• last year
The Story of Tracy Beaker Series 2-08.Secrets and Lies/ Music


00:00I can make my world come true, all my dreams will see me through, doesn't matter what they
00:12come my way, believe me now, I will win some day.
00:20Why you so busy yourself?
00:22Sorry Amber, I realise how annoyed you get when you see someone smiling.
00:26Hey Juke, how's today's progress report?
00:29Oh yeah, the boring progress report meeting.
00:33You talk about me, he's no meet her in the orphanage.
00:36Very amusing Dolly.
00:39Oh, Cam's on the phone.
00:40Honestly, that woman phones at the most awkward times.
00:43It's not you Tracy, Amber?
00:46Maybe she's decided to foster someone who's less of a pain in the bum.
00:49It's called style, I wouldn't expect you lot to understand.
01:05I wish you wouldn't do that.
01:12OK Lol, what are you up to?
01:20It's a well known fact that on a secret mission you need the right gadget, and for Lol, the
01:26master spy, no meeting is sacred.
01:41You bugged the progress report meeting.
01:42Hmm, four months for craftiness, minus 50 million for dumbness.
01:46Tracy, Nathan was wearing a suit.
01:48So, it was an important meeting, but they happen all the time.
01:51But they could just decide to, I don't know, split me and Bowser up.
01:55Oh, no Bowser, no one for Lol to hide behind.
01:58Of course, with Amber getting mysterious phone calls from Cam.
02:01Who's to say they weren't talking about you three as well?
02:08Us three?
02:11There is no us three.
02:15Well, there's only one way to find out for sure.
02:22Missing something?
02:25What did?
02:26How did?
02:27You can never be a good spy if you can't spot when you're being spied on.
02:30Later dudes.
02:32Have you just been out scammed by Amber?
02:36My brain must be shrinking.
02:46The nerve.
02:48I mean, James Bond doesn't go around nicking microfilm from under other people's noses, does he?
02:57But doesn't it make you mad?
02:59Amber finding out all sorts of secret stuff.
03:03About us.
03:06But no one has any secret here, Lol.
03:08But, but, what if they decide to split us up?
03:13Send us to different homes?
03:16Lol, where's this daft idea suddenly come from?
03:20But you can't split up Lol and Bowser, they're a team.
03:23Still, I think it will do them good in the long run.
03:26I mean, to be fair, they're a little bit too old to be sharing a room anyway.
03:30You know, just around.
03:34If they did split us up, I might be in serious danger of getting some work done.
03:38And it would ruin my reputation.
03:40Clever remark from Bowser.
03:42Must think of a comeback.
03:46My brain really is shrinking.
03:50He bugged the meeting.
03:52But why?
03:54Couldn't have been that important.
03:57Louise, Nathan was wearing a suit.
04:00Hey kids, wanna listen to this?
04:03For a small fee.
04:04We're not interested.
04:06Fair enough.
04:07If you don't want to hear about which blonde person is so helpful around the house
04:12that the staff aren't trying too hard to find foster parents for her.
04:16Or which person's dad, who's just got married, may be getting divorced again.
04:22Or which member of staff, whose name rhymes with Penny, may be off to a run of care home in New York.
04:33That's nice.
04:36You two have finally found a hobby you can share.
04:39It's Amber. She's been in my room for ages.
04:46Hi Duke.
04:48Hi Duke.
05:04Everything okay?
05:05Yeah, everything's fine.
05:06I was just listening to this really fascinating documentary on the radio about...
05:12Oh, well, that's nice.
05:16It's a very interesting subject.
05:27Hey Jenny, what's it like in New York, do you know?
05:30Oh, it's wonderful, Amber.
05:32I've had quite a few holidays. Actually, I'm hoping to go again quite soon.
05:36Oh, really? That's nice.
05:45Come on, Pam.
05:49Checking up on her?
05:51She hates that.
06:02Hi Cam.
