Tongue Thai'd with Pangina Heals S01E07 (2022)

  • 2 months ago
00:00Today, we're dining at the original Hoi Kha Thai Noodle in Hollywood, which is one of
00:07the most famous Thai restaurants in Los Angeles.
00:12Today's guest can be seen on Wow Presents Plus new show, it's my special show!
00:20My special guest, my friend, Ami Chimbo!
00:24Oh my god, I'm so happy to be here.
00:27You're looking bouncy!
00:28Oh, thank you, vagina.
00:31Are these your largest tits?
00:33No, these are my little, you know, my lunchtime titty.
00:35Oh, okay.
00:36They're enough just to catch any food that falls, but not so big that I can see what
00:40I'm eating.
00:42Well, thank you for being here.
00:43Have you had Thai food before?
00:45I love eating Thai food.
00:47You do?
00:49What's your favorite dish?
00:50The tom-ka-ga-soup.
00:52Say it again?
00:58Say it again?
00:59I think it's tom-ka-ga.
01:01Like chicken, right?
01:02I don't know.
01:03First of all, thank you so much for coming.
01:07My pleasure.
01:08Ever since I chose your lipstick, unfortunately, and sent you home on UK vs. the World.
01:13Oh, I don't remember.
01:14Me neither!
01:15I'm really grateful that we get to spend this time together and hang out and show Twitter
01:22and the world that we're fine.
01:23Yeah, we love each other.
01:25We do.
01:26You know what?
01:27This is out of the competition.
01:28We're just two girls kiki-ing and having a nice time at lunch.
01:32Are you sure we can't compete a little bit?
01:34Like, we'll see who eats faster or we'll see who shits more blood.
01:39How are you going to quantitate who shits more blood, though?
01:42I guess we'll have to tell each other about it.
01:46And congratulations on your new show!
01:49Thank you.
01:50Tell me about it.
01:51Yeah, a lot of fun.
01:52It's just me interviewing some different celebs.
01:55And then we head out to Hollywood Boulevard to really see what makes Hollywood tick.
02:02It's with a live studio audience, so there's lots of laughter and fun for the whole family.
02:07Where can we see it and where do we watch it?
02:09We can see my new show.
02:11It's my special show!
02:13On Wow Presents Plus!
02:15So for this dish, it's one of my favorite dish.
02:20Bring in the Thai sausage!
02:23This is Northern Thai sausage.
02:25Also known as Sai-ua.
02:27This Thai sausage gets its unique scent from fermented shrimp paste.
02:32It's commonly enjoyed as an appetizer.
02:35Traditionally, this was a homemade sausage, but now you can find it everywhere!
02:41Shall we?
02:42Would you like to try it?
02:44I have to take my teeth out first.
02:47Grandma, you're at the table.
02:51Here is your first bite of the Sai-kok Isan.
02:56Sai-kok Isan.
02:57Do we sprinkle peanuts on it?
02:59You can.
03:00And some chili.
03:02And some carrots.
03:04And some cabbage.
03:06Have a little bit of cabbage.
03:08There you go.
03:10And a tiny bit of lime.
03:11Thank you.
03:25Sai-kok Isan, I like it.
03:27It's really good.
03:28It tastes like if I was Thai, it would be something my grandma would make.
03:32But it's weird that the only spicy thing on this plate is this.
03:36The ginger?
03:38It's really good for your stomach.
03:39Oh, I'll eat this then.
03:41It's very spicy ginger.
03:44In Thai language, mai means no.
03:48And chai means yes.
03:49So we're gonna start things off with a simple game of chai or mai.
03:55First question.
03:56Have you ever used a dating app?
03:57Um, mai.
04:00Have you ever used a fucking app?
04:01I have used a fucking app.
04:04Do you think you would make a good ninja?
04:06Because I talk too much, and I'm very clumsy.
04:07So, chai.
04:09Because you said no.
04:10But if we're answering in chai and mai, I'm gonna say mai.
04:12This bitch.
04:13Do you think that karma exists?
04:14Chai or mai?
04:15I would say chai.
04:16Because you went home the week after you sent me home.
04:18Have your parents ever walked in on you?
04:19One time I had, I think it was my mom.
04:20My mom.
04:21My mom.
04:22My mom.
04:23My mom.
04:24My mom.
04:25My mom.
04:26My mom.
04:27My mom.
04:28My mom.
04:29My mom.
04:30My mom.
04:31My mom.
04:32My mom.
04:33My mom.
04:34My mom.
04:35My mom.
04:36My mom.
04:37My mom.
04:38My mom.
04:39My mom.
04:40My mom.
04:41My mom.
04:42My mom.
04:44One time I had a grandma-like figure that watched me suck my girlfriend's nipples.
04:53I need to know how that situation took place, starting from the top.
05:03How are you feeling, spice-wise, right now?
05:06Well, I'm feeling a little bit hot and sweaty.
05:09And a little bit tingly.
05:11Would you like some more ginger?
05:15This will help prepare me.
05:16We're about to amp up the spice level.
05:20Oh, ooh.
05:20This is pad kee mao.
05:23Pad kee mao is also known as drunken noodle.
05:27Some people think that they're called drunken noodles
05:29because the chef who invented them
05:31must have been drunk as hell when they did it.
05:35These noodles are legitimately spicy,
05:37so next time you're out, order this instead of pad thai.
05:41You ready?
