Possessing Piper Rose - 2011

  • 2 days ago
Drama, Horor, Thriller,

A couple are desperate to adopt a child but, when their dream comes true, strange events begin to happen.

Kevin Fair
Scott Nimerfro
Rebecca Romijn, David Cubitt, Isabella Crovetti
00:00:30Leave me alone
00:02:04Absolutely, the suave is one of my signature dishes. Yes, I can do the green tea souffle as well
00:02:10Perfect. I'll take care of everything. Mrs. Nyberg and thank you for thinking of me. I
00:02:16Love it. That's three dinner parties this month. No, I love it. We know what I can quit my job
00:02:20I've already got our Florida retirement bill. I picked out
00:02:23clothing optional
00:02:25Yeah, let me know when I can throw up. Yeah, me too. Good morning Dylan. How are you today Dylan? I'm doing fine
00:02:31Thanks, dad. How are you doing? Hey, aren't you late for class? No, I'll get there
00:02:37Today's a big day, right? We think so appointments at 10 my laundry done
00:02:43On the step cool. Well, I hope you two find what you're looking for
00:02:50Still not too late to get dog
00:02:56So that went well
00:02:59Oh, I know what it is, it's me evil stepmother
00:03:03Now no one said this is gonna be easy even with Dylan living away at college, but don't worry about it
00:03:08I've told him many times either. He loves you as much as I do or that's it. He's out of the will
00:03:13That's why I married you excellent parenting skills. I'm glad I knew there was a reason I got so lucky
00:03:22Wow, I didn't think I'd be so nervous. You're gonna be fine. This is good, right?
00:03:26It's meeting they asked for I think it's better than good, you know, no, no, I do
00:03:30It's just all the forums say it can take up to 18 months to get your referral through so you like this
00:03:36Bump us up the list. No, they liked me
00:03:39What's that supposed to mean? Well, you know you are and they did say person
00:03:42Oh, he's have a horrible
00:03:57Nothing to worry about you're gonna be a great mom
00:04:13Oh, hello, this is Lydia
00:04:28Sorry Kim, I I didn't see you there. No worries. Love your necklace. Thank you morning
00:05:13Boy or girl, we're excited to hear what you have to say
00:05:19Mrs. Maxwell on your adoption application. You noted that you take cytolipram for depression. Is that correct? That's right
00:05:25My doctor prescribed it and you've been taking it for a little over a year now
00:05:30Yes, regularly regularly. Yes, Kim
00:05:35What's this about? We were under the impression that we were just gonna come here and you were gonna show us a picture of our
00:05:39new baby
00:05:43Well to be perfectly
00:05:47We have a problem
00:05:49The use of antidepressants is frowned upon by many of the countries with whom we have adoption agreements
00:05:56That seems rather narrow-minded. Yeah, we think anything that would help a prospective parent cope would be seen as a good thing
00:06:02I couldn't agree more but
00:06:04Unfortunately, they don't view it this way medication gave her her life back. I have a chemical deficiency
00:06:09That's all you know, if I had a broken arm and didn't treat it, you would think I was ridiculous. How's this any different?
00:06:16It's not wrong to ask for help. Look I realize that their thinking is flawed
00:06:21But because you disclosed it in your medical history
00:06:25The damage is done
00:06:29Are you saying our application has been flat-out rejected
00:06:32I'm afraid so, but let's not forget. There are other options available
00:06:38Such as domestic adoption. It's not for us. We have friends who've been on the waiting list for over three years
00:06:43The system works we could easily be on for twice that long
00:06:46What if we were to refile without mentioning the antidepressants at this point you would have to disclose that or it's fraud
00:06:53What about surrogacy? We've tried
00:06:55Would you be open to adopting a teen our foster system?
00:06:59It just has so many incredible young ladies and gentlemen available for permanent adoption. Then I want to go home. Yeah
00:07:08This is it right you should warn people
00:07:15I'm really sorry. So are we
00:07:22That's sucked
00:07:25They seem like such good people to it's
00:07:28It's just not fair
00:07:52I'm sorry someone in there be right out
00:08:03It's been one of those days, but she'll be glad to see you
00:08:08Sometimes it feels like a bad cosmic joke
00:08:10Parent who cared about me is gone. And the one who's left behind needs constant care. I know you loved your father very much
00:08:16Let me miss seeing him around here, too
00:08:19You just do your best
00:08:20Like you always do
00:08:29Why has Michael stopped visiting me has he found someone else
00:08:34No, mom. Dad passed away last winter. Remember it was snowing at the funeral
00:08:40The wind was blowing
00:08:45It was cold
00:08:47Blustery, that's right. Not a good day for a funeral. No
00:08:53But I liked that potato salad and the ham have your cousin Annette bring me some more, you know
00:09:00I could cook for you. My catering company is really taken off and that's potato salad is the best
00:09:08Tell her to make a lot of it
00:09:10Okay, I'll do that
00:09:14Michael's gone
00:09:17He is mom dad's dead and gone
00:09:24My husband is dead too. Oh
00:09:27Dolores I know I'm sorry
00:09:30Don't be he comes to visit me every night. Just like he said he would Larry is a good man
00:09:36It's no such thing as a good man
00:09:39They're all boozers and skirt chasers
00:09:42And my husband was the worst of them all don't say that, you know, that's not true. Dad loved you
00:09:48Larry and I played bingo together
00:09:51He lets me win
00:10:04For Alzheimer's is getting worse. Well, that's not unusual
00:10:06Often the death of a spouse can accelerate dementia it happened in my mother. Well, I'm not sure Dolores is doing much better
00:10:12She says her dead husband comes to visit her. They play bingo. Well, of course he does
00:10:18It wouldn't be the first time a spirit stopped by to deal with unfinished business
00:10:24You should see her face
00:10:26Nice one. You had me going I could tell the truth is you work here long enough
00:10:30You see just how strong the earthly bonds are between people
00:10:33Husbands and wives fathers and sons mothers and daughters
00:10:37Maybe these bonds are harder to break than we think. Yeah, I think it's just wishful thinking
00:10:51I feel like it's my fault. I should have done some research
00:10:54Don't beat yourself up, honey
