• 12 hours ago
90 Day Fiance S10 E03


00:00:00Previously on 90 Day Fiancé...
00:00:03Me and more!
00:00:04Oh my God!
00:00:07Baby, is this air conditioner or the weather?
00:00:10This is air conditioner. We're in the building still.
00:00:14Here's our home.
00:00:16What do you think?
00:00:19Everything looks so old and dusty.
00:00:24It's like the ruins.
00:00:26I want a new bed, the mattress, the blankets, the pillows.
00:00:31You have to prioritize what's most important.
00:00:36Rico Suave!
00:00:39I don't usually sleep with animals.
00:00:42Rico Suave has been with me through a ton of partners.
00:00:47They leave and guess who stays? Rico mother**** Suave.
00:00:50I slept in the closet.
00:00:53They slept here and I slept in the closet.
00:00:58Will you marry me?
00:00:59Yes, yes, yes! Oh my God, what the hell?
00:01:03We only have a short time to get married.
00:01:05There's definitely a fear of what if it's a mistake?
00:01:08You've actually broken it. I need to get out of the lift.
00:01:11There's nothing I can do about it.
00:01:12Oh my God!
00:01:13It took all of 15 minutes for her to be pissed off at me about something that I cannot control.
00:01:18In my defense, you did control it because you did break it.
00:01:21Why are you angry at me?
00:01:23Oh my God, all this attitude over the damn elevator.
00:01:37I see how he's reacting that me coming there to his country and it's upsetting.
00:01:43Maybe he's afraid for himself, he's afraid for you.
00:01:49It's a lot.
00:01:53I love you.
00:02:09Baby, I cleaned the comforter that you said was stinky.
00:02:16And it smells heavenly.
00:02:24So much better, right?
00:02:26Yeah, baby.
00:02:27Give it a smell. See if you smell any fungus in here.
00:02:30Or any bed bugs or anything else.
00:02:33Like Coco.
00:02:34You're like one of those dogs that sniff at the airport.
00:02:36Yeah, I train it.
00:02:38Earlier today, I wasn't too happy about the house, everything in the house, the condition of the house.
00:02:45But I'm starting to feel better because he's trying to put some effort, finally.
00:02:51Gina and I have been cleaning and we're packing and I'm feeling more like at home right now.
00:02:59I have a surprise for you.
00:03:03I need to go to the bathroom and I promise it's not something bad.
00:03:08See you in a few minutes.
00:03:13Oh my God, Coco.
00:03:15Oh my God, Coco.
00:03:21Tonight is our first night together after months.
00:03:26You have no idea how horny I am.
00:03:28I know.
00:03:32Oh my goodness.
00:03:34From one to ten, a hundred.
00:03:40I'm going to show you the surprise.
00:03:42Jasmine, you brought a lot of underwear and bras, didn't you?
00:03:53Whoa, look at you.
00:03:58My nurse.
00:04:02Oh my God, you look so sexy.
00:04:05I am nurse JC.
00:04:13Wow, look at you, man, with your big ones bulging out.
00:04:18You're so sexy and hot, baby.
00:04:24Look at this hot outfit.
00:04:28No, don't do that.
00:04:30Be respectful.
00:04:32I'm your boss.
00:04:34Well, actually, you're my boss because you're Dr. Gino.
00:04:39And I need a favor.
00:04:41This is your hat, the most important part of your uniform.
00:04:46This is a hat?
00:04:48This is the shirt, and these are the pants.
00:04:52Hurry up, go and change.
00:04:54Wash your hands and other instruments.
00:05:00Gino and I have a lot of issues when it comes to our sex life.
00:05:04So that's why four months ago, I had reconstruction in my hymen to restore my virginity.
00:05:10I was hoping that this surgery was going to improve my sex life with Gino
00:05:15because he was going to feel like, oh my gosh, she's virgin now, like in a perverted way.
00:05:21And I was like, that's super sexy, but it was not the outcome.
00:05:27Even though his d*** was f***ing off, it was very difficult for him to get his d***
00:05:33because the surgeon grabbed my d*** too much and we couldn't have sex.
00:05:38And we ended up being super stressed and actually arguing.
00:05:42Dr. Gino, remember this is an emergency.
00:05:46Did you say emergency?
00:05:48Dr. Gino at your services.
00:05:51I'm sorry to inform you that I'm Nurse Jaycee, but at the same time, I'm the patient.
00:05:57So Dr. Gino.
00:06:00Oh my gosh, what's this?
00:06:01Some instruments.
00:06:03We're going to start with this first.
00:06:05You're going to...
00:06:07And then we move to medium.
00:06:12Oh my gosh.
00:06:14You know?
00:06:20And then you move to the biggest stool.
00:06:25I mean, I definitely can try.
00:06:27I don't have the most steady hand, but I can certainly try.
00:06:31I am ready, doctor.
00:06:33Well, wow, those are big.
00:06:35I think you need to lay down first.
00:06:47Let's prep you.
00:06:54The doctor outfit is making me feel like I'm kind of in control here.
00:07:03Hopefully today our intimacy can get back on track.
00:07:06You know, I want us to be happy and like we used to be.
00:07:16Where you come from?
00:07:18Baby, yes, you have to take him out.
00:07:21Just give us a minute.
00:07:23A minute.
00:07:26Oh, baby.
00:07:28You're violent.
00:07:30I like that.
00:07:31A little bit like that.
00:07:33We got this, girls.
00:07:34We all the way.
00:07:35We all the way.
00:07:36This is the final.
00:07:37Oh, no.
00:07:38I forgot my syringes.
00:07:39I take my hormones, because if I don't take these, I don't know if Justin's going to
00:07:40end up alive.
00:07:41He may end up in this body bag here.
00:07:42Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:07:43Just tell me when.
00:08:01Just tell everyone I'm your unicorn fly like Tinkerbell
00:08:04Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
00:08:05You're so super fun, shake with Trimble
00:08:07I'm all over like yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
00:08:11Oh, my goodness.
00:08:13So cute.
00:08:14It's too early.
00:08:15Oh, you look cute.
00:08:16I know.
00:08:17I'm so tired.
00:08:18Are you ready?
00:08:19Oh, I'm excited.
00:08:20I'm sure you are.
00:08:21But I'm like half asleep right now.
00:08:22I'm excited for you, too.
00:08:23I'm tired.
00:08:24I can't even do my makeup right now.
00:08:25I'm so excited.
00:08:26I'm so excited.
00:08:27I'm so excited.
00:08:28I'm so excited.
00:08:29I'm so excited.
00:08:30Today, I'm going to see my fiancee, Justin, in Kishine, Moldova.
00:08:36It's been about nine months.
00:08:38It's been a really long time.
00:08:39I miss him so much, so I can't wait to see him.
00:08:45You have everything?
00:08:46Your passport, your cellphone, your chargers?
00:08:52Justin and I are currently nine months in on the K1 visa process, and we are having some
00:08:58issues that need to be addressed.
00:09:01And the easiest way to address them
00:09:04is actually working on them in person.
00:09:07Oh my goodness.
00:09:09I definitely want to know that he's
00:09:12going to pull the weight in our relationship,
00:09:16financially, sexually, whatever, emotionally.
00:09:20I don't want it to be 89 days, and I send his ass back again.
00:09:24I want it to work, and I know he wants it to work too.
00:09:28Oh my god.
00:09:30Oh my god.
00:09:31What is in here?
00:09:34Oh my god.
00:09:38Oh my god.
00:09:42I've known Nikki for close to 15 years.
00:09:46She says that he makes her happy,
00:09:48and that's all that I want for her.
00:09:50But when Nikki talks to me about Justin, it's mostly negative.
00:09:53It's like, yeah, we had a nice time, and then we fought.
00:09:56Yeah, we went to dinner, and then we fought.
00:09:58Yeah, we FaceTimed, and then we fought.
00:10:00She's very in this 100%, which I feel like he's not.
00:10:07So now is he picking you up from the airport?
00:10:09He better.
00:10:10Or, wow, you guys didn't arrange this?
00:10:13Yeah, but he's, like, telling me, like,
00:10:15baby, how big is your luggage?
00:10:18My car has subwoofers.
00:10:20Oh god.
00:10:21Baby, can you pay for a cab and come to my house?
00:10:27I'm on your term.
00:10:29You pay for the taxi.
00:10:32She does give him an allowance.
00:10:34I'm not sure how much, but it is a nice chunk.
00:10:36She pays for every vacation that they go on,
00:10:39and she does pay for his cosmetic surgeries, his nose,
00:10:42his teeth, his cheeks, his hair, his eyes, his eyebrows,
00:10:45whatever he needs done.
00:10:46It comes out of Nicole's pocket.
00:10:49In the past, Nikki had sugar daddies that took
00:10:51care of everything for her, and I'm
00:10:52so surprised that now she's, like, the sugar mama.
