Baylen Out Loud S01 E06
00:00Wake up, smell the roses, and suck a penis.
00:04Let go and let God.
00:07So my roommate is leaving.
00:10And Baylin and I are moving in together.
00:15You guys are adults now.
00:17I'm not going to tell you what to do.
00:19You're both.
00:22I'm relieved that they're not going to kind of like put this wall up.
00:26I do.
00:27I'm here to hopefully relieve concerns that you have.
00:30I have some deep concerns about those two moving in together.
00:34I fucking mean this.
00:36Nothing better happen to my kid.
00:39My dad's concerns are where I was four years ago.
00:42Colin hasn't seen me at my worst.
00:44Like my parents literally had to feed me four years ago.
00:46They were literally spoon feeding me.
00:48I have to make sure you're okay.
00:51Because if you're not okay, I can't be.
00:54I know it may seem a little fast.
00:58Oh, boy.
01:04Colin, do you have something you want to tell us?
01:10I'm wanting to propose to Baylin.
01:13I'm going to propose to Baylin.
01:35Look at this, dude.
01:36You see me rolling.
01:38You excited?
01:41It looks really nice.
01:43It's finally happening.
01:45Me and Colin are officially moving in with each other.
01:49My birthday is in a couple weeks.
01:51It's my birthday.
01:54And a gift to myself is finding the perfect apartment.
01:59We've both been saving up for a long time.
02:01But we have to make sure that it works for my tics
02:06and doesn't have many dangers or triggers.
02:10Doorbell, doorbell works.
02:13That's a trigger.
02:16I know, I know you don't.
02:18There's certain things that trigger me
02:22that I can't explain why, like doorbells.
02:25I have to push it three times.
02:27Luckily, I'll be on the other side of the door
02:30if we move in here.
02:32Hi, Baylin.
02:34Hi, Colin.
02:35Come on in.
02:38Oh, this is nice.
02:39It's so freaking cute.
02:41So how are you guys doing?
02:42Did you find the place okay?
02:44Yeah, we're good.
02:45We're excited to look at this.
02:47Yeah, there's currently a tenant living here.
02:49They're moving out at the end of the month.
02:51Suck a penis.
02:53This is my first client with Tourette syndrome.
02:56I'd like to say that it's more of a different process.
03:02Every situation can start another tic.
03:05But working together,
03:06I think we can find the best place for her.
03:09As we've shared with you,
03:10there's three things that are kind of
03:12really important to the both of us.
03:14The first one being, like,
03:15things that are within walking distance.
03:18The community.
03:19Baylin's parents don't seem to be totally on board
03:22with me and Baylin moving in together,
03:24and I know her dad is watching every move that I make.
03:28It's a lot of pressure, and I want to make sure
03:30that I'm showing them that I'm putting Baylin's needs first.
03:34Especially because I plan on proposing to her
03:37after we move in together,
03:39and she has no idea, of course.
03:42I'm going to need a balcony for the dogs
03:44to go to the bathroom,
03:45and then another thing is also a dog park.
03:48Yeah, that's the only way I make friends,
03:50is through my dogs, so...
03:53I can definitely relate to that.
03:55I have a dog myself.
03:56Oh, my goodness.
03:57He's a jerk, but we love him.
04:00Is that your parents?
04:04Come on in.
04:05You're bald.
04:06My parents are still worried about my safety
04:10being out in the world because of my tics, so...
04:16Of course I invited them to come look at apartments with us.
04:21I like the building.
04:24There's a door code to get in.
04:26There's 24-hour concierge.
04:29But everything is updated.
04:31All new appliances.
04:32He's touching an electric, so that's good.
04:35If you need a plumber or an electrician.
04:38As a dad and having my baby girl move out,
04:41I'm on the lookout for everything.
04:43I have no idea if Colin knows anything about breaker boxes
04:47or panel boxes or light switches.
04:51I was like...
04:52He thinks he's the general inspector, inspector gadget.
04:55But also, with Bailyn's history of tics,
04:58I need to make sure that this isn't going to be
05:01an instrument that's going to exasperate her tics
05:05and cause her more damage than good.
05:07That's gas.
05:09Gas stove.
05:11That's a little bit of an issue.
05:13Any sort of a tic that happens,
05:15that's, like, my number one thing for the kitchen.
05:18That's not a gas stove, but you could always...
