The Story of Tracy Beaker- Series- 1-010.Episode 10 Back To Back Epiosodes

  • 2 months ago
The Story of Tracy Beaker- Series- 1-010.Episode 10 Back To Back Epiosodes


00:00I can make my world come true, all my dreams will see me through, doesn't matter what may come my way, believe me now, I will win someday.
00:39But I did do my homework!
00:41Tracy, I know you didn't, I've spoken to your teacher.
00:44Mr Pugh is not my teacher, he's a student teacher, which shows how much you know.
00:49But I thought you liked him?
00:51Not anymore, he has all these stupid ideas.
00:54Now, who's going to read their homework out to the class?
01:02Be brave, no one will laugh.
01:10Tracy Beaker.
01:15Miss Sharp never made us read our homework out, I can't read it.
01:20Why not?
01:21Why not?
01:23Um, my homework book got stolen.
01:28Tracy, who'd want to steal your homework?
01:36A dog.
01:38Really? And what did this dog look like, hmm?
01:44Tracy Beaker, come back here!
01:46Oh, Ruff Ruff!
01:47I haven't time to mess around today!
01:51Tracy, I've got an interview, come back to the office now.
01:53Must I? She has to eat.
01:56Tracy can eat all she likes once we've solved the mystery of the missing homework.
02:00But I did do it!
02:02Tracy, please?
02:03She did do it!
02:05Zach, really? You know that rhyme, liar, liar, pants on fire?
02:09She did, I saw her!
02:11She did, didn't she? We all saw her.
02:15This isn't helping, she must learn to tell the truth!
02:18I am not a liar!
02:19No, your problem is that you can't tell the difference between what's true and what you'd like to be true.
02:25If you wanted this to be a bar of chocolate, then that's what you'd say it was!
02:29And what's that? A bowl of strawberries and cream?
02:33Yes, Elaine, it was your fault!
02:35It's rude!
02:36It was her fault!
02:38It was an accident, Jenny, wasn't it?
02:45Tracy, apologise.
02:50I'm sorry, Jake, for wasting your soup.
02:52And Jenny, I'm really sorry for ruining lunch and everything.
02:56And who else would you like to apologise to?
02:59I'm really sorry, Elaine, that you were my social worker.
03:01And I'm really sorry that you were mean.
03:03Right, the quiet room now, and you will stay there until you say sorry to Elaine!
03:07No, I won't! I'll stay there till she apologises to me!
03:10For me!
03:14If I was in trouble at school, I'd just tell my dad.
03:17He always sticks up for me.
03:19Well, we haven't all got a dad, alright?
03:20Tracy's got a mum!
03:22Except she's never around.
03:24Who's she got to stick up for her?
03:25If we don't help her get this sorted, no-one else will.
03:28It's Tracy's own stupid fault.
03:30She'd done her homework.
03:31She didn't have to lie about losing her book.
03:33She did do it.
03:35You heard me tell Elaine.
03:36I thought you were just saying it.
03:38No, really, I saw her do it in the living room.
03:40Grown-ups never believe us.
03:42So what happened to it?
03:45The mystery of the disappearing homework.
03:50You love writing, Tracy.
03:52Are you quite sure you did your homework?
03:54Yes, I did!
03:55But I did have my homework book to read out from, did I?
03:59But Tracy, isn't this your homework book?
04:28If Elaine's decided that Tracy didn't do her homework,
04:30then Tracy didn't do her homework.
04:31End of argument.
04:32So I'll never get her to change her mind?
04:34Not unless you can show her Tracy's book with her homework in it.
04:37But we haven't got Tracy's book, have we?
04:41I have had a great idea.
04:43Justine, find Jack and Peter.
04:45Who put you in charge?
04:49I have to get it clean.
04:51I've got an interview.
04:52It's a possible promotion.
04:55What will they think if I turn up looking like this?
04:58I can't cope with children.
05:00That's what they'll think.
05:01And I can, Duke, I can.
05:02Of course you can.
05:03I'm very good with children.
05:05It's just that Tracy Beaker's not very good at being a child.
05:10Elaine, do you know you're very wet?
05:17Does Tracy's homework book look like this?
05:19Yeah, but it's got your name on it.
05:26Not anymore, it hasn't.
05:27But it's got your homework in it.
05:31Not anymore, it hasn't.
05:33You are going to get in such big trouble for that.