00:10:56It wasn't meant to be
00:10:58Yeah, I know
00:11:00It wasn't meant to be
00:11:02Yeah, but if I just nothing I'm not gonna let them make me feel bad about doing what was right for me at the time
00:11:19Mr. Maxwell
00:11:21Hi, my name is Lydia Newman. I'm from the st. Barlow adoption agency, and I think I have some good news for you
00:11:31Thank you
00:11:34This will strike you as unorthodox
00:11:36But I overheard your conversation with Kim at the agency and I want you to know that I understand your frustration
00:11:42Thank you. Miss Newman. My own mother was on antidepressants for years back then. It wasn't something that you talked about
00:11:48Oh, I can't begin to imagine the number of great moms and dads have been turned away by this ridiculous notion that they're too damaged
00:11:54To love a child very true
00:11:56Which brings me to why I'm here I've come across a unique situation
00:12:00I've been asked to place a six-year-old girl
00:12:02Her mother is in prison on a three-strike felony conviction and she's agreed to turn the child over to the state for permanent adoption
00:12:12There must be a waiting list not if you can circumvent it
00:12:19Which is why I'd like to introduce you to your new daughter
00:12:27Oh, hold on I
00:12:30Really really appreciate you thinking about us first, but I gotta ask you
00:12:34You know, I hope you don't take this the wrong way
00:12:38Isn't this illegal
00:12:41Well, I suppose somebody could make that argument but let me assure you in all my years as a social worker
00:12:46I've never had anybody challenge a placement request. No, right. However, if we did decide to go down this road
00:12:52There is always a possibility that at some point in the future we could end up in a legal battle I
00:12:58Thought you wanted to be pets. We do but I think my husband's questions are good ones
00:13:02I mean the last thing would want to happen is to bring this little girl into our home only to lose her
00:13:07Maybe I was wrong about the two of you
00:13:09Most couples would leap at a domestic adoption opportunity with no birth mother in the way miss Newman wait, you know
00:13:14I I've been in this business a long time and although most of you won't admit it
00:13:19None of you want to share your child's love with anyone
00:13:26What I'm offering you is a once-in-a-lifetime
00:13:28Occurrence we don't disagree, but we also don't want to set ourselves up for disaster
00:13:33Isn't there some way we can do this by the book?
00:13:37You know, I'm not here to debate the legal parameters of by the book mr. Maxwell except to say that all the proper paperwork would
00:13:43Be in place
00:13:45You know
00:13:47Being a parent it requires personal sacrifice and if you don't think that you were wrong by the system
00:13:52I'm sure I can find somebody who was no wait
00:13:57Maybe we're being too cautious. If you could just give us a few minutes to discuss this
00:14:02In private why his mind's already made up. That's not true, please
00:14:08Just a minute
00:14:20When one door closes another one opens, isn't that what you always say? Yeah, but this is very dicey
00:14:25I mean, I can't even comprehend all the way just could turn out badly
00:14:27I know but I want to move forward. Anyway, why I mean, you've never been one to throw caution to the wind before
00:14:34Look at this little girl Ben. She needs us Joanna. That's not fair
00:14:38I know it's not but it's the way I feel and I can't give you a better more concrete answer
00:14:44So I'm asking you to take a leap of faith with me
00:14:46We need to get this little girl into a loving home, even if it's only temporary what do you say
00:15:04We'd love to adopt Piper
00:15:12That's wonderful news, I'll be in touch soon to finalize everything
00:15:20I'm so happy for you. I always say every woman deserves to be a mom
00:15:37What time is it five minutes later than the last time you asked what if Lydia doesn't show up
00:15:45Then we steer clear of going to jail
00:15:48Take that back what's happened is a blessing
00:15:59We're here
00:16:06Come on
00:16:19Hi honey, we're so glad to finally meet you. Hey Piper, this is for you
00:16:31Here you go Piper
00:16:36I made this for you. You made this?
00:16:45It's beautiful, I love it. You're a great artist. Thank you. Can I see it?
00:17:06Oh, take good care of her, okay
00:17:37Nothing could feel more right
00:17:41Do you want to go back inside
00:17:44Come come sweetie
00:17:47What if it's not real?
00:17:50It's real sweetheart
00:17:53Do you want to see your room?
00:17:55Is it my forever room?
00:17:57It certainly is
00:17:58We're family now
00:18:00And we'll never leave you
00:18:04Even when my mommy comes?
00:18:06well, you're a very lucky little girl because you have two mommies now and
00:18:15Maybe we could all live here together
00:18:20Okay, well then let's go I'll race you okay, okay
00:18:25Hey, what about the
00:18:30I'm sensing a trend here
00:19:02Shut off the waterworks no tears. I can't help it. She's just too precious you gotta freak around
00:19:13Hey Piper, look at this. I'm gonna put your beautiful drawing right here
00:19:23We can all look at it every day
00:19:25You like that
00:19:36We're so glad you're finally here
00:19:48I think she likes us
00:20:16Want my cookie, where is it?
00:20:26Where is it?
00:20:48You better answer me or I'm gonna eat you all over you may scrub this little daughter
00:20:53And am I the best cookie lover, you know?
00:20:56And am I your favorite mommy of all time?
00:21:03Piper that I I didn't I didn't mean that that's not what I meant Piper
00:21:12Wow dad was right you do have a way with kids
00:21:30So how's she transitioning
00:21:32Pretty good, I guess
00:21:34Patter ups and downs, but otherwise I was coming along just fine. She hasn't called me mommy just yet
00:21:40Believe me, there'll be days. You wish she never knew the word not me
00:21:45Now the glowing optimism of a new mother you have to love it
00:22:25Wow, it's an oldie but a goodie. Where'd you hear that one in my head?
00:22:33Yes, just snack right here
00:22:41All the hugs you want
00:23:03Wait here a second, sweetheart
00:23:33Come here
00:23:35Honey, are you okay? She just darted out in front of the car. I could have killed her
00:23:38I only turned away for one second. Well, that's all it takes with kids. Even I know that I've got her now. Thank you
00:23:45Do you okay? Why would you just start in front of traffic like that?
