Baylen Out Loud S01 E07
00:00Peace out, A-Town.
00:04So who's dating right now?
00:06You have a boyfriend. Sammy has a boyfriend.
00:10No, we're not doing that.
00:12What's your type?
00:14Dirty blonde, but a little darker.
00:16Actually, no, a little lighter.
00:18When we're older, when she's fully done growing.
00:20Five foot four.
00:26Can we not put that part in?
00:28Oh, my gosh.
00:30We're moving in together,
00:32and I feel like the next big thing
00:34in our relationship is our parents meeting.
00:38They can come to my birthday party.
00:40My parents and her parents
00:42are completely different,
00:44but I hope it goes well.
00:46It's nerve-wracking thinking about our parents meeting,
00:48especially because I plan on proposing to Bailyn soon,
00:50and she has no idea, of course.
00:52Are there some current treatments
00:54that maybe Bailyn and I don't really know about?
00:56You can do more invasive processes
00:58like DVS, which is deep brain stimulation.
01:00That scares me.
01:02They just, you know, drill into your head.
01:08Today's Bailyn's 22nd birthday,
01:10and we want to bring her
01:12a little country-western fun.
01:14I don't even know where Colin is.
01:16You haven't seen Colin?
01:18All day.
01:20That's what you were fucking doing?
01:22You know what?
01:24This is really great that this is what you guys were doing
01:26while I was doing a couch.
01:28I don't even want to be here.
01:48What's up, Queen?
01:50Does that look pink to you?
01:52I swear to God, I'll go throw up right now.
01:54Does that look pink to you? Seriously.
01:56Babe, where's Colin?
01:58He's outside.
02:00Colin walked out on my birthday
02:02because I didn't like or appreciate
02:04his cowboy outfit enough.
02:06Colin wanted to do this
02:08to ease my stress a little bit
02:10on my birthday.
02:12However, it has definitely made me more stressed
02:14because of the miscommunication during the whole day.
02:16What's the matter?
02:18What's the matter?
02:20I'm like sitting here fighting with myself
02:22not to be mad because it's the wrong time
02:24to be upset, and I don't know how to
02:26not be upset.
02:28I gotta take this off. You can't take me seriously.
02:30Don't let a guy
02:32tell you that you're wrong for how you're
02:34reacting to their thing. If something makes you
02:36upset, it makes you fucking upset.
02:38That's not your fault. That's not your problem that you're
02:40upset. It's his problem
02:42to deal with that says, okay, maybe
02:44I did mess up. Maybe I should have gone
02:46and helped my girlfriend take nine
02:48fucking pieces of a couch and
02:50take it upstairs. What was he planning?
02:52Daisy Dukes and a
02:54t-shirt? Moving out
02:56of our parents' house was a big step
02:58and she's still learning how to navigate
03:00living independently. So I understand
03:02why Baylin got so upset today when the
03:04whole couch delivery went AWOL.
03:06I'm gonna go. No, I'm gonna go.
03:08I'm gonna go
03:10talk to her.
03:22Do you want to come back inside?
03:24Do you think I want to be out here?
03:26Then let's go. Do you think I want to be out here?
03:28Then let's go. Get up and let's go.
03:30I was trying to make you laugh
03:32on your birthday. Like you never
03:34see me like this. Never.
03:36So I just thought it would be
03:38a funny thing to make you laugh
03:40and get the mood high and
03:42it's not funny.
03:44Get up and get the mood high and
03:46it completely backfired because we went
03:48into you weren't there
03:50three hours ago.
03:52Baylin and I don't fight very often.
03:54This fight is by far the biggest
03:56fight we've ever had.
03:58I actually just want to go to the bathroom
04:00and cry right now because
04:02I just haven't had a fucking day.
04:06I'm done talking about this.
04:08I'm done talking about it. I won't bring it up.
04:10For God's sake. The fucking couch is there.
04:12It's fucking fine.
04:14It's great.
04:22Are you okay? Yeah.
04:24What's the matter?
04:26It's just been a day.
04:28It's okay.
04:30It's okay.
04:34It's okay. All I want to do
04:36is all I've done today is cry.
04:38All I've done.
04:40It's all right.
04:42It's like anything else in life.
