NECA Toys Assassin's Creed Revelations Ezio Auditore The Mentor Figure

  • 4 months ago
NECA Toys Assassin's Creed Revelations Ezio Auditore The Mentor Figure
00:00 We work in the dark to serve the lights. We are assassins.
00:04 Here's a look at the NECA toys.
00:06 Assassin's Creed Revelations, Ezio Aditore, the mentor.
00:27 From Assassin's Creed Revelations comes this highly detailed Ezio action figure.
00:31 With improved articulation and updated paint, Ezio Aditore stands 7 inches in scale and has over 35 points of articulation.
00:38 The figure includes interchangeable hands, daggers, sword and crossbow weapons, along with his signature extending wrist blades.
00:44 Also, he comes with window box packaging to be a perfect addition to your collection.
00:49 Now that Ezio is older, he's starting to show a few more greys.
00:53 Just before we get a closer look at the NECA toys, Assassin's Creed Revelations, Ezio Aditore, the mentor,
00:58 I'd like to thank the folks over at NECA that did provide this sample we can have a look at.
01:02 Ezio the mentor should be available right now either in store or online.
01:05 Pick your poison as to which way you'd like to purchase your figures.
01:08 The figure though is still going to stand at about 7 inches in height, or Ezio is going to be about 17.5 centimeters tall.
01:15 Ezio the mentor meets Ezio the assassin.
01:19 Here's what the figure looks like with the earlier looked at Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, Ezio Aditore, legendary assassin.
01:25 Decent looking figure. My only real complaint about him was, maybe not with the hood on right now, no.
01:31 But he happened to swap off the head sculpt for the unmasked portrait, which doesn't actually come included though with this version of Ezio Aditore.
01:37 I couldn't help but notice his head was way too small.
01:40 While maybe skimping on small heads, mentor Ezio still manages to pull in a long laundry list of accessories.
01:45 Though of the list that we get, only three of them are unique to this figure.
01:49 All the remaining ones that you'll be seeing in a second were all the ones that got packed along with the legendary assassin version of Aditore.
01:55 Like for example the crossbow.
01:57 It may be easy for me to easily say that, it probably would be a lot bigger of a help if I could just bring in the original one so you guys can see the differences between the two.
02:03 And there isn't any differences at all.
02:06 The molds are exactly the same.
02:08 I might say maybe perhaps the mentor version of Ezio might have a slightly shinier crossbow.
02:13 But they are identical accessories to one another.
02:16 He does also come included with the exact same hand for holding the crossbow.
02:19 It's this hand here.
02:21 You just basically take the hand, you fit it in between the handle and the guard, just like that, and you hold the crossbow perfectly fine.
02:27 The other Ezio by the way I had on the shelf displayed with said crossbow, well I guess not necessarily this crossbow, the one that came included with that figure.
02:34 And I have it actually with this hand here.
02:36 The figure I did take one thing, I already removed the hand that was on this side of the figure's body.
02:41 It did technically come included with two closed fists, a pair of closed fists on the ends of either forearm.
02:45 I just removed one of them in favor of a gripping hand.
02:48 He does also have another gripping hand, although the difference between the two, this one has the thumb up, this one is basically a gripping version.
02:54 The figure also as well comes included with a pair of relaxed hands.
02:57 All the things we've already now looked at are all the same ones that came included with the other figure.
03:01 So we're not getting anything new in that end of things.
03:03 We are also getting the exact same hidden blade, just reaching off to the side and grabbing the pair of hidden blades that came included with the other Ezio.
03:11 Exactly again the same, other than the fact that he trades in one of the hidden blades in favor of a hidden hook.
03:17 The hook blade works the exact same way as it slides up his sleeve.
03:20 In fact when you're looking at the figure, located on the side it works basically the exact same way.
03:25 There's a little gap right there, can you see in between his wrists and his guard here?
03:30 You're basically taking the hook blade and that just slides in place.
03:34 It slides fairly well, I mean you kind of have to kind of navigate it in there, but eventually it does fit in there fairly well.
03:40 And you can also again take the hidden blade and that slides in there also as well.
03:43 Just want to make sure that his hand is out of the way.
03:45 If his hands turn this way for example, it's going to be next to impossible to get the blade in there.
03:49 So you want to make sure it's just facing side.
03:51 Actually what they've also done too, if you look at the way they've done the hands, the hands have a hinge right there.
03:56 But they're also slightly more recessed it seems, so it's a little bit easier to kind of guide the blade in there and he holds it pretty well.
04:02 So again instead of getting two, he only gets one this time.
04:05 Things that are though unique to the figure outside of the hook blade, is that the figure also comes included with two swords.
04:12 Well one dagger, one sword.
04:14 First of all he comes included with a Macedonian dagger.
