• 2 days ago




00:00a lose-lose situation
00:03There are many layers to this decision that Shawn and I did not take into consideration
00:08Don't give me a hug. All right. I love you
00:12It was nice to meet you. Yeah
00:14It was nice to meet you. I'll get you back soon. It's easy to dream big
00:17Well, the reality is setting in but this might not happen for us. They'll be back
00:25How did it go in the university?
00:28Basically she said I wouldn't be able to start at best like a year and a half
00:33Good things happen slow. If I have to give up my dreams of being a midwife, how happy would I even be staying in Iceland?
00:41Think I'm running out of patience. It's just a big deal if you make it a big deal
00:47I'm not sure if I want to have kids. It'll not be tida. Punya
00:55They expect me to have children period
00:57it's gonna be something that's gonna keep being brought up again and again and again until I either change my mind or
01:03They'll tell us we shouldn't be married
01:08I still have a lot of questions because I know the woman from Vietnam. I told you
01:15Your daughter is gonna try destroying our marriage and I was correct. I
01:21Always forgive you
01:23But this time I don't our wedding I think let's think people are counsel
02:00Course you guys would bring me to a penis museum
02:05The stallion an exceptional breeder it's a it's a lot it's kind of terrifying
02:16I am hanging out with my friends Christine and Bjarke that and this museum the
02:21Phallological museum has the like biggest display of different penises. What is this Corona size?
02:29Penis the sperm whale. Holy crap. That's as big as my whole body now
02:33We can always say that like Corona is sperm. Well penis size
02:36Perfect, and he will love that
02:39Where are the vagina museums, of course, there will be one just for penises. We should fully have a vagina museum
02:46I think a lot of people would have a lot to learn. Oh
02:49That's gonna be the human one. Jimi Hendrix. What?
02:55Jimmy I
02:57first met Christine and Bjarke the when I came to Iceland the first time and
03:02They met Inky at the same after party
03:04It is important for me to have my own friends outside of Inky because if I'm having troubles with Inky like I need somebody
03:12to talk to you
03:13can we do one of the like penis waffles and
03:17Based on what I've heard from the midwifery school
03:20I need to hang out with my girls to de-stress a little bit because I am on edge
03:25Cheers. Yeah, let's go. Oh
03:28There you go. I know some stuff
03:31So things are they?
03:35School is going to be more difficult than I thought it was gonna be
03:39Okay, sure. I went to go talk to the director of the midwifery program here. Okay, and
03:45Basically, she told me I wouldn't be able to apply till next year
03:49No way. Yeah
03:53That's a big bummer considering like if I would have stayed in the States and finished school
03:56I would have been done. Are you willing to give all that up?
04:00Yeah, yeah, I think
04:06Your ex relationships
04:08Would you have ever sacrificed so much to do with Inky?
04:13God, no
04:15Why do you do it though? I?
04:17Don't I'm I love him. I don't think I've ever really loved an ex. So like I want us to succeed. Mm-hmm. Yeah
04:25He's always really nice. He's always nice
04:28He's always really nice. Yeah, and he's like easy to get along with and easy to be around
04:32he really is yeah, and my dating history is not the best I date like monsters, but
04:38They've always been like kind of obsessed with me in a way that like I like
04:42Like if I come out in a nice outfit, then they're like, oh my god, like yes
04:46But the other day I came out like a sexy outfit. I think he was just like cool. Let's go
04:53Wow, I don't know I feel like he doesn't gas me up
04:57You want him to be hardly looking at you? Yeah, I
05:01Mean I think in a year
05:04I've had sex like four times
05:07Jesus Christ
05:12Yeah, no one is supposed to be like the honeymoon phase yeah, you should be like bunnies
05:18What I'm sorry, I think he's defense a little bit like I don't want to get too explicit but
05:28He kind of broke his penis
05:31What was a bloodbath so things were out of commish
05:45The last time that I was here me and ink you were being intimate some things broke
05:52he's gonna kill me and
05:55It was just like it was a lot of trauma on Inky I will say that
06:00If he's scared like after whatever happened
06:03Then he should just tell you that and talk about it and go gentle or something not just like avoid the whole thing
06:10Yeah, yeah
06:12Since I've been here. I mean, it's kind of trickled downhill like night one awesome and then
06:18Less and less and less I can understand why he's a little apprehensive given what has happened in the past
06:25Which is maybe why he doesn't want to like satisfy me that way
06:29But I mean, he's got ten fingers and a mouth. So like while we figure this out you could get creative
06:38Do you think like ink is as committed as you are like, I mean you guys had like serious talks about everything I
06:44mean, it's almost hard to have a serious talk with inky because his whole mentality is just like
06:50That's all fine. We'll figure it out. We'll get there when it comes
06:52But even though
06:55You do love him. How can you be sure without having all those?
