Les Moomins 50 - L'arbre au démon

  • 2 months ago


00:00This morning, Mr. Carousel got up at a very good time to go to his favorite pastime.
00:30Oh, no!
01:01Does that bother you, poor Mr. Carousel?
01:03Well, of course it does.
01:05What do you want when I saw him four feet in the air?
01:08I couldn't help it. It was stronger than me.
01:12You know what it is?
01:13Well, you have a snake instead of a heart. That's all.
01:16A snake?
01:17Oh, well, that explains everything.
01:19That's why I do stupid things all the time, even when I don't want to.
01:22I'm here for nothing. It's the snake I have in my heart that's responsible.
01:26Yes, but you could hunt it if you wanted.
01:28I don't ask for anything better. Can you explain to me how to do it, Moumine?
01:31Well, actually, I don't know.
01:33And you, do you know how to do that, Pipo?
01:36Do you really want to hunt me with your heart?
01:38Of course I do.
01:39In that case, half the work is done.
01:41Stop talking nonsense!
01:43If you don't want a snake in your heart anymore, well, there aren't any left.
01:47You just have to decide not to make nasty jokes to everyone anymore.
01:50And you'll see that you won't do any more. That's it.
01:53It's easy, isn't it?
01:54No, no, actually, for me, it's very difficult.
02:01Is it true that someone can live in your heart?
02:04Of course, let's see.
02:05Have you ever seen it?
02:07Then how can you know?
02:09Because it smells.
02:25I'm particularly inspired today.
02:27Yes, yes, yes, I think I deserve a good cup of coffee.
02:30Come in!
02:33Do you want coffee, my dear?
02:36You know, you couldn't fool me.
02:38I just told myself that I would have a good cup of coffee,
02:40and just at that moment, you came to my doorstep.
02:45Tell me, you seem to have worked well, dear.
02:47Yes, it's going to be a story about goblins.
02:49You know, those little snake devils who make people do silly things.
02:58It must have been a goblin who did that.
03:00You think so?
03:21Oh, my back!
03:23Oh, what pretty little flowers!
03:25What a shame!
03:27What's the matter with you, Mr Carrousel?
03:29Those are the flowers up there.
03:31I would have liked to go and pick them, but it's impossible to get there.
03:34Oh, I'm serious. If you want, I can go.
03:36Oh, so you'll do that for me?
03:38Of course.
03:39Be careful.
03:40I'm going.
03:41You know, these are very rare flowers.
03:43I don't have any in my collection yet, and I'd like to have at least one.
03:48Don't damage the roots, Moumine.
03:50I'd like to replant them.
03:53Be careful!
03:54Be careful!
03:55Are you sure you can do it?
03:57Oh, yes, don't worry.
03:58It's just that I slipped.
04:01Oh, that's it.
04:03Oh, what's that?
04:08Oh, no!
04:10Hey, Moumine!
04:14Are you all right?
04:15Oh, yes, these flowers are very pretty.
04:17I'm sure they'll make my house very pretty.
04:19No problem.
04:20Mr Carrousel saw them before you did, and you're going to give them to him.
04:23I understand.
04:24Oh, no.
04:25I like flowers too.
04:26And besides, I'm the one who picked them, right?
04:30You're going to pay for that, smart mouth!
04:32Wait a minute.
04:34I'm coming.
04:36Oh, he took my flowers!
04:38But you'll find more.
04:39If you want, I'll help you.
04:41That smart mouth is a real little demon!
04:43No, let's see.
04:44You shouldn't say that, you know.
04:46In fact, he's much more stupid than he's mean.
04:49Oh, yes.
04:53Excusez-moi, les amis.
04:54Vous n'auriez pas vu une fleur jaune de cette taille,
04:56avec sept ou huit pétales, dont le centre est rouge-vif?
04:59Si vous en aviez vu une, vous me l'auriez dit, n'est-ce pas, les gars?
05:10Décidément, ils sont vraiment bizarres.
05:24Ça y est, monsieur Carouzel, venez vite voir.
05:27J'en ai trouvé une.
05:30Oui mais les roux-doudous sont encore là.
05:32Non, ils sont partits.
05:34C'est bien cette fleur.
05:35Je ne me trompe pas.
05:36Je vais voir ça de près.
05:41Oh ben oui, c'est bien elle.
05:45Vous l'avez trouvée?
05:47Ah, tant mieux.
05:48Bene, merci beaucoup, Pac-Man.
