• 1 hour ago
Dorama en Español Latino
00:30追寻生命的长河 磨尽的卑微有始无终
00:37就算胜负越难测 越要探风云变色
00:46遥遥云归西 屏东西八方风雨一幅各地国
00:51日不落 乡乡平顺意 何惧心痛寂寞真心与国争气
00:57明知烈火沉默养虎难言错 谁晓得该怎么说
01:02固执和洒脱都成国 逆改天地远一朝一世的传说
01:11生死可 谁见证
01:30CAPITULO 26
01:41La señal de las bengalas no sirve.
01:44¿Quillan, alguien está intentando acabar con nosotros?
01:49Tenemos que estar alertas.
01:51Sí, tenemos que avisarle a todos.
01:54Aún no, no tenemos un líder y no somos rivales para los demonios.
01:59Será mejor separarnos.
02:01Tú ve a dar la noticia.
02:03Que estén alerta, no te distraigas.
02:05Solamente reúnanse aquí. Tienen que esperar.
02:07¿Y qué hay de ti?
02:10Encontraré a Kiushen Yun. Solo él nos puede ayudar.
02:13Él nos salvará de esto. Ya lo verás.
02:17Sí, es cierto. Tienes que cuidarte.
02:24CAPITULO 26
02:44Hola. ¿Qué tenemos aquí?
02:47¿A dónde te diriges?
02:49¿Tú cómo entraste?
02:51Tú entras en el Jardín Sho, pero yo no puedo.
02:56Se ve que tienes prisa.
02:58¿Buscas a alguien, verdad?
03:00Sé precisamente a quién.
03:02Pero me temo que al que buscas está...
03:05Digamos que es casi un cadáver.
03:08Déjame decirte que tú serás el cadáver.
03:12Ahora sí estoy muy asustada.
03:15CAPITULO 27
03:21No viniste sola. Qué valiente.
03:24Los enviaré de vuelta, uno por uno.
03:27¿Ah, sí?
03:29De esta manera voy a saber cuál de nosotras es la más poderosa del mundo.
03:33¿El Fénix o el pavo real?
03:45CAPITULO 28
04:15CAPITULO 29
04:46CAPITULO 30
05:09El sonido de tu cítara es formidable.
05:12No solo puede penetrar las vísceras,
05:14también controla cualquier inteligencia.
05:19No puedes dejar que escape ese maldito Fénix.
05:21No se preocupe, princesa.
05:23Mi cítara ya necesita compañía.
05:26¿Cuánto tiempo puedes durar haciendo esto?
05:42CAPITULO 31
06:12CAPITULO 31
06:42CAPITULO 31
07:05Te arrepentirás.
07:13Mi maestro me llama.
07:15¿Qué es lo que pasará?
07:29Tónica negra.
07:39Las estrellas cruzan lo ancho del cielo.
07:42¿Por qué puedes usar la espada de nuestra academia?
07:46Soy yo, Kyushan. ¿Que no lo recuerdas?
07:49Tú fuiste quien me entrenó.
07:50No tienes vergüenza.
07:52No me vas a manipular.
07:53Kyushan, despierta. Soy yo.
07:55¡No me podrás engañar!
08:40¡No sabía que eras tú!
08:43Kyushan, te confundieron.
08:46No te culpo.
08:48La salvación está cerca.
09:58¿Eres tú?
10:05¡Ahora estás en un gran problema!
10:07Kyushan Yun.
10:10Eres demasiado arrogante.
10:12Tu cuerpo ahora nos pertenece.
10:14¿Se siente bien asesinarlo?
10:18¡Ahora seré un traidor para ellos!
10:29Solo los mejores han entrado al Jardín Yisho.
10:32Han sido pocos los que lograron salir.
10:35Y eso es porque terminan siendo devorados por el lado oscuro.
10:39Lo que provoca matar sin límites.
10:42Shou Dufu es un gran héroe.
10:45Eso lo habrás aprendido de él.
10:48Tus manos ahora están llenas de sangre de tu compañero.
10:53Así que deja de fingir que eso en realidad te duele.
10:59No me engañarás.
