S02E16 - The Dippy Blonde Affair

  • last month
The Man from U.N.C.L.E. :


00:30Bring in the inside guards. I want this truck loaded as quickly as possible.
00:52Yes, sir.
00:53Oh, careful with this, sir. I intend to return fresh property in the same condition it was
01:09in when they put it here.
01:22Well, doctor, it may not look much like a thrush laboratory anymore, but I must confess
01:27I'll be very grateful to see some furniture and paintings in here again.
01:52Well, it's about that time, isn't it, huh? Let's show Mr. Baldonado what he's got here.
02:10Oh, there you are. Tell me, dear heart, why don't you shake loose with a couple of bucks
02:24and hire a real decorator to do this? I mean, well, I don't mind running around to the stores
02:30and picking out fabrics for you, lover, but, uh, after all, my experience is not exactly
02:36in the field of, uh, homemaking, you know? Jojo, uh, we are a little tied up with business
02:43right now. Honey, why don't you...
02:47Oh, uh, yes, sir. Um, the moving van's here, Mr. Baldonado, and the equipment will be on
02:52its way back to you and... You recall Miss Tyler, sir? She was with me at the Alpha Section
02:59dinner party last month.
03:01Uh, yes, yes, the martini champion in the black sheath dress, as I recall. How do you
03:12do, Miss Tyler?
03:13Uh, how do you do?
03:16Yes. Yes, indeed.
03:22Um, Harry, I still have some more samples out in the car. I'll, uh, I'll just be right
03:31Dr. Segal, that, uh, box you're hovering over, I trust represents some tangible results.
03:38Results? I will show you results. You see, Mr. Baldonado, uh, to produce positive or
03:48negative ions in any particular atmosphere, well, that in itself is nothing. But by inserting
03:55these in the machine which you already have to magnify and intensify those ions, the effect
04:02upon any victim would be absolute.
04:05Very good, Dr. Segal. Very good. Pendleton, I have four competent engineers here to help
04:13you install those two spheres. Thrush Central expects the projector to be operative and
04:19in Hong Kong by the end of the week. I intend to meet that schedule.
04:23I can have them installed by then, sir, if I can get to the machine immediately.
04:27Uh, Mr. Baldonado, about my payment...
04:35Goodbye, Dr. Segal.
05:05This is Trailblazer. Elia?
05:08Go ahead.
05:09Well, the place is crawling with creepy little thrush birds, all right?
05:13One .30 caliber machine gun outside the wall, another one on a tripod halfway to the house.
05:19And it looks like intelligence was right about their using the place to develop components
05:22for some sort of new weapon. Well, I just overheard the components are ready and they're
05:26all set to ship them out. Whoever it is, they've got the weapon itself.
05:30So I would suggest that you proceed, old bean, with alacrity.
05:34All right.
05:36Come on.
07:15The unfortunate fact remains, doesn't it?
07:18What fact is that, Harry? I mean, well, we've never really discussed the technicalities
07:24of your, uh, business.
07:27Precisely. You're not a member of Thrush and I didn't tell you much about it, of course,
07:31but yet you've witnessed the demise of our good doctor here.
07:36So I'm sure you won't blame me for wanting to ensure your silence, as it were.
07:42Now, wait a minute, Harry Pendleton. I may not have that funny little thrush bird of
07:46yours tattooed on my chest, but I'm certainly no blabbermouth.
07:50Why, any guy I have ever gone out with, I have never...
07:53My men just captured themselves a slightly battered enemy agent.
07:58An uncle agent, if that means anything to you.
08:03So now I have to be killed.
08:05What is this all of a sudden, with everybody killing everybody all of a sudden?
08:10I mean, well... well, last night...
08:14we just went to the movies.
08:17So I was thinking that perhaps...
08:21I might take you into the next room and... and let you kill him.
08:28That would make you one of our little Thrush family.
08:33Wouldn't it, honey?
08:36Just like the rest of us.
08:39Oh, Harry.
08:42You see, my dear...
08:45our personal relationship notwithstanding...
08:50either you do away with that uncle agent...
