• 2 months ago
00:00It starts and ends with the chef and Dre holy cannoli. This is crazy now back to steini and guru
00:06Take it away steini. I would say that
00:12It starts it ends with stef period. Yeah, draymond ain't in there anymore
00:18Draymond ain't in there. Yeah, i've been trying to tell you that but it's 2025 partner. I'm gonna just i'm not gonna be down
00:24I was down last segment. I'm gonna be
00:27Solution based and try to find out so, you know figure things out. I'm i'ma watch tonight and you know, no wiggin
00:35no, kaminga, but uh
00:37I'm getting older steini. There's no meds for that and I got it
00:41We'll get back to sports, but I forgot to ask you during the holiday
00:44Did you go see your boy bob dylan's movie a completely unknown? Not yet. Okay, I haven't either. Yeah, I will at some point
00:51You know, this is and and you know, we run into this a lot on this show
00:57steini stop it
01:01Your sports imagination is terrible. Uh, wow, your schtick is overblown
01:07Curry remains a warrior and will always be a warrior if anything is new
01:13The centers are coming see this is and this is where
01:20You guys just don't get it you mean in them. Yeah, because we're on the same team I am scared you
01:26You guys
01:27You guys who who say, you know ride or die all the way with stef?
01:33are omitting
01:35Something that's crucial and that is that's not what he wants. He's not
01:41You know for all you people that say well i'd rather lose with stef than trade stef
01:47Uh, well, guess what? That's not losing with stef
01:51Is not an option at this point of his career, it's not an option. I understand it. So what if you're I want to know
01:59Put yourself in stef curry's position. What would you do?
02:04Just write it out
02:06I I don't know what the answer is
02:09But I do know that stef curry
02:11Is smart enough to know there's probably not a quick fix
02:16and so
02:17So all you people out there that have the very
02:23Logical take of I want stef to retire a warrior under 90 percent of the circumstances
02:30He's not going to remain a warrior if this is what's going on. No doubt
02:33There's just no way and they're in the fast. It seems like the they're in the fast track. That's what it feels like
02:39That's what it feels like and i'ma say this donny because it's happened to me
02:44This is so
02:45It's emotional and it's something we don't want to have to come to fruition
02:49But the bottom line is and i'm talking to you all we love you
02:53But the people that think this is made up or this is not real
02:57It's like when your spouse comes home from work and she's cheating on you and she says she's working on a project at the job
03:03You could bury your head in the sand stony. But when you do find out and it's happened to me
03:08You're like I ignored the signs
03:11The because this is real nobody wants this stony this thing that this I couldn't even give you
03:18After 36 games if coming into this season
03:22That it could get to this juncture and get this bad or feel this bad
03:25And I know we got great monty pool coming up at one but stony everybody's feeling it fits kalena
03:32Everybody that's writing. We can't ignore what we're watching. No, we can't
03:37we can't
03:41Anybody who cares what I owed about the warriors who's watched stef in the last four or five days knows that something's not right
03:48And this is a good point by the 408 now i'll jump into some calls in a sec
03:52Um, and might not be wrong here. They're hosting the all-star game. Steph's not getting traded
03:57Okay. Oh, okay. Got you that but okay
04:00fine, if that's if that's what you think but
04:04And you're probably right. He will be on the warriors for the all-star game, but guru's right
04:09If the golden state warriors are five games under 500 at the all-star break
04:15every media outlet
04:18across the globe
04:19Will be in san francisco
04:21And every single media member at one time or another over the course of that weekend
04:27Is going to write a story about how one of the greatest players in the game
04:32is left
04:33Right now to play on a team where he doesn't have a lot of help
04:38Curry's going to see all the superstars coming in here who have action in the post season
04:44How can he not have action in the post season?
04:48That that's what I mean about I I can we all acknowledge we feel something building
04:54Well said
04:56That's all that's all and and if you if we acknowledge that something's building and going on, what do we do?