00:23:52Well, I would never do such a thing
00:24:12Just let everyone's all right, I wish I'd been there tell me about it
00:24:18You think Piper's okay. She's fine. Good news is she wasn't hit. No, no, I mean, okay with the transition
00:24:25family, you know
00:24:27What are you talking about?
00:24:29Why would she call this woman in the park her mom?
00:24:32You could should have her evaluated what I'm just saying that you think there's something wrong with our daughter
00:24:38That's not what I meant. Well, then tell me what did you mean?
00:24:42All I'm saying is I hope that
00:24:44We're doing everything we should you know Piper's life has been difficult enough already
00:24:50We're doing fine
00:24:51All the books say the same thing and adopted children have bonding issues a classic example of that is they'll often turn to any adult as
00:24:58their parent
00:24:59That's all this is
00:25:00Really? I hope you're right
00:25:04Put a little squirt what's going on out there
00:25:21She likes it. Well, I don't you know, it's not safe to act all crazy around the pool. What if she fell in?
00:25:27She can't swim. She's not gonna fall in don't argue with me. I don't like the way you're playing. Please stop. It's okay
00:25:35Honey he could hurt you you seem to forget she's only six years old. I see anything else
00:25:45Now that you mention it
00:25:47I don't like your use of bad language in front of her either or the fact that you never seem to care whether you're watching
00:25:51Inappropriate television. I mean you do know better. Am I right?
00:25:54Maybe I should have stayed in my dorm left you at peace with your new family that make you happy Dylan
00:25:59He's such a bitch. I
00:26:01Heard that. Hey, would you talk to her? She seems to think that everything I do is bad for Piper
00:26:06I'm not a child and stop acting like one. There we go. Hey, calm down. Calm down me
00:26:11What about her or just this new family supersede your other you're way out of line Dylan. No, I'm not
00:26:17She finally got a kid out of you now
00:26:19It's obvious that the rest of us can go to hell
00:26:21Apologize to Joanna right now. I'm sorry. You're a bitch and I'm sorry. You're too blinded by her to see how you changed
00:26:31Dylan get back here
00:26:44Dylan Dylan stop why I don't know what's going on
00:26:49What's it look like? I'm going back to school where I belong. Stop being ridiculous. What's that? What I am
00:26:54No, I thought I was just a bad influence. Can we all just cool down here for a minute?
00:27:00There's no reason you have to leave this is your family. Oh, this is your family our family crashed and burned a long time ago
00:27:29Okay, no
00:27:33My stepson called me a bitch and suggested that I coerced you into giving me a child
00:27:38Yeah, I've never seen him this upset before. Yeah, he pretty much said it all
00:27:44Clearly he resents Piper. Really? I don't know. He's 19. Yeah, I'm not sure it has anything to do with age
00:27:50You know if he's got some issue with you or me
00:27:53And it's still gonna hurt look at me and my mom. We've never worked anything out. Yeah, I guess we should cut him a break this time
00:28:00So when Dylan's upset we all need to change but Piper is a child who needs evaluation, honey. That's not true
00:28:07To be honest, I heard a bit of what set Dylan off and I'm not sure he's entirely wrong
00:28:13I know you're frustrated but like we just said Dylan's a teenager. He's gonna treat her differently
00:28:20not like
00:28:21Like what?
00:28:24Like new China
00:28:27You can't take your frustrations from your day at the park out on Dylan that's not fair
00:28:40Evil stepmother in check
00:28:46Sweetie are you okay?
00:28:50Piper? I think she's sleepwalking
00:29:03You're out taker
00:29:23Who is this
00:29:26Hi Gretchen, I need to let you know your mother she's taking a turn for the worse
00:29:31We're gonna have to
00:29:43Can't explain it. She's just become so much more disoriented her cognitive ability has really deteriorated
00:29:49Is there anything we can do not really though sometimes seeing familiar faces can trigger the memory kind of get her back on track
00:30:01Hi, I hear you were asking for me
00:30:12Mom it's me Joanna
00:30:15Joanna you're late. I
00:30:18Told you to be home by 5
00:30:21What should I expect?
00:30:24You never listen to me. You're never home on time. You never clean up your room mom. Stop
00:30:29This is I'm your daughter. This is your granddaughter. I'm your daughter. This is your father's fault
00:30:35his genes his
00:30:37irresponsibility I
00:30:39Never wanted this. I never wanted a baby in the first place mom
00:30:45Okay, honey. Let's go find some toys
00:30:54I'm down like a pig to slaughter. This is your fault Joanna
00:31:00your fault
00:31:03I have a wife
00:31:05I never wanted you mom. Stop it
00:31:19Hello Joanna
00:31:23Where's Piper I
00:31:25Thought you were bringing her by Gretchen said she'd take a picture of us together
00:31:29No, don't take it to heart. I see it all the time. They don't know what they're saying and for God's sakes
00:31:34They don't mean it. I know I know
00:31:36Do you?
