Guerrero Del Destino Cap 12 en Español Latino

  • 12 hours ago
Dorama en Español Latino
00:00天上太乱何必解毒 血脉相通何须占卜 打到三千无论生死皆输
00:17等待正邪的归属 不如照耀一段经书 奈何都专心以我全看透
00:28在一卷追寻生命的长河 磨尽的卑微又是悟空
00:37就算胜负越难测 越要等风云变色
00:46遥遥云归西 屏东七八方风雨一幅各一国
00:51日不落 相生凭顺意 何必心动寂寞 真情与火争气
00:57明知烈火沉默江湖难言错 谁晓得该怎么说 固执和洒脱都尝过
01:05你该天地远 一朝一世的传说
01:11生死可 谁见证一道 非传说
01:31CAPITULO 12
01:37¿Abriste el paquete?
01:41Lo vi por accidente cuando abría los regalos. No fue a propósito.
01:45Tranquila, ya está hecho. Tengo que cancelar el compromiso. No importa a quién se proponga.
01:53¿Pero por qué?
01:55No puedo darle lo que desea. La dejaré libre.
01:59Solo por eso. Aunque ella no sea suficientemente buena, y aunque Kyushan Jun sea un poco famoso, no puede robar la esposa de otro.
02:12¿De qué te ríes?
02:15Entre todos. Solo tú creerías que Yurong no me merece.
02:20¿Pero no es eso cierto? Maestro, tranquilo. Mientras ella te guste, no dejaré que roben a tu esposa.
02:56Creí que la lluvia se había detenido, pero es porque tú estás aquí.
02:59La gente a veces se equivoca. Creí que ya me había alejado. Caminé por un largo tiempo, pero al final estoy de vuelta aquí.
03:07Sobre la niña que me habías hablado, ¿cuál era el sabor del pescado que asó?
03:13Ella quemó todo el pescado. Tenía un sabor horrible.
03:21¿Xu Yurong?
03:51Xu Yurong, adios.
04:18Para Xu Yurong.
04:23Habrá descubierto algo.
04:53Lo siento, pequeño dragón. Llegué tarde.
04:56Te traje la comida que te gusta.
05:08Lo siento. Tal vez no pueda cumplir mi promesa, porque voy a morir.
05:17Pero no te preocupes. Antes de morir, encontraré la forma de sacarte de aquí. Aunque parece que tengo poco tiempo.
05:26Entonces ten una buena vida. No puedes darte por vencido.
05:32Tienes razón. Mientras haya esperanza, no debo rendirme.
05:37Si no puedo conseguir purificar mi médula, tal vez no pueda volver a ver ningún amanecer. No tengo mucho tiempo.
05:46Solo mírate. Es obvio que estás enfermo, pero sigues jugando.
05:50Purificar la médula no es fácil. La gente lo intenta cientos de veces, sin tener éxito. Pero tú crees que eso es todo, en tus sueños.
05:59Tienes razón. Estoy soñando.
06:02¿No estás soñando con salir de aquí?
06:05Si sueño aquí, al menos podemos hablar.
06:09Si quieres entrenar, entrena. ¿Por qué hablas tanto?
06:20Pequeño dragón, si yo muero...
06:21¡Oye, cállate! Tú no puedes morir.
07:35¿Estás bien?
07:38¿Estás bien?
07:41No estuvo tan mal.
07:43Muy bien. La luz no te quemó. Así que está bien. Vas a mejorar.
07:52¿Qué pasa?
07:54¿Estás bien?
07:56¿Estás bien?
07:58¿Estás bien?
08:00¿Estás bien?
08:02¿Estás bien?
08:04¿Estás bien?
08:08Saludos, su majestad.
08:13La Academia Lishan quiere pedirle la mano, durante el banquete de la yedra. ¿Lo sabías?
08:18El anciano de la Academia Lishan me escribió para informarme.
08:22¿Cuál es tu plan?
08:24Yushan Yun es muy talentoso. Y hay cariño entre él y Yurong. Como padre, solo quiero que ella tenga una buena relación.
08:32Escuché que... Yurong ya está comprometida.
08:36Su majestad, es un malentendido. Nosotros no lo aceptamos. Además, Shang Shen quiere cancelarlo. Él no los dijo. No tiene por qué preocuparse.
08:46Yushan es como Yurong. Los considero como si fueran mis hijos. No quiero que ninguno de los dos salga herido.
08:56Es asunto tuyo. Solo te lo recuerdo. No hieras inocentes, o intentes forzarlo. Arruinarías las cosas.