11:01¡No mereces vivir! ¡Te mataré!
11:06Solo has estado jugando toda tu vida a ser un hombre respetable.
11:10Un verdadero dragón entre los humanos.
11:13Pero en el fondo, no puedes tolerar a ningún humano.
11:17Tus ojos muestran el odio que corre por tus venas, Kyushan Yun.
11:22Como el que tienes por Shang Tsung.
11:26¿Quién eres tú?
11:28¿Por qué no muestras tu rostro?
11:30¿Cómo entraste al Jardín Shou?
11:32¿Colocaste las trampas para matar a las élites?
11:35Sabes que cuando tomaste la llave, te condenaste a este día.
11:40Entiendo. Desde que caí en tu trampa, soy responsable de enmendar este error.
11:46Me avergüenzo tanto que no puedo ver a su majestad.
11:52Es demasiado tarde.
11:55La desviación alimentada por tus deseos de matar crecerá con el paso de los días.
12:02Mejor únete a los demonios y deja a un lado tu hipocresía y tu falsedad.
12:07¡Ya basta!
12:09¿Mataste a Guan Fei Bai?
12:12¡Me vengaré por él!
12:22Yo no lo hice.
12:24Tú mataste a Guan Fei Bai.
12:27No puedes volver a Lishan.
12:29Dime algo.
12:31¿Te gustaría morir en este momento?
12:40La sangre del dragón es muy diferente.
12:44Qué lástima que estos años en esa academia se pierdan.
12:50Es una tristeza que no puedas ver a Yurong otra vez.
12:59El más talentoso de los humanos se convertirá en polvo.
13:05No necesitas morir.
13:07Guan Fei Bai fue asesinado por la espada china de Lishan.
13:12Tú y Gou Hanxi aún siguen vivos.
13:16El único que realmente pudo matarlo fue Shang Chen.
13:25No puede ser.
13:27O mueres tú, o muere él.
13:30Es una elección muy fácil.
13:53¿Eres tú realmente?
13:55Sí, claro que lo soy.
13:57¿Qué sucede?
14:07Es solo que al fin te encontré.
14:09Yurong, dime, ¿encontraste a Gou Hanxi?
14:13No lo encontré.
14:14Gou Shan, dime, ¿encontraste el mapa estelar?
14:22No, lo siento.
14:24No lo puedo encontrar.
14:26¿Y tú? ¿Lo encontraste?
14:30En Muyu no lo encontré.
14:32Tal vez debería revisar el pasto.
14:35Por cierto, los demonios entraron al jardín y muchos fueron heridos.
14:42Acabo de ver a Tunica Negra y luché contra él.
14:49Pero logró escapar.
14:52Gou Shan.
14:57¿Estás bien? ¿Por qué te ves agotado?
15:08Estoy bien.
15:09Solo que no creí que esta misión fuera tan peligrosa.
15:15Saber que murieron muchos me causa un gran dolor.
15:23Por desgracia algunas chicas están heridas.
15:28La vida es tan ajena a nosotros que en un segundo puede terminar.
15:37Entonces, Yurong, hay que buscar juntos.
15:41Así podremos cuidarnos.
15:43Disculpa, es que me preocupa tu seguridad.
15:47Entiendo. Mantengámonos juntos.
15:50La Emperatriz dice que...
15:54Solo estando contigo puedo continuar con mi entrenamiento.
16:00Cuando entré al Jardín Xiong, de repente lo entendí todo.
16:05Si tú y yo estamos juntos, lucharemos por la gran causa.
16:12¿Lo dices de verdad? ¡No puedo creerlo!
16:27Su formación se vuelve más poderosa.
16:31No me descredito. Demasiada gente ha muerto en este jardín.
16:36Su sentido espiritual se convirtió en una fuerza de resentimiento.
16:39El intento de asesinato de Xiu Du Fu se dio aquí por corazones dañados, que probablemente fueron influenciados.
16:48¿Eso también es peligroso para nosotros?
16:51Esta vara del alma fue creada por Xiu Du Fu.
16:55Controla el sentido espiritual en este jardín. Cuídala bien.
