• last year
IT'S A LIVING Season 1 Episode 6 - Super Mom


00:00Life's not the French Riviera, believe me, Life's not a charity ball, It isn't all a great big bed of roses,
00:16It's not like show biz, But the main thing I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm
00:46proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I
01:16I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be, I'm proud to be
01:46Hi guys. Hi. Hey, I want you to see something. I'm up for this role in a play about the 40s and I'm going to a party the producer's given tonight after work and I found this incredible suit in a thrift shop. It was so perfect I almost cried. I don't blame you, there's a spot on the lapel. What? Where? Yeah, where? It's right there on the lapel, don't you see it? I haven't gotten up that far yet. I'm sunk.
02:09Hello gang of mine. Hi. How are you? Well, up until a couple hours ago I was pretty depressed but now I feel terrific. Has he got a friend? I finally figured out a way to give Ellen ballet lessons. Look, pens, ink, parchment. Gee, in my day we used music and a tutu. I've got the music if you've got the tutu. I got a job hand lettering invitations in my spare time. Spare time? What spare time?
02:38Well, I'm making it. You know how badly Ellen wants those dancing lessons and I'm going to give them to her. How? Well, I got a schedule. See, my day's all worked out. Work, school, the restaurant, Ellen, the invitations. Just a matter of discipline. All I got to do is stick to the schedule. Well, if anyone can do it Jan, you can. Thank you. Jan, look at this. Can't, it's not on my schedule. It's no use. I can't meet that producer with a spot on my suit.
03:05Well, honey, maybe you can put something over it. Well, well. I see we've got enough waitresses for this table but what will we do if a customer sits somewhere else? Dot was just showing us her new suit. Oh, that is a very attractive outfit, Dot. Unsightly stain and all. In fact, you can wear it when we have jitterbug night. Go and change.
03:35That pin Nancy's wearing would cover my spot. I wonder how I can get it from her. I'll distract her and you rip it off her chest.
03:48Hi, Jan. Oh, sorry, sorry. Another wedding? No, a bar mitzvah. I have to get 75 of these invitations out by tonight or little David Ackerman will have learned all that Hebrew for nothing.
04:00How many have you done so far? Well, after this one I only have 71 more to go. Isn't that kind of taking it down to the wire? What happened to your schedule? Nothing. I just got off it a little bit. I sat up all last night studying for a history test and then spent all this morning flunking it. So, uh, I really need for you guys to do something for me. Your job?
04:20Look, I gotta get these invitations out by tonight or I'm out of business. So, could you guys cover for me? I can't. Well, I know that you covered for me last week for the Larson wedding, but this is the last time, I promise. And this is a big bar mitzvah. All right. Me too. Why not? I'm all for any boy becoming a man. But this is the last time, right? The last time, I promise.
04:41Hi. Hi, Dodge. Shh. Where's Nancy? I don't know. Still haven't found her pen, huh? And I've looked everywhere. I tore my apartment apart. I feel terrible. I just can't lie to Nancy anymore. Excuse me. Oh, Nancy, I found your pen. Oh, good. Good, let's have it. Well, I didn't exactly find it, but I know where it is. Where? It's at the cleaner's.
05:08Yesterday, your dog had swallowed it. Oh, well, I thought he had. He was acting so depressed and he had this little cough. But I called the cleaner's and they have it and it's in their safe and I'll pick it up tomorrow.
05:23Well, fine. I just came in to post next week's work schedule. Oh, good idea. People need discipline. And to ask Jan what she thinks she's up to. Nothing. Just nothing. Oh, Jan, don't be modest. These are beautiful hand-lettered invitations. Oh, well, thank you. And if I ever find them in here again, I'll use them to blot my lipstick.
05:46Now, we're going to have a busy night, so let's get our collective talents together and move it out front. Oh, Dot, I'll expect the pen tomorrow. Oh, of course. Without fail. If I'm here, that pen is here. I can't live this life of lies.
06:00Now, you're not going to spend the whole night back here, are you? I will see you out front now and then. Yes, of course. I am right behind you. Hoffmeier. Yeah.
06:15Lois, what's going on out there tonight? Are we giving food away? Nancy overbooked. Oh, great. She overbooked and I undercooked. Listen, find Jan and have her serve this lobster before it evolves into a higher form of life.
06:31Jan, you should see what's going on out there tonight. Gee, I wish I could, but I have to get these invitations done. No, no, you don't get my point, Jan. You have to come out there because we can't cover for you anymore.
