The Story of Tracy Beaker Series 3-05.Down to Earth/ Nothing Ever Happens Here
00:00Good morning, it's going to be an absolutely lush day today, probably another day of shorts
00:23for you.
00:24And now, news of our fantastic competition.
00:26Don't forget you'll need one token from our sponsor, Breckel Cereal, ring when you've
00:30got the answers and one lucky winner will get four tickets to tonight's fabulous International
00:36Rock and Pop Awards.
00:40Okay Breckel lovers everywhere, this is the first question, an easy one to get started.
00:43Kylie Minogue has a fit sister, what is her name?
00:47Kylie Minogue.
00:48I knew, high accent.
00:49Alright, get the answer down.
00:52Don't look great.
00:54Do not judge a book by its cover.
00:56They don't taste great either.
00:58Full of natural goodness, they strengthen your teeth.
01:02Ow, break them more like.
01:05Oh, this is disgusting.
01:07I'll have these, you lot can collect your own tokens.
01:10Oh, thanks love.
01:11We need Breckels, loads of them.
01:14Please get us some Breckels Duke, you're the only one who's ever kind to us.
01:18Yeah, about 17 boxes should do it.
01:22Okay Duke.
01:24I'll see what I can do.
01:26It's never going to work.
01:29Okay, welcome back then, we have a huge competition for you this morning thanks to our sponsor
01:34Breckels cereal.
01:35I was hoping you'd have time to help me get through some of this paperwork.
01:39Here's the second one for you.
01:42An A?
01:44Which band sang a song with these lyrics?
01:48If anyone needs me, I'll be in the garden.
01:50Mine is scored a rhyme and I'm hungry like the wolves.
01:54I know, how weird is that?
01:55Anyway, ask your mum maybe if she needs some help.
01:57I'll be giving you the third and final question later this morning, so stick around for this
02:02superb competition.
02:05Good, you've been listening.
02:07I need someone old and sad.
02:10Do you know the answer or not?
02:12I missed question one.
02:14Turn the answer on this piece of paper.
02:21And you can have this.
02:44You lot don't seriously think you've got a chance, do you?
02:52We've got as good a chance as you.
02:54I bet you didn't know the answer to the second question.
02:56No, I know, it was really hard to remember that.
02:5880s music, very much an acquired taste.
03:00Yeah, I've never even heard Duran Duran.
03:02But lol, it's got to appear.
03:04Shame you haven't.
03:06Duran Duran it, thanks bouncer.
03:07Okay, here it is, it is the final question of the super fabulous competition.
03:11It's Michael Jackson's favourite food.
03:13What is it?
03:14Is it A, boring old spaghetti?
03:16B, even more boring old tuna casserole?
03:19Or C, a truly scrumptious bowl of delicious Breckels?
03:23Alright, phone lines are open now, get to it.
03:25We'll have some more songs and we'll speak to someone at the moment's time.
03:35Oh, my hands are cracking.
03:43Elaine, can I have the phone now?
03:45Yes, I'm sure she'd love to talk to you.
03:47It's Cam from New York.
03:50Hi Cam, yeah, I've got so much to tell you, but no, no, sorry, bye, see you.
04:01Okay, we've got a caller on the phone who thinks he's got the answers to our competition.
04:04Hello there, what is your name?
04:05Tracey Beaker.
04:06Hi Tracey, tell us a bit about yourself and how old are you?
04:09Easily old enough to go to concerts like this.
04:12Is that right?
04:16That is the correct answer, get you.
04:18It was pretty easy, let's face it.
04:20I can't believe I couldn't get through.
04:22Tram, tram.
04:23Tracey's on the radio.
04:24Well done Tracey, that is the correct answer to the second question.
04:27How did she know that?
04:28Okay, now it's time for the biggie, the all important final question.
04:31Get this right and you're going to have the time of your life.
04:33Come on Tracey.
04:34Get this wrong, it's a nice quiet night in for you.
04:36Are you feeling very nervous right now?
04:38No way.
04:39Okay Tracey, this is your big chance.
04:41It's the third and final question.
04:42Michael Jackson's favourite food, is it A, boring old spaghetti,
04:45B, even more boring old tuna casserole,
04:47or C, a truly scrumptious bowl of delicious breckels?
04:52I think that would be C.
04:53Where is Tracey Beaker?
04:55I think she's in the office.
04:57Right, she's not allowed to do it, it's a fix.
05:00I can't hear.
05:02I think you've done it.
05:03We have a winner.
05:04Congratulations to Tracey Beaker.
05:08International Rock and Roll Awards are going tonight.
05:10Let's have some more music for you now.
05:28What are you doing in here?
05:30I won, I'm going to the awards.
05:31I'm going to the awards.
05:33You need permission to use that telephone.
