Is Jarren Duran a superstar?

  • last month
Do the Red Sox have an unexpected superstar on their hands in Jarren Duran?
00:00you know jaron duran is having a magical season and it does make me wonder is this the real
00:07jaron duran or is this the equivalent of when uh noted puss uh jacoby elsberry had his one great
00:18season now i know for old uh you know old puss berry it turned into him getting a 200 million
00:24dollar contract or something like that uh i think there are many more reasons to like jaron duran
00:30however this is some kind of year this guy's having four for four last night a couple of runs
00:36he was fantastic in what is for him an mvp caliber type season like this is about the best i think
00:46this guy can play across the board right now and uh i hope this is the real guy um okay so what uh
00:55what makes you nervous about it not being well the guy like i mean has he not shown enough
01:01i don't know like just you know uh growth uh you know based on where he was and you know
01:07and where he's at now and maybe this is the high point of his career but maybe maybe this is maybe
01:13this is possibly the ceiling but it doesn't mean the floor is like drastic right yeah i think uh
01:18i think for me it is the it feels like it's the best of everything right now for jaron duran right
01:26let's he hit his 38th double last night or something to that effect i think it was
01:31so he's driving the ball i mean the guy's done everything perfect and it feels like hmm did
01:39does everything for duran is it all just coming together this year for a career year or even if
01:46we took whatever this guy does and lowered the expectations a little bit is this guy going to
01:54be this good and this consistent because when i think about duran there was the p word potential
02:01which is always dangerous and this is the first time the guy has been able to stay upright and
02:07healthy for a massive chunk of acs yeah so when i look at it i'm like okay so things that uh aren't
02:14going away his ability to field his uh you know his uh just that aspect of it right his speed
02:21that's not going anywhere anytime soon you mentioned he got another double it was really
02:25i kind of felt like it should have been a single but he's so freaking fast that he can he can
02:29stretch those normal singles for average players he stretches them into a double um the only thing
02:36i would say is like that you would think maybe that kind of you know changes is like you know
02:41his ability at the plate otherwise i don't think anything is changing for this guy like absolutely
02:47not i don't think anything's going to change he's in a really good zone right now and you're going
02:51to need him to play even better like he played last night i mean dude was just doing everything
02:56fielding running hitting everything i mean i i i mean and the most important thing i think the
03:02thing that core loves the most is that he's like a leader well and that's right now one of the
03:06things that uh you can't quibble with with jaron duran or worry about is that he does seem to have
03:13a bit of a handle on the clubhouse he does seem to be a leader now again is jaron duran a leader
03:20because he is a natural leader or is jaron duran the leader because he's one of the two best players
03:28on the baseball team right now there always is that but when you look at you know i mean the
03:33jump in uh the jump in homers and triples are where it really stands out like even last year
03:40i just looked it up right 102 games 362 plate appearances 34 doubles this year 570 plate
03:48appearances 37 doubles but he's got 13 triples up from two last year and he's already doubled
03:56the home run total so that's where i'm like okay is this guy just putting it all together and
04:01having a magical season or is this a budding superstar and i kind of look at it more with
04:09caution because of the inability to stay healthy but if this is who jaron duran is going to become
04:17and have a 345 on base and a 290 average and to be able to put up some of these numbers
04:23then you've really found something here oh man in a lot of ways it's kind of like you found it's
04:29almost like going into the backyard and you go dig and you didn't call dig safe but you found a
04:34pot of gold yeah no i'm i am all about he's the future he's part of the future i'm part of it
04:39i mean costas gets uh gets in uh last night uh has a big hit weird situation uh uh with him uh
04:47with the whole pitch clock where they ended up um man they really could have done some damage
04:51than any but he uh i guess he wasn't in the batter's box at the right time then they then
04:56he called a second time out oh that's what it was yeah so he called the second time out the second
05:00time out oh man that's so embarrassing after strike one he almost always does it after strike
05:05two and then he was in the box at eight seconds he stuck his hand up so he was like wait i shouldn't
05:09have called this and then they called him out so even some folks on the uh text the 3793 uh 7
05:15um the 413 this is the duran you turn in the off season for pitching there have been some who have
05:23said that that if this is the high watermark for duran uh maybe this is something that you do uh
05:29what makes this season duran ceiling well i think it's that injury risk and let's be real he's on
05:37his way to uh what probably 45 doubles 15 triples and 20 homers i don't know if that's uh necessarily
05:46who he is the 617 i think it's harder to duplicate success in baseball compared to any other sport
05:52it was just something i was thinking of off of last night's win kenley jansen bounced back duran
05:57hits the home run he goes four for four has an unbelievable night guys having a great year uh
06:03and in terms of the red socks and the standings the uh what was it the yankees the royals and the
06:09twins all lost you know something good for the socks this is why this is this is what you want
06:17for by the way and that's why i was asking you yesterday you know i'm doing the whole like i
06:21still believe in this team because uh with as much time as they have left with the schedule the way
06:28it is like they're they're they're in a good spot right they're not they're not too far behind where
06:33it's like oh my god you need so much luck and they somebody needs to completely implode you
06:37don't need that it's still achievable it's absolutely and it's not like ridiculous so
06:41when every time kora talks optimistic optimistic kora i believe him
