Tongue Thai'd with Pangina Heals S02E07 (2023)

  • 2 months ago
00:03Today, we're at Crispy Pork Gang in the center of Hollywood.
00:08This place is a staple of LA's Thai town,
00:11serving authentic Thai food around the clock.
00:16Today's guest is the reigning champion of Drag Race,
00:20the Queen of Queens, holder of the most legendary meet
00:25and greet of all times, Miss Sasha Kovi.
00:29I'm so happy that you're here.
00:30Thank you so much.
00:31I'm such a huge fan of yours.
00:32Seeing that you are from Hawaii,
00:35how experienced are you with Thai food?
00:38I like a good larb.
00:40I like a larb.
00:41I think you know a lot more food than you actually think.
00:45I love a good tom kha.
00:46Tom kha.
00:47That's one of my favorites.
00:48It's really good for the stomach.
00:49I'm a big old pothead,
00:50so I will accidentally press extra spicy or hot
00:54instead of medium or mild.
00:55I don't think I enjoy it, so this is gonna be fun.
01:00I'll open the doors, okay?
01:01Here's how this works.
01:02You'll be eating and playing games
01:04for a maximum of 10 points.
01:06Each dish is worth one point,
01:08and you must take at least three bites
01:10to get one of those points.
01:13You can also win points by playing games.
01:15How many points you get is up to me.
01:21We have a tray of relief.
01:25But don't forget, if you take anything from there,
01:28points will be deducted off your final score.
01:31Are you ready to get tongue-tied?
01:33This is rigged.
01:35It is not, I swear!
01:37Oh, okay.
01:42This dish is sauteed napa.
01:44The name comes from napa cabbages,
01:47a great thing to start off your meal with
01:49that's filled with cabbage and vitamins
01:51and is loaded with fiber, which will help you later.
01:56Mm, wonderful.
01:57Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
01:59It's nice.
02:00This is nice.
02:00Thank you for easing me in.
02:02Of course.
02:03Okay, we're gonna start things off
02:04with a simple game of mai or chai.
02:08In Thai language, mai means no.
02:11And chai means yes.
02:13So we're gonna ask you a yes or no question,
02:15and you'll practice your Thai by answering either...
02:25Very good.
02:26First question, does it feel good to be on top?
02:30Are you proud of being the first winner from Hawaii?
02:34Is it true you grew up with Jehovah's Witness?
02:37I think I was like 13 or 14 when I told my parents,
02:40I'm like, I'm not going, these people are hypocrites.
02:42And they couldn't really say anything.
02:43They're like, all right, we get it.
02:45Or maybe they were just like ashamed
02:47to have their flamboyant child
02:48come with them to church anymore.
02:51Do you consider yourself a Pinterest user?
02:56I'm a huge Pinterest boarder.
02:58Do you love neck corsets?
03:01Oh, chai, chai, chai, chai, chai tea.
03:03How many neck corsets do you own?
03:05I mean, in drag, I like to feel choked.
03:07Did you really read George Santos?
03:11I think George Santos reads himself very well.
03:14That part.
03:15That for wig, honey.
03:16That part.
03:17And that was mai or chai.
03:19Are you ready for the next course?
03:20Next course.
03:22Next course.
03:23Oh, you're enjoying that for real.
03:24I am, I love it.
03:25You already got the point.
03:30And now we have the yum paduk foo,
03:32which is a catfish salad.
03:36The fluffy catfish salad.
03:38This dish has red onions, cashews, and mangoes.
03:41The catfish meat is deep fried,
03:44which causes it to puff up.
03:46And that's why we call it a fluffy catfish.
03:52I definitely taste the heat.
03:54Very bright.
03:55Very bright.
03:56That's the flavor profile.
04:00It's at the end.
04:01Is it the spice or is it maybe your neck corset?
04:04I think it's both.
04:08Sasha, it was easy to predict your season 15 win,
04:12but how good are you at the art of prediction?
04:15I'm going to give you the beginning of an internet search
04:19and you'll have to tell me what predictive text
04:22comes up in the search bar.
04:24Okay, cool.
04:25Are you ready?
04:27In Hawaii, where do I find dot, dot, dot?
04:31Is it gas stations, lava, or is it Bruno Mars?
04:35Say Bruno Mars.
04:36Let's say Bruno Mars.
04:40If you enter the phrase, lip sync assassin,
04:44is it Lady Camden?
04:47Is it Denali or is it La Ganja?
04:50La Ganja.
04:52Yes, girl!
04:54If you enter the phrase, drag legend,
04:56which of these appears?
04:58Of Zelda, Divine, or Panjina heels?
05:03I know the actual answer,
05:05but I feel I'm supposed to say Panjina.
05:08I really love you, but it is Divine.