08:53thereby committing yourself and your life entirely to Thrush...
09:06you'll have no life at all, sweetheart.
09:19Come on.
09:49Come on.
10:20Come on.
10:26You two should study each other closely.
10:29I believe that when two people are about to...
10:32to do something together, they should at least...
10:38observe the... the amenities.
10:42Mr. Solo...
10:44may I present your executioner?
10:50No. No, please, I can't.
10:53Oh, come on, sweetheart.
10:55It isn't as though you've led such a squeaky-clean life up to now, you know.
10:58You've been...
10:59I was never a murderer.
11:01I never killed anybody.
11:03All I was was...
11:05just sort of a...
11:11Honest, fella.
11:13You've got 30 seconds, Jojo.
11:16You pull your trigger once or...
11:19or I'll pull mine twice.
11:23Or I'll pull mine twice.
11:42It's about time. What did you do, walk all the way?
11:52Come on.
12:08Say, Uncle...
12:10Go on, say it, you...
12:18All right, we have your men, your house and your moving van.
12:21Now, if you'll just... could you get his keys?
12:24Could you do that, please?
12:37Look, I'm not a part of any of this stuff that's been going on.
12:41Really, I'm not.
12:43Look, there's a hidden compartment behind the bar.
12:46In the room they're always using is the lab.
12:50I don't know what's in there, but it's...
12:52it's in a little black box.
12:54And... he...
12:56he killed the man who had it before.
12:59So there.
13:06Thank you, Jojo.
13:09Oh, it was so awful.
13:12The realization that Harry...
13:14Oh, it's just too horrible.
13:17Why, if my poor dead mother ever knew
13:20that I got myself mixed up with a man
13:22of such terribleness and criminality,
13:24why, I don't know what she...
13:26Miss Jojo.
13:28Miss Jojo.
13:30Miss Jojo.
13:32Miss Jojo.
13:34Miss Jojo.
13:36Why, I don't know what she...
13:38Miss Jojo Tyler.
13:40What? What's that?
13:42Alias Jojo Barnes, alias Jojo Upson, alias...
13:45Now, don't you dare read that.
13:47So I've made a few childish mistakes.
13:50Why, any headstrong, homeless adolescent
13:52could have done exactly the same thing.
13:54Arrested L.A., 1957,
13:56passing bad check, six months probation.
13:58That was your Jojo Barnes period.
14:00Arrested again, 1959.
14:02Another bad check charge dismissed for lack of evidence.
14:05I didn't have the initiation fee to get into this sorority,
14:08and all of my rich girlfriends were...
14:10That was your Jojo Upson period,
14:12under the same name, arrested and convicted, 1961,
14:14selling 1,000 acres of Bolivian swampland
14:17to a freshman at the Sorbonne.
14:19I loved him. I did.
14:23Arrested under the name of Jojo Grass.
14:28Attempted fraud at Les Pavillons des Champs in Monte Carlo,
14:31directly followed by assault and battery
14:33against the arresting gendarme
14:35who suffered numerous cuts and bruises...
14:37Now, that one I can tell you about.
14:39That one is absolutely untrue, unfair, and defamatory.
14:49What's your real name?
14:54Muriel Goodman.
14:57We already knew that Thrush had instituted
14:59a new research department called Alpha Section.
15:02Really? Really.
15:04And the lab reports we liberated from that moving van of yours
15:07told us what Alpha Section,
15:09what you, Mr. Pendleton, as their chief engineer,
15:11have been doing for the past five months.
15:14Oh, and what might that be?
15:17An iron projector,
15:19capable of gathering irons from the atmosphere,
15:21both positive and negative.
15:23And projecting them at a given target
15:25in the same manner as one would fire a rifle.
15:28Where exactly is the iron projector located, Mr. Pendleton?
15:31Where is Alpha Section headquarters?
15:33And where were you taking those...
15:35those doodads in that little suitcase of yours?
15:38Where were you sending that moving van, Mr. Pendleton?
15:44Well? Anything?
15:46Apparently, sir.
15:48These spheres were to act as magnifiers in that moving van.
