Tongue Thai'd with Pangina Heals S02E02 (2023)

  • 2 months ago
00:00Today, we're at the original Hoi Kha in Hollywood,
00:06one of the classic LA Thai restaurants.
00:09Hoi Kha specializes in curries, stir fried, and noodles.
00:13Today's guest was the runner up on season 14.
00:16But as you all know,
00:17you don't have to win to rule the world.
00:20Say hello to Lady Camden.
00:24Oh, I'm starving, I can't wait.
00:26You haven't had anything at all all day?
00:29I don't think so, no, just a couple of shots
00:32and a glass of champagne.
00:33What kind of shots?
00:37So this is how it works, darling.
00:40You'll be eating and playing games
00:41for a maximum of 10 points.
00:43Each dish is worth one point.
00:46And you must take three bites to get those points.
00:48You can also win points by playing my little games.
00:54Do you like spicy food?
00:59I'm scared.
01:01It's okay, not every guest has to be cultured.
01:05So before we get started, remember, if you need it,
01:08there is always the tray of relief.
01:13If you do use it, it would cost you one point.
01:17Are you ready to get your tongue tied?
01:22Oh, okay, it's breaking away.
01:23Are you okay?
01:24I can't feel my face, it's not dry enough.
01:29The first dish we're gonna have right now
01:31is called the pork jerky.
01:34Moo dat dio, or pork jerky.
01:37It is great because it's so chewy
01:39and can often be eaten with sticky rice.
01:43It's a great intro to your meal.
01:46Oh my God, I'm nervous.
01:48Let me put this for you.
01:50All right, ready?
01:55Oh, it's delightful.
01:59A little spice to it.
02:00A little bit.
02:01My eye just started watering.
02:07Is it crazy?
02:07I actually already feel a little.
02:09A little bit?
02:10Where do you feel it though?
02:11The roof of the mouth.
02:13And a little bit of the tongue.
02:15We're going to start things off
02:16with a simple game of mai or chai.
02:22In the Thai language, mai means no and chai means yes.
02:26I'm going to ask you a yes or no question
02:30and you'll practice your Thai by answering
02:33either chai or mai.
02:35You get it?
02:36Are you ready?
02:39Are you originally from London?
02:42Is it true you do a web series called Learning Shit?
02:49Have you actually learned anything?
02:51I don't think anybody else has either.
02:52Do you call your fans tamdorinas?
02:57You came across as very nice on season 14,
02:59but are you?
03:02I think you know the answer to that.
03:04You know that I'm a raging bitch.
03:05Have you ever hooked up with a fan?
03:07Not intentionally.
03:09What do you mean?
03:10So mai, like afterwards, they were leaving
03:13and they just pretended to not know me the entire time
03:15and as they were leaving, they were like,
03:17by the way, I was rooting for you in your season.
03:20Girl, just, I don't want to know.
03:22I don't want to know.
03:23Just lie to me.
03:24And that was mai or chai.
03:27You earned one point for that dish.
03:29Are you ready for the next course?
03:36And here is the hoi kha noodle.
03:40Hoi kha means dangling leg.
03:42People used to hang their legs by the river
03:45and eat these noodles.
03:47That's where they get their name.
03:48But now we can find them in chains everywhere
03:51because we don't have any more rivers.
03:53They're all polluted.
03:54Would you like some of this liver?
03:58Okay, just maybe one liver.
03:59I'm here to be open-minded today.
04:02I want to challenge you today because I want you to grow.
04:04Thank you.
04:05Hopefully you can do that.
04:06I think I said it to my parents.
04:07You ready?
04:10Okay, that was, that was, oh my God.
04:15That was tastier.
04:19Okay, but the liver.
04:23Is it on my face?
04:25Actually, I don't even have to reach.
04:27All right.
04:30I could have just done this.
04:34Since you are a classically trained dancer
04:36and you're quite fond of drinks,
04:39we're going to play Dan-sa or Drink-sa.
04:44Oh, okay, yeah, yeah, yeah.
04:46I'll give you a clue and you have to figure out
04:47if it's a famous dancer or a drink.
04:50Oh, fine, because they kind of sound similar.
04:52Remember, there are points to lose now in this game
04:55if you get it incorrectly, darling.
04:56I'm starting to feel the spice now.
04:58It creeps up on you slowly, like a rash.
05:02Are you ready to play with me?
05:06Misty Copeland, dancer or drink?
05:10Brondie Alexander.
05:13Twyla Tharp, dancer or drink?
05:18Ginger Rogers.
