S02E22 - The Foreign Legion Affair

  • last month
The Man from U.N.C.L.E. :


02:30The triad.
02:34Is it gone?
02:39But no doubt photographed.
02:46Who was he?
02:48What did he look like?
02:50He was blond, very blond,
02:53not very tall, slim.
02:56Is this the man?
02:58That's him.
03:01Ilya Kuryakin, an uncle agent.
03:06You get the car ready.
03:08You get to the airport before he does.
03:13Open channel D, overseas relay.
03:16This is number two, section one.
03:21Mr. Kuryakin, it wasn't my intention to pamper you
03:24with a private charter plane.
03:26That was the only thing we could find to get you out of there.
03:29Charter plane, that never happens to me.
03:31When I get to Paris, do I get some time to play?
03:33All work and no play at all.
03:35Let me interrupt you once again, Mr. Kuryakin.
03:37The destination of the plane is Cairo, not Paris.
03:41Take a look at the film there.
03:43Then go on to New York by the regular flight.
03:47Economy class.
03:50Goodbye, Mr. Kuryakin.
03:53I'm afraid you men are getting altogether too soft.
03:57Bonsoir, monsieur.
04:00Good evening.
04:02I hope everything is satisfactory.
04:05I hope you won't think I am rude,
04:07but I never expected you to be so young.
04:11Could I get you anything?
04:13A cup of coffee, tea, milk, a hot tuddy?
04:16Anything at all?
04:20Cabbage or beet?
04:24You really would, wouldn't you?
04:27No, nothing at all, thank you.
04:31Could I talk you in, monsieur?
04:33I'm getting a little chilly.
04:34No, thank you.
04:36I think I'll take a nap.
04:38Why don't you do the same?
04:39Oh, I can't.
04:40I haven't slept for days.
04:42I'm very nervous.
04:45Oh, it has nothing to do with the plane, monsieur.
04:47It's just me.
04:48I'm turning in my wings when we reach Cairo.
04:51I'm getting married.
04:54Where does this great event take place?
04:57Akron, Ohio.
04:59That's where Bob lives.
05:01He's my fiancé.
05:02Myself, I am from Marseille.
05:04You were stationed there as a soldier.
05:06That's how I met him.
05:08Oh, you would really love Bob if you knew him the way I do.
05:12Somehow, I don't think that would be entirely possible.
05:18Could I get you anything?
05:19A cup of coffee?
05:21Uh, no, thank you.
05:22I think I'm, uh, I'll catch up on my sleep.
05:27I'll see if the boys want some.
05:30Anyone for coffee?
05:31Turkish coffee.
05:34Who are you?
05:35You're not...
05:46Get in the back and stay there.
05:48You'll get the same thing he got.
05:50I'm not afraid of either one of you.
05:52I'm reporting you both immediately.
05:54Oh, it's got to be money.
05:56Let me see them.
05:57Let me see them.
06:02Uncle does not charter special flights for his personnel.
06:06Look, take the controls again.
06:08I'll look through these clothes.
06:09And change course, too.
06:11And we'll dump them both out as soon as we're over the sea.
06:14But I can't swim.
06:16Ah, mademoiselle, that's a pity.
06:19Such a pity in your case.
06:22But unfortunately, I cannot change your destiny.
06:30Do you have any parachutes back there, mademoiselle?
06:33One to a customer.
06:34Just one?
06:36Put it on.
06:37You take one step forward and I'll throw him out the door.
06:41Are you ready, mademoiselle?
06:43Yes, I am.
06:44Come in here.
06:49Get after him.
06:57Get after him.
07:58Good morning.
07:59Oh, my goodness.
08:00What's the trouble?
08:02I was thinking how embarrassing it would be
08:05for my fiancé to see us now.
08:11Well, in the desert,
08:13the nights are cold and the days are hot.
08:17It was the survival instinct.
08:21It was the survival instinct.
08:24It was the survival instinct.
08:27Yes, it's very hot, isn't it?
08:29Yes, very.
08:36I assumed there was a reason for that.
08:38Oh, there is.
08:39It always happens to me when I get tensed up.
