Hebrews 4

  • 3 months ago
00:00So, we're still in Hebrews, we're in Hebrews 4.
00:07I just wanted to recap, because it's been a couple weeks.
00:13Last time in Hebrews 3, we were talking about the fact that Moses,
00:23they could not come to the promised land,
00:28and that they could not enter in the rest of the promised land,
00:34because they did not believe.
00:36And I showed you in the Bible,
00:38where in the book of Numbers,
00:40that God said for every year,
00:42or I'm sorry, every day that they did not believe,
00:45which was a sin,
00:47that they had a year of punishment.
00:50So, they had 40 years in the wilderness where they wandered,
00:54and it said that everybody over the age of 20 and above
00:59was going to die in the wilderness,
01:01and that's what happened.
01:02Anybody under the age of 20 went into the promised land.
01:07And then in chapter 4, it tells us about this rest,
01:12because in verse 1 it says,
01:15lest they promise being left us of entering into His rest.
01:21So, I told you before, the book of Hebrews
01:24is to show us the things in the Old Testament,
01:27the diverse washings, the sacrifices,
01:31animal sacrifices, all the things that were done
01:34to connect that and who Jesus Christ is, the high priest.
01:39And this is what it's showing,
01:41that if you want to enter in His rest,
01:43any of you should seem to come short of it.
01:48For unto us was the gospel preached,
01:52as well as unto them,
01:54but the word preached did not profit them,
01:58not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.
02:03Keep your finger there and go to Romans 11.
02:08Romans 11.
02:13So, here's a clear verse,
02:15and we'll see in Romans 11,
02:17that faith without being mixed with anything,
02:22faith and believe you've got to be baptized,
02:25faith and believe that you've got to repent of your sins,
02:28faith and believe that you've got to come to church,
02:31faith and believe whatever, the combination,
02:33the Bible's clearly saying,
02:35and I want you to underline in your Bible there,
02:37not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.
02:41That's why it didn't profit them.
02:43Look at Romans 11, verse 6.
02:46And if by grace, then it is no more works.
02:50Otherwise, grace is no more grace.
02:52But if it be of works, then it is no more grace.
02:55Otherwise, works is no more work.
02:58And you say, wait a minute,
02:59that's kind of twisting of the tongue,
03:02but it's pretty simple when you think about it.
03:05If you're saved by grace,
03:08and all it is is putting your trust
03:10in the Lord Jesus Christ and His righteousness,
03:13no works.
03:15There's no works.
03:17And then if you have grace,
03:19and you add just a teeny tiny bit of works,
03:22well, it's not good enough just to believe on Jesus.
03:26I've got to be baptized.
03:28I've got to eat a cracker.
03:30I've got to drink some juice.
03:32Whatever, then that's making it works.
03:35And what the Bible's teaching us here,
03:37if you add any teeny tiny, itsy bitsy,
03:40minute piece of work to grace, it's works.
03:44You just ruined it.
03:46It's like, and I think I've showed you this before,
03:48if you take a clean glass of water,
03:50this is a glass of water.
03:52What if I put one little piece of chicken poop in it?
03:55Would you drink it?
03:58You say, well, it's just one little piece.
04:00It just ruined that water.
04:02That's the same thing.
04:04When you have a little bit of works,
04:06just a teeny tiny bit, and you say,
04:08well, you know, it's not good enough to believe on Jesus.
04:11You've got to whatever, fill in the blanks.
04:14You just threw that piece of chicken poop in the water
04:16and destroyed it.
04:17You just ruined grace.
04:19That's what the Bible's teaching us here.
04:21Go back to Hebrews 4.
04:22And that's what it's saying,
04:23not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.
04:26You know, Catholics all over, they'll tell you
04:28they believe that Jesus died on the cross.
04:30They believe that he rose three days later.
04:32But they're dying and going to hell.
04:35Because they mix works with faith.
04:38They believe that Jesus is the Son of God.
04:40They believe in the Trinity.
04:41They believe in all that other stuff.
04:43But if you ask a priest,
04:45or you ask somebody in the Catholic church,
04:47say, was it good enough just to believe on Jesus?
04:49They'll say, no, you've got to do something else.
04:52They're dying and going to hell.
04:53That's what the Bible's teaching us here.
04:55If you mix anything with faith,
04:56it's like taking that little chicken poop
04:58and putting it in your water.
04:59You just ruined it.