16:59Después de encontrar la tumba de Xiu Du Fu, será útil para nosotros.
17:08Maestro, ¿por qué está tan feliz? Nunca lo había visto así antes.
17:15Cuando alguien llega a realizar su sueño y consigue lo que quiere, se siente feliz.
17:23El hecho de envejecer con la mujer que ama lo pone feliz. Es normal que lo haga.
17:30Maestro, ya que puede controlarlo, ¿podría ayudarme?
17:34Tienes que saber que amar a alguien te convierte en alguien humilde.
17:40Tú eres la princesa del Clan de los Demonios. No puedes renunciar a todo por amor.
17:44Yo nunca he sentido amor.
17:47Lo cierto es que no me gusta que ame a otra mujer, y menos a ese maldito Fénix.
17:57Bueno, si quieres puedo ayudarte a entrar en la fantasía de Xiu Shang Yun.
18:03Pero debes saber que puede despertarse en cualquier momento.
18:07Porque una vez que él despierte, todo lo que hayas conseguido,
18:11se perderá de inmediato.
18:15No me importa. Lo intentaré.
19:30Hace mucho tiempo que no entrenamos juntos.
19:33Aquí solo hay paz. ¿Para qué lo haríamos?
19:37¿Y la Emperatriz? Hace mucho tiempo que no vamos a visitarla.
19:41Pero la Emperatriz ya falleció.
19:45¿En verdad?
20:12No sé quién eres.
20:14Pero estamos casados.
20:16Así que háblame con la verdad.
20:19Xiu Shang.
20:22¿De qué estás hablando?
20:24En verdad aprecio el tiempo que paso contigo.
20:28Pero no quiero vivir en una ilusión.
20:31Y creo que tú tampoco.
20:33Me gustaría que estuvieras conmigo.
20:35Pero no quiero vivir en una ilusión.
20:38Y creo que tú tampoco.
20:40Me gustaría que cuando salga de aquí,
20:44pueda apreciarte igual.
20:47Eso espero.
20:53Bueno, espero que puedas recordarlo.
21:05¿Quién eres?
21:29Aún estoy en el jardín.
21:32¿O no es verdad?
21:35¿Te decepciona verme?
21:39No lo estoy.
21:42¿Eres tú?
21:44Al fin te conozco.
21:45¿Te gusta?
22:03Pasamos por tantas cosas juntos.
22:06Aunque era una fantasía,
22:09no llegaste a sentir algo por mí.
22:12Sabías que solo era una fantasía.
22:15Yes, because I'm a demon. Is that why?
22:19That has nothing to do with it.
22:21It's because...
22:25It's just because you're not Yurong.
22:30If Yurong were a demon like me, would you still love her?
22:36If she were a demon, or a beast,
22:41even if she grew old,
22:43or if...
22:46or if she died,
22:49would you still love her?
22:52There's no doubt about that.
22:56I understand.
22:59Then I'll kill her,
23:01and you'll see her heart to cut it.
23:07You don't have the strength to kill her!
23:10Xueshan Yun, we know you entered the Garden through the Star Map.
23:15I suppose you also know that your empress is in charge of a mysterious weapon
23:21that will control the entire human clan.
23:24The Star Map will allow her to carry out her plan,
23:28making her the supreme woman of the human world.
23:31You won't be able to fool me with your lies.
23:34I won't listen to you.
23:37And why does your heart tell me that you want to do it?
23:42I'll tell you something.
23:43When the empress is successful,
23:45she won't need the support of the Beast Clan,
23:48and she will eliminate the demons.
23:50At that moment, she will be invincible.
23:54And when that happens, Yurong and you will be discarded at any moment.
24:00It's a lie.
24:02You are known for lying with your words.
24:08I don't know if you remember,
24:10but the humans have seen you kill your partner, Huanfei Bai.
24:16If you don't give me the Star Map,
24:19everyone will find out that you killed your partner.
24:26I'll tell you again.
24:28You killed Huanfei Bai!
24:30I'm anxious to know what you will do.
24:32Shang Chen is next to the Stygian Lake near you.
24:35You can save him.
24:37Or kill him.
24:38That's your decision.
