M.A.S.K. Staffel 1 Folge 47 HD Deutsch

  • 2 months ago


00:00This programme contains strong language and adult humour.
00:03This programme contains strong language and adult humour.
00:30This programme contains strong language and adult humour.
01:00This programme contains strong language and adult humour.
01:03This programme contains strong language and adult humour.
01:06This programme contains strong language and adult humour.
01:09This programme contains strong language and adult humour.
01:14Mmm, this is delicious.
01:16And now I'll have one of those.
01:18And next I'll...
01:19If you don't stop eating cake, you'll need new teeth soon.
01:23T-Bob is right, Scott.
01:25If you eat too much sugar, you'll soon have a sweet tooth.
01:29But I absolutely have to try this one.
01:31But Scott, what you're eating is not cake, it's dried...
01:34Hello, Scott. Nice to see you eat something decent.
01:38Enjoy your meal.
01:48Is the food ready, Greta? I have to go back to the power plant soon.
01:52Yes, darling. I made my Life Ericson speciality for our guests.
01:56This must be real viking food.
01:59Yes, it's probably made of sour peas.
02:08Your advice has really helped us a lot, Matt.
02:12I'm glad to hear that, Tavi.
02:13I admire the way you make use of geothermics.
02:17Oh, Daddy, what does geothermics mean?
02:20I think it's ski underwear.
02:22Not quite, T-Bob.
02:24It's energy that is generated in the earth's interior.
02:27I'll show you.
02:28Here in Iceland, there are hot springs all over the earth's surface.
02:31The heat from the springs is then directed to the power plant,
02:34and so you can make use of the earth's heat for the people.
02:37Hey, that looks almost like a volcano.
02:40It should.
02:41The island of Iceland is the result of several volcanic eruptions.
02:45Yes, and the underground caves that were created help us channel the heat.
02:49Man, that sounds great.
02:51I don't understand at all.
02:53I can show you later, Scott.
02:55Unfortunately, I have to get back to work now.
02:58Scott, would you like some pickled herring?
03:01The Vikings must have had a good stomach to digest this salty stuff.
03:06And they probably didn't turn as green as you are.
03:09Help! An attack!
03:11Come on, Bruce. Maybe we can still catch the thief.
03:16I'm sure the guy stole a ton of pickled herring.
03:23Strange. None of the ships have set sail.
03:29What happened, Captain?
03:30Listen, Matt. When we came back from the festival, all the sails were gone.
03:34Not even the north wind is strong enough to blow them away.
03:37They must have been stolen.
03:38Maybe the man behind the sails can help us. He knows a lot.
03:41But the captain said he didn't see anything.
03:44Bruce means the sailor, Scott.
03:46There are only three sailors in the whole city,
03:48but two of them have disappeared for a week.
03:50In my opinion, something is wrong here.
03:52Then let's quickly question the third man.
03:57It looks like a hurricane in here.
04:02It must have been a strong hurricane.
04:06Looks like there's no more sailcloth in the whole city.
04:09But if we find it, we'll have the answer to our problem.
04:12We're going inland.
04:28You can't see anything out here, Daddy. As far as the eye can see.
04:32The wise men say, when you think you can't see anything, you can see everything.
04:38In this tundra, it's almost impossible to find someone.
04:42Hey, Daddy. Bruce was right. I see something over there.
04:46It's over there.
04:50It's July. It can't be snow.
04:58It's not snow. It's sailcloth.
05:01And such a perfect seam will never make a sailor.
05:05But why is someone going out into the tundra to sew sailcloth?
05:08I don't understand.
05:10These stitches look to me as if they were made by a laser needle.
05:15The only organization that has such a tool is Venom.
05:19It's time for M.A.S.K.
05:25We have to find out where Venom keeps his sewing lessons.
05:34I'm so excited. It's going to be exciting from now on. Am I right, Daddy?
05:39You're right, Scott. But it's going to be too dangerous for you two.
05:42You're going to stay with the Lindquists.
05:44Alert Level 1. Selection of the best agents for the mission Iceland.
05:48Jacques Loeffler, pilot, specialist for volcanoes and inaccessible terrain.
06:03Bruce Santum, already on site.
06:05Selection accepted. Mobile mission command M.A.S.K. ready for action.
06:16Hurry up!
06:17Make it a little faster!
06:19You snails have already wasted enough time.
06:25Come on, man!
06:26Move, move!
06:36Hey, Decker, you two are mean, too.