00:31:39Actually, I think she was being honest for the first time
00:31:43It's okay, you know, my mother was always very distant growing up
00:31:47In fact, I used to say it seemed like she was in a constant state of wishing she was somewhere else
00:31:51Maybe I wasn't wrong. Don't be too hard on her. I wish my dad was here. He'd know what to do
00:31:59Well, maybe he's on his way you just don't know it
00:32:05Sometimes the only piece my patients find comes after a visit from the other side here. Let me show you something
00:32:16What are those
00:32:19No one saw the glowing lights when I took the photo and
00:32:24Well a skeptic might say that it's just the light refracting in the lamps, but you think it's something else
00:32:29Well, I don't mean to sound nutty
00:32:32But when you've worked here for as long as I have
00:32:35You become witness to things. You just can't explain. I believe that when a patient loses their grip on this world. They gain access to
00:32:43another place a
00:32:45spiritual plane a place
00:32:47That we're not even aware of I guess I'm just not much of a believer in that kind of stuff. I
00:32:52Just don't buy it. I guess I think what's done is done and when it ends, maybe it's for the best
00:32:58Okay to each his own
00:33:03Well, I'll make sure your mom gets a copy this photo you too if you want one. Oh, that's okay
00:33:08I don't want one but but thank you
00:33:18Goodbye mom
00:33:31Stairs and down
00:34:21Hurt to hear her say that it felt like a knife in my stomach
00:34:25Well, the truth can hurt. Yeah, although later on it felt different as if
00:34:30Hearing the truth gave me a window and her soul if that makes sense. Well, you just admitted that she has a soul
00:34:38Trippy thing is all that resentment that's been building up over the years
00:34:41Some of it kind of went away
00:34:43It's because maybe you better understand her better than I ever did before that's for sure
00:34:48You know what? Let it go just because they're your parents doesn't mean that they aren't without their own flaws easier said than done
00:35:01Hi Dylan, no, he's not
00:35:05Okay, hey, um, how's everything going it's
00:35:11He's still not talking to you, huh afraid not
00:35:29Remember that woman I told you about the one from the park. Yeah, I
00:35:34Think I just saw her outside
00:35:37Are you kidding me?
00:35:40Do you think maybe she followed you home from the park
00:35:54Hi, what are you doing? Mommy was here. She's coming to take me home
00:36:06Homeless woman Ben I saw her again right outside our house call the police. I'm coming home
00:36:13Still doesn't explain Piper's behavior. I'm telling you something is wrong
00:36:19Maybe this is better handled by a professional
00:36:22Like I said before let me make an appointment for Piper with a child therapist who specializes in adoption cases
00:36:27No, no, I need more than some shrinks theories Piper deserves the truth. And so do we okay? Where are you going?
00:36:34To the source. Oh, well, hold on Joanna. Just hold on a second. Think about what you're doing here. No, I have
00:36:40Nobody at the agency knows about this adoption, but Lydia
00:36:44You're opening up a whole other can of worms here. I don't care. I just want to help a little girl
00:36:58I may help you. I was looking for Lydia Newman. Mrs. Maxwell
00:37:06Where's Lydia she quit why actually we don't know she just stopped coming in for work one day
00:37:16There's something wrong
00:37:19No, no, I I just wanted to thank her. Oh, I didn't know that you knew Lydia
00:37:24well, she heard that our adoption plans fell through and
00:37:27Sent us a lovely gift basket, and I thought maybe I'd write her a thank-you note. You could forward it to her, of course
00:37:35Excuse me
00:37:38Kim Carlson
00:37:41Yes, we will need about two hours
00:37:54Thanks much my pleasure
00:38:08Been willing to do whatever it is you need except this. Oh, come on. You're my guy. I need you to trust me on this
00:38:16Look, our daughter is a beautiful intelligent caring little girl. She's not damaged. She doesn't think every adult she sees is her mother
00:38:23She thinks one particular woman who is stalking us is her mom
00:38:26And I need to know why then you think she's telling the truth about this woman. You see our daughter is not a liar
00:38:31No, but her mother's in prison. What if she's not what if she was never in prison?
00:38:37What if Lydia is lying? That's what I need to know
00:38:41Are you with me
00:38:50Check this out
00:38:53Something tells me this isn't gonna end well
00:39:59Do this
00:40:05She's totally nuts
00:40:20Have our state of mind she's certainly afraid of something
00:41:03Why would she burn Piper's file, I don't know but who's this you ever heard of him
00:41:10No, Lydia never mentioned either of them
00:41:15Lydia was honest about one thing. Anyway, she really was in prison
00:41:24From the park and from our house
00:41:28No, this cannot be happening
00:41:32Where the hell is Lydia Newman, I won't let them take Piper away
00:41:54You have 114 messages
00:42:18What we got ourselves into
00:42:48That's very kind of you to come over no not at all we're happy to do it
00:42:52It was great to see Piper. Yeah, how's she been adjusting by the way? Great. Just great bright little girl. Very loving
00:43:01No episodes
00:43:04What do you mean
00:43:07Well, we love that little sweetheart right from the start yeah, and she appeared to love living with us
00:43:12We bonded right off the bat, but you're saying something happened
00:43:20Stuck a knife in a light socket one afternoon
00:43:23She gave herself quite a shock to at first. We thought it was just an accident
00:43:27Yeah, but then she tried to electrocute herself again
00:43:30This time while in the tub with one of the other kids
00:43:39You have to understand that most of these children are very troubled when they come to live with us and we're used to it
00:43:45But this was different, yeah, I'm not gonna lie to you we were scared to death and we told Lydia that
00:43:53What'd she tell you to do she didn't know she just came and took her away
00:43:58During these episodes did Piper ever mentioned her birth mother coming back to get her. Well, all the children do that in a roundabout way
00:44:05Where did mommy go? Why did daddy leave but Piper?
00:44:09Poor thing. She was a hundred percent convinced that her mommy was coming back for even claimed to see her when we were shopping
00:44:16If I wouldn't worry about it, I mean they all do that sort of thing to a certain extent
00:44:21She had no idea that her mother was in prison. No, she didn't
00:44:28Mr. And mrs. Harlan has Piper's birth mother tried to contact you recently. That's not possible
00:44:36Wait, um
00:44:39You don't know do you know what
00:44:43Piper's mother is dead
00:44:49She hanged herself in her prison cell not long after she signed her rights away
00:46:20It's very unusual, obviously, I've seen them get violent before but it's never directed at themselves
00:46:28It's lucky I got here when I did Thank You Gretchen
00:46:32We both really appreciate everything you've done did she say anything she said I want my daughter
00:46:39Scared the hell out of me too like she was possessed. I know this is all strange for you
00:46:46You call me if you need any more help
00:46:58You've reached the office of Margo Lace attorney at law, please leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as I can
00:47:04Miss Lace, my name is Joanna Maxwell. I got your number from the public defender's office
00:47:08It's my understanding that you were working on an appeal for a client of yours named Ashley Henderson who committed suicide in prison
00:47:16If you have any more information about her death, I'd love to hear from you again. My name is Joanna Maxwell. Thank you for your time
00:47:23Way to try
00:47:25There's more to this. She'll know
00:47:28You're gonna tell me tell you what
00:47:32Whatever it is you're stewing on in your head
00:47:34I know how you work sweetheart you chew on something and then you wait until after I close my eyes people tell you
00:47:40You're gonna say nothing at all, whatever it is. I'm not gonna say a thing
00:47:44Are you going to tell me?