25:00I'll do it.
25:02Shang Chen.
25:31Be careful.
25:33Do you want some water?
25:34No, thank you.
25:36Are you okay?
25:37Yes, thank you.
25:39Is he okay?
25:40He's fine.
25:49Just rest.
25:52Gou Hanxi.
25:55Now that you're here, I have to go.
25:58It's okay.
26:03Yes, tell me.
26:05I'll take care of them.
26:06Go with Shang Chen.
26:07And come back when you find Qishan Jun.
26:10Of course.
26:12Please take care.
26:29Qishan Jun.
26:46But he's not Qishan.
26:54That's a sword skill.
26:57Who are you?
27:01Qijian, go.
27:03Do it.
27:26Do it.
27:42Qishan Jun.
27:43What the hell are you doing?
27:46This is between Shang Chen and me.
27:48So stay out of it.
27:51Stand up.
27:57If you are Qishan Jun.
28:21Surrender now.
28:24Qishan Jun, kill him now.
28:32Don't do it.
28:33He has a deviation of Qi.
28:35He doesn't know what he's doing.
28:36If you help me, we can defeat him.
28:38Stop giving me orders.
28:40So you also want to die.
28:42What a pity.
28:43You're too cute to die.
28:46Shang Chen is on our side.
28:50Shang Chen.
29:09I don't want to die.
29:10Besides, you've never pleased me.
29:13And now that you're a demon too,
29:15I won't feel guilty.
29:51The stars don't shine.
29:53Could it be...
29:55that they have been killed?
30:09Yurong told me not to let it go.
30:13If you can't stop it,
30:15you can't stop it.
30:17I won't let it go.
30:19If we can't plant it,
30:21how can we keep it shiny?
30:26your holiness is good at taking care of flowers.
30:29We could ask for your help.
30:31This is not an ordinary herb.
30:33It needs special care.
30:47Your Majesty.
31:12it's not open yet.
31:14I know.
31:15Something happened in the garden.
31:17I'm afraid you won't be able to leave.
31:19And I won't be able to send help.
31:21What kind of force is influencing that place?
31:24The person with that force
31:27must know the garden perfectly.
31:29Our people don't know it,
31:31so it's a black tunic.
31:33Black tunic?
31:35Only the Erebus stage can enter.
31:37Can he do something like that?
31:39At least they'll know how to defend themselves.
31:43will Yurong be okay?
31:45Her star is very bright.
31:47Yurong and Kyushan are at the top of the Erebus stage.
31:50They will climb the stage at any time.
31:52No one in that place could defeat them.
31:55What a relief.
31:59if there are so many dead people in that place,
32:03it's because the demons entered the garden.
32:05But they don't have a key.
32:09Is it possible that there is another key?
32:14It can't be.
32:31Why are you running?
32:34I never saw you.
32:38I didn't see anything. I swear.
32:40I'm sorry, but I don't believe you.
32:48Unless you join me.
32:52I can't let you escape.
33:09What are you doing here?
33:15What's going on?
33:21I don't want to see you again.
33:24I know what your intention is.
33:26It's Shodufu's sword.
33:28They killed my father with it.
33:31And what is my intention?
33:34To keep you alive.
33:36The sword has influenced you.
33:38Shodufu has never been a good man.
33:41You have the sword and the star map.
33:44The sword is using you.
33:46It will make you a heartless man
33:48who will only seek power to destroy people.
33:51That won't happen.
33:53You don't know.
33:55In the end, you will become a ruthless monster.
33:58Hey, wait.
34:00I'm not lying to you.
34:02I will always be the same person who fed you.
34:05I promise.
34:16I hope you remember what you said.
34:18If you ever change,
34:20I'll eat you in one bite.
34:25I'm sorry.
34:27I'll eat you in one bite.
34:49Listen, Moju.
34:51I need to talk to you.
34:53Let me in.
34:55You can come in.
35:09I have a problem.
35:14Is it about the garden?
35:16Did something bad happen there?
35:18Why do you think that?
35:20If someone got hurt in the garden,
35:22they would send us a signal.
35:24What are you talking about?
