• hier
Home And Away 28th October 2024


00:00J'ai dormi avec Tim.
00:01Je ne peux pas croire que tu ferais quelque chose de si selfish.
00:05Tu sais quoi ? Vas-y, Levi.
00:06Il est le conseiller d'Abby.
00:08Ou a-t-elle lu ma lettre ?
00:10Et ?
00:11Elle s'est déplacée.
00:12C'est tout ? J'ai poussé mon cœur dans cette lettre.
00:15Tu ne veux pas me voir de nouveau ?
00:16Non, je le veux.
00:18Je t'aime vraiment.
00:19J'ai hâte de te le dire, mais elle l'aime.
00:21Elle n'est pas juste une femme.
00:22Elle est une femme.
00:23Elle est une femme.
00:24Elle est une femme.
00:25Elle est une femme.
00:26Elle est une femme.
00:27Elle est une femme.
00:28Je ne peux pas te le dire, mais elle l'aime.
00:30Elle n'est pas juste une femme.
00:32C'est ton frère.
00:35Je dois t'appeler, mais pas par téléphone.
00:38Je voudrais appeler Kaya Hayes.
00:43J'ai attendu tellement longtemps pour ce moment.
00:45Sors-moi de là.
00:47J'espère que tu pourras me comprendre et me pardonner.
00:51Tu m'as abandonné.
00:52Je ne veux rien faire avec toi.
00:54Je pensais que je faisais le bon choix pour toi.
00:56Ce que j'ai appris de toi, c'est à quel point c'était difficile pour toi de partir.
00:59Je peux te promettre que c'était beaucoup plus difficile de rester.
01:04Bonne nuit.
01:20Kaya, attends.
01:21Tu m'as entendu? Il ne veut pas que je sois ici.
01:23Allez, ça ne veut pas dire que...
01:24Ça ne veut pas dire que...
01:25Le garçon a vécu beaucoup.
01:27Nous avons vécu beaucoup ensemble. Je le connais.
01:29Oh mon Dieu.
01:31C'est si difficile d'accepter que tu connais mon fils mieux que moi.
01:34Il n'a pas besoin d'être comme ça.
01:37Laisse-moi lui parler de nouveau, d'accord?
01:39N'y va pas. Je t'appellerai.
01:42S'il te plaît.
01:47D'accord, merci.
01:50Tu me promets de le chercher?
01:51Bien sûr.
01:55Je te promets de le chercher.
02:12Tu veux que je reste?
02:13Non, c'est bon.
02:22Est-ce que je serai à la maison?
02:23Je comprends ton inquiétude.
02:28L'inquiétude n'est même pas proche.
02:30On parle de mes soeurs ici.
02:38Alors, les rumeurs sont véritables.
02:40Tu as décidé de rester.
02:42Oh mon Dieu.
02:43C'est vrai que je devrais rester.
02:45Non, tu dois faire ce qui te va le mieux.
02:49Tu vas bouger des murs.
02:51C'est tout pour toi.
02:52Oui, c'est ma responsabilité maintenant.
02:56Tu devrais y aller.
02:57Je ne veux pas qu'ils aient froid.
02:59Bien sûr.
03:00À plus.
03:09Je vais avoir besoin d'une explication.
03:10Parce que tu as reçu ma lettre et je suis vraiment offusquée.
03:14Alors, que penses-tu?
03:17Pour commencer, je ne savais pas que tu pouvais utiliser une apostrophe.
03:20Je suis sérieuse, Eden.
03:21J'ai vraiment été stressée par cela.
03:23Tu veux manger quelque chose et qu'on en parle?
03:25Enfin, oui.
03:26Je pensais que tu n'allais jamais me demander.
03:38Elle est partie?
03:40Ou elle peut retourner à New Zealand et ne reviendra jamais.
03:42En fait, j'ai demandé à elle de rester.
03:44Pourquoi ferais-tu ça?
03:45Parce que je peux voir qu'elle veut vraiment te le dire.
03:47Donc, tu es toujours de son côté.
03:49Je m'occupe de ce qui est le mieux pour toi.
03:51Oui, et c'est en lui disant de s'occuper.
03:53Tu sais, j'ai vu ton visage quand elle t'a dit que tu allais à tes jeux de basketball.
03:56Tu veux dire quand elle m'a regardé jouer au basketball,
03:59mais ne m'a pas dit qu'elle était en vie?
04:01Oui, elle est bizarre.
04:02Bien, elle a clairement beaucoup de regrets sur ce qui s'est passé.
04:05Allez, mec.
04:06Quoi, je suis le mauvais gars?
04:07Non, non, je veux juste dire, une fois que ce choc s'arrête,
04:10tu pourras te sentir un peu différemment.
04:11Mec, est-ce que j'ai toujours un travail au gym?
04:13Oui, bien sûr.
04:14Cool, c'est là que je serai.
04:20Salut, Cash.
04:22Le rapport sur la pause et l'entrée de la classe...
04:24Oui, je suis sur celui-là et je suis désolé.
04:26Je sais qu'il devrait y être.
04:27C'est bon.
04:28Depuis quand?
04:32Tu es sûr que tu vas prendre ta pause maintenant, non?
04:34Non, non, non. C'est bon, je veux juste finir ça.
04:36Cash, vas-y.
04:38Tu es sûr?
04:39Oui, dis-moi ce que tu as et je finirai maintenant.
04:56Mets-la sur ton lèvre.
05:00Ce que tu fais, c'est faux et tu le sais, Tim.
05:02C'est faux.
