• il y a 3 mois
00:00Pour une qualité de picture meilleure, ajustez le contrôle de traçage sur votre VCR.
01:52As a young boy I was very poor, but I was determined to search for my fortune.
01:57I decided on a sailor's life and signed on as a deckhand on the Golden Fleece.
02:02She was the most beautiful and fastest ship that ever outraced a pirate craft.
02:07I sailed for many years, learning the business of shipping and trading, waiting for the day when I would own my own boat.
02:15One day, we were caught in a typhoon and blown far off our course.
02:20A giant wave washed me and two companions overboard.
02:24We clung to a log for a while, but soon we were separated in the storm.
02:29Then, night fell over the violent sea.
02:32I swam until I found myself on a strange beach.
02:36Confused and frightened, I wandered into the jungle and became lost.
02:42Finalement, j'ai quitté l'exhaustion.
02:45Lorsque je me suis réveillé le matin, j'étais à côté d'un grand mur blanc.
02:49Mais alors, j'ai découvert un œuf monstrueux.
02:53Seul un oeuf pouvait s'occuper d'un œuf tel celui-ci, le roc.
02:57Je me souviens d'une histoire ancienne sur une île de fortune où vivait le roc.
03:02Peut-être, j'ai pensé que c'était le cas.
03:05Un grand coup de flingue m'a étonné.
03:08Le roc.
03:10Je me suis caché sous l'œuf, en me demandant ce faire, quand j'avais un plan désespérant.
03:15J'ai me tié au pied du roc,
03:18pour que, quand il a volé au-dessus des arbres, j'ai pu trouver mes directions.
03:22En allant de plus en plus haut, j'ai pu voir un riveau qui conduisait vers l'océan.
03:27Enfin, le grand oeuf a tombé dans une grotte au-dessus d'une montagne.
03:31Une lumière étrange venait de l'intérieur.
03:34Je me suis enlevé de l'œuf.
03:36Je me suis caché dans la grotte et je n'arrivais pas à croire mes yeux.
03:40L'île de fortune.
03:42Car il y avait un trésor et des juless plus éloignés d'un rêve.
03:46J'ai rempli mes poches et mes vêtements avec autant de juless que je pouvais porter.
03:50Quand le roc est parti, je me suis caché dans la grotte et dans la montagne.
03:54J'ai construit un raft de lèvres et j'ai laissé le riveau me conduire vers l'océan.
04:00Soudain, je n'arrivais plus à bouger.
04:02Le raft s'est arrêté.
04:04Puis, j'ai vu pourquoi.
04:07Un monstre de 20 pieds a pris le raft et m'a enlevé dans l'air.
04:12Il avait un oeil énorme, des oreilles grosses et un sourire fou.
04:18L'idiotique créature m'a paralysé avec peur car je m'attendais à être tué à tout moment.
04:23L'animal m'a emmené dans sa grotte proche et m'a emmené dans une grotte.
04:27Et j'ai vu ce que mon destin allait être.
04:30Là-bas, liés à des roues, étaient mes deux compagnes.
04:34Le monstre allait les cuisiner et les manger.
04:37Je n'ai pas pu trouver un moyen d'escaper.
04:39Mon seul espoir était de distraire le géant d'une certaine façon.
04:43Puis, j'ai pensé aux juless.
04:45Quand le monstre a rassemblé de l'arbre pour notre barbecue,
04:48j'ai modifié une flèche de jambes brillantes.
04:51Quand il est revenu, je les ai enlevé pour attirer son attention.
04:55La flèche a presque hypnotisé le monstre.
04:58Il a ouvert la porte de la grotte et a pris les juless qui s'étonnaient pendant que je suis sorti.
05:03Rapidement, j'ai libéré mes amis et nous avons couru pour la rivière et mon bateau.
05:07L'œil de l'animal n'était qu'intéressé au jouet brillant qu'il avait maintenant posé autour de son cou.
05:13Mais nous ne savions pas combien de temps cela allait durer.
05:16Jusqu'à ce que nous ayons atteint l'océan, nous avons entendu le bruit du monstre
05:20quand il est venu s'écraser dans la jungle en cherchant son dîner d'escargots.
05:24Il nous a vus et a commencé à s'éloigner plus vite que nous pouvions nous éloigner.
05:28Les juless ont brillé au moment où il s'est déplacé.
05:31Jusqu'à ce qu'il soit en train d'attraper la grotte, un grand cri s'est arrêté.
05:35Et nous avons regardé en haut.
05:37La roche avait manqué les juless et avait vu les juless briller sur le géant.
05:41La bataille s'est terminée.
05:43Pendant que les deux monstres se battaient, nous avons pratiquement poussé loin vers l'océan
05:48et nous avons flippé avec le courant.
