• 2 months ago
Mattel Masters Of The Universe Masterverse New Eternia Fisto Figure


00:00Fits like a glove. Well, one of them at least. Here's a look at the Mattel Master Universe
00:04Masterverse, the Master Universe New Eternia, Fisto.
00:22It's a thrilling time to be a Master Universe fan. For longtime fans and for a new generation
00:26of kids who love the action adventure, it's time to discover the thrilling action and
00:30adventure of He-Man, Skeletor, the secrets of Castle Grayskull, and so much more. You
00:35know, with all the silver that he has on that limb of his, I don't know if we should be
00:38calling him Fisto or Arm-O. I realize quickly how stupid of a name that was. Stop that.
00:45Let's go ahead and take the tape measure instead and see how tall the new Revelations offering
00:48of Fisto is before we bring in other Fistos. You have more? I have more. Let's take the
00:54tape measure, as promised, going right to the very top of one of his two heads. This
00:58version of Fisto is seven and a quarter inches in height, or he's going to stand 18 and a
01:02half centimeters tall. Yes, another member of the Fistos club. Wait, what? Here's one
01:09of the offerings that we did get from the Revelations release. One thing, though, very
01:13apparent is the new one that we get here from New Eternia is considerably taller, and I
01:17didn't realize he would be this tall until I had the two standing next to each other,
01:21considerably taller than the one from Revelation. He's even, in fact, a lot taller. I mean,
01:25goes without saying than the Origins version of Fisto. So if you're looking to scale the
01:29ones in size with the Revelations, you might notice right away, yeah, the New Eternia variety
01:33is a tad bit, a lot more than just a tad considerably taller. He's also considerably taller than
01:39one of his colleagues, his friend of his, that's obviously Clamp Champ. Here's also
01:43what the figure looks like with Ram Man. Here's also what he looks like with the New Eternia
01:47release of Man-at-Arms. And I did also want to bring in Thunder Punch He-Man. If you have
01:52been following along this channel, you know the one I ordered from Amazon. Unfortunately,
01:54it was missing its sword. I finally got a new He-Man replacement. I'm gonna put it right
01:58over there. When you know it, though, with all this talk of not having a proper sword,
02:01now that I have a sword, don't I now realize that it's starting to chip away the paint?
02:05For all the times, well, the few times I've done this, at least, putting this sword in
02:09this blasted shield, you can see where it makes the point of impact right there, right
02:13there. And boy, wouldn't you know it, it started to scrape away the paint. But at least I got
02:16myself a new Thunder Punch He-Man, complete with a sword. So at least that's saying something.
02:20As for saying something, I'll be saying quite a lot when it comes to Fisto's accessories.
02:23First, the figure does come included with, strangely, though, a sword. When I think of
02:27Fisto, swords may not be the first thing that pops into my head. The guard and the hilt
02:31is done in purple. Meanwhile, the blade is all done here in silver. He can hold it, providing
02:36you already go into the little baggy sword inside the compartment space. Make sure you
02:40go over to that. Whatever you do, make sure all the accessories are also there as well.
02:44From what I would imagine, I would think that I've gotten everything here with Fisto,
02:47but wouldn't you know it, knowing my luck, something's missing. But going to that little
02:50baggy, what you'll find, though, instead is not the sword, but you'll also get a swappable
02:54hand. I've taken liberty measures of already removing the hand that he had, so what would've
02:59already been on the figure would've been a closed fist. I divorced that. Took that off
03:03right away. I'm probably just going to be putting it back in a bag somewhere. If I don't
03:07have any plans to have him holding the sword, I'll certainly have plans holding the big
03:11giant hammer. What? A hammer? So we'll go ahead and we'll just get the sword in his
03:16hand first of all. The hand just basically just clips around there. Super, super easy.
03:22You can also, as well, take the sword in. If you would believe this, there's some storage
03:25space on the figure. Just simply spin the figure around. Located, I feel, a little too
03:29high up on the figure's armor. There's an open loop right here that you basically take
03:33the sword, you don't have to do it with the sound effects or not, and slide the sword
03:37in place. I will say right away, it's way too high. I feel like it should've been probably
03:42a little bit down here. I mean, I don't have a bodybuilder's body, but I can tell you,
03:46there's no way that Fisto would be able to retrieve that sword. You could pull a prank
03:50on a bodybuilder, just don't tell him I did it, or told you to do it. You could put a
03:53little kick me sign on the back, they'd never be able to reach it. I mean, just impossible.
