The Story of Tracy Beaker- Series- 1-05.Episode 5 Back To Back Epiosodes

  • 3 months ago
The Story of Tracy Beaker- Series- 1-05.Episode 5 Back To Back Epiosodes


00:00I can make my world come true. All my dreams will see me through. Doesn't matter what may come my way. Believe me now, I will win someday.
00:16What are you up to? Getting ready for Cam. Who's Cam? You've never heard of Cam Lawson? The writer? Who came here? Oh her. She's coming back today to interview me. She wants to know all about my tragic life.
00:43And you're going to let her see this room? Is it really that bad? Stomach turning.
01:04Boys out of the way. Come on. Move your heads out of the way. Everybody, come here. Say cheese.
01:20Justine, right? Louise is for the best. He'll only break it. He breaks everything. He's famous for it. How does it work? Show me.
01:30Tracy, Cam's here. No, no way. You're not supposed to be here. It's me you came to see. Tracy. Tell her. We've got an interview, remember? Smile. Tell them to come in.
02:00I want to go away. Tell her. You don't want us to. Tracy, please. Both of you. I have to write an article about life in this place. No, it's an article about me. But I will need to know about everything that goes on in the home. In your home. So, why don't you girls help me by making a film about life here?
02:20Yeah, but Cam... She'll just spoil it. She spoils everything. She's famous for it. Yeah, I think three will be too many. And perhaps it should be Louise and Justine who make the film. Cam! And I'm afraid, Tracy, you'll have to stay with me so I can interview you one-to-one. Boring.
02:38Well, come on. Jenny won't mind us using her office. It's the best place for a major interview. Oh, no, I hate offices. I'd prefer to talk to you in your natural habitat. My room! No, Cam, wait!
02:51This is a film about where kids have to live until someone comes to foster them. We call this the dumping ground. Because it's a dump.
02:59Oh, nice room. Wish I could keep mine as tidy as yours. It's not my room. It's just a room where I've been dumped. If I was fostered, I'd have a real room which would really be mine. Is that what you want most? No. What I want most is for my mum to come and fetch me, obviously. But until then, you've got to make someone want to foster me.
03:25I'm not sure I'd know how to do that. By writing an article about me, of course. And saying how totally brilliant I am to have around. So come on, we haven't got all day, you know.
03:34Yoo-hoo! You're in the movies! Go on.
03:50This is Peter. Peter, what do you like most about the dumping ground? The garden. He likes the garden. Because he's a weed.
04:02Please be in our movie. You must be. I've got things to do. It will break our hearts. What we need is someone handsome and hunky, just like you.
04:20I've got to write 1,000 words. I'll need a few good ones to describe you. I'm sweet. The real you. The real me. How about nice? Intelligent. Kind. Lively. Obedient. Strong-willed. Mischievous. Gentle, cuddly, cute. Loud, gutsy, stroppy.
04:46No, those are all the wrong words. If you write that, no one will want to foster me. And I'll be stuck here in the dumping ground forever.
05:06I'm sure that won't happen. It won't, as long as you write down everything that I tell you to write. Ready?
05:16Tracey is good and kind and gentle. And she's the most popular girl at every single school she's been to. Wherever she goes, she's loved and cherished by everyone.
05:29And this is Tracey Beaker, who's new today. Would anybody like to volunteer to look after Tracey?
05:46This is Mike, who never gets embarrassed.
05:54This is Adele and her boyfriend, who are in love.
06:02Oh, is this your mum? Did I mention her in the article?
06:07But don't say she's coming to fetch me, or no one will want to foster me. Just say, say her career keeps her busy.
06:15And what does she do?
06:18She's a journalist.
06:21Everyone famous is dying to be interviewed by her.
06:30But really, I'm the only person that she wants to talk to and write about.
06:36This is Tracey, showing off.
06:39Go away, it's private!
06:43So immature.
06:46Cam, can a journalist find out anything?
06:50Good journalist, Cam.
06:52Are you a good journalist?
06:54Well, I'm trying to be.
06:56You could find out where my mum is.
06:58Oh, I'm sorry.
06:59Are you a good journalist?
07:01Well, I'm trying to be.
07:03You could find out where my mum is.
07:05Oh, I don't know about that.
07:11This is Maxie, who's bullying Ryan.
07:14He couldn't be in our docu-soap, even if he begged to be.
07:17Why, Bat-camera? I wouldn't be wasting my time making a docu-soap. I'm making money.
07:22Well, you haven't got it. I have.
07:26So how do we make money, then?
07:27First, be nice to Maxie.
07:31What good's he going to be?
07:33Ladies, trust me on this.
08:00Guess what Cam's going to do. Go on, try. Guess!
08:02I give up.
08:04She's going to go and find my mum.
08:06I see.
08:08Isn't that great?
08:10I think the rest of the bunch are in the attic. Why don't you try and find them?
08:12So you can talk.
08:14Oh, and tell me as soon as you know she's coming. I need time to pack.
08:19OK, I'm going, I'm going.
08:21This was Tracy's idea, right?
08:25But you haven't agreed to do it?
08:27Yeah, but she's doing fine.