15:51These spheres were to act as magnifiers
15:53in that ion machine of theirs.
15:55At a low intensity, a concentration of those ions
15:58can debilitate a man.
16:00At a high intensity, magnified with these,
16:03drain him completely physically.
16:05Drive him insane, perhaps.
16:07Oh, so that's it.
16:10Well, now, Mr. Pendleton...
16:15Is that too late, buddy boy?
16:18I realize that the business of the poison capsule
16:22and the hollow tooth
16:24went out with the high-bottom trench coats, gentlemen,
16:31Nevertheless, there it is.
16:34I've got only a few seconds left.
16:37Look here, Mr... Mr. Waverley.
16:40Even a thrush official can...
16:43can have a... a family somewhere.
16:47My... my family never knew...
16:50about thrush.
16:55Please. Please.
16:57Send my... my body back.
17:04Let the death certificate read...
17:07heart attack...
17:16See to it, will you, Fenwick?
17:18Yes, sir.
17:20All right, perhaps I do sometimes wish I was something better than I am,
17:24but... but I did try to do right by you gentlemen, didn't I?
17:28Uh, couldn't I just sort of be considered, uh,
17:31the dance hall girl with the heart of gold?
17:36Or... or something?
17:41Jojo, the man that, uh, Pendleton talked to on the television screen...
17:47Honest, I don't even know who he is.
17:49I just met him.
17:51We do, Miss Tyler.
17:53And we want him.
17:55We want the rest of his co-workers.
17:57And most of all, we want the iron projector
17:59that Baldonado's department is working on,
18:01the machine for which these spheres were developed.
18:04You can help us achieve these goals, Miss Tyler.
18:09Almost certainly, Baldonado's going to send men
18:12to follow up the personnel, you included,
18:15that were involved when Uncle raided the mansion tonight.
18:18Now, I think he'll be delighted to find
18:21that you have rescued these spheres on Thrush's behalf.
18:25Don't you?
18:26Now, hang on there, Charlie.
18:28Of course, Mr. Baldonado won't know
18:30that we've, uh, rearranged the prongs on those spheres
18:33to keep them from working properly.
18:35Or that we've inserted a little homing device
18:37in the center of each of them.
18:39So, where you go, Joe-Joe, we can follow.
18:44Oh, just a moment, gentlemen.
18:46Just a moment.
18:48Up to now, this young lady has done an exemplary job
18:51of messing up her life.
18:53It isn't fair to assume that she'd welcome the chance now
18:57to do something constructive for a change.
19:00Is it, Miss Tyler?
19:20Uncle raided Pendleton's place tonight.
19:22How did you get out?
19:23I beg your pardon.
19:24Please, you are wrinkling my mink.
19:27May I inquire as to whom you two Neanderthals represent?
19:31Just friends of the family, lady.
19:33Pendleton's family.
19:34Oh, well, why didn't you say so?
19:37I thought you were a couple of those uncle creeps.
19:41Harry sent me out of the place with these before he...
19:45Poor Harry.
19:48He's dead?
19:52You're sure it was suicide?
19:57That's them all right.
19:59Well, I guess you did okay.
20:01Well, it did occur to me that if I could keep my head
20:04when all others about me were losing theirs,
20:06why, uh, you, Mr. Baldonado, might get it into his head
20:09to thank me rather generously.
20:12Maybe, uh, make me a little fresh head?
20:15Sorry, baby.
20:16You did us a favor.
20:18That doesn't entitle you to membership privileges.
20:20Now, wait a minute.
20:21Now, listen, you two.
20:22I showed enough loyalty...
20:24You're a loose end, lady.
20:26Lesson number six tells us
20:27we don't leave those lying around for uncle agents to pick up.
20:29And lesson number seven says never run, skip, or jump
20:33when faced with an uncle agent's gun.
20:35You just walk very slowly down the steps.
20:38You too, lady.
20:39To box, Max.
20:58I told you, fellas.
21:00I'm the unloosest loose end thrush you'll ever have.
21:03Come on, let's get out of here.
21:04This place will be swarming in a minute.