05:01For we which have believed do enter into rest.
05:06As he said,
05:07As I have sworn in my wrath,
05:09that's anger,
05:10if they shall enter in my rest,
05:14although the works were finished
05:15from the foundation of the world,
05:18for he spake in a certain place
05:20of the seventh day on this wise,
05:23and God did rest the seventh day
05:25from all his works.
05:26And in this place again,
05:27if they shall enter into my rest.
05:30Keep your finger there and go to Genesis 2.
05:36Genesis 2, all the way back to creation.
05:43We talked about this,
05:44I guess it was on Sunday.
05:50Look at Genesis 2 verse 1.
05:54Thus the heavens and the earth were finished
05:56and all the host of them.
05:58And on the seventh day God ended his work
06:01which he had made
06:02and he rested on the seventh day
06:06from all his work
06:07which he had made.
06:09And God blessed the seventh day
06:11and sanctified it
06:12because that in it he had rested
06:15from all his work
06:16which God created and made.
06:20Go to Exodus 20.
06:22The next book ever, Exodus 20.
06:27It's where the Ten Commandments are.
06:31Look at Exodus 20 verse 8.
06:35Remember the seventh day to keep it holy.
06:38Six days shall thou labor
06:40and do all thy work.
06:43But the seventh day is the Sabbath
06:45of the Lord thy God.
06:46In it thou shalt not do any work
06:50thou nor thy son
06:52nor thy daughter
06:53thy manservant
06:55nor thy maidservant
06:56nor thy cattle
06:57nor thy stranger
06:58that is within thy gates.
07:00For in six days
07:02the Lord made heaven and earth
07:04the sea and all in them is.
07:08And rested the seventh day
07:09wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath
07:12and hallowed it.
07:14Go back to Hebrews.
07:16Now we've talked about this several times
07:19but I want you to understand
07:21the Bible does talk about a Sabbath day
07:25and it's not Sunday.
07:29Yeah, Sunday's the first day of the week.
07:31We saw plenty of times
07:33where Jesus rose on Sunday
07:35which is the first day of the week.
07:37The Sabbath if you want to get tentacle.
07:39It's Saturday.
07:41Now that don't mean we're going to meet on Saturday.
07:43We meet on Sunday
07:44because they met to see Jesus
07:48after Jesus rose from the dead.
07:50I've showed you this before.
07:51When they're meeting in the upper room
07:53Jesus appears.
07:55Eight days later, guess what?
07:56He appears again.
07:58And I guess they just kept meeting on Sunday
08:00to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.
08:04But that's not what I'm trying to get at.
08:06What I'm trying to get at is
08:07people will get all mixed up
08:09under the axle
08:11about all this
08:12about I'm not going to do this on Sunday
08:14because it's the Sabbath day.
08:16It's not.
08:18Now look, if you want to
08:19if you feel like you need to
08:21sit around in your boxer shorts
08:24and do nothing on Sunday
08:26that's fine.
08:27But you can't sit there and tell somebody else
08:29hey, you can't do that.
08:31Folks, I'm here to tell you
08:33the day of rest
08:34the seventh day
08:35the Lord God could make
08:37everything you see in this world
08:39in six seconds.
08:41Why did He choose six days?
08:43Why did He choose the seventh day
08:45to be the seventh?
08:46Well, it's pretty simple.
08:48When Jesus died
08:50He died on the cross on Thursday evening
08:53not Friday.
08:54That's a stupid Catholic doctrine.
08:56He died on Thursday evening
08:59I've showed you that before
09:01that before the sun went down
09:03they took Him off the cross
09:04put Him in there
09:05because of the day of preparation
09:07of the Passover.
09:10They had to prepare.
09:11The next day was Friday.
09:13That was the Passover.
09:14They couldn't do anything.
09:16It was a Sabbath day.
09:18It was a holy day.
09:19They couldn't do anything.
09:20And then guess what?
09:21Then you got Saturday
09:22is a Sabbath day.
09:24And this is to show you
09:25that you have nothing to do
09:27with your salvation.
09:28It's completely all about God
09:30and that's what the rest is.
09:32That's what the seventh day
09:34for us resting
09:35and we're going to see that in a minute.
09:37Let's keep reading.
09:38Seeing therefore it remaineth
09:40that some must enter therein
09:43and they to whom it was first preached
09:46entered not in because of unbelief.