05:20That and the things that go, like, over it,
05:22like, those things, like, I don't want to pick those up.
05:25All right, did you walk through it all?
05:30Of course.
05:33It's so cute and modern and fresh.
05:36Like, this is so fricking pretty.
05:38Bailyn's here to buy the furniture.
05:40I know, but anyways...
05:41I'm like, is this...
05:42You want to go out here?
05:43Anyways, the patio, I like because it's not a door,
05:45it's a sliding door.
05:46I do like that.
05:48Hey, motherfuckers!
05:50Come here!
05:52You're done.
05:54You're bald.
05:55We've got to get inside.
05:56We've got to get inside.
05:57We've got to get inside.
05:58Yeah, he's bald.
05:59The balcony situation is a necessity,
06:01but it's not working well.
06:02You're bald.
06:04When she was screaming off the balcony,
06:06I was definitely thinking she should not be doing that
06:10on a busy street at a gas station
06:13where there are, you know, a lot of random people.
06:16You know, I do see how it can be dangerous,
06:18especially if she's on her own.
06:20That balcony situation, hard no for me.
06:22There's different crowds that come in at a gas station,
06:25so I don't think yelling F-words out about a balcony...
06:28We're going to get sniped.
06:30Go up there!
06:31I don't want to rain on Balin and Colin's parade,
06:33but this apartment is only a couple stories up,
06:36so everyone on the street can hear Balin ticking at them.
06:39I certainly want Balin to be happy,
06:41but I don't think seeing this apartment
06:43is making us any more secure about wanting Balin to move out.
06:47It's just all about, like, learning,
06:49since this is our first, like, apartment tour that,
06:53again, with the gas, back to the gas,
06:55like, it's just something I'm learning as we're going,
06:57cos I'm sure there's multiple different places
06:59with balconies facing different places.
07:02It's just, for some reason, the gas station is just a no.
07:05Yeah, yeah.
07:06It's all good to know, and, of course,
07:08we want to make sure you're in the best possible location.
07:11I'm feeling OK after the first apartment.
07:17It could have went better,
07:19but just being able to nitpick and see the little things
07:24that could potentially be a problem with her condition
07:27just allows us to take all that information
07:30and hopefully find something that checks all of our boxes.
07:34I'm definitely not your average client.
07:38Peace up, A-Town.
07:44La la la la la la la la la la
07:47La la la la la la la la la la
07:51Oh, this is cute.
07:53It's so cute.
07:54All right, go, go.
07:58Good afternoon, welcome to Elle's Kitchen.
08:01Oh my gosh, you're going to find too much in here.
08:04It's so freaking cute, there's so much stuff.
08:07Yes, very colorful, very...
08:09This is definitely a Balin store.
08:11No, it is, this is...
08:13This is clearly a Balin store.
08:15Even though me and Colin haven't found an apartment yet,
08:19it's not going to stop me from shopping for the apartment yet.
08:24And I have a few things I need to talk to my mom about.
08:28Colin was a little quiet yesterday,
08:31and I think we were finding a place together,
08:34and I feel like it felt like a little bit more
08:36generated towards my needs.
08:38This is what's needed for my Tourette's,
08:40and this is what's needed for me, me, me, me, me, when it's us.
08:44Now that I know the precautions
08:46and the safety concerns and everything,
08:48for the next apartment that we're going to look at,
08:50I think that me and Colin are just going to look at it.
08:54Is that okay?
08:58Would you give me at least the area so it would make me feel better
09:01if I could at least glance out the area?
09:03And don't rush into signing papers without like,
09:06being like, looking to your mom for some advice.
09:09Stove stuff, look at that still, look at balcony stuff.
09:15I'm trying to put on a brave face and show Bailyn
09:19that I do trust her to make her own adult decisions.
09:22And that doesn't mean that I'm not going to try
09:25and be like a little drone over top of them a little bit,
09:28but just to let them breathe and walk through this together
09:32is probably my best bet.
09:34When me and Colin move into our apartment,
09:39I would like for Colin's parents to come up
09:43and both families to meet.
09:46Yeah, we'd love to meet them.
09:48Colin's parents live over 4 hours away,
09:50so we've never had a chance to meet.
09:52From what I know, they tend to be on the conservative side,
09:56and we live a pretty messy life, so it'll be interesting.
10:00But I'm curious to see what Colin's roots are, really.
10:03So would they, like, let's say we went to a bar restaurant,
10:07is that like a thing?
