• 2 months ago
00:00yeah so it was a TNT game and this is to me there's no better indication of where
00:09the Warriors are then what Kenny Smith talked about Kenny Smith talked about
00:16after the game I mean if this doesn't tell you that this organization right
00:21now is in no man's land right I don't know what does he's talking about the
00:26Lakers and the Warriors and what they got to do I want to talk about the
00:30rebuild which rebuild with Golden State and they're in a similar situations with
00:35the Lakers are in but much different in the same results when you're building
00:38rebuilding around LeBron James and you say hey he's later in his years he's
00:41maybe not the same player but he's still a great player or one of the top players
00:45in the league LeBron James plays with the ball in his hand so you have to
00:49build the team that actually fits in so you keep you're gonna bring in older
00:54players I think with Steph Curry he actually plays without the ball a lot
00:58and he's running off picks so now you can bring in and say we're gonna do a
01:02young rebuild with young energy to get him shots easier because he's catching
01:08shooting more instead of beating people off the dribble so the rebuild is
01:13different they should go young through the draft through trade keep guys like
01:18Kaminga not think about trading guys like Kaminga in his age that group is
01:24where they need to be with the Lakers they need to get older players at times
01:29to go with LeBron because LeBron handles the ball and there it is well I love
01:35Kenny there are no guys like Kaminga there's one Kaminga on this roster there
01:40are no guys like Kaminga it's not plural is singular there's one guy yeah so they
01:45my gosh right he is getting paid Kenny Smith is saying what nobody else has
01:51said everybody's talking about going and getting a veteran a ready-made star a
01:57guy to pair with Steph and he's saying the opposite that ain't gonna work they
02:02need to get younger they need to find a way to move healed and Anderson and and
02:08Gary Payton the second and get 24 25 year olds if they can but you know how
02:15is incredible to me that's that's where we've come but from Jimmy Butler to
02:21Kenny Smith a respected voice saying we need a young rebuild we got to get off
02:29the older guys Steph I'm Steph Stiney is you know I'm bleeding right now I I get
02:34that premise but the bottom line is I don't think you could do both with Steph
02:38I don't want him in another Jersey but if you're going to do it tear it all
02:43early Steph because who are you gonna use to get that those young guy who like
02:47who's attracted who's the Halle Berry outside of Steph and Kaminga on this
02:51team right now well and if you included Steph then you could go get something a
02:55substance to come back but I it's in and I love Kenny Stiney it's so easy to say
03:00but what could you fit what do you have to get what Kenny's talking about it's
03:05what you don't want to hear and the reality is and I didn't hear him say
03:09trade Steph I heard him say trade to get Steph younger help right so clearly what
03:14he's talking about is is there another team out there who's a top eight or ten
03:20team who looks at Andrew Wiggins and says he'd be a nice little piece let's
03:24talk somebody say there's Draymond Green he might be the guy who could put us
03:29over and then you trade Draymond Green not for a 35 year old but a 24 25 year
03:37old who isn't at his prime in his prime right now you go young can you trade a
03:44third look you just spent two years ago you traded Jordan Pool a 23 year old for
03:49a 36 year old what he's saying is it's time for maybe moving a 32 or 33 year
03:55old like Buddy Heald or a 34 35 year old like Draymond Green for a young player
04:01yeah and I'm looking at Draymond who's a six day right now we haven't even talked
04:05about that yeah and I hope like I really think this just me he's hurt like it's
04:09severe like he might miss some real time and if he comes back it could be on and
04:14off so how attractive is Draymond Green right now with this current health
04:18status it's like everything you know more attractive to me than Butler's
04:22missed games I mean Draymond Green is gonna be reevaluated in a week that
04:27doesn't sound like he's out for the season sounds like he's gonna miss three
04:30games and then hopefully he'll be back at some point on this homestead so then
04:35okay Kenny what's the let's just talk about it
04:38Johnny what's the blue book on Andrew Wiggins like who's who's coveting Andrew
04:43Wiggins well I and if the Warriors like who's to say the Warriors haven't tried
04:47to dangle Wiggins behind closed doors I don't say that's all and I just and I I
04:53was the one get curry help Malcolm X by any means necessary but if you're gonna
04:58do that I don't know how you do it around Steph and I don't know what you
05:01have outside of Kaminga which are not going to trade because you're looking
05:05for that because you don't have a surplus of it it seems like they're
05:09stuck man well it's in right and what I'm here to tell you is what's the
05:13difference between today and two and a half years ago they're in the exact same
05:19spot I believe they believe players that they had on the roster would pop okay
05:24and they didn't see this but they have a regression if we want to call it from