05:10If you enter, does Thai food make you, what appears?
05:14A, smarter, B, hotter, or C, fart?
05:21C, fart.
05:23If you enter the phrase, why is there a dot, dot, dot,
05:28what appears?
05:28Oh my God.
05:29Is it belly button, gender pay gap, or an earth?
05:34Ooh, let's go belly button.
05:37It is gender pay gap.
05:39Oh, thank goodness.
05:40If you enter the phrase, can a human, dot, dot, dot,
05:43what appears?
05:45A, get a cat pregnant, B, make their ass clap,
05:50or C, get a what, what?
05:53Can a human get a what, what?
05:55Because people are freaks out there,
05:56everyone say get a cat pregnant.
05:58I know.
05:59This is a fact that I know the human condition this well.
06:02If you enter the phrase, when I jump, I, dot, dot, dot,
06:06what appears?
06:07I slam dunk, I jump so high, or I pee?
06:12When I jump, I pee.
06:15Can I eat my, dot, dot, dot, A, can I eat my fingernails,
06:19can I eat my crocs, or can I eat my fake lashes?
06:22I feel like people wanna know
06:23if they can eat their fingernails.
06:25Oh, wow.
06:26It's crocs.
06:27If you enter the phrase, I accidentally,
06:30is it A, left my car on, B, ate 50 milligrams of edibles,
06:35or C, did it again?
06:38I accidentally ate 50 grams of edibles, yeah.
06:40Yeah, I think I actually Googled that.
06:43If you enter the phrase, will drag make me, dot, dot, dot,
06:46A, famous, B, better, or C, poop?
06:50Oh, let's say famous.
06:52It was a trick question,
06:53because actually all three comes up.
06:56Are you serious?
06:56Very serious.
06:57I don't understand why drag would make you poop, though.
06:59I get that.
07:01You've seen some of the girls.
07:03It's shit.
07:04Bring on the next dish.
07:05Gird your loins.
07:10This is the red curry chicken, or in Thai,
07:12gang dang gan.
07:15The base of this red curry is coconut milk
07:18mixed in with a lot of peppers and chili paste.
07:23It is the lesser known curry cousin
07:25of the green curry and the yellow curry,
07:28but this one is not as popular because of the color.
07:32The red is getting red.
07:36Just, mm, there it is.
07:46Here we are.
07:49My ears have popped.
07:50Do you feel it traveling down?
07:51Because that's where the pain is coming from.
07:53Well, you know, for us, it stops right where the corset.
07:55With the corset, yeah.
07:56So it's just kind of bouncing, like pong, right here.
07:59So, Sasha, you're the first champion
08:01from the state of Hawaii.
08:02You even got a shout out from Jill Tokuda in Congress.
08:07Hawaiian culture is fascinating,
08:10so please explain these things.
08:12Okay, let's do it.
08:15Poi is a root vegetable.
08:18It's like a potato, so it's a starch.
08:22I love taro.
08:22It's the same thing.
08:23I love it.
08:24Shaved ice.
08:25Shaved ice.
08:26Shaved ice.
08:27I love it.
08:28Shaved ice.
08:29Why is it shaved?
08:30I know, we just, like, we want to accept all types of ice.
08:35In all forms.
08:36It's like a snow cone.
08:38It's a snow cone.
08:39Same thing.
08:40We like to put, like, little boba,
08:41or ice cream, or azuki bean.
08:44Condensed milk.
08:45Condensed milk.
08:46Harder condensed milk.
08:47Lava tubes.
08:49Lava tubes are going on in my intestines right now.
08:54They're these tubes that are left after lava flows.
08:57So there's, like, these little tunnels
08:59that can go into the lava.
09:00Maoka versus Makai.
09:02Maoka is the mountains.
09:05And Makai is the ocean.
09:08So I lived in between them both.
09:10Like, my backyard, you could see the mountains.
09:13And across the street was the ocean.
09:16What is mahu?
09:16Oh, mahu.
09:19Me, you.
09:19Actually, it was used as, like, a derogatory term.
09:22Like, you know how in the 80s and 90s,
09:24oh, that's so gay.
09:25Got it.
09:27They'd be like, oh, you're so mahu.
09:29So they would make fun of you,
09:29but really just kind of seeing who you are as a kid.
09:33And I feel like how we've taken back the word queer
09:35is how we've all talked about just taking back
09:38the word mahu because in Hawaiian language,
09:41mahu is, it's saying trans.
09:44And then it kind of got grouped where we're all gay.
09:46So we're all mahu.
09:47So it would be like a gay person and a trans person
09:51would all be under this mahu umbrella.
09:54We're going to call for the next dish right now.
09:57Oh, gosh.
10:03Here comes the next dish.