10:09Yeah, they just don't drink.
10:12That would make it more fun, if that's okay.
10:15How about this?
10:16Why don't we invite them to celebrate your birthday with us?
10:19Don't you think that'd be easiest?
10:21We're probably going to be a lot for Marlene and Chuck.
10:26I really want our families to get along
10:29because I do see a future with Colin,
10:32but our families have very different lifestyles,
10:36and my family can be a lot to handle.
10:41So I don't know how it's going to go.
10:46What are we doing for my birthday?
10:49Uh, we're leaving it up to your dad.
10:52I don't know. I mean, we talked about just...
10:54I don't want to pick or choose or decide what we're doing
10:58because I'm too indecisive.
11:00As long as there's cake and food, I'm fine.
11:03Going out for birthday celebrations is very difficult for me
11:08because in this type of environment,
11:10my anxiety gets worse and my tics get bad.
11:14However, I'm turning 22, and I want a birthday party.
11:18I've been making progress with being out in public,
11:22and I want to keep pushing past my comfort zone.
11:26Your mom's comfort zone.
11:29Like, I freaking want a birthday,
11:31but at the same time I'm like, I can't figure it out myself.
11:34Going out in public is extremely overstimulating
11:37no matter how long I'm out for.
11:39Mm-hmm. We'll make sure that it's fun.
11:42We'll figure out something.
11:44I definitely feel like she's come quite a ways,
11:47but between moving in with Colin, us meeting his parents,
11:51the impending birthday party, it's a whole lot on her plate,
11:55and I'm a little bit worried it just might be too much.
12:06She's adulting.
12:09This is where the trust comes into place.
12:11I just want her and us to be prepared for anything.
12:15Happy birthday, sweetheart.
12:17Hi, have a huggy. Where's Colin?
12:19I don't know. I took a rideshare here.
12:21I thought the most stressful thing today
12:24would be both of our parents meeting,
12:26not Colin disappearing.
12:28I don't even know where Colin is.
12:30You haven't seen Colin? All day.
12:53This area is nice.
12:55I know. It's super nice.
12:57We got a little grocery store right there and everything.
13:00Suck a penis!
13:04Now that we're starting to look at apartments without my parents,
13:08it's really starting to kick in and feel real.
13:12Hey, guys, how are you?
13:14How's it going? Good, how are you?
13:16Oh, my gosh.
13:181289 square feet, 2 bed and 2 bath.
13:24There's so much space in here.
13:26This is insane.
13:28It does have the electric stove you were looking for
13:31instead of the gas stove.
13:33It's perfect, yeah.
13:35Well, what do you think?
13:37Honestly, do you prefer the electric over the gas or do you not care?
13:40Which one do you prefer?
13:42I prefer the electric.
13:44Having an open flame is just dangerous for anybody,
13:47whether that's you or just anyone in general.
13:49I mean, something can fall off the pan and go into the fire.
13:53You want to look at the balcony?
13:57So it's on a quiet street.
13:59Get in there!
14:01Does it feel slanted?
14:03Am I crazy?
14:05I don't think it feels slanted.
14:07I'm petrified of heights.
14:09Luckily, we're only on the 7th floor,
14:12and I won't really be out here that much.
14:15Suck a penis!
14:17It's not facing the gas station.
14:19At least if I do take out here,
14:22there's not a lot of walking traffic
14:24down on the sidewalk or the street.
14:27Okay, want to see the bedrooms?
14:29Yes, yes, yes.
14:33Holy crap.
14:35This is the biggest bedroom
14:37that I have ever seen in an apartment.
14:42All the natural light.
14:45Look at the bathroom.
14:48Oh my god, Colin, we get to pee and poop
14:50and look at our neighbors.
14:52Holy crap.
14:55Yep, you just did a number two.
14:59That's a trigger.
15:01You got weight, you got weight?
15:05It's the girl power!
15:07There you go.
15:09Come here!
15:13Yeah, I mean, really,
15:15the only problem that I have with this
15:17is that it's glass,
15:19and I've seen you bang your head
15:21off the wall in the shower before,
15:23so this can be super dangerous for you.
15:28Come on.
15:32I get where Colin's coming from
15:34with the glass, however,
15:36no apartment is going to be
15:39100% perfect.
15:41I'll just navigate it
15:43the best way I can day to day.
