IT'S A LIVING Season 1 Episode 8 Up on the Roof

  • 3 months ago
IT'S A LIVING Season 1 Episode 8 Up on the Roof
00:00Life's not the French Riviera, believe me, Life's not a charity ball, It isn't all a great big bed of roses,
00:16It's not like show biz, But the main thing I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm
00:46proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I
01:16write the songs that make the whole world sing. Thank you, sir. I write the songs of love and special things. I write the songs that make the young girls cry. I write the songs, I write the songs. I am music, me, Sonny Man. And I write the songs.
01:46Thank you. You'll never guess who's at my station. I'll give you a hint. He's on TV and he makes people feel better. Robert Young? No, Reverend Worthington. Isn't he the guy that preaches on cable TV? Yeah. Isn't this restaurant a little expensive for a man who begs for money every night?
02:09Well, I warned him, but he said, man does not live by bread alone. Every now and then you need a little prime rib. Excuse me. Excuse me. Oh, I'm sorry. We just got carried away. What would you like, Molly?
02:36Anything you want is okay with me. I could see that. Bring us two sirloin steaks, medium rare, and a bottle of your best champagne. Excuse me, honey, table six wants you. Have you tried hosing them down? That's all we're having this evening. I doubt it. Ready to order? Why not? Go ahead, Katherine.
03:04You go first, John. Why? I won't get what I want. I'm very good about those things. I write them down. Okay. I'll have the fettuccine Alfredo. No, he won't. He'll have the broiled chicken. I told you. John, that fettuccine has enough cholesterol to turn your heart into a paperweight. Should I come back later? Hey, I've lived through 30 years of marriage to you and two heart attacks. I'll live through the fettuccine.
03:31Don't go into that nice, civilized dinner we were going to work out our separation over. If you want, let me order it. If I might make a suggestion, how about the poached salmon with fresh vegetables, very low in cholesterol? Excuse me, I'll be back in a minute. I think my friend needs me. Nancy wants to see us in the kitchen right away. Why? What's up? Well, she doesn't want us to upset the customers, but the building is on F-I-R-E.
03:58Vicki, the customers can spell. Come on.
04:04Yes, yes, Captain. Captain, I understand, of course. No, there's no need to panic. No, I can handle things on this end. What? Oh, well, you sound like a strong person, too.
04:17Yes, Vicki, this is a direct line to the lobby. Thank you. Bye-bye. Well, I'm sure Vicki has already told you that we have a slight fire in the building, but the fire department is evacuating the floors one by one. Naturally, being on top, we're the rotten egg.
04:38All we have to do is make sure none of the customers leave until it's our turn to go. Well, what are we supposed to do, steal their shoes? Stop, serve slowly. That should be easy for most of you. Nancy, is there any danger of the fire coming up here? No, and yes. Look, I spoke to the captain and he didn't seem to feel that there was any cause to be alarmed.
05:03I wouldn't be alarmed either if I had a helmet and a hose. Look, they're doing the best they can, and it's up to us to do ours, and it's up to you to make sure our customers get through this well. God help them.
05:17Okay, everybody, you heard what Nancy said. It's up to us. So all we have to do is stay calm, right? Just look calm, act calm, be calm, calm, calm. That's all we have to do.
05:23Dot, you're babbling. I know. Maybe you should slap me. Later.
05:36It's been almost an hour. Any news yet? No, I keep stalling.
05:39Well, here we go. Finally. I'm sorry. I was sure you ordered the vegetarian plate. I thought you wrote all this down. I did. I just have very bad penmanship.
06:01Excuse me, dear, but I ordered the poached fish. Right. Looks delicious, doesn't it? This fish is veal. Really? You're right. I thought that little bump was a fin.
06:14This little bump is a drumstick. I've got chicken. No, no, no. I'll eat it. I'm starving. Nonsense. Back in a flash with a fish.
06:22After 30 years of our marriage, why should I think anything would go right tonight? If it was so awful, John, what good reason could you have had for staying with me? Revenge.
06:34Miss, what's taking so long? Where's our dinner? Oh, our stove broke, so we have to use a hibachi.
06:43Well, Sonny's going to take a little break now. Keep playing. There's a fire in the hotel below us. Okay, Sonny's back. Cassie, I don't like anything that comes into your head.
06:57I don't like anything that comes into your head. Is there a problem with the check? Yes. No. Yes. Well, Reverend, you see, I just feel awful bringing a check to a man of the cloth.
07:14Well, don't think of me as a minister of God. Think of me as a man falling asleep in his fruit cup.
07:20But first, may I ask you a question of a religious nature? Certainly. Could you explain the Bible to me?
07:29So far, so good. I think we can keep things under control until the fire department gets here. Yeah.
07:38What's the matter with you people? Are you nuts? Eating when there's a fire? Do you have a reservation? There's a fire. There's a fire in this mansion.
