Her Fantastic Adventures (2024) Ep.35 Eng Sub

  • 2 months ago
Her Fantastic Adventures (2024) Ep.35 Eng Sub
00:30要多輾轉 才開出成圈 How long do I have to go around before I can make a decision?
00:36引起怨懼 找到 要去的終點 I'm willing to find the destination I want to go to
00:41突然間時空倒流 連夢都錯過步驟 Suddenly, time goes backwards, and I miss my dreams
00:44也嘲笑莫名邪惡 幻想是新的預謀 Don't try to fool me, it's like a new dream
00:47就裝作無憂無愁 看它們成千瘋猴 Just pretend to be carefree and watch them go crazy
00:51掌聲裡加點溫柔 才挑起愛恨之爭 Just add some tenderness to the voice to provoke love and hatred
00:57日落蔚藍的天空 飄出了 美麗的夢想的模樣 鮮艷 The blue sky in the sky is so beautiful, it's dazzling
01:04美麗的夢想的模樣 鮮艷 The beautiful dream is so dazzling
01:11像陽光照亮 黑暗的明天 像愛的花一樣不輾轉 How long do I have to go around before I can make a decision?
01:17要多輾轉 才開出成圈 How long do I have to go around before I can make a decision?
01:22一切變成街角的標誌到了終點 Everything becomes the end of the signboard
01:52你叫什麼名字啊 What's your name?
01:55靠牆 Kao Qiang
02:01我叫小五 My name is Wu
02:06你再考慮考慮吧 Think about it
02:09我還要在這兒待多長時間啊 How long do I have to stay here?
02:13少爺 Young Master
02:15段少爺 Young Master Duan
02:17少爺 Young Master
02:19少爺 Young Master
02:20這兒呢 Here
02:22少爺 Young Master
02:24這是怎麼了 What's going on?
02:26被個姑娘搶劫了 被搶劫了 A girl robbed me.
02:28你堂堂黑虎山大當家 怎麼還被一姑娘搶劫了 You are the leader of Black Tiger Mountain. How could a girl rob you?
02:32她可不是一般的姑娘 She is not an ordinary girl.
02:34她叫小五 Her name is Wu
02:35小五 Wu?
02:42不能看 Don't look
02:44你認識她 You know her?
02:46如果沒記錯的話 If I remember correctly
02:48她上輩子是火后族的族人 She was a member of the Fire Queen Clan
02:50你和她還有過一段姻緣 You had an affair with her
02:53怪不得我一見到她 No wonder I want to get the best thing in the world
02:55就想把全世界最好的東西都給她搶過來 when I see her
02:58那我她上輩子怎麼樣了 How was she in her last life?
03:00是不是如嬌似妻 Is she beautiful like a beauty?
03:02神仙眷戀天長地久啊 She is a goddess with a long life
03:05聖血門 The Holy Blood Sect
03:07屠了火后族全族 Killed the Fire Queen Clan
03:10她也 She also
03:16又是聖血門 The Holy Blood Sect again
03:20沒完 It's not over
03:25小喬 Xiao Qiao
03:26聖血門應該已經猜到我們要找青木人興建 The Holy Blood Sect should have guessed that we were looking for the Green Woodman
03:29那我們如何入西嶺 Then how do we get into West Shrine?
03:32只要讓師叔和我相見 As long as you and I meet
03:34我就有辦法說服他幫我們 I have a way to convince him to help us
03:40可是 But
03:41怎麼才能讓阮前輩知道我們在這兒 How can we let Senior Ruan know we're here?
03:44我有辦法 I have an idea
03:57天下第一阮四窮 天下第一美男 The No.1 handsome man in the world, Ruan Si Qiong
04:00在此用餐 阮四窮是天下第一美男 He's here to eat. Ruan Si Qiong is the No.1 handsome man in the world
04:14天下第一阮四窮 在此用餐 The No.1 handsome man in the world, Ruan Si Qiong
04:17在此用餐 阮四窮是天下第一美男 He's here to eat. Ruan Si Qiong is the No.1 handsome man in the world
04:23這辦法有用嗎 Is it going to work?
04:25我看那掌櫃的在外面吆喝半天了 I've seen the shopkeeper drinking outside for a long time
04:27也沒見幾個人來啊 But I haven't seen many people coming
04:29能行 It'll work
04:31只要掌櫃的一直這麼喊下去 As long as the shopkeeper keeps shouting like this
04:34阮師叔就一定會來 Senior Ruan will come
04:36為什麼呀 Why?