06:42There. I just finished five more invitations. All I have to do is put them in the envelopes and seal them. Five more down, 62 to go.
06:47Hold it, Jan. Hold it. Now, Nancy is looking for you. Your food is getting cold and we are falling all over each other trying to cover for you.
06:54Lois, as soon as I get the kinks worked out of my schedule, you'll never even see these invitations again at work. Jan, I may never see you again at work. You are killing yourself. What do you think you're trying to do here?
07:03I'm trying not to disappoint my daughter. Ellen can take a little disappointment.
07:08Look, when I got divorced, I promised myself I would never deny Ellen things because she had only one parent. I want to be a good mother.
07:15Jan, you're a good mother. You're a wonderful mother. You're a terrible waitress lately, but you're a wonderful mother.
07:20Look at the job you're trying to do. You're raising a daughter. You're going to college all day. You're working tables here at night. I mean, this is hard work.
07:27That's okay, because you know what I see from that? I see a college diploma four years down the road, and that's good.
07:33I also see a paycheck that gets me to the next paycheck, and that's good.
07:36But the best thing that I see is a big smile that comes all over Ellen's face every time we talk about ballet, and that's great. And that comes from this.
07:44Now, you're going to tell me it's not worth it?
07:46No, of course not.
07:48Of course not, because that's worth everything in the world. Oh, Lois, things can only get better, and I know I can do it because I got inspiration.
07:55And with inspiration, you can do anything, right?
07:58Right. Okay, so now I'm going to put these in the envelopes and seal them, and then I'm going to go out there and be the best damn waitress you ever saw.
08:05No, you are going to go out there and be the best damn waitress right now, and I'm going to put these in the envelopes.
08:09Oh, thank you, Lois. I knew you'd understand.
08:11That's all right.
08:13Hi, Nancy.
08:14Hi, Nancy.
08:18What are those?
08:20Would you believe that I have been invited to five bar mitzvahs in one day?
08:31Here's your lobster, sir.
08:33Fine, but we didn't get our salad yet.
08:35Salad, right. Green, leafy tomatoes. Got it.
08:38Excuse me, miss. Can we get our check?
08:40Oh, yes. I got it right here.
08:42Miss, we're ready to order now.
08:44Cassie, would you...
08:46Jan, you shouldn't be out here. Someone might mistake you for a waitress.
08:51Cassie, please, just do me one more favor. Could you get table six their salads?
08:55Sure, and then after work I can rotate your tires.
09:01Jan, could I see you for a moment?
09:03Oh, not now, Nancy.
09:05Oh, yes. Now.
09:07Excuse me.
09:09Jan, you made rather a glaring error in adding up this customer's check.
09:12Good. I need a problem to keep me alert.
09:14Well, you could ask the chef what the chef's special is.
09:17Excuse me. Do you mean to tell me that your waitress doesn't know what the special is?
09:21Of course I know. It's delicious.
09:24Mario made a whole bunch of it.
09:26It's swordfish.
09:29Why don't I just take care of fixing the check?
09:31Oh, no, no, no, no. Jan got herself into this. Let's see her wriggle out of it.
09:34Oh, what difference does it make? I'll handle it.
09:36Thanks, Lois.
09:38Jan, I'm watching you.
09:40Oh, good.
09:44Okay, so are you going to have the swordfish or what?
09:46Well, how does the chef prepare it?
09:50He cooks it.
09:52Oh, wonderfully with almonds and lemon. Oh, go for it. You'll love it.
09:57Okay, we'll take two.
09:59Fine. Excuse me, Nancy. Busy, busy, busy, busy.
10:02I need two swordfish, Mario. Oh, do you put almonds on that?
10:05It's not a Hershey bar. It's a swordfish.
10:08Well, throw a couple on for me, okay?
10:11Hold it, Jan.
10:12Nancy, I just have to talk to you.
10:14Go away, Dot.
10:18Sneaking off to do a few more invitations.
10:20What makes you think that?
10:22I may look like sugar and spice, but I don't miss much cooking.
10:25Nancy, everybody out there's getting served, so I really don't see what the big fuss is about.
10:29Jan, this restaurant is not in business to subsidize the rest of your life.
10:33Nancy, I just got a little backed up on the invitations, that's all. But this won't happen again.
10:37Oh, well, it's always something with you, isn't it, Jan?
10:39If it's not college, then some other problem takes precedence.
10:42Look, I'm not doing this for myself. I'm doing it for my daughter.
10:45We're talking about your job, not your daughter.