06:38But of course, Mr. Mame. I thought so.
06:41As always, you are not satisfied.
06:43Because you talk too much nonsense.
06:45Oh, yes, you're right again. Without a doubt.
06:48So get to work now, Decker.
06:50If you don't shut up, I'll stop you.
06:54And you two will do twice as well from now on.
06:57Listen, Mame, I...
06:59Shut up and work, or you won't see your family again.
07:04Get out of this work and we'll break the cross.
07:07Why don't we just get out of the way?
07:09Shut up, you dimwit!
07:11We would only risk destroying what we are looking for.
07:14But maybe it was destroyed years ago.
07:17You're getting on my nerves, Decker.
07:19If my information is correct,
07:21everything was buried under a layer of ice, snow and lava centuries ago.
07:25Since then, no one has looked for it anymore,
07:27because the fools believe that everything is destroyed.
07:29As stupid as you.
07:31Now get out of here and get back to work,
07:33or I'll tear your patience.
07:37It's getting pretty hot in that hole.
07:39I don't need a weather report.
07:41Tell me how the mood is out there.
07:43The people of Reykjavik will have no choice
07:46but to take cold showers in the next few days.
07:48I have converted the hot steam from the geothermal power plant
07:50for our purposes here.
07:52Well, then the greatest treasure of the century
07:55will soon belong to me.
08:01Ha ha ha!
08:11The food wasn't that bad.
08:13Hey, I told you, the food was actually pretty good.
08:16What? I don't think I'm hearing correctly.
08:18Something is wrong with my microphone.
08:20Didn't you just tell me that the fish stinks terribly?
08:22Psst! I hope she didn't hear that.
08:26But you're right.
08:28The fish just stinks terribly.
08:33Oh no! We seem to have a power outage!
08:38That's an earthquake!
08:40A stroke of luck! I thought I had a...
08:46I've got you, T-Bob!
08:48Hold on to me!
08:50Oh, dear God! But where are you holding me?
08:56I don't think I'm hearing correctly.
08:58We'd better get out of here
09:00before the earth swallows us whole.
09:13Hurry up, T-Bob! Your radio!
09:15I almost fell on my head!
09:19Stand still, T-Bob!
09:21Maybe we can climb out like this.
09:24If you'd stand still for a moment,
09:26I could see what I'm doing.
09:33I'm doing what I can,
09:35but something is stronger than me.
09:40Now I know how it feels to be in a garbage can.
09:43Come on, pull yourself together.
09:45We can't give up now.
09:47Pull yourself together, T-Bob!
09:54You can't give up, T-Bob!
09:56As long as it goes on like this,
09:58we'll burn through a few microprocessors.
10:00Hey, that's not a bad idea at all.
10:02What are you talking about?
10:04Maybe it'll save us from the rectifier.
10:14That looked just like one of T-Bob's green rectifiers.
10:17Mask it!
10:19That looked just like one of T-Bob's green rectifiers.
10:22Mask it!
10:26Scott has a problem. We have to hurry.
10:31It's working.
10:33There they are!
10:38These telephone poles are exactly what we need.
10:41Lifter, action!
10:49Hurry up!
10:51Jump, Scott!
11:02Well done, T-Bob.
11:04Oh, that was nothing.
11:06I don't do things like that.
11:08Hey, T-Bob!
11:15Scott, T-Bob!
11:17I'm so glad nothing happened to you.
11:21You two stay here where it's safe.
11:23If this is safe,
11:25I wonder what it'll look like when the child is born.
11:28Okay, Daddy. I got it.
11:31Watch her, Greta!
11:33I will.
11:41That's what the herrings are for tonight.
11:44Oh, maybe an earthquake will save us.
11:55I understand that you're worried.
11:57I can't explain it either.
11:59It wasn't a natural disaster.
12:01Look at this.
12:02Looks like a weld.
12:04A weld from a laser.
12:07It'll take hours to restore the pipes.
12:10Why would anyone do that?
12:12That's exactly what I'm wondering.
12:15No sign of a sailcloth, Matt.
12:17I'm also wondering what Veno is up to with the material.
12:21Mayhem is more cunning than an old Viking seal.
12:24Maybe the computer knows more than we do.
12:50Jack is playing hide-and-seek with us again.
12:53Let's see where he is.
12:54Ah, there he is.
13:02Jack LaFleur and his volcano vehicle are reporting in.
13:06I'm always happy to see your sense of humor.
13:10At last, Iceland.