21:06I've never been able to relate to women very well.
21:10Now, however, five months of experimentation have been saved,
21:14and I think I'm beginning to see
21:16why I always wanted to become an astronaut.
21:20I suppose you are to be the one
21:22who's left to do the work.
21:26The work of our own,
21:28and the work of our own.
21:30The work of our own,
21:32the work of our own.
21:34months of experimentation have been saved.
21:37An uncle agent has been assassinated,
21:40thanks to a woman, obviously competent,
21:45obviously attractive.
21:53You're, uh, you're very kind, Mr. Baldonado.
21:58Tomorrow morning, perhaps you'd, uh,
22:01like to go on a shopping spree.
22:06I'd like to see you in a black sheath dress again.
22:12You'll find that I am.
22:15Alpha section, that is.
22:17A very rewarding employer.
22:40Open it.
22:44All right, you've all been yelling about what
22:46competent engineers you are.
22:49So with or without the help of Pendleton,
22:52I want these two spheres inserted into the projector,
22:55and the projector shipped to Hong Kong by tomorrow evening.
23:00That's all.
23:04He's not going with us?
23:06He's, uh, busy.
23:09All right, gentlemen, let's do it.
24:00Alpha section personnel numbers two through five,
24:03you are programmed to admit us.
24:10Repeat, alpha section personnel numbers two through five,
24:14you are programmed to admit us.
25:00Riverview, Connecticut?
25:03That's where we sent Pendleton's body.
25:05Yes, sir.
25:07It's also the place the homing device in those spheres led us.
25:12Until my meter went dead, there's no reading at all now.
25:24Mr. Waverley, Jojo's found Baldonado for us.
25:28Well, having to trust her isn't doing too much for my ulcer,
25:31I must admit.
25:34You follow up on Pendleton's burial.
25:38I won't comment on my own gullibility
25:40in sending his body there.
25:42Decent family, indeed.
25:44Thrush family would be more appropriate.
26:00Anything special you'd like to see?
26:02I'm just looking, uh, for a dress, maybe, uh, for my sister.
26:11I'm a bachelor.
26:14Well, I think we have something we could show you.
26:36Mr. Baldonado?
26:38What are you doing here, Max?
26:39May I see you for a moment, sir, privately?
26:46I'll be back in a moment, dear.
26:48Anything you like.
26:51That'll do fine.
26:53Um, you happen to have one in, uh, Pews?
26:58Well, I'll, I'll check for you, sir.
27:01Excuse me.
27:15Who's that?
27:22Uh, we need time to operate.
27:23If you can keep Baldonado occupied with you,
27:26he won't be attending to business, which is fine with us.
27:29Now, can you keep him occupied, Jojo?
27:31Well, I'll do my little old best, honey child.
27:34Thankless though the task may be, I'm
27:37Forgive me, but the ion projector
27:39would seem to be a little more important than s-
27:41I said I'd be along.
27:44Yes, sir.
27:45I'm sorry.
27:46Oh, uh, by the way, Uncle was kind enough to ship Pendleton
27:49home to his family.
27:51We'll, uh, bury him this afternoon, I presume.
27:55As planned?
27:56Bury him?
27:58Of course.
27:59But not as planned.
28:01I'm sorry, Mr. Baldonado.
28:03I'm sorry, Mr. Baldonado.
28:05Of course, but not as planned.
28:10I don't, I don't quite understand.
28:12I said not as planned.
28:14No injection.
28:16But, sir, we need Pendleton to help
28:17us prepare the projector to insert those spheres properly.
28:21If we don't inject him with the antidote of that suicide
28:23pill, it'll-
28:29You want Pendleton dead.
28:32You don't want to bring him back.
28:34Mr. Baldonado, you are willing to risk
28:36killing a fellow Thrush official
28:37and to ignore a command from Thrush Central, which would
28:40probably put all our necks on the line, sir.
28:44So you can have the guy's girlfriend?
28:46Max, coffins have been known to accommodate
28:49two people at the same time.
28:52Get back to work.
29:02Excuse me.
29:02I beg your pardon.
