00:00 ♪ Suppose what together we'll find ♪
00:02 ♪ With every pair of shoes that we try ♪
00:05 ♪ We'll have a new adventure, you and I ♪
00:09 ♪ Where will my feet take me today? ♪
00:14 ♪ Nobody knows for sure ♪
00:16 ♪ But come for a walk, I'll lead the way ♪
00:20 ♪ To places never seen before ♪
00:26 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:28 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:30 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:32 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:34 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:36 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:38 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:40 - Arrgh!
00:42 (Franny se moque.)
00:44 Piffle!
00:46 - What's the matter, Franny?
00:48 - I'm trying to draw a picture of Princess Florabel.
00:51 - That's a very good picture.
00:53 - Grandpa, it doesn't look like her.
00:55 - It doesn't? But she's got a crown and a fancy dress.
00:58 - This is what Princess Florabel
01:00 is supposed to look like.
01:02 - Oh, I see.
01:04 - I can't make my picture look like the one in the book.
01:07 I'm going to throw it away.
01:09 - Do you mind if I keep this picture, Franny?
01:11 - You can if you want to, Grandpa,
01:13 but it doesn't look right.
01:15 Hmph!
01:17 A customer!
01:19 - Hello. How can I help you?
01:26 - My rubber boots are leaking.
01:28 - Uh-oh! There are holes in the soles.
01:31 - It's making for some soggy slogging
01:33 when I'm walking in the woods.
01:35 - I'll patch up the rubber
01:37 and your feet won't be wet after Wednesday.
01:39 Franny, could you give these boots a scoot?
01:41 - Right into the fix-it box, Grandpa.
01:43 - Heh! Where are my feet?
01:51 Take me today.
01:54 (musique de l'univers)
01:56 (musique douce)
02:01 (crissement de neige)
02:03 - Yippee! This looks like the seashore.
02:05 (crissement de neige)
02:09 (musique douce)
02:11 Those birds really know how to make a splash.
02:13 - Who are you?
02:17 - I'm Franny. Who are you?
02:19 - I'm Moe with the moose.
02:21 Welcome to Lake Huron.
02:23 - Lake Huron?
02:25 I thought I was at the seashore.
02:27 - Nope. It's the lakeshore.
02:29 Let me show you around.
02:31 You've got your blue lake and rocky shore.
02:40 You've got your maple trees.
02:42 - You've got a leaf on your head.
02:50 (rires)
02:52 - Funny thing is, those leaves are green in the summer,
02:56 but it's fall now, so they're turning red and all.
03:00 - And yellow and orange.
03:02 Huh?
03:04 What's that sound?
03:06 - Oh, that.
03:08 Those are the loons.
03:10 (loon call)
03:18 - That was a frantastic song.
03:20 I'm Franny.
03:22 - I'm Louis. - I'm Luna.
03:24 - I'm Lulu.
03:26 - Aren't they frantastic singers?
03:28 - Yeah. Too bad there's only three of them.
03:32 - What's the matter, Moet?
03:34 - I'd really like to sing with the loons,
03:37 but they won't let me.
03:39 - That's not fair.
03:41 Can't you let Moet try out for your group?
03:43 - Again?
03:45 - OK.
03:48 - Wait! Where are you going?
03:50 - We just need to get farther away.
03:53 - You should too.
03:55 - Yeah.
03:57 Everyone better stand back,
03:59 'cause this is gonna be good.
04:02 (clears throat)
04:04 (yells)
04:08 (yells)
04:10 (yells)
04:14 (toussotements)
04:16 - Not bad, eh?
04:18 - Hmm. Well...
04:20 Maybe you could use a little practice.
04:23 - He could use a lot of practice.
04:26 - Oh...
04:28 My singing sounded funny, didn't it?
04:31 - Don't worry, Moet. I'll help you.
04:34 The loons won't hear us out here, Moet,
04:39 so don't worry about how you sound when you're practicing.