08:42Do you have any idea where we are
08:44outside of being in the middle of the desert?
08:47Mr. Kuriakin reported from aboard his special plane last night
08:51at 6 p.m. our time.
08:53The plane was supposed to come down at Cairo.
08:57Instead of that, it came down to Casablanca.
09:01Mr. Kuriakin did not.
09:04It's this letter item that gives us some hope
09:07that Mr. Kuriakin is still alive.
09:09Oh, it's a two-to-one chance, sir.
09:11And as if that weren't bad enough,
09:13he was carrying with him a microfilm copy of Thrush's triad.
09:17I'm afraid you've lost me there, sir.
09:19What is the triad?
09:20Why, that's the key to Thrush's top-secret cipher.
09:23It was imperative that we have it in our hands
09:25before next Monday, the 11th.
09:27Oh, yes, that's that mysterious coup
09:29Thrush was setting up in Malabar.
09:31I thought Section 2 had arranged a perfect intercept for that.
09:34But it's all in the triad code.
09:36The only thing our experts have managed to decipher is the date.
09:40And without the key that Mr. Kuriakin has,
09:42how are we going to prevent Thrush
09:44from perpetrating some new kind of devilry
09:46that they may have in mind?
09:48So, in short, sir, you want me to find Kuriakin and the triad.
09:52Is that it?
09:53I couldn't have put it more succinctly myself, Mr. Solo.
09:58You may wish to check on Mr. Selim Bey.
10:02He's the head of Thrush at Casablanca.
10:04I have a notion he might know something of what happened on that plane.
10:07Yes, I know the gentleman.
10:09We have, uh, crossed swords before.
10:19I can't. I just can't.
10:22You can rest for a little while.
10:31Oh, a glass of cold champagne would be so nice.
10:35I'll settle for plain water.
10:38Since we have neither, why not wish for the best?
10:41If we don't keep going, you won't be wishing for either.
10:44Come on.
11:31What is it?
11:39I don't know.
11:41But even if it's a mirage, it's wonderful.
11:44Shade your eyes.
11:53I don't like it.
11:55I don't like it one bit.
11:59You think it is a trick, Mon Capitan?
12:04The man is a Tuareg.
12:06The uniform on the woman is unfamiliar to me.
12:09Clever. Diabolically clever.
12:12Only the Greeks thought of it first, my friends.
12:16The Trojan horse.
12:18Was, Mon Capitan?
12:20The oldest trick in the world.
12:22Our two friends will have us believe they need our help.
12:25We take them inside.
12:27They lull us into a sense of security with some far-fetched tale.
12:30Then when they've gained our confidence,
12:32they open the gates at night for Lazarab to attack.
12:35Well, very well.
12:37We'll show them the two can play their little game.
12:40Bring them in, Corporal Ramey.
12:42Instead of a Trojan horse, we'll have two hostages.
12:46Or perhaps two corpses.
13:03Somewhere within 50 miles of this point in the Sahara...
13:09lies the body of the Uncle Agent Kuriakin.
13:13We have to find him, gentlemen.
13:15We have to find him and tear him apart until we find that film.
13:19Forgive me, Offender.
13:21I still believe he did not have it on him.
13:23You may be interested to know that this morning I received information
13:28that a Napoleon Solo has been dispatched by Uncle
13:32to find the body of Kuriakin.
13:35Do you think they're interested in his body?
13:38Or in Triad?
13:40Forgive me, Offender.
13:42I should have known better than to touch your wisdom.
13:45I've already made plans for Mr. Solo to be dealt with.
14:09This way.
14:23It is an old saying, gentlemen, that when one dines with the devil,
14:27one must use a long spoon.
14:30I have a very long and effective spoon.
14:39Behold the devil, gentlemen.
14:42Mr. Napoleon Solo.
15:00He's alive!
15:02The female of the species is obviously more hardy than the male.
15:06That male, at any rate.
15:08Then you are a French woman.
15:10I would like to see you how you would look
15:12if you would have been in the desert all day
15:14carrying me without anything to eat or drink.
15:16Young lady, I should like to explain again that you're my prisoner of war
15:20and I'm quite willing to abide by the rules of the Geneva Convention,
15:23but don't test my patience too far.