13:12Reykjavik was once a Viking port between the New World and Scandinavia.
13:16The treasures from their vessels were stored in a secret bay.
13:20You were right, Matt.
13:21Around 900 BC, Christi thought of a strong snowfall in the port.
13:25Later, she was taken over by Cleopatra.
13:29It could well be that the snow has preserved the port well to this day, and thus the treasure.
13:34No wonder Mayhem is here.
13:36Yes, but if you know where he is, why don't you set off?
13:40That wouldn't be a risk for Mayhem.
13:42That would destroy the treasure.
13:44Matt is right.
13:45So you need something else to lift the city out of the water.
13:49That's right, Bruce.
13:50A balloon made of sailcloth could lift the whole city into the air.
13:54You fill it with hot steam, and the underground will break.
13:58We absolutely have to stop it.
14:02Oh dear.
14:04Oh, the smell can be really bad.
14:07It smells awful.
14:12Hey, T-Bob!
14:13That must be one of those lava tunnels Mr. Lindquist told us about.
14:17Take a look at it.
14:19All right, but if it smells just as bad in there, I'll get rid of my sense organs.
14:23That looks like an adventure, T-Bob.
14:25Let's both find out where the tunnel leads.
14:28You know what, my dear? Your ideas don't get any better.
14:31Open the valve!
14:45Come on, hurry up!
14:54What was that?
14:55I don't think we're making any popcorn down there.
15:02We're pretty far out of town already, man.
15:06Yeah, Bruce.
15:07If only we could get a nice heating bill.
15:28Hold on tight, boys!
15:31Now, Flex!
15:40Hey, what's going on now?
15:50Come on, T-Bob! Keep going!
16:01This is bad!
16:06According to the Spectrum, this is where the heat is coming from.
16:12That's sailcloth, Fats. Venom is right in front of us.
16:23Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
16:29Wow, this is unbelievable!
16:32You were right, Mr. Maine. I have to say, you're very smart.
16:38Oh! Do you see what I see?
16:41Yes, loud and clear! Who let these pirates in here?
16:46We have to tell Daddy.
16:49But my radio is still in the bucket. You didn't fix it, did you?
16:53I think it's still there. Look!
16:56Bastard! I won't let him ruin my plans!
16:59Stay away from the treasure!
17:21These guys are a little too overbearing.
17:23Lifter, check in!
17:32What the hell is that?
17:37All right, boys. Now I'm going to blow you a load of sand into the engine.
17:46And now to our sailmaker friends.
17:51I think it's time for my hide-and-seek trick. Mirage, action!
17:59Hey, where did you go?
18:01You won't get away with this, even if I can't see you.
18:07What's that supposed to mean? I only bathe on Sundays.
18:10Get out of here.
18:15How's T-Bob doing? That's hot mud.
18:18The stuff must be coming straight out of the volcano.
18:20I knew something was going to go wrong.
18:25How long does a robot need to be alive?
18:29Scott! T-Bob! What are they doing here?
18:35Lifter, action!
18:36Lifter, action!
18:44The whole harbour is sinking in the mud.
18:46We've always lost that. Let's get out of here.
18:54Now we're going to finish the mud bath.
18:56Get into safety, Chuck.
18:58I'll take care of the rest.
19:07You should stay at home, Scott.
19:09What kind of excuse was that this time?
19:12Well, Daddy, we just wanted to play in the mud.
19:17Luckily, the balloon in the city didn't cause too much damage.
19:20It's just a shame about the lost energy.
19:22You have to come back next year, Scott.
19:25Then the treasure will be exhibited, without all the mud.
19:28Oh, yes, I'd love to. I'd like to take a closer look at this treasure.
19:32Me too, Scott.
19:34I've prepared something special for you.
19:39Laid-in herring.
19:41Well, Scott, are you looking forward to it?
19:44Don't call me Scott. You smell like fish.
19:57T-Bob, how many times have I told you to hold the ladder?
20:00So do it.
20:01Don't worry, I'm holding it.
20:03But do you have to hold the ladder with this mud?
20:06T-Bob! T-Bob!
20:07We'll both be in the mud if you don't hold the ladder.
20:10As long as someone else is on the ladder, you can't let go of it,
20:13otherwise it could be dangerous.
20:15You're right, Scott.
20:16It's the only way to reach new heights.
20:19Oh, dear.
20:33Oh, dear.
20:42Oh, dear.
20:48Oh, dear.
20:54Oh, dear.
21:03Oh, dear.