Tongue Thai'd with Pangina Heals S02E06 (2023)

  • 2 months ago
00:02Today we're at crispy pork gang in the center of Hollywood
00:07This place is a staple of LA's Thai town
00:11Serving authentic Thai food around the clock
00:16Today's guest is so iconic. They only need one name
00:20Winner of drag race a season 3 the legend as the icon. It's a
00:30Thank you for having me
00:32I'm very happy that you actually finally invited me because I was like I should have been on that list first
00:36You were on the top. I think you were busy. I think you had diarrhea or something
00:43This is how it works you will be eating and playing games for a maximum of ten point one zero
00:49Each dish is worth one point. So you must take three bites in order to get those points
00:55You can also earn points during our game. What if we take more than three bites?
01:00You still one point in case things goes wrong. There is a tray of cowardly relief
01:09However, if you do use it one point will be taken off the scores
01:13Give me a fucking break. You did what you knew I was coming. I knew you were coming and I'll be coming later, too
01:19Hopefully, so are you ready to get tongue-tied?
01:23Bring it if you're not
01:25Prolapsing after every meal. Are you even alive?
01:34Quokkai is a popular Chinese influence Thai dish and it's one of the most famous street foods
01:40You can get in Khaosan in Chinatown in Thailand
01:44Quokkai consists main ingredients of rice noodles chili chili flakes and lettuce
01:51My oh my god, this is like baby food
01:58So the first game that we're going to do is called my or child
02:05In Thai language my means no and time means yes
02:09And I'm going to ask you a yes or no question and you'll practice your time by answering either
02:16my or
02:20So easy, do you like spicy food?
02:24Try is it true you worked on several cycles of America's Next Top Model
02:31before you became Raja were you ever known as
02:35Crayola chai I was but like seriously Crayola like lasted one month. Is it clear? I do most of my research on Wikipedia
02:48I'm hoping that your production company. Mm-hmm has budget for more because I just think I'm enough
02:53You're definitely getting a whole point for are you a point for this? You do? Oh my god
03:02Next dish coming up. Okay. I'm Puma Lee gorgeous
03:09Some Puma is one of the most popular Thai dishes in Thailand
03:14It is flavorful and fruitful because it has many ingredients such as raw papaya carrot lime and raw crabs
03:22It's the only time you'll ever be happy having crabs
03:25What what would you do with the crab? You would just break it apart, right?
03:28I would and I suck it and suck it like it's consistency of a jelly. Oh, this is authentic the fish sauce
03:36Mmm, all that crab
03:39Getting this that is some good
03:44Oh my god the body part. Mmm. It's very crabby
03:51It tastes like the ocean
03:54And you have to suck it
03:57My god, you clean that out
04:00Honey, you clean that out. We're going to play a little game called
04:04Iconic. Okay, you are legendary makeup artists, but can you identify your own work?
04:10We're going to show you some iconic close-ups of eye makeup and you'll have to identify whether it's you or someone else
04:17Are you ready?
04:19We are
04:21That is me, okay
04:24Is this your handiwork? That is my handiwork. I think that's one of the promos of all-star seven
04:31Is this your work? That is me
04:34Is this your work? That is
04:38Definitely my work
04:40That is me
04:43Cosplaying Trixie Mattel. Is this your work?
04:46That is not my work. Any comments?
04:49I don't know if I am a big fan of red and pink around the bottom of the eye
04:55Okay, this one. Is this your work? I wish it was no wasn't is this your work?
05:02That is not my work. Is this your work? No, that's Shea Coulee
05:07Is this your work? That is my work
05:10When the edibles kick in. Is this your work? That is my work. That is me
05:17as Michelle Visage without her makeup
05:21You know that there's only one more if you get this correct you're getting full points
05:25More points, bitch. I ate the crab and the croissant. We'll see and we'll get the food. Is this your work?
05:32Is this your work?
05:36That is not my work. That is pangina heels
05:42Who the fuck did this?
