• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Le imprese italiane che investono in sostenibilità e che fanno innovazione guadagnano quote di mercato, aumentano l’occupazione e i profitti. Le politiche devono accompagnare questo processo”. È quanto affermato da Enrico Giovannini, direttore scientifico ASviS, a margine del nuovo appuntamento Adnkronos Q&A intitolato ‘Trasformazione green, investimenti e strategie’, svoltosi a Palazzo dell’Informazione a Roma.


00:00Today, as the Italian companies also show, investing in environmental, social and economic sustainability and making innovation are the levers for competitiveness.
00:22The Italian companies that are already doing all this earn market share, increase employment and also increase profits.
00:29Therefore, we have to recognize that this is happening and, of course, policies must accompany this process, instead of sending messages of resending, waiting, slowing down.
00:44Other countries are running on these issues, so if we want to compete, we have to go in this direction.