09:06No se preocupe. Lo manejaré apropiadamente.
09:09Shang Shang Shen. No dejaré que salgas vivo del banquete de la yedra. Esta vez, tendré que hacerlo yo mismo.
09:40¡Yurong! ¡Yurong!
09:45Princesa Lulua. ¿Pasa algo?
09:48Wow. Nada mal. Este lugar es exactamente como tú. Lleno de energía.
09:54Escuché que la gente de la Academia Li Shang quiere proponerte matrimonio.
09:58¿Es por eso que viniste?
10:01Como ya estás comprometida con mi maestro, si no te importa, cancele el compromiso primero.
10:05No quiero que todos en Shen Du sean sus enemigos.
10:08Sé cómo manejarlo. No dejaré que Shang Shang salga herido.
10:13Conmigo aquí mi maestro no necesita que alguien más lo proteja. Es solo que no quiero que toda la gente lo odie.
10:19Aunque no puedo prometértelo, no te preocupes. Yo nunca lastimaría a Shang Shang. Si algo le pasa, voy a protegerlo.
10:27¿Y si la Academia Li Shang se entera del compromiso?
10:30Déjame pensarlo. Deberías regresar.
10:32Olvídalo. No dejaré que nadie intimide a mi maestro y no perdonaré a quien lo intente.
10:48Pedí estos productos hace tres días. ¿Son tan irracionales?
10:52¿Qué? ¿Quién es irracional? El vendedor aceptó nuestro dinero.
10:56No me importa, señor. Deme mi pedido.
10:58No. Todo es nuestro.
11:01Jóvenes señores, solo tengo un pequeño negocio. Si no entrego esto a tiempo, van a multarme.
11:06¿Y eso qué nos importa? Discútenlo con el vendedor.
11:09¿Qué? Oye, ¿qué haces? Suéltame.
11:13¿A la gente de Li Shang le gusta robar a los demás?
11:16Él aceptó el pago. Todo nos pertenece.
11:18¿Y qué? ¿Les da derecho a molestarlo?
11:21Si no lo sueltas, te vamos a atacar.
11:35¿Qué problema tienes contra la Academia Li Shang?
11:38Tengo muchos problemas.
11:43Vamos a reunirnos y discutirlo.
11:46Muy bien.
11:48¿Te puedo preguntar tu nombre?
11:50Bien. Será otro día.
11:55No puedo creer que aceptara.
12:01Si no mantienes su palabra, serás severamente castigado.
12:22No lo veo.
12:24Ahí está. Vamos.
12:41Pequeña, ¿estás bien? No llores. Anda.
12:46Gracias, hermano mayor.
12:48¿Y tus padres?
12:50Mi mamá cuida de la abuela. Mi papá está trabajando.
12:53Hermano, esto es para ti.
12:56Está bien. No es necesario.
12:58Anda, anda.
13:00Solo un bocado.
13:03¿Es dulce?
13:05Lo es.
13:07¡Claro que es dulce!
13:10Algo de ceniza, polvo de desgracia y veneno.
13:14Esto contiene 17 venenos.
13:17¿No te mataría?
13:19¿Quién diablos eres?
13:21Soy quien te quiere muerto.
13:23Esto es el veneno definitivo.
13:26No te salvarás.
13:28Se filtra en los huesos.
13:52Señor, qué habilidad.
13:54Usó la ilusión y el engaño.
13:57El joven príncipe no entiende esos conceptos.
14:00General, me elogia.
14:04Señor, parece que él ya no respira.
14:07Lo logramos.
14:23No lo hagas.
14:25Este pozo es infinito.
14:27Si él no puede purificar su médula,
14:29la caída lo matará.
14:31Debería temer que pueda salir.
14:53¡Oye! ¡Oye!
14:56¡Despierta! ¡Despierta!
14:58¡Despierta! ¡Vamos! ¡Despierta!
15:06¿Qué estoy haciendo aquí?
15:08¿Me lo preguntas? ¡Te caíste solo!
15:22Caminaba por la calle y alguien me engañó.
15:25No sé qué pasó después.
15:27Eres un tonto.
15:29El pozo es profundo.
15:31Tienes suerte de estar vivo.
15:33¿Tú me salvaste?
15:35Por supuesto.
15:37Te lo digo.
15:39Si no fuera por este dragón habrías muerto más de mil veces.
15:41No saber que eras tan tonto no habría confiado en ti.
15:46Ah, cierto.
15:48Traje mucha comida.
15:57¡Rico, rico, rico, rico!
