Anne of Green Gables (1979) Episode 18 - Anne Rescues Minnie May (HD) (English D

  • la semaine dernière
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03:30Gilbert Blythe était bien plus à l'aise, ce qui a irrité Anne.
03:33Matthew s'est assis sur le sol, en pleurant sur l'issue la plus récente de The Farmer's Advocate.
03:38Matthew, avais-tu de la géométrie quand tu étais à l'école ?
03:43Je n'ai jamais entendu parler de géométrie jusqu'à ce que tu l'aies commencé.
03:46Oh mon dieu, quelle pitié. Si tu ne sais pas de la géométrie, tu ne peux pas t'excuser pour moi.
03:52La géométrie est comme un énorme nuage noir qui s'écoule sur ma vie, Matthew.
03:55Je pense que je suis trop stupide pour comprendre la géométrie.
03:58Je n'y crois pas pour une seule minute.
04:01Tu es un travailleur dur, et tu es intelligente, alors pourquoi ne pas maîtriser un sujet ?
04:05La semaine dernière, j'ai eu l'occasion d'aller dans ton boutique de Mr. Phillips et Blair, à Komody.
04:10Il m'a dit que tu étais l'un des meilleurs élèves de l'école, et que tu avais fait un énorme progrès dans tes cours.
04:17Oh oui, un énorme progrès. Ce sont les mêmes mots que moi, Anne.
04:51Peut-être pas.
05:21Je veux que tu saches que le père de Prissy Andrew est un homme.
05:24Et Ruby m'a dit l'autre jour que quand un homme attrape une jeune dame, il doit toujours s'agir avec la mère de la fille dans la religion et le père dans la politique.
05:32C'est comme ça.
05:34Est-ce vrai, Matthew ?
05:35Bien, Anne, tu vois, je ne sais pas des choses comme ça.
05:39Dis-moi, as-tu jamais attrapé une jeune dame ?
05:42Hmm ?
05:43Attraper une jeune dame ?
05:45Non, jamais.
05:47Tu t'es sauvé de beaucoup de problèmes.
05:50Ruby says that when she grows up, she'll have many admirers who are crazy about her.
05:54She says they'll all have to prostrate themselves at her feet and she'll turn them all down.
05:58But I think that would be far too exciting. Just one in his right mind would be enough for me.
06:05Oh my goodness, I forgot I still have to finish my geometry.
06:08Before I can read the book Jane lent me, I must finish my geometry homework.
06:12Now that'll show my outstanding self-control.
06:15Jane says the book made her cry because it's ever so sad.
06:18Oh yes, sad books are so romantic, don't you think so, Matthew ?
06:21Now I don't know what to do.
06:23I shall lock it away in the cupboard and give the key to you.
06:26You're only allowed to give it to me when I've finished my homework.
06:30Even if I go down on my bended knees and implore you most pathetically, you mustn't steal yourself.
06:41Diana !
06:43What are you doing here at Green Gables ? What's the matter ?
06:47Has your mother relented at last ?
06:49Oh Anne, Minnie Mae is ill. You must help me. I'm worried, Anne.
06:54I don't know what to do. She can't breathe and I think she has croup.
06:57Are you quite sure of that ?
06:59Our maid Mary Jo said so. She said we need a doctor but my parents have gone to town.
07:03Minnie Mae's got a high fever. She's seriously ill and Mary Jo has no idea what to do with her.
07:08Oh Anne, I'm frightened. She didn't even recognize me earlier on.
07:12Now calm down Diana, don't worry.
07:14Maybe it isn't croup after all.
07:16Yes, I hope so. But she can hardly draw breath.
07:24Matthew didn't say anything but I can tell he's going to fetch a doctor.
07:27He's the quieter but he knows when to act.
07:29But if he's off to Carmody, he won't find anyone there.
07:32Dr Blair went to Charlottetown today and Dr Spencer wanted to go as well.
07:36If only Mrs Lindy were there. But she's gone to the meeting too.
07:41Come now, stop crying Diana. Matthew will find a doctor. You can rely on him.
07:46And I know exactly what to do when a child has croup. I've done it many times before.
07:50Really ?
07:51Remember I told you how Mrs Hammond had three sets of twins in a row ?
07:55They were always ill and that's how I know about childhood ailments.
07:59There was always at least one ill child in the Hammond house.
08:02Come on, let's go.
08:11Pas dans les bois, la neige est trop profonde pour ça.
08:14Prenons la route principale au lieu, même si c'est plus long.
08:23Oh mon dieu, pauvre Minimé, je suis tellement désolée.
08:41J'espère que Matthew va trouver un docteur.
08:43C'est certain, il va trouver quelqu'un, ne vous inquiétez pas.
08:46Tout va bien se passer.
08:48Même si Anne comprenait la peur de Diana, et même si elle s'inquiétait de Minimé,
08:52elle appréciait le drame de la situation et l'unité avec Diana.
08:57Elle a décidé de nommer ce soir, le soir de chance et de malheur.