05:35But she's going to get Tracy out of even bigger trouble.
05:39Because we're going to forge our homework.
05:41No, I am.
05:43My writing's most like hers, only mine's neater.
05:48Okay, Zack, what was the questions Tracy had to answer for her homework?
05:56How long are you going to be in here, Tracy?
05:58It depends on Elaine.
05:59It might be years and years and years and years.
06:01But I don't care, because I know in the end she'll come grovelling back.
06:04And will you forgive her?
06:06It depends how grovelly her grovel is.
06:10I was sitting over there.
06:12And Tracy was sitting here, right?
06:14No, she was over there. She wanted to be near a mirror.
06:17Oh, with her face.
06:18That's it! I remember the first question.
06:21She had to describe what she looked like.
06:27I said you were right.
06:29What happened to Tracy's homework is a mystery.
06:33I honestly believe that Tracy's telling the truth.
06:36That she did do her homework.
06:38Can't you just be a little bit easier on her?
06:40That would be disastrous.
06:42The golden rule of social work, Jenny, be consistent.
06:45All the books say so.
06:48What bothers me is why Tracy pretended her book was lost.
06:52Tracy doesn't just lie for the sake of it.
06:55Shouting doesn't help, Jenny.
06:59All I'm trying to say is...
07:03Sometimes, Elaine, you can be so pig-headed,
07:06you should have been let on when you had kids like Tracy Beaker.
07:13Write this. I have sticky-up black hair,
07:15which makes me look like I've seen a ghost.
07:17It's nice hair.
07:19And matchstick arms and legs a frog would be proud of.
07:23That's not fair.
07:24Oh, just write,
07:26I have an ordinary face.
07:29With little piggy eyes.
07:31That's not true.
07:32She's got shiny brown eyes.
07:34Have you been gazing into them?
07:37I'll sort it.
07:38What were the other questions?
07:40I don't know. She never spoke to me after that.
07:42Not till she finished.
07:44What did she say?
07:47Cos I threw a cushion at her.
07:49She started it.
07:50She threw a pencil case and then scrunched up worksheet and me.
08:10What's it say?
08:11Write a paragraph about your home and family.
08:16Who wants to write about the boring dumping ground?
08:21I wonder what Tracy would have put.
08:27What's the hurry, Peter?
08:29It's something important.
08:33A secret.
08:34Ah, I'm good with secrets.
08:36There's a big pile of flower pots in your shed.
08:39That's not a secret, I know that already.
08:41Tracy sometimes uses it as a place to hide things.
08:44The things she doesn't want anyone else to see.
08:53Don't tell Tracy that I told you.
08:55Told me what?
09:25Quite a good forgery, innit Adele?
09:27Yeah, not bad at all.
09:28I don't believe it.
09:29Well, didn't Tracy say that a dog stole her book?
09:32There are no teeth marks.
09:34There are now.
09:36Wouldn't a dog scrunch it up?
09:57What do you want, Peter?
09:59Thought you wouldn't see this.
10:00It's Tracy's homework book.
10:03Look on the last bit.
10:18Perhaps I'd better talk to her.
10:30You've read it!
10:31You've read my homework!
10:33You had no right!
10:34It was only Mr Pew who was supposed to read it!
10:38Did you think the class would laugh at you?
10:40I do understand, Tracy.
10:42You don't understand anything!
10:44You're a social worker!
10:45Bug off, Elaine!
10:58There's no need for me to describe myself to you for homework, Mr Pew.
11:02I'm the one who makes you laugh, remember?
11:05I don't mind you laughing.
11:07You laugh because you think my jokes are good.
11:10Some people laugh at me because they think I'm strange.
11:14My mum never laughs at me.
11:16Just smiles.
11:18She's smiling when she comes to pick me up from school.
11:21All the other kids are dead jealous.
11:24She smiles when we're in the garden.
11:26It's so big.
11:27I ride my pony without having to leave home.
11:30Or my mum.
11:31And if her friends invite her out, she says,
11:34no way, I just want to be at home with Tracy.
11:38The end.
11:42Elaine, look what we found.
11:45We solved the mystery of the disappearing homework.
11:47Tracy can come out now.
11:48You know, you thought Tracy was lying.
11:51Sue wanted to see Tracy's homework book.
11:54I've just seen Tracy's book.
11:57So, whose book is this?