09:48So they didn't.
09:49Again, it's talking about
09:50when they went into the promised land
09:53the ones that did not believe
09:55that God said,
09:56Hey, I'm going to take all these nations
09:58and I'm going to whoop them for you.
10:00You know what?
10:01The ones that didn't believe
10:02they didn't go in.
10:03We talked about that last week.
10:04What did they do?
10:05They died in the desert
10:0640 years.
10:08Wandering in the desert for 40 years
10:10and they're dead.
10:11That's what it's saying.
10:12They did not enter in because of unbelief.
10:15Again, he limited it to a day
10:17saying in David today
10:19after so long a time
10:20as it is said today
10:21if you would hear his voice
10:23harden not your heart
10:26for if Jesus had given them rest
10:29then would he not afterward
10:31have spoken of another day.
10:33Therefore remaineth therefore a rest
10:36to the people of God
10:39for he that is entered into his rest
10:42he also has ceased from his own works
10:47as God did from his.
10:48Folks, that's what it's trying to show you
10:50is that when the Lord God
10:53he rested the seventh day
10:55from doing works
10:57that when you rest from your works
10:59then you're resting.
11:02And that's what it's telling us
11:04is that the way we get saved
11:06is when we realize
11:08that it's not about me
11:10it's not about me coming to church
11:12it's not about me reading the Bible
11:14it's not about me doing anything for the Lord
11:16because it's not about me
11:18there's no you in salvation.
11:20It's all about Jesus Christ
11:22him dying on the cross.
11:24And what kind of irritates me
11:25is when people say
11:26yeah I believe Jesus died on the cross
11:29but what?
11:31But you don't think him dying on the cross was enough?
11:33You think you got to help him out?
11:34Jesus doesn't need our help folks.
11:37For he that has entered into his rest
11:40I'm talking about Jesus
11:42he also has ceased from his own works
11:45as God did from his.
11:47And this is the example
11:48that when God rested on the seventh day
11:51it's an example.
11:52Again, he could have done it in six seconds
11:54and the seventh second resting.
11:56But he wanted to show us as an example
11:59hey, this seventh day
12:01I'm resting.
12:02And all the way back in the Old Testament
12:04they wanted
12:05he wanted that day to be kept holy.
12:09Why was that?
12:10Because of Jesus.
12:12Because it wouldn't have worked out
12:14when Jesus died on the cross
12:16and he died Thursday night
12:18and then Friday
12:19you got the day of Passover
12:21which is a holy day
12:22and they're not doing any work.
12:24And then that Sabbath day
12:26no work.
12:28If they hadn't
12:29if God had not put it in
12:30all the way back in Exodus
12:32and put it in their brain to do that
12:34guess what?
12:35It would have messed it up.
12:36And that's what the whole book of Hebrews is
12:38to show
12:40look, you want to work seven days a week
12:42it's not a problem.
12:43You know, there's not a problem with that.
12:45There's nowhere in the Bible
12:47in fact the Bible clearly says
12:49you know, if you want to esteem every day
12:51unto the Lord, that's fine.
12:53And I don't think it's a problem
12:55to work on Sunday.
12:56I've done it for years.
12:57I don't have to do it now.
12:59You want to go work
13:00and say, hey boss, I'm going to work
13:02but I'm going to go to church first
13:03you know, as long as it doesn't take you from the Lord
13:05it doesn't matter.
13:06You want to cut the grass
13:08after church
13:09not a big deal.
13:10You want to go fishing
13:11you want to go hunting
13:12as long as it don't take you away from the Lord
13:13it doesn't matter.
13:14Those are just man's rules.
13:16There's nowhere in the Bible that says that.
13:18And that's where the rest
13:20on the Sabbath day, seventh day
13:22came from
13:24is all the way back to Genesis.
13:26All the way back in Exodus.
13:29So when you cease from your works
13:31and you say, you know what?
13:32I'm a dirty, rotten, filthy sinner.
13:34There's nothing I can do to get to heaven.
13:36There's nothing I can do on this earth
13:38or any time at all
13:39to get myself saved
13:41to go to heaven
13:42then you have ceased from your works
13:44and then you enter into His rest.
13:45That's what it's talking about.
13:46Let us labor therefore
13:47to enter into that rest
13:49lest any man fall
13:50after the same example of unbelief.
13:52Now this is how you learn the Bible.