04:17 I wanted to actually look at the sword first, but I figured we'd look at this one first.
04:20 The Macedonian dagger actually is nicely molded here in silver.
04:23 It's got a little bit of additional black there on the end of the handle.
04:25 The reason why I wanted to kind of beeline away from the sword first and look at this, is that the dagger does have a storage space.
04:31 Located on the front there is a sheath.
04:33 You can see right by the sash of his belt.
04:35 You basically can then sheath the dagger.
04:38 There's some nice little storage there.
04:40 And while that's stored away, now we can go back to the thing I really did want to look at.
04:44 The Gattagan sword.
04:45 The sword itself is again unique to this figure.
04:47 Molded still in the nice silver plastic, with some really nice decorative details right by the hilt.
04:52 The hilt is also painted nicely there in black.
04:55 And of course, being that he now has... well, he had it before, he has a gripping hand.
04:58 Basically just take the hand and you hold the sword.
05:01 The sword, I will say though, sits a little loose.
05:04 So you can kind of take the sword and twist it slightly.
05:07 But honestly though, the best hand for really holding the sword is the hand that he has right now.
05:11 The one that has the thumb sticking up, ironically enough, is the one that's best suited for holding the sword.
05:16 And you just, like I said, take the Gattagan sword and sheath it.
05:19 I suppose not even sheath it.
05:21 You slide it into the grip of his hands.
05:23 There is, by the way, no additional storage anywhere on the back of the figure's body.
05:27 I thought, for example, this little looplet right here, for example, you could take maybe the sword and slide it in there.
05:32 The only thing that would come with that though is the caution of turning the figure around.
05:36 Just in case you... like if you bent the figure back, for example, I would worry that that would start to bend the plastic on the sword.
05:41 So we're just going to unsheath.
05:43 As somewhat sheathed I did for the sword, I'm just going to unsheath and put it off to the side.
05:47 So those are all the accessories that come included though with this version of Ezio.
05:51 One thing that's notable though about this figure is while he is somewhat of a similar style of suit, similar style of costume,
05:58 obviously very differently detailed here and a lot nicer color, I kind of like the darker gray to be honest.
06:03 I know when I tend to think of Assassin's Creed, and especially Ezio, I tend to think of him more with a lighter color outfit myself.
06:08 I kind of like the way they've painted this one.
06:10 I mean, obviously, it isn't the exact same.
06:12 He's got some additional guards there as well.
06:14 The thing that's kind of rather interesting though about it, and I didn't even notice it on this version of Ezio,
06:18 is that if you look at this figure, now granted on the one on the back here,
06:22 the original Ezio did have this cape piece that draped over top the back of the shoulder,
06:26 and he also had this part of his kind of bandolier like belt area that's just draped over top the back of his body.
06:32 You already see what I'm talking about? Right there. Right there.
06:35 He has one right there too, but it was so concealed by the cape piece that went over it.
06:38 By now giving us a different type of figure that doesn't have any of that,
06:42 you can see there's a lot more of these noticeable screw holes on the back of the figure's body.
06:47 I can't recall the last time we've actually gotten ourselves a NECA figure where it has visible screws on the back of his body.
06:52 I would imagine it's obviously there more to take the front half and the back half of the figure's body,
06:56 sandwich it together, and then probably just taking the screw holes and screws and tightening everything together that way,
07:01 as opposed to using glue.
07:03 The thing about it though is now without having the additional cape piece that the original Legendary Assassin Ezio would have had,
07:09 and now only having just this strap piece, it's more than visible,
07:13 it's definitely more apparent that the figure does have these additional screw holes.
07:16 You never would notice it, obviously, if you're looking at the figure from the back,
07:19 and I can't imagine many people are going to be displaying the figure on the shelf looking like that.
07:22 Who's going to be displaying their Ezio, or any figure for that matter, backwards like this?
07:26 But if you do turn him around though, you will very obviously notice that there's some screw holes on the back of his body.
07:31 Looking at the front of the figure's face.
07:33 Bringing back in though the original Ezio, the faces are very similar,
07:38 although you notice though that the mentor version of Ezio has a slightly longer beard.
07:42 This one has a little bit more of a shorter beard.
07:44 And instead of though having a hood that fans to the sides like this,
07:47 the mentor version of Ezio does actually wrap it around.
07:50 So he's actually got more of a very fully developed hood.
07:54 Some really nice decorative details there also on the side.
07:57 Now while he doesn't have though the means,
07:59 while he doesn't have an alternate head sculpt for example,
08:01 and one of my big talking points of the original Ezio was the fact that
08:04 the unmasked portrait, or the unhooded head sculpt,
08:07 kind of made it more apparent that the figure's head was way too small.
08:10 If you did want to though, you could though take this head off the ball peg,
08:14 because the pegs are exactly the same.