04:44It's all right. It's okay.
04:46It's all right.
04:48It's all right.
04:50Come on.
04:52You have like
04:54a whole bunch of people here who want to come here
04:56and spend time with you.
04:58You can do all this some other time.
05:02I'll be inside.
05:10Come on.
05:12You want to go inside?
05:18I just want to take a deep breath.
05:28I'm sorry I wasn't there.
05:30It's fine.
05:32There's still a lot of things
05:34that me and Carl need to discuss,
05:36but all my friends are here,
05:38and Colin's parents are on their way here
05:40to meet my parents for the first time.
05:42So for now, we're going to go in
05:44and try to have some fun.
05:48Oh, my God!
05:50Look at you, cutie.
05:52How are you?
05:56Keep a horse, ride a cowboy.
05:58Yee-haw, motherfucker!
06:00Show them what you got,
06:02show them what you got.
06:04Why not show them what you got?
06:06Show them what you got,
06:08show it off on the camera.
06:12Are your parents coming?
06:14Yeah, they're going to be here
06:16any minute now.
06:18I'm so excited.
06:20It kind of sucks that we just had
06:22the biggest fight of our entire relationship.
06:24Our parents' meeting is
06:26top priority to the both of us.
06:28I mean, it's been two years.
06:30It's been long overdue.
06:32We hope that it goes really well
06:34and that the rest of the night
06:36just goes up from here.
06:38And I'm just hoping that there's not
06:40any cursing from my brothers
06:42around Colin's parents.
06:46Oh, there they are!
06:48Hey, Mom.
06:52Oh, my God.
06:54This is my mom, Marlene.
06:58Your mom!
07:00How are you? I'm Al.
07:02Again. Hey, happy birthday.
07:04Hi, Chuck. I'm a hugger.
07:06Nice to meet you.
07:10I'm Al, Chuck. Nice to meet you.
07:12I'm in the middle.
07:14I'm in the middle.
07:16Bay's older brother. Nice to meet you.
07:18I will never remember all the kills.
07:20No, you don't.
07:22I already struggled.
07:24I feel like we're a little bit out of flight.
07:26That's very loud for me.
07:28What do you want to do?
07:30Me and Colin are going to get a drink.
07:32And then we can get a table.
07:34Yeah, let's do that.
07:36Baylin has been worried how this meeting might go
07:38and how Chuck and Marlene might react
07:40to our crazy family,
07:42so I hope this goes well for Baylin's sake.
07:44It's just so good to meet you guys finally.
07:46We've heard a lot about you guys,
07:48so it's good to put faces with your names.
07:50Yeah, thank you.
07:52Baylin was nervous, very nervous.
07:54She's like, you do not have the voice.
07:56Do anything bad? Say anything bad?
07:58She's so stressed out about the other five kids.
08:00They are who they are.
08:02It's okay.
08:04I think she's been good for Colin.
08:06I've seen Colin change a lot being with Baylin
08:08in positive ways.
08:10I've talked to Colin a lot,
08:12and I grilled it.
08:14My number one thing and my whole concern is
08:16I need to know you're going to do everything you can
08:18to kind of protect my daughter
08:20and make sure that she's okay.
08:22Yeah, he told us about that.
08:24And I was serious.
08:26He said he was sweating bullets.
08:28Oh, yeah.
08:30So I've heard. I wasn't there for him,
08:32but I've heard.
08:34I mean, it seems like it's going well.
08:36I hope it is.
08:38You got two baldies, two whores.
08:44It is nerve-wracking to stand there
08:46and look over and see both sets of parents
08:48talking, and you have no idea
08:50what they're talking about or what they're discussing.
08:52This is a really big deal.
08:54We want a life together,
08:56and I want our parents
08:58to get along.
09:00I don't know. I'm excited for them
09:02to figure out
09:04this chapter of their life.
09:06And I hope that they
09:08gradually move towards
09:10something greater and bigger.
09:12I really do believe in my heart
09:14that Baylin's the one that God
09:16has put in Colin's life, and vice versa.
09:18I mean, who knows?
09:20Maybe marriage is down the road.
09:22I have good feelings
09:24about both of them.
09:26I think Chuck and Marlene's
09:28point of view of
09:30Colin and Baylin moving forward
09:32with their relationship
09:34is a good long-term goal.