05:28Steph and Dre not having their typical you know years but it's not just those
05:32two study this team can't is devoid of shooting well again I'm more looking at
05:37the bigger picture here you know a lot of if we want to talk about you know a
05:41certain guys not having a great year or you know they should be better the
05:46reality is again they're they've been middling for two and a half years why
05:55do we think they won't be middling in one year for example like why if if this
06:02team right now is a 500 team let's say they go 42 and 40 so now they're 44 one
06:07year 46 and 42 like how do you expect to get to 50 next year I like it's it's
06:16I think we all thought it was too easy 888-957-9570 is the number let's start
06:26out with warrior in Antioch what's up warrior how you doing man well I just
06:32celebrated my 60th birthday on Sunday happy birthday my wife made it my wife
06:40made it past that to Trump's inauguration my wife has passed and I
06:48just wanted to let you guys know because you know your program director and guru
06:55on Twitter words were so kind to me during her her illness
07:01here's I used to say when I was in working in minor pro hockey is the worst
07:07thing you could say about an athlete is hey he didn't compete and be he quit
07:11this team is all is quit on their coach and sometimes it's not the message it's
07:18the the messenger I think they've stopped listening to him everybody wants
07:23to annoy Bob Myers but this is the same guy that one that took cominga that
07:30looked like a good pick at the time it's middle of the road player he brought us
07:35Ryan Rollins Lester Quinones and and PB&J so it's easy to blame Dunleavy who
07:44made some good moves and I don't know if that was an aberration at the beginning
07:48of the season but it's it's time to move on from current I'm not just one of
07:53those fans that no I know says fire the coach you're not but anyway this might
07:59be my last call to a sports talk radio station and I appreciate you guys we
08:07love you too man we love you to warrior thoughts and prayers we're here anytime
08:11man no doubt had a tough year hanging no doubt about it Donnie puts it all in
08:17perspective right for sure we're just talking for sure I want to read this to
08:20you if I can okay I call 510 for my guy Leroy couldn't call in goose Donnie
08:25Stephen Curry is Halle Berry she's older we need a Zendaya who was Jordan
08:31pool and the Warriors let him go and I will say this about curse Donnie I just
08:35don't like there's the game and then there's the after the I just don't like
08:40hearing him say a 40-point loss at the house the worst in his tenure is a is
08:45like it's the NBA there's a flurry of threes coming that messaging to me is
08:50bothersome as a fan and then for the first time yesterday I did question
08:55Stani I asked you how hard is it to guard the perimeter like the war is
09:00swing the ball and you're gonna get open looks against the doves like that's more
09:04concerning I'm not saying run Kerr but he has is the message getting stale well
09:12to me the problem yesterday was you you're playing small ball and there's
09:16their guys are post you know their guys are just too strong for buddy healed and
09:20Steph Curry and even moody you know you want to play moody at the three or four
09:24and then they're gonna go down there with Jalen Brown or perzingis it's you're
09:29just operating at a disadvantage but this is what this is what goose talking
09:32about when Steve Kerr was asked about the lopsided result I think this is the
09:38one that bothered you take a listen I don't even think of this season in those
09:43terms we just you know we kind of take it week by week we've got Sacramento on
09:47Wednesday you know we've got a flush this one down the toilet and get ready
09:50for sack we've been very competitive all year and our guys have have fought
09:55but we've had a you know a handful of these where you know we just get blown
09:58out and it's these are demoralizing so most important thing to me is for our
10:03guys to forget this one have a day off tomorrow and then be ready to roll in
10:07Sacramento on on Wednesday Wow a day off like I'll go how I'm a
10:16crazy I know I'm different I've never coached CYO level flipper spread tell us
10:23what's real tell us that you know you don't even know what's going on I think
10:26I would appreciate that more than it feels like the Warriors from his
10:31standpoints Donnie they're just playing out the string they're just playing it
10:35out we take a week by week no harm no foul and you barely beat the Wizards and
10:40then you follow that up with a 40-point loss and if you're saying Wiggins can
10:47get you that young you know that youth good luck with that but unless you say
10:52outside of Wiggins what do you really have Stani you got Steph Curry you got
10:58Draymond when he plays still can play play in stretches maybe Dennis Schroeder
11:04has value to somebody at the trade deadline pods has been hurt so who knows
11:10about him but he would be one of the young players that you'd probably keep
11:14around but I want to ask warrior fans just I'm gonna play this Kenny Smith one
11:19more time because I mean it's truly remarkable that in half a season we're
11:27actually now saying we've gone from anything and everything for Steph to get
11:32that fifth ring and get a running mate in here