04:42 - Thanks, Franny.
04:44 I really want to learn how to sing better.
04:47 - OK, Moet.
04:49 Take a deep breath and try to sing like this.
04:52 (Moet sings)
04:54 (Moet sings)
04:58 - (laughs)
05:02 Is my singing getting better?
05:04 - Well...
05:06 - (sighs)
05:08 Maybe singing isn't my thing.
05:10 I've got such big ears.
05:12 Maybe I'm supposed to listen to music,
05:15 not make it.
05:17 - Don't give up, Moet. You'll get better someday.
05:20 (Moet sings)
05:22 - Do you hear that? - Mm-hmm.
05:24 - That's Louis and Luna.
05:26 Come on!
05:28 (Moet sings)
05:34 What's up, loons?
05:38 - We can't find Lulu.
05:40 - We've been calling and calling.
05:42 - We'll help you look for her.
05:44 - But Lake Huron is so big.
05:46 - We don't know where to start.
05:48 - Let me try.
05:50 (Moet sings)
05:52 Lulu can't hear me.
05:57 My voice isn't very loud.
05:59 - Yeah.
06:01 Too bad it wasn't louder.
06:05 - Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
06:08 You have a loud voice, Moet.
06:10 You try calling Lulu.
06:12 - Oh, yeah.
06:14 I do have a loud voice, don't I?
06:17 (Moet sings)
06:19 - I can't find Luna and Louis.
06:27 Where am I?
06:29 (Moet sings)
06:32 - Someone is singing my name.
06:35 (Moet sings)
06:37 - I hear her!
06:44 I hear her!
06:46 - I hear her.
06:48 (Moet laughs)
06:50 - Where are you?
06:56 (Moet sings)
06:58 (Moet sings)
07:00 (Moet sings)
07:06 - It's Lulu.
07:13 She found her way back.
07:15 - Yay!
07:17 I was lost.
07:19 And then I heard a wonderful voice singing my name.
07:21 - It was Moet.
07:23 He was calling you.
07:25 - That was Moet?
07:27 - Only when he sings.
07:29 - Only when he tries to sing like you.
07:31 Moet, maybe you were trying to sing too high.
07:34 - Really?
07:36 - Yes.
07:38 You have a low, moosey voice, not a high, loony voice.
07:40 Can you give Moet one more chance?
07:42 - Sure.
07:44 - Go on, Moet. Sing.
07:46 (Moet sings)
07:48 - Keep going, Moet.
07:52 (Moet sings)
07:55 (Moet sings)
07:57 (Lulu laughs)
08:11 - You sound fantastic together.
08:13 You're a musical moose after all, Moet.
08:15 - I am?
08:17 I am, aren't I?
08:19 - You sure are.
08:21 - You can sing with us whenever you want.
08:24 - And you can dance to our music any time, Franny.
08:27 - Thanks.
08:29 But I should be getting back home now.
08:31 Grandpa will be wondering where I am.
08:33 - Goodbye.
08:35 - Goodbye.
08:37 - Goodbye.
08:39 - Goodbye, Franny.
08:41 - Goodbye, Lunes.
08:43 Goodbye, Moet.
08:45 (whirring)
08:50 - That was sensational!
08:52 (Luna laughs)
08:56 (Luna gasps)
08:58 A fall leaf!
09:02 (Luna laughs)
09:12 Another treasure for my shoebox.
09:18 - Grandpa, do you still have my picture of Princess Florabelle?
09:22 - Here it is, Franny.
09:25 - You know, it is a pretty good picture.
09:28 - I think so too.
09:30 - Moet tried to sing high like the Lunes,
09:32 but it didn't sound very good.
09:34 - Moet? Who is that?
09:36 - He's a moose.
09:38 Moet just had to sing the notes that were right for him.
09:40 - He did?
09:42 - My picture doesn't have to look like the one on the book.
09:45 It looks just fine for a Franny drawing.