29:08All right, now, when Pendleton's casket arrives,
29:10I want to see some tears.
29:11You understand?
29:12Lots of sadness, moping around.
29:15Is that clear?
30:22Well, they're bringing Pendleton down.
30:27What it's worth now.
30:30How you doing?
31:04You can't stop thinking about it either, can you, Max?
31:08What's going to happen to us when Thrush Central finds out
31:11we failed with this projector because we let our, uh,
31:15section leader murder our chief engineer over a woman?
31:20You really think we can make it stick with Thrush Central?
31:24I mean, uh, I don't know.
31:27I don't know.
31:28I don't know.
31:29I don't know.
31:30You think we can make it stick with Thrush Central?
31:33I mean, uh, taking contrary action on our own, that's.
31:37Contrary to whom?
31:39Our commanding officer happens to be coming
31:41quietly apart at the seams because some dippy blonde,
31:45uh, finally looked at him twice with something besides nausea.
31:50You bet we'll make it stick.
31:53Believe me, it'll stick.
31:56All right.
31:57We'll probably get shot for it.
32:00But all right.
32:02Come on.
32:09Al, get the hypodermic ready.
32:25All right.
32:26Let's go.
32:55Come on.
33:26Come on.
33:45Should take one to two hours.
33:49I still feel, uh, funny about this.
33:53You've never seen Baldonado get angry, have you?
33:57Max, look.
33:59A light tower.
34:00Oh, that's all we need.
34:16So now what, huh?
34:18You're asking me?
34:20We've got an ion projector that won't project.
34:22A corpse is coming back to life contrary to orders.
34:25And for all I know, we just sealed
34:27the janitor in that bell tower.
34:29How do I know what to do?
34:30All right, gentlemen.
34:31Let's calm down.
34:34I'm going to the club, see if I can fine Baldonado.
34:37Right or wrong, he's got to know about all this.
34:42Oh, and gentlemen, don't go near that tower till I get back,
34:53All right.
35:07I am a cold, detached man.
35:10Efficient, authoritative, thorough.
35:18A leader of men.
35:25But within my breast, deep inside,
35:36do you think me a fool?
35:43I don't want to kill anymore people.
35:46I want to laugh.
35:48Some of my subordinates laugh.
35:52They even dance with women.
35:58You make me want to dance.
36:05I, I love you.
36:20I hate to trouble you with trivia,
36:22but I think I'm about to get killed.
36:25And it struck me that perhaps you might want to say goodbye.
37:02What's this?
37:03Snooping around outside, sir.
37:06Uncle communicator, uncle hand weapon.
37:09Uncle, uncle, uncle.
37:11Every time we turn around, it's...
37:13Sir, there's more.
37:15We've got someone trapped in the bell tower.
37:17It's pretty obvious by now he's an uncle man, too.
37:20You mean you haven't been up there to look at him, to get him?
37:23We've been waiting for you, sir.
37:28You'll wait here for me, please?
37:30Sir, uh, just so there won't be any trouble about it,
37:35there is just one more thing.
37:38We did give Pendleton the injection, the antidote.
37:41You what?
37:42I'm sorry, sir.
37:44At whose order?
37:45Pendleton? You mean Harry?
37:47Sir, I beg to remind you that the uniform code of thrush procedure...
37:53I wanted Harry Pendleton to stay dead, and I gave you an order, and...
37:57Stay dead? What do you mean?
37:59And you disobeyed it, and I'll have your hide, so...
38:02Is Harry Pendleton alive? Tell me.
38:05Jojo, I'm sorry.
38:07Now you get back to the graveyard
38:09and see to that uncle agent up in the bell tower.
38:11I'll be along.
38:13Later, we'll see what the board of review has to say
38:16about thrush underlings who lose their heads
38:19and make up nonexistent crises.
38:22Get out!
38:29I didn't mean any harm to Pendleton, dear.
38:33It's just that I didn't want to lose you back to him.
38:37I told you before.
38:39A strong, mature man.
38:42A leader of men.
38:50And now, Mr. Uncle Man,
38:53we'll go to my office and see why you were here
38:57and how you got here.
