Fire Emblem Three Houses - Seteth and Flayn

  • 3 months ago
Seteth being overprotective as usual.
00:07Flame there you are. I've been looking everywhere for you
00:12You worry too much brother. I think a kidnapping is good cause for concern. I
00:18Was so worried about you. I nearly fainted
00:20Had that not happened. I would have never been allowed to join the professor's class
00:25Even from something so dire some good did come of it. That is a dangerous attitude
00:31This world is full of peril. You must be more vigilant
00:36Please understand. I allowed you to enroll here only because I thought it best for your safety
00:41I am very much aware of that. You wanted to speak to me of something. Yes
00:47my dear little sister
00:49You are kind beyond all measure and you are the very picture of innocence
00:54But precisely because of these very fine qualities. I worry about your interactions with the others here
01:01the youths of our army are
01:04particularly eccentric as
01:06Your brother it is my duty to help you with any concerns. You may have I do appreciate the offer
01:13But all the students and professors have treated me exceptionally well
01:17Even so there must be at least some worry. Please. You need not conceal anything from me
01:23You worry far too much
01:25There is truly nothing to share and nothing for you to fret over
01:30Are you absolutely sure the idea of you suffering in silence is unbearable to me?
01:35Enough, I made it clear that nothing is wrong. I stand by my word
01:42There is one concern that comes to mind
01:45What is it? Tell me I will help however
01:47I can there is a certain somebody who seems determined to get in the way of my friendships with my classmates
01:53What that's horrible fear not I will handle this scoundrel for you. Just tell me his name
02:00It is you brother now, then I must be on my way
02:11What was flame getting at just now
02:14And let's see I was speaking to her I asked her to share her concerns and
02:19Was there something else?
02:22No matter fear not flame your brother will protect you from all harm
02:46Flame is something the matter I
02:49Thought I made it clear that I do not want you meddling in the affairs of me and my friends
02:54I'm not quite sure what you are referring to, but I promise you I would never try to stand in your way
02:59It has come to my attention that you have been running about asking people what they think of me
03:05Asking everyone well of course I have it took me quite some time
03:10But for you it was well worth the effort. I was able to confirm that you are getting along well with everyone
03:17Was very reassuring I
03:19Cannot emphasize enough how embarrassed I was when I found out and you have got such a stir for those whom you questioned
03:26Why one person even said he feared for his life when you cornered him in the dining hall the dining hall?
03:34Ah, I know the fellow you are referring to yes. I've seen the way he looks at you
03:40I recognized in an instant that he had impure feelings for you as your brother
03:45I took it upon myself to test his resolve
03:47I merely asked him if he was prepared to lay his life on the line for my beloved sister
03:53He is nothing more than a friend
03:56Kindly keep out of my social business in the future
03:59I am happy to see that you are making friends, but you should weigh your options more carefully
04:05Who I befriend is absolutely none of your business. Do you know what they call people like you?
04:11Over protective meddlers, I am no longer a child
04:16Are you incapable of trusting me even a little of course?
04:21I trust you, but as an elder brother. I have a certain responsibility
04:28As my brother
04:32Obviously oh
04:35Never mind it if you'll excuse me
05:04Here to pester me brother
05:07No, I think I'm the one who ought to be pestered
05:11Regardless of what I say to you. It is not as though it has any effect in reducing your worry over me
05:16That is true
05:18No matter where you are and no matter what you're doing
05:21I will always worry, but that's only because I treasure you so very much
05:26Please understand. I'm not trying to hurt you of that. I am well aware I
05:32Am touched that you care so deeply
05:35When I think of it it is my own fault that you have become so overprotective. I cannot blame you
05:44No the fault is entirely mine
05:48You were still so young I placed far too much strain on you and our lack of resources was no excuse
05:55Worse I failed to watch you during the battle
05:58your mother too
06:02Lost her because of me
06:06Afterward it broke my heart to see how much you would need to rest just to survive
06:10I swore that I would dedicate every moment remaining in my life to your protection
06:16ever since then I
06:18Have been afraid of falling asleep
06:21My fear of sleeping is outmatched only by my fear of spending my life alone
06:26Even if it cannot last I want to live among my peers as one of them as an ordinary person
06:32Similar to how you and mother coexisted with your own comrades back then fighting side by side
06:39Quite right I
06:41Know you must leave the nest someday no matter how many ages our lives may span. I know that's the way of it
06:55Nobody is listening father
06:57Let me address you as such just this once I have valued the quiet days you and I have spent alone together
07:05But I am no longer a child
07:08Just as you and mother met one another and eventually I was brought into the world I I know
07:16Please no more no matter what happens. You are my daughter
07:21It gives me great joy to see you grow
07:23But please at least until this war is over
07:28Let me continue to worry
07:30You're the most precious person in my life. I
07:34Can't bear the thought of losing you. It seems I have no choice in the matter. I
07:39Shall allow you to worry about me enough for yourself and a mother both
07:44But only that much and no more my dear father keyhole
07:49Thank You Cephaline