04:37上輩子神農閣男公無恨冒充他身份的時候也是這麼喊 When Shen Nong Ge pretended to be a man in his previous life
04:42還被阮師叔狠狠地打了一頓 Senior Ruan beat him up
04:44這輩子只要掌櫃的一直這麼喊下去 師叔就一定會來 As long as the shopkeeper keeps shouting like this, Senior Ruan will come
04:53不對啊 掌櫃怎麼不喊啊 That's not right. Why didn't the shopkeeper shout?
04:56是不是有人來了 Is someone coming?
04:58是你們說的阮師叔嗎 Is it Senior Ruan?
05:01不是 No
05:02不是 No?
05:03那是誰啊 Who is it?
05:04現在來的應該是陸子征 Now it should be Lu Zizheng
05:08一個陸子征有什麼好怕的 A Lu Zizheng is nothing to be afraid of
05:10你們倆在這兒待著 我會餵他去 You two stay here. I'll feed him
05:12不行 你打不過他的 No, you can't beat him
05:15此地不宜久留 走 It's not a good place to stay. Let's go
05:26師父 您居然還活著 Master, you're still alive
05:30我想死你了 I miss you so much
05:32這位姑娘 This lady
05:34大師兄 Senior Ruan
05:36芙蓉師姐 Senior Furong
05:37沒想到有生之年我還能見到你們 I didn't expect to see you in my lifetime
05:40我師父好像不曾收你這個徒弟吧 My master didn't accept you as his disciple, did he?
05:45姑娘 你是不是認錯人了 Miss, did you get the wrong person?
05:52小喬 小喬你怎麼了 Xiaoqiao, what's wrong with you?
05:54公子別急 待老夫替他把一把脈 Don't worry, Master. Let me take his pulse
05:58他們幾個都在裡面嗎 Are they all in there?
06:00都在裡面 老子跟他拼了 They're all in there. I'll fight him
06:03是陸子張 It's Lu Zizhang
06:08長財 你跟芙蓉先去應對應對 Changcai, you and Furong go to deal with him
06:10你們幾個跟我回西陵 You guys go back to West Shrine with me
06:13不行 來不及了 No, it's too late
06:16那就各自想辦法躲起來 快啊 Then let's find a way to hide. Hurry up
06:19走 Let's go
06:21有人讓你放出消息說 天下第一阮四窮就在這兒 Someone told you to send a message saying that the world's number one Ruan Siqiong is here
06:24千真萬確 It's true
06:25您不是早就吩咐過 若是清水鎮有阮四窮的消息出現一定第一時間通知您的 You told me that if there's any news about Ruan Siqiong in Qingshui Town, I'll let you know as soon as possible
06:32所以我立刻就派人給您送信了 So I sent someone to send you a message right away
06:37做得好 去把所有人都給我找出來 Well done. Go find everyone
06:56阮四窮從未在西樓出現過 Ruan Siqiong has never appeared in West Shrine
07:02如今不但有人知曉他的存在 還能說出他是天下第一的身份 除了顧清喬還有誰 Now that someone knows about his existence, he can also say that he is the number one in the world
07:09Except Gu Qingqiao, who else?
07:14見過門主 Greetings, Master
07:18師兄 師姐 你們怎麼都在這兒 Senior brother and senior sister, why are you all here?
07:26禀門主 我與師妹今日下山一診 累了便在此歇歇腳 Master, my junior sister and I went down the mountain for a check-up today and took a rest here when we were tired
07:33就你們兩個? Just the two of you?
07:35不是不是 門主 包師兄今天身體不適 所以我才開了房間讓他在此歇息 您千萬別誤會啊 No, Master, Senior Brother Bao is not feeling well today, so I opened the room and let him rest here. Don't get me wrong
07:43是是是 您別誤會啊 既然是一診 為何不讓師父露臉啊 Since it's a check-up, why don't you show your face?
07:47師父 師父今日未曾下山啊 Master, you didn't go down the mountain today
07:51未曾下山 Didn't go down the mountain
07:54那好吧 那就勞煩師兄和師姐隨我上山一趟 好吧 那就勞煩師兄和師姐隨我上山一趟 那好吧 那就勞煩師兄和師姐隨我上山一趟 Then please follow me up the mountain, Senior Brother and Senior Sister
08:00我還是真有心想見一見王天山 I really want to meet Wang Tianshan
08:03這個 這個師父他 This… This master…
08:06別這個那個了 來 把所有人都給我帶走 Stop saying this and that. Take everyone away
13:19Xiao Qiao!