15:48That was the loudest stomach growl
15:50I've ever heard.
15:54Even this bedroom
15:56has really good size to it.
15:58My desk and gaming area is probably
16:00going to go right here, right?
16:02Sounds good to me, that's all I need to know.
16:04Hi guys, do you have any questions
16:06about the unit?
16:08We just kind of want to talk things over, if that's okay.
16:10Sounds good, I'll be back in a bit.
16:12What's your honest thoughts?
16:14Do you think there's anything
16:16in here that could be dangerous
16:18for you?
16:20I mean, I could fricking bubble wrap everything,
16:22but, like, I mean, I could smash
16:24my hand off this, I could bang my head off that.
16:26There's just certain things that I could
16:28think about, but other than that,
16:30I literally have no concerns.
16:36So, we're moving in, right?
16:38This is the place?
16:40Yeah, I think so too.
16:42This place is amazing.
16:44We're moving in together,
16:46and I feel like the next big thing
16:48in our relationship is
16:50our parents meeting.
16:52They can come to my birthday party.
16:56And hopefully they can come and stay here.
16:58I could get us all matching pajamas.
17:04I'm just really excited.
17:06I just want to do circles.
17:08Okay, you do what you want to do.
17:22I'm just kidding.
17:38Let's get Nick this time.
17:42I came back home to celebrate
17:44Baylen's birthday for a few days.
17:46I'm turning 22 this week.
17:48You are turning 22.
17:50It's begun.
17:52What are you guys doing?
17:56Do your shenanigans in the basement.
17:58It doesn't matter.
18:00You guys are a scaring tootie.
18:02All the boys do
18:04is wrestle
18:06and throw balls around the living room.
18:08It never ends.
18:10It's the gift that keeps on giving.
18:16Wow. Fresh out of bed.
18:18Pretty much.
18:22I have news.
18:26Me and Colin
18:30our apartment.
18:32Honey me.
18:34Tootie found a home to live in.
18:36We all found a home to live in.
18:38That was kind of fast.
18:40I'm not super surprised that Baylen
18:42has already found her apartment.
18:44When she wants something,
18:46she gets it done.
18:48What makes this place the place?
18:50For one, it's so gorgeous.
18:52Not only that,
18:54but the apartment facility is great.
18:56Balconies for the dogs?
19:00That's a big one.
19:02There's 2.
19:04Not a gas stove, I hope.
19:06The stove is electric.
19:08It's very open.
19:10The 7th.
19:12And there's 2 bedrooms.
19:14Gaming stuff.
19:16It's going to be filled with LED lights up in there.
19:18It's going to be the man cave.
19:20I am so happy that Baylen
19:22found her new apartment.
19:24Even though Baylen's moving in with Colin,
19:26it's going to be very exciting
19:28to see her be as self-sufficient as possible.
19:30That's what our whole family wants for her.
19:32I mean, first,
19:34I'm super excited that you guys found something.
19:36But I still feel like I have a gazillion questions.
19:38I would love to make sure
19:40that this is all going to work for you, right?
19:42There's so much.
19:44This is where the trust comes into place.
19:46It's like, you're hoping,
19:48like, okay,
19:50she's adulting.
19:52She can do these things.
19:54And then in the same breath, it's like,
19:56but I think she still needs me,
19:58doesn't she? Doesn't she just still need my help?
20:00My opinion?
20:02My input?
20:04So there's so many big things
20:06coming up, ladies.
20:08Moving, which is going to be holy crap.
20:10And your birthday
20:12with Colin's parents coming to meet us.
20:14Have you guys come up with anything?
20:16We are going to just do
20:18a country western bar with a mall,
20:20with a mechanical mall.
20:22Oh, I'm so excited.
20:24I'm so excited.
20:26I don't know anything about this place
20:28other than to pick that out, I'm a little concerned.
20:30Well, because she loves western things,
20:32like, she's like, she's got stuff coming in the mail.
20:34She's a buckle bunny.
20:36Sparkly cowboy boots up to here.
20:38Give a horse ride a cowgirl.
20:44Stick down in Dallas, bitch.
20:46Yeehaw, motherfucker.
20:48She loves country.
20:50I'm super excited that this year
20:52you decided to go out for your birthday.
20:54But as far as mom and dad being Chuck and Marlene,
20:56you're on your own with that one.
21:00I'm not sitting on the bull, I'm standing up.
21:02You're so excited.