10:05Hot pet hoi lai,
10:06which means stir fried hot baby clams.
10:12This dish is the spicy baby clams.
10:16This dish is stir fried with dried chili oils
10:19and it's seasoned to the gods.
10:21We call it baby clams because it's small
10:24and sweet like a baby.
10:26Are you ready for this?
10:34How is it?
10:35It's, it's, it's there.
10:36It's getting there.
10:42I have to do two more bites of this.
10:43Yes, you do.
10:44Since you are the reigning queen of drag,
10:47but you're also the reigning queen of Sasha's,
10:49let's see how well you know the other Sashas
10:52around the world.
10:53This is Know Your Sashas.
10:57This Sasha is the deceased alter ego of Queen B.
11:02Beyonce knows.
11:07This Sasha was a Fulbright scholar in Moscow.
11:12This Sasha's mother has written books,
11:14The Light We Carry and Becoming.
11:20Sasha's original drag name was Frisbee Jenkins.
11:27This Sasha coined the phrase, OCP.
11:30Old Child Please.
11:31Sasha Kovi.
11:32Ah, ha, ha, ha.
11:33This Sasha created the catchphrase, My Wives.
11:38Sasha Velour.
11:40Who is that?
11:41Sasha Baron Cohen.
11:44This Sasha is the flute sidekick of pop star, Lizzo.
11:50The piccolo?
11:52Sasha be fluting.
11:55Oh, shit.
11:55How do we?
11:56That's really hard.
11:57Sasha be fluting.
11:58And that was Know Your Sashas.
12:01And now, let's go into the next dish.
12:06Oh my God.
12:07This is Pad Krapow Kai.
12:11This is spicy.
12:13Thai basil leaves over rice.
12:15A staple in Thai culture.
12:17You can find this anywhere.
12:19But beware, because it is spicy as hell.
12:22Once you cook it in the kitchen,
12:24the smoke will make you gag.
12:31It's spicy.
12:33This is spicy.
12:36This is definitely the spiciest thing I've had.
12:38Don't you taste it?
12:39I am feeling it now.
12:41Oh my God.
12:43It's a little slow, but it's here.
12:44I got it immediately.
12:49I think that's a good eight.
12:50Do you think you need the tray of relief yet?
12:55Maybe for the second and third bite.
12:59Oh my God, my tongue is burning.
13:04Okay, I'm feeling a good eight and a half now.
13:07And you?
13:09I'm feeling like a fully erect nine.
13:12Oh, wow.
13:13That's a good day.
13:15Tight balls.
13:23Now you come to the end of your challenge.
13:25A chance to earn three points towards your final score.
13:28For today's pick or swallow,
13:30you must pick a card and you either do what's on the card
13:34or you have to swallow.
13:35Today's pick or swallow item.
13:38The today pick or swallow item is durian.
13:43Did you know that it is banned in all hotels in Thailand
13:46and all public transportation because of its strong smell.
13:50Either you swallow a bite of the durian
13:52or you have to pick a card and do what's on it.
13:56Pong Appetit.
13:58Would you like to play a game of Pong Appetit
14:00or take a bite of the durian?
14:02Let's go with the Pong Appetit.
14:04Thank God.
14:05Take it away.
14:06Bring on the Pong Appetit apparatus now.
14:11Oh, hello.
14:12You come here often?
14:14I thought we broke up.
14:16Oh, is that how it is?
14:17Here's how it's gonna work.
14:19You're gonna throw a ping pong ball into one of these cups.
14:24Some of these cups have delicious treats like this one.
14:28Some of the cups have vegetables and the rest, good luck.
14:33Remember, whatever you think, you have to drink.
14:37All right.
14:39Oh gosh, God, oh God.
14:42That's fucked.
14:45Oh, you got the cuttlefish.
14:49Sasha, you unfortunately got the cuttlefish.
14:52So I am going to put in the cuttlefish.
14:55Oh my God.
14:56And then you're going to have to take a sip
15:00of this great drink.
15:02One sip.
15:04Oh God.
15:10Yeah, get it.
15:21I'm so sorry you have to do this.
15:24Here's some cuttlefish milkshake.
15:27If you take a sip of this, I'll give you three points.
15:32Chug, chug, chug.
15:34Don't, don't smell it.
15:42You've got some cuttlefish on your lips.
15:44It's still there.
15:46Three extra points.
15:47Oh my God.
15:49Sasha, your final score is 9.2 out of 10.
15:56And won the prize of House of Love Cocktails,
15:59courtesy of House of Love Cocktails and Mocktails.
16:03Here you go.
16:05Thanks House of Love.
16:07Until next time, I am Pangina Heels
16:09and this was Tongue Tied.
16:11Sawadee ka.