06:03Hi Tracy. Come see Amber.
06:10Hi Cam.
06:11Hi Tracy.
06:14Oh, Tracy.
06:15Shall we go into my room?
06:18Yeah, okay.
06:20Hey, look, I know it isn't your turn, but you can help me with the washing up, could
06:35You'd love that, wouldn't you? Get Louisa to do it. She never complains.
06:39Or maybe I'm tired of being kicked around.
06:41I only asked.
06:43But are things really okay, Dad? I mean, really, really? And you're not having any
06:56What do you mean, the normal kind? You've only just got married. Pull yourself together.
07:03Is everything okay, Justin?
07:05And I thought grown-ups are supposed to be sensible.
07:09But what did I do?
07:13Apart from bugging the report meeting.
07:15And losing the tape.
07:16And letting Amber mess with our heads.
07:19Well, yeah, apart from all that, what did I do?
07:25Alright, I'll sort it.
07:28Come on, let's go.
07:32Yeah, well, I think everybody feels a bit like that sometimes.
07:35Oh, sorry to bother you, Amber. You know that tape I lent you? Could I have it back, please?
07:41I haven't got it anymore. I slipped it to my secret agent, 007.
07:45Ah, right. Thanks.
07:58Spying's wrong, isn't it? A betrayal of trust. But ultimately, it was your responsibility.
08:05You should have kept a lookout. But we're willing to overlook it this time.
08:09Just hand over the tape, and we'll say no more about it.
08:14Girls, what would you say if I told you I didn't have the faintest idea what you were talking about?
08:22Is that the time?
08:26Love my job.
08:30A school project, you say?
08:32Social studies. Helping us to understand law and order.
08:36And what's Tracy got to do with this?
08:38I'm safeguarding your human rights.
08:41Oh. Thank you.
08:44Go on, then.
08:45Spread out.
08:47It's just a regular body search.
09:02What's the matter with you lot?
09:04We can't find the tape.
09:06Amber said she gave it to a secret contact.
09:10Agent 007.
09:15Oh. And who in the house is 007 years old?
09:38It wasn't me! Amber made me do it!
09:55There is the issue of stationery.
09:57Yes. Yeah, there is the...
10:03Ordering the right amount of paper.
10:05Yes, I appreciate that.
10:10Live tea that we usually expect at the end of the month.
10:14We've had the...
10:16Is that it?
10:17Well, I could only record 45 minutes.
10:2045 minutes? How did you expect to get anything inside of 45 minutes?
10:25You didn't really think this through, this spying business, did you, Lol?
10:31My brain.
10:32Oh, my brain!
10:34Have I had enough of this?
10:44Jenny, are me and Lol being split up and sent to different care homes?
10:48What? Of course not.
10:51And you're not going for a new job in New York?
10:53I most certainly am not.
10:55But you've got relatives there.
10:57Yeah, exactly.
11:07I want to work with you.
11:10Probably won't be much help.
11:12Not with me new shrunken brain.
11:15Been hearing rumours about a certain tape in our meeting this morning.
11:18How have you seen...
11:20It's just...
11:21They asked me to leave the room for a while, so they could talk about me.
11:24And I was just wondering...
11:27Ah, well, obviously some details need to remain confidential.
11:32But I think they'd have to suit.
11:33Yeah, right.
11:35And they might have suggested that you should stand up to Jenny more often.
11:39She'd probably respect you more as a professional.
11:44He's still got it.
11:48Thanks, Cam. See you later.
11:52Hi, Tracy. Busy?
11:54Too busy to talk to you.
11:56I'm making a list in my head reasons why you'd want to foster Amber.
12:00She wouldn't mess up your kitchen. She doesn't know what a kitchen's for.
12:03You could sit around for hours laughing at one another's rubbish hairdos.
12:07You think I want to foster Amber?
12:12Look, you do know before she came here, Amber used to run away a lot?
12:16That's what I was talking to her about.