08:29Tracy's mum knows she's here.
08:32If she wants to get in touch with her, all she has to do is pick up the phone.
08:36Oh, I see.
08:41Maxie, would you be so kind as to carry this for me?
08:58God, what on earth was that?
09:01Nature disaster! The kitchen! I've got a cabinet!
09:04Oh, Tracy, wait!
09:06I'm interviewing the eyewitness.
09:08No, I think Cam's got something she'd like to say to you.
09:16Quick, quick!
09:18What is going on in here?
09:20It was my mum!
09:22Quick, quick!
09:24Get this place out of here.
09:26Get this place cleaned up and sort out your story.
09:30And it better be good.
09:44You're not going to go and look for her, are you?
09:48It would be much more difficult than I thought.
09:52You said journalists could find out anything.
09:54I said good journalists could.
09:56You said that you were.
09:59Don't you exaggerate sometimes?
10:01You know, say things you know aren't exactly true.
10:04You lied! You lied to me!
10:09You don't care about me! All you care about is your stupid 1,000 words!
10:13That's not fair!
10:15I'm not fair, remember? I'm gutsy, stoppy, loud!
10:18That's what you wanted me to be!
10:19So stick that in your stupid article and I never want to see you ever again!
10:44Ryan, we've made a mess. How's it going to make us any money?
10:47It's obvious, isn't it?
10:49We simulate to one of those teleprograms that pay hundreds of pounds for videos of accidents.
10:54They'll love it!
10:56Brilliant! It can't fail!
10:58As long as Justine remembered to switch her camera.
11:00Just because you'd be that stupid doesn't mean anybody else would be.
11:06You did remember to press the red button.
11:09What red button?
11:11No one told me about any red button!
11:12Don't waste your time, Zak. We haven't got an accident to send them, thanks to Justine.
11:16But we have, and it is thanks to Justine. Look!
11:24What we need is someone handsome and huggy, just like you!
11:53I'm not crying! It's my hay fever!
11:56Yeah, I think I'm getting the touch of it.
11:59Perhaps we're both allergic to something.
12:02Browse, maybe.
12:05I'm sorry.
12:08Yeah, well, me and my big mouth.
12:11Making out I can do stuff when really I can't.
12:14If you don't want me to write the article, I would understand.
12:24Tracy, I just want to...
12:26Excuse me, we're trying to do some journalism in here.
12:31Well, come on then.
12:33Yeah, you're right. We do have stacks to get through.
12:36We'll be lucky if we get it finished tonight.
12:38Maybe we should do lunch.
12:42Is next Saturday okay for you?
12:48But that's not the end of my heart-rending story.
13:01There goes Lou for a lovely day out with her aunt.
13:04Bye, Lou.
13:06Bye, see you later.
13:08See you in a minute.
13:12Oh, sorry, I forgot.
13:14You don't belong to a family, do you?
13:16So, you don't belong to a species.
13:18Mink the Littlewoods.
13:20You're just jealous because you have to get a stranger to take you out.
13:24Jealous of your dad and his personality bypass.
13:27I'm going out for the day with a writer.
13:30You should see how they live.
13:32With a writer, life's always exciting and glamorous.
13:35Cup finals and parties.
13:39And rock concerts.
13:41And I'll be there, at the centre of it all.
13:47At least my dad comes to see me,
13:49which is more than can be said for some people's invisible mum.
13:52Tracy's mum might come any day.
13:54That would be hilarious.
13:56Today of all days, Tracy's out with a writer woman and her mum turns up.
14:16Hi, Tracy.
14:18Ready to go?
14:20Oh, hi, Cam.
14:24This is going to be the best match ever.
14:27Only six hours to kick off.
14:29Do we have everything?
14:35More crisps? Check.
14:36And more crisps in case you get peckish in between snacks?
14:42Well, hey, what else could we possibly need?
14:44How about a television that works?
14:48Wasn't someone supposed to get that fixed?
15:00Are you okay?
15:02I'm fine. I'm staying in because my mum's probably coming today.
15:04That's great.
15:07She'll be here any minute with armfuls of presents from America.
15:11Oh, right, I see. Well, that'd be fantastic.
15:14Mind you, if we just popped out,
15:16I suppose we could phone in to check if she's arrived?
15:22Okay, well, another time perhaps.
15:25Hang, not so fast!
15:29Look at her. She's so immature.
15:34Here we are.
15:36Is your proper car in for service?
15:38This is my proper car.
15:40It's a hairdryer!
15:42It's not the car that's important. It's the driver.
15:49My mum is a brilliant driver.
15:53She's fearless and fabulous.
15:55And we're completely unbeatable on any racetrack in the world.
16:32When she comes back, we'll soon be racing again.
16:35So where are we going?
16:37How about a picnic in the park?
16:39Call the news crews. Warn the paparazzi.
16:42Tracy Beaker is going to the park.
16:45Well, I like the park.
16:47Course you do. You're old. I bet you enjoy the cemetery as well.
16:50Are you this cheeky to everyone?
16:52Yeah. Don't go thinking you're anyone special.
16:55Tracy, you are one-off.
16:57That's me. That must be why no-one wants to foster me.
