Les Moomins 49 - Un secret bien gardé

  • 2 months ago


00:00This year, in the spring, Mom Momine had planted pumpkin seeds in her garden.
00:30It's strange, they should have bloomed already.
00:44Someone gave me these seeds a long time ago.
00:46Maybe they were too old.
00:48I don't think so.
00:50Yet they should already be in bloom.
00:52Don't you think so, Mr. Carousel?
00:54Oh yes, I suppose it's a story of pollen, my dear.
00:57These plants have not been fertilized.
00:59The problem is that without flowers, there is no fruit.
01:03So I won't have any pumpkins, will I?
01:05I'm afraid so, unless these plants start to bloom.
01:10Oh, wait a minute, what is this?
01:14Oh, well, for example, this is a bud.
01:17And it will certainly give a flower.
01:19Provided, of course, that everything goes very well.
01:24But these buds are tiny.
01:26It would surprise me if they gave a big fruit.
01:30She had already given up on not having pumpkins that year.
01:36Mom, when are you going to make us a pumpkin soup?
01:40Well, you know...
01:42I think you'll have to get by this year.
01:45The seeds didn't give flowers.
01:47Not even a single flower?
01:49There's one, but it's so small that it's useless to talk about it.
01:52Too bad, I like pumpkins.
01:54Me too.
01:55I know, kids, but we can't do anything about it.
01:58I'm sure she'll give us a fruit.
02:01Then we'll have a pumpkin.
02:04Provided that everything goes well.
02:06Oh, then it'll be better than nothing.
02:08I just hope it'll be big enough to give it to everyone.
02:26And every day, Mom Momine went to see her only pumpkin.
02:30And she covered it with her eyes.
02:32It must be ripe now.
02:34Provided, provided it's big enough.
02:37Oh, don't worry, Mr Carousel.
02:39You'll have your pumpkin soup.
02:47What a small flowerpot!
02:49I've never seen a pumpkin this big.
02:52I don't understand.
02:53It was this big yesterday.
02:55What could have happened?
02:57Are you sure?
02:58Maybe because it rained hard.
03:00Look at that.
03:01It's monstrous.
03:03I wonder if it'll be good to eat.
03:07Tell me, Mr Carousel.
03:10Why don't we let it grow a little more?
03:14But yes, after all, we won't have any more this year.
03:17And I thought that if it was gigantic,
03:20it would make us forget all the ones we didn't have.
03:22Oh yes, that's a good idea.
03:24We just have to let it grow as much as possible.
03:26That's true, that's very interesting.
03:28But we mustn't tell anyone.
03:29Do you understand?
03:30I want to give them a surprise.
03:32You're right.
03:33So you won't tell them anything, will you?
03:35It's a promise.
03:36Well, alright.
03:47Thank you, darling.
03:49Say, Mum, I just remembered something.
03:51You said we'd have a pumpkin.
03:53What has it become?
03:54Oh, I don't remember.
03:56Maybe I'm wrong.
03:58No, I'm sure you told us that.
04:00And besides, you added that there would be enough for us to make a good soup.
04:05Well, did I say that?
04:07Oh yes, it was a long time ago.
04:09The pumpkin must be ripe now.
04:11Yes, well, that is...
04:13So the flower didn't give anything?
04:15But no, it's just that it's not big enough.
04:18Do you think it can still grow?
04:20Yes, you just need a little patience, that's all.
04:24Oh, really?
04:31Well, I'm going for a walk, darling.
04:33Are you going to see your old friend?
04:35No, I'm going to see Mrs Filiforme.
04:39What's the matter? You don't believe me?
04:43If I may ask, for what reason, darling?
04:45Well, you've already been to Elliot's.
04:47Oh, that's incredible.
04:49Then I don't have the right to go and see her for two days straight.
04:51But no, no, no, that's not what I meant.
04:53Well, that's even better, because I would have gone anyway.
05:01That's strange. Why is she reacting like that?
05:04I think I'm not good at doing hide and seek.
05:10Hey, Maman Boubine, quick, quick, come and see!
05:14But what's going on?
05:16Something's happened to my pumpkin.
05:18Oh, no, on the contrary.
05:21Look how big it is. It's even doubled in size.
05:25Oh, that's awful.
05:27Yes, think about it. It's so big that everyone's going to see it from afar.
05:31So what?
05:32I mean, it's still a secret.
05:34You know, there may be other little problems.
05:37What do you mean?
05:39You could be robbed.
05:41Robbed of my beautiful pumpkin? But why?
05:44Well, because it's unique.
05:46I've got it. We just have to hide it.