00:10:55She should know better.
00:10:57All right, so what are you guys going to do when you get there?
00:10:58Like, what are the plans?
00:11:00The plans are meeting his family.
00:11:05Meeting his friends.
00:11:07They will probably show you or tell you
00:11:11something that you probably don't even know about Justin.
00:11:14Well, apparently, some of his friends
00:11:16don't support our union.
00:11:21They loved you when they met you the first time.
00:11:25Yes, that's because they didn't know,
00:11:27and that's how it is all the time.
00:11:29When people don't know, they're cool.
00:11:33And then when they find out, it's like,
00:11:35You know, again, they're not used to that over there.
00:11:37Over here, it's normal, but over there, it's not.
00:11:39Even here in the United States, you know,
00:11:42telling somebody you're trans, it's either a taken,
00:11:45good or bad.
00:11:48I feel like 15 years ago, when our first K1 visa was approved
00:11:54and we tried to give it a chance,
00:11:56I don't feel like our love was ready at that time.
00:12:06I want you to find what you're looking for.
00:12:07Be happy.
00:12:09Get all your questions answered, because you
00:12:11have a lot of questions.
00:12:13I want to believe that he did come back
00:12:14because he truly loved me and wanted to give it a chance.
00:12:17And I want to believe in that, because if I have doubts,
00:12:20the devil is doubt.
00:12:25It smells really bad in here, which doesn't help.
00:12:29I have to pee at, like, 3 AM.
00:12:31I have to go outside.
00:12:32We don't have a bathroom in here.
00:12:33You're used to houses in Dubai and London
00:12:36and all this other bougie-ass stuff.
00:12:38What's even bougie about having a bathroom
00:12:40inside your apartment?
00:12:42It's not normal, babe.
00:12:45This whole time, Manuel's mom has
00:12:47been thinking that he is out working in Guayaquil,
00:12:51when in reality, he's been in the States with me.
00:13:05Manuel has always been on the secretive side.
00:13:07So I would be doing myself a disservice
00:13:10to not question some of this.
00:13:22You get to flip with me.
00:13:37It's really dark in here.
00:13:38I literally can't even see if I'm doing my makeup right.
00:13:43And it smells really bad in here, which doesn't help.
00:13:48It's definitely not, like, a normal situation
00:13:51of having a bathroom outside.
00:13:52It's like, 2 in the morning, if I want to pee
00:13:55and it's, like, raining, I've got to walk out into the rain.
00:13:57It doesn't.
00:13:58First of all, it never rains in L.A.
00:14:00Why can't you just admit it's not ideal to pee outside?
00:14:02I'm not going to admit that that bathroom is so inaccessible.
00:14:06The patio is nice.
00:14:07I do like the patio.
00:14:08Yeah, well, you get to see that patio
00:14:09every time you go to the bathroom.
00:14:15You like creamer in your coffee?
00:14:19Not really.
00:14:20You don't like sugar or creamer?
00:14:22Maybe some sugar, actually.
00:14:24So, day one of this 90 days kicked off.
00:14:29I feel, like, real good.
00:14:31The, I think, the airport romance was good.
00:14:35Somehow, the elevator has a glitch, and it's my fault.
00:14:38But, all right, no, it was a moment, but we're good.
00:14:41And I woke up this morning next to my baby.
00:14:44It's like...
00:14:47You don't get no better than this.
00:14:49How'd you sleep last night?
00:14:51Um, to be honest, I slept really well yesterday.
00:14:54It was obviously more weird, like, waking up.
00:14:56Like, when I felt you, I was like, who is this?
00:14:59It was weird waking up to someone.
00:15:01I mean, I tried to put you to sleep,
00:15:02so you wouldn't have to be thinking about all that.
00:15:06What's annoying is I was really tired,
00:15:08and I was just like, no, and you were like, no, please.
00:15:12I'm a man.
00:15:13As soon as I got in the bed, I passed out, kind of.
00:15:16I'm so tired.
00:15:17And Rob was like, nope.
00:15:18I was like, Rob, like, I'm jet lagged.
00:15:21And he took, like, six minutes to take these buttons off,
00:15:23but they got off eventually.
00:15:26Kind of ruined the moment.
00:15:27He was just like, how do I take this off?
00:15:29I'm like, Rob, come on.
00:15:31That was like the icing on the cake,
00:15:32like, surprise, surprise, surprise, icing.
00:15:37Yeah, that was good.
00:15:40I slept nice.
00:15:43Anyway, I feel all right.
00:15:45I'm just like, it's still weird for me.
00:15:48Like, I had to pee at, like, 3 AM.
00:15:50I had to go outside.
00:15:51Not annoying, that is.
00:15:52I'm, like, half asleep, and I have to go outside.
00:15:54I've got to put shoes on.
00:15:55We don't have a bathroom in here.
00:15:57It's not the first place ever.
00:15:58You used to have houses in Dubai, and London, and Spain,
00:16:03and all this other bougie-ass stuff.
00:16:06It's like.
00:16:08What's even bougie about having a bathroom
00:16:10inside your apartment?
00:16:11It's not the worst thing in the world.
00:16:12I don't know why if you're just not admitting that, you know,
00:16:13it's bad, you're trying to make me feel better.
00:16:15But, like, it's not normal, babe.
00:16:19The thing with me and Rob is that, obviously,
00:16:21we was raised very differently.
00:16:22Like, I was raised in, like, really nice houses in Spain,
00:16:26like, nice cars, good education, stuff like that.
00:16:28And then Rob was raised, you know,
00:16:30obviously in the hood and not the best areas and stuff.
00:16:32So, like, he will get defensive about it.
00:16:34Like, he's definitely defensive about where he lives.
00:16:36Because I get, like, this is his house.
00:16:38So I don't want to, like, slag it off too much
00:16:40and be like, oh, it's absolutely terrible.
00:16:41But it is.
00:16:43I'm going to bring you down to earth a little bit.
00:16:45You want to be with me?
00:16:46I'm a down-to-earth person.
00:16:48And in that sense, we have different mindsets
00:16:50about certain things and, like...
00:16:52I was going to go to the bathroom.
00:16:57I was going to go to the bathroom, my bad.
00:17:03So should I wait for him to finish or...?
00:17:05Mind your business!
00:17:08You're not missing out on nothing.
00:17:10You don't not have something.
00:17:12You got everything you need.
00:17:14I don't have a dining room.
00:17:15I don't have chairs.
00:17:16Man, if we had an inside bathroom,
00:17:18that'd just be a dirtier house.
00:17:21Anyway, it's not ideal is the point.
00:17:22And I'd like somewhere, at least,
00:17:24with a bathroom inside building.
00:17:26All right, well, what did I say last night?
00:17:29What did you say?
00:17:30I said we're not going to talk about this every day.
00:17:34The when are we moving talk is going to get old real quick.
00:17:37It's basically her telling me about how I'm inadequate.
00:17:40And I don't like that feeling at all.
00:17:43You know, she's used to her family paying her rent
00:17:47and being like, OK, you can move into the new spot now.
00:17:51Like, that's not how it works anymore.
00:17:53I don't want to keep hearing about it.
00:17:54And it's going to be one of those things
00:17:55that as soon as she says it, it's going to put me,
00:17:57it's going to put me in the wrong head space.
00:17:59It's probably going to piss me off
00:18:00and I'm not going to want to talk to her.
00:18:13Oh, Bob, he's out like a light.
00:18:16He has no clue you're here.
00:18:32Buenos dias, mi vida.
00:18:36Our first night in Rochester was interesting.
00:18:41We got into a little tiff about me and a witch
00:18:43and my animals in the bed.
00:18:45Then, you know, we got back together and figured it out.
00:18:47And then we had amazing sex.
00:18:50Even though we get frustrated with each other,
00:18:52we still love each other and we express our love through sex.
00:18:57So, yeah, we banged it out.
00:18:59We always bang it out.
00:19:02His freak number is off the charts.
00:19:12Sí, mi amor.
00:19:20No, no, mucho.
00:19:25Ah, está bien.
00:19:48So today I am taking Manuel
00:19:51to the local grocery store in Rochester.
00:19:55My refrigerator was empty and in my defense,
00:19:58it was empty because I was waiting for him to get here.
00:20:02Okay, mi vida, espero que ya estás listo.
00:20:08Let's get some groceries.
00:20:24Manuel literally could eat the same thing every single day.
00:20:27Avocado, tomato, red onion.
00:20:30Red onion, not white onion, not shallots.
00:20:33Red onion and sardines.
00:20:36He's Gucci.
00:20:38He's Gucci.
00:20:42Gucci is bien.
00:20:53What's up?
00:20:55¿Qué pasa con eso?
00:20:56¿Qué, zanahoria?