15:26Prisoner of war?
15:28What war?
15:30I don't know.
15:32He keeps talking about some cookie war with the Arabs.
15:34He thinks we're spies.
15:36I told him what happens, but he doesn't believe me.
15:40It's true. Every word of it.
15:43Permit me to review the facts.
15:45You both jumped from a plane you had chartered
15:48because two men changed places with a pilot and co-pilot
15:51and were about to kill you. Correct?
15:55Then this young lady made a bernouce out of a parachute
15:57because all your clothes were taken from you.
16:00After that, you both decided to walk to Marrakech,
16:02which happens to be a little over 300 kilometers away.
16:05In other words, with the entire Sahara Desert at your disposal,
16:09you just happened to be passing in the vicinity of this fort.
16:12Yes, sir.
16:14I didn't know it was a restricted...
16:16Renegade! Liar!
16:18You take me for a fool!
16:20Ali Khabar.
16:22How many pieces of silver did he pay to buy your soul?
16:33Ali Khabar, you didn't tell me anything about him.
16:37How could I? I've never even heard of him.
16:39Listen, I don't know what it is you're accusing me of,
16:41but whatever it is, you're wrong.
16:43I don't know where I am. I don't know who you are.
16:46Permit me to enlighten you, sir.
16:48This is Fort Sablon, an outpost of the Foreign Legion,
16:51and I am its commandant, Captain Basil Calhoun.
16:54Is that clear enough?
16:56Foreign Legion? French Foreign Legion?
16:58There is only one legion worthy of the name.
17:00The French Foreign Legion.
17:02I don't like to say it, but you're putting me in an untenable position.
17:06The French Foreign Legion has been dissolved for almost five years.
17:09It's non-existent.
17:11Non-existent? Never! Never!
17:14The glorious heritage of a hundred years,
17:16bathed in the sweat and blood of men
17:18who fought in all four corners of the world,
17:20and you say the Legion is non-existent?
17:31Listen, lads, you craven nit!
17:33They told me the Legion is non-existent.
17:38The Legion will live when you and I are rotting in our graves!
17:42Death with honor! Vive la Legion!
17:47I've had enough of the scurvy, skeletal scoundrel!
17:50Toss him in the black hole!
18:07Well, this is an agreeable surprise.
18:24Couscous of lamb. Well, that's marvelous.
18:27After all, you are our guest until they chop off your head.
18:32But don't let that spoil your dinner.
18:41Oh, they're sharpening that little goody out there for me?
18:45Who else?
18:47Why, you would have no head
18:49if Salim did not think he could make use of you.
18:52When he has no more use for you, poof!
18:55Salim didn't happen to mention what his intentions were for me, did he?
19:00He wants you to lead him to the body of your friend.
19:05Pigeon eggs.
19:07You think of everything.
19:09Everything I've got is at your disposal.
19:11That is, almost everything.
19:18I knew there was a catch.
19:22He's testing the blade.
19:24One clean chop.
19:26And he's very good at it.
19:28I can almost promise you that you will feel no pain.
19:43For you.
19:48Hey there.
19:50Uh, what's with this Mon Capitaine of yours?
19:54Is he, uh, all there?
20:00I'll try something else.
20:02Uh, it's imperative that I contact someone in Casablanca.
20:05Do you happen to have a shortwave radio set anywhere?
20:14Wireless telegraphy?
20:16Ha! Crystal set?
20:18You make me laugh.
20:20Top hat off!
20:24Carrier pigeons?
20:26The punishment for striking a guard is 30 lashes.
20:31This time I won't report it.
20:36Don't mention it.
20:39Oh, for heaven's sake, Lieutenant,
20:41will you stop that infernal sniffling?
20:43But I can't.
20:45When I think of poor Mr. Kuriak
20:47and in that terrible hole with nothing to eat.
20:54Oui, Mon Capitaine.
20:56For the good of my own stomach,
20:58I am countermanding my order.
21:00Feed the prisoner.
21:02When we're through eating,
21:04does that satisfy you, Lieutenant?
21:06Oh, thank you, Mon Capitaine, yes.