12:18For an article I'm writing about runaways.
12:21An article? Is that all?
12:38I'm not sure I'm foster mother material, Tracy.
12:41You know that better than anyone.
12:43I'm probably more like big sister material.
12:47More like ugly big sister material.
12:53Well, here it is.
12:57What's that?
12:59Oh, it's just a little chat the staff had about you after we told them about your spying mission.
13:04We thought we'd try out the tape recorder again for someone sensible in charge.
13:07And did it work?
13:09Like a dream.
13:10I don't believe you.
13:11That's not our problem.
13:12Hey, Justine, there's a great bit about how she used to have an imaginary friend.
13:16Give me that!
13:19No flipping. There's plenty more action coming.
13:26You, you!
13:27Come back here, you little snitch. I'll tell him. Get it!
13:30He already has you, murderer!
13:32Okay, what's the story?
13:34Amber's trashed her room. She spray-painted her wall.
13:48I'm gonna kill you!
13:49Hiya, Tracy.
13:51Oh, hiya, Jake.
13:53Slight problem. I'm going to need your help.
13:55I've already told Lo, to get onto Level T you have to go through the Gates of Doom with the poison apple.
14:02It's not the computer.
14:03I need you to share your room for a bit with Amber.
14:06We've got to do a quick graffiti clean in hers.
14:09I'm not sharing with Amber.
14:11You're just asking for trouble.
14:23I'm sorry, Tracy.
14:24It's already sorted.
14:25Then unsort it.
14:27It's just till tomorrow.
14:32Wait a minute.
14:33I haven't agreed to this yet.
14:34Oh, come on, Tracy.
14:35It's only for one night.
14:36You'll have a laugh.
14:38Yeah, Nathan's right.
14:39This is going to be fun.
14:42What are you doing?
14:43What is your problem?
14:44This is my room with my things.
14:47I don't want them all mauled and messed about.
14:49Ooh, a bit touchy, aren't we?
14:52Are you sleeping in here tonight?
14:53Yeah, come in.
14:54You can help me with my hair.
14:55Excuse me.
14:56I haven't said they can come in.
14:58This is my room, remember?
15:00This is our room.
15:01But if I say they can come in, they can come in.
15:05Fine, where am I going to put my stuff?
15:07Touch it and you're dead, Justin Littlewood.
15:09Just ignore her.
15:11She needs to learn how to share.
15:13Can I borrow this?
15:16Don't be such a prima donna, Tracy.
15:18You should know by now that nothing's private
15:19in a care home.
15:21Quite an artist, our Amber.
15:23Let's get it painted and back to normal
15:25before Jenny gets back.
15:26Should all be dry by tomorrow.
15:28I'll get another brush.
15:29♪ Never treats me sweet and gentle
15:33♪ The way she should
15:35♪ I've got it bad and then it's good
15:37Morning, Duke.
15:41Hello, Adele.
15:41How did the audition go?
15:43Not sure.
15:45I think we got the gig.
15:46Am I looking at the next big thing?
15:48Duke, the band's just me and a couple of mates
15:50from college, that's all.
15:51It's a laugh.
15:51You're not looking for another singer, are you?
15:53♪ My old heart is sentimental
15:56♪ Not made of wood
15:57You'll have to join the queue.
15:58Tracey's been on at me already.
16:00She's even writing her own song.
16:01♪ My old heart is sentimental
16:04That doesn't rhyme, probably.
16:05Oh, do you mind?
16:08I don't know why you're bothering
16:09to write a song anyway, Tracey.
16:11Adele's never in a million years
16:12gonna have you in her band.
16:15You're rubbish, I think.
16:17Yeah, Tracey.
16:18I've heard you singing in the bath.
16:19You're tone deaf.
16:20♪ My old heart is sentimental
16:23Bye, then.
16:25Duke, this is an emergency.
16:26What's the matter?
16:27Is she okay?
16:29I don't know if she stays in my room for much longer.
