Die Schlümpfe - 078. Der Wunderschlumpf

  • 2 months ago


00:00A few hours later...
00:09Oh dear, why do I always get sick at this time of the year,
00:13if only Papa Slumpf hadn't left to take care of Melchior?
00:17He would surely know what to do.
00:20I'm much sicker than Melchior.
00:24Of course Papa Slumpf thinks that I only want one thing,
00:28and that I'm not sick at all.
00:36This talkative scoundrel, Dr. Charlatan,
00:38has promised that his miracle tonic would cure all diseases.
00:42But everything got worse.
00:46On the contrary, my pleasure-seeking friends,
00:48I have never seen such a radiant picture of health.
00:52You're nothing more than a swindler.
00:57My friends, you really should be lying in bed at home.
01:00You urgently need rest.
01:02Luckily, they were sick, otherwise they would have caught me.
01:06I've always said,
01:08a vacation on land gives all new joys of life.
01:12Sunshine, fresh air.
01:14What I need now are new customers.
01:18If it's not my head, it's my stomach.
01:21If it's not my stomach, it's my rheumatism.
01:24What in the world?
01:26Maybe this creature was brought up in my doctor's closet.
01:29And if it's not my rheumatism,
01:32it's my sacro-slumphilia.
01:35Slumps, legendary creatures that live in the forest.
01:39They say that the blue layer of the slump skin
01:42can cure any disease.
01:45Oh, what a stroke of luck.
01:47Now I can make my miracle tonic.
01:49I'm going in.
01:53Health, little slump.
01:59Allow me, sir.
02:01Thank you.
02:03Who are you?
02:05I am Dr. Charlatan, an extraordinary doctor.
02:08I have several doctor titles.
02:10I am Doctor of Philosophy, A, B.
02:12I am sick slump.
02:14Extraordinary sick.
02:16I have shaking knees,
02:18abnormal coughs and a terrible sneeze.
02:22Yes, I saw it right away.
02:24You need the advice of an expert.
02:26Allow me to examine you.
02:31Now please stick out your tongue.
02:36Oh, ha.
02:40It's worse than I thought, isn't it, doctor?
02:43My poor friend.
02:45You are a serious case of slump fibrophilitis.
02:47Slump fibrophilitis?
02:49Oh, no.
02:54What is slump fibrophilitis?
02:56You ask what slump fibrophilitis is?
02:59My friend, it's very complicated.
03:01But if it's not treated,
03:03it leads to...
03:05You mean...
03:07I'm afraid, yes.
03:09Fortunately, there is a cure.
03:11Dr. Charlatan's miracle tonic.
03:13Here, rub it on the tip of your blue nose.
03:18Like this?
03:19Yes, exactly.
03:21Your slump fibrophilitis is cured, my friend.
03:24So fast?
03:25You are a picture of health,
03:27truly alive and vital.
03:30Oh, man.
03:31Yes, my friend.
03:32Completely and forever cured.
03:35Oh, I think so.
03:37I'm healthy.
03:38I'm completely healthy.
03:40A miracle.
03:41I'm completely cured.
03:42Oh, thank you, Dr. Charlatan.
03:44How can I thank you?
03:45What can I do for you?
03:46Oh, no, no.
03:47My life goal is more health for the population.
03:50I find that sloppy.
03:51So, goodbye.
03:53Oh, if Papa Schlumpf is surprised...
03:55Maybe you know more people whose health
03:57my miracle tonic would be of use.
03:59How much of the miracle tonic do you have with you?
04:01There are about 100 slumps in our village.
04:04I have enough miracle tonic, my friend.
04:06Show me the way.
04:11Hello, you slumps.
04:14I'm completely cured.
04:16Who is that?
04:17What is he doing here?
04:18Papa Schlumpf won't like that.
04:20Don't worry, my slump friends.
04:22Dr. Charlatan is a highly qualified doctor.
04:25He even cured my slump fibrophilitis.