13:55Somebody might read this one verse
13:57and say let us labor to enter into His rest.
13:59Well that must mean we work for our own salvation.
14:02Well that wouldn't make any sense
14:04because it's just ten verses ahead.
14:05We talked about rest equals salvation.
14:07Rest equals salvation.
14:09That is not anything of you.
14:11So verse 11
14:12first I have ten verses
14:14to show that our rest equals salvation
14:18for us to say
14:19well I'm working my own salvation out
14:21or whatever
14:22wouldn't make any sense.
14:24It would just totally contradict each other.
14:26That's where people get screwed up.
14:28Verse 12
14:29For the word of God
14:31is quick and powerful
14:34and sharper
14:36than any two-edged sword
14:38piercing even to the dividing asunder
14:41of soul and spirit
14:42and of the joints of marrow
14:44and is a discerner of the thoughts
14:47and intents of the heart.
14:50Keep your finger there and go to John 1.
14:53John 1
14:57So we here at Straightway Baptist
14:59we are staunch believers
15:01in the King James Bible
15:03there's a reason why.
15:05I want a sharp sword
15:08that can cut through all the garbage.
15:11But when you've got one of these other books
15:14I'm not even calling them a Bible
15:17like this is called the Charles Stanley
15:20New King James Version
15:22where it says it's hard to get saved
15:25it's hard to get to heaven
15:28and you've got this one
15:31not that one
15:32you've got this one
15:34which is the New American Standard
15:36and it talks the same thing
15:38that it's hard to get to heaven.
15:39Folks, these are butter knives.
15:41They ain't cutting nothing.
15:44All they are there is for confusion.
15:48And you start talking about that
15:50and it irritates Christians.
15:51Why are you telling me that I've got the wrong Bible?
15:54I mean
15:56and this is what I want to get folks
15:58if you want to be honest with yourself
16:00and you said I'm basing everything
16:02my salvation
16:04my eternity
16:05my life
16:07my raising my children
16:09my grandchildren
16:11everything I know based off of one book
16:15would you want to be complete 100%?
16:19Nah, let's just make it 70%
16:21and hope the other 30 is good enough.
16:27John 1.1 says
16:29In the beginning was the Word
16:32and the Word was with God
16:35and the Word was God.
16:37So what is it talking about?
16:39Well the Word is capitalized
16:41and the Word is talking about Jesus.
16:45I was looking at something the other day
16:47where people
16:48the atheists were doubting
16:50about who God was
16:52and he said if Jesus
16:54who made God?
16:56Which is kind of stupid
16:58but I guess to them
17:00they want to say if God made everything
17:02who made God?
17:06I mean I know that's hard for us to understand
17:08and hard for us to get through our head
17:10but the Bible is saying
17:11the beginning was the Word
17:13talking about the Lord Jesus Christ
17:14He is the Word
17:16and the Word was with God
17:18and the Word was God.
17:20Now the NIV will say
17:22the Word was a God.
17:26Well now you're putting Jesus
17:28in the same category
17:32Hindu gods
17:34a man wearing a diaper
17:36you know all these other
17:38gods with a little g
17:40No he was God.
17:42And that's where the Trinity comes in.
17:44And I love this verse
17:46If people
17:48are not saved
17:50they will not get verse 1.
17:54You can go to John 3.16
17:56but they will not get this verse.
17:58Why? Because the Bible talks about
18:00the beginning was the Word
18:02talking about Jesus Christ
18:04and he's with God.
18:06And what it means is
18:08that the Lord Jesus Christ
18:10all the way back before Genesis 1
18:12before there was any time
18:14before there was anything
18:16you got the Holy Spirit
18:18you got God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ
18:20they're just there.
18:22And I know in our teeny tiny
18:24human minds it's hard to get
18:26but that's what the Bible says.
18:28And not only was he with God
18:30which is an example
18:32of two of the Trinity
18:34he was God
18:36and is God.
18:38The same was in the beginning
18:40with God
18:42and without him. Who's him? Jesus Christ.
18:44And without him
18:46was not anything made
18:48that was made and him was life
18:50and the life was the light of men
18:52and the light shineth in darkness
18:54and the darkness comprehended it not.
18:56Go down to verse 14.
18:58And the Word
19:00again this is Jesus was made flesh
19:02and dwelt among us
19:04and we beheld his glory
19:06the glory as the only begotten
19:08of the Father
19:10full of grace and truth.
