• last year
00:00It's a wrap
00:02Saran well, the season is officially over. It's been over. I get it
00:06These games have been an absolute snooze and not exciting for a while, even though they played well in Baltimore largely
00:11So they canceled the remaining ten games of the slate. Well, the math is over
00:15No, the math is of the Giants officially missed the playoffs for the third
00:21consecutive year and you can start to let the
00:25Conversation begin and I know where it already is
00:30And and that will now start to ramp up in in that it's official and I don't know
00:38Mmm, can I ask you? Oh, go ahead cuz I asked you a week ago
00:42What you thought what I can happen and a week ago. It might have been 10 days
00:47I said, what do you think the percentages are of far on stays or far on goes and you said far on stays
00:5554% far on goes
00:5746% and I think this was a
00:59To we a week to somewhere in there ago. And so I wanted to ask you the same question not, you know
01:08It's basically what you think
01:11Not what you want what not what you want because that's not fair and you don't ever want somebody to lose their job
01:17I do not ever I do not in general
01:19For anxiety is is a good dude, like whatever y'all think about him
01:24And I know that talk to him in person more times than the entire audience put together. Yeah, damn it far on
01:30He's good. He's good, dude, and and he has been
01:34mischaracterized as a nerd that sits behind a computer and only has numbers and no heart and all that stuff and I get it again,
01:42It's pretty similar to what we were just talking about with Brandon. I you it's pro sports
01:46Nobody really cares if you're a nice guy or whatever except for they kind of do when you are
01:50You know what? I mean? Like I'd argue the Giants fans in particular. Like what do you love about Buster Posey?
01:56Well, first and foremost Buster Posey is one of the best catchers
02:00We've ever seen one of the best players one of the best leaders, but like somewhere on that list
02:04You're like man, like I just trust Buster Buster's like a good dude. He just gets it
02:11Farhan's a really good dude. Is he the right guy for the job right now?
02:15Based on the way this is played out. That's what's being assessed over there and dibs. There has been a change in my numbers
02:21Yeah, so if two weeks ago I said
02:2446% chance Farhan goes. Yeah, let's add another 20% on to that now
02:29So you think it's 33% that he stays 66% that he goes
02:33Well, that would leave 1% for something else to happen
02:36Which would be that he stays and goes and I don't think he's gonna cut his body in half. That would be crazy
02:40So, let's go before
02:4266 is where you are. Math is usually your strong suit. You're right, but I'm not normal. So I'm not sure
02:5034 66 percent chance. He goes. I
02:53Think that's low. I you might be right. I think it's low. You might be right like I just think that it has become
03:00Very complex to keep him. I think that there's a conversation probably going on over there about
03:08What should we do what do we want to do and then what can we do and I think it's I think we've reached a
03:15Point where the Giants brass may feel like it's a very
03:22Needle to thread to to try to do this again. So that would just be my handicap of
03:30of the situation
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03:49Yeah, so I wonder if what took place today at all affects the thinking
03:56For the Giants because on the one hand you had the Giants get eliminated in
04:02Baltimore and on the other hand you watched one of your free agent pursuits go absolutely
04:08historically gaga in Miami with three home runs and ten runs batted in and join a
04:15club of one in the
04:185151 club 51 homers
04:2051 steals most he might get to 6060 darn it
04:24He might and I I'm sure that today is not like oh well based on today. That's it
04:30He's got to go
04:31But today was kind of a stark slap in the face of reality of you know
04:36The Dodgers have this going on they put up a 20 spot and you meekly went out in a matinee
04:43Lay down in Baltimore with like was Donovan Walton in the game. He sure was Donnie barrels 2.0
04:49Yeah, like that's that that's the thing you know what I mean like I we were out in this conversation the other day about like
04:55As a Giants fan when was the last time you were excited I?
05:00At the end of the day for me
05:02That's the question
05:03And I don't mean because you went to a game one time and the popcorn was warm and somebody hit a home run you don't
05:09I mean I ended up with great seats
05:11Thanks to a good friend
05:13And we went to one of the Giants Dodger games where it was fireworks night and Brett wisely hit a walk-off home run this
05:19Year that happened earlier. That's about as good as he gets it was ton of fun
05:23But like did I go home, and I'm like I am excited about Giants baseball no
05:29No, when's the last time you had those butterflies man?
05:35Like you did when the Niners were in the playoffs last year. When's the last time you felt?
05:41Excited and I would argue
05:44It's funny that this went this way
05:47It was literally moments after I got here to start with you
05:51Jeez three years ago Shaski's walking down the street with a flag on the Embarcadero waving it
05:57I just met the guy. I'm like what the hell's going on. This is fun
06:01and the Giants were about to play the Dodgers in the playoffs and
06:05It didn't go well
06:07But it was a hell of a series and a hell of a year and it was hard not to feel optimistic
06:13It was hard not to feel like the Giants hadn't cracked some sort of a code. That's how it felt then and
06:20There were those at the time who said
06:23This is this is a facade. This is not real all the brakes have gone the Giants way and
06:30And through the next three years those opinions have proven to be accurate
06:35And I don't know if I've felt Giants butterflies since then
06:40Almost fainted in a game one time a year ago with my son. It was Little League day
06:46He got invited to the game through his Little League
06:49We went me and him father Sunday and Patrick Bailey
06:53In a game that the Giants should have had a hundred different ways and then they were about to gaff it in extra innings
06:59The the auto runner had scored and the Giants were down by
07:03One and then the first guy made it out the second guy made it out and you're just like I we're going home, dude
07:08I can't believe this and Patrick Bailey from the right side right for the home run down the left field line and
07:15Me and my youngest son were jumping up and down so high that I almost fell so
07:21Almost fell it was it like so there have been moments
07:24But I'm waiting for like when's the last time I walked to the car
07:28And I'm like, I think we got something this year. I can't wait to get back here, right?
