• 5 months ago


00:00Who wants to fly this one?
00:03My turn! Me toca a me! I'm going to pretend I'm a famous jet pilot.
00:10There I go! Off to exciting places!
00:19Okay, okay, my turn to fly one of these babies.
00:22Oh, what kind of pilot are you, Turner?
00:26The regular kind.
00:27That's right, folks. If you look out the window to your left, you'll see lots of land.
00:31And on your right, more land.
00:37And then fix it.
00:39Your turn, Rusty. Wanna fly?
00:42No thanks. Flying scares me.
00:45Oh, but you can be their traffic controller.
00:49Yeah, that's the person on the ground who helps land the planes.
00:54And Flicker can help light the way.
00:56Bueno, Flicker, pon tu luz. Put your light on.
01:00Luz, luz!
01:07Okay, plane, land by that chair.
01:09That's it, right there.
01:12Or on that workbench.
01:16Or someplace else.
01:18I'm not very good at this.
01:24Hola, handyman's repair shop. You'll break it?
01:27We fix it!
01:29This is Manny.
01:30Hi, Manny. It's Mr. Singh.
01:33Oh, hello, Mr. Singh. How are you?
01:35Well, unfortunately, I'm having a problem with one of the vents in my basement.
01:41It's fallen out, and now there's a hole in the wall.
01:45Can you please come and fix it?
01:48Don't worry, Mr. Singh. We'll be there right away.
01:51All right, tools, Mr. Singh needs our help.
01:54Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve!
02:02Hop, hop, jump in!
02:04Come on, let's go!
02:06Hop, hop, jump in!
02:08Si, vámonos!
02:10Hop, hop, jump in!
02:12Don't go too slow!
02:13Keep up!
02:14Let's get to work!
02:16Mi rápido!
02:21Hola, Mr. Leopard. What are you doing today?
02:24Oh, hello, Manny, tools.
02:27I'm enjoying this beautiful spring day by planting some flowers.
02:36Ah, Mr. Leopard.
02:38As you may have heard, I'm quite the gardener.
02:41I'm so good, people often say I have a green thumb.
02:45That means I have a knack for making flowers.
02:48You may have a green thumb, but you've also got a brown cat.
02:54Sorry about that, Fluffy.
02:56Don't worry, everyone. Green thumb Leopard has it under control.
03:00Okay, then I guess I'll see you later, Mr. Leopard.
03:04All right, Fluffy, let's clean you off.
03:12Thank you so much, Mr. Leopard.
03:16Thank you so much for coming, Manny.
03:19As you can see, the air vent fell out.
03:22Hmm, it seems like the caulking that seals the vent in place came loose.
03:26That should be easy to fix.
03:28I'm so glad to hear that.
03:30Air vents in basements let the damp air out.
03:33But unfortunately, because of this hole, the vent's been letting something else in.
03:39Yeah, a bunny rabbit!
03:41Oh, hello, Leela.
03:43Hi, Leela.
03:44Hola, Leela.
03:45So what's this about a conejo, a rabbit?
03:48Well, it seems a bunny that lives outdoors likes to hop through the hole and visit our basement.
03:55A bunny? Down here?
03:59I'm kind of scared of bunnies.
04:01I think bunnies are cute.
04:03Si, los conejos are cute.
04:06And this one is really, really cute.
04:09It's brown with white paws and has spots all over its face that look like freckles.
04:19Well, I don't find it very cute.
04:21Not when it chews my tennis racket.
04:26Or my garden hose.
04:29Or Leela's mittens.
04:31Why would it do that?
04:33Yeah, mittens don't taste very good.
04:35Or do they?
04:38Rabbits chew on things to keep their dientes, their teeth, from growing too big.
04:42But did it have to chew on my favorite tennis racket?
04:46Don't worry, Mr. Singh. We'll fix that vent right away.
04:50And then, I'm sure you won't see that bunny again.