05:48Oh, okay.
05:54Well, I think that's how it's going to be. No one can see it.
05:58I'll finally be able to sleep in peace.
06:00Yes, but you know, there are people who are very curious.
06:03What do you mean?
06:05Well, the fact that there's a pumpkin can make them want to go and see what she's hiding.
06:09If I understand correctly, it's impossible to keep a secret, then.
06:18What's the matter?
06:22Oh, it's you. I didn't hear you come in.
07:06Why don't you ask her what she's got?
07:08Who, me?
07:09Yes, you're her husband, after all.
07:11Yes, yes, you're right. Okay, I'll go and see her.
07:14But you know, she mustn't know that we're worried about her.
07:18So I have to act subtly?
07:28Come on, Mummy, he's here, Mummy.
07:39Say, Mummy.
07:41What are you thinking about?
07:42The pumpkin.
07:43No, nothing at all.
07:45Are you sure you're okay?
07:47Yes, why?
07:48Because you didn't say if Mummy was here.
07:50You know, if she fell ill.
07:52I'm worried.
07:54It's no use, you see, she only caught a cold. It's nothing at all.
07:58Oh, but I know. You just told me.
08:01So why are you worried?
08:03Because of my mum.
08:04Why? Is she ill too?
08:06No, but I think she's weird.
08:08And so do you, I think you're weird.
08:10You know, I'm not kidding.
08:12You're right, she seems to have her head elsewhere.
08:15You noticed that too?
08:16Yeah, but it must not be serious.
08:18You think?
08:19Oh yes, after all, you all look weird, you men.
08:22Oh, we can never talk about anything, you.
08:27Darling, do you think it's going to rain tomorrow?
08:29I don't know about that. I haven't read the stars yet.
08:32I hope it's going to rain for a long time.
08:35It would be good for Mr...
08:37For what, darling?
08:39It's time to go and prepare dinner.
08:41No, wait.
08:47We're both married, aren't we?
08:49Oh, that's a funny question.
08:52You're my wife, and for better and for worse.
08:55I'm here to assist you and help you get out of trouble if the storm threatens you.
09:00So why don't you want my help?
09:02Your help?
09:03But you know very well what I mean.
09:04But no.
09:05Well, darling, you're not going to deny that you don't feel well.
09:08But I swear I'm doing just fine, darling.
09:11But that's not true.
09:13And besides, I'm not the only one to have noticed.
09:15Moumine too.
09:16Well, then he was simply wrong.
09:18And you too, darling.
09:20Because I'm doing just fine.
09:25No, I can feel that she has a problem.
09:27I'm sure of it.
09:29But why is she so stubborn?
09:36It's true, it's annoying at the end.
09:38But no one ever tells me anything.
09:47And who knows, it's already much better.
09:49I could have gotten up very well today.
09:51But it's my brother, he wants me to rest.
09:54Tell me, is he the one who cooks for you?
09:56But yes, and I assure you that he makes me good little dishes.
10:00Tell me, Moumine, are you sure you're not sick too?
10:03I find you a strange look.
10:05He's not sick, he's got problems.
10:07Oh really?
10:08It's because of his mother, she has a curious behavior.
10:10What do you mean?
10:12Come in.
10:18I know it's still too early, but here's your dinner.
10:20Oh, thank you, Cachou.
10:22Look, I even made you a potiron soup.
10:26It looks nice.
10:33Mum, Moumine!
10:39Why are you walking so fast?
10:41I thought I wouldn't catch up with you.
10:43I didn't even notice.
10:45Where are you going in such a hurry?
10:47To see her.
10:48I haven't been for two days.
10:50See what?
10:52I know we can count on you, so I'll tell you my secret.
10:56Your secret?
11:16What's that?
11:22Oh, Pousse-Mala, do you want to go?
11:24Who do you think you are, spying on me?
11:26I didn't do anything wrong.
11:28I was just looking at your big pumpkin.
11:30A pumpkin?
11:31Yes, Pippo, that's exactly the secret I was talking about.
11:39Oh, incredible!
11:41I wanted to surprise you with it.
11:43Do you understand?
11:44Yes, Pippo, I understand.
11:46I'm going to tell you my secret.
11:49I wanted to surprise you with it.
11:51Do you understand?
11:52That's why I didn't tell anyone.
11:54Unfortunately, I hadn't thought of Pousse-Mala.
11:57You always have to keep an eye on him.
11:59When there's something stupid to do, he's never far.
12:01Oh, by the way, where has he gone again?
12:13Where are you going?
12:19The End
12:22This pumpkin is huge.
12:23I've never seen one this big.
12:25It's impressive.
