement
11:29over at Arlington Cemetery going?
11:31I hear it's pretty nice there.
11:33It's nothing to smile about.
11:35I'm also looking after my uncle.
11:36He has dementia.
11:37Has he ever seen anything funny?
11:39What do you want, Mr. McLintock?
11:41Just want to make sure you're doing okay, Martin.
11:44You think I'm the whistleblower?
11:46Whistleblowing makes it sound patriotic.
11:48I was fucking transferred for nothing.
11:50No, you were transferred for being jocular and over-familiar.
11:54Security guys are supposed to be like wallpaper.
11:57They're not supposed to be grinning like some ape.
12:13The Times is saying we're trying to hide stuff
12:15by causing a deluge.
12:17They're calling it an Inami.
12:19Is anybody picking up on the back facials?
12:22The press was supposed to pick up on those damn back facials.
12:26Hey, give me a J!
12:29Hi, everybody.
12:34So no apologies.
12:36For what?
12:37Oh, for what? Oh.
12:39Washington Post, page 17.
12:42You've disclosed an e-mail
12:44containing birthday gift suggestions
12:46for an unnamed White House aide.
12:49Suggestion number one,
12:51a cake in the shape of a dick.
12:56Suggestion number two,
12:58a smart new hat
13:00in the shape of a dick.
13:02Oh, that made it in there.
13:04Everybody knows this is me, guys.
13:06Oh, everybody? Really?
13:08Yes, everybody.
13:09There are 3,000 people on the White House payroll, Jonah.
13:12Who's the VP liaison, Amy?
13:15I'm going into coffee shops,
13:17I'm going into meetings,
13:18and people are looking at me and whispering,
13:21and they are whispering dick cake.
13:24West Wing, Jonah.
13:26No, who's DC?
13:29Uh, dick cake.
13:31Oh, for fuck's sake. Is this Ryan?
13:34Oh, no, no, no.
13:37Every time Ted stayed overnight at the residence
13:39has been fully disclosed.
13:41Oh, Ted's gonna love that.
13:43Some of the bloggers are linking Ted's overnighters
13:45to the pregnancy rumors.
13:49Oh, come on.
13:51Mike, can't you make me not have been pregnant?
13:55See, this is what happens when you tell the truth.
13:58Nothing good comes of it.
14:00Okay, I'm gonna get you a cup of rosehip tea.
14:02All right.
14:03Keith at Reuters says secret service story.
14:06It's out there.
14:07Right now?
14:09The chief's office has compounded the problem
14:11by insulting the man and calling him an ape.
14:14Who's responsible for this deranged campaign?
14:17Mike McClintock, the press officer,
14:19chief of staff Amy Brookheimer,
14:20or Selina Meyer herself?
14:22Of course, she bears ultimate responsibility.
14:31POTUS will not like this.
14:33This is going to cause a total POTAL meltdown.
14:36All right, get him out of here, Dan.
14:38Yeah, why don't you run along
14:39and see if you can suck your own cake, all right?
14:41Oh, that's clever, Dan.
14:44Did you say those things, Mike?
14:47Ace play, Shakespeare. Really.
14:49When in doubt, call a vetting ape.
14:51Remind me, who did you blackmail to get this job?
14:53All right, you know what?
14:55Let's get in my office right now.
14:57Your tea's almost ready.
15:01Yet again, we find ourselves
15:05in an office that is completely
15:11So what are we gonna do?
15:16We are gonna fire someone.
15:19That's right. Does anybody have a better idea?
15:23All right, so...
15:27Who is it gonna be, hmm?
15:33Oh, Sue.
15:35That's funny, you guys.
15:37But seriously, Sue's not important enough.
15:40Who is?
15:46Oh, I know.
15:49You three are important enough.
15:51Ma'am, I just want to say,
15:52I promise to do everything I can
15:54to fix Amy's botched full-disclosure policy
15:56and Mike's security blunder.
15:58Hey, suck-up isn't gonna fix a fuck-up, Dan.
16:02All right? You're not exempt.
16:05Gary, I need some sort of a discreet place
16:09where I can have a rendezvous with Ted, please.
16:12Where nobody goes.
16:14Yes, ma'am.
16:15Thank you. All right.
16:17You may leave my office now.
16:26Of course shut.
16:29Oh, Lord.
16:33Did you put a dash of...
16:34Honey in the rosehip? Yes, ma'am.
16:36I put a little Fig Newton there for you as well.
16:39Oh, outstanding, Gary.
16:54You know what?
16:56Okay, I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
16:58I understand.
17:00Presses up my ass.
17:01Oh, well, so, okay, great.
17:02Then you know exactly what my world is like.
17:04No bullshit.
17:05No, I don't have a Mike and Amy.
17:07Fucking Dan.
17:08Oh, do you want them?
17:10Yeah, you can have them.
17:11I'll give you a fucking deal on all three of them, too,
17:13if you want.
17:14That's a nice way to treat people.
17:15Well, that's how I feel.
17:17Here we go.
17:18You don't have to be snarky about that.
17:21Oh, fucking look.
17:23You need to calm down, okay?
17:24You need to respect Gary's stuff here.