09:48 - Then let's put this up in the front window where everyone can see.
09:51 - Okay, Grandpa.
09:53 Where will my feet take me tomorrow?
09:56 - Hey, hey!
10:05 Whoa, molasses!
10:07 What are you doing with all that stuff, Grandpa?
10:10 - It's for the neighborhood sale at the community center, Franny.
10:13 - Can I come?
10:16 - Sure.
10:18 Why don't you collect some old toys and bring them with you?
10:21 It's fun to sell or trade your old stuff.
10:23 - But none of my stuff is old.
10:26 - What about this old ambulance?
10:32 You haven't played with it in a while.
10:34 - I need that in case one of my dollies gets sick.
10:37 - Hmm.
10:39 How about these skipping rolls?
10:41 If I untangle them, I bet they'd put a smile on some little girl's face.
10:45 - I need those in case I lose my new ones.
10:49 All this talk of neighborhood sales is upsetting Briona.
10:54 - Well, I certainly don't want to do that.
10:57 (bell ringing)
10:59 - A customer!
11:01 - And what can we do for you?
11:08 - These shoes have stayed up many a night patrolling the museum,
11:12 and now they're worn out.
11:14 Can you mend the hole in the sole?
11:16 - Patching holes is my specialty.
11:18 Your shoes will be back on patrol by Friday.
11:21 Franny, can you put these in the fix-it box, please?
11:23 - Aye, aye, Grandpa.
11:25 - Where are my feet? Take me today.
11:35 (vrombissement)
11:37 Jeepers, peepers! What a frantabulous place!
11:44 I wonder where I am.
11:46 Maybe that nice lady can tell me.
11:49 Hi, I'm Franny. Pleased to meet you.
11:52 Can you tell me where I am?
11:54 Fuddle-duddle! It's not a real lady.
11:58 It's just a doll.
12:00 Fuddle-duddle! It's not a real lady.
12:03 It's just a picture.
12:05 (crachat)
12:07 (cri de surprise)
12:09 Wait! Don't run away, little cat!
12:12 Maybe it's a game of follow the leader.
12:15 A pyramid!
12:29 It's frantastic in here.
12:32 Wait for me!
12:36 (rire)
12:46 So, how do I look?
12:48 Just like an Egyptian.
12:50 (giggle)
12:51 Is that where I am, in Egypt?
12:53 I always thought Egypt would be more...
12:56 outdoors.
12:58 No, silly! You're not in Egypt.
13:01 You're in a museum. Everything here is very old.
13:05 Well, I'm very glad to meet you.
13:08 Um...
13:09 The name's Chaser. I'm the unofficial guard around here.
13:13 Oh, my! Being the unofficial guard sounds like a very big job.
13:17 It certainly is.
13:19 But I'm afraid we're not doing a very good job of it.
13:24 That's a very unfrantabulous face, Chaser.
13:27 Can I help you turn that frown upside down?
13:30 Maybe.
13:32 Come on! I'll show you. Follow me.
13:35 A few weeks ago, my precious Egyptian treasures started going missing.
13:43 That's awful! What happened to them?
13:46 Beat me. That's why I ran away when I saw you.
13:49 I was afraid you were the museum bandit.
13:52 Don't worry, Chaser. With Franny the Frantabulous Detective on the case,
13:56 the real museum bandits don't stand a chance.
13:59 Oh, Franny! Do you really think you can help?
14:03 Do you? Huh? Do you? Do you? Huh?
14:05 Absolutely!
14:07 Why else would I be called Franny the Frantabulous Detective?
14:11 Oh!
14:12 Ah!
14:13 Huh?
14:15 Oh! What was that?
14:18 There's only one way to find out.
14:20 Come on, Chaser. We've got the case of the disappearing Egyptian treasures to solve.
14:25 Chaser, look! The pyramid is gone!
14:37 See, Franny? Those museum bandits stole the pyramid right out from under our noses!