07:00Conversations, I mean, I'm not in a rush necessarily
07:04But you do want to get married you won't read
07:08I'm here now so that we can start having these conversations, but it does he want to get married though? I think
07:15He better otherwise like what are you doing?
07:19I'll be honest like it has worried me that you are his first girlfriend
07:22Yeah, but is it gonna be like my first girlfriend and my only girlfriend, you know, yeah, what does he want to like?
07:29explore his options
07:31He made a joke a few times cuz I'm not on his social media
07:35Why are the nuts he joking? He's like, ah, but I just want to keep my options open blah blah blah
07:41I know he was joking but some jokes have like a little bit of truth in them, you know
07:46But at which point did you did you become exclusive six months ago? Yeah. Yeah
07:56So, why do you ask
08:03We might see might have seen him with girls
08:07But I don't know anything for sure
08:10When when
08:13You know, we are at the same bar all the time no go out I know
08:18You didn't seem like kissing or like anything like that. No, nothing like that
08:23Just chatting. Okay
08:26I'm fine. Everything's fine
08:30I'm afraid she might have built some dreams some
08:35Expectations that can't be met. There's no doubt in my mind that they love each other, but is it the real thing?
08:41Yeah, I think it's I think it's concerning
08:46Are you not afraid like these not being as serious as you are then or like
08:51Sometimes I worry that it's just like what it's like. I'm more committed to this than he is. I
08:58Trust Inky so I am giving Inky the benefit of the doubt right now
09:02But I don't know that he knows exactly like what I'm hoping for in this relationship
09:08And I'm giving up my spot in midwifery school so that I can be here in Iceland
09:12So there's a lot of things that I'm just like what if what if what if and that's terrifying
09:49It's nice to get out of the house with you finally
09:52Tomorrow is the wedding and today Tata's five siblings close family and friends are all coming here into town
09:59Let's go. There's a big car coming. So yeah cross now
10:02It's been really stressful having the conversations we've had with Tata's parents about having kids
10:07But I'm trying to keep a really positive outlook on everything right now
10:11We owe it to ourselves to enjoy this moment and enjoy this wedding
10:15That fruit is alive
10:17Like and I don't mean like in like the good kind of alive. I mean, it's alive alive. It's moving. That's in that's alive
10:25What is this called?
10:29It's monkeys monkeys
10:35Mean we can try it. Is it good? I like it. I've heard it smells bad though, right? Yeah, there are smells strong
10:42Looks like a porcupine
10:45advocacy. Oh
10:50It's already opened I
10:54Mean it looks cool
10:57Oh, oh
11:00Oh, won't you take the skin off? Oh, I don't know
11:07That stinks it makes me want to throw yeah, don't get it
11:15Maybe if I close my nose
11:35Durian tastes so bad
11:38It is gooey like rotted human flesh and the smell it gives off is very similar to
11:44rotting human flesh
11:50But people here seem to love it and
11:53I don't know how or why and sadly one of those people is my wife
12:00It feels like it doesn't leave you
12:03That was awful, this is good. I'm scared to try something you give me now
12:13Sour, I just sour but it's way better than that thing
12:19So I just arrived at the town you ready to meet her in person
12:27Are you ready for me to read her we used to be like the closest sister
12:32So I want you guys get along be nice if we could
12:38So there's five my sibling coming for the wedding and Angel is my closest sister
12:44Since we are little
12:46Because when we grow up we sleep in the same bed together. We travel together. We eat together
12:54We shower together
12:56So yeah, we like a best friend
12:59until a few years ago
13:03I'm a little nervous how it'll go down
13:05she just
13:07Thinking you stole me from her because we used to close, you know, and then all the sudden boom
13:12She just don't want that as a leave
13:16You know, I'm stealing you from her though like what she said about me
13:21You know, I know it's pretty hurtful. Yes. Yeah, she picked the worst thing she could try to say about me
13:29Could have like destroyed any relationship we had
13:32I've never met her in person
13:34But right after we had gotten engaged when I was back in the United States
13:39Angel started spreading some pretty malicious lies about me to try to poison Tata's family against her
13:46Coming to the United States
13:48She said you had a friend in the US who told her that I mistreated women in relationships
13:56She doesn't even have any friends in the United States
13:59But it all kind of came to a head and shortly before Tata came to the US
14:03We did end up blocking Angel for just over a year
14:08I just want more people to like
14:11Have the same relations with her
14:14like a regular sister
14:16and I hope they