04:53Yeah, but I think I see it right now.
04:57Conejo, conejo!
05:03Bunny in the basement. I repeat, bunny in the basement.
05:07Everyone stay calm. We just need to think of a safe way to get the bunny back outside.
05:12Without getting too close to it, right?
05:15Right. This rabbit lives in the wild and might not be safe.
05:20Si, it's not like a pet who has been to the vet and knows how to play with people.
05:26I have an idea.
05:28Oops. Almost.
05:31Looks like we're moving on to idea number two.
05:34Bunny, bunny, go that-a-way.
05:38No, the other that-a-way.
05:40Hey, the bunny likes Flicker's light.
05:46Flicker, point your light over there.
05:48Hi-ya, hi-ya.
05:51Goodbye, Flicker.
05:54Flicker, point your light over there.
05:56Hi-ya, hi-ya.
05:59Goodbye, Mr. Bunny.
06:01Well, Mr. Singh, we definitely see how important it is to put that vent back in place as soon as possible.
06:08That's for sure.
06:10We just need to get some new caulking and kellies. Hopefully, we'll get back here.
06:14Before the bunny does.
06:16We will definitely try. Come on, tools.
06:19Hola, Kelly.
06:27Oh, hi, Manny. Hi, tools.
06:31I didn't hear you come in.
06:33Maybe because you were having so much fun dancing.
06:39I guess so.
06:41So, what can I do for you today?
06:43We need some caulking.
06:44So we could put a vent back into Mr. Singh's basement.
06:49Or else a bunny will keep popping in.
06:51Yeah, a really cute bunny.
06:54See, the conejo has spots that look like freckles.
06:58Yeah, and it hops around like this.
07:00Boing, boing, boing.
07:04But it doesn't fall like that.
07:06You know, that reminds me of one of my favorite dances, the bunny bounce.
07:11How do you do it, Kelly?
07:13Well, first we form a line.
07:16Then we step to the side once, turn, and take two jumps back.
07:22Everyone ready?
07:25Alright, let's try it.
07:28And step, turn, jump, jump. Step, turn, jump, jump.
07:35So you said you needed caulking?
07:37Yes, and could we get...
07:39Oh, step, turn, jump, jump.
07:42An extra tube just in case.
07:44Is that all you need?
07:46Si. Now let's get back to Mr. Singh's.
07:49I have a better idea.
07:52Let's do the bunny bounce back.
08:02There. Once the new caulking dries, the vent should stay in place.
08:06No more hole for a bunny to get through?
08:08Now that is good news.
08:11I guess. But I'm going to miss the bunny.
08:15Conejo! Conejo!
08:17It looks like the bunny's gonna miss you too.
08:21Si. El Conejo sure likes spending time at your house.
08:27I'm so sorry. I wish I could keep you, bunny.
08:32Don't worry, Leila. Maybe we can get you a nice, safe pet from the pet store.
08:37Really? Could we get a bunny? Please, Daddy!
08:41I'll call Cassie at the pet store right now.
08:45I hope it has freckles just like you.
08:49Hello, Cassie. It's Mr. Singh.
08:52We were wondering if you have any bunnies for sale.
08:55Of course, Mr. Singh. I do have a few bunnies for sale.
08:59Do you have one that's brown with freckles and white paws?
09:03Oh, hi, Leila. No, unfortunately, I don't have a bunny like that.
09:07I used to, but that bunny somehow got out of the cage and ran away just the other day.
09:13A bunny ran away?
09:15And it looks just like...
09:17Hey! I wondered if that's the same bunny that's been visiting our basement.
09:22Does that bunny have spots on its face that look like freckles?
09:26It does! It does have spots like freckles.
09:31Well, if it also has a black spot behind its right ear,
09:36it must be the same bunny from my shop.
09:39And if that's the case, you are welcome to have it, Leila.
09:44If we can find it again.