13:38This old man is pretty good!
13:40He even knows magic!
13:42I'm flattered, young master.
13:44Young master, hurry up and take Xiao Qiao in to hide.
13:47No matter what happens later, don't come out.
13:50Master Wang, what about you?
13:52Don't worry, Lu Zizheng will still give me some face.
13:56Thank you.
14:04Master, here.
14:08Senior Bao.
14:12This is not the way to Tian Shan Ju, is it?
14:16Master, I'm afraid you're mistaken.
14:19The innkeeper said that you went down the mountain with Master this morning.
14:24But you said that only you and Senior Furong were there.
14:29Master, she was really on the mountain today.
14:32She didn't go down with us.
14:34It's true!
14:49Do you think that I don't know that this is Yunmeng Forest?
15:03Master, Master has already woken up. You can't...
15:11I didn't know that you would come. I'm sorry.
15:20I didn't expect you to go to bed so early.
15:24I'm getting old. I get tired easily.
15:27Master, is there anything important?
15:30Did you go to Qing Shui Town during the day?
15:34I have to open a furnace today.
15:36I have to wait by your side. I didn't go down the mountain.
15:39Master, are you serious?
15:41Of course I'm serious.
15:43What's wrong? Did something happen in the town?
15:47The innkeeper said that Senior Ruan went to have a meal today.
15:52I thought that I finally found Senior Ruan.
15:55But when I went in, I found that no one was there.
15:59Who did this to you?
16:02I think it's the same as the master.
16:05It's the old man that Senior Ruan can't forget.
16:09Really? I'm curious.
16:12Why didn't the old man show up?
16:15I sent people to search the whole town.
16:18But I didn't find him.
16:20Where is he hiding?
16:29Watch your step.
16:31Let me down.
16:33Xiao Qiao.
16:36Xiao Qiao.
16:38Xiao Qiao, you're finally awake.
16:45Where am I?
16:49This is the Nine-Qing Secret Cave.
16:51That's right. This is the Nine-Qing Secret Cave of West Shrine.
16:54Master Wang asked us to hide here.
17:00I'm so sorry. I fell asleep again.
17:04I'm really tired.
17:11I know the way.
17:14Be careful.
17:25The Nine-Qing Secret Cave is the forbidden area of West Shrine.
17:28How did you get in?
17:32That means the master already knows who the savior is.
17:37Other than him, there's no one else.
17:40Back then, I came to West Shrine with him as his brother.
17:44Only he knew that Senior Ruan was the number one in the world.
17:52Do you remember the first time I met you and asked you something?
17:57Of course I remember.
17:59I've answered the master many times.
18:02My junior, Senior Ruan,
18:04disappeared many years ago.
18:06I'm afraid he's already dead.
18:10If you don't believe me, you can search West Shrine.
18:15No need.
18:17What you said today reminds me that
18:20there's a forbidden area in West Shrine.
18:23Only you can find it.
18:28How... how come I didn't know there's such a forbidden area in West Shrine?
18:37Wang Tianshan.
18:40Stop pretending.
18:44Tell me where the forbidden area is.
18:49I don't mind killing everyone here.
18:55Lu Zizheng!
19:03It's me.
19:06I gave you a choice in your previous life.
19:10In this life,
19:12don't make the same mistake again.
19:18We haven't met before.
19:20How do you know my name?
19:24I'm Gu Qingqiao,
19:26the youngest disciple of Master.
19:29I know you.
19:31I've known you for a long time.
19:37You're the new disciple of Master.
19:40Xiao Qiao.
19:42Xiao Qiao.
19:44Is he...
19:51He's the best in the world,
19:53Ruan Siqiu,
19:54Master Ruan.
19:57I'm Duan Yu.
19:59Nice to meet you, Master Ruan.
20:01No way.
20:03Master Ruan.
20:04No way.
20:06He looks weak.
20:08How can he be the best in the world?
20:15I'm Ruan Siqiu.
20:17But the best in the world...
20:19What's going on?
20:23Don't tell me...
20:25you didn't pull out the Green Woodman Sword in this life?