09:36Our perspective
09:38is take things slow.
09:40We have fallen in love
09:42with Baylin. We think she's the greatest.
09:44She is.
09:46And she calls me fat and bald all the time,
09:48but I ignore that.
09:50It's my personal greeting
09:52with her. I'm expecting it
09:54when she doesn't say it. I feel like
09:56she doesn't say hello to me.
10:00It was great to finally see what
10:02Colin's roots are, where he comes from.
10:04I mean, these are the people that have
10:06essentially formed him into
10:08who he is today.
10:10So it's nice to be able to have a visual
10:12and a conversation with some of the
10:14most important people in his life.
10:16Well, let's go over there and get some cake
10:18I can't stop thinking about the cake.
10:20I can't get the cakes off of my mind.
10:24Who's ready for cake?
10:28Happy birthday
10:30to you.
10:32Happy birthday
10:34to you.
10:40Suck a penis!
10:42Don't let her smack the cake.
10:44Don't let her smack the cake.
10:46You're good, you're good.
10:48You're good, you're good.
10:52I have a tick to karate chop
10:54my birthday cake. It's just squishy
10:56and it's soft and it's just
10:58easy to smash.
11:00But I didn't.
11:02I just want everyone to know I'm riding
11:04the bull.
11:06Today wasn't perfect,
11:08but I'm finally having a good time.
11:10I'm ready.
11:12I am so
11:16Oh my god!
11:20Wow, that was natural.
11:22Somebody was in gymnastics.
11:24Me and Colin still have
11:26a lot to talk about on how our fight
11:28went down. However, the only thing that I'm
11:30tackling tonight is that bull.
11:32Ride the horse.
11:38Oh my god!
11:42You got it!
11:44Come on, Bailey!
11:46It's like I just
11:48ran the horse!
12:02I think we should talk about last night.
12:04Why did you
12:06walk out?
12:08I told you that I was going out to get a
12:10breather. So what
12:14when things get tough?
12:16With my Tourette's or anything?
12:24Bailey has no idea that I'm here right now.
12:26I'm very nervous.
12:28I just wanted to come on my own
12:30accord and say a few things if that's
13:00Good morning.
13:02How are you?
13:04Suck a penis!
13:06Here, do you want me to do that?
13:08Yeah, can you make it
13:10the way that I like it?
13:12Do you have flavoring in it?
13:14Huh, babe?
13:16I don't know, it's so dark.
13:20I definitely have an emotional hangover
13:22this morning. Don't get me wrong,
13:24I had a great time at my birthday party.
13:26But the fight with Colin
13:28definitely put a damper on things.
13:30Do you like the couch?
13:32Judy likes the couch.
13:34Yeah, I do like it.
13:36It is reserved for the dogs.
13:38It's reserved for the doggies.
13:42So, I think we should talk
13:44about last night.
13:48Do you want to start
13:50or do you want me to start?
13:52I mean...
14:04everything happened
14:06in the restaurant,
14:08why did you walk out?
14:12I told you that I was going out
14:14to get a breather.
14:16It was super embarrassing.
14:18Like, I'm getting yelled at
14:20and I felt like shit
14:22for not being able to be there
14:24for you.
14:26So, I'm feeling all of that
14:28while it's all taking place
14:30in front of your entire family.
14:32So, it's just...
14:34I also mentally just needed a break.
14:38When you went outside, I talked to Sammy.
14:40What did Sammy say?
14:42Multiple things
14:44that got me worked up, but the most important
14:46thing was basically that
14:48I let you know
14:50that I needed help
14:52and that I was upset
14:54and you weren't here.
14:56And I think
14:58with Sammy and my family,
15:00one of their concerns is
15:02with my Tourette's or anything,
15:04what happens
15:08things get tough?
15:14Like, I'm not
15:16just going to walk out and leave you
15:18because we get into an argument.
15:20I'm in it for the long haul.
15:22So, if I take a five-minute
15:24break or a ten-minute break,
15:26that doesn't mean that when times
15:28get tough or your condition gets
15:30worse, I'm just going to leave you.
15:32Bye, bitch.
15:34We're only going to get busier.