09:46Come on! Let's go see if that bunny's Cassie's.
09:54Conejo! Conejo!
09:56Flicker's right. The conejo is over there, under the slide.
10:00Does it have a black spot behind its ear?
10:03I don't know. I can't see from here.
10:06Flicker, luz, por favor. Light, please.
10:14There is a spot. It's not a wild bunny.
10:18It must be the bunny from Cassie's pet store.
10:22Great. Now all we need to do is catch it.
10:25But how?
10:26Maybe we just need to let the bunny come to us.
10:34Can I keep it, Daddy?
10:40I said you could.
10:42Even if it means chewed up shoes and tennis rackets.
10:46And mittens.
10:47And don't forget garden hoses.
10:50Wait. I have an idea.
10:53Maybe we can build the conejo its own little house right out here on your lawn.
10:57So the bunny will have a place to live outdoors.
11:01And not mess up our house.
11:05Great idea, Manny.
11:07Fantástico. And I think we got everything we need in the truck.
11:11Come on, tools. Let's get to work.
11:13Come on, tools. Let's get to work.
11:16Let's get going and fix it right.
11:19Twist and turn.
11:20Make it tight.
11:21Trabajamos juntos.
11:23We work together now.
11:26Head and legs are on top and flat.
11:29Bend and twist.
11:30Just like that.
11:31Each of us has a special job.
11:34We work together.
11:36Todos juntos.
11:37We can fix it right.
11:41There you go.
11:42There you go.
11:43One bunny hut for a very special bunny.
11:46We even put some snacks in there for the bunny to chew on.
11:54I just know Freckles will love it.
11:57That's the bunny's name now. Freckles.
12:03Yep. He likes his new house.
12:06I like it too.
12:12That's Daddy's scooter.
12:17Okay. Everybody lined up?
12:21Ready, baby.
12:24All ready, Manny.
12:26All right.
12:27On your marks.
12:29Get set.
12:31Andale. Go.
12:34Andale. Andale.
12:36Ah-ha. I've got it.
12:39Ah-ha. I've got two this time, Turner.
12:43Oh, no, you don't.
12:56Yes. I won. I won.
13:00I won.
13:02Uh, Pat, this is the finish line.
13:06That's the starting line.
13:09Okay. I didn't win.
13:13That's okay, Pat. We all get mixed up sometimes.
13:16Manny, I'm getting hungry. When do you think our food will be delivered?
13:21Well, today is the first day Fast Eddie's doing deliveries.
13:25So it might take a little while for us to get our comida.
13:28Sometimes we have to be patient, Squeeze.
13:31But it has been quite a while since we called and ordered our food.
13:34Maybe we should call Eddie to see if everything's all right.
13:39Hello. Thanks for calling Fast Eddie's. How can I help you?
13:43Hello, Eddie. This is Manny.
13:45Uh, we were just wondering if everything was okay.
13:48We ordered our food a while ago.
13:51Manny! Oh, I'm so glad you called.
13:54I've, uh, got a big problem.
13:56See, I was trying to make my first deliveries and I had a little accident with my scooter.
14:00Are you okay?
14:02Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm all right, but my scooter isn't doing so great.
14:05Do you think you can look at it?
14:07No problema, Eddie. We'll be right over.
14:10Uh-oh. Another order coming in. I better go. See you soon.
14:14Well, Tools, it looks like we have a job to do before we can eat.
14:18Let's go, Tools.
14:20Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve!
14:28Hop, hop, jump, leap!
14:30Come on, let's go!
14:32Hop, hop, jump, leap!
14:34Si, vámonos!
14:36Hop, hop, jump, leap!
14:38Don't move too slow! Keep up!
14:40Let's get to work!
14:42We got the O!
14:52Um, Mr. Lopart? Is that you?
14:57Oh, yeah, it is, Manny.
15:00Wow, Mr. Lopart, you got curly rainbow hair!