12:26Now I understand why you were so weird.
12:28It's hard to stay calm with a secret of this size.
12:32Can we eat it?
12:34Don't you think about it?
12:35We could sell it for a lot of money.
12:37Stop thinking about money.
12:38I feel like we're going to have a great time when it's ready.
12:41Oh, let's make it bigger again.
12:43It would be better than this noise, wouldn't you say?
12:46Too late, Pousse-Mala has seen it.
12:48And he must have warned the whole valley.
12:51Once upon a time, he was right.
12:53And we saw people coming from everywhere.
12:55Even from countries that no one knew.
13:02Excuse me.
13:03It seems that there is a giant pumpkin here.
13:05Do you know where it is?
13:06Follow me.
13:08Oh, what a beautiful pumpkin!
13:12Oh, it's so beautiful!
13:15It's huge!
13:22I'm sorry, Cashew, but you'll have to wait your turn.
13:25Otherwise, Mommy Moumine's garden will be damaged.
13:27There are so many people here.
13:29Oh, yes, and I suggested to Daddy Moumine to get a right to enter.
13:32I hope he refused, didn't he?
13:34Well, how did you guess?
13:36He said it was out of the question.
13:38Fortunately, we'll catch up by selling the pumpkin.
13:41Go ahead.
13:42You'll see, you won't be disappointed, Cashew.
13:44Thank you.
13:49What a beautiful pumpkin!
13:51A huge pumpkin!
13:52I've never seen anything like it.
13:54Oh, that's even bigger than I thought.
13:58And you know, we measured it and it keeps getting bigger.
14:01What we need to do is to study scientifically
14:04the reasons for this exceptional growth.
14:12There are people who have come a long way to see this pumpkin.
14:15It seems there are some who have crossed seas.
14:20You look tired, you'd better go and get some sleep.
14:23I'll follow your advice.
14:25I wonder how much longer we'll have to guard this pumpkin.
14:31Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on it. No one will be able to steal it.
14:34That's perfect. Well, good luck, my dear.
14:36Sure, Dad.
14:42Oh, my God.
14:45Oh, it's a huge pumpkin!
14:47It's huge!
14:48It's incredible!
14:50It's frightening.
14:52Listen, tell me your price.
14:55Very well, I'll give you whatever you want for this pumpkin.
14:57That's impossible.
14:58I understand, there's someone else who wants to buy it.
15:01But it doesn't matter, I'll give you 200 gold coins.
15:05But even if I wanted to sell it to you, I couldn't.
15:07It's for my wife, not me.
15:09Then I'll have to talk to her. Where is she? I'm begging you, tell me.
15:13You know, I'd be surprised if she sold it to you.
15:15She loves pumpkins, and she intends to cook them.
15:19That's not true, Irene.
15:20No, when I think of the kind of attraction it could be...
15:23An attraction?
16:27Oh, it's still going.
16:33Oh, dear.
16:38Oh, dear.
16:51Oh, I'm so poor, I didn't wake up.
16:54I need to replace my dad.
17:01Dad, wake up!
17:02What? What's the matter?
17:04Are the thieves here?
17:05No, Dad, I just came to pick up the pick-up.
17:07Oh, yes, that's right.
17:09Well, good luck, kid.
17:13I'm so tired.
17:18Where did he go?
17:21The pumpkin's gone!
17:23What are you saying?
17:24Oh, help! Thieves!
17:26But where are they?
17:30Come back here, you thieves!
17:32Damn, he saw me!
17:34Stop it, you fool!
17:44Stop it, you fool!
17:59Quick, help me!
18:01Quick, don't stay under there!
18:03No, no, no, no way!
18:04This pumpkin is mine now!
18:22No, no, no, no!
18:34No, no, no, no!
18:42Oh, dear.
18:47The pumpkin was so big that no raven could have cut it.
18:51Thankfully, Dad Moumine was there.
18:54He quickly solved the problem with a little help and a few good tools.
19:03The pumpkin was so big that no raven could have cut it.
19:07Thankfully, Dad Moumine was there.
19:10He quickly solved the problem with a little help and a few good tools.
19:15What's good about a pumpkin is that you can do whatever you want with it.
19:44And they were not deprived of it. They had made mousse, purées, cakes, and God knows what else.
19:50It's beautiful.
19:52Yes, it's even the best pumpkin I've ever eaten.
19:55Me too.
19:56Congratulations, Mommy Moumine.
20:12When Jolyne saw the empty pumpkin, she had the idea of making her house out of it.
20:18And as she slept in her new palace, she probably dreamed about a princess, fairies, and pumpkins.
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