09:03Elle aurait aimé rester dans le neige avec Diana sur cette nuit froide,
09:07mais elle savait que l'heure allait arriver pour Minimé.
09:19Comment va Minimé?
09:21Dieu merci, tu es de retour. Elle est beaucoup pire.
09:26Que se passe t-il avec cette pauvre petite chose?
09:29Dis-moi où ça fait mal.
09:32Elle n'arrive pas à respirer.
09:36Fais quelque chose Anne, tu sais ce qu'il faut faire.
09:38Ne t'inquiète pas Diana, ne t'amuse pas.
09:42Son ventre est très chaud, il y a une fèvre. Je pense qu'il y a de la crue.
09:47Elle est dans un mauvais état, mais j'ai vu pire Diana.
09:50Plus pire que Minimé.
09:52Ce qu'on a besoin c'est beaucoup d'eau chaude.
09:56Il n'y a pas d'eau chaude.
09:59Il n'y a pas grand-chose dans le ventre.
10:01Mary Jo, met-en plus de bois, le feu n'est pas assez chaud.
10:04On a besoin d'humidité, elle respire mal parce que l'air est trop sec.
10:08Oui, d'accord.
10:09Je veux que tu remplisses tous les pots avec de l'eau et que tu les mettes sur le feu.
10:16Maintenant, si on enlève toutes ces vêtements, elle va respirer plus facilement.
10:20Diana, regarde si tu peux trouver un flan blanc.
10:26Pauvre Minimé, si seulement Mme Barry était à la maison.
10:30Oh, mon amour.
10:45Allez, Minimé, il y a une bonne fille.
10:49S'il te plaît, Minimé, la médicine est bonne.
10:53S'il te plaît, Minimé, la médicine est bonne.
10:56Ouvre, Minimé.
10:58Ne la force pas, Anne.
11:02Où est le médecin?
11:22Où est le médecin?
11:40Donnez-moi ça.
11:44Il ne peut pas trouver le médecin.
11:46Et vous ne savez pas quoi faire, Anne.
11:48Ne vous éloignez pas, Diana, vous ne ferez que pire.
11:51S'il te plaît, Mme Barry, ouvre un peu la fenêtre, laisse un peu d'air.
11:54Il fait trop chaud ici.
12:02Je suis désolée, Anne, je n'ai pas voulu crier.
12:04J'ai juste perdu ma nerve, c'est tout.
12:06Je sais que tu es vraiment en train d'efforter et de faire tout bien.
12:19Monsieur a déjà cherché un médecin et un autre.
12:22Mais à chaque fois qu'il a demandé, il avait le même résultat.
12:24Je suis désolée, mais le médecin n'est pas là.
12:26Il est parti en ville de Charlotte.
12:29Au bout du cours, Mathew n'avait pas d'alternatives
12:31mais de conduire tout le long de Spencerville
12:33en espérant avoir un meilleur bonheur.
13:39C'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est
14:09Il a enfin réussi à trouver un médecin à Spencerville.
14:39Il a enfin réussi à trouver un médecin à Spencerville.
15:09Il a enfin réussi à trouver un médecin à Spencerville.
15:39Imagine, you were really very brave.
15:42But you need to rest now, I'll handle this case from now on.
15:45Thanks doctor, I'm dog-tired actually.
15:48Anne, Anne, how can I thank you?
16:10Matthew, isn't it an absolutely wonderful morning?
16:13I've just had that sensation again, you know,
16:15the one that strikes me whenever I see something really pretty.
16:21You can't imagine how sorry I am
16:23that I was ever crossed with Mrs. Hammond for having twins.
16:26Because if she never had them,
16:28I wouldn't know what to do with myself.
16:31I wouldn't know what to do with myself.
16:34I wouldn't know what to do with myself.
16:37Because if she never had them,
16:39I would never have learned how to treat a little child with group, like many may.
16:44Oh, I'm so tired, must I go to school today?
16:48Obviously I'll only fall asleep at my desk if I do attend classes,
16:51so there's no point in going.
16:54But on the other hand, I can't afford not to go, I have to go.
16:57I'm sorry, but I can't take the risk of letting Gilbert Blythe get ahead of me.
17:02Ah, because of one day.
17:04You'll stay at home today.
17:05You work very hard, but I don't want you to overdo it.
17:08Don't worry.
17:09Gilbert Blythe won't get ahead of you, not in a single day, he won't.
17:23Do you know, Mrs. Barry, that little red-haired girl Anne
17:26really made a big impression on me.
17:29Why are you so surprised?
17:30You know that I got here too late,
17:32only to find that Anne had saved your daughter's life already.
17:34She'd given her the correct medical treatment.
17:37She never lost her nerve for a single moment.
17:39I wonder where a little girl like that learned how to treat group.
17:42As she told me about the case, the joy on her face was something to see.
17:45I shall never forget it.
17:46Well, I'd better be off.
17:47Goodbye, Mrs. Barry.