05:22It's actually a drink as well.
05:25Tio Pepe.
05:27I think it's dancer.
05:30Ana Pavlova, dancer or drink?
05:33Dancer, darling.
05:34Mongo Paloma, dancer or drink?
05:38Mata Hari, dancer or drink?
05:45Bo Brumell, dancer or drink?
05:49Stella Wu.
05:50Stella Artois.
05:52Stella Artois.
05:54You fucking idiot.
05:55How do you say it?
05:56It's a drink.
05:57Of course it's a drink.
05:57How do you pronounce it?
05:59Stella Artois.
06:01You did really okay.
06:03Mediocre, in the words of Sheryl Hall.
06:05In the words of Sheryl Hall.
06:07And that was dancer or drink.
06:10Eight out of 10 ain't bad.
06:13We've got fish in the garden.
06:15Okay, scallop sauce.
06:17This dish is called Pa Lui Suan
06:18or the fish that ravish a garden.
06:21It's like a fish invaded a salad bar, but spicy.
06:24And yes, this will also destroy your hoe.
06:30So delicious.
06:32It is delicious.
06:33Ooh, it's coming up on me, a little spicy.
06:36There is a little spice there, right?
06:37Let me try to serve you.
06:39Here you go.
06:40Oh, it's really creeping up on me.
06:41You doing okay?
06:42I'm worried about you.
06:47What a great actor.
06:48Oh, it's still burning.
06:51It's definitely still burning.
06:53Well, the next part of my show is called-
06:55Oh, when you breathe, it's worse.
06:57Then don't breathe.
06:57You should try it.
06:59The next part of the show is called In My Mouth.
07:03I'm going to give you a start of a sentence
07:05and you have to finish it.
07:08Are you ready to finish?
07:10Try it.
07:12My favorite snack is-
07:15When I hear the name Bosco, I think-
07:19If I was one of the Spice Girls, my nickname would be-
07:22Krusty Spice.
07:24The hottest word in the English language is-
07:29Ooh, she gonna need an ambulance.
07:33I'm starting to get lightheaded.
07:35You're not sweating yet.
07:36Do you have pores?
07:37You can't see it.
07:38Sweating in places that you wouldn't believe.
07:40Lady Camden, did you had enough fish to your liking?
07:43Yeah, I think so.
07:43Let's move on.
07:44Let's go on to the next challenge.
07:46Bring it.
07:47That wasn't so bad.
07:48One point to your total.
07:52Thank you, Jake.
07:55This is Laab and Sikhi rice.
08:00This dish is often eaten as an appetizer.
08:03The main interesting ingredient is the rice powder
08:06that gives it that crunchy texture.
08:09Don't go on a date after this,
08:10because your burp will be deadly.
08:13One, two, three, go.
08:31There's like a new tunnel in the top of my mouth
08:35that's on fire right now.
08:37Okay, I just got so lightheaded.
08:41That's spicy as fuck.
08:43No, is it not for you?
08:46Honestly, I'm fine.
08:47Well, I am Thai.
08:49Now, one of your heroes is Freddie Mercury.
08:54But did you know that that wasn't his real name?
08:58For this game, I'm going to give you
08:59the real birth names of famous people.
09:02And you'll have to guess who it is.
09:06Are you ready?
09:08This sounds like it's going to be fun.
09:09All right.
09:10First is Abel Tesfaye.
09:13Abel Tesfaye, I think is...
09:16Here we go.
09:18Next, Melissa Jefferson.
09:21Is Melissa McCarthy.
09:27Robin Fenty.
09:29Fenty, Rihanna.
09:31No, really?
09:32That's so crazy.
09:33That's interesting.
09:34Reginald Dwight.
09:37If you don't know this,
09:38I swear you have to take one more bite of this.
09:39Obviously a British person, right?
09:42Reginald Dwight.
09:46Just give me a clue.
09:47What was the clue?
09:49Fuck, it's someone...
09:51trying to dance.
09:53He just said that.
09:54Who is helping you?
09:57Elton John.
10:00Mark Sinclair.
10:02Matt Lucas.
10:05The answer is Vin Diesel.
10:07He is very sexy, actually.
10:08I would let him just trample me.
10:11John Roger Stevens.
10:13I didn't know you.
10:16John Legend.
10:18There we go.
10:19Joaquin Bottom.
10:24I'm rising from the ashes.
10:24Oh, Joaquin Phoenix.
10:25Yes, finally.
10:27Peter Hernandez.
10:29Peter Pan.