16:30I want her out by the end of today.
16:32Or I will not be responsible for my actions.
16:35Don't Tracey me by the end of today.
16:38I'm sick of this place.
16:40Sick of sharing everything all the time.
16:42I know.
16:43No, you don't.
16:44Tracey, I was brought up with four brothers
16:45in a three bedroom semi.
16:46Believe me, I know.
16:48And get this.
16:49Now she's telling everyone I'm tone deaf.
16:52I'm an undiscovered musical genius.
16:54Everyone knows that.
16:55Well, then, we can't waste all that time, can we?
16:58Maybe we should get you an instrument to play.
17:00Something of your own.
17:01You serious?
17:03I learned guitar when I was your age.
17:04It'd be something you wouldn't have to share with anybody.
17:07That'd be great.
17:08Right, well, I'll give Elaine a call.
17:10See if we can sort something out.
17:11Thanks, Duke.
17:12Adele's bound to let me in her band now.
17:14Oh, you'll have to learn how to play it first, Tracey.
17:16Yeah, yeah, of course.
17:17Right, I want something really trendy.
17:20Like a saxophone.
17:22And then I'll be discovered and taken away to somewhere
17:24people will treat me like I deserve.
17:28I've got to hand it to you, Elaine.
17:29I didn't think you'd be able to come up with anything so quickly.
17:32It's been sitting in my attic for years.
17:34Duke, Tracey won't let us have a go.
17:37It is her instrument, Justine.
17:39But that's not fair.
17:40We want something to play to.
17:41Yeah, can you get me a bass guitar, Elaine?
17:44I want a drum kit.
17:44I think that might be pushing it.
17:46I'll see what I can do.
17:49Don't worry, Elaine.
17:50I'll get you a bass guitar.
17:51I'll get you a drum kit.
17:52I'll get you a drum kit.
17:53I'll get you a drum kit.
17:54I'll get you a drum kit.
17:55I'll get you a drum kit.
17:56I'll get you a drum kit.
17:58Don't worry, Elaine.
17:59They'll get over it.
18:01No, they're quite right, Duke.
18:02It's not fair, is it?
18:03Think how you'd feel.
18:05You're right.
18:09Well done, Tracey.
18:11By the three weeks, she'll be run away.
18:16I don't care what they say.
18:18I'm not about to play nobody's game.
18:21Because it's all about the dark in me.
18:24That's really good, Adele.
18:26It's a bit different in front of a crowd of people.
18:29It's quite scary, actually.
18:31You were scared?
18:32With a bit of luck, I didn't show it.
18:34So, what do you think?
18:36I can either play the sax in your band...
18:38Well, not until I get really good.
18:40Or I could sing.
18:41Or both.
18:42But not at the same time, obviously.
18:48Wow, Elaine.
18:49Where'd you get all these?
18:50My connections.
18:52Come on, let's go start our own band.
18:54Yeah, wicked.
18:55Here, Louise.
18:56You can have the violin.
18:57That's woofing!
18:58I want the trumpet.
18:59No, I want the trumpet.
19:00Girls, share.
19:03Whoever can blow the trumpet the loudest gets it.
19:08That's nothing.
19:09Listen to this.
19:15Isn't it great, Duke?
19:16Elaine got us all these new instruments.
19:18Yes, thanks, Elaine.
19:19The whole house is alive with the sound of music.
19:24I can't believe what you've been reading in my diary!
19:26Not my fault, you shouldn't leave it lying around.
19:28I didn't leave it lying around.
19:30I left it under my pillow, on my bed.
19:32In my room!
19:33I don't know what you're bellyaching about.
19:35Apart from the really funny bits like how you're going to be rich and famous.
19:39Yawn, yawn.
19:40You're not even a child anymore.
19:42You're just an orphan.
19:44Don't be ridiculous!