00:47:48Tell you what?
00:47:51Whatever it is you're stewing on in your head, I know how you work, sweetheart, you chew
00:47:55on something and then you wait until after I close my eyes before you launch into your
00:47:58detailed diatribe that'll go on for hours.
00:48:03Or not.
00:48:04I'm thinking we should call the police.
00:48:07The police?
00:48:08I'm just throwing it out there.
00:48:09What are we going to tell them, that a ghost is attempting to kidnap our child?
00:48:14I don't know.
00:48:15Maybe we can tell them about Lydia.
00:48:16Come clean about what she's done.
00:48:17Maybe they'll know how to find her.
00:48:18Oh, sure.
00:48:19After they take Piper away from us.
00:48:20No way.
00:48:21We're not going to involve the police.
00:48:22It's too risky.
00:48:23Well, then you think of something.
00:48:24At least I'm trying to protect our daughter.
00:48:26Oh, that's what this is about.
00:48:27I'm not doing enough.
00:48:28I'm sorry.
00:48:29I didn't mean that.
00:48:31Actually, I think you did.
00:48:32And you know what?
00:48:33It's not fair.
00:48:34Good night.
00:48:35Ben, please.
00:48:36I can't believe I let you talk me into this.
00:48:37This whole thing is your fault.
00:48:39Ben, don't do this.
00:49:05I don't want my daughter.
00:49:39Scattered spaceships
00:49:41Unscroked by the left leg
00:49:46As you followed me downstairs
00:49:48To dessert
00:49:52To dessert
00:49:54Without long distance
00:49:56Upstairs, downstairs
00:49:59And in my base chamber
00:50:03There I met an old man
00:50:07I wouldn't say friend. I took him by the left leg and threw him down the stairs.
00:50:15He didn't understand it. Where shall I wander? Upstairs? Downstairs?
00:50:23Up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up.
00:50:31M is for monkey. I is for eagle. N is for male. E is for elephant.
00:50:38I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I.
00:50:45Mr. Mida, Mr. Mida.
00:50:47I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I.
00:50:52I want my daughter.
00:50:53You can't have her! She's ours now!
00:50:56Go back to the light or whatever you do you're dead!
00:51:10Where's Piper? She's gone.
00:51:59Go inside. Go inside now.
00:52:13What do we do?
00:52:15I don't know.
00:52:51Joanna, it's Gretchen.
00:52:54It's Gretchen.
00:52:56Hi, Gretchen.
00:52:58You and your family are in terrible danger, but I think I know someone who can help.
00:53:11Upon death, a spirit is essentially nothing more than raw emotion.
00:53:15Things like logic, reason, and empathy have all gone out the window.
00:53:19Only the strongest emotions remain.
00:53:21So she doesn't understand why her daughter isn't with her.
00:53:24She just knows it's our fault.
00:53:26How much of her memory is intertwined with her basic fight or flight instincts is more difficult to predict.
00:53:32In your situation, she clearly knows she has a daughter.
00:53:35The need to get her back is overriding everything else.
00:53:39But why can't she just take Piper?
00:53:41In layman's terms, she doesn't know how.
00:53:44Her basic ability to manipulate her surroundings is all new to her.
00:53:48But she'll learn.
00:53:49In some ways, her learning curve has already begun.
00:53:52She found you, and now your mother.
00:53:55Gretchen's right.
00:53:57In her current state, she equates hurting you with getting her daughter back.
00:54:01It's going to get worse, isn't it?
00:54:02Most likely, yes.
00:54:04Sometimes when a person dies in a state of extreme emotion, their spirit won't pass over until they have justice.
00:54:10Unless we intercede, I doubt she'll give up until she's brought Piper over to her side.
00:54:15She wants to kill her own daughter?
00:54:18I'm afraid so.
00:54:20Because to her, you see, this is not such a bad thing.
00:54:23It's a way to reunite them.
00:54:27I won't let that happen.
00:54:30There must be something we can do to protect ourselves.
00:54:34Gretchen, are you up to it?
00:54:56New Lydia's apartment doesn't seem that insane.
00:55:00You have a better idea?
00:55:01I know it feels over the top, but it works.
00:55:04Native Americans have been using white sage to chase away negative energy for centuries.
00:55:08Okay, just a little out of my comfort zone.
00:55:11Don't worry. The cleanses we've done have all been successful.
00:55:14And if this one isn't?
00:55:15A more powerful exorcism may be necessary in order to convince Piper's mom to move on to the other side.
00:55:22Are we ready?
00:55:24Then let's begin.
00:55:25Remember, be forceful but not belligerent.
00:55:28Antagonizing the spirit could bring about a violent reaction.
00:55:31Okay, wait a second.
00:55:34Are we sure that we should be doing this?
00:55:36Ben, let's try and stay positive about this. They're trying to help us.
00:55:40Joanna's right. I'm not trying to frighten you.
00:55:42But we do need to be united in our purpose.
00:55:44This is not about picking a fight.
00:55:46This is about making the spirit see that its presence won't be tolerated.
00:55:54Spirit, we mean you no harm.
00:55:56Please leave this place in peace.
00:56:00Spirit, we mean you no harm.
00:56:02Please leave this place in peace.
00:56:07You are dead, so we wish you well to seek the light.
00:56:24Please leave this place in peace.
00:56:28Spirit, we mean you no harm.
00:56:30Please leave this place in peace.
00:56:34So we wish you well to seek the light.
00:56:38Spirit, we mean you no harm.
00:56:41Please leave this place in peace.
00:56:53You have no power over the members of this home!
00:56:55You have no power over the members of this home!
