• 4 hours ago


00:01Now, dance is hot!
00:04It became a must-learn in elementary school,
00:06and it became the number one lesson for children who were glad to do it.
00:10On SNS, dance videos overflowed,
00:13and it became a dance boom by chance.
00:17The person who accompanied it is
00:18Okinawa Actors School, which was established about 30 years ago.
00:24For graduates,
00:26The Pump,
00:34and tonight's guest,
00:37King & Prince Kaito Takahashi,
00:39who is also noted for his ability in dancing,
00:42is really amazing.
00:44His own destination.
00:47In addition, he is a charismatic existence
00:50that has had a great impact on young juniors
00:53in the popular dance vocal group.
00:56How long do you stream games?
00:58Every day.
00:59Every day?
01:00He plays games every day.
01:02Basically, we have a dance battle.
01:06You have a dance battle at home?
01:07When one of us starts dancing,
01:09we start dancing like this.
01:12Fashion is a mirror that reflects the inside.
01:15Tonight, I will leave my feelings hidden in my heart as a clip.
01:20Fashion clip.
01:22Who is the other me in Yura Daichi's me?
01:28Nice to meet you.
01:29Nice to meet you.
01:30Nice to meet you.
01:31Nice to meet you.
01:32This program is brought to you by Shuseido.
01:37How do you feel about this program where you talk about yourself?
01:40Well, I like talking to people.
01:44I heard that you have a cool image.
01:46Oh, really?
01:47How is it?
01:48How do I look?
01:50I don't know much about myself,
01:52but I would like to show you a different Daichi today.
01:54I see.
01:55I will do my best to show something.
01:58I'm looking forward to it.
02:00Miura Daichi appeared like a comet in 1997.
02:07He debuted at the age of 9 as a member of the 7-member folder
02:11from Okinawa Actors School.
02:13He is so young.
02:17He has been singing for a long time.
02:23And he became a hot topic with his dancing.
02:27By the way, what did you like about him at that time?
02:31He is an alien.
02:33He is cute.
02:34Did you like him at that time?
02:35Did you like an alien?
02:37Why do you like aliens?
02:38Why do you like aliens?
02:40He is a boy who likes aliens.
02:43He is 37 years old now.
02:45In fact, he is Sanji's father.
02:49His private face is a mystery.
02:52But when he asked his fans,
02:55When he is singing and dancing, he is so cool.
02:59But usually, he is so cute.
03:01He is cute.
03:02He is like a girl.
03:04He is like a girl.
03:05He is like a girl.
03:06He is like a girl.
03:07He is like a girl.
03:08He is like a girl.
03:09He is like a girl.
03:10He is like a girl.
03:12He is a good father.
03:16Tonight, we will see the real face of Daichi Miura.
03:19We will see the real face of Daichi Miura.
03:22I'm curious.
03:23I'm curious.
03:25He is 9 years old now.
03:27He is a singer and a good performer.
03:29How do you feel now?
03:32I'm not sure.
03:33I'm not sure.
03:34How do you feel now?
03:35I'm not sure.
03:37I like singing and dancing.
03:41Many people respected you.
03:43You collaborated with King & Prince last year.
03:47They are like brothers and friends.
03:54I feel happy when I meet them.
03:57I feel happy when I meet them.
03:59I want to give them a happy aura.
04:04I made a choreography.
04:05It was fun.
04:07How long does it take to make a choreography?
04:11It takes 15 to 30 minutes.
04:17You made it on the spot.
04:22I have a small self in my head since I started recording.
04:28I have a small self in my head since I started recording.
04:32I connect them in the studio.
04:46Silent dance.
04:49It's funny.
04:58How did you make it?
05:02It's amazing.
05:04The choreography is in my head.
05:07I listen to the music in my head.
05:13It's different.
05:16I feel the tempo.
05:22I match the timing.
05:24Why did you make it silent?
05:26There is a saying that singing is like an a cappella.
05:29I thought it would be good to match the dancing.
05:32I thought it would be good to match the dancing.
05:37I thought it would be good to match the dancing.
05:40I made it as a part of the performance.
05:42Is it because you sing and dance?
05:45Is it because you sing and dance?
05:49There are not many people who sing and dance solo.
05:55I want to do something different.
05:57I want to create something that only I can do.
06:01I want to create something that can be born because of both.
06:06I want to create something that can be born because of both.
06:08I think the dancers hate me.
06:11I think the dancers hate me.
06:15There is a private side behind it.
06:20There is a video that became a hot topic.
06:25Miura's hobby is playing video games.
06:29He has a YouTube channel that plays video games.
06:35But on this day...
06:38I'm sorry.
06:42My child is crying.
06:45Miura's hobby is playing video games.