05:50Le lendemain, nous avons été attrapés par le Golden Fleece.
05:54J'avais assez de juless pour rendre l'entière équipe riche.
05:58J'ai pu acheter mon propre bateau de voyage et j'ai prospéré en tant qu'acheteur et vendeur
06:02avant de me réunir ici dans cette maison.
06:07Et donc, ami, vous voyez, j'ai gagné ma fortune dans une grande aventure.
06:13Ou en écoutant une histoire d'un vieil homme, je vous présente un cadeau.
06:17La richesse que ce cadeau vous apportera vous rappellera le célèbre SINBAD, le Sauveur.
07:17Son nom est Panchito. Il est le petit garçon avec les grands yeux.
07:21Un jour, sa maman et papa l'ont amené dans la ville pour qu'il puisse entendre les animaux faire de la musique.
07:27Panchito, il a dit...
07:29Bonjour, petits animaux, j'aimerais chanter avec vous.
07:33Donc, la petite oiseau, elle a clopé.
07:36Le petit oiseau, il a chanté.
07:39Et le petit oiseau, il a sifflé.
07:43Mais quand Panchito a essayé de prier...
07:48Rien n'est sorti.
07:50Il a essayé, et il a essayé.
07:52Mais pas de rire.
07:54Et tout de suite, les petits animaux ont fait une chanson pour lui.
08:05Il est un bon petit oiseau, mais il ne peut pas prier.
08:09Il ne peut pas manger, il ne peut pas chanter.
08:12C'est horrible.
08:22Les oiseaux et les oiseaux, les neveux et les soeurs, ils sont tous en paix.
08:27Quelle honte, telle honte.
08:30Trop mal pour les parents du petit Panchito.
08:33Panchito a ruiné leur vie.
08:36Le petit Panchito, Panchito a ruiné leur vie.
08:48Ah, pauvre Panchito.
08:51Son cœur était si lourd, comme une pierre.
08:54Il était tellement déçu, qu'il s'est éloigné et est tombé au sommet de la plus haute montagne.
08:59Et quand il est arrivé là-bas, que pensez-vous qu'il a vu?
09:03Un petit oiseau dans son nez.
09:06Le petit oiseau pleurait.
09:09Donc Panchito a dit...
09:12Hey, petit oiseau, pourquoi pleures-tu?
09:15Et le petit oiseau a dit...
09:17Je ne peux pas voler. Et quand un oiseau ne peut pas voler, il y a beaucoup à pleurer.
09:22Et quand Panchito a entendu ça, il a dit...
09:25Ah, pauvre petit oiseau.
09:28Tu es presque aussi malade que moi.
09:31Je suis un petit oiseau et je ne peux pas pleurer.
09:34Ah, pauvre petit oiseau.
09:37Est-ce que tu te souviens si je pleure avec toi? Non?
09:40Non, petit oiseau.
09:42Allons pleurer ensemble.
09:46Et après qu'ils ne pouvaient plus pleurer,
09:49chacun s'est senti tellement désolé pour lui-même et pour l'un l'autre,
09:52ils ont décidé de sauter de la montagne et de terminer tout.
09:57Bien, Panchito et le petit oiseau ont sauté de la montagne,
10:01mais comme ils s'éloignaient, le petit oiseau a dit...
10:05Regarde. Regarde mes ailes. Elles volent.
10:08Brasse tes oreilles, petit oiseau, et vole comme moi.
10:11Je ne peux pas. Je ne peux pas.
10:14Et le sol devient de plus en plus grand, de plus en plus proche, de plus en plus grand.
10:18Mais juste avant que le sol devienne assez grand pour attraper Panchito,
10:21le petit oiseau l'a attrapé par le dos.
10:25And Panchito made a one-point landing,
10:29right on the tip of his nose.
10:32And the little eagle, he said...
10:34Little burro, you know what? You prayed.
10:38No. No, I did not pray.
10:41Oh, but you did. You only think you cannot pray,
10:44like I thought I could not fly.
10:46So if you think you can't pray, you can't pray.
10:50So what you think?
10:51Panchito did not know what to think,
10:53but he thought he ought to think,
10:55and maybe think some more.
10:58In the meantime, at the village,
11:01a big fiesta was commencing to begin.
11:04The little chicken was practicing her clock.
11:08The little goose was practicing his honk.
11:12The little pig was warming up his squealer.
11:16The band was playing pretty music,
11:19and everybody was happy.
11:21That is, everybody but the papa and mama of little Panchito,
11:26and they were very sad.
11:28Oh, my poor Panchito.
11:30If we only had him back,
11:32we would not care if he never prayed nothing.
11:35Oh! Oh! Oh!
