• l’année dernière


00:00 *Musique*
00:02 *Musique*
00:04 ♪ Word up, it's Word Girl ♪
00:07 ♪ Word up, it's Word Girl ♪
00:11 ♪ Flying at the speed of sound, Vocabulary that astounds ♪
00:13 ♪ From the final lexicon watch her villains, here she comes ♪
00:19 ♪ Faced with a catastrophe, Who'd need the living dictionary? ♪
00:21 ♪ Her superior intellect Keeps the crime world in check ♪
00:26 ♪ Go girl! ♪
00:28 ♪ Hugging faces by her side, Vocabulary of guy and wife ♪
00:32 ♪ She'll make sure that crime will pay, Then throw some mighty words your way ♪
00:38 ♪ Word up, it's Word Girl ♪
00:41 ♪ Word up, from the planet lexicon, Watch her villains, here she comes ♪
00:54 ♪ Word Girl ♪
00:56 Listen for the words "sensitive" and "rampage".
00:59 Just another fun-filled day on the school playground.
01:03 Oh, I can't wait!
01:05 It's gonna be fun, fun, fun, fun!
01:07 That's four funs! Becky!
01:09 I can't wait!
01:09 I can't wait either!
01:11 So what time are you leaving your house?
01:13 What time am I leaving my house for what?
01:15 Becky, for the birthday party.
01:17 Hello!
01:18 Scoops, is there a birthday party today?
01:25 A birthday party? Not that I know of.
01:27 But you just said...
01:29 I never know what I'm saying.
01:31 Hey, look at what a distraction Bob is.
01:33 Wait, first tell me who's having a birthday party today.
01:37 Today? Gosh, there must be a lot of people having a birthday today.
01:40 Oh, I see.
01:41 It's Katie's birthday, isn't it?
01:50 Oh, I'm sorry I said anything.
01:53 I thought you were invited too.
01:54 Scoops, don't worry about it. I'm totally okay.
01:56 Really?
01:57 What, did you think I'd get mad
01:59 and go on a rampage through the playground?
02:01 No, no, no.
02:03 Yes.
02:04 Oh, please. I'm not upset.
02:06 I mean, there could be a million reasons
02:08 why I wasn't invited.
02:09 Yes, a million reasons.
02:11 I don't really know Katie that well.
02:13 And Katie was in a different class last year.
02:16 Come to think of it,
02:17 Katie and I have never been in the same class.
02:20 Okay, so, um, bye Becky.
02:22 Wait, wait.
02:23 Do you want to come inside and play a while or something?
02:26 Uh, I kind of have to go somewhere.
02:29 Oh, okay.
02:30 Violet, are you going to Katie's party?
02:38 Uh...
02:40 Why didn't you tell me?
02:41 Well, I didn't want to make you sad.
02:44 I knew I'd be sad if you were invited and I wasn't.
02:47 Thanks for being sensitive to my feelings,
02:48 but don't worry, you're my friend
02:51 and I still want you to have fun,
02:53 even if I'm not having fun.
02:55 Je vais essayer d'avoir du plaisir pour nous deux.
02:58 C'est génial, fais ça.
03:00 Plus tard, à l'intérieur des Boxfords...
03:02 Je ne peux pas croire que Katie ne m'a pas invitée.
03:04 Je veux dire, oui, c'est son anniversaire,
03:06 mais ça ne veut pas dire qu'elle ne peut pas être plus sensitive
03:08 à mes sentiments, non?
03:10 [petits cris]
03:12 Bob, tu as raison.
03:14 Peut-être que l'invitation est dans le mail.
03:16 Père, père, père, le mail.
03:17 - Je peux le voir? - Bien sûr, Becky.
03:19 Voyons ces compétences de sortie.
03:20 Oui! L'édition de ce mois de "Sensitive Dad" !
03:25 C'est un veste de veste de veste.
03:27 Comptable, mais non menaçant.
03:29 Non, Bob, il n'y a pas d'invitation.
03:31 Hmm, Becky, sans même lire un article
03:34 dans ce sujet de "Sensitive Dad"
03:36 je peux dire que quelque chose te dérange.
03:37 Qu'est-ce qu'il y a, petit?
03:39 Mes amis vont à la fête de Katie,
03:41 mais je n'ai pas été invitée.
