S02E17 - The Deadly Goddess Affair

  • last month
The Man from U.N.C.L.E. :


00:20Effendi, tabaret for one effendi.
00:23Two, three, four.
00:25Private booth behind B Curtain with personal huddle bubble.
00:29In a moment.
00:48Ah, Effendi.
00:51Hmm, marvelous Malik.
00:55You are a great artist.
00:57Thank you, Effendi.
01:06One rubles.
01:14This way, please.
01:17Oh, I'm terribly clumsy.
01:20I'm sorry.
01:29You're late, Hamid.
01:31Sorry, Colonel. It took much longer to decode than I thought.
01:35Your instructions from Thrush Central.
01:46Open channel D.
01:50Next voice you hear will be the sound of Colonel Hubris.
01:55Is that sound all right?
01:57There's interference.
01:58It's all the changing.
02:03It's the bracelets of the belly dancer.
02:05I'll shoot her away.
02:10Gentlemen, it is my pleasure to inform you
02:15Africa is virtually ours.
02:18Thrush is sending immediately by special courier
02:21the complete plans
02:23and $10 million in cash.
02:27But how, Colonel, how?
02:29Ah, the special courier is robot plane
02:34direct from New York.
02:36It will fly to my house in the country.
02:38When it is overhead, I trigger it,
02:40and it ejects and parachutes down a pouch
02:42containing the plans and the money.
02:44It falls into our arms.
02:46And the plane blows itself up in midair.
02:50Isn't that simple?
02:52You are a genius!
02:54Trigger the plane, Colonel? How?
02:58With this.
03:00The only such device in the entire world.
03:05For once, we have Uncle Flummoxed.
03:10From this moment on,
03:12nothing about our African venture can go awry.
03:14In a matter of weeks,
03:16the continent will belong to Thrush alone.
03:20And that's the device, sir?
03:22Ah, quite a job it was, too.
03:24Obtaining the blueprints,
03:26building a duplicate.
03:28It's been a delightful evening.
03:30It's always a pleasure to come here.
03:32With the compliments of the house, Colonel.
03:36Hamid, you really should pay closer attention
03:38to your appearance.
03:56That's a microphone, Hamid.
04:00I didn't put it there, Colonel.
04:02I don't where...
04:06Someone must have planted it.
04:08Someone must have planted it on me.
04:18Too bad.
04:20Now they know we're onto them.
04:22Does this mean they'll change their plans?
04:24I doubt it.
04:26It's taken months to set up this operation.
04:30As long as they don't know we have this,
04:32I think they'd still believe
04:34they're in no particular danger.
04:38What's happening, Mr. Zolo?
04:40There appears to be an altercation.
04:42Oh, Hamid,
04:44why did you do it?
04:46Just when I thought
04:48I had someone near me
04:50who I could trust.
04:54you know what to do.
04:56Colonel, I swear...
05:04Goodbye, traitor.
05:06Enjoy your journey.
05:08They do say
05:10getting there is half the fun.
06:06To reach North Africa,
06:08the robot plane must use this trajectory
06:10and begin to descend
06:12over this island.
06:14When it does,
06:16you'll be there with this.
06:18To bring it down over the island?
06:20And recover that pouch.
06:22Mr. Zolo will join you there.
06:24So proceed with all haste, Mr. Kuriakin.
06:26What's the name of the place, sir?
06:28The Isle of Sassi.
06:30And be careful.
06:32Sassi in her own day
06:34was well known
06:36for turning men into swine.
06:58I don't suppose
07:00the girls here still do it.
07:07that enchantress
07:09over there,
07:11is that an old boyfriend?
07:13Old boyfriend?
07:15Me and her sister
07:17cannot even afford new boyfriends.
07:19Their father the Count
07:21can give them no dowry.
07:25That's an old European custom
07:27I approve of,
07:29paying the men to marry the girls.
07:31So much poverty, senor.