21:08Which brings me to another point.
21:10This coming Friday,
21:12I'm entertaining my good friend,
21:14Sheik Ali Chard.
21:16I should like you to act as hostess for me.
21:18Oh, I'd be glad to.
21:20You promised to take Mr. Kuriak and out of the hole.
21:23I'll not bind myself to make a bargain with you at this time.
21:26But I'll consider it.
21:28Sheik Ali Chard,
21:30Since our main lines of communication have been cut off,
21:33he's been our only source of food and supply.
21:36That very camel you're eating came from his larder.
21:41I'm eating a camel?
21:43I must confess, we don't dine this well, usually.
21:46This is a very special occasion,
21:48even though we are enemies.
21:50You mean...
21:52he did all this just...
21:54for me?
21:58He did all this just... for me?
22:03you're the first civilized woman
22:05I've had the pleasure of dining with in seven years.
22:10Seven years.
22:12A man can get very lonely in seven years, Lieutenant.
22:18I never thought I'd ever sit across the table
22:22from a beautiful woman again.
22:25That very pretty woman,
22:27who is she?
22:29Oh, that, my dear,
22:31is someone very dear to me,
22:33whom I knew a long time ago.
22:38I'm a little rusty,
22:40but would you do me the honor of sharing a waltz with me?
22:43I would love to, mon capitaine.
23:27It's me.
23:29Where's Calhoun's room?
23:31In there.
23:33I need food, water, and a map.
23:36Are we sleeping?
24:10I can't take you with me, but I'll send help.
24:13I'm not staying without you, not with all those men.
24:16And when that garrison comes back from patrol for that hot desert,
24:20I get all tensed up even thinking about it.
24:27Will you control yourself?
24:30All right, I'll take you with me.
24:32But for your information,
24:35there isn't any garrison,
24:37and there isn't any patrol.
24:39Those men up on the walls are only dummies.
24:41The only ones in this fort besides you and me
24:44are Calhoun and Remy.
24:46You mean there are a couple of kooks?
24:48Come on, let's get out.
24:50I don't think so, lieutenant.
24:52I don't think either of you is going anyplace.
25:15You have not only chosen to defy my orders,
25:18you have attempted to escape.
25:20Even more than that,
25:22you have dared to threaten the commandant of this fort
25:25with personal harm.
25:27Harm? You're just the one to talk.
25:29Do you realize what could happen to Mr. Kuriakin
25:32under the sun with his complexion?
25:34Why, it's barbaric.
25:38Let me tell you something, lieutenant.
25:40What you call barbaric
25:42was a means of discipline
25:44that was to forge the dregs and scum of humanity
25:47into the finest body of fighting men in history,
25:50the Foreign Legion.
25:52But, mon capitaine, on fire...
25:54You're still in detention, lieutenant.
26:01As prisoner of war, I find you guilty
26:03of the same act of insubordination.
26:05It is only your sex and rank
26:07that save you from the same punishment.
26:09Unfortunately, there's not much I can do about your sex,
26:12but there is something I can do about your rank.
26:14In accordance with section 3, paragraph 9,
26:17article 16 of the Geneva Convention,
26:19you have forfeited all rights and privileges
26:22according to an officer captured in the line of duty.
26:25I hereby strip you of all rank.
26:32I don't know what good all this is going to do.
26:34Do I'm going to saw them all back.
26:36What are you doing?
26:38As commandant, I hereby sentence you to hard labour
26:41for the duration of your confinement.
26:43Confinement? I'm not even married.
26:48You! Help! Help!
26:50Look, the girl, the stewardess.
26:52Help! They see us.
27:05You missed them.
27:07I'll swing around again.
27:09Well, do you believe us now?
27:11I'll apologise later.
27:14He's coming around again. Get inside.
27:18Cut him loose.
27:32Come on, you miserable heathen.
27:34I'm waiting for you. Look at that old fool. Kill him.
27:37Get inside.
27:43I got him.
28:03I got him.
28:16Splendid, my dear. Splendid.
28:18My compliments to the chef.
28:22Through my experience,
28:24I have learned that a man who's appreciative
28:27and sensitive about good foods
28:30is also appreciative and sensitive
28:34about the other joys of living.