21:04But the environment is going to be
21:08So if you're not feeling great,
21:10then we can go outside, quiet area,
21:12go to the car.
21:14I'm so happy that Bailyn is excited
21:16to spend her party out at a bar
21:18this year, especially
21:20considering that sometimes
21:22those experiences don't go very well for her.
21:24A lot could go wrong the day of.
21:26So I just want
21:28her and us to be prepared
21:30for anything.
21:33It's moving day!
21:35It's moving day!
21:37What is this?
21:39I think we need more people
21:41for this moving process.
21:45Thunderstorms are
21:47a huge sensory
21:49issue for me.
21:51My foot's stuck.
21:53My foot's stuck.
21:55I mean, that looks like it hurts.
22:02Life moves fast
22:04like a new roller coaster.
22:06Don't hold me back.
22:08That scared the shit out of me.
22:10I'm not going to lie.
22:12You got enough room so we can get that out?
22:14Yeah, yeah, it should be enough.
22:16It's moving day!
22:18You got it?
22:22Here we go.
22:24Shout it out, yeah!
22:26Shout it out, yeah!
22:30I like that you're like the end,
22:32Bailyn. You're like the end
22:34of it. You got enough room?
22:36I got you.
22:38Oh my God, it's beautiful!
22:40Just put it right here.
22:42It looks massive.
22:44This looks nice.
22:46Oh my God, the view!
22:48Your place is bazanga.
22:58It's beautiful.
23:00I love it.
23:02Last week,
23:04Bailyn found an apartment for her
23:06and Colin.
23:08And today, her and Colin are moving in together.
23:10Five years ago,
23:12Bailyn was really rock bottom.
23:14And it felt like this would probably
23:16never be attainable for Bailyn.
23:18She's overcome so many
23:20obstacles to get to this point.
23:22My heart is just smiling,
23:24and I'm just grateful
23:26to be here with her.
23:28Is that the bathroom?
23:30That's my closet.
23:32You guys can go in and look at the closet,
23:34but oh my God, it's so bright.
23:36I'm going to need sunglasses in here.
23:38Oh my God, this is so beautiful!
23:40There's a lot of room.
23:42I mean, you could probably
23:44configure the space
23:46a couple different ways.
23:48Which is a huge change in our lives
23:50and a little bit overwhelming.
23:52I have no idea
23:54how my tics will be in a whole new environment.
23:56We've got a lot of stuff to move.
23:58Can we go?
24:00Let's get this back.
24:02Backner's in charge of the job.
24:04Let's get this going.
24:06We've got a lot.
24:12Good, you've got a stove topper.
24:14Even though I feel
24:16safer using an electric stove
24:18over a gas stove,
24:22I can still break it,
24:24I can still smash it,
24:26I can still touch it,
24:28but they actually sell toppers
24:30to go over the top of the stove
24:32for safety.
24:34It's just another typical thing
24:36that I have to think about,
24:38and most people don't.
24:40Please don't put
24:42my pillows on the kitchen floor.
24:44I'd appreciate that.
24:46I think we need more people
24:48for this moving process.
24:50What's this?
24:52It's a bed.
24:54No, a bed frame.
24:56Boys, let your mother and I
24:58put this together.
25:00This is about as organized
25:02as my life.
25:04Hey Colin, can you come here?
25:06Hey, can you...
25:08I've called you like six times.
25:10Can you...
25:12Moving is stressful and...
25:14Spit it out, bitch.
25:18but I didn't realize
25:20that it was going to be
25:22this chaotic.
25:24There's only two chairs in there.
25:26Wait, there's another one. There's three.
25:28I don't know if there's another one.
25:30Yeah, all the stimulation's
25:32stimulating, all right,
25:34in a thousand square feet.
25:36There's a lot going on.
25:42Step one, throw these directions out.
25:44Step two,
25:46make your best attempt.
25:48Step three, adjust.
25:50Throw everything in the trash.
25:52I agree.
25:54So when the apartment is all
25:56kind of situated, I know
25:58Colin's parents are coming up this way
26:00so that we can meet.
26:02I'm definitely starting to feel the seriousness now.
26:04Like I see things really moving along.
26:06I'm seeing, gosh,
26:08do I even want to put this out in the universe?
26:10I'm seeing probably like wedding bells
26:12at some point. I mean, they're serious.
26:14Let's just focus on getting a bed together
26:16and an apartment.