39:00Sorry, dear, really.
39:02Okay, now you listen.
39:04Your men have got my friend, and I've got you.
39:07Is that a fair trade?
39:09Don't be absurd.
39:11I see.
39:13Well, how about you, young lady?
39:15Are you willing to die for Mother Thrush?
39:18Yes, I am.
39:20I'm willing to die for Mother Thrush.
39:23I'm willing to die for Mother Thrush.
39:26Are you willing to die for Mother Thrush?
39:29Now, wait a minute. You look here.
39:31Okay, you get my friend out of the clutches
39:34of those maniacs of yours,
39:36or I'll blow your girlfriend's head off.
39:41You've got exactly five seconds to decide.
39:50All right, it's dark now.
39:52Let's get to the bell tower.
39:55Al, you stay here with Pendleton.
39:57And do whatever you can with those spheres.
40:24All right.
40:54All right.
41:24All right.
41:54All right.
42:24All right.
42:54All right.
43:24So this is where you've been hiding.
43:55Now, conduct yourself with care, my Chevy friend.
43:59I'd hate to blow a hole in this adorable mink coat.
44:02Now, the girl and I wait here.
44:04You've got exactly five minutes
44:06to bring my friend out of this no-man's land
44:08with all parts functioning and intact.
44:10Is that clear?
44:17if I do this thing,
44:20if I turn my back on Thrush,
44:23on my people,
44:25I must be sure of you, of us.
44:30I'll be waiting for you, sweetheart.
44:44Gee, I keep forgetting to ask him his first name.
44:49Mr. Pendleton.
44:51Yeah, yeah.
44:53Are you well enough yet to answer a question or two
44:55about these spheres?
44:57Um, hey, Baldonado.
45:01Well, switch off the electric trap so he can get in,
45:05if he can remember how.
45:13You did pretty well for yourself today, Jojo.
45:16Man does not live by bread alone, Mr. Solo.
45:19You're kind of a Lulu, you know that?
45:25I know I've seen that funny hairdo before.
45:29You're the one the girl killed
45:31out in front of her apartment the other night.
45:33That was for our benefit, I suppose.
45:38So Uncle did get to these,
45:41and we wondered why they wouldn't work.
45:44And that girl leading Baldonado around by the nose...
45:50That girl.
45:51Wait a minute. What girl?
45:53You don't mean my girl, Jojo?
45:59Hello, Mr. Baldonado.
46:01Release that man. Release that man!
46:04Sir, that is an uncle agent. He was a...
46:06I said release that man!
46:08Yes, sir.
46:10You, my bright, good-looking, young helper.
46:14What is happening here?
46:16Mr. Baldonado, the sphere you're holding were...
46:19These two spheres were supposed to be in the projector.
46:22Why aren't they, Max?
46:24You maybe try to sabotage them yourself, Max?
46:27The way you sabotaged me
46:29by bringing this Casanova back to life so that...
46:32Will somebody please step down?
46:34Shut up, everybody! Shut up!
46:37Now listen to me, the bunch of you.
46:40I don't need Thrush anymore.
46:42I don't have to worry about
46:44scheming unfaithful subordinates anymore.
46:47Because finally,
46:49finally, for the first time in my life,
46:53I have something upstairs for you.
46:56The girl is working for Uncle, Mr. Baldonado.
46:59Do you hear me? She is working for Uncle.
47:02The girl is working for Uncle, Mr. Baldonado.
47:05Do you hear me? She is an Uncle agent.
47:11Tell him!
47:15Tell me what, Casanova?
47:18Tell me what!
47:29Those two mean nothing.
47:31You better come with me. Your friend gave me 5 minutes.
47:49Even the first time I saw you,
47:51so businesslike and everything.
48:32You were saying?
48:39I have got a week's vacation coming up pretty soon.
48:45With pay?
48:50We do work well together.
48:53I'm sure you'll be happy.
48:55I'm sure you'll be happy.
48:57I'm sure you'll be happy.
48:59We do work well together, don't we?
49:29We do work well together, don't we?
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