Les Moomins 70-1 - La légende de phoénix

  • 2 months ago


00:30Ils parlent le langage des fleurs Et ils n'écoutent que leur chœur
00:36Alors ouvrez-leur donc vos bras Vous ne le regretterez pas
00:42Fla-li-mou-li Fla-li-mou-li
00:47Fla-li-mou-li Fla-li-mou-li
00:53Fla-li-mou-li Fla-li-mou-li
00:59Fla-li-mou-li Fla-li-mou-li
01:05Fla-li-mou-li Fla-li-mou-li
01:11Fla-li-mou-li Fla-li-mou-li
01:29Le phoenix est un oiseau légendaire, mais s'il existe réellement, alors c'est certainement dans la vallée des Moumines qu'on peut le trouver.
01:59Le phoenix est un oiseau légendaire, mais s'il existe réellement, alors c'est certainement dans la vallée des Moumines qu'on peut le trouver.
02:23Laissez-moi! Cette fois, je ne manquerai pas!
02:34Oh! Regardez! Je l'ai trouvé!
02:40Fais attention, Moumine!
02:42Ne t'inquiète pas, je sais me servir d'un fusil.
02:45On va chercher un endroit tranquille. Venez!
02:48Ah, oui!
02:56Bien entendu, Moumine et ses amis ignoraient tout de cet oiseau mystérieux que traquaient les chasseurs.
03:03Ce matin-là, Moumine était allée dénicher dans la remise un vieux fusil de chasse, dont son père ne se servait plus.
03:12Qu'est-ce que tu veux?
03:14Connaîtrais-tu par hasard le nom de ces fleurs?
03:17Oui, bien sûr! Pourquoi c'est ça?
03:19Je ne sais pas.
03:21Je ne sais pas.
03:23Je ne sais pas.
03:25Je ne sais pas.
03:27Je ne sais pas.
03:29Je ne sais pas.
03:31Je ne sais pas.
03:33Je ne sais pas.
03:35Je ne sais pas.
03:37Je ne sais pas.
03:39Je ne sais pas.
03:43Je ne sais pas.
03:46Well, it's easy. It must be green prunes or tulips.
03:49You don't know anything about it. These flowers are called strawberries.
03:57It looks like something is wrong.
03:59I didn't manage to put my hand on it.
04:01And on what?
04:02On my hunting rifle.
04:03But for what reason do you need it?
04:05I don't need it. I just want to know where it went.
04:09It was in the shed with the powder and the cartridges, but everything disappeared.
04:12Are you sure you didn't put them somewhere else?
04:15Yes, I'm sure. I know I put everything next to the toolbox.
04:20Do you think someone could have stolen them?
04:22Who would want such an old rifle?
04:24You don't think the children took it for fun, do you?
04:27They took it, yes. They didn't do that.
04:30We never know with them.
04:32You're right.
04:35It's your fault. I told you I don't know how many times to get rid of this weapon.
04:39I didn't do it because this rifle is a memory of my youth.
04:43When I went on expeditions, I always had it with me.
04:46You gave up expeditions years ago.
04:48Why do you insist on keeping this rifle?
05:08Look, do you see this tree? I bet I can shoot it.
05:13That's not true.
05:14I only use it here.
05:15You've never used a rifle in your life, so you can't do it.
05:19There are people who aim well without having learned, and I'm one of them.
05:24Don't make too much noise. I'm sensitive to ears.
05:30And above all, be careful not to shoot the anthromine.
05:36That's because of the cartridge. I missed it. It's too small.
05:47Are you sure? I'm aiming.
06:08The tree didn't move a inch.
06:10It must be because this rifle is a memory.
06:12Forget it, Moumine. It's more careful.
06:15I'll keep my bet.
06:17Chouca is right. That's enough.
06:19Oh, it's you, Pipo.
06:21Oh, Pipo.
06:24Stop it! There are already enough holes like that in my hat.
06:28Moumine made a stupid bet. He says he can shoot this tree.
06:32I was wondering who was the madman shooting at me.
06:35I'm sorry.
06:36It's a good thing you didn't get hurt.
06:38It's true. It didn't take long.
06:40Poor Pipo. You must have been scared. I'm sorry.
06:49You must know that it's very dangerous to play with a gun,
06:52especially with an old rifle like this one.
06:54Don't ever do it again.
06:56Of course. I promise.
06:58That's what happens when you want to impress your friends.
