xian wang de richang shenghuo 3 dub episode 12

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00:00This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
00:30Enjoy the show!
01:00This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
01:30This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
02:00This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
02:30Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!
02:36Happy birthday dear Lu Xiaoyu!
02:41Hey! Happy birthday!
02:47Thank you so much!
02:50I forgot today was my birthday.
03:00That was the day I came to realize I was no longer a demon.
03:12Nor am I a human.
03:30There's not one human.
03:58Not a single one that cares if we live or die.
04:01Do you want to spend the rest of your lives in the sewers, alone in a world that hates you?
04:08Remember these faces! They're the ones kidnapping our brethren!
04:12Least ignored. Left outside, like we're dogs!
04:16It's not that we are less capable than them, but we're being pushed down and beaten into subservience.
04:28These evil humans. Their cruelty knows no bounds.
04:32It is they who destroyed our homeland. They who uprooted us.
04:36We've been kept in their shadow too long. I think it's high time we see the light.
04:43They're holding them here, inside the volcano.
04:46But the cumulonimbus force field is too strong. If we want to rescue them, we'll have to break through it.
04:57We may not return, and many will pay the ultimate price, it's true.
05:25But your sacrifice will ensure our victory!
05:28And then, when I take back the throne, no demon will ever suffer again!
05:55I am the Demon King!
06:15Froggy 2? Why are you here?
06:22That thing in your mouth. Drop it.
06:33You're the one who took the sacred cudgel.
06:38Lord King! Let us join you! We'll kill them together!
06:42Yes, he's already found one. We can start him.
06:45Silence! You need to stay back. This human is very dangerous.
06:59That's how it is? Will it be one on one, or me against all of you?
07:04Hang on now! I've known you too long to try that. Fighting you would be suicide at best.
07:10Can we not think of a more civilized way to settle our dispute?
07:16What is the Lord King doing? He could have eaten the boy by now.
07:19He's the king, so he knows best. While you're thinking about food, he's negotiating peace.
07:26We could just hash it out with words.
07:29How so?
07:31Well, I'll ask three questions. If you can answer them all, I'll make the demon surrender.
07:37And if I can't?
07:39Let's go back to Washu. Let us do what we must.
07:43This is Soonland anyway. I'll make sure Washu remains untouched.
07:49Already? That was so fast!
07:51Do you really think I'm going to lose?
07:54All right, suit yourself. Look at the block diagram floating before you. What's the final output?
08:04I saw the way you were at Faction 60. If there was math on the whiteboard, you were quick to zone out.
08:09Crunching on your noodles while your magic pencil did your work. You won't be able to answer this.
08:14X is 1, Y is 1, K is 0. S equals 1 minus 1 equals 0. T equals 1 plus 1 equals 2.
08:19X is 0, Y is 2, K equals 0 plus 1 equals 1. 1 greater than or equal to 3 is false.
08:22S equals negative 2, T equals 2, X equals negative 2, Y equals 2, and K equals 2.
08:252 greater than or equal to 3 is false. S is negative 4, T is 0, X is negative 4, Y is 0, and K is 3.
08:283 greater than or equal to 3 is true. So negative 4, 0, right?
08:32That's impossible. You got a 60 on every single math test. How could you possibly know?
08:37Think it's easy to get 60 on every test?
08:40Are you kidding? Is he implying he knew exactly how to answer to get 60 every time?
08:45What are they talking about? Why is this taking so long?
08:49He's the king. Our lives hang in the balance of these peace talks.
08:52What's next?
08:54Let's see how stellar you really are, boy.
08:56We have three celestial bodies at play, whose mass, position, and velocities are arbitrary.
09:01Find the pattern of their motions as governed by the gravitational forces between them.
09:06The three-body problem.
09:08That's right. A problem with no real solution.
09:12It's confounded cultivators for eons.
09:15Let's see what you say about that.
09:26This must be our lord king's magic.
09:28He deserves the title of king. He's as powerful as he is a great negotiator.
09:33You've gone mad. What have you done?
09:36To see is to know.
09:46I'll show you firsthand.
09:48Make it stop, please. Consider it solved. Your science experiment will kill us all.
09:59What's the last one?
10:03Damn him! The boy is a living god, and he knows everything from astronomy to arithmetic.
10:09What now? Is there anything in the universe that can possibly stop him?
10:15A brain teaser. No, he'll kill me. There has to be something he doesn't know.
10:19Proddy, too.
10:20Come on, think! After all we've been through together, is he cruel enough to make this our doomsday?
10:26Doomsday? I got it!
10:32My birthday. Can you tell me what day that is?
10:36Answer me!
10:38The last question for you is, my birthday. What's the month and the day?
10:46I should have known. For years, I believed that you regarded me as a friend.
10:52But I was wrong. I was nothing but a filthy mutt to you.
10:56Shut up, boy!
10:58You, and your entire race, are responsible for the suffering of my brethren.
11:04You destroyed our home, and when we saw refuge in yours, we were rounded up and arrested, or used as pawns.
11:10We're nothing but vermin to your kind. You never cared about us!
11:14Shaggy and Sylvie...
11:15I said shut up! Must we all be lovely to be perceived as kind?
11:19Are we not entitled to the same right to live as them?
11:22That's the human race for you. You pretend to be the arbiters of justice, but we know the truth.
11:27We bore witness to your barbarism and inequity. All these years, I've been afraid to rise up and challenge you.
11:34But today, I am no longer controlled by fear.
11:40Really? Enough.
11:50Stop the timeline!
12:00Reverse the timeline!
12:08Froggy, really? Enough.
12:20I'm not afraid of you.
12:32Reverse the timeline!
12:38Froggy, really? Enough.
12:49I know I can't beat you, but I'm all that stands between you and my fellow demons.
13:18You actually fell for it! I may not be able to beat you as you are, but I can surely beat you as you were!
13:48Damn you! Is it possible? A mere infant can be born a god? I've seen how the laws of time have no effect on you! The only thing left to do is seal your fate at the end of time!
14:48Wangling, I don't even know who I am anymore. Am I a human, or am I a demon?
15:12It's okay.
15:18Come on, let's go. Your friends are waiting for you.
15:25A loser. That's who I am. I may have the ability to manipulate time and space, but there is no timeline where I'll find a way to defeat you.
15:49I'll yield, but under two conditions. What do you say?
16:00Number one, my fellow demons are innocent. Allow them to carry on in peace.
16:13I created a new world. This ought to do.
16:19You're telling me I could have just asked the whole time?
16:23Sorry, I owe you.
16:31All right, go on. What's your second condition?
16:36It's a lot to ask, but Wangling, can I still be your dog?
16:49Kumia, you're coming back with me.
16:53Thank you for, uh, saving my family.
17:00Right! So, you're taking me to Wazhou? Come on, let's go!
17:04Come on, let's go!
17:17I fear they got some killer beaches here. Wanna stay and check them out?
17:21Heck yeah. All those fights almost wiped me out. I need some beach in my life.
17:28Hey, Wangling!
17:32There you are!
17:34Found it.
18:05Wow, it's so beautiful.
18:09Wangling, look!
18:12Who would have known?
18:19Kumia, come here now!