05:49C'est vrai, sans toi, le je ne sais pas
05:51I don't know what I would have become.
05:54Oh, and you, thank you too, Moby.
05:55You were really, extremely kind.
05:59He wouldn't stop doing stupid things and playing tricks on everyone.
06:03Then one day, the old sage caught him.
06:05And the little devil began to implore his forgiveness.
06:08I will never make little children cry again.
06:10I will no longer annoy the elderly.
06:12I promise you.
06:13But the old sage, who knew how to read minds,
06:15could see that he didn't think of it in a word.
06:18So he decided to lock him up in a cave,
06:20where he would never be able to escape again,
06:22to go and commit all those bad actions that he enjoyed so much.
06:26And even today, everyone calls this place the Goblin Cave.
06:30But no one knows why it bears that funny name.
06:33But finally, Baba Momine, it doesn't make sense.
06:36You say that no one knows the origin of this name,
06:38but you, do you know it?
06:40I mispronounced it.
06:42No, what I meant was that no one in my history knew it.
06:45Where did it happen, by the way?
06:47As I told you at the beginning, it happened somewhere a long time ago.
06:50But this somewhere, you don't know where it is?
06:52I have no idea.
06:54You should know it, though.
06:56But it's just a story, you know.
06:58Yes, I understand, it's not true.
07:00I don't know if it's true or not.
07:02All I know is that it's a story my father told me
07:04that he kept from his father.
07:06Yeah, but it doesn't make sense.
07:08If you know, then everyone in your history should know
07:10where it comes from.
07:12After all, she's right.
07:14I think I'm going to change the ending.
07:18Hey, Chooka and Jolimé, let's go play hide-and-seek.
07:21Oh, yes, what a good idea.
07:23What are you doing? It's so nice outside.
07:25It's not a good time to stay locked up.
07:27Well, we were listening to the story your father wrote.
07:29He just finished it, you know, Moumine.
07:31Oh, really?
07:33Yeah, but there are some passages that are not very good.
07:35Fortunately, Chooka and I told him what was wrong.
07:38Is that true, Dad?
07:40Yes, it is. I'll have to learn everything again.
07:42I'm surprised.
07:44I didn't know you were so good at literature.
07:46You can call it literature, which is not obvious.
07:49Well, let's go.
07:51Let's go.
07:53I suggest you play differently today to change a little bit.
07:56Instead of one hiding, there could be two
07:58and everyone else would look for them.
08:00Yeah, but I don't team up with Sniff.
08:02It's true, you'd find us right away.
08:04It's not very nice to say that.
08:06Anyway, we're going to pull the teams together.
08:08How so?
08:10Well, with brindis, for example, we'll find them in the woods.
08:12I hope I'll find myself with you.
08:15I'm going to be with him too.
08:17It's fate that will decide.
08:19And you, you don't want to team up with me.
08:21You know, it's easier to hide when you're little.
08:24By the way, friends, did you tell your mom that you were coming with us in the woods?
08:28Did you tell your mom, Belle?
08:30And you, did you tell her?
08:32Oh no, I didn't think about it.
08:34I was sure you had already warned her of your beauty.
08:36I understand, then.
08:38She doesn't know.
08:40It doesn't matter. We'll find out very late, okay?
08:42Well, no, it's not funny if we have to go home early because of these idiots.
08:51Watch out for the sniffs!
08:59That's it, I found them, they're here.
09:03It's thanks to the sniffs.
09:05Oh, that's smart, I told you to be careful.
09:07But be very careful.
09:09It doesn't matter. This time, it's me and Jeremie who are going to hide.
09:12But remember, you count to 20 before you start looking.
09:161, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7...
09:23Come on, Moumine, I know a place where we'll never find them.
09:2710, 11, 12, 13...
09:40Come on, let's go.
09:48Come on, this way.
09:53What do you think? It's a good hiding place, isn't it?
09:55Do you think they'll find us here?
09:57Of course they will.
09:59You can hide anywhere, but I'm more difficult.
10:02We'll have to follow the rules, then.
10:04Instead of saying stupid things, tell me if I can be seen from here.
10:08No, not at all.
10:09And besides, you can check.
10:14So, Jeremie?
10:16Oh, no, I can't see you.
10:17Well, that's good. You can come now.
10:24Do you think these idiots are still far away?
10:27Shut up, let's see.
10:28Oh, it's not true, I'm bored.
10:30But stop, Jeremie, with this noise.