05:01What are we doing? What what what would you do if you were steph? Let's go to jonathan. Jonathan's on his lunch break
05:07Thanks for calling. Jonathan. Appreciate it, man
05:11Hey, it's good to hear from you two happy new year to you both
05:15I want to get out there go happy new year to you and tiny happy new year to the genius. Thank you. I wanted to get into this
05:24Hey, you know, that's no cap you two are my favorite girl ain't gonna lie man
05:32Hey, you gotta know who you're in front of that's all player
05:35So anyway, I wanted to get into this to this relationship with steph and I i've been a steph fan since
05:41When I was in the army and steph just got drafted and it was about a year in or year two after I think we were
05:47Against the san antonio spurs in the playoff then we got bounced out
05:50Yeah, however, I knew right then and there this is our guy and i've never felt anything negative towards this man
05:57And let's talk about the future like you said during the season
06:01I don't think we're going to see any crazy trades for the warriors
06:04At least we've already got, you know a couple of trades. We got buddy. We got schroeder
06:08I think that's about as much action. I could be wrong that we're going to see till the end of the year
06:13however, like you mentioned steini you are crazy to think that steph is not going to be talking to
06:19Many people who are going to be in his ear and that's going to be a lot of people
06:22And they're just preaching the reality and if you really care about the warriors and you really care about steph
06:28You can't be selfish you got to say if it's best for both
06:31Let's wish him the best or you know, let's get him some help
06:34But if we do got to get to that road where that fork is
06:37And you say you're a fan of the warriors and you say you love steph
06:41You're going to want what's best for everybody and if that means you've got to move on so be it no hate
06:45No, you'll always forever be a warrior and it's just one of those things in people's careers
06:50And that's all I got to say. I I appreciate you both good stuff. Jonathan. Appreciate the call
06:54I do agree, which like I do not believe
06:58that we're on a
06:59That things are
07:01Yeah, come on man needn't happen tomorrow, right?
07:03I and i'm i'm i'm absolutely with jonathan that I think what's going to happen is
07:09They're going to try to make a move before the deadline
07:14May look cosmetic
07:17And may not help the team very much, but I think they will make a move
07:21And then they ride out the rest of the year
07:23but if they don't
07:25You know if they're losing the play-in
07:27Or maybe even losing the first round or don't make the playoffs at all
07:33And we're looking at two more years with steph under contract
07:39I mean
07:40See, I think it could get funky before then study that that's how
07:44Emotional i'm getting right now and i'll say this. Um, because
07:48I'm doing everything under the sun. We did the role play and I had to quit
07:51I don't even know if you guys notice I quit because I didn't like what I was doing
07:56Nor did I want to even hear the words come out of my mouth being joe lakob
07:59But stonny in the last 10 minutes, it has just dawned on me that there is no golden new state warrior
08:07outside of steph curry off limits for trade
08:11That they could that they could make happen to keep
08:14Steph curry in a golden state warrior uniform and I don't want this to sound like i'm kicking comingo while he's down
08:20Because i'm not he's been balling
08:22He's had a hell of a year
08:24But the right on the table in regard to cominga brought to you by echo pest control is they had a decision?
08:29They could have made gave you a contract and they didn't know they didn't have the answer
08:34So to me that means you'll never truly be the ultimate one
08:39And when that ankle heals and this thing continues to go the wrong way
08:43I feel like joe lakob and mike d
08:46And steve kirk's already on record he told our own willard and dibbs
08:50Steph curry deserves to get another shot at it with what he has left in the tank. There will be no warrior
08:58Untouchable that could be moved to make steph curry happy
09:02And that gives me confidence because this talk of what i'm watching and seeing is scaring me
09:08but the greater good shall prevail steinie and they'll
09:12Whoever it takes make something happen to keep this man in the golden state warrior uniform this from the 650 on the text line
09:19morning guys
09:21Just because steph is frustrated doesn't mean he wants out. Sometimes you need to vent
09:26No, no different than guru's x-mas disagreements with the fam. It doesn't mean he wants out. He's frustrated
09:33I'm, not I never said he wants out but he's getting there rocks. We're sitting there
09:38And it may already be there
09:40And i'll say it again to warrior fans
09:43And this is what I said to evan
09:46After watching steph curry at the podium the last three or four times
09:52It it hits me like how much longer
09:56Can this go on
09:58And this is where you know what everybody brings up the past and who steph curry was and i'll acknowledge this is where it's just
10:05unbelievably important
10:07It it is I
10:09I get it. Steph's been here 15 or 16 years, but
10:14the idea that
10:15And he's a great guy, but the idea that he's gonna put up with this
10:20Is what i'd be most worried about that's why you keep saying taking his kindness for weakness
10:27Yeah, he's a killer man
10:29957-9570 is the number. Uh, let's start out with dylan in modesto
10:35Hey dylan, how you doing?