00:20:57¿Por qué yo veo allá zanahoria?
00:21:00¿Eso mismo es?
00:21:01Eso mismo.
00:21:04Ellos pongan los más pequeños para nosotros a comer.
00:21:10Son bajos, son bajos para cocinar.
00:21:12Yo nunca pensé en eso.
00:21:15Vamos por aquí.
00:21:16Oh, carne.
00:21:18Entonces, carne aquí, carne allá.
00:21:20Esa comida se llama vegan.
00:21:23Vegan es comida, no es carne para real.
00:21:28Todo es no carne, es imagino carne.
00:21:33La gente come eso.
00:21:38¿Va a comer tocino?
00:21:39No es real.
00:21:41No es real?
00:21:42Es carne, no es real tampoco.
00:21:43¿En verdad?
00:21:44En verdad no es real.
00:21:46¿Y eso tampoco no es real?
00:21:48No es real, eso es real.
00:21:50¿Qué es?
00:21:51Es yogurt.
00:21:54Me dijo Ashley sobre leche que no era leche,
00:21:57o unos chorizos, una longaniza, pero que no es carne.
00:22:02Es algo nuevo para mí, pero la cual ya me toca respetar
00:22:05y tal vez comenzar a vivir así.
00:22:14Esta noche vamos a tener cena
00:22:20con mi mami.
00:22:23¿Con tu mami?
00:22:25Cool, chévere.
00:22:27Sí, muy, muy, muy chévere.
00:22:32Exacto, porque mientras somos en este tópico
00:22:38hablaste con tu mami sobre, tú sabes,
00:22:42las cosas que estás aquí, todas las cosas, ¿o qué?
00:22:46No, no le he llamado.
00:22:51No le he llamado para nada.
00:22:56So this whole time Manuel's mom has been thinking
00:22:59that he is out working in Guayaquil,
00:23:02when in reality he's been in the States with me.
00:23:06I found out that he was coming over here in secret
00:23:08when he was in Guayaquil, and he said,
00:23:10no, I'm not going to tell her until I get there.
00:23:12And I'm like, you're going to tell her now.
00:23:16And he was like, no, it's better this way.
00:23:18And I'm like, but it's not.
00:23:21And he's like, I know how to handle things with my mom.
00:23:23And I was like, okay, then you do that.
00:23:26I haven't been able to call her.
00:23:28I don't know what to tell her,
00:23:30to let her know that I'm here.
00:23:33Because if I tell her I'm here,
00:23:35she's going to worry, she's going to worry.
00:23:40And no, I don't want that.
00:23:42I want her to be okay.
00:23:45Honey, I understand your point.
00:23:49But I also want you to understand
00:23:53that I think it's important that you talk to her
00:23:56because I want her to know that you're careful with me.
00:24:02Do you understand?
00:24:04And she knows where you are.
00:24:09Manuel has always been on the secretive side.
00:24:11It has always kind of bothered me.
00:24:13And now that he is here and I'm seeing this happen,
00:24:16and not only is it with me, but it's also with his family too.
00:24:19We haven't even touched the whole kid's situation.
00:24:22The man has two teenage children at home.
00:24:24Like, do they even know I'm about to be a stepmom?
00:24:27It's not really my business.
00:24:29Manuel's kids are older.
00:24:31They're used to him being away for work for long stretches of time.
00:24:35But I at least hope that they know about me.
00:24:48I have talked to Manuel about opening up to me.
00:24:52It 100% worries me.
00:24:54I'm supposed to be committing my whole self to this human.
00:24:57We have less than 90 days to figure this out.
00:25:04Baby, there's no way I can work full-time
00:25:07and leave you at home here all day.
00:25:09So I ended up quitting my job.
00:25:14He is jeopardizing the chance that I have
00:25:17to bring my kids to the United States
00:25:20because we need a sponsor.
00:25:22One of the reasons why I moved here,
00:25:24you said, because I have a job.
00:25:27I'm scared, baby.
00:25:51I can do this forever.
00:26:05I love you.
00:26:07I love you.
00:26:10Last night went amazing.
00:26:14Gina was playing with the toys first
00:26:17and then he moved to the main tool.
00:26:20And, well, good news, I'm not virgin anymore.
00:26:26I can have sex every day, three times a day.
00:26:31For me, the more sex, the more I will get along with you.
00:26:35We have to try our best.
00:26:37We both are going to try our best.
00:26:39Not to argue as much.
00:26:41Pinky promise?
00:26:43Pinky promise.
00:26:45We're starting fresh.
00:26:49It feels good that Jasmine and I
00:26:51have seemed to have gotten our intimacy back,
00:26:54you know, last night.
00:26:56Because it felt like, wow, you know,
00:26:58this could be the start of, like, forever
00:27:00for us to be together, you know.
00:27:02When it comes to intimacy,
00:27:04I think Jasmine and I are going to be fine
00:27:07as long as we not argue so much.
00:27:11When did you buy this bread?
00:27:15I just bought it right before you got here.
00:27:18It has honey.
00:27:20Where does honey come from?
00:27:23Where does honey come from?
00:27:25It comes from bees.
00:27:27What are bees?
00:27:29Bees are insects.
00:27:31And insects are also animals.
00:27:35I'm so hungry after all the calories
00:27:37that I burned last night having sex with him.
00:27:40I'm ready to eat.
00:27:42And there is nothing for me.
00:27:44He knows that I'm vegan, and I take it very seriously.
00:27:47It's like a religion for me.
00:27:53There is nothing more attractive
00:27:56than a man that cares about animals.
00:27:59But Gino is the most carnivore person in the world.
00:28:02I hate to say that.
00:28:04But I'm hoping that once we're together,
00:28:06I want to slowly make him transition into veganism.
00:28:10I won't even tell him.
00:28:14Are you cold?
00:28:16I brought this.
00:28:18Rope and stuff, but it's not going to work for Michigan.
00:28:22This is too cold in here.
00:28:24I can grab you, like, a long john top,
00:28:27because I have quite a few.
00:28:30Baby, no offense,
00:28:32but I cannot keep wearing your clothes.
00:28:35Why not?
00:28:36You like wearing my clothes.
00:28:38You stole some of my shirts in Panama and kept them.
00:28:40It was because you were coming back to the United States,
00:28:43but now I have you 24-7.
00:28:46I want to have my own clothes.
00:28:49Please, baby.
00:28:50And also, like, I don't want to overwhelm you, baby,
00:28:53but you said that you were going to be willing
00:28:56to make any adjustment to make me feel like I'm home.
00:29:00And it's not just me acting like a brat,
00:29:03like, oh, I want everything new.
00:29:05It's just that things are...
00:29:06They don't work, baby.
00:29:07It's not just having an old stove,
00:29:09but even to cook something as simple as this,
00:29:12it took forever.
00:29:14All this stuff that Jasmine's mentioning,
00:29:17she wants to replace a new bed,
00:29:19new everything in every room,
00:29:21it's a little overwhelming, to be honest.
00:29:23We can't do it all at once. It's impossible.
00:29:26Especially with a wedding coming up.
00:29:28There's something that I have to tell Jasmine
00:29:30that I haven't told her yet,
00:29:32and I'm a little bit nervous of, you know,
00:29:35how I'm going to break this news to her.
00:29:39Baby, I have to tell you something.
00:29:41You're my priority,
00:29:48and I want to spend all the time with you
00:29:51to get you on your feet.
00:29:53There's no way I can work full-time
00:29:55and leave you at home here all day
00:29:57when there's all these things that we have to do.
00:29:59I just, you know, I need to give you the attention
00:30:02from the day one that you're here.
00:30:05So I ended up quitting my job
00:30:11just before you came.
00:30:18We're going to be living off my savings,
00:30:20but it's enough for us to live comfortably
00:30:24until we get married,
00:30:26and then I'll get a new job.
00:30:37You shouldn't have made this decision
00:30:39without telling me first, baby.
00:30:42One of the reasons why I moved here
00:30:44and you didn't move to Panama,
00:30:46you said, because I have a job.
00:30:49Yes, but I quit to be with you,
00:30:52so you're not going to be by yourself,
00:30:54and so I could get you on your feet.
00:31:04I completely depend on Genome,
00:31:07and I have other people who depend on me as well.
00:31:11He is jeopardizing the chance
00:31:13that I have to bring my kids to the United States
00:31:16because we need a sponsor,
00:31:18and now he quit his job.
00:31:21Remember that the plan was just to bring the kids
00:31:25and even my sister leaves?
00:31:27Are we going to be financially prepared?
00:31:32It's a matter of budgeting our money
00:31:33and not overspending on things
00:31:35that are not necessary at this moment.
00:31:37Maybe we just have a wedding ceremony,
00:31:40and that's it.
00:31:43The wedding is the last of my concerns.
00:31:46Don't worry about it.