05:35Yeah, sorry about that.
05:37But hey, I won, I won, I won, I won.
05:42Bad luck, lol.
05:44Perhaps you can have one of the other tickets.
05:46But then again, perhaps not.
05:48There are other people I have to consider before I make my decision.
05:54Maybe not.
05:56Definitely not.
05:57Jackie, would you like to come?
05:59One down, two to go.
06:02No way.
06:03I must have put her in brackles.
06:07Tracey, are you alright?
06:10Of course.
06:11Too many brackles, I think.
06:12I do think someone more mature should go with her.
06:16Well, I'm certainly not going with Tracey.
06:18In fact, I'm not sure that she should be allowed to go at all.
06:21Well, I can always...
06:23There are a few things I need to sort out with you before the concert.
06:26What is it, Hayley?
06:27I'm Tracey's slave.
06:29She's giving me a ticket.
06:30Get me a chair.
06:40That won't be necessary.
06:43You can go now, Hayley.
06:46OK, let's talk tactics.
06:48What time am I leaving?
06:50This phone is out of bounds, as well you know.
06:53All the children wanted to win tickets to the concert, but none of them broke any house rules.
06:58However, we have decided to let you go to the concert.
07:04But there are a few things we need to straighten out first.
07:06Like what?
07:08I'm going to draw lots to see who goes with you.
07:10And Elaine has kindly given up her own spare time to accompany you.
07:17Thank you, Shelley. Thank you so much.
07:43Well done.
07:46Yes, yes, yes!
07:48Thanks, Shelley.
07:50And the second one is...
07:55Yes, yes, yes!
07:57Shelley, it's been the worst night of my life.
07:59Well, if you don't want to go...
08:01I didn't say that.
08:19Come on, Kasey! We're waiting!
08:28Hey! Nice shave!
08:30Get off! Is everybody ready to rock and roll?
08:35Tracey, are you alright?
08:37Yeah. You look very pale.
08:39Come on, everybody. Let's work them off.
08:53Tracey, are you alright?
08:58Good morning. It's eight o'clock.
09:00It's going to be absolutely lush today.
09:02So what are you doing in bed? Come on, get up.
09:04Move yourself. Come on, let's go.
09:06It's going to be a nice one today.
09:08We have some quality tuning coming your way this morning.
09:15Good morning, Tracey. How are you feeling?
09:22Take it easy. You're in hospital.
09:24Don't cry. You'll be fine.
09:28They've taken your appendix out.
09:40Dear Tracey,
09:42I don't know what to say, but...
09:44Here, give it to me.
09:46Have you finished yet, boys?
09:50And remember, when we visit her in the hospital,
09:52don't go on about how brilliant the concert was.
09:54It might make her jealous.
09:55Play it cool, OK?
10:02Dear Tracey,
10:04We all miss you so much.
10:06Get well soon.
10:08We can't wait to have you back.
10:10Can I cross out that last bit?
10:13Of course.
10:15This is the second time they've taken my appendix out.
10:17You've only got one.
10:19The first time I was sent home before they could go ahead.
10:21I had an infection.
10:23In my nose.
10:25That's nice.
10:27I think you're fine. It starts to hurt today.
10:29After a couple of days,
10:31you'll get used to it.
10:33Want to see my scar?
10:35Thanks, thanks.
10:38Tracey, oh, how are you?
10:41She went then.
10:43Thanks, Tracey.
10:45I took your ticket.
10:47So when I was at death's door, you lot went to the awards?
10:49We bought you loads of presents.
10:52Oh, wicked. You lot went to the awards?
10:54It was actually quite dull in parts.
10:56You probably wouldn't have liked it.
10:58I think I saw you on TV.
11:02Yeah. You were dancing at the front, weren't you?
11:04I was. That was me.
11:06How did I look?
11:08Kind of goofy.
11:10It was absolutely brilliant.
11:12And I danced with everyone.
11:14We went backstage.
11:16And we were treated like royalties.
11:18Um, hello, in case you've forgotten,
11:20you're supposed to be visiting me.
11:21I'm tired. You'd better go.
11:23In case I become infectious.
11:34Tracey's sick, Tracey's bad.
11:36Tracey collapsed and she went mad.
11:38Doc cut her out with snips and sticks.
11:40Took her away, her appendix.
11:42See you soon.
11:44Miss you.
11:46Come on.
11:48Cool cakes, Tracey.
11:49Here, have them.
11:51That makes you even fatter.
11:58Guess what's for lunch?
12:01We can't eat those. They're disgusting.
12:04Message from Shelley.
12:06We're not getting any more food until the breckles are gone.
12:08They're full of goodness and strength in your teeth.
12:10I told you this wouldn't work.
12:16Miss, Miss Tracey.
12:21There's someone else.