03:43 Oh, Becky, je ne pense pas que je connais Katie.
03:45 - Vous êtes deux amis? - Pas vraiment.
03:47 Vous avez invité Katie à votre fête de fête?
03:49 Non, mais c'est différent.
03:51 Oh, et comment c'est différent?
03:53 Parce que je ne la connais pas vraiment.
03:56 OK, je vois votre point.
03:58 - Vous vous sentez mieux? - Non.
04:00 Je veux toujours aller à sa fête.
04:02 Ce n'est pas juste.
04:03 Pour un problème si compliqué,
04:05 nous aurons besoin de la super-pouvoir de la famille Botsford.
04:08 La famille Botsford, comment?
04:10 OK, voici.
04:11 Quand vous vous sentez triste
04:12 de perdre quelque chose de diverti,
04:14 comme une Botsford, vous avez le pouvoir
04:16 de changer de pensée et de dire
04:17 "oubliez la fête, je vais faire mon propre plaisir."
04:20 C'est la super-pouvoir de la famille Botsford?
04:22 Ce n'est pas un super-pouvoir de la femme,
04:24 mais un super-pouvoir que même la femme peut utiliser.
04:27 Regardez.
04:28 Je vous invite à une fête normale avec votre famille.
04:33 Quand? Ce soir! Où?
04:34 À la maison Botsford!
04:36 Il y aura dîner, déjeuner, conversation.
04:38 Et pendant que nous faisons nos plats,
04:40 attendez, je chante!
04:43 Je suis pas sûre que c'est un super-pouvoir, père.
04:46 Je devrais inviter ton frère.
04:48 Hey, TJ!
04:49 (chantonne)
04:50 (explosion)
04:51 (explosion)
04:52 (explosion)
04:53 (explosion)
04:54 (soupir)
04:55 - Come on, Bob! Word up!
04:57 - Meanwhile, downtown,
04:59 one of Toby's robots is on a rampage!
05:02 - Stop right now, Toby,
05:04 and return your robot to its...
05:06 robot garage?
05:08 Where do you keep your robots?
05:10 - Mind your own business, word girl.
05:11 This is between my robot
05:13 and the innocent stuff he's wrecking.
05:14 (souffle)
05:15 - Got it!
05:16 OK.
05:17 You know what happens
05:18 when a robot destroys city property
05:20 and throws it at a superhero?
05:22 This!
05:23 (crissement)
05:24 (explosion)
05:25 (soupir)
05:26 - You know what happens
05:27 when a superhero buzzes around a robot
05:28 like a fly?
05:29 This!
05:31 (explosion)
05:32 (soupir)
05:33 (soupir)
05:34 (crissement)
05:35 (rire)
05:36 (rire)
05:37 - Are you laughing at me?
05:39 - What? Is it a crime to have a sense of humor?
05:42 - Everything you're doing here is a crime!
05:44 - Well, guess what, word girl?
05:46 I...
05:47 don't...
05:48 care!
05:49 (explosion)
05:50 - That's it!
05:51 (soupir)
05:52 (soupir)
05:53 (crissement)
05:54 (explosion)
05:55 (soupir)
05:57 After I finish here,
05:58 know what I'm going to do?
05:59 Tell...
06:00 your...
06:01 (explosion)
06:02 ...mast!
06:03 Ha! Not laughing now, are you?
06:06 - Wow! Word girl, you're...
06:07 in a rather sour mood.
06:09 - Me? Ha!
06:10 If anyone's in a bad mood, it's you.
06:12 - Well, I have a right to be.
06:13 Ah, you wouldn't understand.
06:15 You have no idea how I feel.
06:17 - Why wouldn't I understand?
06:19 I'm sensitive.
06:20 - It doesn't matter how sensitive you are.
06:22 You're... you're word girl.
06:23 I bet you've never been left out of anything.
06:25 - I might surprise you.
06:26 - Oh, fine.
06:27 If you must know, there's this... girl, Katie,
06:30 and, well, she's having a birthday party
06:32 right now in the park, and I wasn't invited.
06:34 Do you have any idea what that feels like?
06:37 - Actually, Toby, I do know what that feels like.
06:39 I wasn't invited to Katie's party either.
06:41 - Why would you be invited?