20:30The Green Woodman Sword is a rare treasure.
20:35Only the Sword Puller can pull it out.
20:38Who are you?
20:40Why did you tell us the secret of the Green Woodman Sword?
20:46If I say
20:49I'm the Sword Puller of the Green Woodman Sword,
20:52will you believe me?
20:54It doesn't matter whether I believe it or not.
20:57What matters is whether the Green Woodman Sword recognizes me.
21:00Since you say you're the Sword Puller,
21:02please follow me.
21:16Why did you lie to me?
21:20I'm sorry.
21:21I asked Duan Yu to do this.
21:26Please don't die.
21:28I won't go home.
21:29I don't want the Green Woodman Sword.
21:31I'll give it back to you.
21:33I only want you.
21:37Don't cry.
21:40I hope you're a confident and happy child.
21:48In the next life,
21:50I want to eat your food.
21:56What's wrong, Miss Xiaoxiao?
22:08It's good that you're alive.
22:10It doesn't matter if you're the first in the world.
22:12As long as you're healthy
22:14and live a long life,
22:16it's the best.
22:21This is the Green Woodman Sword.
22:23The shape is quite strange.
22:26Please pull out the sword.
22:47The Green Woodman Sword
22:59You're really the Sword Puller.
23:01I've been waiting here for years.
23:04People thought you were missing.
23:07But you've been waiting here.
23:10That's right.
23:11Three years ago,
23:12after Lu Zizheng became the leader of the Sacred Blood Sect,
23:15he asked West Shrine to give me the Green Woodman Sword.
23:19My master Zhang Sifeng refused,
23:22so he hid me in the Nine Stars Cave.
23:25He told me to wait for the Sword Puller.
23:29Lu Zizheng was afraid that you would be invincible in your last life.
23:32That's why he stopped you.
23:34Last life?
23:36Senior Ruan,
23:38Xiaoxiao knew us in her last life.
23:40We came to West Shrine
23:42not only for the Green Woodman Sword,
23:44but also to defeat Lu Zizheng and the Sacred Blood Sect.
23:49That's an interesting way to put it.
23:52Was I good in my last life?
23:55Very good.
23:57You were the best in your last life.
24:00Lu Zizheng was no match for you.
24:05What a pity.
24:07In this life,
24:08in order to cure my peers,
24:10I devoted myself to medicine,
24:11and wasted my martial arts.
24:14my martial arts have become normal.
24:17I don't need to hide it anymore.
24:21in my heart,
24:23you are always the best.
24:25Wait a minute.
24:26That's not right.
24:27I don't know who said that
24:29Duan Yu's Qilin Skill is the best in the world.
24:35This is not comparable.
24:37Right, Duan Yu?
24:43Both are great.
24:44Both are great.
24:45Both are great.
25:04I don't want to waste time.
25:07Please make a decision as soon as possible.
25:16I can take you to the Nine-Qing Secret Cave.
25:18But before we set off,
25:20I have a question to ask you.
25:22Go ahead.
25:24You took me as your master,
25:26and brought them here
25:28one by one
25:29from Tianan and Haibei.
25:31You just want us
25:32to become
25:33what you wanted in your last life.
25:35But you killed Changqing Duan,
25:38and forced my master to die,
25:40and forced your peers to die.
25:42You used the cruelty of your life
25:44to satisfy the regret of your last life.
25:47Lu Zicheng,
25:48what do you really want?
25:51Can you really tell
25:52the difference between your two lives?
25:57What do I want?
26:01All I want is
26:03not to be regarded as an alien
26:05but to be accepted by the world.
26:08Did I do something wrong?
26:11Why can't I always
26:12be recognized by you?
26:14Ruan Ziqiong kicked me out of the sect.
26:16Gu Jingqiao never saw my pain.
26:18You'd rather die
26:20than help me get the treasure map.
26:24I treat Xie Lv wholeheartedly.
26:26But why do you treat me like this?
26:28Lu Zicheng,
26:32may give you respect,
26:34but it will never
26:35make you recognized.
26:38If you still treat them
26:39as your peers,
26:40just let them go.
26:42Promise me
26:43not to hurt them.
26:45You still have a chance to turn around.
26:53I don't.
26:56Take me to Jiuqing Rebellion Cave.
26:59I think you should know
27:01how important the lives of Ruan Ziqiong
27:03and all the disciples are.
27:11I promise you.