12:23It's time to bog off.
12:25Bog off?
12:27Hi, Tracey.
12:31I thought you were in New York.
12:33Not anymore.
12:37Oh, sorry.
12:39It's okay.
12:44I caught the first plane. I was so worried about you.
12:47I missed you.
12:49I missed you, too.
12:51This is better than anything.
12:53Um, Cam?
12:58Is that for me?
13:04How do you annoy an adult?
13:06Watch and learn.
13:10Hello, I was calling Cam.
13:12And then we'll paint the car plaster yellow and have snake pies for tea.
13:19I met Stone once. It wasn't as boring as you.
13:21Oh, sorry.
13:23I was thinking about New York.
13:25What a place.
13:27And the writing course.
13:29Yeah, blah, blah, blah. Writing course, blah.
13:31You've told me a thousand times if it was that great, why haven't you written a bestseller yet?
13:36I don't know what to write about.
13:40Hello, you could write the adventures of a character called Tracey Beaker.
13:44The amazing Tracey Beaker.
13:46Beaker the bold.
13:47Tracey in space.
13:49A children's book.
13:51Based on...
13:53The most interesting person you know.
14:06I said write about what you know.
14:08Like I said, me.
14:10And I know about kids in care.
14:12M-E, me.
14:14I'm going to write a book about the dumping ground.
14:16That'll take you less than ten seconds.
14:18Nothing ever happens here.
14:26Please, Tracey.
14:28Why can't I tell anyone?
14:30Because if the kids know I'm watching them for material for a book, they won't act natural.
14:34That natural state is barely breathing.
14:45Shh, keep your voice down.
14:47Hi, little brother.
14:49What are you doing here?
14:51Look, I need to lie low, okay? You can't tell anyone I'm here.
15:02Bazam, bazoo.
15:09Why do we have to do all the work around here?
15:11Oh look, you can call it The Dumping Ground Kids Do Chores.
15:15What's she twittering on about?
15:17I was looking for some ideas for an amazing adventure book about the dumping ground.
15:23I've got millions of ideas.
15:25You'll need illustrations.
15:27Oh, thanks a lot.
15:29I don't want a pile of mad adventures.
15:31Don't blow a valve.
15:33I'll write some proper stories.
15:41Quick, follow me.
15:43Come on.
15:49Social workers. Reckon they can boss me around.
15:52I left their stupid halfway house for good.
15:55You gone away?
15:57Yeah, I have. I nicked a few quid off them.
15:59What did you do that for?
16:01Well, I know it's pretty stupid, but I needed to get here.
16:03Have you got any cash?
16:05A little bit.
16:07I'll get a job straight away, and a flat.
16:10You gonna take me with you?
16:12Like you said you would.
16:14I knew you'd never let me down.
16:25Oh no, carry on.
16:27Just like you would if I wasn't here.
16:40Oh, that's a lovely photo of you.
16:42It's for you, to put on the cover of your book.
16:46What book?
16:48So you want to be in it too?
16:50Not in it, on it, on the cover.
16:52So that mums and dads can see how nice I look.
16:55Somebody nice will come and take you home with them one day, I'm sure.
16:59Only if you put my picture on the cover of your book.
17:02Let me get this right.
17:04You're writing a book?
17:06About Donny?
17:08About everyone who lives here.
17:10Thanks, Donny.
17:13I've got to go.
17:22Bye, Donny.
17:36Who's the guy you're hiding?
17:38You're hurting me!
17:40Get off!
17:42I will when you tell me!
17:44It's supposed to be a secret!
17:46That's never stopped you blabbering on us before.
17:50Get off me, Jackie!
17:52Beat him!
17:54He's my brother James!
17:57Now get off!
17:59And you're running away with him?
18:01Are you mad?
18:03You keep running away to your grandpa.
18:05That's different.
18:07I was never meant to be in a care home in the first place.
18:10Nobody's meant to be in care.
18:12Anyway, what would you know about running away?
18:15And what kind of hopeless hiding place is the Summer House?
18:18Magic wand.
18:20Make Teddy gone!
18:23Hi, Cam.
18:25I came as soon as I could.
18:27I wrote my story down for you.
18:29Don't tell me Justine phoned you about the book.
18:31It's about a very beautiful girl.
18:35Who's trapped in a care home.
18:37Doing all the work.
18:39And a prince comes and rescues her?
18:41Don't be wet.
18:43A happy family fostered her.
18:45And saw her hidden talents.
18:47The results were amazing.
18:49She went on from her humble beginnings to be a famous vet.
19:04Just remember to put my name above yours on the cover.
19:11I know.
19:13Why don't I disappear?
19:15Writer of book.
19:28Swallowed a fly.
19:30All better now.
19:36Who are you?
19:38Never mind that now.
19:40Come on!