05:45Yeah, no, it's no one. Okay
05:47Thank you so much for playing
05:50You got full points. Every single thing was answered correctly. So you deserve more raw crab
06:00Our next dish
06:03Fried mussels are quite hard
06:07White hot also translates as oyster omelet
06:10This dish consists of an omelet with filling primarily composed with small oysters
06:15It is usually served with a side of sweet and hot sauce
06:21This is how you do it with the spice and then a little pickle on top with the things and you got
06:43I'm really shocked. I didn't I'm at how I
06:48Think I got a bad chili. You got the good chilies
06:50I think they separated it before it came out and I got the most spicy ones
06:55I'm really shocked. You know what a little disappointed
07:05At this point it seems like you're the one who's tongue-tied
07:10Thank y'all
07:12Excuse me. So since the food is getting hotter, let's find out what you think. It's hot or not. This is burning sensation
07:21Harry Styles hard or not Harry Styles hot Super Mario hot or not Super Mario
07:29Maybe I like guys in overalls rising hot or not
07:33Hot MMA like the fighting. I'm definitely hot
07:38Thanks. Well stone hot or not? Hi. Hi a guy playing the clarinet
07:44But he's butt-naked
07:46Hot hot. Thank you Raja for sharing. What do you think is hot or not for the record? You're a hottest shit
08:02Here comes the next dish gang separat
08:09Gang separate or pineapple curry with the base of coconut milk some chili paste and
08:17Some pineapple. Oh my god. Is this the Sun that exploded in my soup? Cuz it's so colorful and bright
08:25Yes, it is. It's got a great texture. I'm excited
08:29Yeah, how is it? Oh
08:32My god, it's divine. It's perfect. It's beautiful
08:39Beautifully, it's fragrant. It's sweet
08:42And the bits of chicken in there. Yeah. Oh my god, and that coconut milk just feels so
08:53So Raja, mm-hmm. I'm going to present to you some iconic rhyming to us
08:59I've already picked which one is my favorite and you have to guess which one I prefer
09:04You'll get points for each correct answer. Are you ready to play?
09:08Okay. Mm-hmm nips or tips
09:13No, I picked tips the Pyramids of Giza or the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Well now I say you it's the Giza for you
09:22Incorrect a Jason Bourne movie or any porn movie. I don't know what a Jason Bourne is
09:27So I'm gonna say porn
09:29Incorrect because most Jason Bourne movies for me are porn yacht rock or Johan Bach yacht
09:35Yes, because I like boats. I know I've seen you on boats smoking pot or doing squats
09:40I'd say for you doing squats. Yes, correct
09:44Apples or bananas for you. Mm-hmm bananas because your mouth is huge
09:50To G or Coochie Coochie, yeah eyes or thighs what you're attracted to I guess
09:59Correct, but or nuts butts, correct. Well, thank you Raja. I think I've learned a lot next dish
10:06She's hungry
10:10Next dish. Oh, this is called pop it Mupa
10:19Fiercely spicy and added usually with the meat of wild boar
10:23the base is made of coconut milk with a little bit of sugar and
10:29chili paste
10:36Good what are you feeling? What are you feeling? I'm doing the spirit
10:44Spirit of God
10:46Delicious I'm kind of blown away that how you're handling the spices
10:51What are you even talking about? Not even feeling it. I don't this is like oh
10:58Well, since you know, you haven't been feeling anything I would love you to feel something on this show
11:04Would you like to take a bite of?
11:06Hmm. Look at this. What is this parsley?
11:14You're feeling it now, yes, it's nice it's it always it's just like carpeting burn across the top of my tongue
11:21I can do that, too
11:24Well, that's hot that's hot
11:28There's a chance to earn
11:31Three points left. You must pick a card and you can either do what's on the card
11:35We have to swallow today's pick or swallow item. Okay, you ready to play pick or swallow?
11:47Hostage banana, would you like to do hostage banana or swallow this? Oh
11:54My god, yeah
11:57Going to pick hostage banana. Okay, then you must eat a banana without using your hands and try to finish it
12:05The whole banana. Yeah
12:08Let me get the banana first
12:12Here you go, all right, the earrings are coming off
12:17Be like
12:19There you go, no hands no head
12:28Hold on I got this. Okay, this is quite impressive so far
12:35I don't know if this is even humanly possible. Oh, oh my god. You're doing it. Oh my god
12:48You did it you did it now the key to eat it without suffocating sushi experience
13:05Haven't I proven enough I think you did
13:09Congratulations, I've given you a score of three out of three your final score is a nine point nine
13:18Your prize is a collection of house of love cocktails and mocktail
13:23Until next time I am pangina heels and this was tongue-tied. So I think I'm so