27:13But you have to promise me
27:15not to hurt my disciples.
27:19you can't.
27:21you can't.
27:22Master, you can't.
27:24you can't.
27:26protect your juniors.
27:31let's go.
27:45Lu Zicheng has found us.
27:47Master can't stay outside for long.
27:50we have to leave now.
27:51When I open the gate of time and space,
27:55will go back to the way it was.
27:57Take care.
27:58I look forward to your good news.
28:00Senior Ruan,
28:01see you later.
28:04take care.
28:16Senior Ruan,
28:17see you later.
28:20Young Master Duan,
28:24I have something to tell you.
28:27What is it?
28:30I have something
28:32I don't know if I should tell you.
28:34Please go ahead.
28:35I just felt
28:37Miss Qiao's breath.
28:40She is dying.
28:49Wait a minute.
28:51Something is wrong.
28:52What is wrong?
28:53According to my experience as a bandit,
28:55there is an ambush here.
28:58We can't stay here for long.
28:59Let's go.
29:00Let's go.
29:10Lu Qingqiao,
29:11I finally wait for you.
29:13Lu Zicheng,
29:14come to me alone if you dare.
29:16Don't get others involved.
29:19I didn't expect that
29:21you would be with them again.
29:24They know nothing.
29:25It has nothing to do with them.
29:28There is one thing
29:29I don't understand.
29:30Gu Qingqiao,
29:32in the last life,
29:33you met me first.
29:35In this life,
29:36I can bring you glory and wealth.
29:38Gu Qingqiao,
29:40why do you choose
29:41the wrong side every time?
29:43Then you should ask yourself
29:45why everyone
29:46stands against you.
29:47You are so stubborn.
29:50Gu Qingqiao,
29:52I will give you one last chance.
29:55Hand over Si Ling
29:56and go back to Xiling Sect.
29:59you are still my little sister.
30:01I can spare their lives.
30:03Do you think
30:04I will trust you again?
30:07As you wish.
30:10you can't do it now.
30:25Lu Zizheng.
30:31Lu Zizheng.
30:41Wan Yu.
30:42You despicable man.
30:43Lu Zizheng.
30:51Lu Zizheng,
30:52I heard you have been looking for me.
30:54Ruan Siqiong.
30:56Thanks to you,
30:57I have obtained
30:58the power of Qingmu Human Sword.
31:01I don't have to be restrained by you
31:04and hide in this secret cave.
31:10Junior brother,
31:11I didn't expect
31:12you to end up
31:13in this way.
31:15Lu Zizheng,
31:16have you forgotten?
31:18Uncle Ruan is the best in the world.
31:20If you dare to go forward,
31:21you will die.
31:25Uncle Ruan.
31:28The best in the world?
31:30Your joke
31:31is just a fake.
31:36Uncle Ruan.
31:37Uncle Ruan.
31:38Lu Zizheng.
31:39Ruan Cai,
31:40why are you so stupid?
31:42Xiling disciples,
31:45kill them.
31:54I'm going to kill you!
32:14Xiao Qiao, it's too late.
32:24Xiao Qiao!
32:30I can't run anymore.
32:32Xiao Qiao, are you okay?
32:34I'm fine.
32:36Let's go.
32:40I think we should go back.
32:42No, we can't go back.
32:44If we go back,
32:46we'll waste Uncle Ruan's time.
32:48I'm so useless.
32:50I can't save my own brother.
32:52I can't save Xiling's people either.
32:54We don't have time to be sad.
32:56Lu Zizheng and the others will catch up soon.
32:58That's right.
32:59The third spirit is on the person who has something to do with Xiao Qiao.
33:01The fourth spirit is on Lu Zizheng.
33:03So we have to hurry to the Holy Palace.
33:05The door of time and space is finally going to open in the Holy Palace.
33:07As long as we get to the Holy Palace,
33:09we can save Master Kongkong.
33:11Maybe we still have a chance to turn things around.
33:13Let's go.
33:14Don't waste time.
33:22Being the number one in the world is nothing to be afraid of.
33:25I'm not the number one in the world at all.
33:28What you are afraid of
33:30is just the obsession of the past life.
33:33In the end, you are just a pitiful person.
33:38I'm not.
33:40I'm not.
33:52Xiao Qiao,
33:53is this the Holy Palace?
33:55When I came here last time,
33:57there was still a tent here.