19:45Here's the famous author.
19:48I'm seriously going off the whole idea.
19:52I've written a story for your book.
19:54The point is it's me who's supposed to be.
19:56It's about this dumping ground girl.
19:58Who everyone starts fights with.
20:00And it's never her fault.
20:02And she's got lovely long dark hair.
20:04Unlike that frizzy grump who says she isn't pretty.
20:06Now don't tell me.
20:08This little duckling grows up to be a beautiful swan.
20:10Oh no.
20:12She gets her own back.
20:14She's got her own back.
20:28Have you thought about making it into a recipe book?
20:31Caring meals for kids.
20:33Recipes by Duke.
20:42Thought you'd turn up down here sooner or later.
20:44Who's she?
20:46Who told you?
20:48Jackie, Jackie.
20:50Haven't you realised by now you can't keep anything from the Beaker?
20:52So you plan to take Michael away to live happily ever after with you?
20:55Aren't you?
20:57I'm on the road.
20:59I can't take a little kid with me.
21:01You weren't even going to tell him, were you?
21:02You haven't thought this through very well, have you?
21:05Where do you think the social worker will start looking for you?
21:08I don't need to listen to this from kids.
21:10You do if you want us to help you instead of blabbing on you.
21:12And why would you help?
21:14You might be big, but you're still a kid in care.
21:16That makes you one of us.
21:28Tracy knows.
21:32You might as well announce it on telly.
21:34Look, there's a problem.
21:36Your brother's really sorry, but he can't take you with him.
21:39You're lying.
21:41Well, he doesn't know where he's going or how he's going to live.
21:43We'll manage.
21:45You won't. You're just a kid.
21:47James, look after me.
21:49He can't even look after himself out there, frog brain.
21:51It's true. He can't take you with him.
21:53Get out!
21:55If you really cared for him, you'd stop him before he gets in really big trouble.
21:57I hate you and I hate him.
21:59Tell him I never want to see him again.
22:03Well, that went well, I suppose.
22:05Yeah, you've been a great help.
22:14If you're writing a story for my book...
22:16No way!
22:18So much like homework.
22:20Oh, thank goodness. I'm getting so sick of...
22:22But you can interview us for your book.
22:24About how bad life is for us here in the dumping ground.
22:26Oh, and I'd like you to put in some action.
22:28A car chase, an explosion or two.
22:29Sign here.
22:33It's just a simple contract.
22:35In exchange for our ideas,
22:37you give Bouncer and me half the profits.
22:39I don't think you'll find a better offer.
22:41Don't worry.
22:43It'll be a bestseller.
22:45People love books about suffering.
22:52Who's that?
22:54Elaine, our social worker.
22:56What's she doing here?
22:57Your social worker must have rung her.
22:59They're looking for you. Quick, get out of here.
23:01Tell Michael I'm sorry.
23:04Tell him yourself.
23:09You have to go back to the halfway house.
23:15Here's my pocket money.
23:17I've been saving up for months.
23:19You should give them back what you stole
23:21and tell them you're sorry.
23:23They'll understand.
23:25Assume you don't have to get a decent job
23:27and you've got it all worked out, have you?
23:29Or I just blab on you.
23:31Believe me, he's the biggest blab in the dumping ground.
23:35Jackie, Tracy, Michael!
23:37Get out of here.
23:39I'm going to keep an eye on Blizzy until you get away.
23:41OK, boss.
23:43But I will be back for you one day.
23:45I promise.
23:47You'd better.
23:58Let me pass.
24:00I've got some very important business to do.
24:02Um, but Elaine, um,
24:04me and Jackie wanted a little chat with you.
24:07I didn't come here for a little chat.
24:09I came here to see...
24:13I heard about your book.
24:18I'm sorry.
24:20I'm sorry.
24:22I'm sorry.
24:24I'm sorry.
24:26What's going on?
24:28She doesn't know.
24:30Come on.
24:32Yes, because, you see, Cam,
24:34I've got boxes and boxes of case histories in the car
24:36and I can easily go and fetch them
24:38if this one's too much for you.
24:40But, um, I think you're...
24:42Yeah, I just did some illustrations for your book.
24:44Now, would everyone just stop
24:47giving me stuff for my book, OK?
24:50It's my book.
24:52Oh, I forgot.
24:53I mean, I forgot to tell you
24:56I decided not to pester you with my stories.
24:59Look, I just want to write a little book
25:02about normal people.
25:06No suffering?
25:08No explosions, no skulls,
25:10no horror, no adventures,
25:12definitely no fairy stories.
25:15Just my own little ordinary book
25:17about the dumping ground.
25:19Like I said, why?
25:21Nothing ever happens here.
25:23You're right.
25:25I still think it should be a cookbook.
25:53I will win someday.