00:56:57You have no power over the members of this home!
00:56:59You have no power over the members of this home!
00:57:01You have no power over the members of this home!
00:57:03You have no power over the members of this home!
00:57:05You have no power over the members of this home!
00:57:07You have no power over the members of this home!
00:57:09You have no power over the members of this home!
00:57:11You have no power over the members of this home!
00:57:13You have no power over the members of this home!
00:57:15You have no power over the members of this home!
00:57:17You have no power over the members of this home!
00:57:19You have no power over the members of this home!
00:57:21You have no power over the members of this home!
00:57:23Any longer!
00:57:32This house is for the living, not the dead!
00:57:34Seek the light!
00:57:36Leave this place in peace!
00:57:44Seek the light!
00:57:45Leave us!
00:57:51Leave us!
00:58:07Is that it?
00:58:12Yeah, I think that's it.
00:58:15We can't force the spirit to cross over, but we can...
00:58:20Keep it out of your home.
00:58:22I think you'll find that your house is safe.
00:58:34Gretchen, Professor Sorensen, thank you so much for coming.
00:58:37Oh, you're most welcome.
00:58:39I'm just sorry we weren't able to meet under better circumstances.
00:58:42Good night.
00:58:43Good night.
00:58:45Is there anything else we should know?
00:58:50Well, just respect what's been done.
00:58:53And don't do anything to invite the spirit back into your house.
00:58:56Like what?
00:58:58Well, one of the easiest ways for a spirit to invade a home is through seemingly innocent games.
00:59:02Despite what you think, they do have power.
00:59:04What kind of games?
00:59:06Palm readings, automatic writings, tarot cards, spirit in the glass...
00:59:10Any kind of incantation.
00:59:12Ouija board?
00:59:13You do not want a Ouija board anywhere near this house.
00:59:15That's not the kind of thing we do around here on a regular basis.
00:59:18Well, then you'll be fine.
00:59:20Well, thank you.
00:59:21I'm glad I could help.
00:59:25Good night.
00:59:26Good night.
00:59:30And Larry the Loon and Mildred the Mallard lived happily ever after.
00:59:37The end.
00:59:41Do I still have two mommies?
00:59:44Yes, you always will.
00:59:47Because you're a very lucky little girl.
00:59:50First of all, you had a birth mother, and she carried you in her tummy, you know.
00:59:55And then when she got sick and she went to heaven, she loved you so much...
01:00:00that she made plans for you to live with a new mommy and daddy...
01:00:03so that you would always be taken care of.
01:00:06Piper, will you tell me if you ever see your mommy again?
01:00:11There she is.
01:00:18How long have you been standing there?
01:00:21Long enough.
01:00:22Piper, it's bedtime.
01:00:24Come on.
01:00:27Hop in there.
01:00:33I love you.
01:00:38Night, sweetie pie.
01:00:48Good night.
01:00:57Good to see you again.
01:00:58Good to see you.
01:00:59So, you think I could get one of these?
01:01:07Everything all right at home?
01:01:09Piper's good?
01:01:10She's great.
01:01:11Actually, everything's perfect.
01:01:15She has no problems?
01:01:19What you did for us, I can't thank you enough.
01:01:23Well, I'll have this photo for you next time I see you.
01:01:30Do you remember these?
01:01:32It's a family newsletter Dad used to mail out every year when I was a kid.
01:01:36He loved bragging to his friends about his family.
01:01:39I threw all those away.
01:01:42I remember that, too.
01:01:44Your father said I should do it.
01:01:46No, he didn't, Mom.
01:01:47He said you should put them away for the grandkids, but you said you needed the storage.
01:01:53Your father said...
01:01:55I'm not lying, Mom.
01:01:57We've had this conversation many times.
01:02:03Mom, I'd like to talk to you about Dad.
01:02:09I'd like to try and understand...
01:02:11Your father's dead.
01:02:13I know he is, but I'm not.
01:02:17It's just you and me now, Mom.
01:02:22And I'd like to get to know you...
01:02:26Before it's too late.
01:02:47I'd like that, too.
01:03:02Seriously? You told Gretchen everything was perfect?
01:03:05It is.
01:03:07Nothing's missing. We're just one big happy family.
01:03:12Call Dylan.
01:03:13No, I've had enough drama for one day. He won't want to talk to me anyway.
01:03:17Come on, when do you ever call him?
01:03:20Well, it might make a difference.
01:03:22I guess.
01:03:23No, let me rephrase that. It would make a difference.
01:03:26While you're reaching out to family, why not give it a try?
01:03:41Dylan, hey, it's Joanna. How are you?
01:03:44Look, I gotta go. I'm in a bit of a hurry. I can't really talk on the phone right now.
01:03:48Wait, wait, wait, wait. You know, um...
01:03:50I thought with the long weekend coming, you might want to...
01:03:53Come home. Spend some time at the house.
01:03:57You want me to come home?
01:03:59Look, I know things haven't been great between us lately,
01:04:02and I know it's been tough on you having Piper join our family,
01:04:05but that's no excuse for how I've treated you.
01:04:09It's alright.
01:04:11I shouldn't have yelled at you either.
01:04:14You know, a lot's been going on around here lately, and...
01:04:17I miss you, Dylan.
01:04:19I miss your presence in this family.
01:04:21So come home, okay?
01:04:23Piper needs her big brother.
01:04:25My dad really doesn't deserve you.
01:04:27You read my mind.
01:04:30Tell Dad to pick me up tonight.
01:04:33Yeah. Long weekends suck around here. There's nobody around.
01:04:36That's great. We'll see you soon.
01:04:40I love you, Dylan.
01:04:42I know.
01:04:48Dylan? What was that?
01:04:50Hey, it must be my battery.
01:04:52Um, I'll see you soon. Bye.
01:04:56That was amazing.
01:04:58I really don't deserve you.
01:05:02Well, at least we all agree on something.
01:05:05Go get him.
01:05:07Well, thank you for agreeing to see me, Ms. Lace.
01:05:10It's my pleasure.
01:05:11Needless to say, I was surprised to get your call regarding Ashley Henderson.