26:18Let's just focus on no babies.
26:20I'm pregnant, and I'm breastfeeding!
26:24I've never heard that type before.
26:26Now you got me distracted with the whole thing.
26:28With what? Babies?
26:30Do you really think that,
26:34when they move in here,
26:36what do you think they're going to do?
26:38They're going to probably practice making babies
26:40as long as they don't make any.
26:42That's not what I'm talking about.
26:44Come on, I got enough to hold together here.
26:46I don't know.
26:48You don't know.
26:50Let's just make it through a point where
26:52I can breathe through.
26:54I have somebody living with my daughter
26:56in an apartment.
26:58I want to make sure that her struggle's doing...
27:00I get it, but it's life.
27:02It's real life.
27:04You can't avoid real life.
27:06Oh, my God.
27:10It's definitely going to storm here soon.
27:12And that is going to be...
27:14She doesn't like storms.
27:16...not a good moment for Bailyn.
27:18She will be under a bed.
27:20There's no bed.
27:22There's no bed put together.
27:24She'll be in the closet.
27:26She hates it with her...
27:30You're super sensitive to storms and lightning.
27:32It's going to happen.
27:36are a huge
27:38sensory issue for me.
27:40I cannot
27:42hear the thunder
27:44and I cannot see the lightning.
27:46I need my headphones.
27:48You need your headphones right now?
27:50It's going to thunder.
27:52Oh, my God, it is.
27:54The best thing
27:56for me to do is to put headphones
27:58on and mute all of the noise.
28:00However, I have no
28:02idea where they are
28:04in all of this mess.
28:06So, yay.
28:08It makes it hard because
28:10it's out of my control and
28:12it upsets her and
28:14freaks her out very much.
28:18Zeus is
28:20striking again.
28:28He's got to go to the closet probably.
28:30I don't want to be in here.
28:32That's fine.
28:34Can we please... Yeah, let's go.
28:38My foot's stuck.
28:40That looks like it hurts.
28:42Oh, God.
28:44Can you guys go out the hallway?
28:46When Baylin's so
28:48neurologically overwhelmed,
28:50sometimes her body just does these lock-up
28:52tics and she can't get
28:54comfortable. She'll be locked
28:56in certain places and it's
28:58very, very uncomfortable for her.
29:00I have to ask,
29:02so is this, do you think,
29:04stress of the storm situation
29:06or you don't know?
29:08Everything, I got like no sleep.
29:10You're basically spent for the day.
29:12It's like this every time somebody moves.
29:14It's just chaotic.
29:16This right here is why it's scary to think
29:18about Baylin no longer living with us.
29:20I mean, at this point, we haven't even had a bed
29:22put together and things put away
29:24and we already have an episode.
29:26I might be sleeping on a mattress tonight.
29:28That's fine. I don't even care.
29:30It's not worth it.
29:32But they want to do this on their own.
29:34Oh, my God, my feet are so bad.
29:36We have to let go.
29:38We have to let them navigate this
29:40and no matter how hard it is
29:42for us, we still have to pass the baton
29:44to Colin and hope that all will be okay.
29:48This is the first time they're going to be able
29:50to experience things by
29:52themselves and learn.
29:54We'll chill out, sit in there, and then we'll just
29:56say goodbye for the night.
29:58All those shades for her.
30:00We'll call you when we get home
30:02to see how you're doing.
30:08I do have to admit
30:10it was a little unnerving
30:12to hear the door shut.
30:14My parents have always
30:16been there for me, and now I have
30:18Colin, but I do know that there'll be times
30:20that Colin's not around.
30:24I'm going to eventually
30:26have to deal with things like this by myself
30:28and that's a little scary
30:30to think about.
30:34I got you, babe.
30:54How are things going here?
30:56Help me. No, I'm just kidding.
31:00We've literally lived together
31:02for like 3 days.
31:04You're fucking annoying.
31:06No, I'm just kidding.
31:08Suck a penis!
31:10Our bed is still not
31:12completely put together.
31:14There is also a ton
31:16of unpacking
31:18and assembling to do.
31:20Colin's parents are supposed to be meeting
31:22at a party tomorrow.
31:24I'm super stressed.
31:26Ow, fuck!
31:28Oh, God!
31:30There's a bump right there.
31:32It's definitely obviously
31:34an adjustment having my own space,
31:36but I think as far as adulting goes,
31:38we're doing okay.