07:33Too much taxes.
07:44What's a nice girl like you
07:46doing with a pig like that?
07:48Who'd want a dowry
07:50with a lovely girl like this?
07:52Any American wouldn't ask for a penny.
07:54On the contrary.
07:56Did I do something wrong?
07:58I do not know, senor.
08:00Me and her sister Angela
08:02speak perfect English.
08:04May have been the shock of your statement.
08:06The men here would not dream
08:08of marriage without a dowry.
08:10It's a terrible thing to be poor.
08:12If it were not for that,
08:14I would marry them both.
08:18What is this?
08:20Flirting with those strangers?
08:22I wasn't flirting.
08:24I saw you.
08:26What did he say to you?
08:28Did he insult you?
08:30He was very nice.
08:32He caught the pig.
08:34You have many police here?
08:36No, just Luca.
08:38He's all alone.
08:40What are they doing here?
08:42Nobody comes to Circe.
08:44There's nothing to do.
08:48Maybe they're American gangsters.
08:50They're tourists.
08:52Did you know Americans
08:54don't need dowries to marry a girl?
08:56I'd marry you without a dowry
08:58anytime, now.
09:00What good does that do?
09:02You know we can't get married
09:04before Angela does.
09:06She's the oldest.
09:08You people on this island
09:10with your ridiculous traditions.
09:12The island has many ruins, senores.
09:14From Roman times.
09:16The famous grotto of Circe
09:18and that temple up there
09:20is what's left of it.
09:22Luca was sent here to stop people
09:24from selling antiques to tourists.
09:26And he has done his job,
09:28alas, too well.
09:30Could I show you the famous grotto
09:32down below?
09:34Very beautiful.
09:36Where the Roman empresses
09:38had their parties.
09:40It's a little early in the day
09:42for that sort of thing.
09:44However, up there,
09:46we could see everything.
09:48A stray pig or a goat?
09:50Well, I can think of
09:52more interesting company.
09:54Can you?
09:56My favorite.
09:58Thank you, senor.
10:06It's Mr. Waverly's alert.
10:08Let's take the call in our room.
10:10Let's go.
10:18Now, be careful.
10:20I told him smuggling antiques
10:22from the island was illegal,
10:24but you may still manage it.
10:26Don't let Luca see that thing,
10:28whatever you do.
10:30Where are they?
10:32The room at the head of the stairs.
10:34Now, hurry.
10:37The rubber frame is dispatched
10:39on schedule.
10:41It should be over the island
10:43in a couple of hours.
10:45We're going to be late.
10:47We've got a long way to go
10:49and we're not going to make
10:51it to the island before we get there.
10:53I'll take care of that.
10:55Yes, sir.
10:57I'll take care of that.
10:59Thank you, sir.
11:01I'll take care of that.
11:03All right, sir.
11:05It should be over the island at 1300 hours, your time.
11:09Understand that?
11:10All right, 1300, sir.
11:12We're tracking it every inch of the way.
11:14If there's the slightest divergence, I'll let you know.
11:17All right, sir.
11:26Please, may I show you something? Yes.
11:28A guaranteed antique from the Grotto of Circe, very special.
11:32We're just going out, another time.
11:34What, uh, what other time?
11:36Uh, this evening.
11:38But in the evening, the Carabinieri is here.
11:40It's very lovely.
11:41I'll show you now.
11:42It's Circe herself.
11:43Yes, I'm sure.
11:44With the pigs.
11:45It's most lifelike, but later.
11:46Excuse me.
11:51Papa, Papa, are you there?
11:53Yes, yes.
11:59What have you been doing, Papa?
12:00I looked everywhere for you.
12:02Oh, Papa, not again.
12:05What if Luca should see you put it back in the Grotto?
12:20It's nearly time.
12:22Let's get over in the ruins.
12:23We'll be out of sight there.
12:33Lucullus Amat Julia.
