Snagglepuss Snagglepuss E008 – The Roaring Lion

  • il y a 4 mois


00:15We're the area, man! We're ready to blast!
00:18You ready, Mike?
00:20Let her go!
00:24So they're tearing down old Powell University, huh?
00:27I'll never forget the year I was dean there.
00:30Can you imagine a graduating class without diplomas?
00:33Yep, 500 students with their hands out, and 500 missing diplomas.
00:39Oh, it was very embarrassing.
00:41It all started over 30 years ago.
00:45The circus train was just pulling out of town,
00:48and the animals were settling down to sleep.
00:51All except one called Snagglepuss.
00:54Oh, would that I were free, unfettered and uncaged.
00:59To think that I, king of the jungle, should be so lowly treated.
01:03Besides, the food is abdominable.
01:07But hark! Or is it herk?
01:10The cage door is open, a jar even.
01:13What a chintzy outfit, can't even afford a lock.
01:16So exit, stage left.
01:20Ah, freedom at last.
01:23It calls for a majestic lion roar of joy, sheer even.
01:31My roar hinges are a little rusty.
01:34But my appetite is still sharp, and...
01:38My faithful nostrils tell me there's food about.
01:43Heavens to Betsy!
01:45It's a succulent melonberry pie.
01:48Or is it a rosin huckle pie?
01:53Keep your grimy paws off of that cherry-chitlin' pie.
01:56Exit, hungry as ever, stage left.
02:04Heavens to Murgatroyd!
02:06Let's hope that urchin's heart is as big as his mouth.
02:09Hi there, little pal.
02:12What's care to share a slurp or two?
02:15Oh, come now, just one slurp.
02:19Be a good kid, let go.
02:23Just one measly slurp.
02:25Uh-uh, uh-uh.
02:27Oh, stealing candy from a baby, eh?
02:31Well, here's a stick for you.
02:36Now let me see, what's for lunch?
02:39A beef sandwich, pickles, and a glass of milk.
02:44And I'm starved.
02:47Heavens to Murgatroyd!
02:49And be an hors d'oeuvre.
02:54I'll have to speak to Mildred about those crazy sandwiches of hers.
03:00Extra, extra, 500 sheepskins to be given at Powell University.
03:06How delicious.
03:08Where there's sheepskins, there's got to be sheepses.
03:11It figures.
03:12And where there's sheepses, I go forthwith.
03:15Fifthwith even.
03:17Exit, drooling all the way, stage left.
03:23Ra, ra, ra, ziz, boom, pow.
03:26Give three cheers for Powell, Powell, Powell.
03:30Look, fellas, here comes our new halfback.
03:32A razzmatazz and a poo-poo-padoo.
03:35A vodeo-do for good old P.U.
03:37You got here just in time to win us the big game.
03:40I did?
03:41Oh, but of course, the big game.
03:44What do you play, tiddlywinks?
03:46I play left tiddly.
03:48Or is it slapjack?
03:49Bring me a jack and I'll slap him silly.
03:52We're playing the Bayshore Rams.
03:54Rams is the best kind of sheepses.
03:56They're king size.
03:58They're in the stadium now.
03:59Let's go!
04:04Let me at them, let me at them.
04:06And all that college jazz.
04:08What's this?
04:10Looks like an overripe meatball.
04:15Run, snagglepuss, run!
04:17Whatever for?
04:19I ain't done nothing this lawful.
04:21Besides, where's the sheepses, huh?
04:24Where are the sheepses?
04:27Who shoved me?
04:29Who shoved me?
04:32Hooray, it's a touchdown!
04:37Sportsmanlike, I ask you again.
04:40Where are the sheepses?
04:42Heavens to Murgatroyd.
04:43It's the meatball again.
04:46And here come the Roverboys again.
04:50Hooray, it's another touchdown!
04:55What do you know?
04:56It's the sheepses.
04:58With handles to hold.
04:59Like a lollipop.
05:03Uh-oh, there's that meatball again.
05:05Hey, stop sheepses!
05:08Hold, Ethan!
05:13I've suddenly lost my appetite for sheepses,
05:16especially the one with the lollipop handles.
05:20Hail, hail to Snagglepuss!
05:23He's a conquering hero!
05:26He's a conquering hero!
05:28I'd like to conquer something to eat.
05:30That's what I'd like to conquer.
05:32Snagglepuss, we owe you a debt of gratitude.
05:35It's our first win in 72 years.
05:38So what's our next victory?
05:41Le premier victoire en 72 ans !
05:44Gratitude, shmatitude !
05:46Je vais m'occuper de ces chepskins, Buster !
05:49C'est un lion !
05:50Aidez !
05:54Enfin !
05:55Je suis littéralement armé aux dents !
05:57Avec un soutien pour l'intérieur de l'lion !
05:59Chepskins !
06:01D'accord, Snagglepuss !
06:02Revenez dans la cage !
06:04Oh, Stittlefix !
06:05Je veux dire, Fiddlesticks !
06:07C'est l'officier de la troupe du circus !
06:12Ces chepskins ne sentent pas du tout !
06:14Mais au moins, je serai le seul lion en captivité !
06:17Avec un stomach de PhD !
06:22C'est délicieux, Ethan !