31:42This is a puzzle
31:44of your vanity.
31:46Oh, I like it.
31:48I'm glad you like it.
31:50I love this.
31:52You'll have one in about
31:54approximately 28 days.
31:58Just why can't we get something
32:00that's halfway assembled
32:02that you just put it together
32:04and put it all together.
32:06All I gotta say is it's a good thing
32:08the couch is coming tomorrow
32:10fully assembled.
32:12You'll be fine.
32:17Ladies first?
32:19Ladies first is crazy.
32:21All right.
32:23Want to look at the shirts first?
32:25Maybe some hats, dude.
32:27Look at these hats.
32:29Today is Baylen's birthday.
32:31I snuck out to do a secret errand
32:33with my friend Mark
32:35because I have this surprise
32:37that I want to surprise Baylen with.
32:39Baylen's party tonight
32:41is at a Western bar,
32:43and I know she's gonna dress up
32:45so I figured me and my friends
32:47would dress up too,
32:49but we're gonna do it
32:51with a little twist.
32:53So this is what I was thinking.
32:55I was thinking Western type of shirt,
32:57cowboy hat, cowboy boots,
32:59and then the shortest shorts
33:01that you can find.
33:03Like Daisy Dukes.
33:05I'm talking Daisy Dukes.
33:07Oh, yeah.
33:09I know that our couch
33:11is being delivered today,
33:13but everything should be
33:15all set for Baylen,
33:17and all she has to do
33:19is let the guys in.
33:23Suck a penis!
33:25It's my birthday.
33:27It's my birthday!
33:31King Julian!
33:33And I should be getting ready,
33:35but instead,
33:37I'm waiting for a new couch
33:39to be delivered.
33:45Oh, my God,
33:47he left the milk out.
33:49Colin told me
33:51he had an errand to run
33:53early in the morning
33:55and that the couch
33:57should be easy to handle,
33:59but I have not seen him
34:01or talked to him since the morning.
34:03Do you guys like any of the boots?
34:05Do you want to try anything on?
34:07Can I get an 11 in this?
34:09I think I need a 9.
34:11Oh, dude,
34:13I don't think I told you,
34:15my parents are actually coming
34:17to the birthday party
34:19to meet her parents
34:21for the first time,
34:23which is a huge thing
34:25because we've been trying
34:27to make it happen for some time now,
34:29and it's been two years almost.
34:31How do you and Baylen
34:33feel about it?
34:35I don't know.
34:37We're completely different,
34:39but I hope it goes well
34:41because I do want to spend
34:43the rest of my life with Baylen,
34:45and it would be kind of weird
34:47to have our parents not like each other.
34:49Right, naturally.
34:51I would try not to be too nervous about it.
34:55It's nerve-wracking thinking
34:57about our parents meeting,
34:59especially because I plan
35:01on proposing to Baylen soon.
35:03I'm just waiting
35:05for them to like my parents.
35:07I know Baylen's dad
35:09has some concerns about me
35:11taking care of Baylen,
35:13and the last thing that I want or need
35:15is our parents not to get along.
35:17That would make everything
35:19so much harder moving forward.
35:25There's some quality boots there, brother.
35:27Yeah, these are pretty sweet.
35:29Give me the best runway.
35:31All right.
35:33Let's see the strut.
35:43You look better.
35:45You got jeans on.
35:47I got khakis.
35:49I didn't really plan this through.
35:51You look like you're about to go play polo.
35:53Baylen's reaction to this
35:55is going to be crazy.
35:57I cannot wait for her to see this.
35:59Oh, my God!
36:01I'm here!
36:03So the delivery guys are downstairs.
36:05Turns out I'm supposed to
36:07reserve the loading dock,
36:09but I didn't.
36:11So then I go to talk to people at the desk,
36:13and they're like,
36:15well, yes, you need the loading dock reserved.
36:17And I'm like, I know,
36:19but I mean, they're outside right now.
36:21And I'm like, oh, my gosh!
36:23Do you see this?
36:25You see what I'm going through right now?
36:27It's blowing my mind.
36:29I've never had to deal
36:31with anything like this by myself.
36:33The only text that I get
36:35from Colin is that
36:37he wished that he was here
36:39to help, but...
36:43he can't
36:45make it back in time.
36:49That's fucking epic.
36:51I know I need to be able to
36:53handle myself better in situations like this.