14:42 What do we do now?
14:44 Rule number one of being a Frantabulous Detective is to look for clues.
14:49 Hmm...
14:51 Ah!
14:55 Do you see what I see?
14:59 What is it, Franny? Did you find something? Did you? Huh? Did you? Did you? Huh?
15:04 Our first clue! This looks just like a shirt my grandpa has.
15:08 He always wears it when he's cleaning the shoe shop.
15:11 So this grandpa fellow is a museum bandit!
15:14 No, but maybe the museum bandit has the same shirt.
15:19 We're going to need more clues to figure this mystery out.
15:22 Huh?
15:24 Chaser! Chaser! Where did that silly kitty go?
15:29 Over here!
15:31 Look what I found!
15:36 Another clue!
15:38 My grandpa always wears gloves like this when he's carrying heavy boxes or building things.
15:44 I still don't see how these clues will help us find the museum bandits.
15:48 First I found a piece of plaid shirt that workmen wear, right?
15:53 And then you found workmen gloves, right?
15:58 All we have to do is find someone with a ripped shirt who's missing their gloves.
16:03 Then Abracadabra, we'll catch the museum bandits!
16:07 Let's get this show on the road. These boxes ain't gonna hold themselves.
16:10 By the way, have you seen my gloves?
16:13 Chaser, did you hear that? I think we found our museum bandits!
16:18 Stop! Don't leave! Come back!
16:26 Mr. Museum Guard, you have to stop those museum bandits!
16:30 Hurry! They're making off with all the Egyptian treasures!
16:34 I've known Frank and Jerry for years.
16:37 They're not museum bandits. They're top quality movers.
16:42 Why would the museum hire movers?
16:44 Because we're lending the Egyptian exhibit to another museum, to make room for a new exhibit on dinosaurs.
16:52 Dinosaurs?
16:54 Wow! That's a dinosaur, alright!
17:00 Just like Grandpa's neighborhood sale. Out with the old exhibit, in with the new exhibit.
17:05 A new exhibit? Maybe I can be the unofficial guard of the dinosaurs now!
17:10 I haven't seen someone so interested in protecting the artifacts since, well, me.
17:16 Chaser's the best!
17:18 Maybe you'd like to be my official deputy security guard.
17:23 After all these years of being unofficial, being official would be great!
17:28 No! No! It's better than great! It's terrific! No! No! It's better than terrific! It's it!
17:33 I think the word you're looking for is "fran-tastic"!
17:37 Yes! That's it! Being the official deputy security guard would be fran-tastic!
17:44 Thanks for helping me solve the mystery, Franny. You really are a fran-tabulous detective.
17:50 I'd better skedaddle. Grandpa will be waiting for me.
17:54 Bye, Franny!
17:55 Bye, Franny!
17:56 Bye, Chaser! Bye, Mr. Museum Guard!
17:59 "Digging dinosaurs"! That was fun-erific!
18:09 "Clad cloth"! Like the clue I found!
18:21 "Clad cloth"! Like the clue I found!
18:24 Another treasure for my shoebox!
18:32 Don't play with this anymore! Or this!
18:42 I see you're cleaning out your toybox, Franny.
18:47 Did you change your mind about coming to the community center sale?
18:50 Uh-huh! Trading banks can be fun! Chaser thinks so, too!
18:55 Chaser? Who's Chaser?
18:57 A museum cat! He thought bandits were stealing his Egypt exhibits, but they were just trading them for dinosaurs!
19:04 Dinosaurs! Egypt! I see!
19:08 Can we go to the community center now?
19:10 Sure thing! Let's go, Franny!
19:15 Franny the Frantabulous Detective is right behind you, Grandpa!
19:18 Where will my feet take me tomorrow?
19:22 To be continued...
19:26 To be continued...
19:29 To be continued...
19:32 To be continued...
19:35 To be continued...
19:38 To be continued...
19:41 *musique*