06:43 - Oh, well, I mean, I kind of know why.
06:45 I mean, I do know her, a little.
06:47 - Really? How do you know Katie?
06:49 - Never mind that. Listen.
06:50 I know you feel lousy, but that doesn't mean
06:52 it's okay to go on a robot rampage.
06:54 - I'm not sure I'd call this a robot rampage.
06:56 - Well, your robot was out of control
06:58 and destroying things, which just happens
07:00 to be the definition of rampage.
07:02 See? - Robot rampage.
07:04 Hm, so it was.
07:05 But in this case, I really had no choice.
07:07 I had the kind of pain that only comes
07:09 from not being invited to a birthday party.
07:11 That pain cries out for a rampage!
07:14 - Oh, you had a choice.
07:16 Instead of wrecking the city, you could have said,
07:17 "Forget about the party. I'll make my own fun."
07:20 I can't believe I just said it.
07:22 - You're right. I know you're right.
07:24 - You do?
07:25 - Yes, of course. I shouldn't wreck the city.
07:28 - That's what I'm telling you.
07:29 - I should wreck the party!
07:31 - Exactly. Wait, what?
07:33 No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
07:34 (electricity crackling)
07:37 (explosion)
07:39 - Ah!
07:41 - Come on, Violet, hit it harder.
07:42 We want candy!
07:44 - Well, I want candy too,
07:45 but I don't want to break Katie's pretty piñata.
07:47 - It's okay, Violet.
07:49 That's the only way to get the candy.
07:51 - Okay, here goes.
07:54 I'm so sorry.
07:55 (explosion)
07:56 - Hey!
07:57 (electricity crackling)
07:59 - Am I getting warmer?
08:01 - Katie, why'd you invite a giant robot?
08:04 - I didn't invite a robot!
08:06 - No, you didn't invite this robot.
08:08 But he's crashing the party.
08:10 Or should I say crushing it?
08:12 (rires)
08:14 (musique de "The Nutcracker")
08:16 - And since he doesn't get any birthday cake,
08:18 no one gets any birthday cake!
08:20 (musique de "The Nutcracker")
08:23 (grognements)
08:24 (musique de "The Nutcracker")
08:26 (rires)
08:28 (musique de "The Nutcracker")
08:29 (soupir)
08:31 (soupir)
08:33 (musique de "The Nutcracker")
08:36 (cris de joie)
08:38 - I don't get it. I couldn't crush the cake?
08:40 (crash)
08:42 - But when I looked at Katie's face
08:43 and saw how sad it would make her feel,
08:45 I couldn't do it.
08:47 - Because you were sensitive to Katie's feelings.
08:50 - I were, girl!
08:51 (explosion)
08:52 - What do you mean by "sensitive"?
08:54 - Oh, hi, Katie. Uh, nice party.
08:56 (rires)
08:57 Well, when someone is sensitive,
08:59 it means they can recognize what another person is feeling.
09:02 When Toby saw how sad you'd feel
09:04 if the robot crushed your cake,
09:05 he changed his mind.
09:07 Being sensitive to your feelings
09:08 made him want to be kind instead of selfish.
09:11 - Oh! Thank you, Toby, for being so sensitive.
09:15 - I'm not sensitive!
09:16 I couldn't care in the least!
09:18 I couldn't care if I tried!
09:20 I mean, I'm still... I'm... I'm...
09:22 Ah! Uh-huh!
09:24 - Well, thank you for not crushing my cake.
09:26 - I think Toby was just a little upset
09:28 because he wasn't invited to your party.
09:30 You know how some kids are.
09:32 - Sorry I couldn't invite you, Toby.
09:34 My mom said I could only invite a few of my closest friends.
09:38 At least I can give you an extra goodie bag.
09:41 - Here!
09:42 - Uh, here, you.
09:43 Take...
09:45 You... present.
09:48 - Oh, Toby, you don't have to give me a present.
09:51 - Just take it, please.
09:53 - Well, I think we've interrupted your party long enough.
09:59 - Thank you both for making my little birthday party
10:02 a lot more exciting.
10:04 And thanks for not crushing my cake.
10:06 You're a good person. - Ha!
10:08 - You're not going to go back on a rampage, are you?
10:11 - Nah, not really in the mood now.