12:37It seems that even the Romans were defeated by their own grammar.
12:41Kilroy loves Gina.
12:43Now, that's better.
12:45Evidently, we've stumbled on the local lover's lane.
12:48Well, just as long as they don't start lovering now, it'll be all right.
12:58Aha, I was right.
13:00That equipment.
13:01They are smugglers.
13:02They are.
13:04They're probably signaling a boat.
13:06Baudouin loves Berengaria.
13:10But that must date from the Crusades.
13:12I never thought those boys got this far south.
13:14As any girl can testify, boys get everywhere.
13:21My first arrest.
13:23Now, maybe I get a promotion instead of being transferred.
13:27And we can be married.
13:32There is still Angela.
13:34I can't marry before her.
13:35She is the oldest.
13:37We cannot wait forever on Angela.
13:39She'll never find a suitor.
13:49Mr. Sello.
13:51You may begin your countdown at the number 25 as I give you the signal.
13:55At zero, the plane should be over your position.
13:58At that moment, press the trigger.
14:00Are you ready?
14:0327, 26...
14:0625, 24, 23, 22...
14:2218, 17...
14:24It's a man like me, Luca, who doesn't care about money.
14:28Who would marry a girl without a dowry?
14:3115, 14...
14:33Oh, Mia, I worship you.
14:37Only a man who doesn't need a dowry.
14:41Yes, you are right.
14:43Come, Luca. Come and do your duty as an officer of the law.
14:46Arrest those men now.
14:48But gently, my darling. Be gentle.
14:5112, 11, 10...
14:559, whoops, 8...
14:57Hands up, smugglers. You're under arrest.
15:023, 2...
15:20It's gone.
15:24It's gone. The plane has disappeared.
15:27It can disappear, Efendi.
15:29It has disappeared.
15:33Ten million dollars lost at sea.
15:50It's gone.
16:13No, look, Efendi, look. It disappeared over land.
16:16There is no land there.
16:18Yes, there is. Look, look, Efendi.
16:20It is the island of Sirs.
16:22The island of Sirs?
16:24Yes, yes, an accident, but there is still a...
16:28That was no accident.
16:31That was done on purpose.
16:33By whom?
16:49Reserve, halt!
16:51First jail I've seen bedecked with flowers.
16:54Thrush is going to be landing any minute.
16:56We've got to find that pouch before they do.
17:04Left face!
17:08Left face!
17:10Left face!
17:12Left face!
17:14Left face!
17:16Forward, march!
17:19Forward, march!
17:21Forward, march!
17:45At the cafe I heard you say Americans don't believe in diaries.
17:48You would marry without one.
17:50I'm sorry, we're only allowed to give our name, rank and serial number.
17:53You do believe in marriage?
17:55Uh, in moderation.
17:58Why? Is this a proposal?
18:01Exactly. We need a husband.
18:04Both of you? That's bigamy.
18:07It is my sister who is desirous of marrying.
18:10And we propose she have her choice of either one of you.
18:13If she has her choice, what about us?
18:15You do as you're told, or you'll never be heard of again.
18:19I don't argue with City Hall.
18:23Shh, not a word. Take down your hands.
18:25Luca, the gun.
18:29Oh, guest.
18:31Why didn't you tell me where Luke?
18:34Well, you look perfectly charming, Signorina.
18:37How do you do?
18:40Napoleon Soto, Signorina.
18:42At your service.
18:43Huh? Oh, I... At your...
18:45At your service.
18:48Ilya Kuryakin. Likewise.
18:51Won't you please sit down? May I offer you...
18:54Angela, the gentlemen are in a terrible hurry.
18:57They have something to say to you.
19:00We do?
19:01To me?
19:02Go ahead, gentlemen. Don't be shy.
19:05Uh, yes.
19:08Mr. Kuryakin and I have come all the way from America.
19:14Looking for something?