28:39I like you, monsieur.
28:42I like you very much indeed.
28:45Well, there is a simple way to prove that, my dear.
28:51Show me the way.
28:54Well, how can I savour the joys of living
28:58when I'm forced to stay in a place like this?
29:02You mean...
29:04you wish me to help you escape?
29:07Well, surely a woman of the world such as you must know a way.
29:11An exotic sleeping potion for the guard, perhaps.
29:15And then a small key through the opening,
29:19and we shall taste paradise.
29:23Et now?
29:27You're a man who not only wishes to enjoy the feast,
29:31but wishes to take the dishes home with you.
29:43The infidel dog is finished.
29:45A messenger has just arrived from the master at Marrakech.
29:49He will not be home tonight.
29:51The messenger will tell you the rest. He is upstairs.
29:56Another lonely night.
30:03Wait! Just a moment. I haven't finished my soup yet.
30:07Matter of fact, I haven't started it.
30:09Then hurry.
30:11I hear you say monsieur Bey is in Marrakech?
30:14You heard me say nothing, you infidel dog.
30:17Now eat your soup.
30:19All right.
31:26The bullet only creased your arm.
31:29Thank you. I'm sorry for the other thing.
31:33You sleep now.
31:37The best thing is just to let him sleep it off.
31:39And now, if you don't mind, we'll go on to Marrakech.
31:41Come on, come on.
31:43I am very sorry, monsieur, but I can't let you go.
31:47That's dirty pool. I never heard such a...
31:50Why not?
31:52I am an ignorant man who knows nothing of doctoring.
31:56If he becomes sick again,
31:59there is nothing that I could do.
32:04Oui, mon capitaine.
32:06Put the gun away.
32:08Mr. Kuriakin. Oui, mon capitaine.
32:10Marrakech is over 200 miles away.
32:13Tomorrow, Sheikh Ali Chad will be here for a price.
32:18He'll take you there.
32:20It'll be safer and faster.
32:23That's the least I can do.
32:34A little refreshment, Assam.
32:44You are adorable.
32:46Your word is my command.
33:05Listen, darling, I don't wish to see you again,
33:08but I've got to go.
33:10Listen, darling, I don't wish to see you on a grapefruit,
33:14but this will just have to wait, you see.
33:17What do they do with my coat?
33:20Your coat?
33:22You want to put on clothes?
33:24Yes, I'm in a hurry.
33:26My coat, where is it?
33:28Where I put it.
33:34Oh, thank you.
33:37Sit down, please.
33:47Overseas relay.
33:49Channel D calling.
33:58Mr. Solo, where the devil are you?
34:01I've been trying to reach you for 24 hours.
34:04Have you found out anything of Curie-Arkin's whereabouts?
34:07No, sir, not yet, but I have a lead on...
34:11I'm afraid we'll need more than a lead at a time like this.
34:14Let me remind you that whatever Thrush is up to in Malabar
34:17is only two days away.
34:19Without the code, we're still in the dark.
34:22Oh, yes. Yes, I know that, sir.
34:25However, I have reason to believe that Ilya is in Marrakesh
34:31with our friend Bay also.
34:34But if you're speaking about...
34:37What the deuce is going on there? Who is that?
34:40It's nothing, sir. As I was saying, I think...
34:46They are not in Marrakesh.
34:48They have found your friend in Fort Sablon.
34:52I shall have to ask.
34:55Did you say Fort Sablon?
34:57Did you say Fort Sablon?
34:59Mr. Waverly? I heard you, Mr. Solo.
35:01You're wasting time.
35:03I have very few regrets in my life.
35:07This may be one of them.
35:13Oh, yes.
35:15In the morning, with the sun,
35:18we'd go through the fields together.
35:25We'll just have to let the fever burn itself out.
35:29A feather.
35:31A white feather.
35:33I didn't.
35:35It was Terence.
35:37But they must never know.
35:39I did not. I...
35:42The white feather. It's in that picture.
35:45I don't understand.
35:47In the British army, there is an old tradition
35:51that when a man commits an act of cowardice,
35:54the men show their contempt for him
35:56by giving him a white feather.