00:31:47You're stressing out over nothing.
00:31:56I'm stressed.
00:31:58Don't be stressed.
00:31:59I'm scared, baby.
00:32:02I mean, I love you, baby.
00:32:04Don't be stressed.
00:32:05Oh, come on.
00:32:06You don't have to be stressed.
00:32:07I'm so stressed.
00:32:13This is not the life that he proposed to me
00:32:16to have here in the United States.
00:32:18We cannot make this kind of big decision
00:32:20without consulting each other
00:32:23because then our needs are not going to be taken care of.
00:32:29So if it is just starting
00:32:31and this is going to be the dynamic
00:32:33of our relationship,
00:32:34this is not going to work.
00:32:36I'm going to go and take a shower.
00:32:42Trust me, everything's going to be okay.
00:32:59You all in my phone?
00:33:00Who's that?
00:33:01I don't know.
00:33:03Maybe it's just some random page I follow.
00:33:06I would describe myself as a very jealous person.
00:33:09When Rob online cheated,
00:33:11it just really broke my trust.
00:33:13Didn't you find me on a page that posts nothing?
00:33:15When I was single.
00:33:24There's a lot on the line for this trip.
00:33:26We've had so many problems.
00:33:28I don't want it to get to that level again.
00:33:30I want to feel that I'm making the right choice.
00:34:01Niki arrives today in Moldova,
00:34:04and I feel excited.
00:34:07Nine months, it's a long time to not see my fiancée.
00:34:11I want to be in the quiet
00:34:13and a little
00:34:15of the body.
00:34:17When Niki's waking up,
00:34:19my time, I go to sleep.
00:34:21And after my whole day,
00:34:24I feel, like, tired.
00:34:26And after my whole day,
00:34:28I feel, like, tired.
00:34:30Sometimes we don't have energy for speaking.
00:34:34And sometimes we fight.
00:34:35I think now my shoes ready to her step on my shoes.
00:34:40This is the favorite of Niki.
00:34:42Niki comes in Moldova in this period.
00:34:45It's very important for our relationship
00:34:48because we'll see how it's work here
00:34:51with my parents, with my friends.
00:34:54The last time Niki comes here,
00:34:56I still don't say nothing about Niki.
00:34:59She's trans.
00:35:00And for me, it was, I'm not ready.
00:35:03I bought this one yesterday.
00:35:07And I want her
00:35:10to take the first step.
00:35:13Now I'm more open-minded than 20 years.
00:35:17And I look from another side for Niki.
00:35:21I'm looking, like, for woman.
00:35:24And Niki is very nice and sweet woman.
00:35:29And I want to give another chance to this relationship.
00:35:57I'm very, how to say, nervous.
00:36:00This is the first trip with Niki here
00:36:02after my parents and my friends.
00:36:05She's trans.
00:36:08I don't know how people will react
00:36:11when they see Niki.
00:36:14One way, they can accept us
00:36:17and everything will be great.
00:36:20Not accepting us.
00:36:22And that's mean very bad for our relationship.
00:36:28I need to go put on my heels, freshen up.
00:36:38Yes, honey.
00:36:39Now you can suck on that tongue.
00:36:41Just kidding.
00:36:42He kisses me like an 80-year-old man.
00:36:47When Justin sees me today,
00:36:49he's gonna say I want to spend the rest of my life
00:36:52with that crazy-ass bitch.
00:37:02I'm about to walk through the arrivals door
00:37:05and I'm feeling so many nerves running through my body.
00:37:10It's like butterflies.
00:37:12This trip is important for me
00:37:14because I want to feel that I'm making the right choice
00:37:18for us giving a second chance at love.
00:37:36Oh, I missed you.
00:37:37Come on.
00:37:38Good job.
00:37:39Good job.
00:37:40Good job.
00:37:41Good job.
00:37:46I missed you, Niko.
00:37:48I missed you, too.
00:37:56I missed you so much.
00:37:58I missed you, too.
00:38:01I love you.
00:38:05This is my fiance, Niko.
00:38:07And I feel in love.
00:38:16You look so handsome.
00:38:18Look at yourself.
00:38:21My first kiss in nine months burned my lips.
00:38:25I feel like burned.
00:38:27Maybe it wasn't his kiss in nine months.
00:38:29It's so hot.
00:38:32This is Niki's kiss.
00:38:33This is special.
00:38:35Oh my goodness.
00:38:37I am impressed.
00:38:39I love it.
00:38:41You're welcome.
00:38:42Finally getting to kiss my love
00:38:45for the first time in nine months,
00:38:47it's like a dream come true.
00:38:49But there's issues that we need to work through
00:38:53and this is why I'm here.
00:38:55We fight, we break up, and I always run back
00:38:57and we always get back together again.
00:38:59But let's get beyond that
00:39:01and maybe we can work on something.
00:39:03I want to know that I'm here and he's here.
00:39:06We're meeting together.
00:39:09We'll see.
00:39:24This is what brought me to California.
00:39:27The beach?
00:39:29The ocean was calling me.
00:39:34The ocean was calling me.
00:39:39So today is Sophie's first real day in L.A.
00:39:42and I'm going to take her to one of my favorite places to go,
00:39:44which is the ocean.
00:39:46I'm going to bring her to Venice Beach
00:39:47and hopefully we have a really nice time.
00:39:50See, check it out.
00:39:53That's Santa Monica.
00:39:55You can see it from here.
00:39:57I don't know if you remember that,
00:39:58but you can definitely see it.
00:39:59The pier is there.
00:40:00I love the pier.
00:40:01It'd be nice to live out here.
00:40:03Yeah, it'd be awesome to live out here.
00:40:05How much do you reckon it would be for one of those?
00:40:08Too much?
00:40:09How much?
00:40:11No, these are not going to be cheap.
00:40:13Those ones are super cute with the open windows.
00:40:16Yeah, I get it. They're all really cute.
00:40:18I'd live in that one.
00:40:19Sure, me too.
00:40:21I'm sure.
00:40:22Look, look at the price.
00:40:24$25,000 a month for one of these houses over here.
00:40:28I feel like me and Rob would be a lot happier
00:40:30if we lived near the beach.
00:40:31Because when we was in Mexico together,
00:40:33we lived on the beach.
00:40:34We were very happy the whole time.
00:40:35I don't know.
00:40:36If you really, really wanted to live there,
00:40:37you could try to ask for help.
00:40:39That's up to you.
00:40:40If not, we could stay in Inglewood.
00:40:45I feel like we'd be happy there, though.
00:40:47How much you got on it?
00:40:50No comment.
00:40:51No comment.
00:40:52You ain't got nothing.
00:40:53You just want to live there.
00:40:54No, but I can't work right now.
00:40:55Well, when you can work, then maybe, yeah.
00:41:00When I was about 16, 17 years old,
00:41:02I started just doing waitressing,
00:41:03and I afforded a little apartment in the countryside.
00:41:06I completely disassociated myself from my family
00:41:08and just thought, I want to be independent.
00:41:10And since then, they don't give me any money.
00:41:13And I'll never ask them.
00:41:14I'll never be like, hey, give me some money.
00:41:16I've never asked them for anything.
00:41:18And that's just because I think it's important
00:41:19to be independent.
00:41:21And sometimes he's a bit annoying,
00:41:23because if we're going through hardships,
00:41:24he's like, ask your family for money.
00:41:26Which does annoy me,
00:41:27because I just want to be proud of myself
00:41:30and actually accomplish stuff.
00:41:31It's like, I'm not going to be just like,
00:41:33oh, what do you do for a job?
00:41:34Oh, family money is my job.
00:41:36That's not what I want to do.
00:41:47Are you all in my phone?
00:41:48No, I'm not.
00:41:49You are kind.
00:41:50I'm looking at the beach.
00:41:53Who is that?
00:41:54I don't know.
00:41:55Wait, who is that?
00:41:56It's just some random page I follow.
00:42:00Not somebody I follow.
00:42:01It's just some random page.
00:42:02That's crazy.
00:42:04That's crazy you follow that page.
00:42:07I put my phone out,
00:42:08and this random post by some page
00:42:11that posts random stuff posted,
00:42:14basically posted a girl in Adora the Explorer outfit,
00:42:17but with, like, booty shorts.
00:42:19Sophie did not like that.
00:42:21She can be very jealous.
00:42:22And, I mean, I wish she wasn't.
00:42:25Yeah, I would like to have, like,
00:42:26kind of a more just a mellow, chill relationship.
00:42:31It's not like I follow any of the girls.
00:42:33I just follow a page that posts that type of stuff.
00:42:38Didn't you find me on a page that posts
00:42:40nothing but good-looking guys?
00:42:43When I was single, yes.
00:42:44I don't follow that page anymore.
00:42:45You don't?
00:42:47Well, I wouldn't know,
00:42:48because I'm not all in your phone.