15:05That's because I'm dressed up as Lopey Lopart, the birthday clown.
15:09Once they hear about me, everybody in Sheetrock Hills will come to my store.
15:17You look great, Mr. Lopart.
15:19And these are my new stilts.
15:22Ooh, stilts.
15:25What are stilts?
15:27Stilts are poles with platforms you stand on to make you look really tall.
15:31That's right, Manny, and I'm gonna walk on these stilts.
15:35Well, this should be interesting.
15:38Are you sure that's a good idea?
15:40Oh, of course it is.
15:42Now all I have to do is remember how to get up.
15:46And up.
15:49Do you need some help?
15:51No, no, Manny, I have everything under control.
15:54I was a very good stilt walker back in the day.
16:09Are you sure we can't help?
16:11No, no, thank you. Got everything under control.
16:14Just takes a little getting used to again.
16:17Okay, Mr. Lopart.
16:23Fluffy, stop that, Fluffy.
16:31Fluffy, Fluffy, Fluffy.
16:40Ay, caramba, look at all that food.
16:46Comida, comida.
16:48Si, it looks like Fast Eddie has a lot of deliveries to make.
16:54Um, hola.
17:01Boy, am I glad to see you.
17:03You sure have a lot of orders here.
17:05What a way to start off my first day of doing deliveries, huh?
17:08All of my customers want their food right away, but my scooter is broken.
17:12Poor Livia can barely keep up in the kitchen.
17:14The phone has been ringing off the hook.
17:18Oh, I've got to get that.
17:21I wonder if one of those bags is ours.
17:23Well, let's check it out.
17:27Chicken salad and wild watermelon drink.
17:30Nope, that's not mine.
17:37I wouldn't want to eat that. It smells terrible.
17:40Uh, blue cheese and tuna?
17:42That's mine over here.
17:44I ordered a tuna melt with blue cheese.
17:48Hold on, Pan.
17:49There are a lot of other people who are also waiting to get their food.
17:53I have an idea.
17:55Maybe we can deliver the food for Eddie.
17:57Then we can eat sooner.
18:00Fantástico! Let's do it.
18:02Here, you can take this one, Quaker.
18:06Ándale, ándale!
18:08Un momento, wait a minute, guys.
18:10While it is a good idea to help, we can't start making all of Eddie's deliveries.
18:15By the time we finish these, he would have a bunch more to go out.
18:19We need to fix Eddie's scooter so he can keep up with his own customers.
18:23See what I mean? The phone doesn't stop ringing.
18:26That was Mr. Sanchez. He wants a fat-free turkey taco.
18:29He loves our turkey tacos.
18:30Come on, I'll show you the scooter.
18:35Mira, un problema grande.
18:38Oh, yeah, big problem.
18:40The front wheel is bent.
18:42I'm afraid if people don't get their food soon, I'll be known as Slow Eddie's.
18:46So do you think you can fix it, Manny?
18:48No problema. We'll have it fixed in no time. Right, Todos?
18:52Right away!
18:53Claro que sí!
18:54Great! Then I'll get the orders ready to go.
18:57Okay, guys. Let's fix this scooter.
19:01All you need to do is loosen the screws so we can take the wheel off and straighten it.
19:07And of course, it's a slotted screw, so he'll need me.
19:11Hold on, guys. We don't need to take the wheel off at all.
19:14We can leave it on while we straighten it.
19:17I'm great at straightening things. I'm a hammer.
19:21That's true, Pat. But we'll also need Rusty to help.
19:27Whoa! You guys are fast!
19:30Now I can get these orders out pronto.
19:33And here is your food.
19:35Gracias, Eddie. We can't wait to eat. Right, Todos?
19:39Oh, yeah!
19:41Well, thanks again. I guess I've got some deliveries to make. Bye!
19:57Are you alright, Eddie?
19:59Yes, I'm fine.
20:03Blue cheese and tuna again. Yuck!
