Tongue Thai'd with Pangina Heals S02E03 (2023)

  • 2 months ago
00:02Today we're at Pailin Thai restaurant
00:05Owned by husband and wife team Andy and Tanya. It's been serving incredible Thai food for over 29 years
00:15Today's guest is the first ever winner of Canada's drag race
00:19And if you use today's exchange rate, that's worth almost as much as actually winning drag race
00:25It's Priyanka
00:29Have you been to Thailand before I know that you are in no guy anise, is that correct? Yes
00:34My family's from Guyana. I was born in Canada. I love Thai food. I know that you hate pad Thai. I don't hate pad Thai
00:41I just think it's basic
00:42But is it is pad Thai Thai food? It's like if you can have blue hydrangea or have pangina, you know, it's just
00:50it's just like some things are bland and some things are
00:55So this is how it works
00:57You'll be eating and playing games for a maximum of 10 points
01:00Each dish is worth one point and you must take three bites to get those points
01:06You can also win points by playing my little game
01:11Are you ready to get tongue tied?
01:17What is this
01:18This is the lab pod it's a traditional Thai law, which is made of ground pork
01:24Lab tort is formed when lab is put into crispy meatballs and mixed with lime herb and spices
01:33I'm making sure it's not hot
01:40It tastes like a
01:42chicken nugget
01:44Okay, but with spiciness in it so like a cultured chicken nugget a cultured yeah, yeah
01:50Asian chicken nuggets. It's so yummy. We're gonna start things off with a simple game of my or chai
01:57In the Thai language my means no my and chai means yes chai very good
02:03I'm going to ask you a series of a yes or no question ready and you'll practice your tie by answering either
02:09My or chai?
02:12Are you ready?
02:18Let's start easy, it's your name Priyanka. No
02:22Hi, or mine. Oh, sorry. Seriously. It was five seconds ago
02:26Are Canadians more polite than Americans chai? Okay. Do you hook up more because the winters are so cold?
02:33Oh my god, that's an amazing question. Hi or my my why white people do better on grinder
02:39Is it true? You wanted to be a dentist when you grew up? How do you know that chai?
02:43Yes, is it true? You named yourself after Priyanka Chopra?
02:49Do you really hate snakes? How do you know all these things chai? Have you googled yourself recently?
02:56Chai, I'm the first Priyanka that comes up
02:59And that was my or chai nice job on that dish. I'm adding one point to your total. Are you ready for the next?
03:07the next
03:09Yes. Yes
03:14Next we have
03:16Jack fruit salad or
03:18Come on, this is one of the most common dishes in northern Thailand
03:23Jack fruit is boiled until tender then pounded with spices like kaffir lime leaves
03:31All right, do you wanna try a taste? Um
03:35We're all right. It's quite spicy, but not like revoltingly
03:39Interesting, huh? What's your favorite spicy dish? It doesn't you have to be a tide?
03:44Yeah, tell me more. My dad makes us like a guy knees homemade hot sauce
03:48That shit is like makes your nose run like you're sweating. It's like it hurts and it's painful, but I'm addicted to it
03:55No, I agree because you know, I think it's transcendental when you're getting that experience
04:06Causing it's a Tiffany cousin. It takes you to another place and you learn more about yourself agree
04:12So right now we're gonna play a little game called Canadian or just some basic American, bitch. Oh
04:20Priyanka you are Canadian. So I'm going to give you the name of a celebrity
04:23Okay, and you have to tell me if that celebrity is Canadian or there's just some basic
04:29American bitch
04:34Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne is Canadian Shawn Mendes Shawn Mendes is gay. Sorry. What was the question?
04:41Shawn Mendes is Canadian
04:45Brad Pitt Brad Pitt is a basic American bitch. What does he have to these days? I
04:50Don't know. I haven't talked to him in a while. So I'll call him after that
04:53You know after this but Keanu Reeves Keanu Reeves is Canadian
05:00Ryan Reynolds Ryan Reynolds is Canadian. Hello
05:03Laura Dern. Oh, I don't know. Actually, I'm gonna make a guess Laura Dern is Canadian. No some basic American
05:12Brooklyn Heights, ooh
05:17Merrill Streep, she's
05:20Everything but basic. There's nothing basic about her. No, Merrill Streep is a basic American bitch, but I think but not I love her
05:27I love her too. So funny. Hey
05:30Thank you for playing Congrats. You've got another point
05:37The next dish is kapow hi yo ma this dish is preserved duck egg. Kapow
05:47Preserved duck eggs are eggs that are fermented. So they have a distinctive flavor and a distinctive smell
05:53It has no horse piss but because of its distinctive smell from the fermentation
05:58People sometimes call it horse piss a no horse piss. You're lying. You don't eat horse piss
06:05You don't eat horse piss. I do this
06:09Have a little bit of kapow on your horse piss
06:13I'm yum. Yum
06:16No, you are delicious
06:18How is the horse piss? There's no horse piss in it. It's good, right?
06:23This is so good. I
06:26Want to do a spice check-in with you because there's some chili here. How are you doing? It is spicy
06:31Yeah, it is clearing my sinuses. Okay, my nose is starting to get a little bit wet
06:36Okay, but I really want it to be more. Mm-hmm. I came here wanting to get fucked up
06:42Okay, since you are a queen from Canada
06:46Can you explain these?