00:42:50I think that's weird, but okay.
00:42:52I mean...
00:42:53It's very weird.
00:42:54Like I said, it's not like I'm following any of the girls.
00:42:56I just follow a page that posts stuff like that,
00:42:58which, to be honest with you,
00:42:59the way that that stuff goes is, like,
00:43:01they might not even be used to post it.
00:43:03I don't know when I followed this page.
00:43:08I mean, I would describe myself as a very jealous person.
00:43:12Like, I'm very honest about it.
00:43:13I know I'm jealous.
00:43:15But at the same time, it's like,
00:43:16Rob hasn't necessarily been the most loyal fiancé.
00:43:21It's all right, babe.
00:43:23I only got eyes for you.
00:43:26I forgave Rob when he online cheated
00:43:28just because we hadn't seen each other in a while,
00:43:31and I'm not excusing it,
00:43:32but I gave him the benefit of the doubt
00:43:34that, like, you know, he made a mistake.
00:43:36But it's starting to feel more real
00:43:38now that we're getting closer to the 90 days,
00:43:40and it's now even more pressure on me.
00:43:42Like, can I trust this man?
00:43:44Is what he's done acceptable, or is it not?
00:43:47And it's just, like, a really overwhelming feeling for me.
00:43:57My kids would never leave me without telling me goodbye.
00:44:01You didn't say goodbye, and you lied.
00:44:03You told your mom that you were going to another town to work.
00:44:07Being a mother, I'm a little hesitant
00:44:09because of how he left his family without saying goodbye.
00:44:16He said it's fine.
00:44:18Can I trust that?
00:44:20He said it's fine.
00:44:21Can I trust that?
00:44:43Yes, we have to get ready to see my mom.
00:44:47Tonight, we are going to a cute Mexican restaurant
00:44:50in my neighborhood so Manuel can meet my mom for the first time.
00:44:54I can't stress enough how important this first meeting is.
00:44:58Mom Dukes is the matriarch of the family,
00:45:01and I do a lot of smile and nodding with Manuel.
00:45:04My mom is going to be doing a lot of,
00:45:07what are you saying? No, sir.
00:45:09So I just hope that Manuel
00:45:12can do a lot of smile and nodding with my mom.
00:45:15Oh, I bought you a shirt that I think is pretty.
00:45:22Chat in the morning.
00:45:23Manuel did not have time to go home
00:45:25to go get any sort of clothing or anything,
00:45:28so I got him some button-downs, some shirts.
00:45:31I'm not going to let him wear some old sweaty T-shirt
00:45:33to meet my family for the first time.
00:45:35And I have fantastic taste.
00:45:37Every time he steps out the door on something I bought,
00:45:39somebody compliments him on it.
00:45:41Yo comprar esto y esto.
00:45:46Yo imagino que esto está más mejor,
00:45:49pero que es más importante.
00:45:51What's most important is combinar conmigo, ¿sí?
00:45:54No va a estar como un payaso de un color, otro color, no.
00:45:58Tiene que saber combinar ropa.
00:46:00Yo pienso que va a combinar bien, hacer eso.
00:46:03Use this one.
00:46:04I think this will work really well.
00:46:06And no gorro.
00:46:07Sí, lo sé, porque es una escena
00:46:11During dinner, we don't want hats.
00:46:40Espero que hagas bien.
00:46:41Digo yo, no sé.
00:46:45Mi mami está viniendo.
00:46:53How are you?
00:46:55So good to see you.
00:46:59Un gusto.
00:47:00How are you?
00:47:01I'm so good.
00:47:05Feliz por conocerla.
00:47:06How are you?
00:47:08I'm happy.
00:47:09I'm happy.
00:47:13I'm really close with my mom.
00:47:15I'm her oldest child.
00:47:17We're buddies.
00:47:18She had me at 16, so we grew up together.
00:47:21And I've been waiting for this moment
00:47:23for years and years and years and years and years.
00:47:26It's surreal.
00:47:27I'm going to try to let you guys communicate.
00:47:32You're trying to find that Google Translate.
00:47:34I'm trying to find the Google Translate.
00:47:36Ella quiere hablar contigo directamente.
00:47:38Ella está buscando para lo...
00:47:41I got it.
00:47:43Oh, I got it.
00:47:44I got it.
00:47:53Is that real Spanish in here?
00:47:55Sí, está bien.
00:47:56See, I mean, you're right.
00:47:57You do it faster.
00:47:58Now we're playing a wedding.
00:48:01And babies.
00:48:18Yes, sí.
00:48:19Sí, sí.
00:48:31Me old.
00:48:33My mom is a teacher, and she loves her job,
00:48:36and she loves kids.
00:48:39Yeah, she wants grandkids really bad.
00:48:42She's taken people's babies before.
00:48:44Not, like, kidnapped, but I mean,
00:48:46like, she will babysit people's babies
00:48:48and, like, oh, I got the baby here.
00:48:50Like, Mom, can you stop taking people's children?
00:48:56Does he miss his family?
00:48:58I'm sure he does.
00:49:04He said he didn't say anything to anybody,
00:49:06and it was really hard.
00:49:12But why not say anything to them,
00:49:14to let them know?
00:49:34He felt more secure when he was actually here.
00:49:38Like, the planes went through.
00:49:39Nothing got canceled.
00:49:40Everything actually happened
00:49:42before he said something.
00:49:44This is what he felt was right.
00:49:48My kids would never leave me
00:49:49without telling me goodbye.
00:49:51You didn't say goodbye, and you lied.
00:49:53It wasn't like he said,
00:49:54I may be going to America, I don't know,
00:49:56or I'm going to pick up a visa.
00:49:57I'll let you know the status of it.
00:49:59It was like you told your parents
00:50:01you were going, you know, to another town to work,
00:50:04which was false.
00:50:06How does that make you feel,
00:50:07that you're the reason why he came, though,
00:50:10and that he left his family?
00:50:12I just wish it didn't happen
00:50:14the way that it happened,
00:50:16but I'm glad it happened,
00:50:17and I think he feels the same way.
00:50:19And we've worked really hard for this relationship,
00:50:22and we've worked really hard
00:50:23to be sitting here together right now,
00:50:25and I've dreamed of this moment.
00:50:28We shall see.
00:50:29Time will tell.
00:50:30Time will tell.
00:50:36I just want to make sure
00:50:37that you love and protect my daughter,
00:50:39and that you love her with your heart,
00:50:40and your intentions are good.
00:50:42So I'm going to be asking him a lot of questions.
00:50:44Tonight was round one.
00:50:46As time goes on,
00:50:47I'm going to be questioning some things about him.
00:50:50If I can just leave you guys with some advice,
00:50:52I would say,
00:50:53what's made my marriage strong is communication.
00:51:00He said it's fine.
00:51:01I do what I do.
00:51:02He doesn't want to argue about this, but fine.
00:51:20When I met Ashley's mom,
00:51:22I knew what the consequences would be.
00:51:26Of course, I think she was upset
00:51:28because she didn't want any of the kids to do that to her.
00:51:31But even if she didn't like it,
00:51:33she had to accept it, because it's me.
00:51:44You know when we were doing the long distance thing,
00:51:47it was like the whole online talking to that one person.
00:51:51When are you going to let it go?
00:51:53A couple years ago.
00:51:54He was getting these videos from a different person.
00:51:57I think every day, is he going to do it again?
00:51:59It didn't last more than, like, what, an hour?
00:52:01I didn't do anything.
00:52:02You cheated, though.
00:52:03I did not cheat.
00:52:18Do you think you'd ever be comfortable walking him?
00:52:21No. No?
00:52:22Not by myself.
00:52:23Can't wait to go to, like, the nice parts.
00:52:25The what?
00:52:26The nice parts of LA.
00:52:35Does it feel weird having me here?
00:52:38I mean, it's like...
00:52:40It's like, even though you're my girl,
00:52:42but you're so far away,
00:52:44it's just, like, not the same when you're not here.
00:52:46Yeah, same for me.
00:52:47It's like, I am, but am I?
00:52:48But I am, but, like, am I?
00:52:51Because I don't get to hang out with my girl.
00:52:53I don't get to go on dates.
00:52:55Keep walking.
00:52:56I feel bad for checking Rob's phone at the beach,
00:52:59because I respect his privacy,
00:53:01but he's proved he's not the most trustworthy person.
00:53:06We've got to go slow, because he's walking slow.
00:53:09A couple years ago,
00:53:10he was getting these videos from a different person.
00:53:13I was heartbroken over what he did,
00:53:15because it is a form of cheating.
00:53:17I gave him the benefit of the doubt,
00:53:19just because it was in 2020 when COVID was a huge thing,
00:53:22and it was like, when are we ever going to see each other again?
00:53:25This was before we was even engaged.
