Пожарникарот Сем - Шпионски игри (на македонски)

  • 2 months ago
Пожарникарот Сем - Шпионски игри

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00:48Surrender, Jake Pond!
00:50To the international super spy!
00:53I will never surrender!
00:55Then prepare for dangerous work!
00:59Ha! Dangerous work is my middle name!
01:02Ha ha ha!
01:04And cut!
01:06It's time for super spraying!
01:09Have you prepared a dubber?
01:11Why do I have to be your dubber, Norman?
01:14Because Sarah and I broke up!
01:16The last time we made a dangerous exhibition in one of Norman's films,
01:20there was an avalanche from the mountain!
01:22Well, that was nothing compared to this one!
01:25This will be the most spectacular spy film in history!
01:30Are you ready, James?
01:32I don't want to be sprayed!
01:38James, you're the worst dubber!
01:41Shut up!
01:42Ha ha ha ha!
01:45Find a glass for Captain Steele's mustache.
01:49Fix it with a broomstick that Mike Flett spills, and fix it with a fridge.
01:54Well, girls, we're done with the tasks for today.
01:57Oh, do you want us to relax a bit and watch TV?
02:00Sounds great.
02:02Today's movie is starring Hollywood star Ryan McShane!
02:09How is it, kid?
02:11Oh, isn't it beautiful?
02:14Ah, yes, beautiful.
02:18Everyone to your places!
02:21We're about to shoot the spectacular scene with skydiving.
02:25Are you ready, James?
02:27What do I have to do?
02:28It's simple.
02:29You have to ski down the ramp, jump over the mountain,
02:32and safely jump to the soul.
02:34But I don't want to jump!
02:40Come on, James!
02:48Cut it out!
02:50Oh, James!
02:51Can't you do it right?
02:53It's going backwards!
02:55I'll call a firefighter!
02:58Ryan McShane is incredible in the movie.
03:00Here's a policeman who's on a secret mission at the tango academy.
03:04Let's dance tango.
03:07Is this Ryan McShane?
03:09He's the most beautiful actor in the world.
03:13James Jones is stuck on a tree branch.
03:27All right, James.
03:28Just a little bit more.
03:31Ah, I got you.
03:34Thank you.
03:35Here are two free tickets for the premiere of my new spy movie.
03:39Here it is.
03:40It has the most spectacular exhibitions.
03:43Sounds great, Norman.
03:45Just make sure the exhibitions aren't too dangerous.
03:48Yes, sir.
03:54Faster, faster!
03:56The scene with the clown looks incredible.
03:59Are you filming this, Sarah?
04:01Yes, Norman.
04:02Two seconds before the holiday, cut it out, James.
04:06I can't!
04:14All right, James.
04:15I'll call a firefighter.
04:19This McShane is a first-class actor.
04:22He reminds me of myself when I was young.
04:25He's a great actor.
04:27He's a great actor.
04:29He's a great actor.
04:31He's a great actor.
04:33He's a great actor.
04:34He's a great actor.
04:39That's James.
04:40He's in a wooden car.
04:41He's heading for the kiosk.
04:43James Jones is in a wooden car.
04:45He's heading for the kiosk.
04:46I told him that.
04:51I'm falling!
04:53Don't worry, James.
04:55I'm here!
05:00I got you.
05:05What a save, Uncle Sam!
05:07You should've hit the boxes!
05:10I should've done all the exhibitions myself.
05:13Maybe the exhibitions are too spectacular, Norman.
05:17I'm sorry, Sam.
05:18But don't worry.
05:19We only have one more scene to film.
05:22There's no danger in it.
05:25Here you go.
05:26All right, Norman.
05:27Good luck.
05:30Jake Pond Super Spy.
05:32Scene 57.
05:34I'm going to shoot the bad guy's ass.
05:42Oh, Mr. Pond.
05:44I was expecting you.
05:46Put on your gloves, my old enemy.
05:54This is a trap!
05:55Number two.
05:56Tie him up like a prisoner.
06:00And cut.
06:01Tie him up like a double.
06:03I don't like making movies.
06:07I'm not tied up for a table.
06:09You're complaining too much, James.
06:12You just have to put sunshades from the air out of the shovel
06:16and burn him lightly.
06:18Like this.
06:21Just like that.
06:38I think we should call the fire department, Sam.
06:44James Jones is trapped in a garage full of burnt oil cans.
06:50James Jones is trapped in a garage full of burnt oil cans.
06:54I'm sorry, Ryan.
06:55James Jones is trapped in a garage full of burnt oil cans.
06:59I'm sorry, Ryan.
07:26This is an oil fire.
07:28We need duct tape.
07:30Yes, sir.
07:33100% air.
07:41Penny, turn off the water tap.
08:09Are you okay, James?
08:11I'm okay.
08:12It would be good if there were no burnt oil cans
08:15because it could easily catch fire.
08:18Oh, I'm really sorry, Sam.
08:20I'll be more careful in a few days.
08:22Norman Price, next time you make a movie,
08:25tell the agency to watch all the shows.
08:28Yes, sir.
08:29I'm sorry, Sam.
08:30I'm sorry I put you in so much danger, James.
08:34Norman, we can't make any more movies.
08:36My memory card is full with all these adaptations.
08:40Oh, is that so?
08:42Norman Price is Jake Paul,
08:45the international super-spy fire truck.
08:50My middle name is more dangerous than work.
08:54No, no, Norman.
08:56Like Stanley.
09:12Maybe you are a professional actor, Sam.
09:15Oh, thank you, Penny.
09:17Dubleroff is great!
09:19Who is he?
09:22His name is Sam.
09:23Firefighter Sam.