07:46Now, wait. Hold on. Everybody, shame on you. Coming in here and panicking these people like that. However, there is a fire, folks, but it is several floors below, and the fire department has everything under control.
07:57Now, please, just take your seats. Please. Now, they're evacuating the building floor by floor, and our turn will come.
08:06No, we won't. They stopped evacuating. The staircase is filled with smoke.
08:09Ladies and gentlemen, pull yourselves together. I'm in charge here, and I say don't do this. God, they're worse than dogs.
08:18Stop. Everybody stop. Look, we're scared. We're all scared. But fear is your best friend. I don't know why, but somebody told me that.
08:30Fear tells you to be careful, not stupid. So anybody who wants to be stupid, you run out into that stairwell and into the smoke.
08:38Anyone who wants to be careful, come back into the restaurant, sit down, and wait for the fire department to call.
08:46Please. Please. Please. Thank you.
08:50Might as well have had the fettuccine.
08:55Lois, you did good. That was very brave of you.
09:00Thank you, Janice. Could you do me a favor?
09:04Could you peel my fingers off the microphone?
09:15Miss, come here. I got a level with you. This fire couldn't have happened at a worse time.
09:25You see, my company is merging with another company very hush-hush. If I'm not on a plane in another half hour, the whole thing could fall through.
09:32In other words, that's your girlfriend, and if you're not home by nine o'clock, the wife's going to kill you.
09:37You got it. I got to get out of here.
09:41Listen, Romeo, there's no safe way out. Would you rather be caught cheating or dead?
09:44Death comes once. Alimony is forever.
09:50Do you think this is on the news?
09:52Oh, I hope not. Bill and the kids will be worried sick.
09:55I wonder what's worse, being out there worrying or being in here.
09:58Being in here. I got to call home.
10:00Jan, honey, the lounge phone is out. The only phone that works is the direct line to the lobby.
10:04Yeah, but you heard me on the phone to Ellen before. I sounded like an old grouch, didn't I?
10:08No, you didn't sound like a grouch. You sounded like a mother. Sometimes they sound alike.
10:14Captain, I'm trying to hold things together here and...
10:19Oh. Well, I'm a Gemini.
10:23What's yours?
10:25Who cares about science? When do they come in to get us?
10:28Look, I can't very well talk to two people at once. Don't be so pushy.
10:32Oh, did I get pushy? Oh, I'm sorry. It was only my will to live.
10:38Look, how long do you think it will be before they can clear the smoke from this stairwell, Captain?
10:43All right, Brett.
10:46Oh, I see.
10:48Well, thank you, Brett. I'm looking forward to meeting you, too.
10:55Well, how long is it going to be before they clear it?
10:58They can't.
11:00They can't? Well, what are they going to do?
11:02They don't know.
11:04They don't know? Well, I hope you and Brett didn't make any long-range plans.
11:10Then my husband and I just grew apart.
11:13Yeah, it can happen when you marry young. You develop different interests, right?
11:16No. He started fooling around.
11:19And you with the baby girl.
11:21We did okay. She's no baby anymore.
11:24She's a happy little ten-year-old whose mommy's going to be a toasted marshmallow.
11:29You know, with all of his faults, John never fooled around.
11:33Well, I had to save my energy for fighting with you.
11:39Miss, I'm leaving. There's got to be a way out of here.
11:42Herb, take it easy. I've never seen you like this.
11:45We don't attend fires very often. I've got a wife and kid to think about.
11:48A kid? You never told me about a kid.
11:51Oh, I didn't? I must have mentioned a kid.
11:55Look, in a little while, they'll come up with something and we'll all get out.
11:59Relax. It's a piece of cake.
12:01No, it isn't. It's a fire. This is a piece of cake.
12:03See that? That? It doesn't burn. Fire burns. Cake does not burn.
12:11It could be worse. It could be his wife.
12:19Excuse me, Sonny. I have to use the mic.
12:22Yeah, wait. I was just going to sing some of my own songs.
12:25Haven't these people suffered enough?
12:28Ladies and gentlemen, excuse me. Thank you.
12:31The Reverend Worthington has generously agreed to speak some words of comfort for us.
12:36Thank you, my child.
12:39Friends, in this time of doubt, let us not forget the word of the Lord.
12:46For he has said, you shall burn for your sins.
12:54Reverend, this isn't what I have in mind.
12:56Yes, and how many of you made peace with your maker this morning?
13:00And do you think that your last-minute words of repentance are enough for a lifetime of sin?
13:06Maybe we could all sing a hymn.
13:08And what about those you leave behind?
13:10How many of you have sinned against your loved ones today? Hurt your wife today?
13:15Oh, my God.
13:18Hurt your child today?
13:21I've got to go call Ellen.
13:23Forgiveness can be yours by sending one dollar to the Lord.
13:30Care of me, Fontana, California, 92335.
13:38Jan, Jan, there's no way that you can reach her.