05:48It kind of tastes like pad thai.
05:49A little bit, but like on steroids
05:52because it's so spicy.
05:54All right.
05:55Tastes great.
05:57You can handle it?
05:58It's chicken, it's noodles,
05:59it's tomato, it's a bit spicy.
06:03A bit.
06:04Just a tiny bit.
06:05I feel like my hair,
06:07and I feel sweat.
06:09That is the signature kan hua.
06:11It's like, that means that you've eaten Thai food.
06:14It's that your head is itchy.
06:15That's what us Thai look for in a good dish.
06:17Oh, really?
06:19It's like, I want that itchy head.
06:21Without the dandruff.
06:22So your big boobs are sort of your signature bit.
06:26I wanna know what other signature moves
06:28you have in your life.
06:32What is your signature dance move?
06:35The motorboat.
06:37And making me fall.
06:38Yes, falling over your back.
06:39That's also a signature dance move.
06:42What is your signature karaoke song?
06:45Sometimes I sing Creep by Radiohead.
06:47Some Coldplay.
06:51What was that?
06:52I said yellow.
06:56What is your signature insult?
06:58Cause we know you have so many.
07:00I could say that I hated your little ponytails.
07:04Your wig line is crusty.
07:07It's dusty.
07:08That wig looks thirsty.
07:10I mean, it's the flyaways.
07:12It's uneven.
07:13That wig needs to go directly in the trash.
07:15I'm not trying to be a bitch or whatever,
07:16but you look like a grandma
07:17that just dunked her head in the toilet.
07:19But I'm not gonna say that.
07:21Can you show us your signature ugly face?
07:24Are you doing it already?
07:29Would be like, probably like.
07:32Kind of adorable still.
07:44We're about to eat Penang,
07:46which is curry.
07:49This is Penang curry.
07:51Penang curry comes from the island of Penang
07:54off the coast of Malaysia.
07:56It has a touch of sweetness from peanuts
08:00and coconut cream.
08:01Traditionally, it's served with no vegetables
08:03other than the lime leaf and peppers.
08:06It's all about the meat.
08:09And may I present to you the Penang curry.
08:13Thank you.
08:14How do you say thank you in Thai?
08:15Kob kun ka.
08:16Kob kun ka.
08:17Kob kun ka is for girls.
08:18Kob kun kap is for boys.
08:20Kob kun ka.
08:21Oh, kob kun ka.
08:22And if you're gender neutral or non-binary,
08:25you can just say, kob kun.
08:27Kob kun.
08:28Wow, this smells spicy.
08:31My hair just started to sweat.
08:33It's not even my real hair.
08:35It's not?
08:35It's not growing out of your head?
08:41Oh, God.
08:42Let's do it.
08:49It tastes warm.
08:54I taste something bright.
08:58Lemongrass, you got that correct.
09:00I taste a bit of spice.
09:02A bit of spice, a hint of spice.
09:04No, this is very spicy.
09:06It's mine.
09:08My titties are starting to sweat.
09:10Can I lick that off your tit?
09:16The last round is called pick or swallow.
09:19You have to pick a card
09:21and either do what's written on it
09:23or swallow a bite of food.
09:27The pantomime episode three of UK versus the world.
09:33So what do I do?
09:34You have to pantomime the episode three
09:39where you were eliminated.
09:42Do we have a knife?
09:46Can you use a fork?
09:48I'll use a fork.
09:48May I bore your back for a second?
09:55So the action I'm doing is stabbing you in the back.
10:00Something along the lines of what you did to me.
10:05You catching that?
10:10Thank you so much, that was so great.
10:12Thank you so much.
10:13It's my turn.
10:16Moan like you're having a female orgasm.
10:19Let's do it's a good orgasm.
10:21I'm here in the back of a car
10:22and he's got the hands of a trucker.
10:29That's a slow dry finger, I can tell.
10:31And now can you play gay chicken with me?
10:36I'm gonna start.
10:39Are you chicken?
10:42And then you say it and then you move in.
10:43Are you chicken?
10:46Are you chicken?
10:48Are you chicken?
10:49Are you car?
10:50Uh, uh, uh, uh, are you chicken?
10:55Are you chicken?
10:56Oh, it tastes like chicken.
10:58Are you chicken?
10:59Oh, I'm sorry, mama.
11:03Wow, that was the spiciest thing I've tasted all day.
11:07I guess I'm a chicken after all.
11:09I think we just made out.
11:11I think we did.
11:12Jimbo, thank you so much for making out and being here.
11:15I really enjoyed that.
11:16My pleasure.
11:17It feels like an elaborate ruse
11:18to get our tongues to touch.
11:20It is, this whole thing.
11:22It's just leading up to that moment.
11:24Ooh, so this is tongue touching with pangina heels.
11:27You did really well today,
11:28but now I'm going to have to calculate your score.
11:32Oh, wow.
11:33With my mathematics.
11:42Your score.
11:52What did I lose a point for?
11:55Out of 99.
11:58Oh my God.
11:59You've won a pro...
12:03A protractor.
12:05You've won a four night supply
12:08of House of Love Canned Mocktails.
12:11Oh my God.
12:13Lucky me.
12:14I can't wait to wash down all of the spice
12:18with my House of Love Canned Mocktails.
12:20Thanks, pangina.
12:22Till next time, I'm pangina,
12:24and this is Tongue Tied.
12:29Hey, my tongue really is tied.