01:05:16She wasn't a bad person.
01:05:18She just got caught up with the wrong crowd.
01:05:22A breaking and entering conviction put her behind bars for 26 months.
01:05:26It was hard on her.
01:05:28But she knew she'd be reunited with her daughter when it was over, so she stayed out of trouble,
01:05:32hoping for an early release.
01:05:34Then Lydia tricked her into permanently signing away her parental rights.
01:05:39And Ashley's world came crashing down around her.
01:05:42What do you mean I can't reapply for custody when I get out?
01:05:46It's not what I was told.
01:05:48When I signed the papers, the lady said it was only temporary.
01:05:53It is not final.
01:05:56You're not listening.
01:05:59That's my baby. She's mine. You can't...
01:06:13Why won't anybody help me?
01:06:19This is my little girl.
01:06:38I'm sorry.
01:06:58I can't believe it.
01:07:01You're saying Lydia sold Piper?
01:07:04Or tried to, anyway.
01:07:06We've got to find Lydia. She needs to be held responsible for what she's done.
01:07:09Unfortunately, there's no way to prove any of it.
01:07:12Not without the testimony of the attorney, or the couple who paid Lydia.
01:07:16And they've all vanished.
01:07:18I hope they got what's coming to them.
01:07:36I'm sorry.
01:07:55I really appreciated Joanna's call.
01:07:58You should tell her that.
01:07:59I will.
01:08:01But first, I want to tell you something.
01:08:05I was more mad at you than I was at Joanna.
01:08:08Yeah. Dad. You.
01:08:10Because. Sometimes I need you to be as interested in my life as you are in yours.
01:08:13That's not fair. You don't know what's been going on.
01:08:15Does it matter?
01:08:16Dylan, look.
01:08:20I'm sorry. No more excuses.
01:08:25Will you forgive me?
01:08:29I already have.
01:08:30Give me a ride home.
01:08:35It's pretty quiet tonight.
01:08:36Mrs. Burton's foot's swelling again, but that's about it.
01:08:39Thanks, Gretch.
01:08:41Have a good night.
01:08:42I will.
01:08:43Just as soon as I get all these files done.
01:08:51Everyone bailed already, huh?
01:08:53Yeah, nobody wasted any time.
01:09:00You feel that?
01:09:05I do.
01:09:16M is for monkey.
01:09:26A is for apple.
01:09:31X is for...
01:09:32No girlfriend?
01:09:35Let's not talk about it.
01:09:38To tell you the truth, it's probably a good thing.
01:09:40One less reason to have your house blessed.
01:09:43Long story.
01:10:00Oh, no.
01:10:05No, I'm not kidding.
01:10:07You're serious? You let Joanna talk you into it?
01:10:09Yeah, it's called compromise. Makes a marriage go around.
01:10:12I don't care.
01:10:13There's no way I'd let anyone talk me into eating green tea souffle.
01:10:16You don't know what you're missing.
01:10:19Okay, fine. You're right. It tastes like feet.
01:10:21I knew it.
01:10:23I see you seeking.
01:10:29Where are you?
01:10:38Yeah, what are you doing? Open. Come on.
01:10:40Come on.
01:10:48Dylan's coming to see you.
01:10:50No, he's not.
01:10:52Of course he is. Why would you say that?
01:10:54Mommy told me.
01:10:58What'd you just say?
01:11:02Piper, look at me and tell me what you just said.
01:11:06I can't. It's a secret.
01:11:17Hi, it's Ben. Leave a message.
01:11:19Ben, it's me. Just checking in. Call me when you get this.
01:11:24You alright?
01:11:25Yeah. What's going on?
01:11:26Don't worry. Someone will be here soon.
01:11:34Damn it.
01:11:35You said a bad word.
01:11:36And I'm sorry. I'm just worried.
01:11:46Joanna, I'm at the school. We need help.
01:11:49We need help, Joanna. Send help.
01:11:51Ben, what's going on?
01:11:57Piper, we gotta go.
01:12:06What was that?
01:12:11Pick up the phone, Joanna. Pick up the phone.
01:12:15Lydia, what are you doing here?
01:12:20Hello, happy family.
01:12:38Piper, no!
01:12:40Mommy gave Gertie to me when she went away.
01:12:43My first mommy.
01:12:45Please, please give her back to me.
01:12:49It's time to go, sweetheart. Your mommy wants you back.
01:12:52Her mother is dead, Lydia.
01:12:56Don't you think I know that?
01:12:59Her spirit won't stop torturing me.
01:13:02But I'm gonna make things right. I know what to do now.
01:13:05Piper needs to join her mommy on the other side.
01:13:10It's the only way.
01:13:11I had a wealthy client who was willing to pay for her child.
01:13:15So I tricked Piper's mother into giving her up.
01:13:18And now she won't stop until she gets her back.
01:13:22I think giving her to you could change that.
01:13:25I won't let you do this, Lydia.
01:13:27You idiot, don't you get it?
01:13:29If I don't do this, she's gonna kill you just like she killed my other clients.
01:13:37Oh, God, leave me alone.
01:13:40God, leave me alone!
01:13:43Leave me alone!
01:13:45Leave me alone!
01:13:47Leave me alone!
01:14:10Come on, pick up, pick up.
01:14:16I called the diocese as soon as I got your message.
01:14:18Good. Let's go, we gotta hurry.
01:14:56Give me the girl!
01:15:00Give me the girl!
01:15:02Give me the girl!
01:15:03Give me the girl!
01:15:08Dad, what's going on?
01:15:10Don't say anything.
01:15:13We're not responsible for what happened to you!
01:15:17Her and the gospel won't make things even!
01:15:26I think she's gone.
01:15:33What's happening?
01:15:35Stay back! Get down, you, and get down!
01:15:40Start running!
01:15:41It's not your fault!
01:15:53Mommy, help me!
01:16:03Mommy, help me!
01:16:24Give me my bag!
01:16:26No, I can't go up there.
01:16:28I'll get help.
01:16:34Give me the girl!
01:16:43Leave me alone!