15:59¿Recuerdas lo que me prometiste?
16:03Lo siento.
16:05Tal vez no sea capaz de hacerlo y liberarte.
16:10Eso imaginé.
16:12Eres muy débil.
16:14No puedes salvarte a ti mismo.
16:16No debí pedirte que me rescataras.
16:20Soy muy débil.
16:22Y moriré pronto.
16:24Las vidas humanas son muy cortas.
16:29¿Te vas a morir?
16:32No he resuelto mi problema.
16:34Y fui envenenado hasta los huesos.
16:38Ya nada puede salvarme.
16:42Tu sangre es extraña.
16:44El veneno no funciona.
16:48Tu respiración es débil.
16:50No te queda mucho tiempo.
16:52No puedo creer que ni la medicina funcione.
16:56El maestro se reiría de mí.
17:00¿Estás planeando esperar aquí hasta morir?
17:06¿Estás planeando esperar aquí hasta morir?
17:11Creo que...
17:13Eso es posible.
17:15Creí que eras alguien valiente.
17:17No puedo creer que eres alguien que le teme a la muerte.
17:22Mejor vete.
17:24Toma todas tus cosas.
17:26No necesito que un débil me salve.
17:28Tampoco necesito un cobarde.
17:33Tómalos, tómalos.
17:34Tienes razón.
17:39Quiero entrenar.
17:44Ese es el Shang Chen que conozco.
17:46Bueno, limpia.
17:48Yo te ayudaré.
17:52Ven, siéntate aquí.
18:04¿Estás bien?
18:24¡Shang Chen!
18:26¡Shang Chen, esfuérzate!
18:35¡Shang Chen!
18:37¡Shang Chen!
18:40¡Shang Chen, no te mueras!
19:04¡Shang Chen!
19:16Si me traicionas,
19:18aunque tenga que sufrir,
19:20voy a comerte.
19:22Mi sangre de dragón,
19:24si funciona,
19:26debo descansar.
19:57Shusha, muchas gracias.
20:01Eres tan débil entrenando.
20:03Te lo digo,
20:05ahora te protege mi sangre de dragón.
20:07Si vuelves a fallar,
20:09será mejor que mueras.
20:11Si aún no estoy muerto,
20:13sé que tendré éxito.
22:46How to cheat
22:54Do you want to use the dragon scales to escape?
22:58You can't hold me, to one day i will escape!
23:01Really? Pity that I found out about your plan.
23:04You can't escape.
23:19Old witch!
23:21Let me out!
23:45I spent 19 years joining those scales...
23:55Shang Sheng!
23:56Keep trying!
23:58I already sacrificed my only chance to escape!
24:00You promised!
24:01You would free me!
24:02You must make an effort!
24:20Your father wants to talk to you.
24:23I also have something to tell you.
24:25Come in, please.
24:40Why did you come?
24:42It's lonely.
24:44Do you want to go home for a few days?
24:46I'm used to it.
24:48If I choose the path of Taoism,
24:51I must follow it.
24:54I regret...
24:56I sent you to the palace for your training.
25:00I just wanted your happiness.
25:03I wanted you to get married...
25:06I didn't want you to worry.
25:07In the past, it was your decision.
25:10This time, it's my decision.
25:13You shouldn't regret it.
25:15To be honest,
25:17I didn't have a choice.
25:18Speaking of that...
25:20I won't accept Lishan Academy's proposal.
25:23If they mention it,
25:25you must reject it.
25:27Kyushan Jun has a lot of talent.
25:29They've known each other since they were kids.
25:31He's also working with the Empress.
25:33You're very lucky.
25:35I'm not interested in love.
25:37I just want to continue my training.
25:42If you think about the other commitment,
25:44let me take care of everything.
25:46The Empress expects you and Kyushan Jun to decide.
25:50You're talking about the Empress and Kyushan Jun.
25:53Have you considered how I feel?
25:57It's late.
25:59You should go back.
26:01There's a medicine I found for Mom behind you.
26:04Tell her...
26:06Her daughter...
26:08Misses her.
26:21This time...
26:22I'm afraid you're the one who doesn't have a choice.
26:31Master, let's go!
26:39Where is he on such an important day?
26:45And the medicine?
26:48What about the Master?
26:50The messenger is already here.
26:51If we don't go, we'll be late.
26:53Don't worry, Echo Herb.
26:59Master, we'll go ahead.
27:01When he comes back, meet us at the banquet.
27:07Let's go.
27:46Here comes the Wo Yao Academy.
28:04Lulua, winter times.
28:06You are...