10:32Moumine, Moumine.
10:34You see, thanks to you, we are spotted.
10:36Jeremie, Jeremie.
10:37So, did they spot me too?
10:39How did they do it? I thought we couldn't see anything from the outside.
10:50Where are they?
10:51I don't know, but it's weird.
10:53I'm here, friends.
10:55What? Who are you?
10:57And where are you?
10:59I'm right in front of you.
11:02It's not possible, there's only a dead tree in front of us.
11:05I know, I live inside this tree.
11:10But then, you must be very small to live in there.
11:13At the moment, yes, but in fact, I'm a thousand times taller than you two.
11:17They reduced my size to be able to lock me in there.
11:19That's not true.
11:20Alas, yes, Moumine.
11:25Oh, here's Moumine.
11:27Where's Sniff?
11:30Over there.
11:31Oh, that's not funny, he's not hiding.
11:33In my opinion, they must have lost their patience.
11:35It's true, it took us a long time to find them.
11:37Well, it's weird.
11:38Why is he fixing this tree like that?
11:41I understood.
11:42Really, what did you understand?
11:45It's a demon, a goblin, hiding in there.
11:47But what are you talking about?
11:51Come on, be honest for once, you're a bad demon, aren't you?
11:55Come on, be honest for once, you're a bad demon, aren't you?
12:04Now you surprise me.
12:06I never thought you'd find me so quickly.
12:08Yes, yes, you're right.
12:10I'm a demon, the worst of all.
12:13I was sure of it.
12:14But pretty Michelle doesn't exist.
12:16What are you doing?
12:17Are you talking to the trees now?
12:19Well, yes, that's it, Shouka.
12:20Imagine there's a demon, a goblin, locked in there.
12:23A demon?
12:25But I don't understand.
12:26In the story of Santa Claus, the goblin was trapped in a cave.
12:29Well, I don't care if Santa Claus writes nonsense.
12:33But then it's the old sage who locked him inside this tree trunk.
12:37You definitely know everything about me.
12:39And even things I didn't know.
12:44Wait for me.
12:47You know, if there's really a demon in there,
12:49maybe we'd better stay here.
12:51That's my opinion.
12:53No, wait.
12:54I've been trapped in there for 500 years.
12:56I want to get out.
12:58I think we're idiots. Why would we help you?
13:01Because I'm no longer mean.
13:03Well, not as mean as I used to be.
13:05You know, in 500 years,
13:07we'll have time to understand a lot of things.
13:09And I've become nice.
13:11A nice demon?
13:12I don't believe you.
13:14You just have to look at me. You'll see.
13:16Oh, it's true, it's not possible.
13:18You can't even see my mouth as a nice demon
13:20because I'm stuck in this ugly trunk.
13:22You'd like to get out, wouldn't you?
13:25That way, I could finally be of service to people.
13:28Are you going to give us something if we let you in?
13:31Let's see, Smith.
13:32Of course.
13:33I'll give you anything you want.
13:35You just have to make your wishes come true.
13:37For now, we don't even know if we're going to deliver you.
13:40You have to understand.
13:41It must not be funny to lock you up in there.
13:43Say, if we free you,
13:45could I have a lot of gold coins?
13:48Of course, Smith.
13:49I'll give it to you when I get out.
13:51Oh, great.
13:54We also have things to ask you.
13:56Go ahead, I'm listening.
13:57Well, it's for our mom.
13:59We don't want her to get angry if we're late.
14:02All right, I'll take care of that.
14:04And I would like...
14:05Oh, Shooka, you don't even think about getting him out.
14:08Why not if he's a nice demon?
14:10Come on, Shooka.
14:11So what I would like is a nice necklace,
14:13that is very, very beautiful.
14:14No problem, you'll get it.
14:16And what I want is a big mushroom-shaped bed.
14:20Well, pretty, but maybe he's still very mean.
14:23Yeah, well, if that's the case, he'll find someone to talk to.
14:26You, Moominpah, tell me what you would like.
14:29What I would like is for you to stop telling us lies.
14:32You'll see that when I'm free.
14:35But other than that, you don't want anything?
14:37I'm not used to being paid to help people.
14:40Oh, but that's what's starting to tire me out.
14:43Oh, excuse me.
14:45You see, it's been so long since I've spoken to anyone,
14:48I've lost my patience.
14:50Yeah, by the way, you didn't tell us how to get you out.
14:53Oh, but it's easy.