06:48He has a rule that if a child cries, the game is over.
06:53He has a rule that if a child cries, the game is over.
06:58I'm going to put him to bed.
07:01I'm sorry.
07:03I'm sorry.
07:07I'm embarrassed to be cut off.
07:11What time do you play video games?
07:14I play video games at night.
07:18I play video games at night.
07:20How long do you play video games?
07:22I play video games almost every day.
07:25Isn't it hard in the morning?
07:27It's hard in the morning, but it's harder when I can't play video games.
07:33When you're on tour, you're worried about your voice.
07:38That's right.
07:40I can refresh my mind by playing video games.
07:48I'm always thinking about live performances and production.
07:56In the world of video games, there are difficult situations.
08:00For example, a dragon suddenly appears.
08:03I have to deal with it.
08:06I have to let go of my daily worries.
08:09I see.
08:11I have to let go of my daily worries.
08:14I have to let go of my daily worries.
08:16I feel like I'm talking to a junior high school student.
08:19I think video games are a comprehensive art form in entertainment.
08:25There are videos, music, various performances, and stories.
08:30I think it's very powerful for entertainment.
08:34I've been stimulated by it.
08:38Video games are all connected.
08:43I talked to a person who knows Miura-san's private life.
08:50The person I talked to is...
08:53Hello, Daichi-chan.
08:55I'm Daichi Miura, a pianist.
08:58What does that mean?
09:00They have deepened their friendship through a music show.
09:04They play their favorite games together in private.
09:10Daichi-chan is a very calm person.
09:14He has a beautiful voice.
09:17He never says anything bad.
09:19He has a beautiful way of speaking.
09:22When he lost, he said,
09:24Why did I lose?
09:28When he defeated a zombie,
09:32he said,
09:34I'm sorry.
09:36I'm sorry.
09:38It's more psychotic.
09:40It's the scariest.
09:43I wonder if he doesn't have any emotions.
09:46I wonder if he gets angry.
09:49When does he get angry?
09:52As a father,
09:54I sometimes tell my children.
09:57I say,
09:59There's a toy that I haven't cleaned up.
10:02Come here.
10:04I say that to him.
10:06Why are you always here?
10:10I say it in honorifics.
10:13I'm always polite to my children.
10:17Daichi Miura is a close friend.
10:22I don't think there are many people who have touched Daichi Miura's body.
10:27According to the information I've heard,
10:30Daichi Miura's left upper body muscles are very active.
10:37When he dances, he fixes his microphone.
10:40It's amazing.
10:42Can I touch it?
10:44What do you think?
10:46I don't know.
10:48Maybe it's in here.
10:50It looks like you're touching it.
10:52It's amazing.
10:54It's true.
10:56The left upper body is thicker.
10:59It's like this.
11:02It's true.
11:04Doesn't that make you want to train your right side?
11:07Muscle training is very difficult.
11:11Muscles are all connected to the muscles of the neck.
11:16When I trained my arm muscles, I couldn't make a high-pitched sound.
11:22When I stopped training, the muscles of the upper body came back.
11:27There are ways to train muscles that don't suit you.
11:31The muscles that sing and dance are very special.
11:35I thought I had to sing and dance to train them.
11:38I couldn't train other muscles.
11:41I thought I had to sing and dance a lot.
11:44So I practiced singing and dancing on tour and live performances.
11:51By repeating that, I was able to train my singing and dancing muscles.
11:58You're always calm and don't get angry.
12:02Are you strict with your children?
12:06I don't know.
12:09I'm an only child, so I don't know what it's like to be a sibling.
12:14I have three children.
12:16Do you have a sibling quarrel?
12:17Why do I have so many quarrels every day?
12:20I think about it every day.
12:21What do I have to fight about with this toy?
12:25I don't do it once with my children.
12:29Of course, I use various methods.
12:32For example, I say, I'll take this toy first.
12:36I think someone is coming from over there.
12:38I say, I have to put that toy away quickly.
12:42I try various things.
12:44I don't know what's going on in the 20th time.
12:51I think the last resort is honorifics.
12:55Don't you have a moment when you want to dance with your dad?
12:58We don't dance together.
13:00We have various music.
13:03It's a dance battle.
13:06If one of us starts dancing, the other starts dancing.
13:11Do you hate losing?
13:14I never let go of the game.
13:20Don't you let go of your hand?
13:22I don't let go of my hand.
13:25I sweat in the living room with the same amount of heat as the stage.
13:32We have visited the roots of MIURA's artist life.
13:37Please take a look at this.
13:39How were the talents respected by many artists nurtured?
13:46I came to Okinawa, the hometown of DAICHI to find the roots.
13:52The place where I went to school until I was 9 years old.
13:58What made you fall in love with singing and dancing?