28:07You are from the Tian Dao Academy, right?
28:10Ah, of course!
28:12I remember, I remember.
28:17Hey, what do you think?
28:18Why is he so friendly?
28:20Do you know him?
28:22Wo Yao opened after 19 years, but he only has two students.
28:26Tian Dao has 3,000.
28:27Shai Xing has 500.
28:28Wo Yao only has two students.
28:31That makes them the weakest academy.
28:34What a waste of talent.
28:36It's a shame.
28:42Prince Chen Liu.
29:16Get up.
29:18This banquet is a meeting place for young talents.
29:22This year, seeing all of you gathered here fills me with happiness.
29:27On behalf of the Great Empress, I congratulate you.
29:31Well, let's make a toast, okay?
29:39Why hasn't he arrived yet?
29:41I don't know.
29:42Thirty-six isn't here either.
29:43Could he be wearing his invisibility cloak?
29:49I fell asleep, and I'm late.
29:51I'm surprised myself.
29:52Where are you going?
29:53To the Yedra Banquet.
29:55I'm late.
29:56Go ahead.
30:19I heard that the Lishan Academy wants to associate with the Shu.
30:25This year's banquet will be a witness to the commitment.
30:28It's important for the Empress.
30:37To be honest, we have a special occasion.
30:40Who represents the Lishan Academy?
30:52Gou Henshi of the Lishan Academy greets His Highness.
30:58On behalf of the Lishan Academy, I would like to greet the Shu family.
31:02I hope that Kyushen Yun of Lishan and his daughter Shu Yurong will commit.
31:10Since when is it a commitment party?
31:12How boring.
31:17Your Majesty.
31:24The banquet is an important occasion.
31:26Why don't you let the prince attend?
31:28He is very aggressive.
31:30It would only cause problems.
31:33What a pity.
31:34I heard that this year would be important.
31:36The students of the Lishan Academy filled the place.
31:40I hope the bud will flourish.
31:57The Lishan Academy
32:09I did it.
32:11You are surprised.
32:12With my dragon blood, what could fail?
32:15I feel much better.
32:17You have descended a star.
32:18The first thing you will feel better is your skin.
32:20And then the light will go to your feet.
32:23Your meridian will be strong.
32:27How strange.
32:28You just did it.
32:30Why are you so bright?
32:32Is it incredible?
32:34It's because of my dragon blood.
32:36Little dragon, you have sacrificed a lot for me.
32:40I don't know how to thank you.
32:42You must remember your promise to free me.
32:45Of course.
32:48What happens?
32:49I was sitting here all night.
32:51Try to get up.
32:53All night?
32:55Oh no, the banquet of the stone.
32:57I must hurry.
33:01You purified your medulla.
33:03Shouldn't you rest for a few days?
33:04I have to go.
33:05It's urgent.
33:11The commitment between the Lishan Academy and the Shu family is what we all expected.
33:16If you agree, let's continue.
33:18Present the gifts and make the votes.
33:21After the rituals, the commitment will be complete.
33:25You must ask the heavens, your sovereign, and your teachers for the official commitment.
33:38First to the heavens!
33:44To the empress!
33:47His Majesty accepts.
33:49This gift is the proof.
33:55Why doesn't the teacher come?
34:00Finally, the teachers!
34:02The teacher of the Lishan Academy asked us to come.
34:06My young daughter will let Kyushan Jun take care of her.
34:11Ask everyone!
34:17What do we do? What do we do?
34:19Prince Chen Liu, all of us here today wish these two people happiness.
34:27It's our custom.
34:28We have to ask again.
34:30Is there anyone who opposes?
34:32It's our custom.
34:33We have to ask again.
34:35Is there anyone who opposes?
34:45I oppose!
34:51Your Highness!
34:55Your Highness!
34:57If you have a ritual to ask people, you must accept that someone opposes.
35:02Princess Lulua, you shouldn't joke about this.
35:05He just asked us if anyone opposes the union between Shu Yurong and Kyushan Jun.
35:10And I oppose.
35:11Your Highness!
35:13Then why do you oppose?
35:15Because Shu Yurong is engaged.
35:17She can't marry someone else.
35:19That's nonsense!
35:20It stains our reputation.
35:22Everything I said is true.
35:24The person she's engaged with is my master, Shan Sheng.
35:27They've been engaged for a long time.
35:29Is there a commitment?
35:31A commitment?
35:33What's going on?
35:49Kyushan Jun, it's been a while.
35:51Why are you still clinging to me?
35:53What are you saying?