10:32I'm talking about a celebrity.
10:33Bruno Mars.
10:35It's like pulling teeth.
10:36Montero Lamar Hill.
10:39Lil Nas X.
10:40Very good.
10:41Thank you.
10:42Aubrey Graham.
10:45Aubrey Plaza?
10:47The male.
10:48Once rumored to have a relationship with Robin Fenty.
10:56Thank you for playing born with a stage name.
10:59Oh my God, you're welcome.
11:01Wasn't that so easy and fun for you?
11:03It was.
11:05Hi, sawasdee ka.
11:08Next is a spicy seafood fried rice,
11:11or known in Thai as
11:13Khao Pad Thale Sai.
11:16Filled with an orgy of seafood ingredients.
11:20You get them all.
11:21Why do you have to pick?
11:22It's like you have all of Southern Thailand in one dish.
11:26It's also spicy as hell.
11:29I hope it's not too hot.
11:31You doing okay?
11:35Yummy, yummy.
11:38I feel that.
11:40How are you feeling?
11:41What is the spice level?
11:44Oh, that's a lot.
11:47What do you mean?
11:48What do you mean?
11:49It's like an eight out of 10, I think.
11:51It's an eight out of 10?
11:52Yeah, I think so.
11:53Okay, it's getting really fucking spicy now.
11:58Oh my God.
12:00Oh my God.
12:01Oh my God.
12:02Oh my God.
12:03Oh my God.
12:05No shit.
12:06Is he here?
12:06Oh fuck, that's really hot.
12:10I can't chew it anymore.
12:12It's like my whole mouth is burning now.
12:15Wait, nice break from your-
12:17Let's see.
12:19This is definitely the fucking spiciest fucking dish
12:22we've had all night.
12:24Oh, I haven't even finished chewing this
12:25because every time I chew it, it burns more.
12:29Since you've made it through the five courses,
12:32we've come to the end of your challenge.
12:34A chance to earn three points towards your score.
12:38What do I have to do?
12:39You're about to find out, bitch.
12:40Excuse me.
12:41For today's pick or swallow,
12:43you must pick a card and either do what's on that card
12:46or swallow today's item.
12:50Oh no.
12:52I can't.
12:53Well, then you have to pick or swallow.
12:55You get to decide what you do.
12:57And here we have your tongue tie cards
12:59and you can only pick from the top.
13:03It says juggle-o.
13:05What does that mean?
13:05So the challenge is you would have to juggle
13:08all three balloons in the air for 30 seconds
13:12without them falling.
13:13With your extensive dance background,
13:15this should be no problem.
13:18Fucking bitch.
13:19Do you want to play juggle-o or swallow them peppers?
13:24I want to play with the jiggle-o.
13:26All right, I want to see you do.
13:28Time begins now!
13:33Oh my God.
13:34Oh, that was close.
13:40Oh my God.
13:45But that was exhausting.
13:46Yeah, it was entertaining for me.
13:49You didn't succeed at the challenge completely,
13:51but I'll give you a point if you take a bite
13:54out of one of these little babies.
13:58You pick one for me.
14:00You pick one for me and I'll pick one for you.
14:03You pick one.
14:06That one for me.
14:10Since sharing is caring,
14:12you can do the rest of this from me too.
14:18Are you serious?
14:20No, I can't eat the seeds in there, girl.
14:22I'm gonna die.
14:30What'd you call me, a hoe?
14:37What about it?
14:38Oh, okay, it's making it worse.
14:40Oh, fuck, it's really fucking hot.
14:45I need to walk for a second.
14:51I'm hungry!
14:52I'm hungry!
14:53I'm hungry!
14:54I'm hungry!
14:55I'm hungry!
14:56I'm hungry!
14:57I'm hungry!
14:57I'm hungry!
14:58I'm hungry!
15:00I don't think I want my mouth anymore.
15:07I'm feeling great, I'm re-feeling.
15:09Oh, my head.
15:17I didn't expect this.
15:19I love you.
15:22I love my job.
15:23I love you so much that I got...
15:24I don't love anything anymore.
15:27I don't love anything.
15:30I'm hungry.
15:39Congratulations, Lady Camden.
15:41Your total score is 7.6.
15:43Are you okay?
15:44I can't feel my face, Pandrana.
15:46You've won a selection of House of Love cocktails
15:48and mocktails, courtesy of House of Love Cocktails.
15:53Until next time, I am Pandrana Hills,
15:55and this was Tongue Tied.
15:57Sawasdee ka.
15:58Sawasdee ka.