01:17:03I'm scared!
01:17:04Baby, I've got you.
01:17:08It's for your own good! Give me the girl!
01:17:14Open this door!
01:17:19I want my mommy!
01:17:20So do I.
01:17:24I'm gonna get him!
01:17:25Let me in!
01:17:32You need to invite your mommy into our house.
01:17:35I'm gonna close this door!
01:17:39Give me Viper!
01:17:43Let me in!
01:17:45Give me Viper!
01:17:49Let me in!
01:17:55Give me Viper!
01:18:39I need you to focus, baby girl, okay?
01:18:41We need your mommy.
01:18:42Your other mommy, okay?
01:18:44Bring her to us.
01:18:56Help me.
01:18:57Focus, baby.
01:18:58We need your mommy.
01:19:00Let me in.
01:19:01Ask her in.
01:19:02Do it now.
01:19:03Help me, mommy! Help me!
01:19:09Your daughter needs you!
01:19:11Don't let this woman hurt her!
01:19:13Help me.
01:19:14Help me.
01:19:15Help me.
01:19:16Help me.
01:19:25Are you afraid?
01:19:26What's the matter?
01:19:27Take Viper away!
01:19:45Give me the girl!
01:19:47You'll have to kill me first.
01:19:49You read my mind.
01:19:51I'll haunt you to your grave.
01:19:52That's a promise.
01:20:04Oh, God.
01:20:09Get back!
01:20:11No, hide!
01:20:13I'm trying to help you!
01:20:15She's trying to hurt Viper!
01:20:31I'm sorry I tricked you, okay?
01:20:34I'm trying to reunite you.
01:20:36That's what you want, right?
01:20:38That's what you want?
01:20:43Get back.
01:20:44I can still fix it.
01:20:45You'll both be dead.
01:20:47You'll be together forever.
01:20:49All you need to do
01:20:50is let me kill your daughter!
01:21:51Oh, my.
01:21:58It's okay, baby.
01:22:00It's okay.
01:22:11Oh, my God.
01:22:26Please don't do it.
01:22:29What kind of a mother are you?
01:22:31Try and remember.
01:22:34If you love your daughter,
01:22:35you wouldn't hurt her.
01:22:38You love her.
01:22:40And Viper loves you.
01:22:46Make her go away!
01:22:47Make it stop!
01:22:52I'm sorry.
01:22:54She can't go with you.
01:22:58She's better off here with me.
01:23:04I'll take really good care of her,
01:23:06I promise.
01:23:07I love her.
01:23:09I love Viper.
01:23:11Please don't take her away.
01:23:18Please don't do it.
01:24:08Viper, your mommy loves you very much
01:24:10and always will.
01:24:13Both your mommies.
01:24:17Are you okay?
01:24:35Who wants a beast?
01:24:36I do, I do, I do!
01:24:37Okay, Colorado.
01:24:38You sure?
01:24:39You sure about that?
01:24:41You're gonna have to beat me to it.
01:24:44Go deep.
01:24:45You got this?
01:24:46Oh, nice try.
01:24:48What kind of throw was that?
01:24:49You gotta jump.
01:24:50Thought you were an athlete.
01:24:53Come on.
01:25:21Finish it.
01:25:23What are you looking at?
01:25:26Just a bright future for our family.
01:25:29I think your mom's having a good time.
01:25:32Yeah, you know,
01:25:33I was thinking we'd consider moving her into the house.
01:25:35There's a lot of medical research that says
01:25:37allowing Alzheimer's patients to live in the past
01:25:39is the best way to have a meaningful relationship with them.
01:25:41Yeah, I just, I'd hate to see you revisit that herd.
01:25:44Well, I'm more inclined to think of it as a do-over.
01:25:48Maybe we could even find that bond everybody talks about.
01:25:51You're a good daughter, Joanna Maxwell.
01:25:53And a great mother.
01:25:58Oh, come on.
01:25:59Give me a break.
01:26:00Oh, you don't agree?
01:26:01Well, you're real, people.
01:26:02I still don't know exactly what happened,
01:26:04but all the same,
01:26:05what she did to St. Piper was unbelievable.
01:26:09Don't sell yourself short.
01:26:10You're a fantastic mother.
01:26:11And anybody who says differently,
01:26:13it's crazy.
01:26:14I want you to know I'd do the same for you.
01:26:17Real mom or not.
01:26:19I love you, Dylan.
01:26:21I know you do.
01:26:23And that's cool.
01:26:29Maybe someday you and my mom can be friends.
01:26:31I'd like that.
01:26:32Something tells me if it involves another mother,
01:26:34you can work it out.
01:27:51Hello, happy family.
01:28:21I love you.
01:28:22I love you.
01:28:23I love you.
01:28:24I love you.
01:28:25I love you.
01:28:26I love you.
01:28:27I love you.
01:28:28I love you.
01:28:29I love you.
01:28:30I love you.
01:28:31I love you.
01:28:32I love you.
01:28:33I love you.
01:28:34I love you.
01:28:35I love you.
01:28:36I love you.
01:28:37I love you.
01:28:38I love you.
01:28:39I love you.
01:28:40I love you.
01:28:41I love you.
01:28:42I love you.
01:28:43I love you.
01:28:44I love you.
01:28:45I love you.
01:28:46I love you.
01:28:47I love you.
01:28:48I love you.
01:28:49I love you.
01:28:50I love you.
01:28:51I love you.
01:28:52I love you.
01:28:53I love you.
01:28:54I love you.
01:28:55I love you.
01:28:56I love you.
01:28:57I love you.
01:28:58I love you.
01:28:59I love you.
01:29:00I love you.
01:29:01I love you.
01:29:02I love you.
01:29:03I love you.
01:29:04I love you.
01:29:05I love you.
01:29:06I love you.
01:29:07I love you.
01:29:08I love you.
01:29:09I love you.
01:29:10I love you.
01:29:11I love you.
01:29:12I love you.
01:29:13I love you.
01:29:14I love you.
01:29:15I love you.
01:29:16I love you.
01:29:17I love you.
01:29:18I love you.