19:46Apart from the really funny bits, like how you're going to be rich and famous, yawn yawn,
19:52and how your mum's going to whisk you away in her private helicopter. It's the biggest
19:55load of slop I've ever read. Hilarious.
19:58This room isn't big enough for the both of us.
20:00Take a walk, Tracy. Unless you want me to share your song with the rest of the dumping
20:13I suppose you think I'm singing this song just because I'm blue, woah, woah, woah.
20:19Oh, and a duke told me to tell you that he won't be finished painting my room until tomorrow.
20:24Bad luck, roomie.
20:25Could we just have some peace and quiet for one minute, please?
20:31Apparently not.
20:32Hello? Sorry, can you speak up? Hi, Josie? Josie from the band, yeah.
20:43Don't you think you should tell Adele yourself? Alright. Right, right, I'll let her know.
20:50Hey, Trace, come for supper? What's the matter?
21:17Oh, is Amber being a pain again? Well, you can't stay out here all night.
21:23Better than sharing Vod's spiky face.
21:25Hey, Trace, don't get mad. Get even.
21:40A one, a two, a one, two, three, four.
21:43We know the song now, get on your nerves. Get on your nerves. Get on your nerves.
21:47Morning, Amber. We've got a new song especially for you. From the top, boys.
21:52We know the song now, get on your nerves. Get on your nerves. Get on your nerves.
21:57We know the song now, get on your nerves. And this is how it goes.
22:02We know the song now, get on your nerves.
22:04Tracey, it's half past six in the morning.
22:07You just go back to sleep while we rehearse. Just ignore us.
22:11Go for it, Bounce.
22:13We know the song now, get on your nerves. Get on your nerves.
22:16Get on your nerves. Get off!
22:18Sorry, Amber.
22:19Get off!
22:20Oh, hey, roommate, can I borrow your new leather jacket?
22:23We always share everything. Nothing's private in a care home, remember?
22:29Where are you going?
22:31Back to my room.
22:32But we've still got loads more songs.
22:34Forget it!
22:37Tracey, good morning.
22:39Hi, Duke, you come to listen?
22:41No, I've come to tell you if you don't pack it in right now,
22:44I may have to take that lovely saxophone, that very nice keyboard and that smashing bass guitar,
22:50put them in a quiet corner in the garden and set them on fire with my very large blue torch.
22:55I thought you liked music, Duke.
22:57Constant bedlam and lack of sleep can do very strange things to co-workers, Tracey.
23:03Where's Amber?
23:05Oh, she's gone back to her own room.
23:07Shame, really. I quite like sharing with her now.
23:22Adele, can I come to your band rehearsal tonight?
23:25Tracey, I'm sorry, but you can't be in the band.
23:28Because the thing is, we failed the audition. We're not playing the gig.
23:33But you're really good.
23:35Josie rang me yesterday.
23:38Apparently they thought I was too nervous on stage.
23:41Are you upset?
23:43Course not.
23:44I would be.
23:46Adele, that's great. One door closes, another one opens.
23:50It just so happens that we're looking for a singer in our band, aren't we guys?
23:54Yeah, yeah. How about it?
24:04I suppose you think I'm singing this song
24:09Just because I'm blue
24:13But that's not strictly true
24:17Cos I just wanna chill out with you
24:21Cos I've got this way of feeling the sound
24:26From out behind the crowd
24:30And this will give us the light we need
24:34To make us look better
24:38No, I don't need no dumping ground blues
24:42No, I don't need no dumping ground blues
24:46No, I don't need no dumping ground blues
24:52Bravo! Bravo! Fantastic!
24:56Thank you, thank you. You've been a wonderful audience.
24:59And because you've been so fantastic, we're going to do all our songs all over again.
25:03Hit it!
25:04I can make my world come true
25:06All my dreams will see me through
25:08And this ache won't get me down
25:11My dreams will turn things all around
25:13With a smile upon my face
25:15I can see a better place
25:17Doesn't matter what may come my way
25:20Believe me now, I'll win someday