10:13 - Glad to hear it.
10:14 And since you were so sensitive back at the party,
10:16 I'm going to let you off the hook this time.
10:18 - Say, since neither of us received a party invitation,
10:21 how'd you feel about doing something, you know, together?
10:25 - Sure, why not?
10:27 No reason we can't make our own fun.
10:29 What do you want to do? How about ice cream?
10:31 - Are you buying? - I'm buying my own.
10:34 - And so, once again,
10:35 Word Girl heroically saves a birthday party
10:38 from a robot rampage.
10:40 Or was it the kindness of that sensitive boy, Toby,
10:43 that saved the party? - What? Hey!
10:46 - Whoa, sensitive.
10:48 Either way, everyone here is invited to tune in next time
10:51 for another exciting adventure of Word Girl!
10:56 - ♪ Word Girl ♪
10:59 - Hello, I'm Bo Handsome, and this is...
11:03 - May I have a word?
11:05 - As usual, the player who correctly defines
11:08 today's featured word will win a fabulous prize.
11:11 Let's play!
11:13 - May I have a word?
11:15 - Yes, you may. Today's featured word is "doze."
11:19 To give you a clue, here are some clips from Word Girl
11:21 that show the meaning of the word.
11:23 ♪ ♪
11:32 Yes, Phil.
11:34 - Uh, I think "doze" means to dangle from a robot,
11:37 like Toby was doing in that last clip.
11:40 - Nope, anyone else?
11:41 Okay, give it a shot, Emily.
11:43 - "Doze" means to nap or sleep,
11:45 kind of like you're doing now.
11:47 (snoring)
11:48 - Ah! Ah! Sorry.
11:50 Can you define "doze" for me again?
11:52 - It means to nap or sleep.
11:54 - That's correct!
11:55 - Are you okay?
11:56 - I've never been better.
11:58 I don't know why I stayed up all night
11:59 knitting these earmuffs.
12:01 They're way too big for my cat.
12:03 - Anyway, congratulations, Emily.
12:05 You are today's winner.
12:07 Huggy, show her what she's won.
12:09 An official Word Girl waterbed!
12:13 (squawking)
12:14 (splash)
12:15 And that's it for today's episode.
12:18 See you next time on...
12:19 - May I have a word?
12:22 ♪ Word Girl ♪
12:24 - Listen for the words "juvenile" and "lack."
12:27 Another peaceful Saturday morning
12:29 as Becky and Bob watch a little TV.
12:32 - ♪ It's Vanilla Billy, go Vanilla Billy ♪
12:33 - Oh, she's watching that again?
12:36 - ♪ It's Vanilla Billy, go Vanilla Billy ♪
12:39 Oh, no, Vanilla Billy!
12:40 You're missing the best part.
12:42 - What do you mean, there's no best part?
12:44 This show is, um, great!
12:46 See, Vanilla and Billy are cousins
12:48 who are secretly a prince and princess
12:50 who work undercover in outer space
12:52 as rock and roll ninjas.
12:55 (squawking)
12:56 Yeah, I kind of didn't get it at first,
12:58 but everyone in my class likes it,
13:00 and if you force yourself to watch it,
13:02 it grows on you... eventually.
13:05 (roar)
13:07 Ugh! I mean, awesome!
13:10 Okay, so maybe their music does lack a little melody
13:13 and is sometimes painful to listen to.
13:16 But everyone at school says they're better live.
13:19 And, you know, they're having a concert this weekend.
13:21 Maybe we can get tickets!
13:22 - Sweet front row center!
13:24 Did somebody say "tickets"?
13:26 - Hey, Dad, uh, what's with all the camping gear?
13:29 - Well, Becky, I have a little surprise for you.
13:31 I just spent the day camped out in front of the city theater
13:34 to get us tickets... for something!
13:36 - You did? (gasps)
13:38 Please say "Vanilla and Billy, Vanilla and Billy,
13:39 Vanilla and Billy."
13:40 - Well, it was kind of hard to choose.
13:42 I mean, there are three events happening at the same time.
13:45 There's an antique collectible cheese auction--
13:47 - Ugh. - Hard to say, fun to go to,
13:48 and then there's something called "Vanilla and Bully"?