19:18What could we have on the island of Circe
19:21that you do not have in America?
19:23They are here looking for a wife, Angela.
19:27Yes, they came to me and they said,
19:29we want a wife, a good, simple woman of noble parentage.
19:33And I said, I know just the girl.
19:36That's why they are here, Angela.
19:39They seek your hand in marriage.
19:41Which one will you take?
20:10Oh, Colonel Hubris, yes?
20:12Yes, we will be fine.
20:14I have just received your wife.
20:16The entire top floor is at your disposal, Colonel.
20:19Except for one room rented to the Americans.
20:24The Americans?
20:26Oh, it will not disturb you, Colonel. I'm sure of it.
20:32What did I tell you, Muller?
20:36These Americans, hmm?
20:41Friends of yours?
20:53I hope you won't forget, gentlemen,
20:55that this is an island and that you can't leave without my knowing it.
21:09My sister has made up her mind, gentlemen,
21:12to marry one of you.
21:15I'm not sure.
21:17We don't know one another.
21:20Marriage is a serious step.
21:22I think we should take time to get to know one another's interests and...
21:25We agree completely.
21:28As they say, wed in haste.
21:30Repent at leisure.
21:32Do they not also say, never do tomorrow what you can do today?
21:37Well, I never dreamt I'd have a choice of suitors.
21:41It is difficult to decide such a thing on the spur of the moment.
21:46You have 15 minutes.
21:48Well, I do have to think about a family.
21:51Please, Angela, don't be a fool.
21:53There may never be another chance like this.
21:59He does seem very sincere.
22:03And I do think Mr. Solo would make a good father.
22:07Oh, he would.
22:10I must admit that beside Mr. Napoleon Solo,
22:13I am a reckless, flippity-jibbit.
22:16May I be the first to congratulate both of you?
22:19You are not offended.
22:21When the better man has won?
22:26How could I be?
22:28Good. A double wedding.
22:30You and Mr. Solo, Luca and myself.
22:32Immediately, yes?
22:34But Papa, he must give his consent, and the priest...
22:37I will find Papa.
22:39And I will find the priest.
22:41And my trousseau, I cannot get it ready.
22:43Angela, be honest.
22:45You know your trousseau's been ready for years.
22:48Yes, I know.
22:50Very well, then.
22:56If you like, tomorrow.
22:58My congratulations to both of you.
23:00Now, if you will excuse us, my friend and I will repair to the nearest bistro
23:03and have a drink to your happiness and his.
23:05See you in church, Mr. Solo.
23:12Don't leave a stone unturned.
23:15Not a pebble.
23:17Find them and bring them back here alive.
23:21With the pouch.
23:23Hear and obey, Effendi.
23:25Live 10,000 years.
23:40It must have dropped here.
23:44We stood there,
23:46and the plane burst into flames there.
23:57The parachute.
23:59The pouch must have dropped somewhere nearby.
24:01In the water?
24:52Effendi, the other one must be dead.
24:55The cliff is high and the rocks below.
24:58They're sharp.
25:00Why didn't you bring me the corpse?
25:02Effendi, what good is a dead man?
25:04You have plenty of those at home.
25:06And if you haven't, I can always make one.
25:08It's no trouble.
25:10The pouch.
25:12Mr. Solo, what have you done?
25:14The pouch.
25:16The pouch.
25:18The pouch.
25:20Mr. Solo, what have you done with the pouch?
25:23I was looking for it when your friends interrupted my search.
25:27Where did you find them?
25:29On the edge of the cliff.
25:31Probably fell in the sea by now.
25:33The tide swept it out, I'd say.
25:39You have not done well this time, little Malik.
25:48We will search.
25:50Take me there.
25:52Yes, Effendi.
25:55Should I slit his throat now?
26:02No, this one we brainwashed Thursday.
26:05I'm curious to see what's inside.
26:07We have a special detergent for brains of hunkle agents, Mr. Solo.
