Fire Emblem Three Houses - Ashe and Catherine

  • 3 months ago
Ashe is finding answers involving his late brother, whether Catherine likes it or not.
00:06Hello Catherine, I thought I might find you here. Is there something I can do for you ash
00:13Yes, could you tell me what you know about this this is quite an old letter, where'd you find it
00:20It was found in the bishop's room during the inquiry of the Western Church
00:25Hmm. I see. It's one of the documents you collected
00:30This letter mentions my brother Christophe Gaspar by name
00:36He was executed by the church for allegedly taking part in the tragedy of Dusker
00:41I know you were the one who turned him over
00:45But this letter isn't about that
00:47It's about a plot to assassinate Lady Rhea if my brother's name is in here
00:52That means this plot predates the tragedy
00:55So there was another plot against Lady Rhea in the past and my brother was somehow involved ah
01:05I can tell by your face that you know something
01:08Tell me Catherine, please. I deserve to know
01:12Christophe was a good man, maybe too good. It wasn't in his nature to mistrust people
01:18So when the Western Church told him that Lady Rhea had to die for the goddesses sake or the world's he went along with it
01:25Just how well did you know my brother?
01:28Christophe and I were friends. We were in the blue lion house together at the Academy if you were friends
01:34Why did you hand him over to be executed? There must have been another way
01:39No, if there was another option I'd have chosen it
01:43But he was foolish. He went along with the plan to assassinate Lady Rhea. I wasn't motivated by a personal grudge
01:49I had no choice, but to turn him in that much is true
01:54I can't believe that my brother would try to assassinate Lady Rhea
01:58But if he did that means the church was lying about his involvement in the tragedy of Dusker, doesn't it?
02:05Lying is a strong word
02:07The world was in chaos and the church did what it had to if people had known about the threat to Lady Rhea's life
02:14The panic would only have worsened
02:17So you're saying everything in this letter is true. You can choose what to believe
02:24All I know is I let him die and that's something I can never change
02:29Now if you'll excuse me
02:31Catherine wait, please
02:46What's wrong ash, why are you standing there? I've been thinking
02:53Matter what I do
02:55Lonato and my brother are never coming back. Do you hate me? I
03:01Don't know
03:03Maybe I do. I know you're an ally. I can trust a knight. I can respect
03:09But maybe I do
03:11Why don't you take a swing at me? I bet that'll make you feel better
03:19Don't just stand there with that timid look on your face. Come at me. I
03:23Don't think that's going to help
03:25This isn't about avenging the dead. It's about taking revenge for yourself. It's how survivors move on
03:33What will you do ash? You're welcome to stare at your feet for the rest of your life
03:41Ah that look in your eye, I like it
03:49Hmm come on put your back into it
03:58Catherine yes, ash. I
04:03Don't know what's right anymore. I
04:06Don't don't be a fool. You decide for yourself. What's right? And what's wrong? I
04:12Believe Lady Rhea is right, so I won't allow anyone to bring her harm
04:17What about a friend? How could you kill a friend to protect her with no hesitation? I couldn't
04:24I'll never forget that day when they took him. All I could do was stand there. I
04:30Had to persuade myself saying over and over under my breath
04:34This is the right thing to do if I hadn't I wouldn't have been able to stand there. I would have cried out
04:41I'm still persuading myself even now. I probably will be for the rest of my life
04:47If I let myself regret what happened he will have died for no reason
04:55Uncertainty is weakness
04:58Someday ash you'll have to make up your mind
05:01You know who I am. What will you do about it? I?
05:26Wow, you've gotten much better
05:29You're not doubting yourself anymore
05:31It's like your state of mind is completely different what changed
05:35Can I tell you honestly?
05:39Please do maybe this is a chance to resolve our dispute and move on
05:44As a knight an ally and even as a person I know I can trust you
05:49But somewhere in my heart
05:51There's a part of me that can't forgive what you did, of course
05:56Your brother's blood is on my hands
05:59It wouldn't be easy for anyone in your position to feel forgiving if someone said it was easy
06:04I would probably give him a smack in the face
06:07You may never be able to forgive me no matter how hard you try I'm prepared to accept that it's my duty I
06:14Admire your spirit Catherine. Honestly, I do. I hope the part of me that's holding this grudge will get smaller with time
06:23Maybe someday it'll vanish
06:25That's rather poetic
06:29Maybe but I'm being serious
06:33Huh, sorry didn't mean to make light of it
06:37No, it's all right
06:40We should have talked like this much sooner
06:42I feel like I can finally stop dwelling on the past and start looking forward to the future. I
06:49Think meeting you has been good for me, too
06:52Different people have different morals. They won't always agree on what's right and what's wrong
06:57Maybe that's obvious, but it's something I think about when I'm talking to you. Can I ask something of you?
07:06I'd like to get to know you better Catherine as a person and
07:10Has my friend sure, but I won't do all the talking. It'll be dull if you don't tell me about yourself to me
07:19It won't be very interesting for you, but okay
07:23Okay, let's chat over a nice tasty meal my treat
07:27Kristoff not Oh watch over me, please. Hurry up or I'll eat all the food