07:34not the entire three years and
07:37And here you are like Brandon IU you got to show it this is a results-based industry and
07:45Three years is too long. Yeah, it's too long to feel that way. So and you're not alone
07:52Oh God, you're not the last one to get here, right?
07:55And I mean you look at today is a good example Anthony Santander
07:59Walks you off with home run number 42 this year and the Giants leading home run hitter is Matt Chapman
08:06Who's got 24 homers, so it'll be another year
08:08It looks like unless chappy hit six home runs over the last nine games, which he's allowed to do that
08:15And if not, it'll be another year or a giant slugger does not reach 30 home runs
08:20Meanwhile, you're watching showy Ohtani hit three today and get to 51 and Anthony Santander
08:27Walks you off in Baltimore with his 42nd and you look around baseball and it seems like every other team has somebody
08:34Hitting 30 at least and it's now been what 15 years since you've had somebody hit 30 in a season
08:41Yeah back to bonds, right? Yeah, so it's almost 20 years not quite 20
08:46But it's been you know since before your kids were born for crying out loud. So
08:53Home runs everything but it's nice to have a little bit of that sizzle would be but then again
08:58I mean the Giants won three World Series during that window where no one hit 30 home run
09:02So like I don't I don't know. I know we want that this year's candidate
09:07of course was who they got Jorge Soler guy didn't even make it out of July and
09:11he's now having one-on-one fights with iPads like I just a colossal disaster of
09:18A signing and and they were lucky
09:21You know sort of like an an awkward feather in Farhan's cap in that he signed him
09:27But then he also was able to wiggle out from underneath it which ends up being a good thing
09:31But yeah be that as it may
09:35Sometimes I don't think you know what the excitement is or where it's gonna come from you just have to feel it
09:42So this isn't about like it's not as simple as who just signed in the offseason
09:48Because come on you watched what he did in the offseason and you gave it your stamp of approval. We all did
09:54Yeah, we all did but it didn't work. It didn't work. And and this is an organic thing
10:01which is
10:03Everybody getting excited about it a franchise. Sometimes you don't see that coming
10:08You don't know exactly how it's happening
10:11Who becomes iconic hunter pence shows up in a car in the middle of a game in the middle of a season?
10:16Next thing, you know, he's got a scooter and I'll never leave San Francisco again
10:19I don't know who those guys are
10:22But they're not here yet
10:24And this year's had some interesting young players come up some not so interesting young players come up
10:30Is Bryce Eldridge going to continue and be some like the 20 year old we've been waiting for next year, maybe
10:38maybe but the bottom line is is there's just still too many question marks and not enough butterflies and
10:46So I actually don't even care who the hell runs the show. It just needs to be run better
10:52Well, the show itself is what matters. You're right
10:54It doesn't matter who runs the show the show has to be better because right now the show is
11:00pretty bland and
11:01You know, you look at your pitching and you've had some bright spots
11:05Although Logan Webb quietly over the second half of the year is not looking very
11:10Ace like to me and you know Blake Snell you think about him opting out and looking for more money
11:17It just feels like the things that you've been able to hang your hat on
11:20That were positive this year a lot of it's gonna probably go away
11:24Anyway, I want to just reiterate real quick something that you referenced and make sure everybody heard
11:29What you said show you a tiny today
11:32He didn't just hit three home runs. He went six four six
11:37He went six four six with three home runs
11:41Ten RBI's has become the first 50 50 man. That's 50 homers 50 stolen bases in the history of the game yet
11:49He was the first 50 50 man for about
11:5332 minutes tops and then he became the first
11:5551 51 man because he had 51 stolen bases at the start of the game and then came in with 48 home runs and went
12:03dong dead and now has 51 of each and the Dodgers are up a
12:09118 to 2 or something in Miami. That's what Shohei Ohtani did today and it is
12:18Well, it's awesome. Yes, it's awesome and nauseating right? I mean if he had done it in any other color
12:25Amazing Dodger blue and it's it is nauseating because he's a Dodger and he's probably always gonna be a Dodger and
12:34Next year you get to watch him pitch to and I get to watch him pitch in the playoffs. Really?
12:39I haven't put it they haven't ruled it out. Well, I mean that I don't know
12:43Yeah, I'd be a little foolish but like you said earlier might have been off the air
12:47But it's rude against the Dodger season officially and which I hate. Yeah, it means the Giants are out
12:54Exactly. You'd rather root for your team and of all the Dodgers that it's easy to root against. It's tough to root against Shohei Ohtani
13:02even though he's a Dodger just because of maybe it's I don't know his
13:07Happy face and his boyish charm and his unbelievable talent
13:11I've felt the same way as you know about Mookie Betts for a little while like I don't like hate Mookie Betts
13:17But understand this if you adopt puppies, but you do it in a Dodger uniform. I hate puppies
13:24Okay, let's go ahead and save that. I'd like everybody to understand that if you adopt puppies in a Dodger uniform
13:31I hate puppies. That's pretty hard. It's pretty cruel. Just saying. Yeah, it's the way I'm built
13:37Honestly say sort of built for this