35:26There's no news from the Sacred Capital.
35:28And now you're checking the books.
35:30The garden won't open.
35:32You should pray for Shansheng.
35:38I want to go in.
35:40There must be another way.
35:42Even the Empress couldn't do it.
35:44Why do you think you can?
35:46If the Tang family is still...
35:49Forget it.
35:51I won't talk about you.
35:53I'm sorry I couldn't stop my father's decisions.
35:57It's too late to do it.
35:59Luckily, your father kicked you out.
36:01That keeps you safe.
36:03When my father kicked me out,
36:05I felt really bad.
36:07But then I understood he did it to protect me.
36:10And now I don't know what I feel.
36:12I never thought my family's business would work that way.
36:15It's not the family I wanted.
36:17But it's where I was born.
36:19And I can't change that.
36:24Saving your father won't be easy.
36:28I know.
36:30It'll take time to solve the problem.
36:33Your father has been accused of betrayal without any evidence.
36:37Your family has many acquaintances everywhere.
36:40So you'll probably get out of prison.
36:43I know that.
36:45I appreciate you always protecting me and comforting me too.
36:48Me protecting you?
36:51I'm worried about Jurong and the others.
36:54If we find Shou Du Fu's articles,
36:57we could bury them.
36:59Shang Chen and the others are in danger.
37:02If you can't help yourself,
37:04how will you protect them?
37:11Since my family fell,
37:13I focused on my friends.
37:16It's good to have a friend like you.
37:21I'm also grateful to have you.
37:29Are you sure that phoenix will pass through here?
37:33I could touch the sitara, princess,
37:35and make Jurong fall into the trap.
37:37Your sitara has already been broken by her.
37:41Do you have another way to do it?
37:43Maybe I could drink a little of her blood.
37:46Well then, use my blood to do it.
37:49That's what I'll do.
37:50I swear I'll fix it, princess.
38:49Let's do it.
39:21I finally found you.
39:25Be careful.
39:27Come, sit down.
39:32Was it a peacock feather?
39:34I'll help you.
39:44Nangke and the demons are here.
39:46How did they get into the garden?
39:48Kyushan helped us, I'm sure.
39:50Kyushan Jun did it?
39:52Why would he?
39:53Don't worry about that.
39:55It's not what you think.
39:56I'll explain it to you later.
39:59Nangke is coming this way.
40:01Get some rest.
40:02I'll cover you.
40:19I must not rest.
40:21We must go.
40:23Let's walk east, through the reeds.
40:25There's a pasture.
40:49Why did you use our academy's sword?
40:51Don't you remember?
40:52You trained me.
40:53You have no shame.
40:54You won't manipulate me.
40:56Look at me.
40:57Wake up, friend.
40:58You can't fool me.
41:05I'm sorry.
41:09I'm sorry.
41:11I'm sorry.
41:13I'm sorry.
41:16It's all my fault.
41:21I'm a fool. I'm sorry.
41:45I'm sorry.
42:02Why are you here?
42:07Thirty-six gave me this umbrella.
42:10It seems to feel the spirit of Shou Dufu.
42:13I think the map is in the depths of the garden.
42:16The map that the Empress gave me
42:18says that no one has been in the area behind.
42:21She suspected that Shou's grave is there.
42:24You mean...
42:25that the map and the pool of swords are in the grave?
42:28It's possible.
42:29There are no stars in the garden.
42:31It won't be very difficult to find it.
42:33Besides, no one has ever come out alive from this garden.
42:36Although, if you think about it,
42:38dying with Nangke would also be good.
42:41I didn't think I would die with her.
42:43I don't want to die in this place.
42:45I want a grave where they can visit me.
42:48You're very funny.
42:50I mean it.
42:52I want an ordinary life
42:54and grow old next to the woman I love.
42:57Fight with her from time to time.
42:59That's what I want.
43:01I would also like something like that.
43:04Let's continue.
43:07These are...
43:09I've read about them in books.
43:11They are the spiritual senses of the deceased teachers.
43:14Their senses?
43:16Yes, and they are full of power.
43:18We have to find a way to get through.
43:21We have to surround them.