03:58Maybe he can barely hold onto the sword, he'd have to kind of grab onto the loop, if anything
04:02else. Maybe he'd be able to reach it, I think it's very unlikely. Come on, who are we kidding
04:07here? He wouldn't be obviously able to also grab it with this side of his arm either,
04:10because this arm, unlike this one, only has a single hinge. What's a little bit more impressive
04:16than a blasted sword, is the figure also comes in cool with this cool looking hammer. One
04:21side looks like it's a dreidel, the other side looks like Man-at-Arms' mace. It's cast
04:26here in a very marbleized silver plastic, at least though the handle down below has
04:31been wrapped in purple to match the colors. He seems to really like purple. Again, you
04:35can also take this, and you can put this into the figure's hands. Much more of a preferred
04:40weapon if you ask me, than some stupid looking sword. I know, I shouldn't say stupid. Put
04:44that into his hand, and because again, this figure does have a double hinge in his elbow,
04:48you can straddle that hammer across his shoulders. Very, very cool. You know what, let's just
04:53take the sword, without the sound effect, too late. Go ahead and just have the figure
04:57displayed like that would be prime for me. Of course, he does also have a swappable head
05:01too. One thing I do want to talk a little bit about, before we start swapping out heads.
05:05Let's just move that hand out of the way here for a second. One thing I really was
05:10interested to find on the hammer, is if you look at the hammer, and I'm already talking
05:14about the point and the mace, both of these can actually be detached. So basically what
05:19you just do is you grab the mace end. You don't have to take off both if you don't
05:22want to, you just take off the point. Now again, that really does look like a dreidel
05:27now. We'll just basically put this down for a second here. Looking at his fist, you're
05:32probably thinking the same thing that I'm thinking. The fist itself, while again, looks
05:37a little alarming, the fact that the entire arm is painted in silver. You know, again,
05:40like if you're going to call him Fisto, it really should again, just be fist, not the
05:44entire arm. Anyways, what you can do though, is you can take the fist off like that, and
05:51then you can replace it with any of those two parts from the hammer. So again, if you
05:54want to give him a drill attachment, just attach that onto the hole like that. Or go
06:02ahead and something similar to Man-at-Arms, you can take the mace ball and put that on
06:05the end as well. I mean, would that now change the name of him? Would it be Fisto anymore?
06:11Or would it be Mace-o? We're just coming up with stupid name after stupid name, aren't
06:16we? But I think that's kind of cool. And I'm sure you're also wondering too, how's the
06:20fist look on the end of his hammer? I mean, it's as good as a hammer on the end of a...