17:49Ah, have a safe trip home, doctor.
17:51And thank you very much.
17:52Don't mention it.
17:53Goodbye, Mrs. Barry.
17:54Ah, have a safe trip home, doctor.
17:56And thank you very much.
17:58Don't thank me, Mrs. Barry, thank little Anne instead.
18:00Get up!
18:24Oh, Marilla, you're back!
18:25Did you see the Prime Minister, then?
18:27What's he like? Is he handsome?
18:29Well, one thing's for sure,
18:30the man did not become Prime Minister for his looks,
18:32thank the Lord.
18:33But I'd better get you something to eat
18:35before I tell you about it.
18:36You must be hungry.
18:38You can say that again.
18:39I'm starving, actually.
18:40Matthew's already told me about last night.
18:42The Barrys were very lucky you knew what to do with a croupie child.
18:46I wouldn't have known what to do with her.
18:48Thank you.
18:49I don't think anyone in my family had croup, you see.
18:54Mrs. Barry was here this afternoon,
18:56she wanted to talk to you,
18:57but I told her you were asleep,
18:59and I had no intention of waking you up.
19:01The doctor must have told her
19:02that Minnie May is only alive today thanks to you.
19:05And now she's sorry, of course.
19:06She admits she was nasty to you,
19:08and that it wasn't all your fault when Diana got drunk.
19:11She wants to apologize to you in person,
19:13and she's going to ask for your forgiveness.
19:15And you know what?
19:16She sincerely hopes that you and Diana
19:18will become best friends again.
19:20You can go and see Diana whenever you want to.
19:22You could go over and see her tonight if you'd like to.
19:25Oh, please, Marilla, may I go right now?
19:27Before I wash up,
19:28I'll do the dishes when I get back of this, all right with you?
19:31You see, at a splendid moment like this,
19:33I don't think I could really be able to concentrate
19:35on something so utterly unromantic as dirty dishes.
19:38That's all right.
19:39You're excused from washing up for once,
19:41but you must finish your food.
19:45I might as well be calling the wind when Diana's on her mind.
19:48Off she goes without a coat or hat.
19:50I really hope she doesn't catch a cold.
20:00Life is brimful of many pleasures
20:05Life's great treasures are so many
20:10Life is brimful of many pleasures
20:15Life's great treasures are simple pleasures
20:20Shared with friends, my heart is filled with joy
20:25The gladder brings our souls to sing
20:30Of things so far and so blind
20:35And sorrow's clouds are swept away
20:40Two hearts are one now
20:45Loneliness is gone now
20:50On this ecstatic day
20:57If you love me as I love you
21:00Nothing but death can part us two
21:02We Diana Barry and Anne Shirley faithfully swear
21:05To keep the solemn oath for all eternity
21:21Listen, Diana.
21:23The thought has just struck me.
21:25Do you think that if I ask Mr Phillips tomorrow
21:28he might let us sit next to each other again?
21:30I think I will ask him.
21:31That's a good idea.
21:32And it's exactly what I was thinking myself, Anne.
21:41This is the first time I've ever made chewy toffee.
21:43I don't know if it will turn out all right.
21:45It's easy. You have to pull it the right way.
21:48Hold it tightly.
22:02This is good fun.
22:04It is too.
22:06Now pull evenly.
22:09Hello. How are the cooks?
22:12Oh, that cat.
22:14So you've got a cat.
22:15Oh, he's the other day.
22:27Now there's a fine mess.
22:54Thanks, Mrs Barry.
22:58Good night, Anne. Sleep tight.
23:01Bye, Diana.
23:02I'll see you soon.
23:04We'll ask Mr Phillips as soon as we get to school tomorrow.
23:07All right?
23:09Let's do it, Diana!
23:12He's bound to say yes.
23:14Of course he will!
23:19Matthew, we had such an elegant tea.
23:21Just like royalty, you know.
23:22Mrs Barry laid the table with her very best cutlery,
23:25crockery and tea set.
23:26We had the run of the kitchen afterwards to make chewy toffee.
23:29But the cat jumped onto the kitchen table and messed up everything.
23:32I'm happy through and through, Marilla.
23:35As happy as a girl with red hair can be.
23:37But actually, I don't even mind about my hair anymore.
23:40Before you stands a person who is completely at peace with the world.
23:45Before me stands a person who must go to sleep now
23:48or else she won't be wide awake in class tomorrow.
23:50Quite right.
23:51Let's go tomorrow.
23:52I need my sleep.
23:56Sleep well, child.
24:00Good night, Marilla.
24:01Tomorrow I shall ask Mr Phillips and he'll definitely say yes.
24:17The winter was especially mild that year.
24:19The sun shone almost every day.
24:21Anne and Diana spent all their free time together.
24:24Of course Anne was invited to Diana's birthday party.
24:26On that very day, something extraordinary happened.
24:28But that story is for next time.
24:58Translation & english voice CLAUDIA MARSCHAL
25:28Translation & english voice CLAUDIA MARSCHAL