10:47Though I must say, if you treat her with the same disregard you do this job, then I feel sorry for her.
10:52Hey, I can handle this job and my daughter without any cracks from you.
10:56I have serious doubts whether you can handle any aspect of your life.
11:00Well, that doesn't surprise me, since my life involves more than just this restaurant.
11:03Unlike some people, I plan to do a little bit more with my life than hand out menus in my old restaurant.
11:07That just slipped out.
11:09Miss Hoffmeier, you can clean out your locker. You are fired.
11:16Now, Dot, what did you want to talk to me about?
11:19Uh, nothing.
11:32Nancy, you can't fire Jan.
11:34Oh, but I can. You see, I'm in charge here, and that is spelled B-O-S-S.
11:39You might remember that as you scurry to your stations.
11:42Look, if you want to punish her, don't fire her. Make her wear your clothes.
11:50Are we looking for a group dismissal?
11:56All right, so you had a little argument. Things got said that shouldn't have.
12:00Oh, not by me.
12:01Oh, Mario, talk to Nancy. You're her age.
12:07Nancy, even though you may be right, give Jan her job back.
12:11How can you say that after the way she spoke to me?
12:14I'm funny that way.
12:16Well, at any rate, she's still fired, so get back to work.
12:19Well, I can't get back to work when my best friend has just been fired.
12:23Oh, go on, Lois. I just got me fired. That's enough for one night.
12:27Go on. You've got customers to serve.
12:29Yes, go on, Lois.
12:34Nancy, please don't fire me.
12:37Please? Did I hear a please?
12:42Well, well, now we're being polite.
12:46Miss Hoffmeyer, how can we work together when you don't respect me?
12:50I do, and I'm sorry.
12:53Look, I did screw up out there tonight, but it won't happen again. I promise. I need this job.
12:56You took advantage of your friends and of me. What's more, you were rude to the customers.
13:00I know. As a waitress, I've hit bottom. I don't know what else I could do.
13:05I could pay for that.
13:08Look, Nancy, please. I don't want to beg. I don't want to grovel.
13:14But I will, Nancy, please. Please, I need this job. It'll never happen again. I promise you.
13:20Look, you want respect, I'll build you a shrine. You want obedience, I'm going to run out on you.
13:23You want respect, I'll build you a shrine. You want obedience, I'm going to run out and fetch you a newspaper.
13:27But please, don't fire me. Please.
13:31All right, Jan, you can stay. But if this ever happens again...
13:36Never. Oh, cross my heart. Hey, really.
13:39I can fix it so you never serve another steak in this town.
13:49Well, I lost my dignity, but I got my job back.
13:52However, I don't know how I'm going to get those invitations done, but that's my problem and not yours.
13:56Well, I want to tell Nancy about the pen. Dot, Jan just got fired.
14:00Yes, but she got rehired, which means Nancy's in a forgiving mood.
14:03Could be a short one. All right, let's get back to work.
14:12Nancy, I have to admit it. I lost your pen.
14:16Oh, well, and then it wasn't at the cleaners. No.
14:18Or, uh, inside your dog.
14:23I'm sorry. You lost my pen?
14:26Oh, Nancy, I'll pay you back for as long as it takes. Months, years even.
14:30You lost my cute little gold pen that I've had for 20 years. Worthless, though it was.
14:34It was worthless? You don't honestly think I would lend anything of value to a hopelessly irresponsible person like you?
14:40Oh, I feel so much better. Oh, thank you, Nancy.
14:44You're welcome. And you owe me $35.
14:46I thought you said it was worthless. Oh, aesthetically, yes, but I did shell out $35 for it.
14:51You can give me a check on your way home tonight.
14:54Oh, that'll be great. Thank you, Nancy.
14:57So, have you figured out how to get your invitations done?
15:00No. Look, not that we haven't done enough for you already, but I'm willing to stay the night and help out. What about you guys?
15:05I've got no place to go. I do, but they can finish the quilt without me.
15:09Oh, you guys are terrific. I don't know how to thank you.
15:12Neither do we. Listen, as long as we're all cool and together like this, it's fine.
15:16Could somebody loan me $35?
15:27Here's some more envelopes, Dot.
15:29Oh, Jan, I need a breath. My tongue is sore.
15:33Come on, Dot. We're almost finished.
15:36What the hell's bells?
15:38Hey, watch it. There's ladies here.
15:41I'm sorry. I just keep making mistakes.
15:44Vicki, try to concentrate. I'm running out of blank invitations.
15:48Hey, I got 11 right. Lois only did two.