15:36Things are only going to get harder.
15:38But that's what a relationship's all about.
15:40And if this ever happens again
15:42where I'm not here and you need
15:44help with something,
15:46I'm going to drop anything and everything
15:48that I have to be here.
15:50Through my journey
15:52of independence,
15:54I'm still learning how to handle
15:56stressful situations.
15:58I want to be as independent
16:00as I can be.
16:02I don't always want to
16:04rely on Colin to save the day.
16:08I love you.
16:10I love you, too.
16:12I mean, the rest of the party went well.
16:14Overall, I had
16:16a great birthday. I had so
16:18much fun. Our parents got to meet
16:20and from what I've heard, it went well.
16:22My mom told me that she could talk to Marlene
16:24all day. Yeah.
16:26Our parents were able to
16:28meet and that went well.
16:30It's something that has been
16:32eating away at us for the past
16:34two years.
16:36I'm so glad that
16:38my brothers did not cuss around
16:40them. Thank God.
16:42Is this our little wiener?
16:46Tootie me.
16:48So I didn't get a chance to give you
16:50your birthday present that I got you.
16:54Beautifully wrapped.
16:58Tootie me!
17:00Oh my goodness.
17:02This is the best
17:04birthday present.
17:06I'm glad you like it. Tootie!
17:08Look at you two.
17:10Look at you.
17:12Tootie, that's a two.
17:14Come here, Tootie. Come here. Look at you.
17:16I'm so relieved that
17:18Baylen and I have made up.
17:20I knew Baylen was the one for me
17:22for over a year now.
17:24And the fight hasn't changed my mind.
17:34Just to let you know,
17:36that tongue was
17:38on low 5 minutes ago.
17:40Yeah, it smells like it.
18:06Oh, that's great.
18:08Oh, fuck off.
18:12Jesus Christ.
18:14Hey, watch out.
18:16Oh, yeah, for sure, bro.
18:18Oh, that's great.
18:20Why are you up so early?
18:22I stayed up all night.
18:24That's fantastic.
18:26Days of school you want to sleep in,
18:28and then days that you're off,
18:30you're bright and early out here.
18:35The greatest part
18:37about being the two youngest
18:39in the family is...
18:43This might sound crazy,
18:45we're dying last.
18:49What kind of chaos
18:51do we have ensuing out here?
18:53How many F-bombs do we have?
18:55What are we looking at?
18:57I don't know.
18:59So how do you think it went
19:01with Baylen?
19:03Oh, what a party.
19:07Oh my gosh,
19:09it's just never a dull moment.
19:11So Colin walking out?
19:13That won't work for Bay,
19:15and I don't think
19:17that that works for us either.
19:19Oh, it doesn't work for me at all.
19:21Now you really see
19:23how hard this is going to be.
19:25Living with somebody else
19:27is not easy.
19:29Living with Baylen
19:31is not easy.
19:33She's not emotionally wrecked
19:35or distraught that quick.
19:37Oh yeah, this whole moving thing,
19:39this is the most stressed
19:41I've seen Baylen in a long time.
19:43Baylen emotionally unfolded
19:45at her birthday party
19:47because life gets really
19:49complicated for her at times
19:51and overwhelming,
19:53and instead of coping,
19:55she shuts down.
19:57Some parts of that
19:59will come along with her tourette,
20:01but I think Saavet
20:03is just navigating young adulthood.
20:05She's going to have to learn
20:07how to effectively communicate
20:09when she's having an issue.
20:11I just don't want her to regress.
20:13You always have that
20:15in the back of your head,
20:17like are we on a road of improvement?
20:19Or are we overloading her?
20:21Or are we going to be backpedaling
20:23because we're overloading,
20:25or just we're stacking
20:27and not subside
20:29for a long time?
20:31No, but there's other
20:33options too.
20:35You just can't keep living
20:37this cycle of like this up and down.
20:39It's just not working for anybody.
20:41I know it ain't working for me.
20:43I don't think that anything with Baylen
20:45is a one-stop shop fix-all,
20:47but is there a way that
20:49deep brain stimulation could possibly
20:51be one of the answers?
20:53So it's a brain surgery.
20:55We have an instrument here,
20:57and then an instrument placed where we know
20:59the tics live in the brain,
21:01so it interrupts the whole
21:03tictoretic process.