04:27Yes, that's right.
04:28Come closer.
04:29Come closer.
04:30As you can see, I proudly bear my testimony.
04:33He seems to be very qualified.
04:36I can do a lot for you, my friends.
04:38If you're blue, I'll make you pink again.
04:41Or in your case, the other way around.
04:43I'll put you in shape.
04:45Yes, yes.
04:46No, seriously, slumps.
04:48My miracle tonic cures everything from parathontosis
04:51to the holes in your shoes.
04:53A drop of it makes you think more carefully,
04:55taste sweeter,
04:56and protects you from insects.
04:58Does that sound too nice to be true?
05:00Well, try it.
05:01What do you have to lose?
05:05Holy slumps.
05:06I wish Papa Schlumpf were here.
05:08I don't like all this at all.
05:13So you see, my good slumps,
05:14there is nothing, nothing at all,
05:16that my miracle tonic can't do.
05:19That's how I stand here.
05:20Can you do something for my harvest, Mister?
05:23Have you ever heard of Hans im Glück?
05:25He was one of my first customers.
05:27After him...
05:32What do you think, Dr. Charlatan?
05:34What is your judgment?
05:36Your melon demands
05:37are desperate for a good shot of the miracle tonic.
05:40Your fruits will shoot up like rockets.
05:42Oh, Miss Pipsch, where can I buy the tonic?
05:45Come to my warehouse
05:46and for a small ransom,
05:47let's say 50 melons,
05:49I'll make you the biggest farmer
05:51in the history of slumps.
05:55Doctor, do you have something
05:56that makes my cake more slumpy?
05:58Of course, my friend.
06:00Take me to your kitchen.
06:02Sammy Slump,
06:03I don't understand
06:04why you can trust this old man.
06:07Yes, you know, little slumps,
06:08a doctor with so many degrees
06:10is certainly not a quack.
06:12Oh, if Papa Schlumpf doesn't come back soon,
06:14Charlatan might hear the whole village.
06:18I can tell you,
06:19you are the Schlumpf de la Schlumpf,
06:21the gourmet chef.
06:22But you urgently need my miracle tonic.
06:24It makes bad food good
06:25and good food even better.
06:27Can I get some of it before dinner?
06:29Well, sure.
06:30For a small ransom,
06:31let's say a cake,
06:33about this high,
06:35I will immediately give you
06:36a load of the miracle tonic.
06:38Can your tonic make me stronger?
06:40I don't think your tonic
06:41could improve my appearance.
06:43It is clear to me
06:44that this is practically impossible.
06:46How about you help me sleep?
06:48No problem, absolutely no problem.
06:50Miracle tonic for everyone.
06:52Just come to my camp
06:53before sunrise.
06:55Oh, and please don't forget
06:56to bring the ransom.
06:58Oh, man.
06:59Me first.
07:04And what can I do for you,
07:06my little blue candy?
07:08Exactly the same
07:09as you do for the other slumps.
07:11Nothing at all, understood?
07:15That's what you and all the other slumps
07:17will be like
07:18when I make my miracle tonic
07:19extra tonic.
07:23I hope she's big enough
07:25for Dr. Charlatan.
07:27Oh, no!
07:29Wait, everyone!
07:30You're making a huge mistake!
07:32I have a strange feeling
07:34about this whole thing.
07:35What should I do?
07:36Maybe you should
07:37make something
07:38of Dr. Charlatan's
07:39miracle tonic, little slump.
07:42Dr. Charlatan,
07:43I think this time
07:44you've come across gold.
07:46Blue gold, that's what it's called.
07:49Dr. Charlatan!
07:52I'm here,
07:53my slumpy friends.
07:54We have the ransom
07:55with Dr. Charlatan.
07:58Put it all together.
08:00I'll come back
08:01with your miracle tonic
08:02as soon as I've added
08:03the secret ingredient.
08:05I can't believe it!
08:06I can't believe it!