35:59You mean he's a chicken?
36:02That's about it.
36:04Captain Karloo? No, I can't believe it.
36:08Many years ago,
36:11when he was officer in the Irish Guards,
36:15that is why he came to the legion.
36:19He couldn't stand the disgrace.
36:23His family, no one has ever heard from him again.
36:30He was a man, monsieur.
36:34What you saw today was only a shell of what he once was.
36:41He was a lion.
36:44And there was no man here
36:47when this was truly a fort
36:50who did not respect him
36:53and love him.
36:58There are more than a hundred graves out there.
37:02And he wept for every one of them.
37:05And you know.
37:08Yes, I know.
37:11The legion is no more.
37:14I have known it for some time.
37:17It was I who hid the order
37:20telling us to disband and go home.
37:23The legion was also his life.
37:26Without it, he would have died,
37:29so I never told him.
37:35What in blazes is going on here, anyway?
37:38He's better.
37:40Well, certainly I'm better.
37:42Will you please remove yourself
37:44out of this nightgown, lieutenant?
37:46Yes, sir.
37:48We must feed our departing guests.
37:50Bring out the rest of the camel stew.
37:52Oui, mon capitaine.
37:54And tomorrow night this time,
37:56we'll have you halfway to Malakish.
38:08Commandant Calhoun is a friend of Andi.
38:11I am bound to him with honor.
38:13But betraying him would be unthinkable.
38:16A bond with the infidel, brother,
38:19is like a rope of sand.
38:22And I would pay very well.
38:24I am not a man who can be bought
38:27with words of Andi or paper money.
38:32And I came very well prepared.
38:37You will have your man
38:39before the morning sun sets, brother.
38:43Yes, sir.
38:56Colonel, I have to get to Fort Sablanc.
38:58I don't care what it is. I have to get there.
39:00We have not one available vehicle.
39:02I'd like to help you, but I can't do the impossible.
39:05Now, if you will excuse me.
39:07I didn't want to do this, but I think you'd better take a look.
39:11You should have shown me this before, Mr. Solo.
39:16The motor pool. On the double.
39:19Hello? Yousef?
39:22This is Hazim.
39:24I have to get someone out to Sablanc on the double.
39:28What have you got in a half-track?
39:33That's fine.
39:35Just a moment, Yousef.
39:37It seems we have another party with a priority going to Sablanc.
39:41Would you mind sharing a half-track?
39:44Not if it will get me there faster, Colonel.
39:47Roll the track. On the double.
39:50By the way, who is the other party?
39:55Makushla O'Shea?
40:08Oh, excuse me.
40:10That's perfectly all right.
40:14Oh, my dear, they've stopped. What's the trouble?
40:17The back tread is slipping. I think it'll take a few minutes.
40:22What brings you to Fort Sablanc, Mrs. O'Shea?
40:28I'm here on an errand of justice, Mr. Solo.
40:31I've come over 3,000 miles to right a grievous wrong.
40:35Indeed. Is it permissible to ask who was so grievously wrong?
40:41Someone who once was very close to me, Mr. Solo.
40:46The Commandant of Fort Sablanc.
40:49I somehow seem to detect the perfume of an old romance, Mrs. O'Shea.
40:55Oh, my, you are perceptive, Mr. Solo.
40:58Yes, Basil, the Commandant, and I were once engaged to be married.
41:03And you never did?
41:05No, I married Basil's closest friend, Terence O'Shea.
41:09He passed away about four months ago.
41:12I'm a widow.
41:15Tell me, Mr. Solo, are you acquainted with Captain Calhoun?
41:20No, we've never met.
41:22Oh, he was a lieutenant in the Queen's own Fusiliers.
41:26Oh, he was the handsome, the most dashing man.
41:31And he could have had any girl he wanted, you know.
41:34But he picked me.
41:36But you married Terence.
41:38Yes, yes, and it's because of Terence that I'm here.
41:42It was Terence gave Basil the white feather.
41:46It was Terence who betrayed his closest friend.
41:50Ah, and all because of love for me.