15:51I'm a perfectionist.
15:53Lois, they're not all that perfect. You spelled the kid's name wrong.
15:56What? I did not.
15:58Hey, relax. We're going for speed, not accuracy. Cassie got 20 done.
16:03Sure. All Cassies say is bar mitzvah Saturday noon. Be there.
16:08Cassie, what happened to you are cordially invited?
16:11I got the essentials. You weren't polite, get Emily Post.
16:15Come on, you guys. These have to be done right.
16:18Jan, it is 4 a.m. We only have a few more to do. Get off our backs.
16:22Yeah, let's finish. My tongue is like a flat envelope.
16:25This is ridiculous. I can't send these out.
16:29These are supposed to be formal hand-lettered invitations.
16:32Dot, you can't put scotch tape on the envelopes.
16:35What else am I supposed to do? I'm out of saliva.
16:41Come on, you guys. You can do better. And Lois, go faster.
16:44Frankly, Jan, I would rather be home with my husband than sitting here with blue thumbs.
16:48I'd rather be somewhere else too, but we're doing this for Ellen.
16:51Give me a break.
16:53What did you say?
16:55Forget it. I'm just a fool who turned down a hot dinner with a warm man to be sidekick to Super Mom.
17:02What is she talking about?
17:04Jan, she's talking about all of this. You are driving yourself into the ground and us along with you.
17:08I just got a little off schedule, that's all.
17:11I think your schedule stinks.
17:15Oh, Dot's right. If you can get this far behind over a history test,
17:20God knows how late we're going to be here during your finals.
17:23Look, I didn't ask any of you to stay.
17:25Fine, then I'm leaving.
17:27Fine. Why don't you all just leave and I can finish these up by myself.
17:30Well, we're almost fineth.
17:32I'll fineth alone. Go on.
17:34All right. Good night.
17:36Good night.
17:42I guess they're pretty mad at me, huh?
17:45Oh, I think they're just annoyed with you. I'm the one who's mad at you.
17:50Well, move over.
17:52Because I'm mad too.
17:54I'm mad at me for taking this stupid job in the first place.
17:58And I'm mad at me for taking advantage of you guys.
18:00And most of all, I'm mad at me because now I have to tell my daughter that I can't give her ballet lessons anymore.
18:07Hey, it doesn't make you a bad person.
18:09It doesn't make you a bad person.
18:11Look, you did the best you could.
18:14So right now you can't give Ellen everything that you want to.
18:19What can we do?
18:21Finish the invitations.
18:25Look, why don't you go on home?
18:27I will. I want to do at least three of these.
18:37Hi, honey.
18:39Sorry I was late.
18:41That's okay. Look what we learned today.
18:43Well, that's wonderful.
18:45And tomorrow we learn how to go...
18:47Ellen, I got to talk to you for a minute.
18:49Okay, but we've got to get out of here before the custodian comes.
18:52Everybody says he's a pervert.
18:55Where do you learn words like that?
18:57I don't know. They just come up in conversations.
19:00Ellen, I want to talk to you about why I was late.
19:03I had to stop off at the engravers and return the supplies for all those invitations I've been doing.
19:07How come?
19:09Because I'm not going to be doing that job anymore.
19:11Did you get fired?
19:13Nope. I quit.
19:15But with school and the restaurant and everything else, I just couldn't hack it anymore.
19:19I was really starting to overwork myself.
19:23So what that means is we're not going to be able to afford ballet class anymore.
19:33I'm sorry, honey.
19:35Me too.
19:36You know, I hope that someday, after I finish school, I can get a better job.
19:40And then we can afford to have ballet lessons or whatever it is you want to do.
19:44Yeah. Sure.
19:47I know you're disappointed.
19:49But sometimes we can't always have things the way we want them.
19:53It's a hard lesson to learn.
19:55I know. I just learned it last night.
19:57I hope you can forgive me.
19:59Since you're not going to be doing those invitations anymore,
20:03does that mean you're not going to be so tired and cranky all the time?
20:09Yeah. I think I'll feel a lot better.
20:12Well, that's something.
20:17I wish everything could be the way I want it to be.
20:20So do I.
20:23I'm sorry.
20:24I wish everything could be the way I want it to be.
20:26So do I.
20:28You know, learning a lesson makes me hungry.
20:31What do you say we stop off on the way home and have a cheeseburger?
20:36Can we afford french fries too?
20:38Yeah, I think I can manage.
20:54I think I can manage.
20:56One who's young and healthy knows that that's the way
21:04That traffic flows