08:07I can't believe it!
08:08I can't believe it!
08:09I can't believe it!
08:10I can't believe it!
08:11I can't believe it!
08:12I can't believe it!
08:13I can't believe it!
08:14I can't believe it!
08:15I can't believe it!
08:16I can't believe it!
08:17I can't believe it!
08:18Now step forward,
08:19one at a time.
08:21Oh, I've never had
08:22such a suggestion.
08:23I'll never be able
08:24to do this again.
08:26This is so wonderful.
08:27Get off me,
08:28he's mine.
08:30One after the other,
08:31please, one after the other.
08:34It's a miracle,
08:35a real miracle.
08:36Oh, a miracle.
08:39Look at this.
08:40These're really slumpy.
08:42Why are you so excited?
08:44Look! My melons! My melons! They are twice as big and twice as good!
08:50Farmy! They are just as big as before!
08:53Nonsense, slugs! Every slug who has ears can see what Dr. Charlatan has done to the Wondertunicum. A dream has come true!
09:01But Farmy!
09:02Oh, does it taste good?
09:04Oh, not so slug-ish!
09:08My melons have never tasted so good, friends! Dr. Charlatan, thank you!
09:13Here, slug, with one bite you can taste the difference.
09:19It's very good, Farmy, but they taste just like the ones you made last time.
09:24Nonsense, slugs! Who wants to try some more?
09:29Hello, slugs! Thanks to Dr. Charlatan's Wondertunicum, I have just cut a tree trunk in half with bare hands!
09:36Slugs, listen to this!
09:39Uh, better turn around before you jump!
09:42A careful slug will never lose and, uh, a gifted slug will never be eaten!
09:47Amazing, slugs, isn't it?
09:49Smarty! You've been saying such sayings since the day you were born!
09:53Oh, no! I could never have said that without Dr. Charlatan's Wondertunicum!
09:58I'll have another bottle!
10:00Me too, Dr. Charlatan!
10:02Yes, please!
10:03Oh, Dr. Charlatan, how can we thank you?
10:08Don't worry, dear slug! There are many ways to thank me!
10:14Oh, gardening really stimulates the appetite!
10:17Oh, I know! I'll ask Torti for one of those slug bags he baked!
10:21Excuse me, slugs! These are for Dr. Charlatan!
10:24Try with Farmy! Maybe he has something to eat for you!
10:28Is that all that's left? A melon?
10:31That's it, slugs! I had to give the harvest as a reward for more of this Wondertunicum!
10:37The improved Wondertunicum harvest should sprout every day!
10:41Why don't you go into the forest and get a few blueberries?
10:44I will!
10:47Hello, Handy! Can I have your slug bag?
10:50No! I exchanged Wondertunicum for a super-saving package!
10:55I'm sorry! I have to keep working on the machine I'm making for Dr. Charlatan!
10:59That can't be true! Now I'm going to swallow this old nonsense!
11:04Oh, what a life! No wonder my mother wanted me to study medicine!
11:08You should be ashamed, you scoundrel!
11:11Yes, you swallowed everything that belongs to you!
11:14But blueberry...
11:15Don't call me blueberry, you...
11:18Oh, Cranky, thank you! I'll be right back with your bottle of Wondertunicum!
11:26Cranky, there is no Wondertunicum at all! Dr. Charlatan is a cheater!
11:31That's not true! I was always sick and weak, but now I'm swallowing full of energy!
11:37You just think so! You're not a little bit healthier than before!
11:40Nonsense, slug! I'm so strong and healthy that I could even run away from Asra'il now!
11:47Just imagine that!
11:48Oh, I can!
11:49No, you can't!
11:50Yes, I can! I will prove it to you!
11:53So, here's your bottle, Cranky!
11:57It's their fault!
11:59Cranky, you can't run away from Asra'il! You could never do that!
12:04You'll see, I'll prove to you that Dr. Charlatan is not a cheater!