19:12Now the only begotten what does that mean?
19:14Well you know you can look at the Old Testament
19:16and it will say this person begat
19:18this person, this person begat this person.
19:20Folks I've told you this before
19:22this has nothing to do with
19:24Jesus coming from anybody.
19:28Jesus came in Bethlehem's
19:30manger as a man
19:32but that's not when he was
19:34created. He was never created.
19:36So when was he begotten
19:38of the Father?
19:40When was that? Well let me show you.
19:42Go to I won't plan on doing this.
19:44We go to Acts
19:48verse 3.
19:50I'm sorry
19:52Acts 2.
19:54Kind of got this on the fly
20:02Most of y'all know what I'm fixing to say
20:04so it should be pretty easy.
20:06Acts 2
20:10We start at verse
20:14Whom God hath raised up having
20:16loose the pains of death. Talking about
20:18Jesus Christ. Because it was not
20:20possible that he should be holding of it
20:22for David speaketh concerning him
20:24I foresaw the Lord
20:26always before my face for he
20:28is on my right hand that I should
20:30not be moved. Therefore
20:32did my heart rejoice and my tongue
20:34was glad moreover also my flesh
20:36shall rest in hope.
20:40thou will
20:42not leave
20:44my soul
20:46in hell.
20:48Now this is the Lord Jesus Christ.
20:50When Jesus died on the cross
20:52his body was put in the tomb
20:54but where did his soul go?
20:56Went to hell. His soul
20:58was in hell for three days
21:00and this is the day that he's
21:02talking about that he had been
21:04begotten of the Father
21:06was when the God the Father and the Holy Spirit
21:08pulled him out of hell.
21:10Thou hast not made known to
21:12me the ways of life thou shalt make me
21:14full of joy with the countenance.
21:16Men and brethren let me freely speak
21:18unto you the patriarch David
21:20that he is both dead and
21:22buried in his sepulcher with us unto this
21:24day. So why did they put that
21:26in there? Because a lot of people say well that's David
21:28putting that in there. But he's telling you
21:30David's body is still in the grave.
21:34Therefore being a prophet and knowing that
21:36God has sworn with an oath
21:38that of the fruit of his loins according to the
21:40flesh he would raise up Christ
21:42to sit on his throne.
21:44He's saying this before he spake of the
21:46resurrection of Christ that his soul
21:48was not left
21:50in hell.
21:52Neither his flesh did see corruption.
21:54So folks the Bible's telling
21:56us there's four or five places
21:58different in the Bible that says
22:00Jesus Christ died on the cross
22:02his body was thrown in
22:04the tomb, his soul went to
22:06hell for three days and then
22:08three days later he came out
22:10of the tomb and he went to heaven
22:12and he sprinkled his blood on the mercy
22:14seat in heaven. That's what happened.
22:16And we should be
22:20and just
22:22in awe that
22:24Jesus Christ would do that for us
22:26not only did he die on the cross
22:28for everybody but he went to hell
22:30for three days.
22:32And I don't know why people don't teach that
22:34I don't know why they don't preach that but that's
22:36what the Bible says.
22:40Go to Revelation 19
22:46That's the day that he was begotten
22:48was the day that he was in hell
22:50and people say well hell wasn't that bad
22:52for Jesus. Well why is he saying
22:54hey God the Father
22:56please don't leave my soul down here.
22:58I mean if he's pleading with God the
23:00Father to not leave his
23:02soul there it must be
23:04pretty bad for even Jesus.
23:10Verse 11
23:12in Revelation 19 this just shows
23:14us who Jesus is.
23:16And I saw heaven open and behold a white
23:18horse he that sat upon him
23:20was called faithful and true
23:22in righteousness he does judge and make war
23:24his eyes were as a flame of fire
23:26and on his head were many crowns
23:28he had a name written that no man knew but he himself
23:30and he was clothed with
23:32a vesture dipped in
23:34blood and his name is called
23:36the word of God.
23:38So Jesus Christ is
23:40the word of God. He came
23:42on this earth and when he came on this
23:44earth he was made flesh.
23:46That's what the Bible teaches.
23:48Let's go back to Hebrews 4
23:52Hebrews 4
23:56You gotta understand that
23:58when Paul's writing this book
24:00he is a Hebrew of Hebrews
24:02he studied under the
24:04Pharisees and he's trying to make
24:06the connection between all the stuff in the Old
24:08Testament that the Pharisees knew
24:10and say this is all about Jesus.