17:28Sorry, Gary.
17:29That's okay.
17:30Look, this is my fucking private life.
17:32No, I know.
17:33I thought I was fucking you in private.
17:35Oh, come on.
17:37I'd love to fuck you in private.
17:39Hey, you know what?
17:40Thanks for returning my call.
17:42The message was,
17:43please don't fucking call me again, right?
17:45So why don't you just take your beak
17:46and shove it up some corpse's ass, okay,
17:48you vulture motherfucker?
17:50Was that a journalist?
17:53Oh, God.
17:55What are you doing, Ted?
17:56You can't tell him to fuck his mother.
17:59Her mother, actually.
18:00What the hell?
18:02Come on.
18:03Use your head.
18:04You're just making it worse.
18:06Get yourself together.
18:09Selena, I need some air.
18:11We need to talk.
18:22Uh, Gary?
18:26Yes, ma'am?
18:29I'm gonna go.
18:30Okay, okay.
18:32I want you to stay here.
18:35I need you to end it with Ted.
18:38Okay, but?
18:39Yeah, I want you to let him go.
18:41But you need to do it very sensitively
18:44and just make sure there aren't any repercussions
18:47or anything like that, okay?
18:51With all due respect, ma'am,
18:53wouldn't it be better if it came from you?
18:57No, because I can't run the risk
19:00of talking to him again
19:02because I think that he's about to dump me.
19:06So, um, I'm not gonna be the dumpy.
19:10I'm gonna be the dumper, okay?
19:16He's gonna be the dumpy,
19:18so you gotta go do that.
19:26Oh, um, um, your house is so nice.
19:30Oh, thank you.
19:31Thank you so much.
19:32It's really sweet for you to say that.
19:47She can go off, can't she?
19:51Yeah, sorry.
19:52That's okay.
19:53That's okay.
19:56So maybe it's a good thing.
20:01What's a good thing?
20:04That she doesn't want to see you anymore.
20:18Oh, ma'am, you've been off radar for over an hour.
20:23Did I miss anything?
20:24Did the president ride through on a lion or something?
20:27No, but you need to do a drop-in
20:29on the gaming association in 303.
20:31All right.
20:32I don't want to end up with a horse's head in my bed.
20:35Although, there's room for one now.
20:41I just want to know.
20:43I hope you find out first.
20:45I really do.
20:46Hey, you know what?
20:47I get fired.
20:48It's a big fucking deal.
20:49For you, it's early retirement.
20:50Well, that was fun.
20:52I just had a senior attorney completely trash my yard.
20:55You okay?
20:56Yeah, let me get you some coffee.
20:57What happened, buddy?
20:58You want to talk about it?
20:59He completely tore it up.
21:00I was afraid he was going to cut my...
21:02What are you saying?
21:03Did you just call me buddy?
21:05You don't listen to me.
21:06You never listen to me.
21:07What's going on?
21:09You want something from me.
21:10You want me to tell you who's getting fired.
21:12Come on.
21:13We just want to know what she's thinking.
21:14I didn't tell you anything.
21:15All right, all right.
21:16You know what?
21:17Forget about the specifics, all right?
21:18Let's pretend there's a female farmer,
21:21and she's got a horse, a sheep, and a pig.
21:25Who does she get rid of?
21:28The pig.
21:31Who is that?
21:32Oh, come on.
21:33Work it out.
21:35Why should I help you guys?
21:36Gary Veep needs her lunch.
21:38I'm on it.
21:41I'd rather be a pig than an ass monkey up on his high horse.
21:45There, that's three animals for you.
21:54Did you just sidle?
21:57I don't think I've ever seen you sidle.
21:59All right, look.
22:01Selena wants to fire somebody, obviously.
22:04I don't want it to be me.
22:05But honestly, I don't want it to be you.
22:07Oh, go on.
22:08I look forward to you selling this one to me.
22:10We should form a suicide pact.
22:12All right?
22:13If she tries to fire me, you walk, and vice versa.
22:16All right?
22:17She's not going to fire both of us.
22:18That would look like a crisis.
22:20Therefore, she can fire neither of us.
22:24One condition.
22:25I watch you die first, and I get to stab you repeatedly
22:28to make sure.
22:32Clintoc wants in on the suicide pact.
22:38I did one of these back in the 90s when I worked for Congressman Hartigan.
22:42Why would we let you in on our suicide pact?
22:45Because three is better than two.
22:47Not with testicles.
22:55I, uh, came across a little e-mail from you to Macaulay's chief of staff.
23:03I don't know what you're talking about.
23:04You don't know about an e-mail that basically confirms you had talks with Senator Macaulay?
23:10What exactly did this e-mail say?
23:12Oh, just something like, the senator says, thanks, buddy.
23:17Well, that's hardly incriminating.
23:20There's probably more where that came from.
23:22I'm getting really good at dacting.
23:25Do you mean un-redacting?
23:27Taking the black off.
23:29Yeah, yeah.
23:31Hey, so goofball here can get in on the suicide pact.
23:34Well, great.
23:35More the merrier.
23:36Team suicide.
23:39So what happened with your Hartigan suicide pact?
23:42Oh, we got fired.