41:53Hmm. You know, this all has a faintly familiar ring to it.
41:57A frame-up, possibly?
41:59Manufactured out of sheer, whole cloth, Mr. Solo.
42:04Terence confessed the whole sordid affair to me on his dying bed.
42:08Ah, well, you know, he was not a bad man.
42:11But he wanted me.
42:13And that was the only way he could think of to stop Basil's marriage with me.
42:18Love for love, Mr. Solo.
42:21And they drummed him out of his slaves?
42:24He fled in disgrace and joined the Legion.
42:28That was over 20 years ago.
42:31And now we're going to meet again.
42:34You know, one could almost set that to music, Mrs. O'Shea.
42:38Oh, yes.
43:23There's always a certain amount of hoopla to be gone through
43:27before we can settle down the business.
43:29It's an old local custom.
43:31I don't care how you do it. Just get us out of here.
43:43Those soldiers could mean trouble.
43:48Dummies filled with straw.
43:53Salam alaikum.
43:55Peace be with you, too, brother.
43:58Alaikum salam. Maraba, maraba.
44:01Your wives and children, may your progeny increase.
44:04All goes well with them, I trust?
44:06Allah has blessed us with three more additions.
44:09All females.
44:14A few humble gifts.
44:16Some millet, figs.
44:18A few humble gifts.
44:20Some millet, figs, and a side of goat.
44:23Thank you. You are truly a brother.
44:26I have also brought a gift of a different kind.
44:29These are two friends of mine.
44:31Smile. Look pleasant.
44:34He looks like a slob.
44:36They wish to go to Marrakesh as quickly as possible.
44:39If you will take them there,
44:41they will pay you when you arrive in gold.
44:43I am afraid you have been deceived, my friend.
44:46Deceived? How?
44:48By these two.
44:50Last night they came to my humble abode.
44:52Two men from the authorities in Casablanca.
44:55Your friends are not friends.
44:57They are thieves.
45:01Let me handle this.
45:03Enough of this. Take him.
45:06He is the one who tried to throw us out of the plane.
45:09I am the commandant here.
45:11Shut up. The film. Where is it?
45:14Tell me before I tear your tongue out.
45:16Before you tear his tongue out?
45:21You are standing on legion soil.
45:23I could have you shot for this.
45:25You fool. You crazy old fool.
45:28Legion soil? There is no legion.
45:31It was disbanded years ago.
45:34No. It's a lie.
45:38He is lying.
45:40It's the truth. I should have told you years ago.
45:43We have become an independent nation.
45:46I could have had you arrested for treason.
45:49Seize him.
45:54Get him. Get him.
45:56Give me the gun.
45:58It's just a bluff. We are out of ammunition.
46:01We have no need to tell them that, have we?
46:04We have no need to tell them that, have we?
46:09It's a standoff, Mr. Kuriakin.
46:11My life or her throat.
46:16Barbara, you must be feeling very tense.
46:19Relieve your tensions.
46:21It's not the time.
46:35It's no longer a standoff, Mr. Bey.
46:37All right, throw down your arms and put up your hands.
46:40All of you, get ready to fire, corporal.
46:44Now put up your hands, all of you.
47:05Ilya, we're here.
47:07You're five minutes late.
47:11You know, you're getting completely undependable.
47:13I got 300 miles across a steaming desert,
47:15and this is all the thanks I get?
47:17Get this thing rolling. We're going.
47:19No, no, wait a minute now. Wait a minute.
47:26Take off.
47:28He's going without us.
47:30Don't worry. He'll be back.
47:40It's me.
47:46It is you.
47:49It is you.
47:53at the moment of my greatest despair.
47:59Why have you come?
48:02I've come to take you back with me,
48:04if you'll have me.
48:06I want to make up for all the years we've lost.
48:10The white feather?
48:12It will always stand between us.
48:15No more. There is no feather.
48:18Terence confessed on his dying bed.
48:21You've been vindicated.
48:25Would you come back with me?
48:42I told you he'd come back.
48:44I can't believe it.
48:46I'm really on my way back to Akron to get married.
48:49I don't know how to thank you, Mr. Solo.
48:51I think we can find a way.
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