24:12That's what he's trying to do.
24:14But some probably got it
24:16some probably didn't. So that's the
24:18word of God. It's sharp, it's quick
24:20it's powerful.
24:22That's why the word of God, if you
24:24use the NIV, it's not sharp.
24:26I've seen people, I've seen people try
24:28to give the gospel with a
24:30ESV book
24:32and people just, you know
24:34they just don't get it.
24:36Because the Holy Spirit, when a
24:38person is saved and they show somebody
24:40in the Bible, let me show you in the Bible what the Bible
24:42says about being saved and show them John
24:44316 and all these other verses.
24:46It pokes them in the chest.
24:48The Holy Spirit does that
24:50and it convicts them and says
24:52hey, you know, you're not
24:54going to heaven. You better
24:56listen. And that's what it
24:58does. It's quick and powerful
25:00and sharper than any two-edged
25:02sword. Piercing even
25:04to the defining asunder
25:06of soul and spirit
25:08and of the joints and marrow.
25:10So if you took a sharp
25:12knife and you were cutting up an animal
25:14and you got to the joints and marrow
25:16you probably cut right through it. But that's what the
25:18Bible is giving this example of
25:20the sword of God.
25:22The word of God is so
25:24sharp that it cuts through
25:26all that garbage. But if you got a butter
25:28knife, it ain't going to do it.
25:30Neither is there any creature that is not
25:32manifest, means made
25:34clear, in his sight.
25:36But all things are naked and open unto
25:38the eyes of him with whom
25:40we have to do.
25:42So you can't hide from God, folks.
25:44If you think you're doing some kind
25:46of secret sin and God ain't seeing me,
25:48somebody else may not be seeing you.
25:50But God is. You can trust that.
25:52You may think you're hiding in
25:54a dark closet, but he sees it.
25:56He sees every creature. He sees
25:58everything. Nothing's hidden from God.
26:00Verse 15.
26:02For we have not, I priest,
26:04which cannot be touched with
26:06the feelings of our infirmity,
26:08but was in
26:10all points
26:12tempted like we
26:14are yet without
26:16sin. Make sure you understand that.
26:18Jesus Christ had the same
26:20temptations. He was tested
26:22the same way, if you will go to Matthew 4.
26:24The same things
26:26that has happened to you has happened
26:28to the Lord Jesus Christ. One except
26:30him. No sin.
26:32You know, you may
26:34be tempted by some kind of sin
26:36and do it, but Jesus
26:38might have been tempted with that sin, but he,
26:40the only difference is he did not do it.
26:42Matthew 4.
26:52Look at Matthew 4 verse 1.
26:54Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into
26:56the wilderness to be
26:58tempted of the devil.
27:00And when he had fasted forty days
27:02and forty nights, he was
27:04afterward a hungry. So the first time
27:06we see that Satan
27:08had to tempt Jesus
27:10and he's hungry.
27:12He's hungry. He's at a low point.
27:14He fasted forty days and forty nights.
27:16Some of y'all couldn't even fast
27:18forty minutes and forty seconds.
27:20But that's what he did. And anytime
27:22that you're at a low point in your
27:24life, that's when Satan always
27:26comes to try to get you.
27:28And that's what it's showing. And when the
27:30tempter came to him, he said,
27:32If thou be the Son of God, command
27:34that these stones be made bread.
27:36So he's telling him,
27:38Hey, if you're Jesus, why don't you
27:40just make these stones bread and eat it, since you're so hungry.
27:42But he
27:44answered and said, It is written,
27:46Man should not live by bread alone,
27:48but every word that
27:50proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
27:52That's in Deuteronomy 8.3. But the new
27:54Bible versions, they just say,
27:56It is written, Man should not live
27:58by bread alone.
28:00They don't have the end part, which is
28:02the most important, but every word
28:04that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
28:06Why? Because NIV doesn't have that.
28:10So he used the
28:12scripture to come back to say,
28:14Then the devil taketh him up into the holy
28:16city, and setteth him on a pinnacle
28:18of the temple.
28:20And said to him, If thou be the
28:22Son of God, cast thyself down, for it is
28:24written, He shall give his angels charge
28:26concerning thee. And in their hands
28:28they shall bear thee up, lest
28:30at any time thou
28:32dash thy foot against a stone.