33:59I don't know why
34:01it's gone now.
34:13Shao Yi, come back.
34:15Are you crazy?
34:16He's alone.
34:17You guys go first.
34:18I'll distract him.
34:23Come here!
34:25I'm the chief of Black Tiger Mountain.
34:27Of course, I'm good at martial arts.
34:30I will never lose.
34:31I'm as soft as silk.
34:33Shao Yi.
34:35You are a scholar.
34:39You are a scholar.
34:40Don't act like a girl.
34:43Duan Shao Yi.
34:44You won't lose anyone again.
34:46You are no longer an orphan.
34:48You still have family.
34:50You still have me.
34:54I know.
34:56Thank you.
34:58Remember what you promised me.
35:00Don't die.
35:08Don't worry.
35:10I won't die.
35:12I haven't married yet.
35:15Let's go.
35:16Shao Yi.
35:17Let's go.
35:31Xiao Qiao.
35:32Where are we going?
35:34Xiao Qiao.
35:35Where are we going?
35:37I remember that if we go forward from here,
35:39we can see Master Kong Kong.
35:44Xiao Qiao.
35:46Their clothes are different.
35:49Oh, no.
35:50We fell into their trap.
36:05Xiao Qiao.
36:11You are beautiful.
36:13We are destined to meet.
36:15We may have met in our previous life.
36:19Why don't you use your blood to kill me?
36:22It's easy to kill you.
36:24But I just want to torture you slowly.
36:27I'm so scared.
36:29It's a pity that my companions have sneaked into the palace.
36:31My mission has been completed.
36:33I have plenty of time to spend with you.
36:36Do you think I don't know what you have done?
36:39If Master didn't let me let them in,
36:42you still have a chance to stand here.
36:44You are so mean.
36:54If they are really disguised as the disciples of the Holy School,
36:57why didn't they kill us directly?
36:59There is a possibility that
37:00Master doesn't want to kill you.
37:02That's right.
37:03He and I have broken up.
37:06Oh, no. They are coming.
37:07Let's go.
37:08Let's go.
37:17You are here.
37:19Since I was reborn 15 years ago,
37:21I have kept you in this place.
37:24Kong Kong.
37:25Although you are the princess of the Holy Palace,
37:28you are determined to steal the fate of Heaven
37:30and the mortal world.
37:33Have you done it?
37:35The secular world is very complicated.
37:37After all, you can't get rid of it.
37:39Master, what about you?
37:43In my previous life, I have always thought that
37:45if the one who won 15 years ago was the disciples of the Holy School,
37:48then everything that Duan Yu has will be mine.
37:51If I can come here again,
37:56I can have a happy family
37:58in the secular world
38:00and love my disciples
38:02and admire my lover.
38:04But in the end, I am still on the same path as before.
38:07My hands are stained with the blood of my disciples.
38:12I am respected by everyone
38:14and despised by everyone.
38:17You have no faith, no doubt,
38:21no sorrow, no joy.
38:23You are obsessed.
38:27I also wanted to let go of my obsession and stay in the blood
38:29and give up revenge.
38:31But they disappointed me again and again.
38:33Did I really do something wrong?
38:36Master, I think you already have the answer in your heart.
38:45Stop! Stop!
38:53You can't run anymore!
38:56There are too many of them.
38:58There is a cave ahead. Let's go.
39:17You are overestimating yourself.
39:19You are no match for me.
39:31I promised others
39:33that I wouldn't die!
39:42It's so strange.
39:44They didn't follow me.
39:46Why is it so dark here?
39:51I have a torch.
39:53Calm down.
39:55I'll make a torch.
40:23I'll make a torch.
40:53You are in the middle of the crowd.
40:55The wind is getting stronger.
40:57You are the red thread of fate.
41:00The end is coming.
41:02Love is like a bookmark.
41:04It's not what you want.
41:36You are in the middle of the crowd.
41:38The wind is getting stronger.
41:40You are the red thread of fate.
41:42The end is coming.
41:44Love is like a bookmark.
41:46It's not what you want.
41:48You are the red thread of fate.
41:50The end is coming.
41:52Love is like a bookmark.
41:54It's not what you want.
41:56You are the red thread of fate.
41:58The end is coming.
42:00Love is like a bookmark.
42:02The end is coming.
42:04You are the red thread of fate.
42:06The end is coming.
42:08Love is like a bookmark.
42:10It's not what you want.