12:08Come back, Cranky! Come back! Come back!
12:13I can't thank you enough for taking care of me again, slug!
12:18Don't mention it, old friend! But you should have picked me up much earlier!
12:22I would have, too, slug! But a fan named Dr. Charlatan sold me the so-called Wondertunicum!
12:28For a long time I really thought it would work!
12:31It's extremely amazing! If you believe in something, it's almost like that!
12:35Exactly! He's more of a joker than a slug! You should beware of him!
12:42I will, Cranky! Goodbye!
12:46My Wondertunicum is all, Doctor!
12:48Mine, too!
12:49Don't worry, I have more of them!
12:52Yes, but we don't have any more and we just don't know how to pay for them!
12:58Well, I'll see what I can do. Dr. Charlatan is fair!
13:02I'll be right back!
13:04What do you think? Will he help us?
13:06Oh, I'm 100% sure he would never let us down!
13:12I think the sweet life in the slug-luxury is almost over!
13:16It's time to finally get to business!
13:19I have to make the Wondertunicum now and become the richest man on earth!
13:28I have decided, since you dear slugs are such good buyers,
13:31each of you gets a refill of the Wondertunicum for free!
13:37So one slug after the other!
13:39Let's see, Hefty, I think you were first!
13:43Come on, Hefty!
13:45And dive in!
13:47I don't see anything in there!
13:51But now there is something in there!
13:55The next one!
13:56Clever, wasn't it?
13:58Oh, this rheumatism drives me crazy!
14:01Always at the same spot!
14:03My left foot!
14:05My right knee!
14:07My left shoulder!
14:09And my whole back!
14:12My left foot!
14:17Who wants something from me now?
14:21Don't do it, sicko!
14:23Yoohoo, Azrael!
14:29You won't get me!
14:30He must have lost his mind, Azrael!
14:34Try it!
14:55You want to humiliate me?
14:57I'll show you where my little blue friend is going!
15:01Oh no, that's terrible!
15:03It's nice to be home again.
15:05Strange, Fahmi has already harvested his fruits.
15:10No one home?
15:11And no food to see?
15:13That's unusual for Torti.
15:15Hello, is anyone home?
15:18Oh, Papa Slumpf, Papa Slumpf!
15:21Oh, how nice, you're back!
15:24Papa Slumpf, Gargamel caught Kranky
15:27only because he thought that Dr. Charlatan's tonic would help.
15:31Dr. Charlatan?
15:32This guy is a liar and a swindler.
15:35I know, Papa Slumpf.
15:36I tried to warn the others, but they kept going.
15:40Quick, we have to find them and try to save Kranky.
15:43I'm sorry I had to warn you.
15:45It's all right, Dr. Charlatan.
15:47Who's last?
15:49Slumpf is best.
15:50I really want to thank you, Dr. Charlatan, for...
15:54No, no!
15:55I have to thank you for being so stupid.
16:00Maybe I'll treat this old deficiency to a test run before I start to get rid of my little friends.
16:06Yes, the melon first.
16:10I think I prefer the ring than the bow.
16:12A painful decision, Slumpfine.
16:14We can either save the 97 slumps or Kranky.
16:18Wait a minute.
16:19What is it, Papa Slumpf?
16:20Maybe you can distract Gargamel, then we'll have more time.
16:25Where is the recipe, Slumpfpudding, Slumpfsoufflé, Slumpfeintopf?
16:29Ah, here it is, Slumpfbrühe.
16:32Fantastic, you don't have a Slumpf to eat every day.
16:37What's wrong with you, Slumpf?
16:39Yay, Gargamel! I bet you won't get me.
16:42Go away, Slumpf!
16:50Ouch, my rheumatism!
16:54I'm coming!
16:58Quick, Kranky, run!
17:04Finally, I've got you, you stupid blue heads.
17:07Now we don't have one, but two to eat, Azrael.
17:14Tortie, there should be a lot of blue in your skin, right?