28:34So again, he's tempting. He says, Hey!
28:36Just jump off of this.
28:38If you're the Son of God, the angels are
28:40going to catch you. Not a big deal.
28:42Testing him. Jesus said to him,
28:44It is written again,
28:46Thou shalt not tempt
28:48thy God. That's two times.
28:50Two times he's being tempted by Satan.
28:52Two times he uses what?
28:54The word of God. Again, the
28:56devil taking him up into an exceeding
28:58high mountain, and showeth him
29:00all the kingdoms of the world,
29:02and the glory of them. And said
29:04unto him, All these things will I give
29:06thee, if thou wilt fall down
29:08and worship me. Then said
29:10Jesus unto him, Get thee hence
29:12Satan, for it is written, Thou shalt worship
29:14the Lord thy God, and him
29:16only shalt thou
29:18serve. So again,
29:20he says, Hey! Bow down and you can have
29:22everything you've got here. He already
29:24had it. He's already king of the
29:26world. But
29:28Satan knew that if he bowed
29:30down to him, it would be
29:34He wouldn't be God anymore.
29:36And look at verse 11.
29:38Then the devil leaveth him,
29:40and behold, angels came and
29:42ministered unto him. So I want you to understand.
29:46as Christians,
29:48the devil comes,
29:50and we've seen this in the book of Job and other places.
29:52The devil comes to the God
29:54the Father, and he says, Hey!
29:56I bet I can make Mark
29:58fall down. I bet I can make Don fall down.
30:00I bet I can make whoever fall down.
30:02And God says,
30:04Okay! Let's see what you've got.
30:06And this is where we need
30:08to understand that God
30:10is testing us.
30:12And when we go through that test,
30:14look at verse 11.
30:16What did he do?
30:18He used the Bible all
30:20three times. And when you
30:22get tested with some kind of sin,
30:24and you have a Bible verse in your head,
30:26and you can quote that thing, or you can find
30:28that thing in your smart phone,
30:30and you can quote it back to Satan,
30:32you know what? He's going to leave you.
30:34Or this
30:36wouldn't make any sense.
30:38So three times the devil struck out. He left him.
30:40And then look what happens.
30:42Angels came and ministered unto
30:46So I believe
30:48sometimes when we're being tested
30:50with whatever sin, with me
30:52years ago, it was with drinking,
30:54and I just, Proverbs 23
30:56would come back to my head, not
30:58even look at it, and when I'd go into a quickie
31:00store, and I'd see that Budweiser sitting
31:02there, it'd just go to my head,
31:04and I'd say, No, the Bible says
31:06the Lord God says
31:08not to even look at it.
31:10And I'd walk out.
31:12And that's how I
31:14defeated the devil. I'm not
31:16saying it's going to happen to everybody.
31:18That's just what happened for me.
31:20You may have something else.
31:22And that's
31:24what we need to understand.
31:26Go to Matthew 5.21.
31:34Matthew 5.21
31:38You have heard that it was said
31:42them of old time, Thou shalt not
31:44kill, and whosoever shalt kill be in danger
31:46of the judgment. But I say
31:48unto you that whosoever is angry
31:50with his brother
31:52without a cause. I want you to
31:54underline that, without a cause.
31:56Because all the new modern
31:58Bible verses, the NIV, they take that out.
32:00Shalt be in danger
32:02of the judgment, and whosoever shalt save
32:04his brother, Raca, shalt be
32:06in danger of the counsel. But whosoever shalt save
32:08thou fool, shalt be in danger
32:10of hell fire.
32:12I want you to keep your finger
32:14there, and go to John 2.
32:18John 2.
32:22Got to hurry, I'm running out of time here.
32:24In John 2
32:26in verse 12
32:28what do we see?
32:30After this, he went down
32:32to Capernaum. I'm talking about Jesus.
32:34He and his mother, and his
32:36brethren, and his disciples, and they
32:38continued there not many days.
32:40And the Jews' Passover
32:42was at hand.
32:44And Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
32:46And found in the temple
32:48those that sold oxen, and
32:50sheeps, and doves, and the
32:52changers of money sitting.
32:54Now I want you to understand
32:56the fact that they were selling these
32:58animals is not a problem.
33:02the way it was, if you go back to the Old Testament
33:04people traveling to
33:06another city, they had to buy
33:08those animals for the sacrifice.
33:10Whatever it was.