06:24I mean, it's as good as a fist on the end of a hammer would actually look. And of course,
06:27you can get the other end of that, just pop that in place. The fist, I don't know if it's
06:32just the fact I've got moisturizer on my hands, but there we go. Does that look a little strange
06:36and weird? The fact that he's got a fist on the end? No more stranger than the fact that
06:40you can change out his hands out here with, again, a little drill attachment, I guess,
06:44and a mace ball on the other end. But that's kind of a cool feature. Just go ahead and
06:48pop that off right now. Mace-o. Mace-o. Let's put the head back in place. There we go. The
06:56one other thing that also comes in clue with Fisto, it seems to be just as difficult to stay
07:01in place as his fist. The figure does have, first of all, a defaulted head, which I will say right
07:06away, that's a nice looking Fisto. A different interpretation it is. I mean, obviously, he's got
07:10a headdress now that matches the rest of his armor, a longer beard, a little gray there,
07:13affects us all. I think the head sculpt's really good on this. He's got the ponytail there on the
07:18back. There's no possibility at all to the ponytail. But unfortunately, though, just with
07:21the quarters of being occupied by the shoulder pads here, there's really no way that you can
07:26really get much going when it comes to his head rotation. That's as far as it's going to go. Did
07:30you miss it? No, you didn't miss it. That's as far as it's going to go. You can try to force it around,
07:34but it's not going to be going anywhere. Granted, yes, you also get yourself an alternate head
07:40sculpt. The thing about it, though, is when you're looking at the two heads, this is a little bit
07:44closer to, if you like the classic look to Fisto, short of the fact he doesn't have red hair. That's
07:48a bit of a bummer. It also seems like this head is considerably smaller. Now, again, if I'm looking
07:54at the features, the eyes and the size and nose placement seems to be the exact same spot. And yet,
07:59this illusion gets lost the moment you change the head out. So we're going to do that right now. I'm
08:03going to pop the head off. We're going to replace it with this head sculpt. And I'm just going to
08:08put it down for a second. Just going to put it down. Everybody step back for a second and look
08:12at this. Does it look like the head is too small for the rest of his body? And yet, though, maybe
08:19it's just the fact that he had the longer beard that sort of gave him a much kind of longer face
08:24as a result of it. But it does seem like now that I've changed out the head, his head is smaller,
08:28isn't it? Now, one thing that's kind of cool, though, if you happen to have the other Fisto,
08:32say if you like red beard, red haired Fisto, and you want to use this head sculpt instead,
08:37it happens to be using the exact same size ball joint. So even though, again, like his body is
08:41just off proportioned, if you wanted to just pop this head sculpt off, replace it with the new
08:47Eternia or I guess the Revelations version of Fisto. And you can get this look instead, which
08:51though looking at it, I don't know what it is. It seems like his head works a little bit better for
08:56the body, at least from the size of his head to then this one. I mean, obviously that's not the
09:01head that he comes. Oh, and also too, if you guys want to see what this looks like on regular
09:05Revelations Fisto, it does work there as well. So let's just pop that off. We'll put it off to the
09:10side. A decapitated Fisto for at least right now, pop that off, put the new head sculpt back in place.
09:17All the times that I've tried doing this to popping the head and putting it onto the ball joint,
09:20I always feel like when I go to rotate the new head, the head keeps continuing to pop off the
09:25ball joint. And this has happened every time. I mean, I know how ball joint works and I certainly
09:29know how a socket works. And yet putting the two together, every time I want to turn the head,
09:34it just seems like it keeps popping off. I'm going to have to put a little bit more pressure behind
09:39that. And while that hopefully stays in place, let's look at the rest of the armor here for Fisto.
09:44Again, a lot of very similar aspects to this Fisto. Of course, minus let's put the head back in place.
09:49I know if I don't put the head in place, I'm going to only ultimately lose it. Yeah. I mean,
09:53if you look at the bodies, very similar in the purple, you got similar style of shoulders,
09:57although this one's a little bit more broader. I will say one thing I do like about the new Fisto
10:02is the metallic use of this purple paint. Of course, the regular Fisto or Revelations variety
10:07had a little bit more of a matte purple. Again, like the arm is about, I know I don't want to
10:12sound like the guy that's sort of stuck in the past, but again, if you're going to call him
10:15Fisto, I really like live with that. Don't go and just redesign the character's idea. So in the
10:21entire arm is mechanical like this because it loses, I know, fist is down here. Technically,
10:26we're not really, we shouldn't really be looking at arm and just say that, well, why would you call
10:30him Fisto? Because clearly he's still a guy that's known for having a big giant menacing fist.
10:35But I would have just, again, rathered if this not had been mechanical. Keep this part, at least
10:40similar to this arm over here and only had this arm. I know, just my own personal preference more
10:44than anything else. It's got some nice fur that they sculpted on the sides. I mean, it does cause
10:48a little bit of problems when it comes to rotating the arms all the way around. You can certainly
10:52feel when you're trying to turn the arm that it doesn't get all the way around for the job. You
10:58can also as well detach the armor. I mean, ultimately really what you only be going to
11:01see underneath is probably just a standard He-Man body. Again, that would just only detach on the
11:06side and on the side. Am I going to do it? I'm just going to leave it, just leave it for right now.