10:38All right, hey stiney, hey guru
10:41To be honest with you guys
10:43I haven't heard no caller calling and say this and I don't want to hurt people's feelings
10:47But I don't think that's on the market. Like I don't think his value is that high
10:51Because to be honest too like this might be a hot take for people and stuff
10:55But I watch a lot of pistons basketball and you guys watch malik beasley tonight
10:59He's about gonna do the same thing that steph does
11:02I'm, not gonna lie to you. So
11:05That's my take to be honest appreciate it dylan i'll keep my eye on malik tonight
11:09But as far as his other points dotting 9 000 teams would be lined up to get steph
11:14And he would give you a chance to win it all no
11:17What you mean? No, he'd help six teams win it. What about the spurs?
11:21Okay, would win be in him and if he kept chris paul
11:25Oh my gosh
11:27And all that little young talent. That's what i'm talking about. Curry needs guys to bring something to the table chris paul the second
11:35Dude i'm watching wimby stony. I'm in love you're listening
11:40To 95 7 the game
11:42You really are kgmz fm and hd1 san francisco always live on the free odyssey app twitch and youtube powered by first norcal credit union
11:50I mean
11:54I think there's yes, I think there's a handful of teams that
11:57You make a trade for steph. Curry. They got asian has got his hands on uh, steph
12:01You think boston would be shaking in their boots? Yeah, I don't know cleveland's the team. Oh my god
12:09But like this is
12:10Like this is okay. See me. I should well go ahead
12:15People get mad when I even suggest it was that ever stopped you that's true
12:21Would you entertain it that's what that's the way i'll say it because see when you're a gm
12:27How do you say it like when you're a gm people
12:31You have to field calls and entertain offers left and right doesn't mean you take them
12:36if cleveland called you right now and said
12:39Just like joe lakob did to the lakers about
12:42lebron james if cleveland called the warriors and said
12:46What's going on with staff?
12:48And lakob said what do you mean? What's going on with staff?
12:53You ever think of moving him
12:57I think i'm moving him for darrius garland and picks. I hate to say it
13:01I hate to say those picks would have to be better than more attractive than darrius garland
13:07Like we talk about multiple ones. Yeah
13:10Yeah, I mean I have to be like like but that's my point is like the warriors would have to be 10 under or 12 under
13:18But then well, they're all they're 500 now and he's going the wrong way he's miserable no doubt about it
13:24Oh, man, come on. Hey spadoni. I need a v8. What what?
13:28What do we got? Really? He's in a good mood
13:31Spadone, right? I gotta take I gotta take this guy from louisiana and that's really what he's gonna say
13:38Maybe he's called from tulane
13:41Man, you know what i'm gonna put this guy on gone. I know he is
13:46Our good running only name I had bennett in louisiana and i'm putting him on he's that dude
13:51Just so guru can agree with him. What's up? Bennett? How you doing, man?
13:56Yeah, i'm doing all right, man. I'm a real warrior fan. I go back to him with keys are stadium
14:01Now, let me tell you something about being a real gm
14:04A real gm will go pick up dwight howard when you can pick them up for a little bit of nothing
14:09You won't have to brag and make the team fragile
14:12No kind of way you got rim protection somebody that could teach trades jackson how to be a big man
14:18Somebody you've got somebody that can run the floor
14:21You got rebounding now, man. You got more bites at the apple to get a better shot
14:27You understand what i'm saying? I do guys talking about you guys you guys what is steve kirk scared to get somebody taller than him?