23:45Okay, kittens.
23:47Time to get drowned.
23:48Let's go.
23:53Gary, where were you and Selena at lunchtime today?
23:56We were at my place.
23:57Well, that's not protocol.
23:59Don't be jealous that we've taken that step, Sue.
24:01I'm closer to her than you are.
24:05Gary, this is not a competition.
24:07Too late.
24:08What's her shoe size?
24:10Seven and a half.
24:12Who are the two cousins she never wants to see?
24:14Beverly and Michael.
24:16Oh, you got lucky there.
24:18Here's the deal, Sue.
24:19You can't win, all right?
24:21Basically, I'm infallible.
24:24Like when you bought pregnancy tests for the veep wearing your staff ID.
24:30Infallible like that, Gary?
24:34Gary, look, a staffer at the post told me the guy at the drugstore saw the badge and sold the story.
24:42Sorry, Gary.
24:45Which is why if one of us goes, we all go.
24:54Okay, then you're all...
24:55Which is why that was just a hypothetical.
24:58That's the exact word that I'd use for this, Mike.
25:03Dan, are you telling me that if I fired either one of these bozos, you would have resigned?
25:09No, ma'am, I just never really committed to this as an idea.
25:12Right, yeah.
25:13Yeah, this was a big mistake.
25:15Kind of a joke, really.
25:16Thanks, guys.
25:18Mike, you can't even announce a suicide pact correctly.
25:23Dan folded pretty quick.
25:27Yeah, come in.
25:30Oh, Gary, I need Advil.
25:32I've got a headache the size of Nebraska.
25:36I'm afraid I can't do that, ma'am.
25:38What is this?
25:39I have loved this job more than I've loved life itself.
25:43Well, equally, because it's been my life.
25:46And my feelings for you...
25:48Okay, Gary, what is this?
25:51It's my letter of resignation.
25:53Okay, Gary, come on.
25:55Is this because your past was seen at the drugstore?
25:57You knew?
25:58Is that how the pregnancy story got out?
26:01I mean, seriously, I am not going to let go the one person in this core group that actually gives a shit about me.
26:09Okay, Gary, get a hold of yourself.
26:11I mean, seriously, who dumped Ted for me today?
26:14Thank you, by the way, for doing that.
26:15That was really nice of you.
26:16You're welcome.
26:17I appreciate that.
26:18My God, resignation, completely rejected, all right?
26:20Would you please get me some ibuprofen?
26:22I'm your rock.
26:23Okay, but I need ibuprofen.
26:26All right, suicide pact finished, okay?
26:30You can get out.
26:36Uh, except you, Aime.
26:46You have to.
26:47Come on, Aime, just sit down, okay?
26:49Just sit down.
26:52Um, what are we going to do with you?
26:56What does that mean?
26:58I think you kind of know what it means, right?
27:02How are we going to fix this?
27:11Um, okay, okay, we could do a piece in a sympathetic woman's magazine about the loss of the baby, buy you some time and some goodwill.
27:24You know, you're right, we can't do that.
27:35So, why don't we say some of us mishandled things because you were pregnant?
27:47I mean, no, no, no, stupid idea.
27:55Or we could say the pregnancy test was for me.
28:05Oh, you mean that would be why you reassigned the Secret Service guy?
28:11Because you were feeling too much pressure, baby on board, that kind of thing?
28:17Is that what you mean?
28:19Oh, yeah, well, you can mention that.
28:21Okay, well, it's like the old Aime talking there.
28:25I mean, I can't tell you what to do.
28:29I mean, it's kind of a personal thing, but it's really good to hear your thinking.
28:36I need something for my head.
28:45There have been rumors flying around about a pregnancy in the Vice President's office.
28:51Yeah, I had heard.
28:52Uh, well, the baby was mine.
28:55Was yours?
28:57Yes, I had a miscarriage.
29:00Oh, I'm so sorry.
29:03I just wanted to explain the state of mind I was in when I made the decision to reassign Mr. Collins.
29:11Knockity, knock, knock, knock.
29:14Janet, hey, I didn't know you were here.
29:16Hey, Amherst, going on a muffin run.
29:18Kind of interested in a blueberry brand muffin, anybody?
29:21I couldn't do that.
29:22No, I'm fine, thanks.
29:24Okay, no problem.
29:25I will stand down.
29:27Peep you later.
29:30Uh, peep you later.
29:33Okay, thank you, Mike.
29:36Do you think you're ready to be back at work?
29:40Sure, sure, yeah.
29:42Hey, hi.
29:44Hi, sorry to interrupt.
29:46We're getting a little lunch from the deli.
29:49Wondered if you wanted anything special from the menu.
29:51Thanks, buddy.
29:53Dan is so good.
29:55He's come such a long way.
29:57Would you like Dan to get you anything?
29:59Well, an iced tea would be great.
30:01You know what, that sounds really good.
30:03Make that two.
30:05Two iced teas.
30:06Thanks, Dan.
30:07Oh, and not from here, from the place that we like, eight blocks away.
30:10Sure, okay.
30:12Is he the father?
30:14Oh, no, no.
30:16Father, no.
30:18He can't.