14:03At first, I was dancing to the opening song of Kamen Rider V3 at home.
14:12I went to dance school because I liked dancing.
14:16Did you make your own choreography?
14:18That's right.
14:21It takes about 5 minutes to walk from Kokusai-dori, the most populous area in Naha.
14:26What is this place?
14:28It's nostalgic.
14:30This is a building where Okinawa Actors used to go to school.
14:35After school, I came here by bus.
14:38I sang and danced all the time.
14:40Then I went home.
14:43In fact, I got a video clip of that time.
14:48The next place I visited was the rooftop of a department store.
14:53I used to eat and talk with the members of the dance school here.
15:02I also danced here.
15:05What did you eat on this rooftop?
15:08FUJIYA's Zenzai.
15:10Zenzai is very delicious.
15:12I ate it with shaved ice.
15:18It was very delicious.
15:20I was waiting for someone here.
15:27Daichi, long time no see.
15:30He is my teacher.
15:33He is Anna Maki, an instructor.
15:37What kind of child was he?
15:41He was very cute.
15:43He was very popular.
15:47I was able to sing and dance from the beginning.
15:51I can do anything.
15:53When I was with children of the same age, I thought that singing and dancing were easy.
16:00I thought about how to make them feel that way.
16:04I wanted them to feel that they had to work harder because they were older than me.
16:12Before I changed my voice, I wanted the world to know that I had a good voice.
16:28He retired at the age of 13.
16:33It was a big decision for Daichi, who has been singing since he was a child.
16:41I was worried that my voice would not come out the same way.
16:53How did you perceive the period of transformation?
16:59I was making my second album.
17:04When I tried to record it, the key didn't come out.
17:08The last album of the folder was sung by a different person.
17:14My voice was changing day by day.
17:20If you compare the songs on the album,
17:24It's a different song compared to the high-pitched voice.
17:33The pain of the period of transformation was also experienced by Ikusaburo, who was active as a child actor.
17:55I was shocked by the period of transformation.
17:59I couldn't hear the sound in my head.
18:04I felt like I was losing my voice.
18:07Did you have any anxiety about not being able to sing?
18:11I don't think so.
18:14But when the president of my agency thought about singing,
18:21I thought it would be better to take a break because my throat would be crushed if I sang too much.
18:28It was a positive beginning.
18:33I had no reason, but I thought singing was a life of dancing.
18:40I had no reason.
18:43So I never thought I might not be able to sing or dance.
18:51He stopped singing for three years to protect his throat.
18:56So I thought I'd take a break and try singing.
19:00But I couldn't sing at all at that time.
19:04I didn't sing at all, so my muscles were gone.
19:09I didn't go on a boy band.
19:12So my muscles for singing weren't growing at all.
19:15I remember that two years later, I was more anxious.
19:20I was worried about my voice.
19:24Since then, you've been running non-stop.
19:27That's right.
19:29I've been looking for a way to express singing and dancing that only I can do.
19:38How do you think about singing and dancing?
19:43The school I went to when I was a kid wasn't divided into a dance school and a vocal school.
19:54I've been repeating lessons that are integrated.
19:59When I sing, I want to move my body and sing.
20:03There's no school like the one I went to.
20:08The school is divided into a dance school and a vocal school.
20:13I think that's my strength.
20:19After this, Actors School will resume its activities.
20:24Currently, we are holding a nationwide tour.
20:27I think it's a live show that anyone can enjoy, whether they know or not.
20:31Please come to the venue.
20:35Actually, Okinawa Actors School was closed this year.
20:40But this year, it reopened its activities.
20:43There was a message from Mr. Daichi behind it.
20:47Actors School is a system where seniors take care of juniors.
20:54I was told that I was interested in training.
20:59I asked Mr. Daichi to teach me.
21:01I've seen a lot of places, but there's no place like this.
21:07I think it's better to do this.
21:09He said it very passionately.
21:13It led to the reopening of Actors School.
21:20The day will soon come when a new dance and vocalist will appear from the children who grew up watching Mr. Daichi's back.
21:29Mr. Daichi, do you have any plans for the next generation?
21:34It's natural to sing and dance.
21:38I think it's a time when everyone can do it.
21:42I want to create something that only I can do.
21:53What is the most important thing in singing and dancing?
21:58I think it's about having fun.
22:02I think that's the most important thing.
22:06Without that, it won't continue.
22:10I think it doesn't have to be just singing and dancing.
22:14How to enjoy what you found and what you like.
22:19Where does the passion for singing and dancing come from?
22:23It's pretty simple.
22:26It's just what you like.
22:28There's always something you can do that's interesting.
22:38I like singing and dancing, so I'll keep singing and dancing until the end.
22:45After this is the mysterious charisma of Reiwa.