13:50 - Billy. - And then there's
13:52 a little something called...
13:53 the Squishy Funbots Roll-A-Rama!
13:56 - What? - I got Squishy Funbots tickets!
13:58 In my hand! (screaming)
14:00 - Squishy Funbots tickets? Way to go, Dad!
14:03 - Ugh. (laughing)
14:05 ♪ Happy, happy, nappy time ♪
14:06 ♪ Munchy, munchy, lunchy time ♪
14:08 ♪ Makes me happy, makes me happy ♪
14:11 - Ooh, work it. All right. - But...
14:13 - You kids have loved these Squishies
14:14 since you were in diapers.
14:16 And you're still in a diaper, Bob,
14:17 so of course you love 'em.
14:18 - But, Dad, we're too old for this show.
14:20 It's too juvenile. We've outgrown it.
14:23 - You outgrow your pants, Becky.
14:25 You don't outgrow fun.
14:26 - But... ♪ Happy, happy, nappy time ♪
14:28 ♪ Sleepy, sleepy, nappy time ♪
14:29 - The next day...
14:31 - ♪ Beep, beep, bop, bop, boop, boop, boop ♪
14:32 ♪ Tweet, tweet, la, la, doo, doo, doo ♪
14:34 - Hey, isn't that a Squishy Funbots song?
14:36 I thought that show was too... - Juvenile?
14:39 It is, but what can I say?
14:40 When I was little, their songs always cheered me up.
14:42 - So you're singing a Squishy Funbots song
14:45 because you're upset that you have tickets
14:47 to see the Squishy Funbots.
14:49 - It's a little more complicated than, uh...
14:52 ♪ Silly, silly, silly time ♪
14:53 ♪ Makes me happy, makes me happy ♪
14:55 (chuckles)
14:56 - Hey, Becky! Becky!
14:58 Wait till you hear my latest super-colossal scoop.
15:00 I, Todd "Scoops" Ming, reporter extraordinaire,
15:03 just landed an exclusive backstage interview
15:05 with none other than... Vanilli!
15:07 - From Vanilli and Billy?
15:09 - The ninja rock princess herself!
15:11 - That's so cool!
15:12 Wait, what about Billy?
15:14 - Billy speaks to no one.
15:15 (soupir)
15:17 Anyway, they're sold out, so I hope you got a ticket.
15:19 - Oh, yes! I have a ticket.
15:21 I definitely don't "lack" a ticket.
15:23 - Uh... "lack"?
15:24 - Oh, yeah, uh, when you "lack" something,
15:26 it means you don't have it.
15:28 Like, just say I didn't technically have a ticket
15:30 to Vanilli and Billy, then I'd "lack" a ticket.
15:32 But I'm not. I mean, I have a ticket, so...
15:34 You know... yeah.
15:36 ♪ Happy, happy, nappy time ♪
15:38 ♪ Munchy, munchy, lucky... ♪
15:39 - Hey, remember when we used to like that juvenile music?
15:43 - Barely. It was so long ago.
15:45 - What?
15:46 - Later that night, in line at the Squishy Funbots concert...
15:49 - Ssh!
15:50 - You do know people can see you, right?
15:52 - Ah! Why is this line so slow?
15:54 - Hey, Becky, aren't those your friends
15:56 standing in line to see Vanilli and Billy?
15:58 - Dah!
15:59 (door opens)
16:00 - Hey, everyone! Puffy the Funbots here!
16:03 (all cheering)
16:06 - Ugh.
16:08 - Dad, this is the best gift ever!
16:10 - I'm just happy we can enjoy the Funbots as a family.
16:12 - Hey, I know!
16:14 Let's take a photo and send it to everyone we know!
16:16 And all of their friends and their friends!
16:18 (camera shutter)
16:19 ♪ ♪
16:22 - Hmm. Tell me I'm wrong, Becky,
16:24 but I'm sensing you don't want to be here.
16:26 - What? No!
16:27 I used to love the Squishy Funbots.
16:29 - Don't you mean still love the Squishy Funbots?
16:32 - Oh, sure. Fun is in their name.
16:34 They're squishy luscious!
16:36 Let me see those.
16:38 I want to make sure I don't know anybody here.
16:39 Okay, don't know them. Nope.
16:41 Strangers. Oh, she's pretty. Don't know her.