07:01Well, I hope this will teach you a lesson.
07:03I told you I couldn't aim.
07:05Don't worry, Moumine. Even someone very skilled would have missed his shot.
07:09In the state you were in, you had no chance of hitting your target.
07:13And between us, this tree was a bit far away. Don't you think?
07:18What made you do such a thing?
07:20You know it's very dangerous to play with a gun.
07:23It's because I read adventure books and I wanted to be like the heroes.
07:27Forgive me. I won't do it again.
07:29We're not in the Far West. We're in the Moumine Valley.
07:32Yes, I know, Dad.
07:33But we're lucky to live in a quiet place where no one needs a gun.
07:36You never hear a shot and I think that's very good, don't you?
07:39But Dad was young.
07:41When your father was young, it was different. He didn't live here.
07:44He kept this rifle as a memory of his youth and not to use it.
07:48Yes, that's true. Your mother is right.
07:50I think the time has come. It's high time you get rid of this weapon.
07:54If you want to throw this gun at me, it's too dangerous.
07:57We can't keep it at home.
07:59Well, don't even think about it.
08:01We'd better get rid of it or it could cause a serious accident.
08:04But there's no risk because it's not loaded.
08:07You didn't force me to throw it. You know I'm holding on to it.
08:10But darling, think of the children.
08:27Have you seen all those pretty clouds?
08:30When I look at the sky, I always tell myself that I'd like to fly like a bird.
08:34You're too big.
08:46You'd look really ridiculous if you had wings.
08:49That's not true. And I didn't say I'd like to have wings.
08:52I said I'd like to fly.
08:54As if you were swimming in the air, right?
08:56Yes, that's right.
09:11I see you're having fun.
09:13Hello, Alicia. I heard laughter from the other side of the forest.
09:16I rushed to see you.
09:18Did you know it was us?
09:20Of course. I have a few days off. Can I stay with you?
09:23We'll have fun like crazy.
09:25Of course. You're always welcome, Alicia.
09:28Thank you.
09:29Do you have your grandmother's permission?
09:31No, but she's gone on a trip.
09:33Do you know where she's going?
09:35She told me she was going to the Great Volcano.
09:37I hope it's not an erupting volcano. Do you know where it is?
09:41No idea. Grandma didn't want me to go with her.
09:44She said it was too far away.
09:46Tell me, Pippo, do you know where the Great Volcano is?
09:49No, I don't know. But from what I've heard, that's where the phoenix lives.
09:53Who's the phoenix?
09:55According to legend, the phoenix is a wonderful bird that never dies.
09:59Every 100 years, it throws itself into the fire to be reborn.
10:02Do you think it really exists?
10:04My grandmother thinks so. She went on this pilgrimage to see the phoenix reborn.
10:10Like many other witches, she thinks the fact of witnessing this miracle
10:14can prolong her life for several years.
10:16Do you think it's possible?
10:18I don't know anything about it.
10:26The Great Volcano
10:40We're going back home to tell Mum that Alicia's going to stay with us for a few days
10:44and then we're going to play. I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun.
10:47Where are we going to play?
10:49In Peek-A-Boo!
10:50We're not in Peek-A-Boo anymore.
10:52Climbing trees!
10:53We could even organize a treasure hunt!
10:56Or go to the beach!
10:59Oh yes, what a good idea!
11:01And then we could play cop and thief!
11:04Or football!
11:05Or jump rope!
11:06We could fish!
11:07We could also play cards!
11:09Play pool!
11:10Or poker!
11:11We could build a new house!
11:14That's a swing!
11:21Have you seen this bird?
11:22It's so pretty!
11:23What's it doing? It's going down, look!
11:26Oh, it fell!
11:46Is it alive?
11:48Yes, its heart is beating
11:53It's got a bullet in its wing
11:55Oh! We shot it!
12:16There, I did my best
12:18I think it should survive
12:20But unfortunately, I think it won't be able to fly anymore
12:23I removed the lead, but its wing was seriously damaged
12:26Who could have shot such a beautiful bird?
12:29Certainly not someone from here
12:34Papa Moumine
12:36It's the first time I've seen a bird like this
12:38Do you know this species?
12:40No, not at all
12:41It doesn't look like any bird I've seen so far, here or anywhere else
12:45I think you have a book about birds
12:47Oh yes, that's right! Wait, I'll go and have a look at it right away
12:50Just a moment
12:51What is it?
