Die Schlümpfe - 224. b) Der falsche Vogel

  • 2 months ago


00:58I thought you slugs wanted to have a picnic with baby this morning and now it's almost noon.
01:16Sleepy sheep daddy slug, it's just hard for us to get going today, do you understand?
01:23Well, as I can see, baby got going without you.
01:29We're very sorry, baby.
01:32It's been really hard for me to sleep through a night in our slum shelter lately.
01:38What could be the reason, my little slugs?
01:41Take a look at this!
01:44Big slug!
01:46Where do the animals come from, Ned?
01:51Oh, daddy slug, I took care of these animals from the forest because they were injured.
01:55It's nice of you to help them.
01:58But if they're healthy, Ned, you should let them free.
02:01Well, these little slugs are very dear to my heart.
02:04But it's pretty crowded in here, daddy slug.
02:08So I bid you farewell.
02:10Slug, thank you! Now we can finally sleep soundly again.
02:19This plan is for the cat, Gargi.
02:22Better take out your claws and grab the feather.
02:25Oh, I almost did it, Gargi!
02:32Look, Gargi, I secured your feather.
02:36Yes, in a very original way.
02:39Goodbye, Quark, goodbye, Slug, goodbye, Slug.
02:44Maybe we'll see each other again one day.
02:48Sluggish egg, where did you come from and where did you leave your mother bird?
02:55Don't worry, we'll find your nest, you little egg.
02:59Hello, mother bird, you lost your egg.
03:03Mother bird!
03:05And why do you need the feather, Gargamel? For a pillowcase?
03:08No, you spirited featherweight, I will...
03:12Psst, be quiet, someone's calling.
03:15Bird, mama.
03:17The charming sound of a slug.
03:20Uhuhu, where are you, mama bird?
03:24Maybe you'll like daddy Gargi, too.
03:28Gargamel, leave me alone, you old slug.
03:42Thank you for your help, you little ones.
03:44Goodbye, Gargamel, you big disgust.
03:48Let's forget this single slug,
03:51because my new plan will throw off enough slugs,
03:54because I will come over them.
03:57What do you mean by that, Gargamel?
03:59I will get up, Slug, and fly like a bird.
04:11Oh no, it's starting again.
04:14Oh, you fat egg, we just finished your previous pet project.
04:19I couldn't just leave this egg without the protection of its mother, can't you see?
04:25Oh, and look, the slug has already made a small leap.
04:30What does that mean, Ned?
04:32That means the egg has to be hatched as soon as possible.
04:35Who's going to hatch it, Ned?
04:37All of us, of course, with the help of the slug friends.
04:42I know what! My picnic blanket keeps the egg warm.
04:45You should stay on the egg, Muffy, don't you understand?
04:48I hate sitting on the egg.
04:51Slug Nanoo, what is Toulouse doing with the egg?
04:53Well, he's painting a door, so the bird can find its way out easier.
04:58Maybe a lullaby can help.
05:02With a lullaby like that, the bird will never get out of the egg.
05:06Eggs need a lot of heat to hatch.
05:11Sweaty swans, I think we're going to burst more than this egg.
05:15Oh, it's no use. The egg needs a real mother bird.
05:19We'll probably have to go and look for a mother bird.
05:22A pinch of wind, a trace of flyweed.
05:26This magic potion will turn me into a real bird.
05:30Daddy has a big advantage, he's already blessed with a spade horn.
05:35I have to hurry, because, as they say, the early bird catches the worm.
05:41That was very good.
05:43Put a feather in it, light as air it should be.
05:46Stir it around and around, pour it in, you'll be a bird.
05:58I think I'm going mad. Daddy has turned into a bird.
06:03You just make sure you're done with the anti-bird stuff when I get back, rotten nose.
06:09Or I'll pick you up in such a way that you lose your hearing and sight.
06:19A creaking beetle. That must be the nest.
06:22Oh, you dear slug, that must have fallen out of the tree.
06:26I hate falling out of the tree.
06:28From a bird's perspective, it will be easier to discover these little blue goodies.
06:34Aha, perfect, there they are.
06:38Sloppy work, people.
06:40So, and when I get back to the nest, the mother bird might come back.
06:44And now, in a crash landing, down on my bag.