16:44 Wait, that hat looks a lot like the one Scoops wears.
16:47 ♪ ♪
16:50 - What's Dr. Two Brains doing backstage
16:52 at the Squishy Funbots concert?
16:54 - Okay, boys, you know the plan.
16:55 We get in, grab all the ticket money, get out,
16:58 go to the cheese auction across the street,
16:59 and use all the stolen money to bid on the cheese
17:02 at the auction.
17:03 Yes, what is it?
17:05 - Boss, why don't we just steal the cheese from the auction?
17:08 - Hey, it's never a straight path with me.
17:10 You should know that by now.
17:12 Ugh, and let's hustle.
17:14 This place is too squishy.
17:17 - But they're Squishy Funbots.
17:19 They can't be Squishy Funbots if they're not squishy.
17:22 Or can they?
17:24 - Will you stop saying "squishy"?
17:26 Let's go. We have to find that--
17:27 ♪ ♪
17:30 Seriously? They just leave bags of money lying around?
17:33 What, do they lack a safe or something?
17:36 - Hm, not bad.
17:37 Way lighter than a bag of cheese, huh, Charlie?
17:40 - Okay, now grab those money bags and--
17:42 Hey, light as a feather, you're right.
17:44 Now, let's get this cash over to that cheese auction
17:47 before Edith von Husinghaus gets her crackers
17:49 on my camembert.
17:50 - Hey, what are you guys doing back here?
17:52 You're supposed to be on stage for the opening number.
17:54 - What? Hey!
17:56 - We're putting on a show, finally.
17:58 ♪ ♪
18:02 - ♪ Say hello, hello ♪ - Hello.
18:04 - ♪ The way we start the day ♪ - The day.
18:05 - ♪ Say hi, say hi ♪ - Hi.
18:07 - ♪ Chase your cares away ♪ - Cares away.
18:09 - ♪ If you have any woes ♪ - Woes.
18:10 - ♪ Let me greet the day ♪ - Day.
18:12 - ♪ Be kind to folks and they'll like you ♪
18:14 - I like me.
18:15 - ♪ At the Squishy Fun Party ♪ - Fun Party!
18:20 Yeesh, they even feel squishy.
18:23 [crowd cheering]
18:24 - Dr. Children's? Here?
18:26 Weird.
18:27 Well, he must be up to something evil, I guess.
18:30 Uh, Bob?
18:32 ♪ ♪
18:36 - Hey, nice finish, boss.
18:38 - Well, thanks.
18:39 You know, I did put on a few shows in college.
18:41 - Yeah, well, maybe you can put on a few more shows in jail.
18:45 - Word, girl!
18:47 They do shows in jail?
18:48 - Oh, um, do they do shows in jail?
18:50 - [squeaks]
18:51 - Um, I don't know,
18:53 but you'll be able to check for yourself when you get there.
18:56 Ha! Totally saved that one.
18:58 - Hey, wait a second, Word Girl.
18:59 How'd you even know I was gonna be here?
19:01 - Well, 'cause--
19:03 Look, I wasn't in the audience,
19:04 if that's what you were thinking.
19:05 - Well, I wasn't thinking that,
19:06 but hey, now I am.
19:08 - You actually like these squishy things, don't ya?
19:10 Aren't they a little, uh...
19:12 - What? Juvenile?
19:14 - I was gonna say gross, but now that you mention it...
19:16 - So they're a little juvenile, so what?
19:17 That doesn't mean I can't like them.
19:19 - Ouch, I think we had a nerve, boys.
19:21 Imagine, Word Girl watching a juvenile show like this.
19:25 [laughs]
19:27 Eh, why aren't you guys laughing?
19:29 - We don't know what "juvenile" means.
19:31 - Oh, well, "juvenile" means it's more for kids
19:34 than for grown-ups.
19:35 Like, the Squishy Fun Box
19:36 is a show made for very young kids,
19:38 so it's kind of juvenile.
19:39 - Oh, well, me and Charlie kinda like it too.
19:42 Does that make us juvenile?
19:44 - Yeah. - No.
19:45 - [sighs] I knew I should've robbed that show
19:47 across the street, that--
19:48 what was it called, Stinky and Blinky?
19:50 - It's called Vanilly and Billy.