20:07I love a tuna melt with blue cheese.
20:10It smells like happiness.
20:13This is the same problem I had last time.
20:16The bags of food keep slipping off the handlebars and get stuck in my front wheel.
20:21So do you think you can fix it again?
20:24Of course we can. But I think what you really need is a way to make your deliveries easier and safer.
20:30But how?
20:32I think you're trying to carry too many things on your handlebars.
20:36So what can we do, Manny?
20:38Hmm. Maybe what Eddie needs are some cestos.
20:43Baskets for his scooter, so he can carry all of his orders.
20:47That sounds like a pretty big job. How long do you think that will take?
20:51Not long at all. We'll head over to Kelly's and get what we need.
20:56Well, as long as you're going to Kelly's, could you please take her food to her?
21:00At least I'll have done one delivery.
21:02No problema. We will be glad to help.
21:05Oh, thank you!
21:13Hello, Manny.
21:14Hola, Kelly.
21:15Hi, Tooth.
21:17Hey, Kelly.
21:19Hi, Kelly.
21:21What's in the bag?
21:22It's your comida from Fast Eddie's.
21:25My food? Why are you delivering for Eddie?
21:28Well, Fast Eddie's having trouble with his scooter and can't get his deliveries out right now.
21:33He can't carry everything safely on his scooter.
21:37That is a problem.
21:39So we need to add some baskets to his scooter. Do you have any?
21:43You know, Manny, scooter baskets are not something I usually have.
21:48That's all right, Kelly.
21:50Yep, that's what I figured. Guess he's just going to have to be slow, Eddie, for now.
21:55But, as it turns out, I just got some in today.
22:00Huh? Of course you did.
22:03Here you go.
22:04That should do it.
22:05Well, we better hurry back. Gracias, Kelly.
22:08You're welcome, guys. And thanks for the delivery.
22:12Boy, am I glad you guys are back.
22:15The delivery orders keep coming in.
22:17Sherman wants a foot-long turkey dog.
22:19And Mrs. Portillo ordered a chicken salad sandwich.
22:22Well, at least nobody ordered blue cheese and tuna.
22:25Well, Eddie, we'll have you back in business pronto. Right, tools?
22:29Right, Manny. Yep.
22:31Come on. Let's get this done.
22:42Let's get going and fix it right.
22:44Twist and turn. Make it tight.
22:47Trabajamos juntos. We work together now.
22:52Cut it, measure it. Cut it flat.
22:55Bend and twist. Just like that.
22:57Each of us has a special job. We work together.
23:01Todos juntos. We can fix it right.
23:06Well, that would work mucho mejor. Much better.
23:11Wow! You guys are fast.
23:15Now I can carry more orders than I ever imagined.
23:18You guys are the B-E-S-T, the best.
23:24Here you go. I made you a fresh new order to go.
23:28All right. Yay! Yummy!
23:32See you soon!
23:38Who got the large turkey taco?
23:40Es mio. That's mine.
23:42That food smells so delicious.
23:46I thought we were never going to eat.
23:52And one blue cheese and tuna melt.
23:55Oh, oh, that's mine.
24:04Bleu cheese and tuna?
24:07Sorry, Turner.
24:09Mmm. Hey, that's not bad.
24:15See, Turner, sometimes you just don't know what you might actually like until you try it.
24:20Yeah. Hey, Pat, how about sharing half that blue cheese and tuna melt with me, huh?
24:27Um, I think I already did.
24:31Oh, oh, oh!
24:38Each of Manny's tools has a different job when it comes to doing repairs.
24:43But two of them are from the same tool family.
24:47Can you guess which two?
24:49Is it Rusty and Dusty?
24:53Is it Squeeze and Stretch?
24:57Or is it Turner and Felipe?
25:01You're right!
25:03It's Turner and Felipe.
25:05They're both screwdrivers.
25:07Great job!