17:18Big Slumpfman, have you gone mad?
17:21Don't you know what you get when you come into contact with slumps?
17:28Slumphonitis? Oh no!
17:30Oh yes, to be honest, you already have symptoms that indicate it.
17:34Really? No, I feel good, I think.
17:37You look pale and weak. You're shaking all over.
17:40So bad?
17:41Yes, you should sit down and let me examine you.
17:44Say, ah.
17:47Does it hurt here?
17:50And here?
17:51Ouch, yes.
17:52It's much worse than I thought.
17:54Oh, I wish I had never seen his slump, I'm lost.
17:57I could help you, I have the only remedy against it.
18:01If you would be willing to pay 1000 gold pieces.
18:041000? But I don't even have 10.
18:08Oh, then I can't help you.
18:11Well, God be with you.
18:13Is there no other way to pay you?
18:16Well, maybe you can help us with one thing.
18:20Oh, I think the oven is hot enough now, isn't it, Azrael?
18:26Who's there?
18:27Dr. Charlatan is my name.
18:29Forgive the interruption, but I thought it was my duty to warn you.
18:33A Zauberitis epidemic is spreading in the neighborhood.
18:36Have you noticed any symptoms?
18:38Zauberitis, you say?
18:40Me, symptoms? No, I don't have any.
18:42I just have a little rheumatism.
18:45Ah, that's the first symptom.
18:47I have to examine you.
18:49To be honest, you have all the symptoms, sir.
18:51It's the worst case I've ever seen.
18:54Oh, no.
18:55Oh, yes.
18:56But don't despair, there is a cure.
18:58Dr. Charlatan's miracle tonic.
19:00For a reasonable payment.
19:02Yes, but of course you get a payment.
19:05How about a bottle of bat blood?
19:08Or rather warts, pig feet, nails?
19:10Or a slightly worn-out but valuable cat?
19:14No, no, thank you.
19:16I see you are interested in slugs.
19:18I could give you one in exchange for your miracle tonic.
19:22What the hell can I do with slugs?
19:24But they taste delicious, or you can use them as bookshelves,
19:27or as cat toys, or as fish bait.
19:30Oh, yes, you can do a lot with slugs.
19:32You can have both.
19:33And on top of that, I'll give you the pot.
19:35Very well.
19:36Please do.
19:37Gurgle with it twice a day, Gargamel.
19:43All right, I've stopped my part of the excursion.
19:45What about yours?
19:46Here, rub this on your head,
19:48and your slugitis will disappear forever.
19:52I can already feel the effect.
19:54So, friends, I have to go.
19:56Farewell, Charlatan.
19:57And leave us alone.
19:59By the way, my good slug,
20:01are you interested in my Grauweck miracle tonic,
20:04or in my miracle slug?
20:06Of course, neither of them.
20:08What did I say?
20:10The truth, my lord.
20:11Thanks to my miracle tonic, you will never be able to lie to anyone again.
20:15The truth?
20:16That will ruin me.
20:17Not if you make an effort to become a real doctor.
20:24Why are you so gloomy, my dear slugs?
20:27But, slug, I felt much stronger
20:29than I still had the miracle tonic.
20:31You're wrong, Hefty.
20:33You only believed you would become stronger.
20:35You see, Hefty, if you believe in something,
20:37almost anything is possible.
20:39Then I'm just as sick as before.
20:42I think I'll get a cold again.
20:48Oh, that's wonderful.
20:50I think there's no more pain in my left foot,
20:54or in my right knee,
20:56or in my left shoulder,
20:57or in my cruciate ligament.
20:59Ah, now there's pain in my right foot,
21:02and in my left knee.
21:05Oh, that deceitful quack,
21:07that swallowing charlatan.
21:09Ah, my right shoulder.
21:11Oh, I'll get it.
21:12And if it's the last thing I do,
21:14ah, my back,
21:15ah, my right foot...
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