11:38Listen, papa.
11:39What is it?
11:40And when the papa burro looked to see,
11:43there was little Panchito,
11:45standing beside the little chicken,
11:47the little goose, and the little pig.
11:50And when the band did play,
11:52you never did hear such music.
11:55Poor Panchito, he joined in and prayed,
11:59Yeehooo! Yeehooo!
12:01Honk! Honk! Honk!
12:03Hoit! Hoit! Hoit!
12:10Hoit! Hoit! Hoid!
12:15Honk! Honk! Honk!
12:17Pak! Pak!
12:17Loin! Long! Long!
12:22And now, little Panchito makes the biggest and most beautiful hee-haw in all Mexico.
12:30Hee-haw! Hee-haw! Hee-haw!
12:33Which goes to prove, if you think you cannot, you cannot.
12:38But if you think you can, you can! I think.
12:43Hee-haw! Hee-haw! Hee-haw!
12:52Hee-haw! Hee-haw! Hee-haw! Hee-haw!
13:23In the forests of the South lives a quiet, friendly little animal
13:27with a sharp nose and a long tail called a possum.
13:31Not equipped by nature to be a fighter, the possum has another way to protect himself.
13:36When trapped by the hunter's dogs, he plays dead.
13:40He's not afraid of anything.
13:43He's not afraid of anything.
13:46He's not afraid of anything.
13:49When trapped by the hunter's dogs, he plays dead and the dogs leave him alone.
13:54Little Peppy Possum, the hero of this story, sings about it.
13:58When the dogs are near, a possum plays dead.
14:01And he lies sprawled out like he fell on his head.
14:04He doesn't move a muscle, he's as still as can be.
14:06He's playing possum just to fool him, you see.
14:11When the dogs go home, possum blinks his eye.
14:14Then he flips his tail, bids the dogs goodbye.
14:16But the dogs don't hear because they're far away.
14:19Old Possum don't care, he likes it that way.
14:25That is, all possums but me.
14:28I'm a little possum who won't play possum.
14:31I don't like to stay too long in one place.
14:35I'm a little possum who won't play possum.
14:38And I like to lead the dogs on their every chase.
14:42Little Peppy Possum's father worried about his son.
14:45And one day, he took him aside for a little talk.
14:50Uh, Peppy.
14:52Yes, Pappy?
14:54Peppy, how come you don't play dead when the dogs are chasing you?
14:58I just don't scare easy, I reckon.
15:00Who's scared of old hound dog, Pappy?
15:03Oh, I can tell you that, Peppy.
15:05Who, Pappy?
15:07Your Pappy, Peppy.
15:09Your Pappy, Peppy.
15:11That's who.
15:15But Peppy just laughed and ran off into the deepest part of the forest.
15:19Looking for danger and excitement.
15:21For adventure.
15:23I guess my Pappy means well.
15:26He doesn't have to worry about me.
15:28I'm smarter than old hound dog.
15:31But suddenly, without warning, out from behind a bush jumped Major.
15:35One of the biggest, most ferocious hound dogs in the forest.
15:39Woof, woof, woof, woof, woof.
15:42Well, well, who have we here?
15:45Little Peppy, I do declare.
15:48Howdy, Major.
15:50Well, I enjoyed our little talk.
15:53But I gotta go now. Bye.
15:55Hold on there, Peppy.
15:57Got you.
15:59You leave go my tail, Major.
16:01You hear me?
16:02I don't like it.
16:04And if I don't let go?
16:06Well, reckon I'll just have to learn to like it.
16:09I'm taking you home to my master.
16:11He just loves possum stew.
16:14Oh, Peppy, Peppy.
16:17Why didn't I listen to you?
16:19You were right and I was wrong.
16:23Poor little Peppy Possum.
16:25He was being dragged away.
16:27And there seemed to be nothing he could do about it.
16:36Old Major, the hound dog,
16:38was dragging poor little Peppy Possum to his master's house.
16:42Peppy, not wishing to become the principal ingredient of a possum stew,
16:47decided to do something about it.
16:49He relaxed all his muscles,
16:51which made him heavy and hard to drag.
16:57Here now, how come you're so heavy all of a sudden?
17:01Don't you go to sleep now?
17:03I know your possum tricks.
17:05No, Major, I'm not asleep.
17:07But I am sleepy.
17:11And before long, I'll be sound asleep.
17:13And then I'll be so heavy, you'll never be able to drag me.
17:17Never, huh?
17:19Never, unless you listen to what I've got to say.
17:22I've got a plan.
17:24Now, about a half mile from here is a little old brook,
17:28full of nice, cold water.
17:31Nice, cold water, huh?
17:34That's right. You go and get some,
17:36then bring it here and throw it on me.