36:55However, my birthday party
36:57where our families
36:59are supposed to meet is literally
37:01just two hours away.
37:05am not ready.
37:07I am boiling.
37:09So I...
37:13I just...
37:19Are you really mad?
37:21Colin, I'm really upset.
37:23It's going to be very overwhelming for Bailyn,
37:25and if they can't coordinate
37:27a couch delivery,
37:29it might not be a good sign.
37:47Ain't no way, somebody's riding the bull.
37:49Today's Bailyn's
37:5122nd birthday,
37:53and we want to bring her a little country-western
37:55fun. We're going to meet
37:57Colin's parents for the first time,
37:59and I think we're both mutually
38:01excited. Yes. Are you going to
38:03do the bull? Yes. No.
38:05Dad, yes you are!
38:09What is it going to be like to see Bailyn
38:11ride the mechanical bull?
38:13Ha ha ha!
38:17Nick, is that accurate?
38:19I guess.
38:21There he is!
38:25Oh, my ears hurt.
38:27Happy birthday!
38:29Happy birthday, sweetie.
38:31We love you. Suck a penis.
38:33Hi, baby!
38:35I'm sweating. You're sweating?
38:37I'm sorry. No, it's fine.
38:39It's Colin. I don't know.
38:41I took a ride share here.
38:45I'm not sure
38:47what's going on, but
38:49Colin's not here, and I know
38:51my kid, and I can see it in her
38:53eyes that something's not right.
38:55Something's going on.
38:57Have a good vagina.
38:59Have a good vagina.
39:01This is like too much.
39:03I love you.
39:05How are you feeling?
39:07I haven't eaten anything today.
39:09There was something scheduled to come
39:11that didn't come at the time,
39:13and then when it came,
39:15I didn't even think I was going
39:17to be able to come here.
39:19Sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry.
39:21I'm so sorry.
39:23Bailyn, Sven's balls stink.
39:25I'm confused,
39:27but I guess there was a problem
39:29with the couch being delivered.
39:31I don't know, but I know that
39:33the smallest things can be
39:35very overwhelming for Bailyn,
39:37and if there was a couch delivery,
39:39it might not be a good sign.
39:41Has Colin texted you or anything?
39:43Like, is he even in the distance,
39:45or what?
39:47I don't even know where Colin is.
39:49You haven't seen Colin?
39:51All day.
39:53Hopefully he's coming.
39:57I'm out walking,
39:59minding my business,
40:01and I got stressed by what?
40:03Who the hell is this?
40:05Oh, Bailyn.
40:07Oh, my God.
40:09Oh, my God.
40:11Oh, my God.
40:13And your boyfriend's here!
40:19Happy birthday.
40:25I'm not saying anything.
40:27I'm not saying anything.
40:29I'm sorry about that.
40:31I'm sorry about that.
40:33I don't...
40:35I'm sorry, but this is not what I mean.
40:37You gotta be shitting me.
40:41You know what, this is really great
40:43that this is what you guys were doing
40:45while I was doing a couch.
40:47Like, that's what you were fucking doing?
40:49Are you really mad?
40:51Colin, I'm really upset.
40:53I'm really upset.
40:55I was going back and forth,
40:57up and down,
40:59and you were making
41:01an outfit.
41:05I thought the most stressful thing today
41:07would be both of our parents
41:09meeting, not Colin
41:11disappearing to get
41:13booty shorts.
41:15I wanted it to be a funny thing.
41:17Like, I did it
41:19thinking of you.
41:21I had planned
41:23something cute and funny
41:25to try and make
41:27Bailyn laugh on her birthday
41:31makes me feel like a bad person.
41:33Like, I ruined her birthday.
41:35It just sucked.
41:37The whole day sucked.
41:39It's my fucking birthday.
41:41All I wanted was
41:43help with the fucking couch.
41:47Alright, I don't even want to be here.
41:51I'm gonna go get some air.
41:53Let's go!
41:59Let's go! Get up and let's go!
42:01We're literally on the corner
42:03at a restaurant right now fighting.
42:09This screaming tick
42:11has kind of come out of nowhere.
42:13Maybe you would consider
42:15a conversation with a neurologist
42:17in regards to
42:19deep brain stimulation.
42:23I just wanted to actually
42:25come and talk to you and Julie real quick.
42:29I'm very nervous.
42:31I don't know what the outcome's gonna be.