14:33He can't coach him. What's wrong with the gm? What's wrong with dunleavy down there? He's scared to go grab the guy
14:39But it was so long these guys this guy's available
14:42And they'll don't cost us nothing. You're talking about going to get kelly on linic. Come on, man
14:46Cut it out. Don't get a guy that we don't have to pay nothing for man. You're preaching
14:50Hey, i'm serious, man, because I can't do the lord's work
14:54I mean, I didn't got hit upside the head with howard and cousin but stanley
14:58Do why like who are the warriors to say like there must be something going on with dwight that's bigger than the warriors
15:04But he is right. He would be your best being right now. Can block shots could rebound wouldn't
15:13We've who would have that title we've officially
15:17I'm starting out of answers clearly. Nope. Oh my goodness. So how do you think dwight howard is goo?
15:23I looked at his I just saw him the other day. He could still play evan and i'ma say 34 evan
15:29He's 39
15:33That has nothing that he hasn't played in over two years
15:37I think we've officially reached this portion of the show where we're out of ideas
15:43We're 39, let me guess somebody
15:45Somebody from boise is going to call in and say what about the marcus cousins. No, I let that one go
15:50What are we doing here?
15:58Well, okay smart asses I get I'll give you that he's 39 come up with a solution
16:04That's what i'm there. I that's what's scary about this whole thing. I have come up with a solution
16:11It's hard man. And did their credit?
16:14No, everybody
16:16Their money's coming on out with us. They want the paycheck still clear. Yes, but it's not about that
16:22it's the science of
16:24Well, it's another reason curry wants out because the poor media
16:28Is not feeling great about this team
16:32It's not no stony they
16:35I I do this could get ugly tonight in the motor city, man
16:39Evan i'm like, okay. I mean just I know who's out. We'll be all right now and wiggins has tended to family. Okay, but
16:49I can't believe somebody no, i'm dwight heart dwight howard
16:53Seriously, but I said 34
16:55You know what I can do I can believe guru wants dwight howard more than I can actually believe
17:01Somebody called in no, but he's not fat. What about bogey? He's younger. No stop. Yeah, and I watched the old warrior games
17:09I just go down them old rabbit holes man. Why mcgill mcgee?
17:12No, that was a roster
17:14Zaza, I could just elevate himself from the front office. Now you guys got jokes. It's funny, but dwight's still in shape. That's all
17:21You don't know that you have no idea. He actually looked pretty good on the new navy seals tv
17:25And that's what I evan I see you guys ought to be ashamed
17:29You so you ought to be
17:31So are they at a point to where they couldn't take a flyer and just have them come in and work out?
17:42Give quentin post some run fine. You know what? No, i'm serious. Fine. Okay. All right, let's do that start him tonight
17:47He's on the team. I'll do it. You know what a hundred times over let's give post a chance. I'm serious
17:54This is not fun chance. B adren's only 38
17:58And if we I heard somebody called the morning show it might have been those guys
18:02Bonte and shaski if joe montana could don another uniform if jerry rice ronnie lott
18:09Stoney when I just throw that at it it can happen, right?
18:12I don't want it to happen
18:14But if those icons and what they meant and still mean to the bay could put on another uniform
18:21And I don't want to give you credit. I am really bothered that the guy that likes our show call and i'm talking to the genius
18:29Evan mill member the guy the other day. He called you the genius madoni. Damn anyway
18:36I don't forgot
18:40Uh, well luckily, uh, i'll pick up the slack. Real gm will go pick up dwight howard
18:47He's my man, let's go dunleavy. Are you a real gm or not?
18:5339 let's go to ran. Go ahead. No, don't let me give him some minutes
18:57Dunleavy is only 44 and you said we're short on wings. No, we need bigs
19:02Uh bigs too. He's six nine active bigs
19:05I'll tell you what like give me a line. We could he can defend multiple positions
19:10Mike hit a three
19:13Cerebral right now. He's guarding the owner in the head coach. I'm glad you guys got a sense of humor
19:17We're in a crisis, right? I told you I told you about uh brain surgeons
19:22What about?