17:38That'll make me wide awake.
17:40And then you can drag me home.
17:42How do I know you won't run away?
17:45You don't.
17:47Then I'm not going.
17:49Well, in that case, I'd better get on with my...
17:57Wake up, Peppy. You wake up now, you hear?
18:00If you go to sleep, you'll be too heavy to drag home.
18:03I'll do what you want.
18:05I'll go get the nice, cold water.
18:10As soon as Major left,
18:12Peppy, who wasn't sleepy at all, of course,
18:15climbed up to the top of a live oak tree.
18:18Here he waited until Major returned.
18:23Hey, hey, you, Peppy Possum,
18:25you come right down out of that tree.
18:28I've got you some nice, cold water.
18:32I sure am sorry I caused you all this trouble, Major,
18:35but I don't need it anymore.
18:38Oh, Peppy, you make me tired.
18:42Tired, eh? Then throw the cold water on yourself.
18:46I feel fine.
18:49This little possum was sure scared today,
18:52and I thank my stars that it got away.
18:55Dogs chase a possum, it's their nature too,
18:57so a possum's gotta do what it's gotta do.
19:02Oh, I've learned that dogs are something to fear.
19:05When they're around, I'd better stay clear,
19:07or else I'll play dead, as my Pappy advised.
19:10Playing possum's not bad, I just realized.
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22:02Magic Curtain, open wide.
22:05Let my friends and me inside.
22:10All right, let's enter.
22:12But remember, you're forbidden to take anything back with you.
22:27Are there any lost articles for distribution today?
22:31Yes, King Findall, quite a few, I'd say.
22:34First, we have a pocket watch, what with him shall be done.
22:37I suggest that this watch go to Washington.
22:41Here are two gloves. This is Jack, this is Jane.
22:44Well, send those two gloves up to Glover's Lane.
22:48Next is a pencil, with no pen to match.
22:51This pencil goes to Pennsylvania, but match.
22:55King Findall, here's one that just dropped in.
22:59This little article's an emerald pen.
23:30Beneath the great big sun
23:32It may sound strange, but I wouldn't change
23:35My place with anyone
23:38Hoppy-go-lucky is my name
23:40And I'm put loose and fancy free
23:43So sing my song and hop along with
23:46Hoppy-go-lucky me
23:49Oh, there's Hoppy-go-lucky, my pen!
23:56Oh, Hoppy-go-lucky, I'm so glad to see you.
24:00This emerald pen is different from the rest.
24:04For him, your majesty, what do you suggest?
24:07An emerald is a precious stone, you know.
24:10To the hideaway of lost jewels he must go.
24:15A hideaway? No, no, that's no place for me.
24:18I belong in Toyland, where things are gay and free.
24:22Sorry, son. According to our rules,
24:25Your prophesying is amongst the jewels.
24:36Hoppy! Oh, Hoppy-go-lucky!
24:40Let me go! Let me go!
24:42I don't belong in here. I want to go to Toyland.
24:47Let me go! Let me go!
24:52Let me go! Let me go!
25:23Oh, Isabelle! You're here! Isabelle, here I am!
25:26Get me out of here, do you hear me? Get me out of here!
25:29Now you stay right here. I have an idea.
25:34Your highness, according to all your rules,
25:37You accept only those that are perfect jewels.
25:40To prove this emerald is like the rest,
25:43I wish this grasshopper be given the test.
25:46If this emerald is imperfect, his freedom he gains.
25:50But should he prove perfect, then here he remains.
25:54I say, your majesty, I still make the request.
25:58Well then, let's proceed with the three-way test.
26:03Quelle beauté! Quelle brillance! Il est bien, il est le meilleur.
26:07Maintenant, le deuxième test.
26:17Un caractère de 28.
26:19Le caractère de 28.
26:21Le caractère de 28.
26:23Le caractère de 28.
26:25Le caractère de 28.
26:27Le caractère de 28.
26:29Le caractère de 28.
26:3148 carats, 49 carats, 50, 51!
26:35Fry and Catfish, he's a big one, that one!
26:38Amazing! Astounding! So much bigger than the rest!
26:42So on with the third and final test!
26:48Stop him!
27:41Now let's continue with the final test.
28:01He's a fraud, an imitation. Such things are improper.
28:05He's just a faker. He is just a glass hopper.
28:09Hoppy go lucky is my name and I'm living a life of glee.
28:14You've never seen a green grasshopper happier than me.
28:20I don't want fortune, wealth or fame.
28:22I'm as rich as air can be.
28:24So long, Hoppy go Lucky. Stay happy!
28:40Goodbye, children.
28:42Goodbye, Red Lantern. We'd like to see you again sometime.