06:49Extinctive Canadian things to me. Yeah. Okay poutine. Mmm. Tell me more about poutine. It's fries
06:56Okay, and then it's cheese curds your cheese curds are and then gravy. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm, and then you eat it
07:03It's so good. Yummy. Yummy. I need to have that Caesars the drink. Oh
07:08I'm so happy. These are my favorite. What is it? Oh my god. I'm so happy
07:17Clam juice and tomato juice mixed together. No. Hey, don't disrespect my clam juice. Oh my god
07:22So, you know what a bloody Mary is? Yes, cuz I've been said I'd like the tomato juice. It's Clamato juice
07:26It's so fucking good. You like you'll like it. What is homo milk homo milk?
07:31You don't call it homogenized milk here in America. What do you call it here whole milk? So we've home home milk. Oh
07:37No pencil crayon color pencils, but pencil crayons fun saying that instead of Z
07:43Yeah, we say X Y & Z. That's how we say it in Thailand. She says that that's my girl
07:49Ketchup flavored potato. Yeah me have you had them ever? No, but I always have like potato chips with ketchup the best
07:55Why is your Prime Minister so hot? He is very hot, right? He's a little bit of a jackass, but he's hot
08:01Thank you for sharing. I've learned so much. Do you feel Canadian now? I basically am
08:05That wasn't so bad one point to your total
08:12Next dish called the cockpit or the spicy frog leg curry in the spicy frog leg curry
08:20we have young peppercorn basil chili and
08:25Pickled rhizome or if you're fancy rise a man. It's really spicy. It looks so spicy
08:33Have you had frog before?
08:36Well, I have it this frog in this frog it's dead I think but it's frog in there this frog
08:45Frog let's do it. Okay. Shall we try it? Okay
08:52It's like a mixture of fish and chicken all in one I'm confused I'm confused it's very hot
08:59But I want spicier than this, okay
09:02You go by Priyanka I do not post young
09:07So in the spirit of prefixes, we're going to provide you two momentous occasions
09:13And you'll have to tell us which happened first. Are you ready?
09:19Priyanka wins Canadian drag race or Joe Biden becomes president Priyanka winning Canada's Drag Race. Hey
09:26Priyanka is born or Mariah Carey's first single vision of love
09:32Vision love came first, correct?
09:35Priyanka release EP taste test or Lady Gaga starts in house of Gucci. Oh
09:42Oh my god, how's the Gucci came first Priyanka was first?
09:48Priyanka graduates from college in
09:502012 or I did we find out who a was on Pretty Little Liars. I graduated first. Yeah
09:57Yeah, Priyanka meets Lady Gaga in
10:002019 the research is so deep here. I love the show or
10:05Moonlight beats La La Land for the Oscar
10:09Priyanka meets Gaga first
10:11It's incorrect. Moonlight was first. Great job. Thank you. I just noticed most of the time you came first. What's wrong with that?
10:22My god, my favorite one is up next next is the gang pop or jungle curry
10:30It is called the jungle curry because many of the ingredients can be found in the jungle
10:37This is a curry without the coconut milk. So it's quite healthy and lighter but based on the color
10:43It's not sure
10:46Do you feel that it's very spicy do you feel something what it's so spicy
10:57What is this spice level for this out of 10 10 out of 10 this one is the 10 out of 10
11:02Yeah, like I'm I'm like handling it but look at my skin. I'm like sweating right me, too
11:07My nose is running. I'd like to listen happening. You're glistening. You're glowing. Definitely. I'm feeling dewy now
11:12We've come to the end of your challenge. No a chance to earn up to three points to your final score. Ooh
11:20For today's pick or swallow. You must pick a card
11:23You either do what's on the card or you have to swallow. Are you ready for the pick or swallow item?
11:29No, well, you better be because here it is. It's
11:36It's an acquired taste. It's not allowed in hotels because it's so strong smell. Oh my god
11:41So like garbage either you eat the durian for three points or you have to do what's on that card?
11:48Pick the card
11:52Donut promo would you rather do the donut promo or
11:57What's the donut promo you cannot find out until you choose?
12:05I'm gonna go with donut promo. Okay
12:07I'm gonna go a donut promo. Okay
12:10For the donut promo we're going to let you promote your latest single
12:15That bitches don't cry and each time you do it to extend the airtime
12:21You have to put a donut in your mouth. If you get past 10
12:25Donuts in your mouth, you'll get three points. Okay, let's fucking do this shit
12:31Okay, here we go. The donut promo. Hey
12:39Bad bitches don't cry
12:43Bad bitches don't cry
12:47Bad bitches don't cry
12:53Bad bitches don't cry
12:57Take your time
12:59Don't we might need a
13:30Oh my god
13:51Oh my god, I wanna die. Oh
13:55My god, I can't
13:57You Priyanka that out of the ballpark your final score is a
14:059.6 out of 10
14:08Your price is a collection of house of love cocktails and mocktails courtesy by house of love
14:14Thank you, thank you until next time I'm panjana heels and this was tongue-tied somebody car