08:16 You could plug on the unhelmeted, I keep wanting to say unhelmeted,
08:19 I'm so so used to saying unhelmeted in reviews.
08:21 You can take though the unhooded version of Ezio and plug it in place.
08:25 It still draws no more attention to the idea that I feel like the head sculpts are way too small.
08:28 I mean obviously, I could probably push that down a little bit lower down on the neck.
08:31 But yeah, the head does work, although again, it's just way too small for the figure's body.
08:36 Just gonna pop that off, replacing back with the superior head sculpt,
08:39 and just pop that back in place.
08:41 Yeah, I do like the way they've sculpted the hood, some nice additional scrolling
08:44 that they've painted there in a slightly lighter grey.
08:46 This dark and light grey contrast worked really well because it's all over the figure's body.
08:51 There are a few little areas of red, for example, like his sash there on the front.
08:54 I mean, but again, nice little layers of plastic, all soft plastic by the way.
08:58 The lower half of his skirting for example is made up of layers upon layers of just soft plastic.
09:03 So it makes things really quite easy to move Ezio's legs forward and back.
09:06 And we'll kind of all talk about that when we talk about more of the articulation.
09:09 The additional fur now he has on the sides would not have been there on the original one.
09:13 And again, it's not just the case.
09:15 Maybe they're using, I don't know, I'm looking at it, it doesn't look like they're using,
09:19 even like, I thought perhaps like even the under layer would be a little bit different.
09:22 But this one has some additional stitching there on the sides.
09:25 This version of Ezio doesn't have that.
09:27 So it looks like they may have used a brand new body,
09:29 or they may have maybe started with this as the basic body,
09:31 and then just added the additional tooling of the sculpt over top of it.
09:34 But it does seem like the very much different bodies really between the two,
09:37 even like the boots are completely different from one another.
09:39 Sculpting, even like the feet, the feet have more pointier soles on the mentor version,
09:44 slightly more rounded shoes on the original legendary assassin.
09:48 Okay, let's talk about the figure's articulation.
09:51 It's going to be pretty much the same as the legendary's version.
09:53 So the head's going to rotate back and forth. It's on that ball post.
09:56 Head looks up about that high, about that high, looks down about that low.
10:00 Because this is, by the way, softer plastic,
10:02 even if you are deciding to move the head a little bit lower down,
10:04 the hood goes along with it. It doesn't feel like it fights with you, and that's a good thing.
10:09 Head does also rock back and forth ever so slightly.
10:11 The shoulders come out, and even with the shoulders the way that they're designed,
10:15 this shoulder gets out of the way, this fur piece that he has.
10:17 This one gets a little bit more hung up, but if you just untuck this
10:21 every single time you're doing this with the arm, the arm then comes out at 90 degrees.
10:25 You take the arms, and you could in theory rotate them all the way around,
10:29 but you're really going to be fighting with the softer plastic that they have for the shoulder pads.
10:33 The figure does have a bicep swivel.
10:35 He only still possesses a single hinge in the elbow,
10:37 which really again, with how much volume he has here on the bicep,
10:41 not to mention the guard that he has below as well,
10:43 there's only so much bend you can actually get out of this figure. That's about it.
10:46 The arms do rotate back and forth. The hands do rotate also all the way around.
10:50 He has an upper torso crunch, as well as a rotational swivel in his waist.
10:54 The legs split out for Ezio, as well as you can take the legs and move forward,
10:58 move them back. If we peel away the curtains, by the way,
11:01 the figure does have a swivel there at the top of the thigh.
11:03 Does possess though a double hinge on the knee, which is good to see.
11:06 Rotation here where the boot is actually attached to the calf,
11:09 and then he only has just a single hinge here.
11:11 I mean, not that he would have any more than a single hinge.
11:13 Does rock back and forth, and the figure does also have toe articulation,
11:17 although it's really tight on this figure.
11:19 All in all though, I mean, even though it's not the traditional colors that I tend to think of
11:23 when it comes to Ezio Auditore, just bringing back in the one I tend to think of more,
11:26 I gotta say I really like the colors and the costume a lot more though
11:29 on the mentor version of Ezio.
11:31 Still though, it's very funny though, that when I looked at this version of Ezio,
11:35 even though the figure had possessed it all the time,
11:37 I never noticed at all that he had screws on the back of the figure's body.
11:41 A lot of that can be contributed to the fact that he does have the cape that drapes over one side,
11:45 and then of course he's got the belt that drapes over the other side.
11:48 I mean, other than maybe being pointed out in that direction,
11:51 I don't think anybody would be any bit the wiser that it's actually there.
11:54 It becomes though a little bit more apparent though when you look at the mentor version,
11:57 because again, he doesn't have that section on one side,
12:00 and he does have a belt that kind of again shifts around.