00:53:27Check his paws. He's limping a little bit.
00:53:29I've only really had one serious long-term boyfriend,
00:53:33and he ended up cheating on me, like, eight times.
00:53:35So, with Rob, it's like, I think every day,
00:53:38is he going to do it again?
00:53:39And it's like, not going to bring it up after we're married.
00:53:41This would be the time to bring this up.
00:53:45Man, you've got to stop looking on these paws, man.
00:53:47I know he's got allergies.
00:53:49There's something I just wanted to talk to you about real quick.
00:53:52Obviously, like, I'm happy to be here and stuff,
00:53:54and it's like the realisation that, like,
00:53:56obviously we're going to be together forever and everything,
00:53:59but, you know, when we was doing, like, the long-distance thing,
00:54:03and you kind of, like, did the whole online,
00:54:06talking to that one person?
00:54:08When are you going to let it go?
00:54:11We only have, you know, 90 days to decide
00:54:14if we're going to be together, if this is, like, it.
00:54:16So, it's like, I definitely feel like this is obviously
00:54:18something that we should, you know, we should talk about.
00:54:20Cos it's like, it's always going to be in the back of my mind
00:54:23if I don't, like, bring this up to you.
00:54:25Like, we're not going to act like I've cheated on you
00:54:27when all I did was respond to somebody
00:54:29while laying in bed at home one day
00:54:31in the middle of us not seeing each other for seven months.
00:54:33Literally, it didn't last more than a day.
00:54:35It didn't last more than, like, what, an hour?
00:54:37I feel like you're downplaying it a little bit.
00:54:39I'm not. I'm downplaying it because I didn't do anything.
00:54:41You cheated, though.
00:54:42I did not cheat.
00:54:43There's nothing to take my breath away.
00:54:44Stop playing with me.
00:54:45We're not going to talk about it like I cheated because it...
00:54:47Why are you getting angry at me?
00:54:48Cos I'm not going to live my life like I cheated on you when I didn't.
00:54:50Why are you getting angry at me?
00:54:51Because I don't like that.
00:54:52Every time you try to act like that was cheating,
00:54:54that's bull**** cos I haven't ever cheated on you.
00:54:58I basically, one day, sitting at home, bored, late at night,
00:55:01somebody hit me up, sending me pictures and videos.
00:55:04So, I started talking back and got into a conversation.
00:55:08Sophie's calling me, talking about somebody is sending her
00:55:11basically what I sent, and the conversation did definitely
00:55:14create a problem between me and Sophie.
00:55:17And I feel like we worked past that,
00:55:19and I've done nothing else in any other way.
00:55:22And, yeah, it's just a bit of an annoyance at this point.
00:55:25And I feel like, you know, you've got to give me a little bit of credit
00:55:27that in two and a half years, the only thing I ever did
00:55:29was respond to the wrong person while we hadn't...
00:55:31I get it, but at the same time...
00:55:33When we hadn't even been together for months.
00:55:34The whole time we've been together, I've done nothing.
00:55:36I mean, you say that, but...
00:55:37I say that cos it's true.
00:55:38You say that, but I'm still wondering about the social media apps.
00:55:41You on these dating apps where...
00:55:43I was never on dating apps.
00:55:44You were on dating apps.
00:55:45I wasn't. It was a friend app where I made friends.
00:55:47I mean, Terai saw you on the dating app,
00:55:51and he was not using the dating app to meet friends, so...
00:55:57I travel a lot, so wherever I travel, I have this app to meet friends, you know?
00:56:01When I came to LA, I did the same thing.
00:56:03He knew I had it cos I told him,
00:56:04by the way, if you see this app on my phone, it's just to meet friends.
00:56:07But then his best friend, Terai, hit him up and was like,
00:56:11yo, I just saw your girlfriend on the dating side,
00:56:13which I was never on the dating side, I was on the friend side.
00:56:15It's just irrelevant for him to even bring it up, really.
00:56:18Why are you bringing this up when I ask you something?
00:56:20You bringing up stuff to me, so it's like...
00:56:22Yeah, but that's...
00:56:23You have one thing to worry about me.
00:56:25I got one thing to worry about you.
00:56:27I'm not going to continue to let that dictate how I feel.
00:56:30You never caught me out doing something, though.
00:56:32It doesn't make me wonder.
00:56:34I've been loyal, though, that's the difference.
00:56:36I've been loyal.
00:56:38I can see, like, the guilt in his eyes when he's talking about it,
00:56:41and I can tell that, like, he does feel awkward.
00:56:45And, like, he kind of, instead of just being there to listen
00:56:48and, you know, be like, you know what, I'm really sorry about that, da-da-da,
00:56:51he chose to just get angry and get defensive and blame me for stuff,
00:56:54which is how a lot of our conversations go when he does something.
00:56:57I mean, there's nothing I can do about it now except just trust him,
00:57:00but if it happens again, obviously, like, I'm gone.
00:57:02It's going to be over.
00:57:09Look at that sexiness.
00:57:14What happened?
00:57:16It hurts.
00:57:17Why does your ass hurt?
00:57:19If I'd known that Gino was going to quit his job,
00:57:22I would have never had this plastic surgery.
00:57:27OK, I should bring the news to you now that you look so relaxed.
00:57:32What news?
00:57:33What did you do?
00:57:45It's OK, Coco, don't worry.
00:57:47I need to die for Coco because he has separation anxiety.
00:57:52Right now, this is all I can think of.
00:57:54Coco, it's OK.
00:57:57Coco, take care of the house, please.
00:58:07Got it?
00:58:10Yeah, perfect.
00:58:14It smells like dust.
00:58:16I'm sorry, Coco, but Mummy and Daddy need to go.
00:58:21Bye, Coco.
00:58:22Bye, Coco, take care of the house, don't destroy anything.
00:58:26Earlier today, Gino gave me the bad news about he quitting his job
00:58:31and I'm still very upset about it.
00:58:35So Gino is going to pamper me and is taking me to get a massage,
00:58:40which I really appreciate.
00:58:42But inside, I'm panicking about it
00:58:45because now we're not going to have any source of income.
00:58:50I know you like spa.
00:58:51Yeah, I get it like three times a week in Panama.
00:58:57Thank you, baby.
00:58:58But what kind of massage?
00:58:59Like a couple's massage.
00:59:01I feel like I need it.
00:59:03I don't want to overwhelm you, but I have plenty of reasons to be stressed.
00:59:08Yeah, you deserve to have one, right?
00:59:13It hurts my feelings that Jasmine reacted the way she did
00:59:17when I told her I left my job
00:59:19because, gosh, I thought she would at least be happy
00:59:23that I could spend more time with her and we could be together.
00:59:27But instead, she was crying and not very happy with me.
00:59:33I think she might be worried about
00:59:35how I'm going to be able to keep up her luxury lifestyle.
00:59:39But we're not the only couple that's living on a budget.
00:59:43You know, everyone has a budget and it's the real world.
00:59:50Hello, how are you guys?
00:59:51Hello, how are you?
00:59:53My name is Gino and I booked a couple's massage.
00:59:56Oh, yes. I can take you guys to the room.
00:59:59Ladies first.
01:00:02Smells good in here.
01:00:04Oh, wow.
01:00:06This looks so cozy.
01:00:07This is what I signed up for.
01:00:09I never had anything like this actually in my life I don't think done before.
01:00:13We're going to give you guys like a couple minutes to undress.
01:00:16Perfect. Sounds good to me.
01:00:18This might be good for me because I can rest my head this way.
01:00:22Get naked, baby.
01:00:26Look at that sexiness.
01:00:46I saw something.
01:00:48What did you see?
01:00:50I saw a sexy banana.
01:00:54And I like bananas.
01:00:57You saw my banana last night.
01:01:04How are you?
01:01:05Good. How are you doing?
01:01:07Can you hold these?
01:01:08Oh, no.
01:01:10Yes, take it off.
01:01:11No, no, no.
01:01:12You're already stressed out.
01:01:16I love hats because they help me cover my bald heads.
01:01:22So I pretty much have a hat for every occasion.
01:01:25I don't wear a hat in the shower.
01:01:27And yes, I take my hat off when I go to bed.
01:01:30And yes, I don't have a hat on when I had sex with Jasmine.
01:01:33I just want to get that out of the way.
01:01:38Can we come at least once a week?
01:01:40Is that under the button?
01:01:43You know, maybe once a month.
01:01:45Is that good?
01:01:46A month?
01:01:48All the money that you spend on junk food and frozen food, forget about it.
01:01:53You should spend it on these kind of things that are so good for your health.
01:02:02What happened?
01:02:04Not in the ass.
01:02:06Not in the ass.
01:02:09Sorry, it hurts.
01:02:10It hurts.
01:02:12Why does your ass hurt?
01:02:15Is it from sitting in the plane?