05:03C'est faux.
05:04C'est faux.
05:05C'est faux.
05:06C'est faux.
05:07C'est faux.
05:08C'est faux.
05:09C'est faux.
05:10C'est faux.
05:11C'est faux.
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07:33C'est faux.
07:34C'est faux.
07:35C'est faux.
07:41So what are we going for round two?
07:44You know I'll let you beat me right?
07:46Well as much as I'd love to humiliate you again I can't.
07:49I'm having lunch with my sister.
07:52So does that mean you're finally talking about the letter?
07:54It's going really well.
07:56Alright well in that case we can save pool for another time then.
07:59Sure, because obviously you like to lose.
08:05So, now I think you should write me a letter.
08:08It's your turn to spill all of your secrets.
08:14Hey, what are you doing here? Come join us.
08:18Woah, what happened to you?
08:20Ah, yeah, it's a long story.
08:23We were just, um, catching up, having a coffee.
08:25We were talking about my letter.
08:28Come, sit.
08:31Ah, yeah, sure, okay, just for a second.
08:34So, what are you doing in Summer Bay?
08:36Oh, I was just in the area and looking to grab a coffee.
08:38Yeah, there's great coffee here.
08:42Actually, you know what, don't mind me, I do have to get back to work.
08:44But you can shout my counsellor a coffee.
08:46I will get straight on to that.
08:53What the hell happened?
08:55Your brother.
09:03Is that the list for the next class?
09:11Hey, it's like you're stalking me now.
09:13What? No, I'm just...
09:15Oh, calm down, just joking.
09:17Oh, here he is.
09:19The free man.
09:23Well, you could look a little bit more excited.
09:25Did you hear what happened?
09:27Mum showed up to call.
09:29What? You told me your mum died.
09:31Yeah, I thought so too.
09:33Turns out, Dad was lying the whole time.
09:37Hey. You good?
09:39Yeah, I'm all good, just busy.
09:41Oh, I can't believe he did that.
09:43Are you okay?
09:45Yeah, I'm fine. Are you okay?
09:47Yeah, it's just...
09:49That's not like Levi.
09:51Well, he's made it pretty clear that he's not happy with me or you.
09:53Yeah, well, you can't blame him, right?
09:55I mean, he worships the ground that you walk on.
09:57If you're here to take another swing, don't even...
09:59Don't start.
10:01You guys are just going to have lunch up here, are you?
10:03What does Abby think about this?
10:05Who I just happened to pass downstairs.
10:07She thinks that we are having a coffee.
10:09She was just here.
10:11I was talking to her about the letter.
10:13Nice timing.
10:15I made sure that she knows how important she is to me.
10:17I do not want her to be blindsided by this later on.
10:19Levi, we are in a really good place, and I don't want to ruin that.
10:21You're choosing to choose to ruin my life.
10:23I don't want to ruin your life.
10:25You're choosing to jeopardize this.
10:27By having a life.
10:29Okay, how about we just take a...
10:31You stay out of this. I'm talking to my sister.
10:33Go down there. Tell her.
10:35Look at you. You're scared.
10:37Maybe you should ask yourself why.
10:55Hey, is Cash back from his break yet?
10:57No, I haven't seen him yet.
11:05I can't even imagine how this must have been for Barry.
11:07He's pretty shaken by the whole thing.
11:09Says he doesn't want anything to do with Claire.
11:13I'm supposed to be at the station.
11:15Rose, hey, I completely lost track of time.
11:17I'm on my way now.
11:19No, I'm just going to head to Beach Road and I'm going to start setting up.
11:21Roger that.
11:27Are you in trouble?
11:29No, I'm just surprised.
11:31I'll tell Rose I kept you.
11:33Yeah, okay. Good luck with Barry.
11:35So, Mum wants to make it up to me, but I don't see how she can.
11:53Have you had a chance to talk to her properly?
11:55Yeah, kind of.
11:57She was just saying how hard it was for her to leave me.
11:59Yeah, I bet.
12:01Look, I know Dad was a monster,
12:03but that's the exact reason why she shouldn't have left me, right?
12:05This is your mum we're talking about.
12:07It's a pretty big decision to push her away forever.
12:11I don't know.
12:13I just can't think about it right now.
12:15Was there anything you need from me?
12:17No, no, no.
12:19I've got to go to work.
12:21Place that where I'll be distracted.
12:23Alright, well, text me later if you want to hang.
12:25Thanks, man.
12:33Is Abby still around?
12:35She's just running the lesson list down in Mali.
12:37Okay, cool. I'll catch up with her later then.
12:41I bet you will.
12:51People are just finding out.
12:53They're going to have strong opinions.
12:55Yeah, yeah.
12:57But as much as I hate to admit it, I think Levi's right.
12:59We're lying to Abby.
13:01And to ourselves if we think we can keep this up
13:03without her getting hurt.
13:05So like I said, let's just get on the front foot
13:07and be honest with her.
13:09I can already tell you how that's going to go.
13:11I mean, you said it yourself. Abby's come a long way.
13:13Yeah, but she's still got a long way to go.
13:15And I don't want to sacrifice the progress we've made.
13:23So what, we just...
13:25We sacrifice each other and that's it?
13:27Look, I don't want to.
13:29I don't think that we have a choice.
13:33I need to put Abby's happiness
13:35before my own.
13:37That line that we were talking about,
13:39I think we both know
13:41that we're firmly crossed there.
13:45Yeah, you're right.
13:47I wish it was different.
13:51But you and I, we're done.