19:52 - Vanilly and Billy.
19:53 Ugh, their music is terrible.
19:56 - How can you say that?
19:57 Their music is... terrible.
20:00 No, yeah, it's-- it's just awful.
20:02 [screams]
20:04 Get 'em, honky!
20:06 - Oh, boss, help!
20:08 - Gimme that cash.
20:10 I have to get over to that cheese auction.
20:12 [squeaks]
20:13 Oops. [laughs]
20:16 [whoosh]
20:18 Bye, word girl. [laughs]
20:21 - Stop him!
20:22 [squeaks]
20:23 - Huh? - Ha!
20:24 - Oh, huh? Who turned out the lights?
20:26 Huh?
20:27 Tell me it's not one of those squishy things, please!
20:31 - All right, let's get the Fun Bots out there
20:32 and start the show.
20:33 [squeaking]
20:36 - Ah!
20:37 [squeaking]
20:41 Ha-ha! I'm free!
20:42 [squeaking]
20:47 Oh, no.
20:48 [squeaking]
20:49 [screaming]
20:50 No!
20:51 Squeezie!
20:54 Oh!
20:55 Oh!
20:56 Oh!
20:58 [singing]
21:01 Everyone!
21:02 [singing]
21:07 - No, please!
21:09 No more singing and no more squishing!
21:11 Make it stop!
21:12 - Sure thing.
21:14 - Ah.
21:15 [squeaking]
21:17 - You guys missed it!
21:18 Dr. Two Brains made a special guest appearance!
21:20 Which, now that I think of it, didn't make a whole lot of sense.
21:23 But it was awesome!
21:24 - I heard Word Girl was here and helped capture him.
21:27 - Word Girl? She likes the squishy Fun Bots too?
21:29 - Well, I heard she kinda, sorta likes Vanilla and Billy.
21:32 - Not a lot. Or at all.
21:34 She's trying.
21:35 But that doesn't mean she has to stop liking the squishy Fun Bots,
21:37 even if they are a little juvenile.
21:39 - Can I report that?
21:41 I mean, can I report that young juvenile
21:43 who I do not know and have never met?
21:46 - Scoops, what a surprise.
21:48 - Vanilla canceled my interview and, well,
21:50 their music sorta hurts my stomach.
21:52 And I love the squishy Fun Bots!
21:54 I don't care who knows it!
21:55 - Me too!
21:56 - Come on, humans! Sing it with me!
21:59 ♪ Ba-dum, bum, bum ♪
22:00 ♪ Sleepy, sleepy, nappy time ♪
22:02 ♪ Hungry, hungry, tummy time ♪
22:03 - And so, once again, Word Girl saved the day!
22:07 And the show!
22:08 And maybe it's a little juvenile of me to say,
22:10 but I agree with TJ.
22:12 You might outgrow your pants, but you never outgrow fun.
22:15 Tune in next time for another fun-filled,
22:18 never-lax excitement episode of Word Girl!
22:21 ♪ Makes me happy, makes me happy ♪
22:25 ♪ Word Girl! ♪
22:27 - Hello, I'm Bo Handsome,
22:29 and this is the bonus round of...
22:32 - May I have a Word?
22:34 - Our returning champion will have a chance
22:36 to play for even greater prizes on the bonus round!
22:41 Emily, you correctly defined the word "doze."
22:44 Ready to play the bonus round?
22:45 - I sure am!
22:46 - Take a look at these three pictures
22:48 and tell me which one shows the definition for "doze."
22:51 ♪ ♪
22:56 ♪ ♪
23:00 - Give it a shot, Emily!
23:01 - I'm gonna go with number three.
23:03 Violet's mom is dozing at the beach.
23:05 - That's correct!
23:06 Emily, you're our bonus round winner!
23:09 Huggy, show her what she's won.
23:11 An official Word Girl gigantic hair dryer!
23:16 (whirring)
23:17 Well, that's our show!
23:19 See you next time on...
23:20 - May I have a Word?
23:22 - Want more Word Girl?
23:24 Watch your favorite episodes and test your word power
23:26 on pbskid.org.
23:29 Want Word Girl's word power?
23:31 Fly over to your local library.
23:33 Cape not required. Word up!
23:36 ♪ ♪