17:00I think I'd prefer a cheeky girl. It'd be more fun.
17:08How much does actually the writers earn?
17:12How about lunch at your place?
17:14Oh, no. I don't think so.
17:17Well, OK.
17:23Do you think you'd like this one better?
17:25Yes. That one's fine too.
17:27What about this one?
17:29Dads don't care.
17:30He just wants to see you.
17:32It doesn't matter which one you wear.
17:40Why is it my fault?
17:42Who bought a microwave instead of a new telly?
17:46Dad promised on Wednesday they'd get this repaired.
17:50And your point is?
18:07Where's the rest of it?
18:09There's a bedroom upstairs.
18:11There isn't even a PC.
18:13A home without a computer.
18:15It's unnatural.
18:20There. Happy now?
18:22Oh. So what games do you have?
18:25What are these things for?
18:27Well, let's write a story.
18:29Can't. I'm between ideas at the moment.
18:31Oh, writer's block. You're a real writer then.
18:33Don't worry. I have a cure.
18:35Fortunately, unfortunately.
18:37It's a game.
18:39Unfortunately, Tracy had no ideas.
18:41Fortunately, this game could give her some.
18:45Cam had gone completely barking mad.
18:47Fortunately, Tracy was there to administer the sanity drug, but...
18:50Unfortunately, they'd left the medical kit on the helicopter.
18:53And the nearest hospital was miles away through the jungle.
18:56And it was no ordinary jungle.
18:58It was inhabited by this ugly tribe of two-headed girls called the Justinians,
19:03who worshipped this little, dull, boring god called Dad.
19:09Unfortunately, the Justinians liked to make everybody's life a total misery.
19:16But, fortunately, they were never going to beat us.
19:24What's this?
19:28I'm having lunch with my dad, remember?
19:30Sure, but I thought you might be getting hungry by now.
19:33He's probably stuck in traffic or something.
19:36He'll be here any minute.
19:40Listen, guys, I'll tell you what.
19:42How about we listen to the game on the radio?
19:45It's just as good.
19:47No way.
19:49It's life and death.
19:51It's only a game.
19:53Only a game?
19:55He's right. It's only a game.
20:00Oh, right, fine.
20:02Operation Magnetic Storm, action, guys.
20:24Fortunately, the incredibly talented and beautiful Tracy Beaker
20:28saved the world again.
20:30But, unfortunately...
20:32Beautiful though she was, she didn't realise how big her god was.
20:35Fortunately, Dr. Kan saved her, let her stay in a tiny hospital,
20:39then moved in, and then eventually fostered her,
20:42and they lived happily ever after.
20:46Hang on, Tracy, slow down.
20:49I'm in no position to foster anybody.
20:54Hello? Oh, hi.
20:56Unfortunately, the world decided that Tracy Beaker
21:00wasn't allowed a nice loving home.
21:07Why's he wrong me?
21:09There'll be a good reason. You'll see.
21:12Do you want to give him a call?
21:14I'll give him a while longer.
21:16Unfortunately, some people are so rude,
21:19they don't look after their guests properly.
21:21Yeah, OK.
21:27Yeah, in the next couple of weeks, yeah.
21:29No, that'd be great.
21:31Fortunately, some guests can look after themselves.
21:34Yeah, OK.
21:36Cheers, then. Bye.
21:38Tracy, did you want to phone in?
21:40Unfortunately, no.
21:41My mum's probably been and gone by now.
21:43Why is it that everyone in the world
21:45has a better time than me?
22:17He's coming, he's coming, he's coming!
22:21Come on, guys.
22:23What are you doing hanging around up here?
22:25It's pointless.
22:27I tried to fix the TV, but we hit a snag.
22:30Like what?
22:32It was an aerial thing.
22:34If one of us was big enough to put that out the window,
22:37we could get a decent signal with that.
22:39What? You mean...
22:47Like that?
22:54How did you do that?
22:58Hi, Tracy.
23:00Duke, has my mum been?
23:02No, I'm sorry.
23:04There's no sign of her.
23:12I want to go.
23:18Tracy, this is great.
23:22Super Tracy saves the world
23:25from the evil social workers from Planet X.
23:28How, exactly?
23:32I realise that the Dumping Ground
23:34is the centre of all world evil.
23:36So I do the only thing possible.
23:38Which is?
23:40It's obvious.
23:42Create an army of Tracy Beaker clones
23:44and totally storm the place.
23:46Bye-bye, Dumping Ground.
23:50Stay still!
23:54Hey, we have to get going in five minutes.
23:58Is that a deal?
24:00Definitely. Ten minutes.
24:06I'll come quietly.
24:12Hey, how about writing some Unfortunately Adventures?
24:14Unfortunately Adventures?
24:16With this?
24:33This hasn't been plugged into the telly.
24:39That's what Operation Magnetic Storm was all about.
24:41A simple, dodgy fuse.
24:44So Mike stood there.
24:46All afternoon.
24:48For no reason.
24:50Yep. I don't think he'll be putting off repairs in the future.
24:52Do you?
24:53I've got something for you.
25:24Families, huh?
25:27You need them.
25:53You need them.
25:55You need them.