19:23When brain surgeons are doing brain surgery
19:27the matter
19:29Matters at hand are life and death and serious. They joke with each other to just take the time
19:34No, i've heard that i've heard that so that's what we're doing the surgery, right?
19:38But we've got a patient in the warriors that's dying and we're trying to keep it light. I want real quick
19:43I want to knock on wood, but as you get older and you think about your own mortality stanley
19:47I've had no surgeries, but we talk about doctors and their pay the great pay they get
19:52But what if you get a doctor that's shooting 30 from three or two like there are bad ones
19:57Yeah, that's scary as you get older
20:00Hopefully you don't need it. You know what I mean?
20:02That's why you have to have a great relationship with your doctor and you got to believe in him or her or god
20:07Well, yeah when I do we know he's a wall these days
20:12Getting the game god. I'm seriously. I shouldn't have went leaving us down here for ourselves. Stop. Uh, let's go to uh,
20:19Let's go randy's in uh, san lorenzo. Hey randy, how are you?
20:26Right on my brothers, I love you both. Oh, thank you. So
20:30So steiny you and guru are a tandem
20:34You're a great tandem. Okay, so
20:38Steph and clay they were tandem. Okay now
20:43How would you or goo feel if?
20:47One of you were taken away from each other i'm sure that
20:52The two of you would be pissed. Okay
20:56I'm sure that steph never
21:01That the warriors did to clay what they did to him. Okay
21:07and uh
21:09So yeah, I mean, uh
21:11Steph mrs. Clay
21:13And then also, uh getting away from basketball, okay
21:21I hope to see the destroyed lions and the buffalo bills in the super bowl
21:26Because neither one of them have won a super bowl. Wow. Yeah. No, that makes sense. Randy. Appreciate it. Thanks for the call. Yeah
21:35Wow, you and me are a tandem goo
21:37Uh, but who would I be with?
21:41Oh boy
21:43Spadoni too. Evan's like evan and spadoni are like cominga and moody. It's just like, you know, they're just waiting in the wings
21:49Dude, that's scary
21:50It's true waiting for me to go steph curry and say get me out of here
21:54Watch the game
21:57Signed up seriously. I don't last year. You can look at my attendance record. I ain't missing time
22:02Well, it's not what my email said this morning
22:05an upcoming
22:07Go ahead, um that bad material about your boy. Yeah, I mean look and if if warrior fans makes it
22:16You know like I I
22:18We can uh, put put curry and me side by side. Yeah, essentially, you know
22:25Worried about steph curry, you know, steph curry going to lake have been saying, you know, get me to a team I can win
22:31Yeah, we'll see what happens first whether curry does it or whether I tell him the hegan
22:34He's got to get me real quick here that kawakami line about uh,
22:38uh, mike d and uh lake of having that chat out in front of
22:41Stadium that hit me. Okay, he's letting you know after a bad embarrassing loss another one
22:48Like they're not panicking, but they're they're like joe lakob is not sitting still. That's all no, you're right
22:54I mean I can just see joe lakob and mike dunleavy after the worst loss of the season
22:59Saying hey, what do you say?
23:01We have a real serious talk
23:02But let's wait to have it until all the writers can walk right by us and see that we're engaged
23:08In a very serious talk. It's like come on
23:11I didn't kind of didn't mean it like that. I know but yeah
23:14But kaminga stani I thought was off limits. It's about curry now if if he can be included in something
23:21I believe they're going to do it man
23:24Oh kaminga kaminga kaminga, okay. All right, eight eight eight nine five seven nine five seven zeroes the number
23:31and uh, I see bernsie, uh, we'll get him on the other side chill will we'll get him in and uh,
23:38the question i'm asking warrior fans and
23:41it might not be a fun one, but
23:45What do you think steph curry's thinking right now? And if you put yourself in steph's position, what would you ask of joe lakob?