21:05It's a pretty invasive surgery,
21:07which obviously is terrifying,
21:09but it also could be very life-changing.
21:11It's scary.
21:13Of course it's scary.
21:15Let's talk to Baylen about it in person
21:17when we go over there for dinner.
21:19Baylen's never been a fan of DBS,
21:21and she's always been standoffish,
21:23so I'm hoping that she
21:25at least is open
21:27to hearing about it.
21:29I just want to be making sure that
21:31we've done every single thing we can.
21:41This screaming tic
21:43has kind of come out of nowhere.
21:47That fight was
21:49over a fucking couch.
21:51Are you gonna walk out on Baylen
21:53when times get tough in life?
21:55Oh, God.
22:15Welcome to our apartment!
22:21It's finally done.
22:23Your mom's done.
22:25You're done.
22:27It's super exciting.
22:29I love the apartment.
22:31The decorating is pretty much complete.
22:33I've bedazzled Colin's life.
22:35Baylen's definitely added
22:37some color to my life.
22:39She has.
22:41What kind of colors?
22:45You love it.
22:47Just saying.
22:49You can't deny it.
22:55I love my little space that I have
22:57for my gaming stuff.
22:59It's a place where I can go
23:01and just kind of decompress
23:03and, you know, have my own time.
23:07What is this?
23:11Living together allows us to have
23:13more of an opportunity
23:15to do things together.
23:17Cleaning. We're both cleaning.
23:19We're both picking up.
23:21Go vacuum. Go vacuum.
23:23Go vacuum.
23:29It's not up to her standard.
23:31So, like, her standard's, like...
23:33Clean. Like, it's clean.
23:35My standard is clean.
23:37Oh, my God.
23:39You're gonna cook the noodles?
23:41Suck a dick. Huh?
23:43You're gonna cook the noodles in here?
23:45Yeah, I have to wait for the thing
23:47to broil, boil.
23:49We want to make every meal,
23:51and I want to cook every meal.
23:53But it's...
23:57It's been fun,
23:59but it hasn't been easy.
24:03How the fuck did I burn the noodles?
24:05Okay? Can we start with that?
24:07We've made cookies.
24:09Cookies. Three survived.
24:13Come take a look at these balls.
24:15Oh, my God.
24:17That, in fact, is a ball sack.
24:19That sure does look like it.
24:23Oh, my God.
24:25That doesn't even look edible.
24:27Ball sack.
24:29Now that things are finally coming
24:31together with the apartment,
24:33we're gonna have our first guest over
24:35for dinner, and it's gonna be
24:37my parents.
24:39Is that your parents?
24:41Probably. Do you mind getting it? Thank you.
24:43You guys think we're gonna get caught?
24:45Hey, come here, baby.
24:47Hi, girls.
24:49Hey, buddy.
24:51She's happy to see us.
24:53Oh, shit, that's the couch.
24:57Apartment looks amazing.
24:59Yes. Her organizational
25:01and her OCD skills
25:03are really showing through at this point,
25:05so I guess she's using it
25:07to her benefit right now.
25:09Hi. Thanks for having us.
25:11Get up on the king-size couch.
25:13Colin, how's the filet mignon
25:15coming along?
25:17Oh, it's coming along.
25:19The meatballs are
25:21very slimy and a weird texture,
25:25Well, the dogs will eat the meatballs if we don't.
25:27The bigger thing is,
25:29you're adulting. You're here.
25:31You're making us dinner.
25:33I'm doing it. And Colin, too.
25:37Baylin has definitely never cooked a full meal
25:39for the two of us before.
25:41So this is groundbreaking.
25:43The kitchen has, for the last few years,
25:45signified a danger zone.
25:47So to have her, of all people,
25:49make dinner for us
25:51is, like, out of this world.
25:53You really cook these, right?
25:55Like, all the way through?
25:57I did what Baylin told me.
25:59I just listened to Baylin.
26:01That's always the best thing to do.
26:03That's what all good men do.
26:05They do look really dry, though.
26:07Look how dry they look.
26:11Maybe we should have put an egg in there.
26:13You should put them in that red sauce.
26:15Are you joking?