11:59It's mine.
12:01A bit battered, isn't it?
12:04A dog stole it.
12:07Don't say a word.
12:09Not until you've heard me out.
12:12I've always told you that if someone's in the wrong,
12:17then she should be prepared to admit it and say she's sorry.
12:20You can't make me!
12:22Tracy, I'm...
12:23apologising to you.
12:24You did do your homework and...
12:29I was wrong to call you a liar.
12:32And I'm sorry about the soup.
12:35Thank you.
12:39Oh, you've managed to sort out your differences then.
12:42I think so.
12:43Tracy now knows that the truth is very, very important.
12:47And you won't ever throw soup again.
12:49What about strawberries and cream?
12:51Why'd you stand on that?
12:53Just checking.
12:55Elaine, you'd better be getting off to your interview.
12:58Don't worry about it.
12:59It looks fine.
13:00You look really nice.
13:01Doesn't she?
13:02Elaine, I'd like to take this opportunity of saying
13:05how very, very nice you look.
13:07But, unfortunately, I can't.
13:11Because I now know the truth is very, very important.
13:16Got her!
13:17But I'm not stopping there.
13:26Tracy, what can I do for you?
13:28I want you to talk to Kam about filling in the forms to foster me.
13:31You know I can't do that.
13:32I'm a kid with behavioural problems.
13:34Tell her the longer I stay here, the worse I'm going to get.
13:37I'm not going to do it.
13:38I'm not going to do it.
13:39I'm not going to do it.
13:40I'm not going to do it.
13:41I'm not going to do it.
13:42I'm not going to do it.
13:43I'm not going to do it.
13:44Tell her the longer I stay here, the worse I'm going to get.
13:46Tracy, Kam has a very demanding job and a very, very busy lifestyle.
13:52Adding you into the mix is a big commitment for a woman like that.
13:58Living on her own.
14:00Hello, lovely.
14:01Do you want some squash?
14:02Oh cheers.
14:14Kam, why haven't you ever got married?
14:16Tracy! So we know each other well enough to drop the pleasantries and go straight for the personal.
14:21You still haven't answered my question.
14:23I know. Come on then, we'd better get going.
14:26Okay, okay, try this. You did borrow two coats of her silver glitter, so now she should be able to use your cranberry blush.
14:35But I only just got that!
14:37So? That's brand new!
14:39So get it!
14:43All right, quit it girls. I'm losing the will to live.
14:48Not now, Duke.
14:50My advice, in future, use your own make-up.
14:53That's a rubbish answer!
14:54Enough! I've got about ten billion things I should be doing right now.
14:57But nothing's been sorted.
14:59If you think you can do any better...
15:01Couldn't do worse?
15:04Help yourself.
15:07You take over. See how you like it.
15:13Come on.
15:40Let's go back to your place.
15:42Are you going to go out?
15:43That is out for me.
15:45Come on, Luke. Let's go and do something else.
15:47I never get to boss people about. I want to see what it's like.
15:50You go for it, girl. Although it's not all about bossing.
15:53That's not fair. I want to go.
15:56Okay. You can be Duke.
15:59I don't want to be Duke. He works too hard.
16:03She's the boss for today.
16:06And Justine's me?
16:09I like it.
16:10So, now, what did you want?
16:14So, what did you want?
16:16Nothing, now.
16:20Found some.
16:27Where? In the mummy's tomb?
16:29I can't believe you want a girly face pack.
16:32Maybe I like doing girly things.
16:34I mean, it can't hurt to make yourself beautiful once in a while.
16:37Here, you first.
16:43Just sit back and relax.
17:00Come on, kids. You can't sit around vegging in front of the television all morning.
17:03Oh, Mike!
17:05Jenny, what are you doing here?
17:07I was watching TV. Louise said I could.
17:09Louise? What's she got to do with it?
17:11Will you move out of the way? We're missing it.
17:13Oh, sorry.
17:18Stop taking new ones.
17:26What are you doing?
17:28Louise said we could.
17:31That is enough, Maxie.
17:35Sorry, Justine.
17:37Somebody pinched me.
17:41Tell me what's going on.
17:43Well, Jenny made Louise Jenny.
17:45And Louise made me cheeky.
17:47Did anybody make me anything?
17:49Ask Louise.
17:57You were supposed to knock.
17:59Is there something you want to talk to me about?