26:12In no time, you'll come out squeaky clean.
26:17As long as you don't hang me out on the line to dry.
26:22Hanging is old-fashioned.
26:24The new department is entirely in Malik's charge.
26:27He's not only an artist at peeling an orange.
26:30He's an absolute genius at cutting a man down to size.
26:35About that size.
26:41Sometime even smaller.
26:46Don't let him belittle you, Mr. Solo.
26:50A bientot.
27:06Could you give me this little beer, please?
27:11Where did you get this?
27:13Good afternoon, Colonel.
27:15Good afternoon, gentlemen.
27:20You found some foolish stranger to buy that figurine?
27:23No, no, no, no.
27:24You didn't steal it?
27:25A courageous steal.
27:27I get someone else to change it for me.
27:29Good luck.
27:30Maybe you could lend me a few thousand lire, yes?
27:33I have a tip on an excellent horse in the fifth place at Alexandria.
28:06I'm sorry. Don't let me disturb you.
28:09I'm allergic to oranges. They give me the shivers.
28:13You're very skillful with that long, dangerous knife.
28:18You practice a lot?
28:20I always practice a lot.
28:22Especially when I'm about to carve someone up in the near future.
28:27Well, you wouldn't carve me up, would you?
28:30Why not?
28:36In fact, I think it might be rather interesting...
28:39because of your excellent musculature, Mr. Solo.
28:43Well, that's actually mostly my tailor's doing.
28:47Your tailor? That's funny.
28:51That's funny, Mr. Solo.
28:53But I know better.
28:56Now, my only problem now is a technical one.
28:58Where to begin?
29:01I wish you wouldn't point that sharp knife at me.
29:04Are you afraid, Mr. Solo?
29:06But I thought all uncle men were brave.
29:09Well, I'm a throwback.
29:11Besides, it's not only you.
29:13There's Fatso there, dozing in the chair...
29:16and the gentleman outside in the hall with a gun.
29:20Oh, Mr. Solo, he's not a gentleman.
29:23But it is a gun.
29:25Well, it's enough to make any man nervous.
29:28Especially with my friend dead and unable to rescue me.
29:37I'll go find Luca. He's the carabinieri here.
29:40He can take care of whatever it is.
29:42He can't. There's too many of them.
29:44There isn't enough time.
29:46Why would anyone want to threaten Mr. Solo?
29:49Yes. We never have crime on this island.
29:52Luca has been stationed here for two years...
29:55and he's not arrested a living soul.
29:57I just don't believe you.
29:59You're making it up.
30:01Very well.
30:04Very well.
30:07I didn't want to tell you the whole truth...
30:10but Mr. Solo is in that hotel room...
30:13threatened by those men because of a...
30:16a woman.
30:18A woman? What woman?
30:20A girl from Teormina.
30:23And she told her father and her brothers...
30:26five of them, that Mr. Solo had...
30:34Now they have him under lock and key.
30:37A gun at his head.
30:39They're going to take him back to Teormina and force him to...
30:42Well, he won't be able to marry you, Signorina...
30:45if they succeed.
30:48What do you want us to do?
31:06Something heavy has been dragged here.
31:09In the pouch.
31:12Signor! Signor, excuse me for a moment.
31:15I am Count Coraggio. Would you do a small favor for me?
31:18Please, not now. I'm busy. Forgive me.
31:20If just simply to change this little banknote...
31:23we have no change in our village...
31:25and I thought a gentleman like you...
31:27it's perfectly legitimate, I'm sure.
31:29It crackles.
31:32You took it.
31:36What did you do with the pouch?
31:45Where is he?
31:47Keep your voice down.
31:49Where is my poor fiancée?
31:51Remember, all you came to do is change the beds.
32:01Come on.
32:32What do you want?
32:34The linen, Signor. We come to change the bed.
32:37They don't need changing. We just got here.