12:02 He does have then a notable section of screws.
12:05 Obviously you're not gonna be looking at him, sure,
12:06 you're not gonna be looking at the figure from the back like that.
12:09 You really will want to be showcasing and shining this guy on your shelf front and center.
12:13 And obviously with the guy having so many accessories,
12:15 even though really to be fair, some of the accessories, majority of the accessories,
12:19 what, like three quarters of them, were all the ones that got packed already
12:22 with the legendary assassin version of Ezio.
12:24 So you're not getting a lot new there,
12:25 but you are though technically getting the hook blade.
12:27 You are getting again the Macedonian dagger and the yet again sword
12:30 that you could have then displayed either with this version of Ezio that we looked at in this review.
12:34 Oh, hey, why not share it around?
12:35 You can also pass it over as well to the legendary assassin version of Ezio as well.
12:39 Trading in his trademark costume, not for something dark or gray.
12:43 The wiser version of Ezio Auditore from Assassin's Creed Revelations,
12:46 and of course the folks over at NECA Toys,
12:48 between both offerings that the company has now given us,
12:50 I got to say, I like the Revelations just a little bit more.
12:52 It's not just the thought of colors when you usually think of Ezio,
12:55 you think of all like the white cloak costume that he has with all those nice bright red accents.
12:59 He gets instead now really dark gray,
13:01 but I got to say like the coloring that they use for the gray,
13:04 it's not even just gray on its own either.
13:05 It almost has like a greenish tint to it.
13:08 It's a really interesting color.
13:10 And then of course you have the talented artists over at NECA Toys
13:13 have added all the additional scrolling at the bottom of his jacket,
13:15 all of course around his hood area there as well.
13:18 There's a lot of cool stuff going on with this costume
13:21 that you don't get as much the chance to see when we looked at the legendary assassin.
13:24 Granted, he gets a lot of hand-me-downs.
13:26 The three quarters, I guess,
13:28 almost the majority of the accessories that come included with the figure, for example,
13:31 are all ones that we already got with the legendary assassin.
13:34 He gets at least the benefit to trading in one of his hidden blades in favor of a hook blade.
13:38 And of course he also gets the Macedonian dagger and the Yadigan sword.
13:41 So he gets three things that weren't really packed with the other figure.
13:44 One thing he doesn't get though is the shrunken down head sculpt.
13:47 Which again, was the one thing I really didn't like about the other figure,
13:50 but I'm never really going to be displaying that version of Ezio anyways with the unhooded head sculpt.
13:55 You could use it for this one if you wanted to.
13:57 They were at least smart enough to use the same universally sized peg post.
14:00 Of the two figures though, what do you guys like more?
14:03 Let me know down below in the comment section.
14:04 Do you prefer the Assassin's Creed Revelations Ezio Auditory
14:06 or do you like more the Brotherhood versions?
14:09 Let me know down below in the comment section.
14:10 Big thank you once again to the folks over at NECA Toys
14:12 that did provide the sample of the brand new Assassin's Creed Revelations.
14:15 This time we were looking though at the mentor, the mentor, Ezio Auditory.
14:20 And what a nice looking figure he is.
14:22 Yes, he is a little limited on articulation when it comes to his elbows.
14:25 That's one other thing that I kind of really wish that this figure line could have had a little bit of benefit.
14:28 I mean, he obviously has double hinges in his knees.
14:31 I wish they probably could have done something similar to his elbows
14:34 so you'd be able to move his elbows a little bit more.
14:36 And then of course there's the obvious, he has screw holes on the back of his body.
14:39 You're never really going to see it anyways,
14:41 but I mean obviously if you ever get a chance to turn the figure around,
14:43 you're going to notice it a little bit more on this figure
14:45 than what you would before on the Brotherhood.
14:47 But again, a big thank you to the folks over at NECA Toys that did provide this sample.
14:50 This guy is available as well as Brotherhood's Ezio Auditory either online or in stores.
14:54 I fare better it seems as a Canadian collector to buy a lot of my stuff online.
14:58 Buying them in stores next to nothing.
15:00 Distribution here in Canada isn't the greatest.
15:02 I mean, it's not even just for NECA, it's just across the board.
15:04 We don't tend to get a lot of new figures here in Canada.
15:07 Hopefully that's something that's going to be changing,
15:09 but this guy, like I said, is available right now
15:11 if you're interested to grab this one for yourself.
15:13 If you guys did enjoy this video, why not throw it a like?
15:15 If you guys are loving the content you guys are seeing
15:17 and would like to stick around for more,
15:19 even though we are wrapping things right now for Assassin's Creed,
15:21 there are going to be more NECA reviews coming your way,
15:23 so make sure you come back on a regular basis.
15:25 As always guys, thanks for watching.
15:27 See you guys next time.
15:29 (outro)