06:49Hey, you stupid slug, watch where you're going in the future.
06:58Flying folds, and that must be the mother bird.
07:01She seems to be injured.
07:03We have to swallow her back into the village and take care of her.
07:08These bandages will quickly swallow her wings again.
07:11But you're not allowed to fly for a while, mother bird.
07:14We'll take care of you, head up.
07:17Yes, and then I'll take care of you.
07:19Damn, my little blue goodies have wrapped my wings so that she can't fly.
07:25Nah, I'll just play along until I can free myself.
07:29Yes, and then it's off to the clever slug picking.
07:35Come on, mother bird, now you have plenty of time to breed your eggs.
07:39My what?
07:44Hopla, go up nicely again.
07:47Oh, they're going to bite me, because that's really going too far now.
07:50I have prepared some bird food so that she gets strength.
07:53Stupid idea, Torty.
07:54And what should we have for dinner?
07:56A delicious worm meal.
08:05Well, she's probably not hungry right now.
08:08Yes, I think she wants to stay with her egg for a while.
08:12And now down with the bandage before these disgusting predators return.
08:19You know, Azrael, we could let ourselves be comfortable here.
08:24Yes, of course.
08:26I'm just going to lose the anti-bird formula by chance,
08:30then Gargamel can play the dying swan.
08:34So, now I'm ready to collect my little nest full of slugs
08:38and lovingly transport them to the cooking pot.
08:43We're back again, mother bird.
08:46Yes, and we brought you more wobbly worm meat.
08:50Oh, you poor bird, your bandage has come off.
08:54Cracking crab, the chicken is slipping out.
08:57Slug, hooray, you did it, mother bird.
09:02Mama, mama.
09:05With the slug, this baby bird doesn't look like his mother at all.
09:08He can't do that either, because I'm not a mother bird at all.
09:13I've heard that voice somewhere before.
09:15You heard?
09:16Say, uncle Gargabird, good day, and then goodbye, slug village.
09:32Mama! Mama!
09:36Great slug, Gargamel has over-eaten us and is taking the sluglings with him.
09:40And a freshly hatched chick is following him on foot.
09:42Help! Help!
09:45It's me, your mother. Can't you see, you despicable fool?
09:50Quick, my slugs, open the picnic blanket.
09:53Mama! Mama!
09:57Phew, that went well again.
09:59But Gargamel is flying away with the sluglings.
10:02I hate it when Gargamel flies away with the sluglings.
10:06Mama! Mama!
10:08We have only one way to catch Gargamel.
10:12Don't worry, little bird, we'll find your mother.
10:14Wait, but first help to save the sluglings.
10:17Fluttering bats, here comes Gargamel.
10:28Release the sluglings immediately.
10:30My dear Gargamel, hopefully Gargamel has thought this through.
10:37The thing is, it's not funny, but I hope this bird is funny.
10:41Ha ha ha ha!
10:46Quick, my little sluglings, hold on to the tips.
10:50But what about daddy's slug?
10:54Oh, that was a lazy trick, daddy's slug, but you're still mine and that's a real treat.
11:03I don't need this albatross Gargamel as a fist in my neck anymore.
11:06I'll pour this anti-bird potion away and Gargamel will be stuck with his spiky golden cage.
11:14Stop, stop, stop, stop!
11:16Oh no, that can't happen, not now, albatross, what have you done?
11:32Yes, thank you, my little one.
11:35Ha ha ha!
11:36Oh no, Gargamel has caught daddy's slug and baby bird.
11:40Yes, but not for long.
11:45Ouch, let go of the help!
11:53Slug, didn't anything happen to you, daddy's slug?
11:56Yes, thank you, I'm fine, my little sluglings, thanks to the help of our feathered friends.
12:00Goodbye, little birds, and always be careful.
12:03Because you saved the egg, Ned, we were able to escape all Gargamel's catches.
12:07Yes, daddy's slug, you know the saying, a good slug holds everyone's hand.
12:13Hopping rabbit, the bunny is injured.
12:16We could take it to the slug cabin and make it healthy.
12:19Slug hooray! What do you mean, daddy's slug?
12:22I mean that you just found out what Ned already knew.
12:25If an animal has died, you have to accept it.
12:28Slug hooray! I think our slug cabin will be full again.
12:58THE END