33:12But the problem is not that, it's the problem
33:14of them selling them in the house of God.
33:16And that's why people are
33:18so stupid sometimes. They'll say,
33:20well we got a coke machine, or we got
33:22a coffee machine, and we
33:24sell it, but it's for missions.
33:26And it's for a good cause.
33:28So was this.
33:30And let me tell you, you won't
33:32find any time in the Bible
33:34Jesus more mad
33:36than this time right here.
33:38In fact, let's keep reading.
33:40So there's money changers, they're sitting in the church
33:42and they're selling all these animals
33:44in the church, in the temple.
33:46And when he had made a scourge
33:48of small cords.
33:50So I want you to think about this for a minute.
33:52If you went out and you
33:54found some cords, or some pieces
33:56of leather strapping,
33:58and you sat there and you wove it together.
34:00I don't know how you do it.
34:02I guess take seven of them and wrap
34:04it up, you know, and make it.
34:06It would take quite a long time.
34:08I mean, it wasn't me.
34:10I mean, somebody else may, some sewer
34:12may be able to do it better.
34:14But that's what took, Jesus is sitting on the
34:16steps at the temple
34:18and that's what he's doing.
34:20Now do you think he's mad?
34:22I think he is. I mean,
34:24he's probably pretty mad.
34:26And then look at the next part. He drove them
34:28all out of the temple. Now do you think he
34:30just yelled at him? No, I
34:32guess he used the small cords to
34:34beat him out of there. I don't know.
34:36And the sheep and the
34:38oxen and poured out the money, changed his money
34:40and threw, overthrew the tables.
34:42So he's taking the tables,
34:44slinging them over, he's whooping
34:46the animals, beating them out, and throwing
34:48the money all out. That's anger
34:50folks. I don't know
34:52if you know that, that's anger.
34:54So these new Bible versions,
34:56when they say, you know, if you're
34:58angry without, and they don't put
35:00without a cause,
35:02they just made Jesus a sinner. Think about that
35:04for a minute. The Bible just made
35:06Jesus a sinner. The NIV
35:08just made Jesus a sinner. Because
35:10he was angry, but he had a cause.
35:12He had a cause.
35:14But if you take out
35:16without a cause, guess what? It says
35:18you're in danger of the judgment
35:20of hellfire. It means that
35:22you're a sinner. That's what it means.
35:24The NIV just made Jesus
35:26a sinner. The New American Standard just made
35:28Jesus a sinner. Any book that takes
35:30out without a cause
35:32made Jesus a sinner.
35:34And let me tell you, if Jesus is a sinner,
35:36we're all going to hell.
35:38I don't care how much you believe on
35:40him. I don't care how much you sing
35:42praises to him. I don't care how much you
35:44love Jesus with all your heart.
35:46We're going to hell if he's a sinner.
35:48Because he had to be perfect, and
35:50complete, and no problem. Go back to
35:54That's the danger of these books, folks.
35:56People say, ah, what's the big
35:58deal? That's the big deal.
36:00If your salvation and
36:02my salvation is squashed because
36:04Jesus is now a sinner. But I'm here to tell you,
36:06he's not a sinner. He had
36:08a reason to be mad. He had a
36:10cause, and that was because they were
36:12doing something unholy in the temple.
36:14With all that
36:16be said, look at verse 16, last verse.
36:18Let us therefore come boldly
36:20unto the throne of grace that we may
36:22obtain mercy and
36:24find grace to help him in
36:26time of need. So the Bible is showing
36:28us that because Jesus is not our
36:30Jesus which we can't touch.
36:32He understands our infirmities.
36:34He understands our problems.
36:36Jesus is not this person
36:38that just says, I don't understand
36:40what you're going through. He's been
36:42through it all. We just saw
36:44he was tempted. He cried.
36:46He hungered. He was beaten.
36:48He was betrayed. All these
36:50things, the same thing that has happened to you
36:52at some point in time, has happened
36:54to Jesus. That's why it says we
36:56can come boldly unto
36:58him and say, Jesus, this is
37:00what I'm going through. How can you help?
37:02That we shouldn't be worried
37:04about coming boldly
37:06to him because he understands.
37:08Let's bow our head and add a word of prayer.
37:10Dear Lord,
37:12we just thank you for your word.
37:14We just thank you that even a
37:18scholar can understand that
37:20if we're not, if we're
37:22working, then there's no grace.