26:17Oh, my God.
26:19Oh, my God.
26:27Oh, man.
26:29I actually thought, at one point,
26:31I'm like, this is it.
26:33Right here, you're gonna die
26:35eating a sponge thing
26:37that looks like the dog's left on the floor.
26:39How have you guys been since the party?
26:41He's still here, so that's good.
26:43Just kidding.
26:45Just kidding.
26:47It's just a moment in time, kids.
26:49That's exactly it.
26:51Yeah, it was a good night for the rest of the night.
26:53I know that my parents and y'all met,
26:55so how did that go?
26:57It was great meeting them.
27:01I love them.
27:03Your mom did say a few times about
27:05how much Bailyn has helped you grow up.
27:07She made that very clear.
27:09Like, it is really...
27:11Bailyn has changed Colin.
27:15It was so cute.
27:19That was really heartwarming.
27:21So your dad and I talked,
27:23and before the boys go back to school,
27:25Oh my God, where are we going?
27:27We're gonna get, like, a beach house.
27:29It'll be just the eight of us, probably.
27:31Not to really disclude Colin,
27:33but Sammy's not gonna bring Junior,
27:35so I think it'll just be the eight of us.
27:37Sorry, Colin.
27:39No, it's fine.
27:41You want another...
27:43Unfortunately, I do want another meatball.
27:45Are you serious?
27:47Take mine. Here you go.
27:49Have mine.
27:51In all its glory, have it.
27:55Ah! Ah!
28:05When did that tic start happening, Bailyn?
28:07With the screeching?
28:11Ah! Ah!
28:19I got it for about a week.
28:23This screaming tic
28:25has kind of come out of nowhere,
28:27but in a weird way,
28:29it kind of gives us the perfect opportunity
28:31to approach her
28:33with this DBS talk
28:35and that this is
28:37a good moment to be open-minded
28:39about the whole thing.
28:41So your dad and I have been thinking
28:43that maybe you would consider
28:45a conversation
28:47with a neurologist
28:49in regards to
28:51deep brain stimulation.
29:11Maybe you would consider
29:13a conversation with
29:15a neurologist
29:17in regards to
29:19deep brain stimulation.
29:25Just sitting down with somebody
29:27that knows more than what we know.
29:29You're bald.
29:31You were bald 3 years ago.
29:33I love it.
29:35I want to be able to,
29:37as your mom and dad,
29:39give you every option that we can.
29:41We want to see you
29:43keep moving forward, right?
29:45When my stress
29:47elevates and gets worse,
29:49my tics follow closely behind.
29:51They get worse, too.
29:53But just because I have
29:55a new screaming tic
29:57does not mean that I need
29:59to have deep brain stimulation surgery.
30:01At the same time,
30:03the goal is for myself
30:05to become as independent as possible,
30:07so I'm open
30:09to getting more information
30:11about DBS.
30:13I'm willing to listen,
30:15but at the same time,
30:17I don't want it to feel like
30:19I'm going in there as a consultation
30:21to get ready to do it.
30:23I don't want to feel pressured either,
30:25and I don't want you to feel pressured.
30:27But I'm willing to learn more.
30:29What I know
30:31at this point about
30:33deep brain stimulation is that
30:35it's not approved by the FDA
30:37for Tourette's.
30:39There's no guarantee behind the surgery
30:41that it will help your Tourette's.
30:43She can get this surgery,
30:45and all of her tics will still be the same.
30:47So right now,
30:49Baylin having deep brain stimulation
30:51for me is a hard no.
30:53All right.
30:55We'll make some calls and set it up.
30:57Well, whatever we do,
30:59we don't cook meatballs.
31:01Take some left over.
31:03I thought they were fine.
31:05I like them.
31:07I also didn't choke on one, though.
31:09We're going to get a noise complaint.
31:25Can I get
31:27a caramel latte, iced?
31:29Baylin told me that she spoke with Sammy
31:31at her birthday party,
31:33and Sammy seems worried
31:35for my ability to be there.
31:37I really want to clear the air
31:39because I have some other important stuff
31:41that I need to talk to her about.
31:45I'm going to grab my coffee really quick,
31:47and then I'll be right back.