11:10But the one thing that's also different too, is that if you're looking at the loincloths,
11:13the belt is very much different. There's a little bit of additional texturing that they've also
11:17added there. You can see some artistic interpretation around those orbs. This has a
11:22little bit more of a cleaner looking belt. Loincloths seem to be also maybe the same,
11:27but it looks like they're also maybe sharing the same boots, although they flip the colors around.
11:31So instead of a purple boot with brown fur, the new release of Fisto now has a brown boot
11:36and purple fur instead. Now for the figure's articulation, we're going to struggle a little
11:39bit here when it comes to head sculpt. Yes, it does in theory rotate back and forth, but
11:43you know, again, like for me, rotating the head only results in the head popping off the ball
11:47joint. The arms do rotate all the way around, whether you want to use this arm or use this
11:51arm as the example. It does rotate all the way around. You can bring the arm out. This one does
11:55have a swivel in the bicep. This on the other hand, though, does have a double hinge on the elbow.
11:59This elbow does not. I will say, though, it's kind of interesting the way they've sculpted the
12:04arm elbow here. So while it does lose, unfortunately, one articulation point,
12:08it does have at least gained a pretty neat looking elbow joint. One thing too, you can also rotate
12:14the arm back and forth here as well. I don't know if that means you could probably detach this hand
12:18and use it with another Fisto. I haven't tried it myself, just for the rest that potentially could
12:21break that joint. And then the hand also rotates all the way around on this side. Because it's
12:25only just a peg, you can't hinge the hand back and forth. This is all as much you can really do
12:30with it. You still got the waist swivel. The legs do split out. Ball joints working behind the scenes.
12:35Three quarters of the way up the thigh is the swivel cut. That rotates all the way around.
12:38Double hinge on the knee. Articulation in the ankle, or I guess the top of the boot. And then
12:43for the ankles, back and forth rock. Back and forth this way as well. The figure does also have
12:47pegs on the undersides of his feet. I know for a fact I haven't mentioned that yet. I'm mentioning
12:51it right now. Again, bringing back in the Revelations Fisto, it wasn't until I got this guy
12:56in the packaging I realized such the size difference. And clearly a size difference
13:00between this one and also the Origins release. The body size isn't so much a bad thing,
13:06but I think the moment you start to get a body that big, I mean even again just to compare him
13:10with Man at Arms, I feel like maybe the body being this size that it is, they also need to keep that
13:16in mind when it came to factoring the size of the head. I feel like the head works okay with a body
13:20like this, but I think the moment you take a head and you put it on a larger body like this,
13:27it results in sort of now the head looking too small for the rest of his body. It wasn't
13:34certainly the case when we looked at this version of Fisto. It clearly seemed to be more the case
13:38when we're looking at the one from New Eternia. While I would say that 75% of me likes the look
13:42of New Eternia Fisto, 25% of me on the other hand is still bothered by the fact that I feel like his
13:48head is too small for the rest of his body. This wasn't as much the issue when we had the defaulted
13:53head and may have had also something to do with that. He had so much more hair on the front of
13:57his face that maybe just the illusion of a longer beard made it look like his head was properly
14:01sized for the rest of his body. That the moment you change that out and give him a slightly shorter
14:06beard, and he still has quite a lot of beard on his face, it just is the one thing that now is
14:10the thing I'm constantly looking at. Maybe yes, I could have preferred to have more just a fist
14:15on Fisto rather than an entire cybernetic arm. That at least is one thing as an interpretation
14:21that, you know, as the New Eternia goes, they're taking sort of the ideas of the classic characters
14:26and they're taking new spins on them. So the new spin on Fisto having an entire robotic arm works
14:31with me. Just not having the head the way it's designed like this doesn't. The head, funny enough,
14:36would have worked a lot better with the size of body for the Revelations, because the
14:40Revelations are shorter figures. The moment you put a head that would have accommodated both scales,
14:45on a body that clearly isn't that scale, I feel like it's that causes the head to look way too
14:50small. What do you guys think of this figure? Let me know down below in the comment section. Do you
14:54think that Fisto's head is way too small? How much of a percentage? Let me know down below.
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15:07that you're coming back. As always, thanks for watching. See you guys next time.