01:02:20What do you mean?
01:02:22Talking about your ass.
01:02:24When they're trying to massage it.
01:02:27Because it hurts.
01:02:29It hurts.
01:02:32Okay, I should bring the news to you now that you look so relaxed and in a good mood.
01:02:41What news?
01:02:42Promise you're not going to get mad at me, please.
01:02:45What did you do?
01:02:48Baby, you remember a few months ago I told you that I have lost so much weight and I got so skinny that I lost muscle and my ass got very flat?
01:03:04And that I wanted to get butt implants and you were like, no, don't spend money on that.
01:03:10Guess what?
01:03:21Are you kidding?
01:03:23No, I'm not, look.
01:03:26I even have still the marks here.
01:03:34How could you do something like that?
01:03:37This is crazy.
01:03:43I can't believe it.
01:03:56Are you ready?
01:03:57Did you have a good walk?
01:04:00Yes, ma'am.
01:04:01Let's go.
01:04:02Let's go.
01:04:09Why am I peeing?
01:04:11It's because he still has his balls. He likes to mark things.
01:04:17I don't know how to explain that.
01:04:19I can tell that him and Rico are going to be best buds really quick.
01:04:23Rico has respected Manuel as this man of the house.
01:04:26So Rico's made this like bed underneath the bed.
01:04:30There's like pillows and blankets.
01:04:31It's really funny.
01:04:33Vamos, vamos, vamos.
01:04:37Do you miss having Rico in the bed?
01:04:41No and yes.
01:04:45How do I explain this?
01:04:47Rico Suave is my baby.
01:04:49He's my son.
01:04:50I love him.
01:04:51But Rico can be a c*** block.
01:04:55Come on, Ricks.
01:04:58Oh, ven, mi amor.
01:05:03You know, I love Rico Suave.
01:05:04I'm his mom.
01:05:05And I think sometimes he might think I'm his girlfriend.
01:05:08So we're going to have to navigate through this.
01:05:11And I just have to have hope that everybody will find their place and everybody's comfortable.
01:06:08Estás muy lejos.
01:06:13Yo pienso que es tiempo para tú llamar a tu mamá.
01:06:16¿Qué piensas?
01:06:21Tengo que buscar las palabras para hablar con ella.
01:06:24Es tiempo porque yo sentí muy mal.
01:06:27Que ella no sabe.
01:06:28Tú sabes.
01:06:30Yo lo sé, mi amor.
01:06:31Lo sé.
01:06:34Entonces, vamos a llamarle a...
01:06:40Okay, bueno.
01:06:41Está bien.
01:06:46Mi familia, como les vine comentando con ellos, siempre han estado de acuerdo conmigo.
01:06:52Y me han apoyado en todos los sentidos.
01:06:56Que viaje para acá a Norteamérica con mi comprometida, con Ashley.
01:07:01Mis hijos están acostumbrados a que yo viaje para mi trabajo.
01:07:04Es casi eso común en Ecuador.
01:07:06A veces viajo hasta por tres meses.
01:07:09Porque tengo que hacer por ellos y darles una mejor educación.
01:07:14Pero igualmente, por otra manera, triste porque...
01:07:19Tanto para mi mamá, tenerla muy lejos.
01:07:22Y yo el hijo primero de ella.
01:07:26No me despedí de mi madre porque no quería cambiar mi mente para viajando para acá.
01:07:33Pero yo sé que a la larga va a ser el bien para mí,
01:07:37como para mi familia y para todas las personas que me rodean.
01:07:47Hola, mami.
01:07:48¿Cómo estás, madre?
01:07:50Hola, suegra.
01:07:53Ese milagro que te dejas ver, ¿dónde estás tú?
01:07:57¿Dónde estás tú?
01:08:03Me vine por acá, mamá.
01:08:08Fue algo loco, algo rápido.
01:08:11No pude irme a despedir, nada de eso.
01:08:14Ahí sucedieron las cosas.
01:08:19Te fuiste sin despedirte de ninguno de nosotros.
01:08:24Y me voy a dejar ustedes hablar, suegra.
01:08:29Hablar mucho bueno, ¿okay?
01:08:31Sí, mi amor.
01:08:40Sé que está muy feo eso.
01:08:45A ver, convérsame.
01:08:48Ay, madre.
01:08:50Las cosas a veces se hacen en el momento menos inesperado,
01:08:55en el momento más rápido.
01:08:57No fue una decisión fácil para mí hacerlo todo esto.
01:09:01Lo único que te pido,
01:09:03nunca te olvides de la familia que tienes acá.
01:09:11Te quiero mucho, me haces mucha falta.
01:09:15Yo sé que ahora estás lejos,
01:09:18pero bueno, habrá algún día que nos volvamos.
01:09:28Se le fue el internet o algo.
01:09:31Siempre yo he visto en la casa por ellos,
01:09:34mis hijos, mis hermanos, por todos.
01:09:37Como quien dice, he sido jefe de hogar.
01:09:40Y antes yo trabajaba para ellos, para cuidarles,
01:09:44para proveerles todos los sentidos.
01:09:46Y ahora que estoy acá, me siento un poco mal.
01:09:48Me preocupa un poco no poderles ayudar.
01:09:53Tengo que coger a hacer mi propia vida,
01:09:55como todo humano, como todas las personas.
01:09:58Pero claro, eso no significa que me voy a olvidar de ellos tampoco.
01:10:16Llega la tarde
01:10:23Dios mío, está tan solto.
01:10:25Ha pasado como siempre.
01:10:27Hace 17 años que estaba saliendo de aquí.
01:10:30El calor.
01:10:32Mucho ha cambiado.
01:10:34¿Necesitas tiempo para descansar?
01:10:36Sí, quiero comer, descansar.
01:10:38Sí, vamos a comer primero.
01:10:41¿Tienen salsicha rusa?
01:10:43¿Dónde la encuentras?
01:10:45Siento la cantidad de amor que tengo por este hermoso hombre.
01:10:49Y el amor incondicional que tengo por él,
01:10:53no lo puedo mezclar con nada en el mundo entero.
01:10:58Espero que no haya demasiados regalos aquí.
01:11:05¿Qué sentimiento tenía?
01:11:07Era un sentimiento tímido entre mis piernas
01:11:10que necesitaba algo más.
01:11:12¿Sabes? Como si solo tuviera algo.
01:11:15Sí, comida. Y más.
01:11:20¿Sabes que las rosas son el color de la flagra trans?
01:11:25¡No puede ser!
01:11:27Colores dulces.
01:11:32Y ahí vamos.
01:11:40Hoy es un día hermoso.
01:11:43Recuerdo la primera vez que vine a Moldova
01:11:47y fue una tormenta de nieve.
01:11:51Fue cuando te conocí por primera vez.
01:11:57¿Es el único mall en Moldova?
01:11:59No, tenemos dos malls.
01:12:01Se llama Moldova.
01:12:04Muy original.
01:12:09Te amo tanto.
01:12:12Bueno, ahora mamá está en casa.
01:12:14Estoy aquí, estoy de vuelta.
01:12:16Sabes cómo hacerme feliz.
01:12:18Por supuesto.
01:12:21¿Qué está pasando con las personas
01:12:24que vienen a la celebración del engaño?
01:12:26¿Lo has conseguido?
01:12:31Tengo algunas personas.
01:12:35Pero no se ve como una gran fiesta.
01:12:40Se ve como amigos cercanos.
01:12:46Este es el primer viaje con Niki aquí en Moldova.
01:12:49Sé y mis padres saben que ella es trans.
01:12:52Aún así, es muy estresante hablar con mis amigos.
01:12:56Quienes vienen a nuestra fiesta de engaño.
01:12:59Quienes quieren conocerla.
01:13:01Y esto es muy estresante.
01:13:03Porque Niki es mi novio trans.
01:13:06Y esto es un gran negocio para Moldova.
01:13:11Este es el lugar.
01:13:13¿Dónde vamos?
01:13:14Creme de la creme.
01:13:18Sé que te gusta la crema.
01:13:20Me gusta tu crema.
01:13:22Puedes ir primero.
01:13:24Voy a mirarte en el culo.
01:13:31Mami, esto es lindo.
01:13:34Sentarme en el café con Niki
01:13:37me hace un poco nervioso.
01:13:43Porque veo un poco de...
01:13:51de atención de la gente.
01:13:53Mirar a Niki y pensar, ¿Quién es ella?
01:13:56Cuando sé que Niki es trans,
01:13:58pienso, Dios mío, todos lo saben.
01:14:07Estás tan guapa, mi amor.
01:14:09Estás hermosa.
01:14:10Oh, gracias.
01:14:15Te hemos amado tanto.
01:14:17Yo también.
01:14:19It's hard being without you, like, it's just hard.
01:14:24Like, doing things on my own, and I was going to hold my bags.