31:49I haven't seen Colin since Baylin's birthday party,
31:51and honestly, I'm still a little pissed off
31:53about how he left Baylin
31:55and about how upset I saw my sister that night.
31:57So how's your morning been?
31:59It's good.
32:01I'm a little tired,
32:03but this should do it for me.
32:07Well, I wanted to
32:09kind of talk to you
32:11about a few things.
32:15One being kind of like what went down
32:17at Baylin's birthday party
32:19between me and her.
32:21It was something
32:23that I wasn't expecting.
32:25I was expecting to go in there
32:27with my Daisy Dukes on
32:29and make her laugh,
32:31and that kind of like went
32:33the opposite direction.
32:35Her responding
32:37and the way that she did
32:39caught me off guard,
32:41and so that level of an argument
32:43is rare for us,
32:45and then also it being in public
32:47is also super rare.
32:49I just know how
32:51codependent Baylin is on people,
32:53and her mood
32:55will completely deteriorate
32:57on how much she codepends
32:59on people.
33:03That's what I like to do.
33:05My question to you, though,
33:07is do you feel like
33:09you could have handled it better?
33:11Honestly, no.
33:15Because the way that
33:17our conversation was going
33:19inside of there,
33:21it was going nowhere.
33:23We needed to take a break
33:25and get our emotions
33:27and thoughts together
33:29I get it. I do get it.
33:31But also, that fight
33:33was so little over a couch
33:35and all the drama over a
33:37fucking couch.
33:39It's like, are you
33:41going to walk out on Baylin
33:43when times get tough in life?
33:45Oh, God.
33:55It's kind of upsetting that anyone would
33:57question my loyalty to Baylin
33:59when she used to stay at my place
34:01before we moved in together.
34:03I've been alone with her when her tics are really
34:05bad. I've fed her.
34:07I've carried her from
34:09room to room. I've gotten her ice.
34:11Like, I've
34:13been the caretaker a lot of
34:15times, and you
34:17see us have an argument
34:19and then you're just like,
34:21oh, he's just going to leave. What else
34:23do I have to do?
34:25It sucks
34:27that you guys have to
34:29still question
34:31what would Colin do?
34:33I'm not the type of person
34:35to just up and leave.
34:37Never have, never been.
34:39And that's something that I would never do to
34:41Baylin. She means the
34:43absolute world to me.
34:45I love her to death, and
34:47that's leading
34:49into the second thing that I wanted to talk to you about.
34:53have been thinking about this for
34:55a while now,
34:57and I want to
34:59marry Baylin. I want to propose.
35:09I'm just aghast. I literally don't
35:11even know what to say.
35:13I'm sorry, but how did we go from
35:15I'm upset at how you treated Bay
35:17to now we're getting
35:21Am I living in the fucking twilight zone
35:23right now?
35:25Well, this seems kind of fast.
35:29Why do you think now is the right time?
35:31I think that's
35:33such a
35:35simple question, but always a
35:37hard question to answer.
35:39I've known for
35:41a while that I want to marry her,
35:43and I want her to be my wife, and I want to
35:45spend every day of my life with her.
35:47Oh, my God. Hearing wife.
35:49I don't ever. Oh, my God.
35:51Okay, sorry.
35:53Yeah, we just moved in together, but
35:55this is
35:57something that I want to do for Baylin
35:59to show her that
36:01I'm dedicated,
36:03and I promise that
36:05for the rest of my life that I will be there
36:07for her.
36:09This is a lot to process.
36:11In my heart, I know that
36:13Baylin has been dreaming of getting engaged, so
36:15I guess this really does prove that Colin is committed
36:17to Baylin, but another part of me
36:19feels like this is moving
36:21rather quickly.
36:23And is Colin
36:25really up to the challenge
36:27of everything that comes with Baylin and a
36:29commitment to her?
36:31I do want to do this the right way.
36:33I do want to go about it
36:35traditionally and
36:37talk to your parents as well
36:39and ask for their blessing.
36:41What if my dad says no?
36:43What if my dad is like,
36:45not happening, bud?
36:47Kick rocks. Oh, yeah.
36:49I think I'm more nervous
36:51about talking to your parents
36:53and actually proposing. I'd be too.
36:55Knowing my dad, I'd be too.