12:58Darling, if you don't mind, I'd like you to throw this lead away
13:01Very well, give it to me
13:42Would you like some raspberry juice?
13:44Yes, please
13:45Have you found any information?
13:47No, I looked everywhere, but I didn't find anything about this bird in my book
13:51That's strange
13:53I think your book is very old
13:55So maybe at the time it was published, no-one knew about this species yet
13:59It's possible, isn't it?
14:01Yes, you might be right
14:36Who's there?
14:40Oh it's you, Alice!
14:43What are you doing up at this hour?
14:45Go back to bed!
14:47I can't, I've been called
14:49Who called you?
14:51I think it was him
14:54I'm not sure, but it must have been him
14:57Then you should have heard a call
14:59Maybe you were dreaming
15:01No, I know it was true, I didn't imagine anything
15:13Here's your cup
15:15Thank you, Mummy
15:18We're going to the beach today
15:20Oh yes
15:21We're going to go around the bay on a boat
15:25What's wrong?
15:27I think the bird has woken up
15:29How do you know?
15:43Here I am
15:45You called me, didn't you?
15:49Don't worry, I'm here now
15:51What's going on? Did he call you again?
15:54Yes, I heard his call, or rather I felt it deep inside
15:58Not like this
15:59Yes, I understand, it's called telepathy
16:02It's true that witches have supernatural powers
16:05You understand it, what does he say?
16:07He says he thanks you all
16:09He says he thanks you all
16:11And that if you look for his name, it's the Phoenix
16:14The Phoenix is the bird that never dies
16:17Yes, that's right
16:21He said something else
16:23He would like to know if you could do him a little favour
16:26What does he want us to do?
16:28Given the state of his wing
16:30He won't be able to fly to the Great Volcano
16:33And he absolutely needs to be there tomorrow or later
16:36So to help him, everyone needs to get to work
16:42First, we need to dig a big hole
16:45Then we need to gather as much wood as possible
16:47Because we need to make a big fire
16:49The fire
17:05You see, the Phoenix will have to throw himself into the flames to be reborn from his shadows
17:10But it won't hurt him because he's not afraid of fire
17:19The fire
17:34Daddy, is that the rocket you just threw?
17:44Ask if the fire is strong enough or if we need to add more wood
17:49He says it's okay
17:50He's asking if you could get closer to the fire
17:53Yes, but just a little bit, I'm not a phoenix
17:58He'd like you to hurry up because there's not much time left
18:19The fire
18:33Now we need to add wood so the fire can burn for 24 hours
18:49The fire
19:15Tell me, Moumine, has the Phoenix come out of the flames?
19:18Not yet
19:19I'm starting to get hungry, aren't you?
19:21Your dinner's waiting for you, girl
19:23What? I've been sleeping for so long, are you sure you're not tired?
19:27No, I don't feel tired at all
19:29You should sleep a little bit, I'll wake you up
19:32I assure you I'm not tired and I want to see the Phoenix be reborn
19:35I don't want to miss this for anything in the world
19:37It must be a really amazing show
19:40I can't imagine how he's going to be reborn
19:43You need a lot of courage to throw yourself into the flames like that
19:46Don't worry, the Phoenix won't burn, it won't do him any harm
20:00What's that? Did you see something?
20:02Look over there!
20:14It looks like an egg
20:15It's going to hatch!
20:16Yes, that's right
20:18We're going to see it hatch, be patient
20:20Yes, it's going to hatch soon
21:23The Phoenix says goodbye and thanks you all for your help and kindness
21:28Goodbye, have a good trip!
21:30Be careful and watch out for the hunters!
21:34Have a good trip!
21:40The wonderful Phoenix flew off to the Great Volcano
21:44He had dazzled the inhabitants of the Moumine Valley and he was back in the legend
21:50They're always there to bring us joy
21:53The Moumines
21:57We become happy when we're near
22:00The Moumines
22:04They're so nice, they change our mood
22:07The Moumines
22:10They're so nice, they change our mood
22:13The Moumines
22:16They're so nice, they change our mood
22:19They're our friends day and night
22:23The Moumines
22:27The Moumines
22:30Come with me, they're all over there
22:34The Moumines
22:38They'll sing you their song
22:41The Moumines
22:45They're so nice, they change our mood
22:49They're our friends day and night
22:52The Moumines
22:56The Moumines
23:00The Moumines