01:14:29Ha ha ha!
01:14:32So, your flight is long.
01:14:35How are you getting through immigration?
01:14:37It was easy?
01:14:39It was awkward because, like, the guy looked me up and down.
01:14:41He was like, um, so are you here on business or pleasure?
01:14:44And I'm like, oh, you think I'm a hooker.
01:14:46I'm like, uh, no.
01:14:48The woman in our country likes to have a looking nice,
01:14:53make makeup, good hair, but only on the parties and some celebrations.
01:14:58But when sneakies go out anywhere,
01:15:02she dressing like this is some famous night party.
01:15:06This is why it's strange for me.
01:15:08It's mean a lot of attention from people.
01:15:11Well, I can't wait whatever you have planned for me.
01:15:14I'm so excited to see.
01:15:17You will see?
01:15:19I think the better if we do our plans at the day, not at the nighttime.
01:15:26Why during the daytime?
01:15:29Um, because I think we have a look how the people reacting.
01:15:38Are you afraid of taking me out in public at night
01:15:41because you're scared that they're going to judge me on the way that I look
01:15:46or they're going to be able to tell I used to be a man?
01:15:50I think it's about your style to makeup,
01:15:58about your clothes styling.
01:16:00You look like a porn actress.
01:16:02Okay, well, that's better than a man or trans or a dude.
01:16:06Okay, like a trans porn actress.
01:16:09And here in Moldova, most people don't accept the trans.
01:16:15And the first thing, I'm worried about her safety.
01:16:20I don't understand. I don't get it.
01:16:23Because 17 years ago, I did not have this face.
01:16:27I did not have this voice.
01:16:29I sounded like a truck driver.
01:16:31And now I'm like, I think my level went from here to here.
01:16:35And my body looks insane.
01:16:37What are you scared of?
01:16:39For me, it's something new.
01:16:41You're leaving. Who do you care what these people think?
01:16:44You're leaving. Who cares?
01:16:48Do you come all the way here and you're saying that you're just going to take me out in the daytime
01:16:51to see if people can clock me, basically?
01:16:53Yes, because at nighttime, we will sleep.
01:16:55I'm not sleeping. We're going to, like, a lounge or something.
01:16:59You're not shelving me in the dark. Sorry.
01:17:03Something in the back of my mind tells me that maybe I'm secretly dating somebody from the nightlife
01:17:11and I don't know about it.
01:17:13That would break my heart.
01:17:16So I just hope that's not the case.
01:17:18I hope that it's just because he's still trying to get over his little insecurities
01:17:23and the little butterflies in his stomach.
01:17:25Like, maybe they know or maybe people can tell.
01:17:27But I got to be honest.
01:17:29I got to be honest.
01:17:30I think something's, there's something a little shady in there.
01:17:35Okay, we'll see.
01:17:36No, we'll see.
01:17:37We'll see.
01:17:38We will do.
01:17:39Let's talk about this later, okay? Later.
01:17:50Baby, you spent $10,000 on blood implants?
01:17:53Who here spent $10,000?
01:17:56She lied to me about it.
01:17:59This is exactly the kind of s*** that I'm worried about.
01:18:15You had butt implants?
01:18:18Yeah, I have butt implants.
01:18:21I feel relief.
01:18:22To tell you the truth about the butt implant, it's like getting a weight out of my shoulders
01:18:27but at the same time, I feel sad because Gino is very disappointed at me.
01:18:33He doesn't easily get this mad at me.
01:18:36I'm the one who always gets mad, not my Gino.
01:18:38And now Gino's mad.
01:18:41Are you kidding?
01:18:43Why did you do this?
01:18:45So you remember when you were questioning me,
01:18:48why are you not going outside to run like every day?
01:18:52And I told you that I had COVID.
01:18:54I was actually recovering from my butt implant surgery.
01:18:59How much did that cost?
01:19:02How much do you think it cost?
01:19:04I don't know. $5,000?
01:19:09It's a butt implant.
01:19:21Baby, you spent $10,000?
01:19:24On butt implants?
01:19:25You don't need butt implants.
01:19:27We spent $10,000 on butt implants.
01:19:29You don't need butt implants.
01:19:31We could have used that $10,000.
01:19:35Our wedding and all the appliances we need to replace and all the home remodeling you want to do.
01:19:43But I didn't know, just in my defense, that we were broke.
01:19:46Why are you making decisions without me?
01:19:48Well, you quit your job without telling me.
01:19:51You don't even need it.
01:19:52You didn't even need it.
01:19:55This is crazy.
01:19:59Give us one moment, please.
01:20:02Why are you asking them to leave?
01:20:08I mean, where did you get the money from?
01:20:12Does it matter?
01:20:14Yes, it matters.
01:20:18I had some savings.
01:20:21I had some savings.
01:20:24And do you remember that you were giving me money for the wedding dress?
01:20:33I've helped Jasmine out a lot since I've met her.
01:20:37Helping her pay her rent, money for her children, cosmetic procedures.
01:20:43And I've been doing that because I love her and I know she needs the help.
01:20:47And she's not really working right now.
01:20:50But it feels like I'm the one that's always giving.
01:20:54I give, give, give.
01:20:55And Jasmine's just like taking, taking.
01:20:58That's terrifying kind of to me because, you know, is this how my life's going to be?
01:21:09I didn't think about it being a big deal.
01:21:13That's $10,000.
01:21:15That's a lot of money.
01:21:16I know, I know now.
01:21:18I know that now, back then, $10,000 was very reasonable because we were doing great.
01:21:26You had a very good job and you were sending money and I was living the dream in Panama.
01:21:33Now that I'm here and that I know that we have all these budgets.
01:21:39How did you not think it was a big deal?
01:21:46I'm not a selfish person.
01:21:48I did it not just for me but also for him because I wanted him to find me more attractive.
01:21:55And I thought that with this surgery he was going to be happy and be like,
01:21:59oh my gosh, you went through all this pain just for me, to look pretty for me.
01:22:07God damn it.
01:22:09I gotta.
01:22:11Where are you going?
01:22:12Where are you going?
01:22:15I just don't know how you can be spending thousands of dollars of our money.
01:22:21What's wrong with you?
01:22:24It's very selfish to spend that kind of money on unnecessary surgery.
01:22:29What the heck's wrong with you?
01:22:32I'm really pissed off.
01:22:34This is exactly the kind of s**t that I'm worried about with you.
01:22:38You're spending s**t money on unnecessary s**t.
01:22:41You need this s**t money, okay?
01:22:45I'm very worried because Gino is very mad at me.
01:22:48But just by seeing how mad Gino is, I'm like, there is no s**t way I'm telling him.
01:22:55The whole truth, that the remaining $2,000,
01:22:59The whole truth, that the remaining $2,000,
01:23:03came from my ex-boyfriend Dan.
01:23:05Because this is just going to make everything worse.
01:23:15Next time on 90 Day Fiancé.
01:23:18This bed feels so comfortable.
01:23:21Are you going to give me a shower?
01:23:22Or what?
01:23:24Our relationship built not on the physical, it's more like soul.
01:23:28If you're not giving it to me, like who are you giving it to?
01:23:33You have 48 hours to change my mind or I'm literally leaving.
01:23:37And that's the last time you're ever going to see me.
01:23:48When I first met Devin, I thought it was fate.
01:23:51She's the first white girl I've dated.
01:23:53But in Korea, we need permission from parents before I get married.
01:23:58If Devin blows this up, it's going to destroy my whole life.
01:24:04You blew all that money on a cosmetic procedure that you don't even need.
01:24:09And you lied to me about it.
01:24:11I feel really betrayed.
01:24:13She's like thinking of herself and the wedding doesn't matter to her.
01:24:17What else is she lying to me about?
01:24:26Devin gave it to me.
01:24:28You have to talk seriously to him.
01:24:33My love.
01:24:34They're calling me again.
01:24:38I guess it's your family again.
01:24:40What do you want?
01:24:42We still can't get his phone up and working in America.
01:24:44So, meanwhile, someone's been blowing up my phone.
01:24:47Why are you calling so much?
01:24:49I didn't know who you guys were when he was over in Ecuador.
01:24:54They called nine times.
01:24:56It's weird.
01:24:58This makes me nervous.
01:24:59I'd be a fool to not think Manuel might be coming here on my back so he could meet up with his family.
01:25:04And leave you.
01:25:07Have you guys thought about kids?
01:25:10Like, to be honest, I don't think I actually want to be pregnant.
01:25:17If I don't ever want kids, is that a problem with you?
01:25:22Sophie just rocked my entire belief in her and what we can have.
01:25:26I could not walk down the aisle today.
01:25:28It would be a lie.
01:25:31I don't know what the f*** I'm going to do with my life if I don't ever have kids.
01:25:35Just leave me alone.