35:54I want to cling to you for life.
35:58Am I immoral?
36:00You are just as passionate as that phoenix.
36:03And they proclaim themselves companions of heaven.
36:05To her, you are nothing more than a carpet.
36:09Nangke, don't force me to hurt you.
36:14Do it.
36:15If you died, it would be in your hands.
36:24Kyushan Jun, even if you turn me into a ghost, I will follow you.
36:31Who ordered you to come and dishonor the academy, Lishan?
36:34Dishonor it?
36:35Who can order the Beast Clan princess?
36:38I never heard that Shu Yurong was engaged with someone.
36:42What evidence do you have?
36:44I don't know.
36:45I don't know.
36:46I don't know.
36:47I don't know.
36:48I don't know.
36:49I don't know.
36:50I don't know.
36:51I don't know.
36:52What evidence do you have?
36:54A letter of commitment is enough.
36:56Even if you have that letter, no one will believe you.
37:00He has not reached purification.
37:02What right would he have to marry?
37:03If Shu Yurong has the right to marry my master, we'll see about that.
37:09I believe her!
37:12That young lady is really unique.
37:14No matter what she says, I will believe her.
37:16Not only about Shu Yurong.
37:18If she says he is the son of the devil, I believe her.
37:22What are you saying? Sit down!
37:27Our Lishan Academy has the respect of the world.
37:30Emperor Taizong awarded our master of literature and offered us his own brush.
37:35The same empress has given us several awards.
37:38I can't believe you dare to ruin our reputation.
37:41So what?
37:42Your Lishan Academy is so big that you can intimidate others?
37:47Don't get upset.
37:49We received the letter of commitment from Princess Lulua.
37:51Someone ruins our reputation and we ignore it?
37:55We will resolve the commitment.
37:57Then if you want to run or attack, you can do it.
38:00I guarantee you.
38:01No one here is going to stop you.
38:04Princess Lulua, it says there is a letter of commitment.
38:07Tell me, do you have it?
38:09I have it.
38:20Your Highness, is the letter authentic?
38:23This letter of commitment is well done.
38:25The insignia Shu is visible.
38:28Only the man can cancel this arrangement.
38:31It also has the signature of the old man Shu.
38:33This commitment is authentic.
38:40General Shu, the letter of commitment is authentic.
38:46General Shu, the appearance of this letter of commitment is problematic.
38:51It is a family matter.
38:53You must make the decision.
38:55I will not accept this ridiculous letter of commitment.
39:04Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
39:06All of you are ridiculous.
39:08Two parties commit...
39:11There are three parties and no one is present.
39:13Why are you still arguing?
39:15What nonsense.
39:16In addition, the banquet of the Yedra is to bring together young talents and learn.
39:20So, are we going to fight?
39:24The Lishan Academy challenges the Wouyao Academy.
39:29Wouyao reopened and must have some real talent.
39:33Or no one will recognize them.
39:34Today they must accept any challenge they are given.
39:38The Wouyao Academy has a limitation.
39:41With two students.
39:42With two is enough.
39:44Come on.
39:46So, let's have two meetings.
39:48If the Wouyao Academy wins one, the world will recognize their ability.
40:01Excuse me.
40:04Student Lishan Qiyan challenges the student of Wouyao.
40:08Student Wouyao.
40:10Bailu accepts.
40:15Your Highness.
40:16His Majesty ordered that you do not participate in the competitions.
40:19If something happened to you, we would be responsible.
40:24Your Highness, you can exchange with another student.
40:32The Wouyao Academy has no one else?
40:40It's me.
40:50I retire from the Qiyan Dao Academy.
40:53And I join the Wouyao Academy.
40:58Tang 36, are you crazy?
41:00Do you have to do this?
41:01Qiyan Dao is the largest academy.
41:03Many people fight to enter.
41:05Tang 36, are you done?
41:07Your father put you under my care.
41:09Do you think I can't discipline you?
41:11I can't stand people who attack the minority.
41:13Besides, they are my friends.
41:17I will explain to my father.
41:18I must join the Wouyao Academy.
41:25Did you want a challenge?
41:28It will be Xuan Wanzhou, from the Tian Dao Academy, who challenges Tang 36.
41:34Very well.
41:36Who fears you?
42:00I know.
42:01You want to go to the banquet of the stone to propose to the damn phoenix.
42:05Keep dreaming.
42:07Propose to me?
42:08What's so great about that phoenix?
42:11I tell you.
42:12Soon you will be mine.
43:29The winner is Xuan Wanzhou, from the Tian Dao Academy.