14:54You just have to slip a piece of straw into the crack in the middle of the trunk
14:57and trust me, I'll be able to get you out.
15:00But there's no straw around here.
15:02So go get some.
15:04No, no, no, I'm still angry.
15:05I mean, there are some in the fields.
15:07Oh, but that's true.
15:08I'll be right there.
15:09Wait, Sniff.
15:10And try to hurry up.
15:12500 years is a long time, you know.
15:14Very, very long.
15:23What are you looking at, smarty-pants?
15:26Oh, it's you, Poopoo.
15:28I'm sorry about the flower.
15:30If you want, I'll give it back to Mr. Carrousel.
15:32It's useless.
15:34But tell me, what are Jean Moumine and his friends up to?
15:37I don't know.
15:38They never want me.
15:39But it looks like he's talking to that old tree.
15:41Hey, there it is.
15:43I found some straw.
15:46I wonder what they're up to with that.
15:58There, you can go.
16:02What are you waiting for?
16:03We don't have all day.
16:09Have you seen the black clouds?
16:40Ha, ha, ha.
16:42500 years.
16:44500 years I've been waiting for this.
16:46I'm finally free.
16:48That's what I thought.
16:49It's a monster.
16:50Of course it is.
16:52You should know that there are no nice demons.
16:55Oh, but you promised.
16:57You're going to tell them, aren't you?
16:58Because you thought I'd be stupid enough to tell you.
17:03Hey, what are you going to do now?
17:05It's true, you must be a little overwhelmed.
17:07No, I know what I have to do.
17:09I'll start by turning you into a demon.
17:11Oh, no.
17:12Quick, save us.
17:13What are you doing?
17:19Oh, no.
17:20I can't move anymore.
17:21Poor naive.
17:22No one has ever escaped me.
17:24Ha, ha, ha.
17:25It's horrible.
17:26It's a demon.
17:27It's not true.
17:28He was a prisoner of that dead tree.
17:30But why are these idiots making him come out?
17:32They're less stupid than me.
17:35Momine is in danger.
17:36We can't stay here and do nothing.
17:38We have to help her.
17:40But where are you going?
17:41Now I'm going to take care of you, Momine.
17:44But why me?
17:45Because because of you, I almost didn't get out.
17:48So think about it.
17:49What do you want to become?
17:50A toad or a snake?
18:01I can know who you are.
18:03My name is Pippo and I'm a friend of Momine.
18:05And what do you want?
18:07Do you want me to turn you into a little demon?
18:09Yes, like my friend Momine.
18:12But before that, I'd like to be sure of one thing, if you don't mind.
18:16Well, speak.
18:17I'd like to know if you're really a demon.
18:19How dare you tell me?
18:21Can't you see that I'm a demon?
18:24Oh, you know, you could very well be a magician.
18:26A magician?
18:28What right do you have to call me a magician?
18:30You know, you could very well have hidden behind the tree.
18:32But that's not true!
18:33I finally got out of the tree.
18:35I don't believe you.
18:39It's true, it's impossible.
18:41You're very tall and I don't see how you could have gone through that straw.
18:44You lied.
18:45But you forget that I'm a demon and that my powers are limitless.
18:49That's what you're saying.
18:50Nothing proves to me that it's true.
18:52But what little entity are you?
18:54Are you going to believe me if I do it again in front of you?
18:57Of course.
18:58I admit that it would change everything.
19:01My friend is right.
19:03It happened so fast that we didn't see anything.
19:05Then look carefully.
19:07And open your eyes wide this time.
19:20You were telling the truth.
19:21Oh, finally.
19:22Well, we can say that you're hard to convince, my friends.
19:25Oh, dear.
19:26Look, I can sleep now.
19:32What are you doing?
19:34Why did you remove the straw and how am I going to get out?
19:37Since you're so strong, you'll find a way.
19:40I trust you.
19:41The plague is his.
19:42He played me.
19:43You'll pay for it.
19:58Please, pretty girl.
19:59Let me out of here.
20:00Oh, no, that's out of the question.
20:02Besides, it will teach you to be mad at me.
20:04Dad, don't you think we're far enough?
20:12I'm sorry, but I don't know how to swim.
20:15Don't do that.
20:16I'm going to get wet.
20:19Daddy Moumine had decided to leave the tree of the demon in the middle of the waves.
20:23In this way, he thought, we would be rid of this monster
20:26and no one would have bad thoughts in the valley of the Moumines.