32:40It was not changed from the last time.
32:42You would not want to get sick.
33:03What is it?
33:05The maids want to know if you've had mumps.
33:10Or should she put on fresh sheets?
33:12Have I had what?
33:14Mumps, Signor.
33:16You know...
33:18the man who was in here before, he was so ill.
33:21His face was swollen like a ripe watermelon.
33:33Leave him to me!
33:48Let's go!
34:18Let's go!
34:48What is going on?
34:50What is this?
34:52What have you done to me?
34:54They are terrible men.
34:56How could you let people like that in here?
34:58I found the pouch in the grotto.
35:00It was empty. No money, no papers.
35:02Well, $10 million is enough to tempt anyone.
35:05$10 million?
35:07The question is, who was tempted?
35:09$10 million.
35:11Can Coraggio.
35:15Yes, he had a million lire note. I saw it myself.
35:17Where else could he get it?
35:19All right, girls, let's go find him.
35:23Now, you took this million lire note...
35:27out of this pouch.
35:33Now, what did you do with the rest of it?
35:35I don't remember.
35:37I can't remember.
35:42Mr. Solo!
35:44We know where Papa is.
35:48Some fishermen saw him go into the grotto with some men.
35:50The grotto, where the pouch is?
35:52We've got to find the boat and go in there.
35:54There's no telling what those horrible men could be doing to him.
35:56This fisherman, you know him?
35:58All our lives, he wouldn't lie.
36:00Please, Mr. Solo, hurry.
36:02You go in. I'll wait out here, just in case.
36:04Hurry, please.
36:36There! Hurry!
36:42What is it? What happened?
36:44You're a fellow.
36:46It's a problem with old people.
36:48Maybe you'll have more luck.
36:50I don't want to seem melodramatic.
36:54And I'm sorry to make you uncomfortable,
36:56because you're a really nice fellow.
36:58But unless you tell me immediately
37:00what you've done with the rest of the money,
37:02I'm going to drown your daughters.
37:04Who are you?
37:06Please, darling, no irrelevant questions.
37:08In the first place, they're rude.
37:10In the second place, I wouldn't answer them anyway.
37:12Mr. Solo, naughty, naughty.
37:18As you can see, Mr. Solo,
37:20we are not alone.
37:24You escaped the good Malik's knife, huh?
37:28You can't get away with this.
37:32Oh. Why?
37:34You got the grotto surrounded, mate?
37:38What a delightful surprise.
37:42Let the girls and the old man go.
37:44They had nothing to do with this.
37:46Oh, Mr. Solo,
37:48please, a little more lightness
37:50in your speeches.
37:52Such clichés.
37:54Any minute, you're going to say
37:56they went that way. I know it.
38:02But I don't remember.
38:04I don't know where anything is.
38:06I would tell you if I knew.
38:08I have often heard
38:10that avarice is a prevalent sin
38:12with old age, but I never thought
38:14I'd live to see it.
38:16Gentlemen, nature seems to have
38:18provided us with the most convenient
38:22which the rising tide
38:24should fill quite quickly.
38:26Perhaps an old watering place
38:28for Circe's pigs.
38:30Put them there. What do you want with it?
38:32He doesn't know anything.
38:34We're poor people. We have nothing.
38:36On the contrary, as Mr. Solo will tell you
38:38by himself, at the moment you are very rich people.
38:40There are few rich.
39:04Jack and Jill went up the hill
39:06What a pale of what?
39:08I thought you knew more about this than you were telling.
39:10I do nothing wrong.
39:12I'm only a poor Lebanese orphan.
39:14In your world, nobody ever does anything wrong.
39:16It's just how much you can get away with
39:18without being caught.
39:20Now you're caught, so talk.
39:22It's only that taxes are so high and life is hard.
39:24You're a smuggler, aren't you?
39:26Smuggling is strictly against the law.
39:28I'm a most law-abiding citizen.