13:42I've got to. I want my daughter to know I love her.
13:45I haven't picked that up in the last 10 years.
13:47Well, what if I never see her again?
13:49The last thing that I said to her on the phone was that she couldn't go out of the house until I told her she could.
13:53Well, she'll probably catch on in 10 or 15 years and go out for a Coke.
13:58Lois, how can you joke?
14:00Well, it beats breaking down and crying, which is what I am about to do.
14:05I wish you hadn't said that.
14:16Hello. Oh, hi, Brad.
14:20Oh, my God. That's wonderful.
14:23They're getting us out from the roof by helicopter.
14:26Oh, thank God.
14:28What? Oh, well, I'll be wearing my sequined burgundy.
14:32Yes, that's right. Bye.
14:34And the Lord appeared to me one night as if in a revelation.
14:40And he spoke one word to me.
14:45And that word was television.
14:50Ladies and gentlemen. Thank you, Reverend.
14:54Ladies and gentlemen, I have good news.
14:57The fire department is flying in a helicopter and we will be evacuated from the roof.
15:07Forever. However, it only seats four.
15:11Therefore, I suggest that we draw Coke check numbers to determine the order of our departure.
15:17How will people get their Cokes back?
15:19Vicki, sit down.
15:21Numbers one through four will be taken to the roof immediately.
15:25Now, would you form an orderly line here at the piano?
15:30Employees will leave last.
15:32Okay. I quit.
15:37You can't quit.
15:40Sonny. Sonny, we'll all get out of this eventually.
15:44If we're all going to get out of this eventually, why can't I go first?
15:47Sonny, sit.
15:57See you Tuesday.
15:59I don't think so, Herb.
16:01Why don't you just stay home with your wife and kid?
16:13Well, I guess our breaking up changed your luck.
16:18I'll trade number two for number forty-four.
16:21That's me.
16:30I may not want to live with you, but I don't want to die without you. You'd probably haunt me.
16:35I love you.
16:37I love you, too.
16:42Lord, we've worked together a lot of years. We've been partners, right?
16:52Thanks a lot, pal.
16:53Thanks a lot, pal.
17:01Why is it taking so long this time? The other trips only took about ten minutes.
17:05I'll go check.
17:07Boy, you know, I'm very proud of us. We got everybody out calmly.
17:11We're not out.
17:13Well, we're next. So, Mario, should we draw numbers or what?
17:17Well, you and Jan will go first because you've got kids. And the rest of you ladies will draw lots.
17:21I'll let them go first. That's okay. I'll wait.
17:24What about me?
17:26You and I are in the last group, Sonny. Women first.
17:29Sure. Where's the E.R.A. when you need it?
17:33Was anyone else scared that maybe, you know, we might check out?
17:37Not me. I always figured I'd die in bed.
17:43Well, even if it did happen, I knew we'd all be back. I really believe in reincarnation.
17:47I believe that life cannot be created or destroyed. Only screwed up.
17:54Well, I just kept wishing I could see Bill and the kids one more time, you know.
17:58I was worried, but I knew it didn't matter.
18:01Because I was raised to believe that the life we live on this earth is not the real life.
18:05Not the way you live it, it isn't.
18:10Well, oh, any news?
18:13They're having a little trouble with the helicopter.
18:15What's wrong?
18:17The wind is so strong, it seems they banged into the building last time they landed.
18:21But they only lost that little propeller in back.
18:24The stabilizer?
18:26Is that important?
18:28For flying, yes. Without it, it's a $40,000 Cuisinart.
18:33Well, this is crazy. I mean, first it's okay, then it isn't okay.
18:37I want to know exactly what is going to happen to me. Am I going to die or am I not going to die?
18:40Now, Lois.
18:42These buildings are supposed to have precautions, Nancy. They're supposed to have sprinkler systems and things of that nature.
18:44We do. Now, Brett says this building is safer than any other.
18:47If it weren't for this system, we would have been gone already.
18:49Now, they're doing the best they can. Really.
18:52Okay, okay.
18:59Thanks, I needed that.
19:01You want to lie down?
19:06Okay, so it's getting a little tight. So what?
19:09We're going to get out of here.
19:11Sonny, go on. Play something cheerful.
19:14I don't play cheerful. Liberace plays cheerful.
19:17Move it. Go on. Play something we can all sing. Something to help us pass the time.
19:22Something like, uh, You Are My Sunshine.
19:25You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.
19:30You make me happy when skies are gray.
19:34You'll never know, dear, how much I love you.
19:37Please don't take my sunshine away.
19:42The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping,
19:46I dreamed I held you in my arms.
19:50When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken.
19:55And I hung my head and cried.
20:02You are my sunshine.
20:14Excuse me, folks. We put the fire out and the stairways are cleared.
20:19So you're free to go if you want to.
20:34Thank you.
21:04Thank you.