18:01Well, as everyone seems to be swapping around today,
18:03I was wondering who I'm supposed to be.
18:06Hmm. Mike.
18:10Jenny and Juke have the day off.
18:12I'd better keep a grown-up spare, just in case.
18:14Shut the door on your way out.
18:24Cam, wake up.
18:32Can I go out now?
18:34Can't show off our beautiful faces.
18:43Might have to forget about our outing, Tracy. Sorry.
18:46It's OK.
18:48I'll get Mike to come and fix it.
18:50He's brilliant at that kind of thing.
18:54So am I.
18:56Tracy. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down, slow down.
18:58Where are you?
18:59Someone needs help.
19:01We've got a flat tyre and she's changing it
19:03on the side of a really dangerous road.
19:05And it's heaving with traffic.
19:07And it's ripping by really close.
19:09Right, I'll come and get you.
19:11Do you know what the name of the road is?
19:13But we want to play our computer game.
19:15Don't you dare. Jenny, do something.
19:17Louise. Louise.
19:19What's going on?
19:21They keep spoiling our TV programme.
19:23They won't let us play our computer game.
19:25All right, quit it, you two.
19:27I want to live.
19:29Now, how shall I settle this?
19:51You're all shiny and oily.
19:53Get off.
19:55I'm changing a tyre.
20:07Oh, that's gross.
20:09And the winners are
20:11Ben and Zach.
20:21You've watched enough TV.
20:23Ben and Zach should get a go.
20:27Enough. I've about ten billion other things
20:29I should be doing right now.
20:41What's Mike doing here?
20:45What took you so long?
20:47Isn't that Cam's flat?
20:49I thought you said you were somewhere really dangerous.
20:51I couldn't find you.
20:53Cam really needed your help.
20:55The lorries were coming horribly close.
20:59And she was desperate for someone to rescue her.
21:11I could have done that for you.
21:13Yeah, I told Tracy I could manage.
21:17Poor Mike's driven all the way up here to help you.
21:19Aren't you going to invite him in?
21:21No, of course not.
21:33Another game
21:35for champion of champions of the whole world
21:41Let's eat early today.
21:43Just think.
21:45Excuse me.
21:47What are we having?
21:49How should I know?
21:51You should have planned a meal.
21:53Must I do everything around here?
21:57you can stay if you like.
21:59Come along.
22:01Don't make anything green!
22:07Very nice.
22:09Laurie, don't sit there!
22:13Stay up here.
22:17be careful with my work, you.
22:19Care to pour Camilla?
22:21Biscuit, Michael?
22:23Thank you.
22:31You won't believe what I called Maxie and Peter
22:33up to this morning.
22:35Making footprints in the butter?
22:37I'm just going to go and freshen up.
22:39No, but you're not far off.
22:53Chuck ice and chips!
22:55All she did was microwave the chips.
22:57It was my idea.
23:03Because Louis said
23:05she had to keep an adult spare.
23:15But it's your turn
23:17to clear up.
23:19But me and Lou made it.
23:21I'm a guest, not me.
23:23I'm in charge.
23:25I'll decide.
23:27Two of these have been shaken up.
23:29On my command,
23:31rip your can open.
23:33The two with the fizziest cans
23:35do the clearing up.
23:37Pick your cans.
23:39I'll do the clearing up.
23:41I'll do the clearing up.
23:53Why is Peter and Pat
23:55you doing the clearing up?
23:57I'm saying, right,
23:59the most incredible thing you've ever seen happen.
24:01It was just unbelievable.
24:03This thing just flew down out the sky
24:05and hit him on the head.
24:07He woke up.
24:09Well, he didn't actually wake up because he was sleepwalking.
24:11Is there any way possible at all
24:13that Adele woke up?
24:15I couldn't believe it.
24:17He was about to weep.
24:19Jen will be wondering where you are.
24:23Mike, I've had enough of this.
24:29You've got to go now.
24:31This is my day with a can,
24:33not yours.
24:35Listen, thanks for the juice.
24:41I was getting sick of him
24:43trying to muscle in on us.
24:51the flat tyre,
24:53it wasn't anything to do with you, was it?
25:11I know you'll think I'm barking,
25:13but I had this awful feeling
25:15you were trying to set me up with Mike.
25:17I mean, he's very sweet,
25:19but he's so not my type.
25:21Like I didn't know.
25:25So what is your type?