39:36Where did you get this?
39:42I told you.
39:44I got it from Dad.
39:48But the rest of it counts.
39:50The important part of it counts.
39:52What did you do with that?
39:56I don't know.
39:58I don't know.
40:02Take your time.
40:04It won't be long, Mr. Solo,
40:06before the tide
40:08will be up to your chin.
40:14Oh, that's too bad.
40:16By that time,
40:18the young ladies will be drowned,
40:20won't you, young ladies?
40:24On the off chance that the old gentleman
40:26concealed everything at the villa,
40:28you run up there and give it a quick inspection.
40:30Then send Malik here.
40:32By that time,
40:34our friend either will have talked
40:36or, uh...
40:48And you stash your loot
40:50around here somewhere, don't you?
40:52I know this place only from gossip, senor.
40:56It leads directly into the roof
40:58of Circe's grotto.
41:00I thought $10 million
41:02would be attractive to you.
41:06But he can't remember.
41:08Often I go all over the island
41:10searching for him because he can't even
41:12find his own house.
41:14It's such a rocky island.
41:16It must be hard on your feet.
41:20you're a monster.
41:24You did not come here
41:26to marry me, Danny.
41:30I'm sorry.
41:36There will be high tide in Nova Scotia
41:38in 15 minutes,
41:40but that doesn't help us, does it?
41:42This thing he is after,
41:44it is a great fortune.
41:48And a greater evil.
41:50That's why I'm here.
41:52To stop that.
41:58Evil. I see that.
42:04But you are not.
42:10How's the old memory doing, Count?
42:12Anything stirring?
42:16All right, take your time.
42:18That leads to the grotto.
42:20I only wanted to help.
42:22Yourself, I understand.
42:24They are in danger. This is the way out.
42:26We are friends.
42:28With a friend like you, who needs an enemy?
42:30The Count and his daughter are my friends.
42:32Step carefully.
42:34There's a column at the end.
42:36It is full of cigarettes.
42:38It is worth a fortune.
42:58a little shock
43:00to shake out the cobwebs, huh?
43:20You know, Count,
43:22even if you don't remember,
43:24it's all this fun.
43:26Business life is so stultifying.
43:30I haven't had an afternoon like this.
43:32Hey, sweetheart,
43:34you better stand on your tiptoes.
43:36Pretty soon you won't be able to hear
43:38what I say.
43:50That's what I eat
43:52for the cigarettes.
44:22Oh, yeah.
44:52Oh, yeah.
45:22Oh, yeah.
45:52Oh, yeah.
46:22Oh, yeah.
46:52Oh, yeah.
47:14Do you also sing,
47:16oh, solo mio?
47:22Here's the pouch.
47:24And all the papers I could find, signor.
47:26I wish there were more.
47:28Oh, I'm sure there'll be enough
47:30to put a great many people behind bars for a long time.
47:34I wish I could tell you, gentlemen,
47:36how grateful I am to you for having done all this.
47:38Especially for letting the Count have the money.
47:40Well, after all, he did find it.
47:42The law flotsam and jetsam and all that.
47:44Why does this all mean so much to you?
47:46But, signor,
47:48la signorina Angela
47:50has a dowry a princess would envy.
47:54So, I need no longer
47:56conceal the great admiration
47:58I have long cherished for the signorina.
48:00She has done me
48:02the honor to say yes.
48:06You're going to marry Angela?
48:08This afternoon.
48:10As soon as Luca puts the prisoners aboard ship.
48:12A double wedding.
48:14I'm so happy, signores.
48:20Bon voyage, colonel.
48:22Well, thank you,
48:24Mr. Salt.
48:26Well, you have won
48:28and I have lost.
48:30Fortunes of war,
48:36But the goddess of fortune is a notoriously
48:38fickle female, gentlemen.
48:40Until the next time,
48:44Till next time,
48:46Mr. Salt.
48:48Come on.
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