36:57Good fucking luck.
36:59Have fun with that one.
37:01Have fun with that one.
37:07I just wanted to actually come and talk to you
37:09and Julie real quick. Okay.
37:11Baylin has no idea that I'm here right now.
37:13I do have a serious question to ask you, too.
37:15Oh, Lord, God, help us.
37:17I am very nervous.
37:19I don't know what the outcome's gonna be.
37:49What is that?
37:51I'm sitting on that?
37:53No, I'm folding it.
37:55I could get used to this.
37:57Yeah, all right, I don't blame you.
37:59Kids, come wreck the living room.
38:01Dad's folding blankets.
38:03After Baylin agreed
38:05to learn more about DBS,
38:07we made a bunch of calls
38:09to set something up.
38:11But here we are, right back into the chaos
38:13and busyness of life here.
38:15It's been such a busy summer
38:17between Baylin's big move,
38:19all the boys' activities
38:21and baseball, all the things,
38:23just ready for things to kind of slow down
38:25and just get back to school
38:27and, like, flatten out
38:29just a little bit.
38:31I got to go make sure
38:33Beckner's stuff is ready for practice
38:35because he's got to go in, like, ten minutes.
38:37Ah, nice.
38:39I'm gonna just take a nap.
38:53So I'm up here
38:55to ask Baylin's parents
38:57for their blessing
38:59to marry Baylin.
39:01Baylin has no idea that I'm here right now.
39:03She thinks I'm at work this morning.
39:05I'm very nervous.
39:07I don't know what the outcome's gonna be.
39:09The worst thing that can happen today
39:11is Allen saying that
39:13either no
39:15or that he doesn't think
39:17that it's the right time.
39:19Knock, knock, knock.
39:25Hey. Holy shit.
39:27What's going on, man? What's up? How are you?
39:29When I first saw Collin, I thought he was
39:31bringing Baylin for, like, a surprise
39:33or they were coming over for
39:35whatever it is. Hey, can you watch the dogs?
39:37Or something to that nature.
39:39So what are you doing?
39:41Yeah, I just wanted to actually
39:43come and talk to you and Julie real quick.
39:45Okay. Yeah.
39:47She's upstairs getting Beckner shit. Okay. Hang on.
39:49That's cool.
39:57Collin's here.
39:59Collin's here?
40:01Yeah. Okay.
40:07Hi, Collin.
40:09What's up? Where's Baybay?
40:11She wanted to stay home. Okay.
40:13She didn't want to overstimulate herself. Okay.
40:15I just wanted to... Everything's okay?
40:17Yeah, yeah. I just wanted to talk to y'all real quick.
40:21So I just wanted
40:23to come on my own accord and say a few
40:25things, if that's all right.
40:29So... What?
40:31You two are the two most important people
40:33in Baylen's life.
40:35Y'all have been very patient and understanding with me
40:37from the beginning. You guys led by
40:39example and
40:41really laid it all out there on how
40:43to love and care for Baylen,
40:45and I really appreciate that, like, so much.
40:47So thank you guys.
40:49My promise to the both of you
40:51is that I promise to always protect her,
40:53to honor and respect her,
40:55and to love her
40:57in the way that she deserves to be loved.
41:01With that being said, I do have a serious question
41:03to ask you two. Oh, Lord, God,
41:05help us.
41:09I would like to have both of your blessings
41:11to have your daughter's hand in marriage.
41:13I knew it was coming. I just knew it.
41:15I just knew it.
41:39I've been planning this
41:41for a very long time.
41:43Things are moving very fast.
41:45You drove all the way here
41:47for this?
41:49I'm thinking, oh, God,
41:51what if this is a no?
41:53There she is!
41:55A top neurologist
41:57in the Boston area was able to fit us in,
41:59so we're speeding up there
42:01for the day.
42:03Is this, like, you're gonna have an open mind about this,
42:05or you're just going to appease us?
42:09Let me actually show you
42:11the equipment that we use.
42:13This is the actual electrode tip.
42:15You see there's, like, four little holes.
42:19They would shave your head,
42:21and then they drill a hole,
42:23and then they stick it down in your brain.
42:25Would you surmise
42:27that Baylin is a good candidate for DBS?
42:31Hell no.